Trump’s FCC Privacy Rollback Puts Your Internet Data at Risk
The feds just axed a rule requiring ISPs to protect user data, in a victory for broadband giants.

Decent chance that this is a gross exaggeration.


Ya think? I'm just quoting the article



stop paying attention to vice you faglord

hello reddit

If you think the article is likely bullshit why spread it?

Oh no, this is surely a great loss

Fair point. I do believe there are some important talking points here regardless of my bias.

Well, we need to start using VPNs and Tor routinely then.

Use browser security add-ons like Random Agent Spoofer or Blender that obfuscates your browser's (and OS) metadata. Start using encryption. Be more careful how you use the internet and isolate your personal activities from your private activities by using two different computers.

If you're not already using a VPN you don't belong on this board.

I just use my libshit neighbor's wifi. If he ever gets raided as being a neonazi I'll have a good giggle.

This 100% anyone posting here and not using a vpn is retarded

Which is why none of my vpn IPs are banned right, Shlomo?

I'm safe from this data collection if I use a a VPN though right? Can't see how'd they'd connect me to it

I had to hop 2 vpn nodes this morning actually. Both banned. One deserving for posting some dumb bait thread but the other one was the self improvement thread. I never did get why those get banned tbh, seems like a thread this board would support

You still dont realize how bad things really are.
The mods are not your allies, and they have no interest in seeing you improve yourself.

Self improvement isn't politics or news, it's fitness and wellness which would be /fit/ material

You know, I might agree with you completely if it wasn't for the fact that 8ch revolves entirely around Holla Forums and Holla Forums and never strays far from that. The only other contenders are /a/ and Holla Forums really. The alternative is going on 4chan's /fit/ and we all know going to cuckchan isn't an option.

I see where the mods are coming from but this board's mission statement has shifted from providing a space for "Holla Forums with a political slant" to a more wholesomeness type catalog. I don't think Holla Forums is best served as being a racist /n/ imo, and while I agree that the muh books threads would be best served on different boards I do think a thread dedicated to shedding the bonds of modernity and embracing traditionalism and the discussion of which is germane to the goal of this board. But of course this is my .02

Daily reminder that the normalfag has ZERO control over their electronic devices or personal information
If you have not already ditched ISPs to become your own, you're compromised
If you have not been using a VPN everywhere you go, you're compromised
If you have not taken steps to wipe yourself clean from the internet, even from the discussions of others who know you, you're compromised
If you have a bank account, bought a car from a dealership, rented an apartment, been anywhere with a video camera, or have gotten a job, you're compromised
You can not hide from the government, only the government can make you an unperson
You can only take steps to hide your activities, even then they'll get you if they want you

Just an idea to toss out there regarding the FCC.

Anyone here familiar with the Fairness Doctrine? If you're not, look it up. Last week, I was driving home from a project at work. Typical 2 hour shit drive through rural country with no fucking talk radio. All I could tune in decently was NPR. I'm not sure how many of you listen to NPR, but it's shit. Total commie indoctrinated shit. I got to thinking since the leftists have been screaming the past 8 years about reinstating the fairness doctrine so they could silence conservative radio hosts such as Rush, Savage, Hannity, Levin, etc. why not give them fucks what they wanted so bad now that our guy is in control but the kicker would be to only impose fairness on PUBLICLY FUNDED broadcasters?

How fucking cool would it be to watch leftists heads explode when they are forced to hear 15 minutes of Rush after every 15 minutes of barking moonbat insane shitlib monologue? Am I on to something here, or am I out of line?

Sometimes "hidden in plain sight" is the best. That's why a lot of pedos go for steg instead of encryption.

That's a great idea. Imagine NPR but not completely cucked and even having /ourguys/ on there would be amazing.

Has anyone ever took the time to check all the podesta emails for steg? It would make innocuous shit like pizza.jpg make a whole lot more sense.

Those retards are really oblivious to reality, are they.

Holla Forums here never was meant to be "Holla Forums with a political slant" that mentality is exactly what made cuckchan's Holla Forums go into the shitter many years ago. Then again, it wasn't meant to be purely news either. There are still way too many retarded one line shitposts made here, thanks to the refugees from cuckchan and reddit who will never assimilate because they are too retarded to shut the fuck up for 2 years and instead prefer to shit up everything.

We need kek to meme it into existance

buzzwords. shit article shit thread

Did I drift into a different timeline? Because that didn't happen.

Also, the FCC didn't remove any existing rules, they delayed when part of the rules come into effect, specifically the part that forces ISPs to expand their security overhead. And didn't touch any of the shit they're going on about in this article.

these digits and this id need to be checked