You tired of winning yet lads?

Other urls found in this thread: Arrests.senate judiciary.pdf


t. Schumer


Trump really hates Chuck more than the other Dems for some reason.
He's just some Jewish nerd begging for a swirly.

My smug is reaching levels I never thought possible.

yfw he tweets a lampshade next

What's the deal with Schumer again?

My mom just called me to ask if I'd seen what President Trump just posted. She said "It's hilarious! This is one of his best yet!"

Reminder the time is coming.


God damn I love that man.

Schumer has been the lead jew in the DNC charge against Trump. Behind the scenes he's basically running the DNC at this point.

Those twitter comments gave me cancer

At this point I'm convinced most of them are just bots with how quickly they reply.

My barber printed this shit out and has it hanging on the wall next to his mirror.

He said he literally wakes up and follows the "tweets and twits" so he can avoid the "talking head phonies and fake news" and drinks hot fucking cocoa since he doesn't drink coffee anymore.

My 57 year old Minnesota transplant barber is a real life Holla Forumsack and doesn't even into Holla Forums. I don't think I have ever laughed for 50 minutes straight at a barber shop before with fellow white people of all ages.

Its always the same profiles as well.

Goddamn what I would give for a chill barber scene like that in my town.

Twatter "adjusts" the tweets to President Trump so you almost only see those critical of him.


That's by design. Twitter is enemy territory. They're all far-left communists and kikes who exercise editorial control over what people see on their website. Most normal people expect websites to be run by content neutral algorithms, but the truth couldn't be any further from that.

dude the lefties are PURE PROJECTION

it's amazing how triggered he can make these little shits. They're either bots or completely devoted to watching everything he does so they can be passive aggressive snarky.

Obama DOJ Funneled BILLIONS to Liberal Activist Groups

Gun grabbing, open borders kike BTFO


Oh dear. What HAVE we here?

Happy and impatient

I predict a repeat of this vid.


user I went to over 20 different barber shops trying to find a real barber again after getting some mystery meat cunt at the corporate haircutteries trying to upsale me "hair product" for 15-18 bucks. Then my original white barber couple moved to Oregon after I went to them for 3 years. I found the shittiest webpage with white people on it that hasn't been updated in never and took a shot. There's occasional old asian men who come in, but otherwise it's all white and cash only.

Never give up user, support white businesses.

I don't even know which businesses are white in my area. Need to start looking into that since I basically go shiny due to the receding hairline, and need to shave my head all the time.

Pelosi is continuously btfo. She even does it to hereself.

So the right has two choices but the left has one choice. They did this on purpose to bias the poll.

Who are we voting for? Hillary I assume? Frankly Schumer needs to be investigated first since he still has political power, and is jewish.


Can't embed because it's already been posted in the webm thread >>9396298

Didnt Hilary sell uranium to Russia? Shouldnt we be investigating her bitch ass

Ha! I knew it. She btfo of herself.

Jackson killed the banks and fucked up injuns. Can hardly beat that. Trump still has Kushner whispering in his ears and has yet to remove niggers, Jews and the Fed.

Yup. I boycott non whites as much as I can. Barber shop in my town is ran by 2 biker chicks with huge titties. It's awesome.

Don't know, but I'm very happy for you guys. As for me, I'd be ecstatic if our Prime Minister managed to have balls made of zinc, instead of whatever glass shit he's packing in his scrotum.

What he got is two pure estrogen masses in his scrotum. It's hardly balls.

And beat the brits the most american pass time

Trump's been in office for…what? 6 weeks?…and look what he's done. At this rate, I fully expect white Americans to transcend the physical self and split for deep space like the Vorlons.

Ovaries, really.

This. With the rate Trump is getting shit done, it's fucking incredible that people still doubt him.


Warms my heart. DS9 is for cucks.

I don't doubt him, I doubt the rats he's surrounded by though. His best picks are at risk of being forced to step down from what we've seen and I certainly don't trust both his daughter and his kike-in-law.

Update on the results for people without a twitter account please.

So you doubt that Trump doesn't know exactly what he's doing despite the utter transcendent levels of chess he's played up until now.

Fuck. Yes. JMS should have been a little louder about Paramount ripping off B5.

(polite sage for offtopic)

Soon, user. Soon…

We get to finish what was started many many years ago. Make the heroes of old proud of what we'll do.

Of course, the Spin Doctor is trying to say that it proved his case that people want Hillary to be investigated instead of the person The Don is calling for. But then you look at the added up percentages.

Maybe because he's the fucking Senate Minority Leader?

He knows what he's doing but does he really know how he'll make it through it during 8 years would be my question. He's not above betrayal and with a Jew that close, I'll always be wary of him getting backstabbed.

