Jewish founder of the Alt-Right Paul Gottfried unsuprizingly renounces White Nationalism

sorry don't know how to make a webm out of a half an hour interview. Not trying to shill
If any of you still don't see the chess board for what it is just listen to your enemy. Notice how Spencer is a convenient foil to "based reactionary Jew" Gottfried. Pure Hegelian Dialectic at its finest. More importantly, notice how Paul "the founder of the Alt-right" defends is in such a way that National Socialist and Fascist are also apart of his big gay tend even if we reject the label. Moral of the story, with Jews you Lose.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't give them 1 click.

(((alt right))) is nothing but controlled opposition.

The same was done to the Tea Party movement. It was destroyed and discredited from within. It is the method which is also being used to destroy The United States of America by the JEWS. Destroy it from within.
The same was to done to the Imperial Roman Empire.

thanks fam

yes, I know but its good reassurance hearing it form the horse's mouth.

It's being attempted, but it's not going to work this time.

Yet here we are. They failed.

We'll continue doing our thing and calling out the bullshit.

13:50: "I am against an ideology which features White Nationalism A) because it is not going to hold together the right, it's ridiculous, Whites have never been White Nationalists, it's an artificial ideology like black nationalism, one that's not going to be as successful because it faces the opposition of the entire media"

The (((Entire Media))), you don't say…

I listened to the whole thing and what made me smile is how frustrated this guy seems. It's like he wants to say "Hey we had a good controlled opposition going and now people don't buy our narrative anymore." He knows he's a dying species and white aren't interested in this kind of conservatism any more.


I can tell the Jews are behind the D&C of Holla Forums vs alt-right because everything about your anti-alt narrative is the exact opposite of true.

> we could never ever possibly be subverted by within on this website where shills can post anonymously.

Unrustle your jimmies; it's going to be fine.

exactly, the Jews that run the alt-kike are in full damage control. When ever they cry about "purity spiraling" I just start calling them Rick Wilson. Because they had no problem with radicalizing moderate when it help sell their fake nazi alt-kike bullshit. I have no problem with a bitch who knows their place or a old head hiding his power levels as long as they don't punch right. But as soon as they start concern trolling that we need to be more moderate like Dicky Spencer then I just laugh in their faces.

fuck off Mordecai

Are they trying to co-opt the nationalist leaning future voters of Republican party the way they co-opted the Tea Party and OWS?

You won't dodge the oven, Ephraim.

Oh jew, you slay me

This jew was Spencer's mentor and probably coined the term. They may have also been in a homosexual relationship.

Someone has never read Hegel lmao

How do you divide what was never united?

Speaking of reactionary jews



I doubt if anyone has actually read Gottfried, other than just using him as an excuse to bitch about Spencer, but I have a little bit.

He does do a pretty good job of telling the story of how the neocons and the Bill Buckley jew crew took over conservativism, but one thing that was kikey of him is his book "The Strange Death of Marxism", which talks about the Frankfurt School kikes taking over the left after WW2. Instead of saying anything about them being jews, he calls them "the German connection". As if they were actual Germans.

That's bullshit.

Another book written by a kike yet talks about the Buckley CIA banker fags taking over the right is Murray Rothbard's The Betrayal of the American Right.

No, I'm not defending Spencer or Gottfried or Rothbard, I'm just giving a tl;dr book report or two. When you're not level 3 anymore you can read a book without having to totally identify with it. Jews have no place in our goings-on. But Gottfried and Rothbard are relevant to at least read because they were involved when the takeover was actually happening.


You are right, I really should read Hegel. I was referring to the image macro.

like the who's-who of the who's jews.

Oh shit I love Israel Now!

Wew lad. You're more brain damaged that I originally thought.

Isn't he in charge of getting the "anti-Semitic" comments at Taki or VDare or one of those other shitty Aut-Lite sites removed?

Fuck your macro

not an argument kido.


Who knew? Oh right it was Holla Forums. Holla Forums was right again!

they're literally screaming 'gass me!'

Thanks for confirming why I had to put the
in my post.

You know what? I've got a Herbert Marcuse pdf open right now, going through it and confirming all the kikery. Are you triggered some more?

I don't get people who are afraid to read something written by their enemies. How the hell are you supposed to learn how they think and operate if you don't? How can you craft a counter argument to beat them if you have no idea what they are actually saying?
Just calling someone a jew over and over and over isn't any different that calling someone a racist or a statist over and over.

