ADL Pepe tweet

https ://
These kikes think they can take Pepe "away" from us, little did they know that the damage has been done. They even got the """original author""" for Pepe to draw a little gay graphic. Discuss?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just get everyone to post anti-merchant pepes back

Everyone wants to jack our memes, because our memes are the dankest memes. It ain't gonna happen.

So they want war…

swastika shirt


They can't keep getting away with it.

A please would be nice.

I say we rev up another old classic and keep making these faggots jump through hoops.

Red lips

what am I your dad? also red lips like said

now hop to it please, nigger


Trolling the ADL is easy as fuck. Go tweet them and add Trump plus anyone else you want "America First". That's it. Don't add anything more or less.



Why Johnny Cash songs?

Because, as most of you probably know, Johnny Cash did a cover of Nine Inch Nail's song "Hurt" and took it to heights that Reznor could never have reached. In fact, Reznor, who was blown away by how much better Cash's version was, even went on record and said "that's not my song anymore."

Sound familiar? Pepe the Frog is to Furie what Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt" is to Reznor, whether Furie wants to admit it or not. That frog ain't his anymore.

They blocked me

I dont think its working out like they hoped.

But user, ADL is our greatest ally

Nice one.
They think making lame fake pepes hurts anyone. They will simply be fixed to make real pepes.
Do normies even share pepe memes like that? They're just giving our side more to work with.

The ADL is full of /ourguys/.

Notice how antisemitism has only gotten worse on their watch. That's because they function as a perfect example of kikes being stereotypically kikes and criminals. It exists so Holla Forumsacks can make kikes look stupid as possible and piss off normalfags while siphoning kike shekels while laughing at kikes.

Best proof of this is how some of the heads and execs have practically shaved heads. They're saying they're skinheads and that they'll make the reputation of kikes infinitely worse for ourcase because they are /ourguys/.

Tried to fix the colors but it was really artifacted.

Sweet merchant

I'm not sure who's jewing who anymore.

i get what you're going for but it's still a rather poor comparison considering furie's original comics were pretty good while nin has always sucked complete shit.

Here's a couple


That Hitler one is quite nice.

i agree, Hitler one is golden its fucked

that doesn't even look like pepe


Welp, that lasted long.

Exactly. There are literally tons of Holla Forumsacks in the ADL. Not even joking. Holla Forums is just pulling a Jack Abramoff on them. The stupid heebs don't even know what a bunch of fools, imbeciles, monkeys, troglodites, and morons they are lol. Thanks for the shekels.


Possibly relevant material to use.

Fucking doubt it.


It's an abstract kind of merchant.


Every time

I unironically love this post. This isn't doublethink, this is triplethink. This is almost a work of art in its conscious unconscious self-consciousness.

When are they going to realize it's not the meme itself that holds power, but the ones who wield it? Pepe is powerful in our hands because we know how to use him, we could just as easily move onto another icon if we were to grow sick of Pepe.

Memes are not franchises, they don't have copyright, you can't own them. #SavePepe is just another misstep in a long line of missteps by these kikes.


They're kikes. Realizing things isn't their strong suit; control via kikish manipulation is. That's why in a fair field we run circles around them, and in an unfair field refereed by jews, we run somewhat slower circles around them. I think it literally comes down to "they hate us cuz they ain't us." We're superior by accident and they work their asses off to be superior but never catch up.

How many testimonies are there of kikes saying Hitler hated them "for no reason"? they aren't very self-aware.

Further improvements are necessary

Alright here's my masterpiece

also changed his skin color to be closer in line with ours.

This statement always bothers me at a deep level. People who 'love everyone' tend to be absolute flakes. If you 'love everyone' you fundamentally don't understand what love is. This is a naive 'fuzzy warm feelings' version of what love is. It's a watering-down of the most fundamentally powerful human emotion to the point of meaninglessness.

checked. Nice


I like the dark green Pepe skin tone much better. I can't understand why the pleb original artist would change it to some faggy shit

but I saved a god damn thumb nail to edit apparently.

