Kikes get David Irving's Churchill Bio Removed at Cambridge

A Cambridge college has removed a David Irving book from open display in its library after a visiting Jewish academic complained.

Churchill College, Cambridge said that Irving's biography of its namesake Winston Churchill would now be held in a "closed access" area and borrowers would only be able to read it on request.

Dr Irene Lancaster, formerly a teaching fellow in Jewish history at Manchester University, complained after seeing books written by the Holocaust denier on display.

She said: "They certainly weren't hidden away. I didn't pick any out - they were sticking out like reference books."
In an email to Dr Lancaster, the university's office of external affairs said the book was kept "so that others can challenge and refute" Irving's ideas, but added that it would nevertheless be removed from open display.
The email, which was unsigned, said: "Historians who wish to access them for specific scholarly reasons to do with the biography of Churchill will be able to do so, but only by request. The books will not be openly available on the shelves.

David Irving's books for download at his site:

Churchill's War vol. 1:

Download, cntrl-f "The Focus". The Focus was the name of the group of kikes that bankrolled Churchill before he got back into power.

Other urls found in this thread:

So the usual kikery, fucking Shlomos.

I've read Hitler's War, Churchill's War and Nuremberg from Irving, so much good info in there.

How exactly do these people claim to be oppressed again? Because no matter what mental gymnastics I imagine, I can't come away seeing them as the victims here.

Irving talking about The Focus funding Churchill.

I like to picture a visiting merchant strolling through the library, a rucksack full of wares on his back, suddenly startled by David heil Hitler 14/88 gas the kikes 4eva!!!!!! Irving's book out in plain sight like the lowest pronography. I know some anons have a problem with Irving, but the man's mere existence triggers the nose off of kikes who've heard of him. David Irving's fucking shopping lists are banned in Israel, and if he translated the Torah they'd convert to Buddhism.

So we have an honest Jew, browsing the books in a university library, who comes across a reference work by the world's foremost historian of WWII. Knowing that this goy is politically unreliable, he blows and queefs and exercises heeb privilege, and the university apologizes and offers to circumcise its male students if it pleases Master Jew.

Gee, I can't imagine why Irving calls them the traditional enemies of free speech!

Fuck off. I've been here since the 1st exodus began and the way I did it was perfectly acceptable. You click on the archive link. It wasn't like I just posted plain links.

Absolute garbage.



I haven't read anything by Irving personally, but would it be safe to assume the man is actually pretty spot on when it comes to his historical works? I know who he is, but since I've never had the chance to actually read anything, I can't offer anything in that regard. Truthfully, I can only echo the sentiment; "The Jew cries out in pain as he lashes you.", in regards to the oy veying. I do so enjoy the kvetching over this though.

While I can't stand PDFs personally, would any anons kindly suggest to me which books of Irving's that I should read first? I can't decide between Hitler's War, or Churchill's. The book on Goebbels also looks pretty enticing. (I have nothing against PDFs, I just prefer the feeling of a physical book in my hands that isn't reliant on technology to be available to me.)

Slurp a chode. Fuck your broken bullshit. I’m not going to make concessions in my life because of people who are too stupid to mask their HTTP referrer.

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you, user.

perpetual persecution complex + a endless will to dominate all = kikery

As I understand it, Irving's non-Holocaust related work is generally well regarded. I've heard him talked about like
>Irving's work is so great, I just can't understand how he went off the rails with the Holocaust!
Specifically I believe his Churchill bio is well regarded.

Most of his books are free on his website, see my first post.

That's exactly how it was until the 90's. He was the only Historian that actually knew German and could hunt down actual primary sources. And he was even handed enough that the Germans came to trust him and actually tell him stuff. If you read most other WW2 history, it's a circle jerk of writers just quoting each other's books. When he got red pilled on holohoax stuff, and actually talked about it, they came after him.

I keep seeing the trailer to that movie at the gym everytime I'm there. They are really shilling it hard. I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit about it though.

didn't they make a movie about him recently?

with some rat like creep portraying him?

You're a fucking retard, get stabbed by a nigger.

Eh, the muslims will burn everything down soon enough.

When men like Irving are gone we are all going to be in the thick of it. Nobody knew the primary sources like him, nobody had direct contact with figures from the Reich as he did and wrote truthfully and uncompromisingly on the subject. When we lose men like Irving all that will be left of the period are jewish whispers and lies repeated ad infinitum and regurgitated by frauds. Irvings books will likely not just be consigned to a store but conveniently lost as his index card system of Hitler's timeline was.

Stop bickering about trivial matters and start working on preserving and spreading the works of men like Irving to new audiences. If you think the kikes have been outrageous liars, arrogant charlatans and monstrous book burners we haven't seen anything yet.

