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dubs confirms.
"a future in which the wealth we all create is shared equally" HE IS REVEALING HIS POWER LEVEL
Not even getting their shitflinging right they're so rustled.
Once we've left the EU and fixed our social safety net, we'll be gassing all the kikes! Eh comrade?
lol k
Back to 4cucks
I loaded up some articles and grabbed some comments from people, UKIP papers are still hostile, DM has closed comments - in recent years every now and then the readership rebel and they could have expected getting a slating trying to character assassinate Jez so much. Telegraph never accept comments anymore due to the amount of reader mutinies that happen.
Even Nigel agrees with the choice!
What the fuck is UKIP going to do now that Britroaches have left the EU?
I have no idea tbh. Kinda of a meme-one policy prarty.
keep talking about brexit for a while…
And nobody will vote for this leftist extremist old fart when there's millions of niggers, currymunchers and sandnogs in the country destroying it from within.
sorry forgot to put on my shitposting flag
lel @ pic
We have not left the EU. Once we do, they will complain about exactly how we left the EU.
Imagine it was Corbyn vs. Eagle.
The results would be like 95 - 5.
What a coup! They could only win by bullying and harassing him out of the office.
Can this meme end, Scotland's not going to become independent over Brexit, 1/3rd of SNP supporters are Pro Brexit, it's not happening.
Yes they are.
Good chat.
How the fuck can you seriously believe all this "brexit will destroy the whole planet!!! also, you're racist!!!" is not neoliberal and technocratic propaganda?
Is the Owen group now tied hand and foot to the Momentum camp?
it didn't work the first time, why should it now?
Being the true™ Conservatives
What are you talking about? Are you afraid of answering your own question by asking it properly?
I'm not the guy you said "Good chat" to.
Scotland already voted once and they voted no to independence. Why should they vote to leave the Kingdom this time around?
topkek m8
Nice get m8
Because when they voted to stay by a small margin we guaranteed their eurogoodies would be protected.
One of the cringiest things to watch Brexit do was to shout about democracy and self determination on leave day and then throw their toys out the pram the moment Scots started talking about a second indy ref, within 12 hours. Literally allcapsing NO U HAD UR VOTE IF U DONT LIKE IT THEN TOUGH!! - Brexit had so many awful cunts involved with it.
scotland relies hardcore on EU shekels. when you compare the amount of government spending scotland receives compared to the rest of the UK when it's miniscule population is considered, it becomes apparent just how absurd the amount of money scotland gets really is.
now that the UK has left the EU, there's even less shekels to go around, so likely the westminster government will start pulling back spending on scotland in favour of the more impoverished areas of england and wales that actually need it
this will piss off the scots
not only that, but while england and wales voted to leave the EU, the scots voted in with a sizeable majority, but they're being dragged out with the rest of the UK anyway
they're already pissed about that
This hasn't been true for Wales or Scotland. Both were on the receiving end of generous investment schemes.
Jeremy Corbyn is destroying the labour party, says increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year
Feels good, we'll put you up against the wall first, commie scum =)
b-be gentle :3c
Keep telling that to yourself naziboi
Expected a larger mandate tbh. But still … PURGE
Triggered my autism
can i fuck your mouth ok thx
Only if you call me a dirty commie
Blairites are butthurt because the IRA guy likes Corbyn.
Maybe there IS an 'Old Left' in Britian. bretty gud
Mainstream politics = neoliberalism
Stop all this oppositionism. That's not what the opposition party is for.
Fuckin' good. Leftists do unite, it just takes proper leftism and none of this liberal shit.
Look at the reaction, it's hilarious. Somebody ask those morons how many people the IRA killed and how many people the Iraqi war killed.
I hope these people grow up to regret it and become lefties in their mid-to-late 20's or early 30's like me and every other conservative I befriended in high school did.
A man can dream.
dont you know,
If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain.
My parents were conservative, so I went full ancap. I quoted Adam Smith, and brawled with communists in the corridors.
Fuck Theresa May.
Quality post comrade.
This is only the beginning.
If this guy wins i'm moving to britbongstan
Independence is far less likely following the Brexit vote. Scotland would have to leave the UK before applying to join the EU, meaning it would have to spend a period of time completely isolated, and it would have to accept whatever terms the EU wants to impose, including Euro membership. They would have to set up a hard border and trade barriers with England, with which Scotland does the great majority of its trade. And that's not mentioning the recent collapse of Scotland's oil revenues from £1.8bn to £60m per year, and Scotland's gigantic budget deficit (10% of its GDP), which is currently filled in with English money. The EU won't be so obliging. Plus, the SNP is starting to decline in popularity and it may lose control of the Scottish Parliament fairly soon - it has already lost its majority. Without that control it would be in no position to demand a referendum which Westminster is already dead set against.