It's a fun meme, but not literal truth.


user it wouldn't shock me if he's been prepared to be assassinated this whole time.

Don't be a schlomo user. It's pretty fucking obvious he's ahead of his opponents.

American politics have become Holla Forums.

When the undercover Planned Parenthood videos came out we had multiple dig threads and anons discovered Shumers relative was ceo of one of the companies that bought the baby parts from them. I believe it was his dyke cousin. That has all been memoryholed and the PP guy arrested, not sure of the status of that but the vids are no longer online because of legal action. If someone has that info pls post. We need all the ammunition we can get. Now that PG info is out and knowledge of trafficking is going mainstream people would be less likely to say that the baby parts are used for flavor extracts. There certainly is something bigger going on with that. Maybe a new dig is in order.

Nigger, you fucking faggot, learn what we mean when we say “the president doesn’t reveal to anyone just how much he knows”.

Omg somebody post that 88 degree chess with the Nazis check mating the Russians

President Trump is the greatest shitposter of all-time.


Not yet, Jews are still a part of American politics. Once they get forcefully removed by way of either an oven or a gas chamber, then you'll be able to say American politics are Holla Forums.

I agree that he's ahead of his opponents. But being ahead of your opponents and every single on of your employees being a good hire are two seperate things.

Since when has Trump been known for perfect hiring? Perfect hiring doesn't exist, it's a fantasy. Trump is known for firing. Firing bad employees when they make themselves known, since nobody can hire perfectly.

As usual though, the kikes overplay their hand. Even non Commie normalfags see right through this shit.

It started out okay. It was when Brooks felt secure enough to start showing what a racist cunt he is that shit got awful.

I STRONGLY disagree that Schumer should be investigated.

He should be ovened without a trial.

What did they mean by this? seriously, why would people feel marginalized by old people collecting money they invested in?

well it is a ponzi scheme

I strongly agree with you my Führer.

here user

Those dubs.

It's a Jewish tactic of trying to turn the young against the old and thus trying to create bigger rift in white communities and families. They wish to see white millennial get closer to sand niggers, which they have absolutely nothing in common with, instead of upholding tradition by bonding with the older generations, which do share history and culture with them.


this made my day

I'm gonna try to find a white barbershop so it's easier to tell them when I want a Hitler youth haircut

Ovens are going to be running 24/7.

Of course, going after Hillary will ultimately get Schumer too so it's not like going after her is a compromise at all.

I prefer the black and white, I've got one hanging up in my home. That man like many others were too good for this cruel fucked world.

We wanted something magnificient, grandoise, we sacrificed our lives for this purpose. We made this sacrifice so you could see what happened, so you could see hoe much we loved you, and one day maybe… who knows, you might love us too.

They always were


Nigger a man is still a man. You can suck Trumps multidimensional dick when we have actually gassed the kikes. Until then keep your head out of the clouds and don't get caught up in hero worship of a man whos fight has only just begun.


Fucking awesome. But honestly when are they going to go after the pedos and Clinton. Not just the low level tier. There is no reason the media should be dictating what news is talked about. They are fucked with pizzagate and getting away with murder and rape of infants to teens.

Its fun to single out and bully a weak one

He really isnt but the people he is up against are third world tier corrupt and retarded. I mean the opposition was jeb and Hilary he beat up 2 autistic kids

They did this back in the 60s by trying to convince the youth of that time that black people were actually friendly and cool people with great music instead of being boring and racist like their boring, racist white parents and grandparents who fought in the World Wars.

Do these fuckers even think before they speak? How did the democrats win so much previously? They're essentially retarded.

I know, and it lead to the beginning of the end. At the time they had the financial backing of the USSR, now they control the world economy and all media to do so.

I know right? they are dead in the water at this point.
also obama made trips to russia to visit wmd facilities

he is pedo ringleader… so makes sense Trump wants his head on a pike

With all the arrests lately, I'd imagine they're putting together an ironclad set of evidence / witnesses - that is a huge battle to win, not one to start carelessly

Do you even know what "investing" is?

Can't imagine why. It's not like he's a dishonest, child-raping piece of shit or anything.

Rat-faced kike, skulked the halls of NY State govt., lawyer, rat-faced kike, has been NY Senator since late 90s (iirc), current Senate Minority Leader, rat-faced kike…

Did I miss anything?

Eat shit kike, those people decided to have a part of their paychecks taken from them every week so it would be secured for when they got old. They believed the Jewish lie they were told and now should have access to it, it's not their fault heebs decided to run with that money and fleece them.

Trump is a literal god!

