Disney next buy out

With Disney Nu-Star Wars already collapsing. What will be Disney next big buy out after Star Wars & marvel? Archie comics? Nintendo? Sony? DC comics? Cartoon Network? The tolkien estate? Fox? Hasbro?

I thought they were in negotiations for Fox already?
Them or Sony Pictures, if only so they cam get the Marvel properties back and try giving the MCU a shot in the arm with the Fantastic Four or X-Men

Disney ruined the x-men beyond repair already. Why would they treat them any better in movies?

Why would Disney want the x-men? We already have the inhumans.

What? It is practically printing money.


Not Disney but…

After the Infinity War i expect a MCU collapse.

Shit thread and shit op

Negotiations fell through by the time people were reporting it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they start up again. Disney wants to take on Netflix and as a sizeable backlog to do it, but owning Fox would give them more to offer as well a full strangle hold over the original Star Wars and the missing Marvel pieces.

But I suspect they'll buy out Sony's entertainment branch first. Sony's movie side clearly has no fucking idea what they're doing.

I hear mediocre, or crap when its appropriate to be crap (As in between movies), is there any more of a sign of longterm degradation or is it just wishful thinking?

I hate Disney and nu-Star Wars as much as anyone, but lets be realistic here. The quality has long degenerated, but these things are not going to die this soon. The movies still make a billion dollars in the West alone (which seems to be the only market that gives a shit about Star Wars, since every movie released so far flopped in China - and they are going to try really hard by pushing a female chink on nigger romance in the second movie). Reddit may pretend like its at war with Electronic Arts over Battlefront II, but at the end of the day, they will still buy their shitty game because the concept of voting with their wallet is alien to them and they are compelled to buy it because its Star Wars and "muh poor devs need money". This applies for the MCU in general - as far as movies go, you can put a completely blank movie where nothing happens with a Marvel logo and audiences will go see it multiple times, give 10/10s and laugh all the way through.

The first guy that reported on this was a Youtuber named World Class Bullshitters, who visited several local stores where he saw Star Wars merchandise rotting on the shelves. While I really wanted to believe he is being true, it seemed like he carefully selected his sources to paint a general opinion for the entire picture.

It was a completely unnecessary prequel/side story which featured none of the series popular main characters, no big name actors, and had an ending which was already set in stone before seeing it and yet it still grossed over a billion dollars. I'd say that's pretty fucking good all things considered.

Don't forget that there are still probably a ton of extra marketing costs and shit that we don't even know about, Star Wars flopping in China means it's missing a huge market, and they spent a metric assload of cash trying to promote it over there. Problem is, the Chinks don't like niggers or women.

So that's probably actually a massive blow. That being said, yes, they still make a billion dollars, but you notice how the hype for the second film is nowhere near what people had for the return with the first film. Fans are pissed that they're shittily made rehashes of the OT with a garbage Mary Sue, to say nothing of the complete destruction of the EU. Even normalfags have kind of realized how similar the two trilogies are turning out to be, they'll see eight and nine out of obligation, but I don't think the spinoffs are going to gain much traction.

Rather than the next fifty years, I think the Star Wars bubble is going to pop in the next ten.

More people should ask what Disney should sell next, since they actually do more of that. To this day I’m shocked they haven’t sold Eisner’s last fuckup by now.

This, and maybe ea.

It is hard to judge with properties that are on the scale of Star Wars. We have no real idea how much money is sunk into these movies in terms of promotion and merchandising. Even if the box office seem alright, that is alone is not enough. Disney wanted another Mickey Mouse like property that it could milk merchandise from for 100 years.

Piss off with your clickbait.

Probably Hasbro or Mattel, as it would give Disney a foothold in the toy market. I remember there was speculation they would go for LEGO but that would limit them to only brick based construction toys while the other two have more toy line variation while still producing action figures.

They said while ago they aren’t interested, and why would if they hated the idea of Hasbro buying DreamWorks

The rest of the Jim Henson Co. would be obvious if Muppets didn’t often appear on the chopping block

In the best timeline Zangara was successful, but we're not too far diverged from it.

Retail drone can confirm.
Girls don't buy action figures, and so much shit has been recycled from the old movies that it created a redundancy for collectors.

I sincerely hope Disney buys up every piece of entertainment media in America and fucking ruins it all.

They already did that with Harvey Weinstein's old company

If you (American) anons really want to fuck over Disney, pay attention to the elections next year.

Every time Steamboat Willie gets close to hitting public domain, Disney fights tooth and nail to extend copyright. Steamboat Willie's copyright will end in 2024. This means every senator elected next year will be voting on Disney's next attempt, and many representatives will as well.

You need to get candidates, especially in the primary, to publicly oppose extending copyright. It's not currently a political issue and doesn't matter if you're doomed to be "represented" by outright communists or whatever, you have a reasonable chance of success. Even better is to get debates to ask this question.

SWTOR was before the disney buyout though

Even better.

I dont get how you thought that it was like way before the buyout even happened on top of it

I kinda wish they'd buy Capcom.


Eeeewwww why?

animu is next, its only a matter of time

LOTR. Chris Tolkein stepped down from the estate and his spawn are corrupted by Hollywood already.

I'd allow it, but only if Kamiya got the rights to Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter became its own studio, and MegaMan was given a proper funeral.


Harry Pottery?
Potterfags and Disneyfags seem to overlap

Doesn't Time Warner own the rights for that?


Hey Holla Forums


Since the Movie is out I'd say Star Wars is kill.

Disney would buy Nintendo if they could.

I can see Disney trying to steal Harry Potter from Warner Bros. if the new HP films bomb horribly. Fantastic Beasts was already mediocre shit.

ITT delusional fucks who thing Disney isn't making a shitton of money right now.

…and yes, I stand by thing.

they will buy Ankama and make "Wakfuland"
Who owns Garfield by now?

Jim Davis

Also the Last Jedi is outright flopping domestically.

Hey there shill. How's the laughable reviews for The Last Tumblrina?

I see everyone saying this shit, but I say it's a fucking lie. Your whining makes the audience more curious. I've barely been in a more crowded cinema that even cheered.

I wonder how quick would Disney shut down lasange cat and other parodies, if Jimmy boy sell Garfield to them?