It's also a sign that you're not secure enough in your beliefs and are able to defend them. We need people capable of taking ground, not just holding it. The days of having some gay rally where idiots stand on the street corner shouting "white power" have been over since the 90's.

Anybody know who the other two people in the 4th image (not Mike or his mom) are? They're definitely kikes.

the alt-right is trash but this guy didnt "found" the "alt-right" as we know it today. He coined the term in reference to some jewy lolberg politics in 2008, much before the incatation of the "alt-right" as we know it that started gaining influence in 2014. Different movements, this kike hasnt ever been associated with "alt-right" e-celebs like Dicky Spencer or Milo

I don't even get this type of shilling. He's right that this hebe didn't start the "alt-right", he just coined the term. But then going on to make it into an obvious baitpost as if we don't see the alt-right as an obvious containment operation for the growing far-right.

I have no knowledge of any of that. Maybe someone else does.

oh really

I post a video and suggest people listen to the enemy. You then turn around and act like I have never read anything form Gottfried or Mencius Moldbug. How do you think I know who these kikes are if I advocated never reading their work. What I am saying it quite simple. Half truths avail nothing, Gottfried makes his pro-Israel agenda quite clear. Read my lips, there are no good Jews especially those who seem to be selling us back our own ideology with a pro-zionist spin. Gottfried and Moldbug didn't invent reactionary thought. They did not invent National Socialism or Fascism. They merely are repackaging it in a kosher harmless deracinated, defanged & emasculated package.

But he has you shill, their association has been common knowledge on Holla Forums for years.


So a fictional ideology will hold people together, but not the idea of blood and heritage being shared.

Ok kike, you think we are stupid? Maybe your degenerate butt-buddies who is looking for fatherfigures might believe you. But they would also eat shit if you told them to.

These guys really don't get it. We're information insurgents and we did this for free because we're interested in the truth not because of some faggy haircut or a faux "jewish-nationalist" leader. The Elites are shitting themselves because they've always gotten away with lying their tongues off to the public, but now that we actually are turning the narrative, they're trying to pull whatever trick they can. The most pathetic part? They think that this jew will have any impact on what we're doing, how naïve.

Ok, man. We're both assuming each other are on different pages when we're not. I agree with all that. My point in posting the "half-truths" was to point them out. That's what you have to do to uncover the true story of history, anyway. The bad guys have been in control for several generations now. Every once in a while a tiny piece of data slips through that builds the true picture. I wasn't implying that "based kikes are based". I made that clear in the first post.

I don't know how long you've been doing this, but it's been at least 25 years for me. Things weren't all laid out for everyone to see back then like they are now. No one even mentioned jews until 3 or 4 years ago. Now there are hordes of shitposters every time a kike peeps up on twitter, and they're obvious as fuck now that Trump has gotten them to bitch about him non-stop. The pewdiepie incident just redpilled 50 million kids on jew media bullshit. Things are getting good.

I find the Alt-Right an interesting conundrum.

Obviously it serves as an important stepping stone. Normies aren't going to go from saying "Judeo-Christian" to shouting "1488" overnight. Alt-Right, like it or not, is the bridge to slowly red pill the Normies. And the majority of the Alt-Right fires at the enemy not us.

Yet the Alt-Right cannot be trusted. I have been banned from places like Breitbart and Gateway Pundit for relatively tame criticism of the Jews. These people cannot be trusted in the long run. If we turn our backs on them they will stab us. Even the Never Trump globalists of the GOP are trying to co-opt the Trump movement like they did the Tea Party. Filth like Dana Loesch. So we have an expanding spectrum of people like Dana Loesch, to Trump supporter/degenerate faggot Gateway Pundit, to someone like Vox Day who allows discussion of the Jewish question and essentially calls for White Nationalism. That's a big spectrum.

So what's the best course of action? Allow them to fire on the enemy and wait for their inevitable betrayal? Crush them and set up our own stepping stone to full red pill status? Dehumanize and face the bloodshed?

I think we may be having a problem in cognition. Because we are on the right side of the bellcurve, our habits and ways of being, our means to gather information and to dismiss certain things are different from the median IQ normies.

