Oy Vey, nigga!

Remember all the Synagogue and Jewish cemetery vandalism spanning across multiple states? Remember how it was racist white Trump supporters?

It was a nigger.


Other urls found in this thread:



Seriously? And I thought the calls were coming from tel aviv. How the fuck did he get away with it for so long? Very weird story here. Seems fishy but then again no it doesn't.

Holy shit. I went looking for a "black jew" image and came across this site: blackjews.org/ It's gloriously awful, and should keep us in reaction pics for years.

Holla Forums, I'm disappointed in you. I thought that we were about TRUTH here?

Here's the REAL picture of this filth, as per Huffington Post.

6,000,000 hours in MS Paint.

C'mon user.



hahahahaha. Holy shit.. Intercept.com BTFOOOO!!!!!

Where is his nazi arm band and make America great again cap?

Got it. Jesus. This white male neo nazi is just horrible.

Jeez. Only in diversified Jew York.

His arrest followed a massive investigation involving multiple law enforcement groups.
Oy vey! Trump isn't doing enough to combat antisemitism!

Oy vey! I'm so trigged, I need at least $6,000,000 in reparations to deal with my emotions!

has this at all been reported on huffpo, CNN, MSNBC, C-span, washington post, or NYT?
if the answers to all of that or no, then I don't think most hardcore liberals are gonna believe that it happened, unfortunately

Happy day happy news.
Here I thought it was the jews themselves
Any chance he did it on their behalf?

oh, turns out NYT and CCN reported on it
too bad its not something that'd make liberals stop believing the MSM though

He's a copycat who's only been connected to 8 and definitely isn't the voice on the recordings. Kikes are clearly guilty of most of them.


inb4 this gets featured in lamestream media.

Look at Hillary Clinton


But I copied this picture of another forum, i can't confirm 100% if is the same.

RT article archive.is/CiEST

You guys keep falling for kike edits. None of these are original. After hours of skimming the deep web I managed to find it.

Jesus fucking Christ the audacity of these kikes.

he's apparently a muslim convert



It's a shame that these digits were left unchecked until now.

Well fucking done. I do apologize for falling for a poor edit. At last I truly see.

You could not have found a more stark contrast to the average Trump voter if you tried

Haha holy shit, anyone have links to articles blaming Trump supporters? I'm feeling pretty smug and think I can redpill some people.

Why is his face blue and nigger-shaped?