Rachel Maddow, looking like the mentally ill liberal she is, revealed information from documents leaked by a member of the Trump administration.


Yet there is no muslim ban
Trump simply extended the pre-existing bill to penalise all the Middle Eastern nations opposed to isreal
Which is why Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrai aren;t touched despite the fact isreali/American trained jewhadists are mainly from these countries nor does it include China because obviously that would fuck their economy

Ya know fellas, I think Maddow might be onto something for once.

Country of citizenship isn't a great indicator and a temporary ban isn't a great solution because these people are radicalized years after coming here.

The only option therefore is to remove kebab. Thanks Rachel!

So the ban isn't bullpucky.These terrorists to be just aren't fit to be here in the first place.

I agree. Sending muslims back to their homelands has the added benefit of saving them from being subjected to all our racism. The DHS has long identified right-wing extremists as a primary terror threat. The safest place for muslims is in their own countries.

Don’t care. Kill the dyke.

isnt leaking this shit a violation of some kind?

So we should just let them all in, then in a couple years they get so pissed of they start bombing and shooting? Obviously a ban wouldn't solve anything! :^)

Seriously, is her syphilis finally starting to rot her brain or something?

Dude they don't commit acts of terror day 1 so it is ok to bring them into the country.

This is what happens when a lesbian/feminist/leftist tries to argue; purely strawman. None of this makes sense, fake news in it's purest form.

meme this w/ferocity.

"I crave Muslim semen and must have it! Damn you, Trump! This is bullpucky!"
- Rachel Maddow

Also, Trump talked about "extreme vetting" which might as well include psychological profiling to determine who will be a threat.

"the ban won't work because the muslims aren't radical until after they get here"

I guess this is a decent argument against the 'extreme vetting' idea. It's actually a really strong argument for just maing the ban entirely permanent because it indicates there will be no effective way to root out potential terrorist or terrorist supporters/organizers

ok, so they become radicalised within the US

but it is still immigrants from muslim countries

so logically, not letting them in will eliminate this risk

what is her point?

What the fuck is this shit-for-brains mentality?

Choke on a bag of dicks learningkike.

There is no safe way of vetting tbqh. You can't really tell who will become a terrorist.
Banning the whole lot is the only option.

Stay mad you rug munching caliphate encouraging cunt.

There's a logic failure; the implication is that their becoming terrorists instead of doctors and neurosurgeons is because they get to America, and then America is racist, and that makes them mad, so they aloha snackbar and shoot up restaurants and government offices because of Ypipo.

Like J.K. Rowling on steroids.


Why the fuck should I waste my time discussing fake news "leaks"?

Why the fuck would you click on the thread if you don´t want to do so?


Looking forward to her eventual suicide. Hopefully it's on-air.




You mean the moderator?

If banning just seven muslims countries doesn't work then I guess we'll have to ban all non-whites from entry.

There are a few good indicators, though.
Of course, that is specifically for "terrorism", not for other violence which would need to include niggers and spics, or undermining white jobs, which includes poos in the loo, chinks, gooks, etc

It's a robust system for vetting.

Huh no Rach poster in this thread. I guess someone has a life.

that's some real meta rachposting you got there

This guy never changes his clothes

This is actually sound logic, only a leftist could not see this.

The cunt can't refute it of course, but then she uses sophistry to sidestep this simple logic.

Because the thread is worthless and bullshit and I came in here to tell you just that.

Maddow, like Justin, isn't actually a homo. She's in deep DEEP cover, mapping out the ZOG for us.

For now, yes, she is for all intents and purposes, shea jewess through-and-through. She plays her role that well. In only a few years however, she will unload everything she has heard, seen, learned, to us.

In exchange for giving them one or two soldiers, we get unlimited info.

What? She even says that the DHS gave it to her willing.

WebM because OP is always a fag.

You even came back to underline your statement. You must be bored. Fuck off to


God damn it, the site keeps posting but without my uploaded WebM. It's also been slow as shit all day.



There's an important distinction between "radicalizing several years after entering" and "keeping a low profile for a few years before opening a snack bar". We've certainly seen them organize sleeper cells like this in the past. If they executed an attack a few days after getting off the plane, there would obviously be a backlash that would make it more difficult for them to get their people into the United States. Additionally, more time in the US before launching the attack grants them an opportunity to recruit locally, increasing their potency beyond a single attack. This really strengthens the argument that we need to halt immigration and restructure the vetting system because we need to be able to identify potential sleeper agents before they get into the country. As it stands, it doesn't seem like we can tell the difference between someone who really is radicalized later and someone who just went dark for a few years.

The ban won't stop attacks from existing sleeper cells already in the United States, but it will prevent new ones from forming.

Wow. What a zinger. I bet she worked all weekend on that one. How will Trump ever recover?

It's actually the compassionate thing to send them back, because then they don't have to live in a white supremacist country. We're protecting them from us.

It's only a 90 day ban. It is intended to give time to the Trump administration to evaluate the potential threats coming from those countries.

hope rachel can fly when they throw her off a building

If they get radicalized here and we can't stop this, doesn't that make a good reason to let not a single one of in.


Nobody trusts them.

That is quite simply retarded, and if a DHS agent suggested such, they are, in turn, retarded - what kind of retard would suggest, say, a Syrian origin does not elevate probability or terrorist activity relative to, oh, I don't know, a Swiss origin?

So then why would we let them in in the first place?
"Oh, its the children of these immigrants who become radicalized upon upbringing in the US!…. Therefore we should just let more of them in!"

Nobody trusts you either, bimbo.

Does anyone actually buy that MSNBC is getting leaks at this point, when such leaks would almost-undoubtedly mean serious consequences for anyone involved who got caught doing it?
I sure as fuck don't.


I always wanted to plow her like a dirty whore.

That drawing is too generous. She doesn't have cans near as large as that.

We need to do more to meme this. Budd Dwyer 2.0.

Jesus, the media is stupid. Either the person who leaked that doc is a complete fucking idiot or Trump told them to leak it so the media would report on it.
They ACTUALLY BELIEVE this is a good thing for them. They ACTUALLY THINK they stumped Trump with this one.
A leak that shows that sandniggers can't be vetted. It proves we have no choice but to have an actual muslim ban. Trump is playing 1488D chess, folks.

She really does. She tapes them down because she's full-on bull dyke.

Pick one.