You see, to them the alt right may be the highest thing that they can ever attain. They may lack the skills or the natural collection of variables to go beyond that, to the vast thing that is the internet, to find people like us.

Their curiosity may be sated, and then potentially destroyed if the alt right platform is burned.

These dumbasses may see us as hero's one day, but literally one dumb rumor further and we are their worst enemies.

What the fuck can you do when you are faced with such luddites and mongoloids? Religion used to keep them at bay, as they struggled their whole lives with the most basic and menial of "philosophical" stuff (they probably spend 90% of their lives pondering whether or not to drink or not to drink more alcohol lol)

I think that if we dont provide obvious and better alternatives for them, they may keep resetting our influence. While they also attack us, and eventually perhaps things like net neutrality from the other side. Trying to prevent this snowball which should be occurring.

This Tom Woods looks extremely heebish to me.

They are the definition of controlled opposition. They are made to take one's anger and give him just enough info to direct that anger towards something totally unrelated to the real problem at hand, which is the Jews. In the case where they do mention it, they'll sidestep the real course of action. They'll make people believe that physical passivity and trusting you can change anything by working in the Jewish system will somehow miraculously work. Kikes didn't get where they are by playing fairly with the old rules. They dared do shit which wasn't quite legal while having plausible deniability.

Our course of action towards kike ran controlled opposition should be exposing the Jewish influence while never ever give an inch on acceptance of kikes. They need to be destroyed so idiots won't fall for the traps those faggots put up that impede people from finding the truth. Never redirect normalfags here though, always spread redpills to the masses without leaving crumbs leading back to here. Half truths are not helpful, it's like putting a band-aid on a severed leg.

Its simple really. We do exactly what we did with the neocons & lolberts. We encourage "purity spiraling" and turn them into the new Rick Wilson's of the party if they keep cucking on the JQ. Keep dropping real truth bombs on them and those who are perceptive will join us as the true vanguard. People like Gottfried say we are small and insignificant only because they want to demoralize us. When in reality they are afraid which is why they have taken an interest in trying to co-opt any momentum we gain. That is at least my opinion.

I don't know about Tom Woods actually. He sometimes seems like he is hiding his power level and at other times he is surrounded by right wing jews. I know he advocates SSPX which is Archbishop Lafave and Bishop Williamson. So I wouldn't just assume Tom is a Kike. Tom did expose Cathy Young as being a two faced Liberal kike during Gamergate and he tends to encourage his audience towards the right. He had even brought on guest who have critiqued liberatarianism from a right wing perspective. Tom seems ok in my book for now, but as with every celebrity I wouldn't be surprised especially someone selling rothbardian libertarianism.

Your description of Tom Woods sounds very tame tbh. Seems like a dime a dozen lolberg.

The man mentioned the need for alternative to mainstream right wing in some article, Spencer took that as inspiration for the term and ran with WN from the get go.

I don't think that guy ever identified with the label. It's not unlike guy coining the term "nazi" disavowing antisemitism.

Tom Woods was Ron Paul's campaign manager if I'm not mistaken. So yeah he is the quintessential right wing lolberg.

Spencer was mentored by Gottfried. They where good friends.

3:45 he blames Spencer for coining the term alt-right. What does Dickie say about that?

I know.


fuck this kike and fuck Dickie and Titty/Dugin.

Holla Forums is always right.



fuck, didn't mean to greentext.

Still listening to this now and my rage is growing.

Jewish logic at its finest. We can't support a movement because the media will say bad things about it, so let's just let a bunch of jewish news companies dictate what the acceptable political beliefs are.

Hell, by his logic we should've all voted for Clinton because the media attacks Trump and supported her. But what he wants is a kosher, multicultural "civic" nationalism.



I still like him.


What a waste of trips. Go back to cuckchan. They are all trash.

I've always just taken the label "alt-right" and then used it to basically give Nazi talking points. For some reason people are super into the "next big thing." So I give them Nazi ideology wrapped in the label alt-right. Most people are pretty on board when you pretend it's a brand new thing that's never been tried before.

In my opinion, if alt right was supposed to poison our well, I figured the easiest thing to do was to poison theirs. If anybody finds that ideas of race are too edgy on the alt-right after they initially thought that's what it was all about, I think they'd have no choice but to move right and accept being a Nazi.