The nationalists had their chance in 2014.
made a shilling thread
Well that worked about as well as expected. Americans don't believe government should fix "social problems",
because their porky masters don't want any resistance to neoliberalism.
That article is fake. Proof:
The Daily heil is a microcosm of porky mind control.
The spectacle, the bread and circuses, the reactionaryism.
Seriously, there aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with all these pseudo-celebrities and their antics.
When will that fucking scrotum of a man die?
Come on
You come on, buckaroo.
Who /seizing the memes of production/ here?
What if Corbyn ends up being a disaster like Hollande of the "Socialist Party" and just increases immigration from Middle Eastern shit holes like all the previous Labour leaders? I may be a socialist but I am very much against Islamic fundamentalism and rapists.
How much of a "socialist" was Hollande in his campaign actually? I can't imagine he was at the level of Corbyn considering he doesn't really pretend to be a socialist at all.
this account is fucking gold
Seriously dropping the ball on this one jezza
if he did the mps would just leave and form a new party and then he's really fucked
you really think the leaving mps would be able to get the support?
u wot?
do you really not know how this works lad?
wew lads
I wish people would stop linking me to this meme video, it's not even accurate.
I guess not. Mind doing a little explaining?
They've been elected already. They can go off and start a new party or become independents any time they like.
What's their chances of getting reelected though? Slim to none?
no one really knows that tbh
Isn't trade union and local council support a good indicator though?
Corbyn is unelectable
trade unions put most of the electorate off as the media is very anti them
you need to be absolutely smashing the oppostion in local councils for it to translate to an advantage central government.
tl,dr; no.
So was Smith, at least we've got 4 years of an opposition leader who represents us this way.
The whole point of Smith was to have Corbyn's policies in a less autistic package
But that Orwell quote sounds more like the mainstream Left now than anything else
>Yes, the real enemy is racism, misognyny, homophobia, and xenophobia! We'll tackle economic inequality once we're done with those, honest
I wonder how many of those terms apply to Michael Deacon
Smith was (probably still is) a pharmaceutical lobbyist before becoming an MP. People like to bitch and moan about politicians behaving corruptly and getting rewarded for their corruption upon retirement from political office, but here in Smith we already know he's a corrupt piece of shit before he has the chance to wield any executive authority that being a leader would give him. He probably has already poisoned Labour policy with his undue influence.
If they wanted a Corbyn alternative, they should at least picked someone who hasn't openly participated in lobbying for big businesses.
The Labour Party is mostly funded by trade unions, all of whom backed Jeremy Corbyn and have so far condemned all of his challengers and critics in the Parliamentary Labour Party.
Those liberals can make their own party but they won't be getting any money from the trade unions that they've pissed off.
kill urself
I love this lefty immigration meme, when conservatives don't do shit except cook the books on stats.
Theresa May already cut funding to border control under Cameron's premiership, but let's blame those multicultural cosmopolitan Labour toffs and socialism instead of wondering why our major political parties BOTH encourage unskilled immigration from the 3rd world.
hard to tell, the swing effect after the brexit could work
It's funny that this excerpt is quote mining Orwell to make Corbyn look bad, whomever wrote that hobbled together different sections of The Road To Wigan Pier and disingenuously omitted the bit about middle-class career politicians in the Labour Party who have nothing but condescension or scorn for the working class and couldn't care less for the values of the party as they use it for a vehicle for self enrichment and feeding their socialite aspirations, which would remind you of other dubious characters.
memes aside, Corbyn needs to be the one holding the olive branch to keep the party going. Others can do the purging for him (His chancellor, Momentum, etc etc)
How would they go about "purging" exactly?
I think pushing hard for deselection? Corbyn just gonna be the good cop in the situation
Send them to the gulag. I think it's in Scotland somewhere.
speaking to some people from momentum they really seem hell bent on crashing this party with no survivors.
would be funny if it didn't mean britain becomes a one party state for the next five years then we end up with a ukip opposition and britain eventually becomes a racist insular shithole no one wants anything to do with.
still, at least there won't be any darkies eh?
J.K. Rowling retweeting morons and being sulky.
Nope. Remember, the UK hasn't left the EU yet.
In fact, your entire post is just incorrect.
Personally I think we're already there, although we'll always have our good friends the Saudis willing to buy our weapons.