I hope more people become aware of the cheating and dirty tricks made by DNC and the disgusting corrupt media owned by democrats party and their disgusting corrupt lobby and disgusting corrupt establshment.

Please americans, never let to them put poozed controled opposition garbage candidates in the republican party like John McCain who is a loser who was trashed by democrats party owned media and establshment when was a candidate and now is a slut who sell his ass for democrats, DNC, their corrupt establshment, also in the wikileaks.

Create another new big party to don't let the corrupt garbage democrats don't use their lobby, their monopoly in 90% of the news, media, propaganda and websites who even with monopoly have less viewers than real independent news source like breitbart, fox and others who are much better than the pathetic fake news CNN who interview their own cameraman, edit videos to remove parts for keep narrative, invent fake polls in election, try to create fake news, CNN have few viewers and low rates but is pushed hard by establshment and left-wing media, and all other garbage corrupt media controled by democrats party like Buzzfeed, New York Times, Huffington Post, etc..

Everything here

Trump is so good in destroy the corrupt manipulation in the corrupt news and media owned by democrats party

Other things here of 2016 election like wikileaks too



I had a feeling I would be called out. I'm fairly certain pensions are not "free money" like Social Security. But they are tied up in in some sort of funds that are created for and accrued by compound interest are they not? It has been some time that I have read anything relating to finances.

Jesus, user. You're doing exactly what boomers did to their grandparents. They fell for schlomo's tricks and yet this is what you're advocating. Let me guess you'd rather be with your nigger friends and hang around faggots than actually show your elders where and why they were wrong so they can use their current position to do something good for once in their lives. Fuck off kike.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for President Trump.

Trump need to expose every manipulation, hipocrisy, pictures and every cheating and dirty tricks of DNC in wikileaks and the corrupt media owned by democrats party.

If needed Trump need to show pictures of Hillary Clinton, John McCain, every dirty trick of democrats party, he need to show this for everyone to overcome the manipulation of corrupt media sources owned by democrats party and the corrupt establshment.

San Andreas when

As in Peter Thiel?

tight oc

Both parties are pits of snakes, the whole swamp needs to be drained, not just half of it.

Hello newfag.

McCain and Graham. I'm so glad you posted this. I forgot to save it the last time I saw it.

It's from an 'old people voted for Brexit' meme that 's being pushed by the media in Britbongistan


What is it like to be BACK IN CONTROL?

Hopefully soon I can find out what it is to be BACK IN CONTROL

Related to Amy Schumer


Social security is generally not free money either, its money they've paid into for years and the amount of social security that you draw is determined by how much you paid in. I do taxes for a living and I'll see old people that worked shit jobs all their lives so didn't pay in much get as little as $7k a year while people who paid in more get more.

nice dubs

I can never find Alert Jeudeas youtube, is it banned?

Galvanizing niggers and illegals to vote. Pushing mediocrity and apathy on whites.

The cuckservatives have been doing nothing but playing defense for decades, they've been intentionally incompetent and the left got lazy.

This is the face of a child who has been inappropriately touched by an adult.

There are some remnants of Alerta Judea but I think the original account did get shoaed.

Honestly it's not even about boycotting non-white businesses. Dealing with whites is just more pleasant.

Yep. Little cunt got a 100,000 grant for dropping out of school and making an Instagram clone.


Chuck is a pedophile

Cuckservatives were always controlled opposition, but now peace has cost them their strength, victory has defeated the dems.

Alerta Judiada make such great videos.
High energy, all the time.


Meh mum is a bleeding heart hippie.

Something like this with niggers instead of bourgeois?

Ops he just deleted to correct the typo


It's two tweets user.

there was a typo in the original one, see .

I love this man.


This is going to backfire on them just like fake news did. In a few days we'll see Democrats crying to stop 'unfair fascist investigations'. I bet they'll allude them to the McCarthy trials.

pic and filename very related




wtf I hate trump now.
anyone notice way more le drumpf shills?

All that needs to happen now is Trump announcing an investigation into Clinton selling uranium to Russia.

it will get a lot worse now that he is really calling for a investigation on the Top 2 Democraps

Until Trump actually removes banks Jackson is superior.

He's far more than a shitposter. The man has a plan and I must say I'm surprised at how he manages to carefully plan his maneuvers, in such a hostile environment, to reach his goals.

Go back to reddit. You're not smart enough to understand the point I made.

He has time to implement two EO that push affirmative action for woman, but he doesn't have time time to nd the dreamer program that Obama created by EO.

He has time for party politics but not time to end Dreamer program.

have faith user, I think he's waiting on some of the harder stuff for when it'll be easier to manage the backlash.