But who knows. Maybe there's better strategies out there

that's because you likely are a Materialist, Gnostic, Sodomite and Utilitarian. Who bought the kike lies about National Socialism. A shallow racist liberal like Spencer who only cars about saving western culture so far as preventing Omar Matreen from throwing you of a rooftop. Have some standards my friend. :^)

Woes does a decent job of introducing people to racism and etho nationalism.
It's ridiculous to be this angry just because they aren't as redpilled as Holla Forums.
To make use of the slippery slope we need people that are more moderate than we are.
Almost no one goes from normie to 1488, it takes time.

Begone, sodomite.

Did the Atlantic ever release the doc about Spencer? If so, pls post webm.

Half-measures are useless, they only slow the progress towards being fully redpilled. Faggots have no place in white nationalism as they can't reproduce and their presence is harmful to children.

You upset?



Did Hitler immediately kill Röhm? No, he waited until he fulfilled his role in the greater plan. Was Hitler completely honest about his plans from the very beginning? No, he had a very good sense of tact and always waited for the right moment.

Great argument.

He's a fat gay basement dwelling loser. 80% of the people he "introduces" to racism laugh at him and conclude that racism is for fat gay basement dwelling losers. The other 20% that take to his message are fat gay basement dwelling losers.

It was as obvious an insult as can be, alt-kike-kun!

i wish trsodomites would fuck off already

Pic related should be in the middle instead of a swastika.

No, I don't OP. Because I don't listen to any of this autistic screeching. These cunts are fucking nobodies. Listen to a Jew? Come on now.

The TRS queer thinks he's in Death Note playing 7gChess.

Seeing as how they're mostly lolbergs LARPing as National Socialists, i think ideally the black/yellow should be incorporated within the autism patterned swastika or perhaps in place of the white background. Don't you think?

What does this mean? I know what each individual word means, but I don't really know what people mean by it.

The best I can guess is that it's just a way to deny someone of something they're trying to represent.

So, what am i missing here? What do you do differently that makes you an actual Nationalist Socialist and them just LARPing as one?


1 single view is more than offset by a dislike, negative comment calling out the kikes and upvoting everyone else shitting on jewry. Just like those Rebel Media "shekels for Israel" videos, it's perfect to redpill normalfags and lolbergs.


Good thing we're not alt-kike

alt-cuck btfo again

Yes, only lowering taxes for global corporations can do that.

I have no idea what the source of that is or what authority it has. I'm not taking a screencap as an argument.

I'd like to ask again for the sake of conversation, though. What do you do differently than someone on the aut right that makes you a genuine National Socialist and them a LARPer?

They aren't really LARPing as National Socialists though, just generic fascists. Maybe an autistic fasces or whatever symbol Pinochet used?


What's the problem? That's a typical WASP family.

Where did i claim to be a National Socialist? I mean, i can take inspiration from them and Hitler and still not be NatSoc. I also take inspiration from various fascist leaders/groups, at the risk of sounding special snowflakey, i'm generally a Third Positionist. As for what makes me different from them in this case, well, for one, i don't care for Pinokike like they do and there's that image and link i gave you now.

They LARP as both. Anything to contain the radical sentiments growing.

They do look up to Pinokike, you're right, and he wasn't a fascist.

Also meant for

This was after I showed a jewess kike the Spectre redpill

even dubs cant hide the fact that you are a lowbrow uneducated TRSodomite.

So they took a word hurled by leftists at libertarians and made it their own because they liked it.. so that makes them libertarians because they took something for themselves? I'm not even following your indictment.

I'd contend that you're not much different from them. In the same room you'd get a long with them just fine. You're just trying to be petty.

But then again, it doesn't matter. I just got done with culture of critique and my faith of whites working together to stop Jews has been obliterated. We're either 100% united or we're fucked

That's some Grade: A kike tier rationalization if I've ever seen it, you know what is inferred by that.

That's nice but you'll have to forgive me for refusing to take the word of a kosher sap such as yourself.

I don't like "pool parties" :^)

Have a gay ole' time with your "based nationalist jews" and faggots, alt-kike-kun!

Tom Woods is Armenian
Richard Spencer is Boring

Your ID says a lot about you, fag.

Now, now. No need for homophobia.


Just cuck my shit up already ffs. :^)

t. Mike Peinovich

It was hurled at them as libertarians, you autist.