Remember the old thread where every Holla Forumslack who showed up turned out to be possessing Jewish ancestry and a lot of anger were to be had? Maybe they applied the anger.

Thats the greatest twitter "thread" I have ever seen. Bless Pepe

There's a good chance many generations ago the kikes tainted the bloodlines of many Holla Forumsacks. What I cant understand is who can find a kike attractive other than Enoch or Jonestein? They're just not beautiful women. Their features lack so much of what a man wants. Then there's the nose. Disgusting.

I'm about to get in on this nice

This makes no sense whatsoever. As long as the right has the ability to offend the level and is the counter-culture, the right automatically wins by making Pepes.

Seems pretty idiotic tbh. Jews think with emotion though, much does the left.

Kikes aren't as smart as they claim to be. Film at 11.

They have vaginas, I think.
That's probably why.
A desperate pleb will sink his manhood into anything. And the heeb woman thirsts for aryan seed. Like most other races.

Nice try, Shlomo, but you won't trick us with your cheap disguises

It's truly disgusting how they debase the beautiful and tarnish the highest elements of existence.

Well that was inevitable.

Ammit doesn't get enough love, IMO. In chan culture, she's taken the role that might have previously been filled by the goddess Nemesis. Yet, she's the perfect avatar for what we need right now - divine justice against those whose wrongdoing has finally offended Heaven.


When you look at how utterly incompetent they are, it really sounds pretty believable.

How's this?

Oh boy these kikes just kicked the hornets nest.

These are beautiful, I hope the Shekelsteins have been made aware of them.

You know how neurotic they are. They're hitting F5 faster than we can.

Wow, man. It's like. . . the Alt-Right or something.

Have fun.

someone please make a better exploitable


kikes fear the confidence in good natured white men. be such unapologetically. they will eat themselves in envy.

This should be a banner.

They were better off censoring memes instead of trying to co-opt them. As a matter a fact, now that I think of it, they'd all be better off in an oven.


Sorry, meant to add these three to the edit dump.

The ISIS one is 24k gold.



How long before google images redirects "pepe" to gay men?

Here's my transparent png template be careful it's dangerous

Mhy favorite banner is still

That second one is top quality

fuck it im switching back to windows so I can make some proper memes with photoshop, fuck gimp.

This is why the right wing graphic squads are unstoppable. Our memetic warfare cannot be matched. Period.

You can smell the confusion in Tel Aviv tbh



wew, faster than thought user

Holy shit the creator looks fucking disturbing and unhealthy. Dead kike eyes like he's seen too many pizza parties.


Nice trips.

None of his pictures leave the uncanny valley.

Our enemies peaked pre-birth.




Crude and haphazard enough to make me lolirl

Kek approves, though try to clean it up man.

Checked out their Twitter account. We famous nao.


On LA ADL's post, can anyone see a tweet by Schlomo Shekelstein? Trying to confirm if I'm shadowbanned.


Someone with Twatter should ask these kikes if Leo Frank loved Mary Phagan as he raped and murdered her. They should know since they were founded to protect kike murderers and pedos like him.


This is the year's best example of liberals creating racism out of thin air so far.


Could you please do that with a larger version? I'm trying, but it's not coming out right.

Why are his eye contours red like that? It's like he has red eye liner on. Also why is his mouth green? What kind of a fucked up pepe is that? 10 People you won't BELIEVE we found out are secret Nazis because they used an OK hand signal!

I've never seen that Pepe before and I bet the kikes made it themselves based on the inability to draw anatomical fingers.

I bet trayvon would fit perfectly up there

We're not kikes or pedocultists faggots.

Watch the movie Defamation it really shows what a clown car the place is.


Kill a kike tonite.


The nerve of these kikes.


:^ /


Six million hours in ms paint.




