Whats the state of the left in your country, parliamentary or otherwise...

Whats the state of the left in your country, parliamentary or otherwise? in america its kind of dead aside from the socdems

Jezza polls terribly unfortunately, I love him but he'll never be able to win a general election due to his position on nukes and foreign policy alone, at least we've got a socialist to stick it to the tories I suppose

The Left is pretty much dead in Belgium.

The Workers Party of Belgium, a former hardline Stalinist-Maoist party who recently turned to Eurocommunism, hardly has any seats in the Senate and Parliaments.

The only other parties that could be considered socialist are tiny and obscure at best, like the Socialist Party for Struggle (Trotskyist) or the Communist Party (Orthodox Marxist).

Most of the people who were teens or adults in mid-'80s Belgium were shook by the spectacular bank bombings committed by the Marxist-Leninist clandestine group called Communist Combatant Cells; that's what "Communism" means to most of those people.

lol I guarantee you nobody actually gives a shit about this

I live in a very conservative part of the country so it's very difficult to tell. Seems like 99% dumb libruls though.

I'm in Israel and it's terrible here honestly. I'm pretty happy with my own organization (CWI Israel/Palestine section) but it's only like 50 people strong. Most of the "left" here is either CP bureaucrats who fell asleep in the 80's and never woke up, activists and groups who are way too much into idpol, a few independent semi-woke activists who have some anti-capitalist tendencies (but are also kinda kooky and prone to believing in conspiracy theories, and worse than that are very easy to manipulate by right-wingers who claim to be 'anti-establishment'), and "left" zionists who have their own big parties but are just socdems with nationalist-tendencies who are very much a part of the establishment (and have been for like 70 years). Not all of those groups are that bad though, in the recent election for example one of those idpol groups (of LGBT activists) joined with a group of public-housing residents against one of the major right-wing religious parties and heckled basically every election event they held until they couldn't hold events any more. And also not long ago the CP launched a front called "standing together" which tries to unite Jews and Arabs in a struggle against the occupation and the current government, and they recently also joined with one of the smaller unions to launch a campaign to demand significantly increased pensions and that looks like it might be a good campaign (they aren't perfect, btw, they're kinda undemocratic and also have this weird tendency to not mention they're from the CP as if they're ashamed of it).

The frustrating thing is that most Israeli Jews are very left-wing economically but are very easily cucked by Zionist nationalism. There's been a poll that says there's like 70% support for nationalization of natural resources, increased minimum wage, massive public investments in healthcare, public housing, education, with a lot of hatred for the 'tycoons' (which is the common word used here to refer to porky). But the moment there's any shred of class-based struggle popping up the government will always bomb Gaza and go "look, we're in war now, we all have to be united behind the government!" and it always works. It's frustrating. There's been another poll which says that 80% of Israelis supported the previous war on Gaza while around 70% also though the war wouldn't help anything or anyone. So at least 50% of the Israeli public supported the war while knowing there was no good reason to start it. That's how classcucked people are here which is why it's so hard to do any kind of left-wing work sometimes.

Deader than dead in France. The socialist party went full SJW while embracing orthodox economics. Its own think-tank, Terra-Nova, has openly stated the party must give up the working class, which it considers lost to the far-right anyway, and focus instead on sexual and ethnic minorities. Our Green party is full of opportunists one of which famously rides a heavily polluting sport-car and had tens of thousands of fines for going above the speed limit. Then we have a few irrelevant trotskyist parties.


going strong in palestine

class traitors

class traitors everywhere

i'm so sorry

thanks to shit like isis the secular left are winning more and more support in palestine.

what did he mean by this

The scepter of neoliberalism is strong here, and whatever semblance of opposition here does have potential to be socdem but it will be decades before they can even run the show

Maybe if the media stops shitting on him 24/7 he has a chance

Instead, most people look at him and think "I don't want this spineless tramp representing my country on the world stage"

Burgerland. Getting slightly better, but is definitely not catching up to Idpol and far-right movements. The left is still dead and unless something really fucking big happens, we're still screwed.

Canada. Our Prime Minister is literally the world vanguard of pure idpol. The national left party (New Democrats) was pretty good for four years and hit historic highs in terms of popularity and influence, but triangulates too hard in the national election and got fucked hard by vapid liberal teens/centre-leftists/strategic voters that bailed to the Liberals once the NewDems started to slide. Still, on the plus side Trudeau can last eoght years max, our Conservatives are going even more into unelectable territory than ever before, Greens are a joke, the Quebec nationalists are dead, and there's some hope.

On the downside, like 33% of our NewDems are also vapid teen idpol-loving environmental activists. 33% are unemployed auto workers from Southern Ontario, and the other 33% are unironic Trotskyite entryists trying to replicate an 80s party faction called (shit you not) the Waffle.

Commie party is worth maybe half a laugh at most. Maybe. They last won a sest in the 1930s.

Yeah but you gotta mire dem triceps tho

Why don't you just move somewhere else? It's a sinking ship dude.

We can only hope enough disenfranchised B████fags come to realize the whole system is shit.

canada has not been attacked by isis once.

whatever gay ass "if we don't love our enemy they win" idpol feminist garbage he is pushing is working on some level

Australia has no left.

You have a Labor party that is more right wing than the Tories in the UK, and a Tory party (The LNP) who and I shit you not, were called too right wing, by Farage.

Greens never rise more than 10% in the polls and they are currently purging their left and left tent pole policies so they can appeal to the "moderate middle".

Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative literally have like 200 members between the both of them. Also both are Trotskyite LARP organizations.

ALP isn't more right wing than Tories m8. Though they are pretty right wing.

At least based Lee Rhiannon is still here, Cory Bernardi got an aneurysm after he learned she was part of the Communist Party.

The closest thing we have to a "left" is fucking nationalist populists with some protectionist policies. One Nation is what happens when Labor abandons the working class and there is no coherent Left to speak to them.

The Greens have been sliding rightward since Bob Brown left and went off the cliff when Di Natale took over. I can't stand that smarmy cunt.

It's not that easy. I don't really have the money and I still need to find a way to get out of military duty (because it's mandatory conscription here and there are ways to get out but it will take time). Besides, where would I go? I've been here all my life and it's not like things are that much better anywhere else.

This. Pauline doesn't realise how much power she could have if she stopped being a National Front-tier meme. But then again. Straya is heading further towards that loon race-hate wing of politics.

slackbastard anyone?

I've read that Canada as a whole has a low income inequality relative to the world, but cities like Vancouver and Toronto have inequality reaching Hong Kong/Singapore levels.

New Zealand

Non existant, basically the Labour Party and the National Party (Conservatives) are the same neo-liberals with a different branding.

I feel you belgbro
If only our Pirate Party wasn't such utter garbage

What? We have a Pirate Party? I didn't even know.

I think they're only active in flanders for now

diddly doodly socialerino

venezuela here

we have "chavez dick suckers" "socialdemocracy" and "social liberalism"

liberal detected

Si no has vivido aquí durante Chávez tu opinion no vale un coño.

larpers pls leave