Jesus, you're a fag.

It sure is. :^)

Whats wrong with being a bluepilled libertarian who loves based negros and jews? :^)

Stop punching to the right!

1488larper detected! :^)

I'm not alt-kike, no.

Does Richard Spencer know?


His wife is nicely built.

Thank you for the cogent and thoughtful comments.

More deep thought and free sharing of ideas happens in an hour on Holla Forums than the rest of the internet in a year.

I don't mind if Jews have their own ethno-state, so long as all Jews in my home country (America) are deported there.

They will come back if they're not removed permanently from the world.

ex-wife. I think he traded her in for a trap. I guess his Russian honeypot got boring. Vaginas are gross to REAL alt-righters.


Spencer pls go.

That's a caricature, not a woman.

Lurk before posting cuckchan refugee/TRSodomite/ledditor/whatever you are.

Holy shit, what a rack.

Are those real?

What do you think?

proof it's a tranny?

Dickie Spencer dicked it.

Whilst we're on the topic of Dick, here's some hopefully spicy fresh OC.

He's definitely either a fag or has a severe T deficiency

fucking kike

They know we've learnt our lesson and will no longer tolerate them in our lands. The kikes are afraid and they should be.

I keep listening after that he goes on to say that niggers and Jews have to be included in any movement that opposes multiculturalism. He literally fucking says that niggers and Jews should be be the sole group of people that have any control over a pro white movement.

This is juadaic war 101. Send jews into the enemy camp to disrupt, distract and destroy. That 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves' came out of the mouth of archkike Lenin is no coincidence.

Holla Forums was right again.

Do the Ironmarch mongoloid mongrel shitskins attack Spencer because he doesn't believe in that Alexander Dugin "Eurasian" crap anymore and divorced his Russian spy wife?

Hello common filth, care to tell us what it is you have that elevates you above being a racist liberal?

Look at the past 150 years. Various legal and social programs in the entire westenr world functioned explicitly to keep our countries white. The aberration is what is happening now.

You know who the fucking media are and who are behind this shit.

I'm not listening to this.

did someones say alt-kike?

Sounds pretty fucking White Nationalist to me. Sounds like we had a Fascistic Racialist Republic for the first century and only a bunch of kikes and libtards managed to fuck that up.

Definitive proof that Richard Spencer is a homosexual.

please more use buzzwords

The totally novel and radical belief that homosexuality is wrong. Is that too edgy for you, white nigger?

Can someone tell me what this jimpact meme is about?

How does one deal with this? When one is called out as altkike, what does one respond to the normie?
"The altkike doesn't exist" or "It's something called controlled opposition. [dump redpill here]" ?

These people will yell that they are not Alt-Right because it's controlled opposition filled with fags while they are put in front of wall.
or not, since most of them are kikes

Yet again, a Jew is claiming responsibility for work it did not do. "Founder of the Alt-Right" my ass. Followerer of political trends is closer to the truth.

Daily Reminder

Name one leading figure in the alt-right who has a grand prosperous white family. Any?

Just say the Jews are behind it and then show the normie that the altkike doesn't blame the Jews and in fact has many Jews in leading roles. Then proceed to point out Jewish names in many leading roles within the country the normie lives beyond the point the normie could accept it as just being a coincidence.

So many fuckin jews everywhere. Especially in influential places. WW II was the biggest con ever.

The jew came up with the name. The name is half the reason the movement became 'cool and 'edgy'.

Somehow Enochs real face turned out worse than I could have ever imagined. Remember when people tried to defend this sick freaks mouth breathing whenever someone brought it up? So ugly.

m rufus IS a M A S O N

Why should anyone care about holding together a non-white "right?" Who gives a shit at that point? The point of being "the right" is to defend and uplift your own people.

Except the founding fathers of the USA and pretty much every non-cucked white American until the mid 20th century. Even a lot of abolitionists who wanted to emancipate the slaves didn't want to have blacks as citizens.

Proof? Dicky constantly shilled that shit at Radix.

the name is credited to spencer, who created the alternative-right blog website almost ten years ago.


That label is being used by all kinds of kikes and sodomites. I'm pretty sure it's just TRS folk who brought it to Holla Forums, if any of you guys still call yourselves "alt-right", stop.

That faction was purged on heil Trump thing.

