Debunk this gayness "Trauma From Slavery Can Actually Be Passed Down Through Your Genes"

Claim: You can get PTSD from your ancestors

Last night, as social media sites were filled with status updates and tweets regarding the Warriors’ heroic game-seven win and Bernie Sanders’ massive rally in Oakland, California, it became almost impossible to miss the many comments about Roots, the legendary 1977 miniseries based off of the Alex Haley book, which was remade and broadcast on the History Channel. Aside from the commentary that comprised the live-tweets, one of the more common statements many people were delivering online was how they weren't going to watch Roots because they wanted to go to work in peace the next day.

On face value, it's easy for a non-black person to wonder why African Americans, over a century removed from slavery, can still harbor such strong feelings just from watching a TV show. And, to be fair, I think we even wonder that about ourselves sometimes. It's a question that has been tackled by some of our greatest and most eloquent writers, but apparently it’s also addressed by a component of our society that many of us never expected: science.

Dr. Rachel Yehuda, professor of psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, has conducted a depth of research into epigenetics and the intergenerational transmission of trauma. In layman's terms, she is researching how serious incidents of trauma (i.e. slavery, holocaust, etc.) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be passed down through generations in shared family genes. Her research has revealed that when people experience trauma, it changes their genes in a very specific and noticeable way, so when those people have children and their genes are passed down to their children, the children also inherit the genes affected by trauma.

Yehuda, who was born in Israel and lived in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, first tested her theory out in a small control group of her neighbors who had survived the Holocaust. What she found is that the Holocaust survivors had a similar hormonal profile to Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD. Our brains have a region called the amygdala, which performs the primary roles of processing memory, emotional reactions, and even threat detection. PTSD causes the amygdala to kick into overdrive. It wasn't until years later, after meeting with the child of a Holocaust survivor, that she decided to test if these traits were passed down through generations, and her study confirmed what she thought.

Sociologist Dr. Joy DeGruy played off the widely accepted term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to create the phrase Post Traumatic Slave Disorder to address the specific trauma suffered by descendants of black slaves. If the holocaust caused immense emotional, physical, and psychological effects intense enough to cause trauma to survivors, then the abject horrors and brutality suffered by slaves is more than likely to have the same effects on black slavery descendants worldwide. Dr. DeGruy's definition of PTSD falls in line with all the horrific circumstances that can arise out of being subject to extreme anguish and distress.

As with any research, there’s still a lot that is unknown that will have to be proved with further study. But, if there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that mental health is a topic that should only continue to be talked about, especially in communities where therapy and mental disease are stigmatized and seen as a weakness.

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Literally all peoples had trauma. What fucking nonsense. Just like 3rd generation holohoax descendants claiming their still traumatized .
What a suprise

There's nothing to debunk, i won't even read such bullshit.
Genes pass information, yes they pass a tred of your ancestors to make you follow such trend more efficiently.
But what we read in this article goes beyond the bounds of sanity and common sense.

sage because i don't find this article worth a thread

"since those people are broken beyond repair and so will all their bloodline, better exterminate euthanizethem as to not make their descendents suffer the same way they did"

Anyway the whole argument is a load of bullshit, this case is an actual case of nature vs nurture. Parents implant in their children's brain what they got implanted as toddler by their own failures of parents which had it implanted as infants by their own parents, etc. Fuck em all, remove those fucking whiners and parasites from the gene pool. Every single person had ancestors who were treated like shit at some point or another in history.

Really makes me think.

Holla Forums needs to step up its collective game and see if we can't make someone's great-grandkids have panic attacks every time they see a frog.

Of course it is.


And I've been traumatized ever since. I expect those reparations to start coming in from Israel and Turkey any day now.

BRB asking Italians for gibs for the Roman conquest of Western Europe and Swedes for the viking raids.

Damn Castro better be paying gibs for the way Anglos treated my people. The importation of rapefugees to assimilate us is just like a second seven years war.