These kikes are so fucking stupid. They probably think by sharing our memes, normalfags will be as outraged over their precious shoah as they are. But in reality they're only helping our memes and funny jew jokes reach a far wider audience than we could spread posting on an image board. Thanks (((ADL))), you truly are our Greatest Ally!

It's beautiful user.

This is top-tier work, tbh

Yeah it is. Nice work, user.

D- did I do good user?

Change one of the Trumps to Barron. The one in the sky would be better I bet.

Good art skills but it's kind of reddit-tier. Cuckservatism won't offend the (((ADL))) but Hitler and gassing jews would make them kvetch..

Yes. Checked.

An attempt at a template.


Make a template with color scheme please

Are you just asking for something like what you mentioned but without the swastika & text?

The skin color and lip color.

I have to head out. If this thread is still up when I get back and nobody else has done it, I'll see what I can do.

This is just too much and of course it's from a toe poster.

I just realized that what I edited wasn't the "original" image…

They made it awfully easy.

I'm also realizing now that I can't find a "quality" higher-res "original".

Attempt 2.
Doing my best boys.

I am also retarded.

plz r8

checked. nice skills

Why is Pepe's dick always removed? It's obvious his python used to be in the pic (although it should be rock hard as he approaches the CTR fags for a rapin').

Give it blue eyes to match uncle Adolf

Is that an original?

Here's my contribution

8/8. But people should make more with skin and lip color.


of coursh.

What an unfortunate oversight.

I've been looking through the tweets and this one nearly made me piss my pants from laughing. Well done!


needs an armband

tbh we may to return to peepee poopoo pepe.

They think they're being counter-edgy with their memes. If we make pepe a shit eating degenerate again, they will be too repulsed to engage. In fact, we should start an entire pepe campaign about conservatives and liberals making peace through shit covered orgies and drug use, especially crack. We will do this in order to claim rebellion against Trump and reclamation of Pepe from the "nazis".

Then most people will be thoroughly grossed out that they will disengage and look back at 2016 and realize how nuts they were for assuming anyone but the weirdest factions of the internet care about Pepe. Most others were bandwagon hoppers.

We can be more degenerate than poop orgies if you want but I didn't want to publicly go there


does anyone have that naked monster pepe invading CTR HQ image?

Should we let Tyrone fuck our women too?
I don't know Chaim, tell me what to do.



Except nationalists, of course. Fuck those evil goyim.

ty fam, but I was really after the uncensored original.

who /maga/ here?


That he does


Made these yesterday



wanted to maintain the original artstyle so it pisses off the artist as it blends in easily with his when searching it specifically on google.

this hashtag is fucking gold


well fuck me you beat me to it, that 2nd one is perfect. oh well posting alternate exploitables

2nd set

Can someone make on with "Arbeit macht frei"?

Why are kikes so fucking bad at memetics? How did they win for so long?


holy fucking shit

Like this?

thanks m8

and one with the ebin new alt-right neo nazi gang sign

Well, KeK wills it



Pepe + White Supremacist Man + Oven Alliance when?

More variation and also ones without the gay outline.

It's fucking on now, faggots


that looks like a white child…..





That's a refugee you retard

These are the worst trips I've seen in a long time. How new can you possibly be?


Thank you again ADL

underrated and unchecked

the word people has really been hijacked by black people, you'd never normally look up "____ people" until (((yours truly))) made it a thing


it do not even looks like Pepe. an abstract Pepe with few colored rectangles remind more of Pepe than this. they failed to even use right colors

honestly this LA division of the ADL twitter makes/retweets not only shit memes but shit graphics. I wonder how they would react if we were to launch a meme war against them.


write "legalize gay marriage in Israel"
or "open borders for israel"
or "stop the hate end the apartheid"



return of a classic.

lmao fukken saved

buy our shit goyim

as expected, always goes back to the scheckles

Their strategy is to give more power to our memes? Wearing them? This is excellent.