During the Waco hearings he suggested that it's okay to throw flashbangs at babies

can't be bothered to find the clip though

If he does manage to do it in the current conditions, I'll be the first to say he surpassed Jackson. Banks and the kikes who control them have far more resources and means of staying in place than they did during Jackson's years. It won't be cheese that will fill the white, it'll be filet mignon.


I do not understand this saying.

Daily reminder that McCarthy did absolutely nothing wrong. He was 100% right in every regard and got silenced by (((them))).

Chuckie probably helped create the Fucked Up Fat Whore! "Uncle Schumie's Here, Baby Amy."

Trump and Schumer are actually pretty close. He financed his senate campaign more than any other senator and they also looked pretty chummy on inauguration day.

fill the white house* Jackson received a huge wheel of cheese weighting near 1400lbs.

This man is the best!!!
Go to his personal twitter account to spread redpil, then close his twitter account and go for his President account!


maybe that is exactly why Trump hates him now, after all those years and support, to get betrayed like that got to hurt and Trump isn't one know for forgiveness, but he does take his time to pay back once and for good.

Michael Scheuer said something about , one of Hillary's aid, had investment ties to Sberbank, Russia's National Bank. I can't find the article Scheuer wrote on his blog, but The Observer wrote an article about it.



They weren't chummy at all on inauguration day. Schumer made a veiled threat of Civil War in his stupid speech.

I was talking about that moment when he was handing out the pens.

And verified bots are now a thing apparently. The desperation of these people knows no bounds.

now THIS is podracing.



Mine does all the time, I love my family.

How does it feel to be a retard doing useless things user?

If you wanted anime girls, all your had to do was ask.

Thank you for exposing yourself, enjoy your ban.

Always accuse the enemy of what you, yourself, are doing. And by that I mean the Dems. Too bad they're going up a President with BALLS OF STEEL.

trip-dubs confirm: the ginger was diddled by Schumer the Tumor.

loving every laugh fampai



Top Kek.

Wow, that is an amazing video. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. People talk about forbidden knowledge and a "Necronomicon", well here it is folks.

Remember party comrades, the Jews wanted this war.

Don't forget: forbidden knowledge always comes with a price. For us, it means never being able to view the sheep the same as we used to.

more please

Didn't Hillary, while SoS, make that shady deal with the russians for uranium which involved funneling a lot of money through the CF and some nice career changes for some of the committee required to okay the deal?

As a result it means being ostracized socially in most cases. Even if you're not enough of a sperg to show your power level, it eventually makes most pointless interactions unbearable. Everywhere you see retards spew the same bullshit the Jew fed them. I was lucky in that respect, I was already considered nuts before I started dropping redpills left and right. people around me only saw that I could finally back up my claims with actual proofs instead of rambling incoherently.

Yes, it was the real reason why the Hammond case happened.

Make the lying jew cry for real.

I had a reputation as some sort of joker or class clown type before I got redpilled. Somebody who would often say things with a straight face because they were provocative, not because I believed them.

Sometimes I go too far, but because of my reputation people laugh it off. This has saved my ass several times, but it's harder for me to successfully convey sincerity.



Thread theme

I was the opposite, even though I was known to be nuts, people almost always believed what I said. The reason I was called insane was that I never bothered with people's feelings. I would always say what I thought no matter how politically correct it was. Most people couldn't logically argue against me, even though it wrecked their sensibility and they couldn't publicly shame me without being judged. I was born a cripple, back in my college years (I studied Chemistry) non-whites weren't the only untouchable people. The faggots of the left never dared called me a privileged white male even if I defended eugenics, human experimentation and immigration based on meritocracy and IQ. The only way they found to destroy my character, thus getting me expelled, back then was going after me with bullshit rape charges made by one of their skanks who studied psychology. I hate first hand non-STEM, in particular humaniteis and so-called "social sciences". I never tried going back to a university afterwards, by that time niggers became kangs and SJWs were the norm.

fuck off shill, dont spew bullshit unless you can back it, fucking concern troll


Everything a President say and write is public record or some shit, and deleting it without proper approval is illegal.
The establishment is butt-mad enough to go after him with this, and get the corrupt enough to get both sides to turn on him.

If they try this over a typo they're going to lose what little respect centrists have for them.


I need a real barber. He doesn't even need to be redpilled, I'm just sick to death of great clips and sports clips. Fuck both of those companies.


God I love President Trump.



Let them try, it's a typo. Anyone who makes such a claim will look like an idiot.

I can't contain my excitement


Look how autistic the kike looks… Bump for Jews being holocausted in whole new and exciting ways.

every time

Responding satirically to bullshit allegations is the best course of action. Good on him.


i don't think that word is the word he thinks it means it don't be like it is but it do

Trips of truth reporting in!