According to Haley's fictional & plagiarized book, his great-great-great-great-grandfather was kidnapped and sold into slavery by non-Jewish whites.

My great-great-great-grandfather for real was beaten to death by one of his nigger sharecroppers.

I think the Jews owe both of us apologies.

Jews owe every Europeans 6 trillions shekels (counted for inflation) for bringing Rome to its ruins from the inside.

Literally 100% of the time. One-hundred-fucking-percent – Holla Forums is literally always right.

Then every race would be traumatized.

The Jews said the same thing about the holohoax to get more money from Germany.

Those English owe me reparation for the way they treated the Scottish ancestors on my father's side. The rest of Europe owes me reparations for how they treated my Polish ancestors on my mother's side.
Pay up fags.

No user, don't you understand? Only niggers and kikes have suffered in this world. Everyone else has been living a fantasy life of joy and wonder.

It's a fantasy alright.

Oh and not to mention the Arabs owing me reparations for slave raids and the Turks for the Siege of Vienna.

Psychology studies are intrinsically self-debunking. Two thirds of psychological studies are not reproducible which basically means that if a psychological study says one thing it's more likely to be false than true.


Must be tragic remembering what a good work ethic was like.

Dear lord. Being a man doesn't mean shit anymore, just whining like a bitch like niggers or kikes do.

Psychology is shit.

Shut up and give me reparations, torfag.

This meme has got to go. The average slave was sold once in a lifetime, and the beatings were, if anything, way less severe than what a 19th-century British sailor got for sleeping on watch. They had to work six days a week, and I can see how that would be traumatic for a nigger, but in the same period Scottish boys went to work in the "dark satanic mills" at age seven.

Was it traumatic to be owned by another man? To us today, sure. To a person born into slavery, in a world where that was just normal, and surrounded all his life by other slaves? I seriously doubt it crossed their minds that often.

Did they wear old, poor-quality clothes and suffer from hookworm? You bet – almost as bad as the poor whites of the day. The average slave's life expectancy was about 40 years, which sounds bad, until you realize that the whole world's life expectancy in 1900 was only 44.5.

Slaves' movement was restricted. Most weren't allowed to leave without a pass or some other supervision. These rules may have pinched, but it wasn't done for no reason. Just imagine working as the overseer of a place with 50 slaves. Now imagine how much work would get done if you didn't have a method for making the niggers come home by daybreak and not just loll around at their girlfriend's cabin all fucking day. Anybody who has experience depending on niggers to be where they say they'll be on time knows exactly why the planters made them sign in and out.

Shit, some slaves even got paid for their work – including field hands. There are records of slaves in the 18th century suing their masters for better accommodations and food rations!

Short version: Slavery would really suck for a modern free man to endure, but it was normal to the point of boring for the slaves, and the "bad" parts were mostly a result of innocent dindus getting caught breaking some fucking rule for the fiftieth time.

Post-traumatic slave syndrome. Fuck that kike shit.

as a biofag, epigenetics is a real thing and environmental stressors (starvation, cold, etc) can influence gene methylation patterns in ways that are heritable.

The claim that this can result from emotional stress is a bit questionable, but may not be 100% wrong.
The claim that this would last for several hundred years is absurd.

Checked. It's shekel time.

That's just good property protection. Who would let their horse just run about town?

So once a slave always a slave? So that implies niggers can never be trained for civilization, we better send them all back to Africa then or eliminate them?

We got the absolute worst of the niggers from Africa since they were captured and turned over by their own kind.

This is your mind on controlled opposition.

so trauma can be passed on genetically, but not IQ? lol

And who started bringing them? Jews.

Look what it did to this brave soul after receiving traumatic shitposts.

Shitposting-induced trauma is real folks.

Up is down, down is up, right is left and left is right. The air is made of grass and dirt while the soil is made of Oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor and trace gases. Welcome to newspeak courtesy of Judaism.

top fucking kek

Slavery wasn't even that bad for niggers. The trauma whites have experienced from all the rape, murder and violence from being around niggers for 400 years is much worse.

reminder that psychology and sociology are pseudo-science.