I doubt you will find anyone identifying themselves as Alt-Right here but the label is not nearly as negative as some faggots here would have you believe. You would conclude that everything everyone in Alt-Right does all the time is taking pozz up the ass and singing praises to Jews.

The only sodomites who left the Aut-Right were Cooper "Ghoul" Ward and apparently Stuart J. Lee, both because of doxing. The Aut-Kike is as gay as ever.


You dirty heathen.
There's two factions on the "alt-right", twitter accounts with anime profile pics that worship Ann Coulter and non-christian bullshit, and sodomite accepting normies like Richard Spencer.
Stop your shitty ideological masturbation and have a mind that's not corrupted with you worshiping people with Hitler youth haircuts and acting like white people are gods even if they commit sin.

Those faggots were all "Aut-Lite", the "Aut-Right" is still infested with sodomites

If you faggots were really followers of David Lane, you'd know how to deal with jewish radio hosts like Peinovich.

Kill yourself.
Yeah, what a surprise, right?
Another white guy telling another white guy to kill himself.

No, I have not.
There is no other tribe on earth that has the same powers as whitey.

But whitey also has problems, you faggots are simply used to the EVERY FUCKING DAY critique we throw at one another.

Are you tired of the term, cuck?


How the fuck is that possible, faggot?
Mostly white people are called cucks.
But apparently in your delusion we never critisize any whites.

Well, guess what.

>using a picture of spencer after he was sprayed with stink shit by antifa to insinuate he's a fag inb4 more eternal discussion about implicitness

That stuff can only work on someone who has literally no idea about the context, which makes me wonder why do you even use it?

You do have a point about Greg Johnson. Woes is a mixed bag and appears to be a recovering degenerate.

Are you saying it isn't? More non whites enter legally than illegally, in every white country. Though I suppose it's fine so long as they're christian, you commonfilth fans are as pozzed as TRS.

Forgot to add, I have no idea who the rest of those people are since I have never heard of them.

Checked his page. Not involved with any antifa groups, and it was a post on his private kikebook page that had about 6 likes.

Doesn't make his pose any less gay or make him any less of a faggot

And that somehow changes the fact that he's a sodomite?

Context doesn't change any of it.

He isn't recovering from anything, except maybe GRIDS.

m80, the fact that you get tingly down there when you see Spencer doesn't change the fact that he's a straight guy with kids.

The problem with whites is the sins they commit daily and how the majority of them can't recognize that sodomy is a problem in white communities. Why do European countries have so many violent Muslims? Because whites are too cowardly to say "fuck you, we're christian!" like non-whites do! Everything wrong with your country is because of you! You have no one else to blame it on! When Trump says shit like "we all bleed the blood of patriotism!", the country takes one more step to it's death! Stop accepting degeneracy in your daily life! The price you have to pay for your sins will be Trump's cabinet failing and him being impeached, and when that happens you must blame yourselves and not just "The Jew"!

Hey common filth, get the fuck off Holla Forums. I'm as hardline a christian as they come and I am able to recognize white liberals as trash who should be exterminated 8/pol/ has been denouncing faggots and TRS from the start. And don't you dare act like kikes aren't major infiltrators and the main source of bullshit. The weakness of liberal whites allowed this but they are dying and are in fact now in the minority among whites.

Kill yourself, TRSodomite.


I have never hear of Tom Woods. The alt-right websites are:

You are being jewed, and fooled. Don't let Tom Woods get the word. You may not be alt-right, but as a national socialist you should use these people to push your agenda. People within the alt-right are pushing anti-porn, anti-fag stuff, race realism, information on ejwish subversion etc.

If you cannot distinguish between the alt-right and the alt-light, you have been jewed.


oh my god i'm so surprised so so surprised who could have possibly forseen such a thing.

The new weak white liberals don't die off, they just change their political views. We need to tell non-christian and christian people (mostly anglos) when they're committing sin and need to banish them from all of our communities. The only reason milo the pedo was kept in your shitty community for so long was because of how good he was for "the movement"! Can me and you both recognize sins like sodomy, divorcement and adultery and BTFO people on our side when they commit these sins?
Don't compromise any of your values so you can fit in with more cowardly whites, it doesn't matter if people see your anti-gay views as extreme when having them will save humanity!

How is faulk such of queer and asukafag at the same time? That is the real question here.