"Be nice man." – I see pepe saying this while stabbing a shitskin in the throat because the shitskin is grabbing a Swedish girl's tit at a swimming pool.

we will exterminate you keep playing losing game of media an rat infiltraitors in our gov you time is numbered jew mispell blow me ALL JEWS MUST DIE!!!

Put some mudslime shit in their kike faces. Make some accounts as Mohammad whatever and be all, 'even me?' and… Cool, so you can stop bombing me now. Shit like that. They really stepped in it with that shit. Unless of course they're looking for accounts to snitch on.



and any mercy will be dealt with execution you faggots…… when will you learn.

How long before the kikes decide to "Save The Swastika"? Then we can go out wearing swastika shirts and everyone will assume we are just trying to save poor Hindus from being associated with gnatsees?


Looking like something that just went through a search bar's translator.

I don't know exactly what this guy is trying to say but I like it.

I dont think they would ever try. they specifically went out and tried to get the swastica burned into everyones mind as white = evil

no just something went through realalizing kikes are the problem faggot..why are you a kike think you should be spared ….think not you die like all your brethren you filthy shitstain

they mocking us, hit them where it hurs, call out the jew. We should make this 'Pepe' into exclusive yid doing typical kike shit (ritual killings, bringing negro slaves, occupying goverment, fake news trying to make America fail, genocidig native in Europe, running isis, taking taxpayers money in 'aid', genociding real jews, hypocrisy with Israel..)


praise kek

I'm more or less just amused at the shitty grammar I'm seeing.

you were alright until you fucked up with your degenerate weebtrashery, gas yourself kike.

I was just about to post that.
Praise KEK!




excuse my gramatic errors hope you can see past that and realize I am saying all jews must die. ;) anything else would be uncivilized ..

I see your Wojak and raise you a Schlomo.

You seem to forget that we can alter reality with memes. If kek will's it we shall meme #SaveTheSwastika

I think your 'Pepe' should mention that Zyklon B pellets release deadly gas only when they vaporized and completely save to handle and store when in solid state

My sides are on an intercept with Pluto

if i start memeing it is over with for kikes at least give them a chance ./ or not grrrrrrr not not not FUCK YOU JEW RAT!!!!


Should we make some Sarah Anderson edits of this too?

I dont think this joke will ever not be funny

Of coursh!

that is bad ass on to many levels.GJ.


rembering what whites can live like without jews and shitskins (pic)ONE DAY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


their asses are def going in the oven and no sympathy given EVER!!! WHITE POWER OR DIE!!

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

you talk like a jew and?

I wonder what you vermin are trying to slide.

you have to go back

slide? meaning drawing attention to your kikness since you feel need to pi[pe up bitch

Drunkpositng/lobotomyposting should be lifetime bans.

assumptions from a jew yea trust that faggot

((They)) still don't get how memes work.


maximum wew

Why not use VirtualBox ? Best of both worlds. Works perfectly (if done right).

why not use shotguns and riffles to kill off jews….bankers die world better place etc all jews need to fucking go and fk your neighbor with a menora they go too.White power is jews hating it before it was even a thing ….OPPPS we coming for you now(((RODENTS)))

Actually I take it back, upon reviewing your posts ITT you're just a cancerous newfag not a Jew. Still hope you get banned though!

Holy fuck I laughed so hard.

your butt hurt ? maybe mixed race with jews or a mix breed either way fuck you faggot.



Evil can't create, it can only corrupt

Say it with me now..

"Holla Forums is always right!"

Why do I keep fucking up?


After that I looked up,"History white people" and it's more of the same. They really are trying to scrub out and rewrite our fucking history. It's sickening.

best yid pepe I've seen yet.

whited have created and own the world the shitskins think they are entitled to .FUCK THAT KILL THEM ALL!! 80s style …no nigger can ever take the place of a white without turning it to a 3rd world shit hole …fuck them Whites are the best forever.

dat stealth doe

tweet back a shoop with "except jews" and say that everyone should be more excepting of other people

you couldn't be any more obvious


Thanks for the suggestion/idea.