I feel even pseudoscience isn't derisive enough for sociology. They barely even pretend to be empirical.

This. If this were true, most of Europe, China, and Africa would have 24/7 PTSD given the on-and-off wars and organized violence for the last few thousand years.

But oh no, muh chosen and muh slavery.

Got to love that John Conner pic. Most under rated Disney movie in existence. Stranger in a strange land is a genre we need more of in this day and age.

I still can't get over how ugly that bitch is.


Oy vey

quads of empirical truth.

Oh, shit, I guess I'm broke as fuck now! Dem durned viking ancestors of mine raping and pillaging across the world!
Please, Schlomo! I'm a good goy, I swear!

Hahahaha, no.

I actually still have residual trauma from the bombing of dresden, give deutschmarks goymensch

Don't forget to demand reparations from Jews for forcing your great-great aunt into prostitution during Wiemar years.


Kikes turned you into a masturbation machine.


Go back a few hundred years and it's all the same shit: pain, starvation, disease and most people dying violent deaths. Niggers with slavery, kikes with the lolocaust - trying to monopolize suffering is so incredibly disgusting.

I've heard liberals and moderates say this is what eventually broke them.

I think the general idea may be right but I question if it is genetics. Shitty parents usually raise shitty children, regardless of genes.

If you're too stupid to raise a kid right, they'll end up fucked up. Then they'll raise fucked up kids and so on ad infinitum.

I'm not saying I agree, but there's an argument that residual effects from slavery are a problem without trying to engage a genetic argument.

Then again, epigenetics offers a lot of hope. The idea that I may be able to improve my gene stock by being healthy and non degenerate is a powerful motivator for me. My life may not be perfect, but if self improvement can be genetic as well, then I could help improve my people and humanity at large.

Either way nigs need to get over it. American blacks live better lives than blacks anywhere esle. Live better lives even than most people in Africa or Latin America or Asia in general. Truly they did get lucky from slavery as bad as that is to say. Then again, were I black I would not want to encourage grace and masochistic tendencies in my own people, so I understand the pushback.

Oy vey my ancestor was drowned in a flood because some asshole named Noah wouldn't share his boat where do I sign up for gibs?

Why do think areas where people eat healthy and live active lifestyles usually look more attractive? (like Norway, a majority eat a steady diet of whole wheat grains, fish, milk, etc. with a huge focus on skiing instilled during our childhood years)

i was in a genocide of over 600000000 sperm cells during my conception, giving me irreparable trauma

I've heard of this before (was about a year ago probably) and it sort of made sense to me when it was explained. It was one of those variables that's handed down in a "It's fucked up but there is some evolutionary advantage to it" way similar to Celts having the drinking gene which back in the day helped them in battles since it also is the gene which helped them have a lower fear response.

There's blood memory, and then there's just stupid lad

Plague victim coming through, slave plebs get the fuck out of the way.

Just say that more whites were enslaved by muslims than blacks were by whites, that THAT'S why whites are "islamaphobic", and that trying to force white victims to forgive their oppressors is hate-speech.

This. Everyone currently alive is descended from slaves, or other people who had even more traumatizing experiences. This is just more oppression Olympics again.