See pics related

He's brilliant. Irving was the first English-language writer to touch the holocaust of Dresden. He spent much of the '70s going over primary sources to build up an hour-by-hour index of 30,000 cards pinpointing Hitler's whereabouts from January 1933 to April 1945. He also exposed the Hitler Diary as a fake, as well as much of Kurt Gerstein's autobiography (the guy who "supplied Auschwitz with Zyklon B"). He also learned about the broken Enigma code years before it was public knowledge.

The British government burned his card catalog. The Austrians put him in prison. Now, the fucking asshole-sucking kikes have gotten him banned from the US on a technicality. In his famous libel case against (((Deborah Lipstadt))), the court fucked him over and the (((((((((media))))))))) lied the shit out of their coverage to make him look crazy. An honest account of his travails would be a redpill nuke for any fair person.

His name will grace one of our brigades as we liquidate the Jews at last.

Look on the bright side user, soon we won't have anymore "survivors" going to schools guilt-tripping our children. And with each passing generation, the perceived legitimacy of the "muh holocaust" non-argument will be diminished.

We need to get all communist literature, including those by Karl Marx, banned from libraries. It's a hateful ideology that caused over 100 million deaths in the 20th Century.

What a ridiculous standard kikes hold the world to. They literally don't want people to read any book if the author holds non-kosher viewpoints, even if their opinions have nothing to do with the book in question. Have they banned Richard Wagner operas or religious texts by Martin Luther yet?

Shut the fuck up. You're derailing the thread.

Wagner was banned in Israel for years. So yes, they are that petty. These are Jews. Much like this nigger here:

How many jews would it take to ban Christianity?

good point.

ad to the mix "what about the Armenian genocide? Holodormor? Rwanda? Cambodia?" and it really is a thin argument, especially since they keep giving us free ammo.

Irving is without any doubt one of the finest historians. He is also of jewish ancestry, a fact which he is not proud of, and which invites even more severe attacks from identifying jews than the average goyim can expect.

Is he? I know he was joking around about the possibility in the '90s, after (((Madeleine Albright))) dropped her cloak.

The Sanhedrin tried to ban it in 33 AD, they failed.
They tried again several times, such as with Communism, and had more success, but ultimately couldn't stamp it out.

Eric Hunt's dissection.

Pretty good movie until the end. He said the word "half-breed" in his diaries. Oy vey! And even though the jews can't prove any living bodies were gassed, he can't prove they weren't. So we have to assume the worst. :/

When they legalized drugs in Portugal, drug usage dropped. No longer had that forbidden allure.

Please kikes, ban them, ban them all.

Lel why do kikes even care? Irving shills for the holocaust now.

one of the goals of the masons are to exterminate christcucks, and since they are just kike servants…

once a honest man bad goy, always a bad goy.

To be honest, the part Jewish Irving was a creature of British Intelligence at the start of his career. His early book on the bombing of Dresden was designed to Be sympathetic to the Germans in order to get Prestige for the German magazine it was first published in, in installments. The allies needed to create a pro- German opposition press to give the Illusion of freedom and get the country on board the Cold War train. His later work, for example on the destruction of Convoy-17 served the same purpose. Unfortunately he began to stray off the reservation, especially with his books on Churchill, which are much loathed by the mainstream press, which means they have some value.


Did not know this. All I feel right now is rage. Fucking philistines.

Reminds me of when the Snowden leaks first appeared and the British government swooped in and tried to burn the hard drives, but in this age of digital information they can never ever destroy it because it's effortless to make infinite copies of infinite data.

This is why the Jews are going to lose.

You haven't seen the interactive hologram of the holocaust survivor that's going to be rolled out to schools? You can never forget the 6,000,000, goy.

Start with Hitler's War. I bought a copy off Irving's website for about $40, it's a hardback and signed by him as well.

I wager this "hologram" is just kikes scamming kikes. I seriously doubt it will ever be rolled out in any serious capacity.

"And into the Talmudbox the heeb poured his greed, his malice, and his will to dominate all the stupid goyim."

I can't help but think of the Jews as a less badass Sauron. They've got all the power hungriness and malice and none of the strength.

Tolkien was based as fuck.

Jew greed was the ring, the eye and the hate that threaten to kill the world of white men.

Tolkein was a jew lover.

shut it down
the stereotypes never lie

There have been various incidents with Jews disturbing Wagner performances.
There's also a reason Chopins letters are in and out of print on a regular basis. Many Jewish pianists who like to play Chopin, Chopin is VERY anti-semitic in his letters.

And the orcs are niggers and the uruk-hai are shitskins.