White liberal birthrates are currently around 0.9 while the white conservatives(almost all christian) sit around 2.7. The libtards are most certainly aborting, snorting, fagging, and promiscuously fucking themselves into oblivion. We do need to hate and shun them and recognize that their blood makes them inherently maldaptive(ie sinful) shit. But try not to be such a sperg about it. We all hate faggots around here.

Faggots aren't welcome and will burn.The current rate of divorce for conservative whites is something like 5%, which is till way to high but the best you can get in modern society. What they need is to make not-fault divorce legal and remove any financial incentives for it so that vapid cunts don't have a reason to do it and cannot annul a marriage unless there is sterility or proven abuse which makes the marriage untenable as a means to produce and raise children.

Nobody here, even pagans, who isn't a shill or just fucking about has to my knowledge said we should be lenient with whites. If anything we need to kill everybody with even a hint of liberal taint to expunge this disease from our race forever and ensure it can never come back.

We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were excepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world were they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"

This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.

But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!

This is BS. The Christians invite them in because Christianity is a mental illness.

You're absolutely right on this one. Just don't be a pussy when it comes to your values, that's all I have to say. You're only worth your actions in life.

Does extreme Christianity make white people accept other religions and races? No, it doesn't you heathen. Christianity and Islam are about the same when it comes to beliefs, the only difference is Islam doesn't preach "Love! Peace! Unity!" like a lot of modern Christian churches do.

Really? Isn't even Enoch still around? Is Ghoul that much of a pussy ass bitch?

lmao at Common Spics adopted children spreading his retarded ass memes as if people care.

No, mudslime shit is nothing like Christianity. Their texts have zero esoteric qualities, is nigger materialism but Allah gives you dat ass in heaven. Also being retarded shitskins they really have no philosophical traditions to speak of.

Also being shitskins as usual islam doesn't keep them from engaging in man-boy love wednesdays. For reference less than 0.8 percent of whites in the US claim to ever engage in homosexual activity or even consider it in their lifetimes. And this is under the rule of an obstensively pro-faggot regime. Niggers and spics in America are faggots at a much higher rate, because they are racially inferior trash. Also kikes as well because they have a high rate of all mental disorders.

Wew lad. Did you hear that from your local neocon?

Yeah? Every single christian denomination is accepting of other races, and most are accepting of other religions.

Obviously a tranny guys.

Haha no. The jew came up with the name, simple fact and the basic ideas for an alternative right. Spencer just added a touch of white nationalism and a shitty logo… which he probably should've got a jew to design as well.

Islam is a lot like Christianity. It is simply a unitarian and anti-paulian branch of Christianity (instead of Jew Saul of Tarsus they use Mohammad instead).

Both religions are anti-white and mostly made up of dumbass shitskins.

Not surprised.

They maybe had a temporary separation but they're back together which they admit in recent interview.

Dugin is being pushed by AJ and others now and one of his guests commented positively about him right after vid related happened. If Titty and Dickie dropped him it was only to save face to their homosex fanboys and Gottfrieds op. Shilling Dugin has been upped to live interviews in english by other operatives.

Funny, it looks as if AJ edited out half of the interview including the first bit where he's obviously surprised Dugin speaks english and yet in the same breath implies he's very familiar with him. This interview happened 20 minutes after Dugin was mentioned in the last TRS mega thread. vid related should be the full interview.

tom woods is about as extreme as he can be without going down a cantwell path, I doubt he will since he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

lolbergs can never truly be our allies.


more and more of the oldschool libertarians are on board with GTKRWN. interesting but unsurprising that paul gottfried has been d&c'ing the 'paleolibertarians' and others for decades

nice guy isn't a compliment, but at least he doesn't seem to be the fake kind. I think you DO have to ignore parts of reality to not end up a hardass.

Like who? The best you'll get is "fashy helicopter" autism, which is cancerous and counter-productive.

The 'redneck' libertarians, not the trs fags. pre-ron paul rightwing libertarians and the 2a crowd

No from the Hadith and Koran.

Non-whites can't be christian. Niggers can't be anything they can only unga bunga around a fire aping the ways of their betters, much like niggers pretending to be rich with bling. It is a cargo cult mentality.

They honestly thought we'd let them control both sides. There are no good kikes. Don't trust em.