I probably explained it oddly since I'm sleepy. I just mean that the way it was explained when I heard of it, it was essentially just that some people who had severe traumas back in the day survived often because they were already the type to have certain mental capacities that facilitated it; they then bred and their offspring often had it, passed it down, etc.


nah, i mean your hypothesis makes sense, while muh slavery doesn't

besides, shouldn't celts be having PTSD from the time they were slaves of (((the anglo)))

i too, wish to return to 2011, friend

Or whatever chased them out of Iberia to start with.

must have been real bad, iberia is a damn comfy place to be in

I'm descended from Fred, Adam's and Eve's dad. He wasn't in the Bible because they and that faggot Jehovah covered up his murder. I wake up in night sweats all the time from my racial memories of being pelted with poisoned apples… I'm just gonna sue everybody I think.


i'm scarred or life, someone put up his middle finger to me
someone i don't
for a reason i don't know
my life is a living hell right now

The truth, whatever it turns out to be, is usually pretty important to me in any context, but I really want some people to get it in their heads that by getting into these "debates" with enemies you are automatically adopting a losing strategy: defense. Also, you are implicitly accepting their terms of battle which are that you should accept guilt dependent upon whether or not historically your side was the "bad guys". Don't get distracted by these petty attacks. Launch your own attacks. By all means though have the truth ready for anyone interested in coming to our side. Just don't believe that facts convert the person you debate with (perhaps the audience though) otherwise you waste your time. We exist outside their box of morality, so make it obvious.

I recommend instead that when you see:
Astonish them with responses like:

Never accept guilt. Do not forgive. Fight on your own terms. Embrace their portrayal of evil to shatter their claims of superior morality.

Try suing Yahweh, kikes do it all the time in the Talmud.

So that's why christcucks send them so many shekels!

You could pull off something from one of Bill Hicks' routine: Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever!

I can see it now. Assassins Creed: Abolition. Use the Animus to go back to Colonial America through your genetic memory.


Amen brother.

Did they ever win any money?

Considering they control damn near every central banks and Israel keeps getting billions USD a year, what do you think?

It's (((peer reviewed))). You can't debunk it, goy.

I think that claiming they won a religious lawsuit against their own deity against his will would be a sort of self-falsification of their religion but I'm sure some Jew could bullshit his way out of that conseqence.

Instead reframe it like every other liberal faggot.


Genetic memory is a valid concept, but slavery was a cakewalk compared to the holocaust.

9:40am Jerusalem standard time you're late to work you slacker fuck

Depends who owns you.

him was a good masta

Maybe the Slavs and Ukranians are traumatised from all the things that Jews did to them in the USSR and the Jews should give them reparations forever.

That's what I'm gonna take from this study.

The holocaust never happened though. Slavery did, at the hand of Arabs, Jews and other niggers. Whites hardly were harsh on their cotton pickers.

Once again the kikes are taking a legitimate biological phenomenon - Epigenetics - and twisting it to say something it doesn't.

Yes, it is possible for environmental impacts on immediate ancestors to have influenced the genetic development of an organism. However, after over a century and 6+ generations removal from the event, especially given the uncertainty of any negative effects resulting from slavery being "overwritten" by other epigenetic developments or just plain mutation, it's impossible to accurately attribute any negative traits or conditions to epigenetic effects inflicted upon ancestors by enslavement.

Im white, and my family became slaves in Holland 4 generations ago. Ask me anything!

Which Jew have you decided to sue for it?

As far as I am aware, the people who enslaved my family were white. They had the last name "Whitehead" or something like that. Reminded me of zits. But if I could sue a Jew, id consider it possibly but it would be beneath me.

Nice try, your nose is showing.

BUT GOY! I PLAYED BOTH SIDES! HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KNOW! Jokes aside im definitely not a Jew. My name is a job title, not a metal or bizarre name. (not bizarre to people in Germany, Holland and Minnesota anyway.

Fuckin' pure pseudoscience and mostly pushed by kikes with connections to pharmaceutical companies. I wonder why that is, surely it's another coincidence.

There is also the simple reason that slaves are property and sensible people treat their property well, they don't destroy their own means of production for no reason.

Don't do this, Holla Forums

Right wingers have facts based on their results, not bullshit stats from no where.

Yeah well my Grandfather went through all the major battles of WW2, do I get a medal?

No of course not, it didnt happen to me. Niggers entertaining this fantasy just give themselves an excuse to chimp out.

Doesn't this sort of justify hatred of Jews? The reason we hate them is because of their transgressions against our ancestors.