Here are some gems from ABC (Australia)
Hollande is a fucking neoliberal
Oh, I agree completely. It's better to have a capitalist leader who kicks the darkies and mudslimes out than a socialist who might let any of those subhuman scum in. After all, the main goal of all socialist movements is to blindly do whatever will appeal to people's ill-informed beliefs about the world and look good on paper - not what will actually solve problems. Getting a reputation for completely failing to make things better by working within the confines of existing idpol ideology is much better than the hard work and risk of proving to people that idpol is bullshit and the real divisions in society are based on one's relationship to the means of production.
Turning every discussion into one of race is definitely the best strategy for unifying the working class.
Uh oh, sounds like someone's going to get their muh privilege checked
Ah yes because Tony fucking Blair won elections, New Labour should be applauded. Ignore Iraq and how they started NHS privatisation, they were somehow socialist. Rowling needs to be shot.
would it have been better if they didn't win elections?
It would have been the exact same since they're all neoliberals. Blairites are just tories who like the color red.
Would have been better if they werent neo-liberals
I love how literally everything New Labourites post is such obvious projection.
If the Scots are going to leave before then, they're going to have to act very quickly. No sign of that so far, and no sign of Westminster going along with it. Theresa May knows that if she denies Scotland a referendum for a year or two, they'll be out of the EU and forced to negotiate a way back in.
Kek, prove it then. Looks like you attacked my weakest point and had to concede the rest.
no it wouldn't have been exactly the same, you can look back at election manifestos if you like
This made me lol, they're always getting deleted.
So just to clear things up. Is Corbyn a socialist?
Nazis claimed to be National-Socialist. Even AnCap claim to be Socialist Left.
This post made me realise that capitalists have been working towards flipping the axis of the traditional political compass everyone has internalised to having social issues as the x axis rather than economic ones.
ok then. Well is Corbyn left/pol/'s type of socialist? I just want a screencap now for when he fucks up and this place is plastered with threads calling him a dirty reformist, a neo-liberal or NTS.
I'd say he's socdem at best, but that would be still an improvement over neoliberalism central that is New Labour. Maybe he could open the possibility of furthest Left tendencies within the party?
he is an actual social-democrat, not a centrist
so pretty good
There is no united Holla Forums Socialism.
My personal official position? Okay.
I'm ML and don't expect much from bourgeois elections. They are there to distract people from real problems and offer them fake solutions. Solution that include Reformist SocDems like Corbyn (or Sаndеrs): his position may seem Left when contrasted with the rest of the crowd (those being Right or Far-Right), but its barely Centrist.
This means, that if you have nothing better to do (like voting for more radical left or studying - watching youtube is not "studying"), go and support him. Don't expect much, though. He is part of the system, after all. You are making Left presence noticeable to the public and emboldening existing Left (both are good), not actually changing anything. That comes later.
He is a Reformist. That's what SocDem are by definition: they promise reforms from the top. And Marxists force reforms from the top - which is why bottom-up Anarchists call them (us) Reformist too.
Good enough if he forces people to understand the Labour is no different from Tories and form proper (ML, or even Vanguard) party.
He's a Democratic Socialist, he's a member of a few cooperatives but still believes the way forward for Britain is to nationalise strategic industries and those industries deemed to be natural monopolies. He speaks as though he doesn't expect any future neoliberal to run said national assets into the ground and then privatize them. But he's better than Ed Milliband the last Labour Leader or any of the New Labour neoliberal contenders.
Corbyn is an outright Socialist, Marxist imo.
He just realizes, that playing the game liberal democracy, you can't just come out as Marxist or openly far left, for obvious reasons. It's better then, to start to implement reforms, that result in more worker ownership etc.
The way Corbyn is also transforming the Labour party, shows that he is a Socialist. He is giving the grassroots more and more power, he's trying to get people actually involved with direct democracy and other processes.
I've often thought of running as an independent and for the past decade actually thought out quite a few major reforms, I would carry out, to help raise class consciousness and let workers "taste" Socialism.
Jeremy Corbyns policy announcements, have largely been the same, as policies I thought up.
Holla Forums supports candidates like S█████ and Corbyn like Holla Forums supports Trump and Farage
They're not nearly as radical as either board would like, but they're the best option in the mainstream.
Holy fuck the Reddit Labour board and UKpolitics is salty at the moment.
Right Liberals got BTFO'ed.
Considering the years of watered down "social democracy" - whatever that means - I'd probably refer to S█████ and Corbyn as democratic socialists - again, whatever the fuck that means
he has some market socialist policies so I support him, but he's a very poor politician and bad at thinking strategically
WikiLeaks offers award for #LabourLeaks
Wikileaks offers £20,000 reward for #LabourLeaks with information on how the Labour Party’s top officials have attempted to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming and staying on as leader.