They honestly thought we'd let them control both sides. There are no good kikes. Don't trust em.

I'm pretty sure that mike's kike wife worked at a place called "jimpact!".

Turn the Middle East to glass

Don't think he is, could be though. I used to listen to his podcast a lot when I was a lolberg. He's had some pretty based podcasts. I remember one in particular about his guest explaining how neo-cons were actually just disaffected leftists that ended up subverting and infiltrating conservatism. Problem with really smart lolbergs like this is "for the sake of professionalism and reputation" they can never be counted on to talk candidly on racial subjects even if they agree. It will always boil back down to "the state" or some other non-kike shell boogeyman. He's also harmful in the same way all free market people are… they might not believe in equality or civil rights but will advocate for open borders anyway.

Overall not helping.

I;m sure they left out the more important fact that they were all jews and that the movement grew out of the jewish "Commentary" magazine, right?

step 1: jews realize theres a certain group of anonymous Holla Forumsacks that pose a threat to them. they are almost impossible to target and destroy
step 2: create a "straw man" to represent this invisible force called the "alternative right," all in order to own it, discredit the very thing they own, and dismantle it.
step 3 : after the sacrifice of the straw man they jews craft a buzzword that demonizes you, "antisemite oy vey!," racist, sexist, x-phobic, x-shamer, or just x-terrorist (soon microassaults will be declared terrorism). (profact: semitic people are people who speak semitic languages, the muslims surrounding yidsrael are also technically semites, but by creating the buzzword "antisemite" they reversely imply that they themselves are exclusively semites.)

these people like spencer, are planted in place to be those representative straw men with planned obsolescence with purpose to be discredited by their jewish owners.

spencer is essentially a shabbos goy

Enoch's face looks like he's going to literally pop at any moment.

(checked) That's a pretty good breakdown, and may have very likely been their plan. Although something the Jewish creations get out of control, the altright sub on reddit was gaining huge traction before it got shoahed, and regularly called out jews, racemixers, and diversity. The leadership may have been pozzed, but the people posting there seemed like the real thing. Tons of pro-white and pro-Hitler posts made there to, in addition to them hating on the_donald for being too moderate.

I think the creators of this plan didn't realize just how popular pro-white ideals actually were in the public, and it grew too big so they killed it early.

Controlled opposition is controlled. More news at 11.

How fucking stupid does someone have to be to think views or clicks is the worst to come from embedding an iframe? If anyone clicks a YT embed ,you're giving a lot more info than simply a view.

You're giving redditors - and really anybody who calls themselves "alt-right" - way too much credit. These are the same faggots who seem to think that kosher ancap "The (((Jewish Question))) Documentary" that defends Israel and the Talmud is the "ultimate redpill on the JQ".

That cesspit getting shoah'd is better for us than it is for them.

No, you're thinking of something different. The actual altright sub on reddit regularly had posts upvoted calling out kikes and israel. I can't speak on the leadership, but the vast majority of posters there were definitely fully red-pilled. There will always be shills trying to moderate a community.

I was having a discussion with a gay, seasoned leftist the other day and this happened. They tried to box me in with namedropping, thinking that they had me because surely I must listen or even pay attention to some of the stereotypical "alt-right" mouthpieces they had been taught about… Except they would be completely wrong, so I was just honest with them.
It threw them completely off balance and gave me an opening, which I jumped on with various purple and red pills and a great deal of gentle patience.

Normally that would be a complete waste of my time, but I was talking to them because I can generally discern between the thinkers and the non-thinkers. If they're an actual thinker, you absolutely have the advantage. The problem that leftists of all stripes have is that they actually believe what they're saying. If you can gently demonstrate an error in a thinker's honest underlying assumptions, they'll have no choice but to slowly question the framework that it's a part of. From there it's like a ripple effect in a pond and the whole thing starts coming apart.

But be forewarned… If your intent in talking to these types is to "win" the argument, you're better off keeping your shortsighted mouth shut and ignoring them. If they perceive you as an enemy, if you make them nervous and anxious, if you fight with them instead of discussing with them, then you're sabotaging any hope of them using higher reasoning. Fight-or-flight displaces the capacity for higher reasoning, don't fucking forget that. Beating their head in with the truth will only harden them against it, and that makes the task of those of us seeking to break their Jewish programming even harder. This is chess, not kickboxing.