The entire swamp is gunning for him, including Obongo.
Not a good time to thread carelessly.
what was it they said?
"He will die in jail, it's been decided. The jews are after him, make no mistake in it.

This isn't about PR, you imbecile.
It's about giving the enemy ammunition.

Those fucks inherited a great civilization, and within decades left us with foreign invaders in charge of pretty much every institution of some importance, and with other invaders running amok around every city and town.

Goddamnit, this is personal. My dumbass ex loved Amy Schumer. She would say shit like, "She's real". She always had shitty bluepill tastes though - late night talkshows like Jimmy Faggot, consumed MSM (Fox, but still), and liked nigger music - thank Kek she's my ex. The part that really hurts is if it weren't for these goddamn kikes she could've been a hell of a waifu. Instead she was a socially gullible retard. I can't wait to see this rat face kike stomped into the ground by Trump.

Maybe if you would have taken the time to actually read them then you would know that they are just a bunch of feel good hot air with nothing else to them, but you probably wouldn't get paid for that.


Best way to end the week. A weekend full of the dems in panic mode

Post more

Dont be sad over what she could have been.
I have a similar ex, had lots of potential when we were first together, but gradually bluepilled herself, went on tumblr, started liking nigger music which she didnt before, etc etc blabla.
Degenerates are degenerates, it doesnt matter how or why, they all had the chance to see trough the lies and become redpilled like us, they just didnt.

One of the reasons all of upstate NY is dying and forced to deal with taxes and laws based on what JYC wants.


Kill yourself millenial faggot.

kys boomer


For the continued existence of our race and the future of our children, we must unlock the secrets of German crematories.

Cool fam. How's Rhodesia these days, I wonder?

didn't mean to sage


They had every opportunity to realize that their nations were great because they were white. They fucked us, their children, over to appease ZOG. And now we should try to make them relevant in politics again?
No, fam, we should do every thing we can to keep them from making important decisions. Especially now that they're reaching senility and cognitive decline.

someone burn this heretic

>>>Holla Forums is that way.

The video in question

There be three things which go well, yea, four are comely in going: A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any; A greyhound; an he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up.

Make him a king for real.

TRUMP 2024.

Was that a user attempting to give us a check em image? That's what I'd do.
Don't lie, you know you've thought of how to create a meme worthy pose if you were ever in his shoes.

You are the traitor user.

Alerta Judiada is an absolute master of his craft.


no u r tr8r
I'm not advocationg for their extermination or anything, fam. I just don't want them who have fucked up so badly to be allowed to fuck up so badly again.

This was really great, thanks.

Friendly reminder that most of the men you saw in that video were brutally killed and the women horribly raped. I remember reading about when Jews were freed from the camps, they immediately ran down to the nearby German village to rape the women, since they knew there would no men to stop them.

This time around, no work camps, no forcing them out of public life or simply sending them out of our country. Kill them all.

This. I have tremendous respect for Hitler to fight for four years on the front-lines for his country, and then lead one of the most miraculous economic and social revivals in human history because he wasn't afraid to identify the jew as the source of Germany's downfall.

However, he was too much of a humanitarian to truly combat the jewish menace, and believed you could solve the problem with half-measures like quarantine or deportations. As evidence by his love for animals and vegetarianism, Hitler's heart was too pure to truly annihalate the jewish scourge from the face of the earth. We, however, are far more extreme than Hitler and won't be treating jews with the same sympathy.

Did you look at the voting demographics for the election that got Trump in? Baby boomers are who voted him in. At no point in the last few decades did the American population support immigration, but it got pushed through anyway thanks to Jewish interests. Stop blaming our predecessors because they were consumed by a Jewish media for which there was no alternative.

The only reason we know so much compared to them is because of our access to the Internet and, thus, alternate information sources. Even then, much of our generation is still ingesting the poz in bucketloads. Indoctrination is a helluva drug. I don't know about you but just a few years back I thought the Holocaust was the greatest evil mankind ever perpetrated. Now, I know it didn't even happen, but wish it had. Our people will wake up, young and old, just like we did, if we just show them the truth. Stop falling for D&C Jewry that causes whites to fall into petty squabbling and lessen the pressure on the true foe.

I'm looking for votes for Trump by age + race, which I haven't found yet, as I assume more young whites voted for Trump than did old whites. *I cannot support this assertion yet**
Before the internet, blacks were treated as animals for a large part of history, fam. It isn't a paucity of information that leads one to fallate equality, it's rather an abundance of misinformation, of which we have had more than any generation prior.

just fug my life fam

also fellate* maybe I should go to bed lel

Fucking based

Twitter is most definitely messing with the replies, there are always almost zero positive ones and only people shitting on him, most of the time it's the same group, like that bitch that wants The Don and calls him hun and sugar all the time in her passive aggressive tweets.
I'm pretty sure I'm also shadowbanned.

right there with ya anons, stay strong. if you wouldn't have wanted her to be the mother of your children, then she wasn't the right one

They didn't actually need fuel to operate, they could run on Jew corpses alone.

