Anyone played this game? You get to kill capitalists

Anyone played this game? You get to kill capitalists

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Also shout out to bioshock, you get to kill capitalists as well

i have not played it but i heard they ruined marx in it and made him a liberal

Or does the capitalist kill himself?

Nah, they did the whole 'marx is supported by hipsters who drink starbucks lol!' thing in his biography

Shit game both in gameplay and story tbh
+They made marx into some peaceful liberal

They made him pretty much a reformist, but I'm still content by the sole fact of him being portrayed in positive light, as this caused massive asshurt.

Its impossible to kill capitalists in a video game from a major corporation.

Someone should put the guy that OK'd that on the list.

nah they made Robespierre look like a maniac, fuck them

Ass Creed has pretty much always been a shit series, no exception here. Their treatment of Marx is literally too liberal to handle.

Bioshock was pretty fun though, setting rich lolberts on fire.

Ass creed set during the Russian revolution, in case anyone didn't know about it. Instead of killing kulaks though, you're forced to kill red army soldiers and proles. You actually play as Anastasia Nikolaevna for most of it for fuck's sake. But I guess it's okay, cuz Templars.

Some of the splicer dialogue is absolutely brilliant.
A great parody (barely) of the American Randian lobertartian dream.

"I hope Ryan-sempai will notice me soon"
"Get off muh private property parasite"

Trotsky the betrayer:

When capitalist counter culture stops and starts peddling propaganda because the bell tolls.

Fuck off. Marx was a moderate who advocated peaceful change. Violence solves nothing.

provide examples of long lasting positive change achieved by peaceful protest.

1. Martin Luther King
2. Ghandi
3. Obama

many of his followers were fanatics, and there was a hell of a lot of rave vs race fighting before he ws taken notice of

he and his inner circle were peaceful but the unrest he and others stirred was far from civil


1-Wrong, he wasn't alone he only give the change a humane face, the real change was carried out by the black spooked nationalists, Malcolm X, and the black ppl in sport.

2. he was a fascists that kept and endured the cast system, every poor Indian hates him

3. you are shitposting now

From the AC wiki

"During the mid-19th century, Marx was a staunch defender of the working class and an idealist, believing that reforms could be achieved if the proletariat stood together in solidarity. Still, he was aware that this was not an easy task, remarking that people would often act in their own self-interest rather than unite against injustice and corruption.
Despite his passion for the cause, Marx refused to resort to violent methods to effect change. Due to this, he did not agree with Morris' plan to take revenge on the government for enabling the abuse of the working class. Rather, Marx believed that the workers needed to attain political power so they themselves could introduce change and break free from the capitalist system that exploited them."

I refuse to play it because it portrays Marx as a reformist liberal. They also said incredibly strawman-y, childish and retarded things about him.

red faction (guerilla) is a good anticapitalist game

Don't take the word of balding middle aged liberal males with a slew of cookie cutter games and a taste in fashion ranging from TopShop mannequin to steampunk reddit power user seriously, just pirate it.

I almost never spend money on AAA titles, but I would rather not play this game anyway.


"Peace and love to you all my fellow man, blessed each and every one of you. Namaste."
Karl Marks, 1965

What about the first two?


is that a real human being wearing the top hat?

am i crazy or is that a cgi character

It's a pity no one gives a shit about any of that and most will willingly give up their guns because they're giant pussies.

That is a real life person who was born and lived a life and everything.

I torrented and I am currently playing RF2 after playing it when it came out. Man, it's pretty good. Wish we could do this irl, honestly.