I guess the Jews owe me reparations then for the evils committed against my ancestors by the Jewish manipulated/controlled Roman Empire.

It would be interesting to take this (((theory))) and see how Hitler fits in with it…

Is this why scnandinavian people goes to thailand to get a wife? it must be that viking raiding blood controling them

Jews like to believe that everything they get is inherited. Truth is they receive and pass on their baggage, it is why they never forget, never forgive, why they all fear the same things, and why they all hate the same people. It would also primarily be a form of blame shifting, since they attribute every anti semitic everything to things in the past (dose doity nazis) to keep people from noticing that they are hated for the things they do to host nations in the current era (poisoning culture, encouraging social collapse, eroding or subverting politics.)

No, you cant ever disgust for (((them))) because of what they do or the way they behave, in their deranged minds the only logical reason you hate them is because you are a doity nazi anti semite goy bastid and they can't have you convincing other goy bastids that hate is justified or healthy.


getting asskicked so hard your grandkids feel the butthurt
sounds jewish


To wit:
>The niggers, injins and abbos have, literally, not yet invented the wheel and are still using stone tools.
>Colonists, at the expense of European taxpayers, slowly build up the infrastructure in these regions and educate the natives

The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

Next time not a single Jew will escape.


>and from the british for closing the shanghai international settlement and handing over the british hong kong colony

Is there more context to this? Does any body got a longer vid or an article?

its john carter and the series is called barsoom you pleb

Glad to see you're still here, Hong Kong bro.

cool. i guess italy now owes me reparations for the roman empire.
not sure how this works for the 3. reich and me since my mom is british and my dad is german but maybe i can get some tax cuts out of it.
(handrubbing intensifies)

Epigenetics brings two problems. The first is the removal of personal responsibility. Parents avoid responsibility for mistakes in rearing children, and children can blame 'genes' for their shitty existence.

The second major problem is a (mistaken) belief that the 'inherited PTSD' cannot be fixed. If it is caused by genes, well, then I'm fucked, so why try to do anything except whine about genetics and go on disability.

While I've seen mental health treatment help some people, I've also seen it aggravate problems. Exercise, regular sleep, religion, and sometimes psychotherapy can go a long way in relieving anxiety. Failing to accept responsibility and not believing in the possibility of a better tomorrow leads to destruction of the soul.

Why the ban? This is exactly the "use their own logic against them" argument you could try. If this is an excuse for black failure (and I've seen it used that way before), ask how Jews are so successful when the Holocaust was worse and more recent than slavery. Who is going to have a coherent argument against that?

Wasn't it part of all the rioting on South Africa college campuses? I think this was in Cape Town about a year, year and a half ago.


As someone who suffered through real, actual PTSD for almost half a decade with no fucking help from anyone, this kind of shit makes me angrier than anything, even miscegenation doesn't inspire this kind of blood rage in me. I want to splash around in the blood of these "people". I've felt this way since Tumblr first started trying to make PTSD into something edgy and fun.

Shit like this, this is what makes me not want but NEED to kill someone. If you said this type of shit in front of me I would kill you with my bare hands.

Sorry for all the edge, but I've seen things up close that most anons will only ever have to experience from a gore poster, and let me tell you that there are things you can't communicate through images that haunt you for the rest of your life when you really experience them. I will never not know what it smells like in a house when there's been a recent and brutal, bloody killing. I will never not have auditory hallucinations of the screams for help from those I couldn't. If you think that anything less than that is PTSD, I will kill you.

Turks killed one of my very, very distant ancestors, and I have trauma because of this. Seeing kebab makes me feel insecure. I get flashbacks to the Crusades whenever there's crescent moon. I am only at peace when I carry Raid with me.

I demand Constantinople as reparation.

Well, it does fit in with the argument that the world wars were so horrific that Europeans lost the will to survive. I think there is some truth to it, plus kike brainwashing.