I don't know. As far as I can tell we have a whiny little bitch for president. Say that his hands are small and he will spend the next 10 press conferences telling you how "my hands are huge, at least 100 inches, and besides, stupid Obama's hands were only 3 inches. I'm the best and not being defensive at all. I have the hugest balls of steel you've ever seen."

Only about 48% of white millennials voted for Trump vs. about 43% for Clinton.
For whites as a whole it was 57% Trump, 37% Clinton

Are you lost?

Yes, it's her fault you're a kekcuck. And a trumpcuck. And just a cuck in general. And that's why she broke up with you.

yeh I was wrong; maybe we shouldn't genocide the olds quite yet. Still, one good election doesn't quite excuse their past political fuck ups.

No. But I found my way on to Holla Forums and I think I'm surrounded by lost people. People with many ideas not based in any verifiable fact.

btw, great job refuting my argument that Trump whines every time any person anywhere says the slightest negative thing about him.

LOL, stay triggered retard.

fuck off kike


I didn't know they had any night shift guys left over at shareblue.

Schumer is LONG overdue for some karmic blowback, gentlemen. Can we get more proactive on memeing him into his well-deserved grave?

Ah, gotta love you guys. Saying I'm triggered when you out of reflex just group-attack the first person to question your shared world view. Also I'm not a kike, so shut your nigger mouth.

Have you talked to older people? Most of them are thrilled about Trump. And their "past political fuck ups" were due to the fact that they had no real options since they were operating in a controlled system. Understand something; if Trump hadn't run this time, we would've been presented with Jeb VS Hilary. Those would've been our options. Think about that, then realize that has been EVERY SINGLE ELECTION since at least the 1900s.

Whites never supported any of this. They just weren't ever given a choice about it, and due to the careful, creeping implementation of it, never realized the need for forceful action to handle the problem.

Also, on another note, the Baby Boomers are currently the only thing holding the demographic disaster back. When they start dying off in the next decade, whites in America will drop to about HALF of their current number. We are going to go from around 60%, to 30%. We will truly be a minority in our own country.

This is why the liberals are panicking about Trump. If he can halt and, then, remove the immigrants here, we have a fighting chance. Even IF he does that, due to the fact that whites are not having children compared to the minorities, we are still in a ton of trouble, but it won't be a guaranteed victory.

Instead it will be a brutal war along racial and political lines as the situation continues to deteriorate, which we CAN win if we're not COMPLETELY outnumbered. However, that is our only chance.

The liberals up to this point had gone into casual, indolent assurance of their victory, as they understand the demographics are on their side. In just ten years they will have complete control of this country politically. Trump is a threat to that, and that's why they are so viciously attacking everything about him. Even if they can't get him out, if they can render him ineffectual, they win, because unless he deals with this problem, we are going to make Argentina look like a bastion of white civilization.

I'm whiter than you'll ever be, Pedro.

It's not a huge drop in status for a lot of us, I'm afraid. Hopefully the next generation's reception to the redpill will change that.

I'll be happy when he talks about jewish psychological issues and their memes.

No. It never could have been Jeb Vs. Hillary. Jeb was out from the start. Too much baggage with the Bush name, he was last or close to last even when there were 16 candidates in the field. If people listened to less mainstream media, we might have had Paul Ryan vs Bernie Sanders, which would have been way better than Hil vs Trump.

Also I've never head of blueshare. and I'm not a democrat. I voted for Bush over Kerry. Don't assume that anybody who disagrees with your cookie cutter (or individual as you call it) worldview is on the other side politically

Ha, whiter than me. Doubtful. I'm 75% German and 25% Irish.

Gaelic is a shitskin language from the Iberian peninsula.

I know this is bait, but why not. Understand something, Trump wins because of this. Trump doesn't do what every dumbfuck Republican before him did when the liberals mocked them, he doesn't just smile, take it, and try to be the "bigger man" while the Democrats ignore all sense of shame or honor and viciously attack every little thing they can about you. There's a reason the cuckservative meme was so effective. Before Trump the Republicans truly were the little beta bitch that had a weak, quivering smile, trying to pretend he's happy about the situation while you rail his girlfriend in front of his face.

Trump doesn't do that. He punches back. He turns around and mocks them, when they mock him. He insults them in turn, and puts them on the defensive. How do you think FAKE NEWS became a rallying cry of Trump supporters, when it was originally designed to attack alternative media sources?

There. There's your serious response. Now get back to shilling.

We couldn't be any more different unless you were an antifa communist.

I should've fucking known

>tfw I don't have to respond to this because you didn't reply to any of my posts in it :^)
Only fucking with you. You're right about the politics except that I think Trump will manage to make America white again without an internal war.

You know as well as I do that any serious attempt will lead to a dindu uprising. Make sure you're staying /fit/.

Ha! That is a legitimately hilarious meme.

I also love how you ignored the 75% German part of my heritage. Please share your own so I can analyse it. Or, better yet, just skip straight to fucking yourself.

America should be homogenous and multicultural in areas. The trick is to teach people to maintain both. Make white people want to preserve their whiteness, used mixed people to arbitrate and mediate between other ethnic sovereigns.
Yes i know it's an unrealistic ideal, but one can dream i suppose.

I completely agree that he won because he doesn't do what other Repubs have done and try to be the bigger man. Instead he spouts bullshit that he claims are facts. And if they were true, he would have legitimately owned every arguments he has partaken in. But what he really does is lie, and that's why I didn't vote for him. Try to understand that I hate the media. They're obviously ant-trump in stupid and obviously political ways. I'm anti-trump cause I think he's a lying dick.

Name five things he lied about.


Exactly what do you believe he's said that qualifies him as a liar, that actually matters? He's already, in the first six weeks, started to fulfill his campaign promises.

>promote white immigration read: selective immigration by individual worthiness
>promote emigration of non-whites read: deportation
idk, fam. It seems lite a good way to do it peacefully.

I'm off to bed

It was a half joke.

Responding to your request (5? really? your standard is 5?)

I will give you three. All off the top of my head btw.

1. He has said the unemployment rate is 43%. Not even close
2. That murder rate is highest in 47 years. Actually it's the lowest
3. That he lowered the national debt by 12 billion his first month in office. First off, Trump hasn't implemented any budget or trade policies yet, so if that were true, credit would be to Obama. But it's not true. check the CBO numbers they are publicly available.

Bonus fact: Trump is a lying whiny little bitch

Oh and so many more. How about a direct quote? "Terrorism and terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe have gotten to a point where it's not even being reported."
Show me a terrorist attack that wasn't reported. Or any terrorist attack in the last 20 years by any person from any of the 7 countries he wants a complete halt on immigration from. (hint: don't say 9/11 because none of those people were from any of the countries on Trump's list)

0:22, calls the kid a freak


Your salt is delicious. Keep going.

Am I the only one who's REALLY hoping Putin responds with bantz about him and Schumer plotting the overthrow of America or some shit?

Honestlyv its banter against an old friend

No, it's bedtime. But I'm glad you think of verifiable facts as salt. It certainly confirms my suspicions about Trump voters.

1. This isn't wrong, check the real unemployment rate. (ie: poeple over 16 that aren't working.)
2. The murder rate is rising at it's fastest pace in 47 years.
3. The debt was lowered by $12billion in his first month, you are just wrong here.

We both know that there is a difference between local coverage and a scroll bar in the MSM and actual reporting.
So it's only a problem if the succeed? 72 people from those 7 countries have been convicted of terrorism since 9/11.

"Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!" Trump tweeted Feb. 1.

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!
10:55 PM - 1 Feb 2017
38,014 38,014 Retweets 154,835 154,835 likes
Trump’s tweet mischaracterizes the deal in two ways. First, the deal involves fewer than 2,000 people. That’s not "thousands." Second, the individuals would not come to the United States illegally, but through the legal refugee program.


That was already mostly the case when I was bluepilled. Not because I couldn't successfully interact with normalfags as though I were one of them, but because it was just so difficult to relate to them. All they cared about and talked about was the most superficial shit. I haven't had many friends over the course of my life because I didn't really find any people I wanted to befriend. My conversations usually revolve around bigger, deeper things, and those kinds of conversations scare the fuck out of normalfags and are reserved solely for people who know each other very well. Otherwise it's sports, movies, sometimes vidya, music, boring cliche shit.

I'm lucky in that I have a brother to share in my redpilled state. It makes the repression of the information about the truth much more bearable when you can discuss it with someone face to face. I became redpilled, then he got redpilled because of me, then his girlfriend got redpilled because of him.

I leaned slightly left when I was bluepilled because I never gave a single fuck about politics, even though I had alarm bells go off in my head all the time back then whenever someone on either side of the aisle said something intellectually dishonest. I think because I didn't particularly care about a side, I was more susceptible to picking up when someone was skewing something or spouting half truths or "lying with stats". But if I didn't get redpilled when I did, this fucking election definitely would have redpilled me. I imagine we've have more converts this past year than perhaps the past fucking five.

Bush is the fucking same as Kerry, Clinton, Obama, Schumer and all those puppets

Oh the horror.
They are Australian illegal immigrants. This is why why they are detained on an island off of Australia. Call them asylum seekers if you want, but it's not like they were planning on leaving if their country got better.

1. Yes that's completely wrong. the population of the US is around 330 Mil. the highes point of people not employed over the age of 16 was in June of 2016. the number was 94,000,000. That's not 30%, and also the number of people not employed includes everybody over 16 in High School and College, as well as everybody over 65 who's retired.
2. "Rising" looks at a number changing within any time period you care to specify. The actual average number of murders per year in the US has been going down every single year for decades. So his statement that the "murder rate" was the highest, was a complete lie.
3. No. I know you can find fake news stories that say that. But the government numbers don't say that. And if they did, again, Trump has not effected any budget or trade policy changes, so if you're totally right and we had a budget surplus for that month? You can thank Obama.

And finally:Convicted of terrorism? No. First of all that's not a thing. Second, there were 72 people who were arrested ,and a number a terrorist plots stopped. Third, no actual attacks have been committed by anybody from any of those countries.


A quick injection of high speed lead is all they deserve and all they need. No fucking around, no trials, no 'holocaust but real this time'. Just get rid of them quickly and efficiently so the world can rebuild.


Do you remember reading about that? I don't think I had that book… maybe you and Trump can get together and remember other things that didn't happen.

They fought so damn hard. Nobody can say they didn't try their best.

It's always something to be immersed in the reality that the kikes manipulate and control our societies and nobody understands or cares, and to then go back and listen to old NSDAP speeches where they know exactly what was going on and were trying their best to fight it. They knew, they knew everything.

Bad Ass!

1. See pic related. Source: No, it's not quite 40%, but it's well above 30%.
2. 2014 to 2015. Trump misspoke. He isn't a polished politician. The number is especially rising in cities, which was Trump's main point.
3. The debt did decrease in his first month. Whether you want to give Trump credit for it is your business, but it wasn't a lie.

And finally: Here's the report from the senate itself. It contains over 500 individuals convicted of terrorism or terror related offenses. 72 were from the countries banned. And once again you bring up attacks. Why should we wait until the system misses someone and let Americans die before we act? Arrests.senate judiciary.pdf
The document deals with convictions.

Fucking hundreds of incidents have been covered up by the msm. They were on social media and alternative media, but not the msm.
Shit tier shill.

Also that ban on migration was organised by obamas admin, not trumps.



Better version


Hoo boy.

One accusation of so-called mischaracterization relies on an opinion while the other accusation is objectively incorrect.

Referring to any number over one thousand and less than one million as "thousands" is both technically and grammatically correct and appropriate according to some definitions, and incorrect according to others. This is literally a matter of opinion and as such is neither correct nor incorrect as a point.

Nowhere was it said, or even implied, that the individuals entering the US would be doing so illegally. These people being discussed did, however, immigrate to Australia illegally and so referring to them thusly is entirely correct.

The white pantsuit thing was also retarded. I don't think she knew that the original suffregates were republicans. In the Women's Republican Library in NYC, there's books documenting their roots in the Republican party.

I take it you work for PolitiFact
how about the Bowling Green massacre?
you do realize that Kellyann Conway is a daffy cunt who should be tossed in a river, and was referring to two Iraqi men who entered the country as refugees that were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky. They were charged with federal terrorism because they had attempted to send both money and weapons to al-Qaeda in Iraq. They were convicted of supporting attacks on U.S. troops while they were still in Iraq as well as attempting to provide material support to al-Qaeda in Iraq after they had moved to the United States.


just like how the first post is almost always (((them))) on /pol

Don't forget the military failures. Namely he let the British soldiers go rather than have them all slaughtered and their bodies strung up along the coast for their actions. Then he allowed the british nation to build its warmachine rather than dropping chemical weapons and firebombing everything until they begged for germans to accept surrender.

He played nice. He tried to give good treatment and kindess to his enemies. He keep looking at them like sane rational humans rather than the deranged jewslave sheep out for blood they were. And his people paid for it. That is his only folly. He didn't embrace the hate, he didn't dehumanize himself to save the actual humans worthy of saving. embrace the rage.

No, Mr. Schumer! You can't have pork!



underrated post tbh

you don't understand user–I FUCKING LOVE this artist

bless her. my mom wakes me up every morning yelling and gloating about something bad cnn said about trump.

Where do you think we are..?

He wouldn't…