Requesting Pepe with Mweee face.

I haven't laughed this hard in a thread in a long time. Well done mates.

obviously rocking your asses Praise Kek you little bitch ahahahahahaaa!!!


Sides were orbitted.

This Pepe doesn't have brown lips. Not ours.

What difference am I not seeing here with my blind eyes?

Never mind I see it now.
Personally, I think that if you were going to get a little "glitchier" with one of them I'd have got an extra mile more.

Could you make the redpill bigger please?

Kek, who cares, they're total losers.
Pepe is ours


Very nice


Cropped it wrong.





Pretty nice, what are the video effects you're using there buddy ?

It's an app I have on my phone called "Glitché"

From where? Still looks white-ish.
Definitely not an indian or a nog.

Oh, I've been here for a long time. I just don't like seeing animals and children (especially white) suffer)

It's time to start a whole counter organization against this fucking heeb hive.
Meme it.

Thanks æ.


praise kek

That's a great idea.

I just went and took a luck at cuckchan..
Just look at what these subverting kikes have done to our once great source of objective truth. They dont even know its called Holla Forums anymore. Tens of people replied, not one person called any of these 3 cunts out. It's not just pepe they are undermining.

New banner?


Si the kid was syrian?
Then there's a pretty decent chance it was white. Lot of whites there.

It's almost certainly fake anyway. If you're still deeply concerned you can always go bomb a synagogue for soothing purposes.


Absolutely fucking genius.

Yea, we should call it the National Association For the Advancement of White People. NAAWP.



What's he standing on?

So I went to the tweet and I'm laughing my ass off and saving all the racist Pepes.
ILY you guys (mods are still faggots)
but you Holla Forums are awesome

Can we make this happen? Dont use pic related, Its not dead jews I dont think.

yfw you realise there is no picture of dead jews on the internet


Kek Macht Frei

No really though, I have no skills but this would be fucking amazing. Its the pepe with the rainbow, and just kinda make it look like its a black and white scene where hes spreading color to the black and white background. The concept would normally have flowers blooming, and the sun shining and the sad looking background suddenly becomes "good" and "happy" and "better". This time though, the part that represents the scene becoming better, and colored, is the dead jews in the hole. There are pictures of dead jews, ones who died from starvation etc.
It says pic related is typhus deaths at Bergen Belsen.

Maybe find a rare color photo of dead jews, and black and white the rest of the picture since coloring all those jews is probably hard.

I think he'd be better o if his shirt was black, with a white swastika and red shorts.

They were fighting stupid normies who couldn't organize because no internet.


.. Im pretty sure I do somewhere, hold on, Ill look through a big folder

Heres something for now.

Should be a new banner



Great now i'am going to hell


is it even worth it though? it's probably automated anyway so there's no gratification

I cant find the original one, it wasnt claiming hes using a 666 handsign, it was a liberal freaking out over it and suggesting its a racist thing. I know exactly the one you meant, but I cant find it. Might just be a twitter post, which makes it nearly impossible.

nin has made quite a few fun songs, a lot of it just sounds dated now
Here's a vector. Could be cleaner, but alright for now.

why the sigma?

Did they not get the memo that Kek isn't very fond of them?
Somehow I don't think this is going to work out the way they think it is.

Did you draw that? It's really good.

the absolute madman

Any lulz generated yet?


People who "love everybody" are broken attention whores desperate for any attention and acceptance from anybody.

SJW virtue signalling, craving "likes" and "retweets", are the result of an increasingly isolated society where the weakest are so desperate for acceptance and inclusion that joining other morons in suicidal social movements becomes a religious sort of addiction. It's exactly like cult behavior. Cults attract lonely, directionless, disfunctionally dependent types of people. This is why SJWs never know what they are protesting, understand any facts related to any cause, or have the ability to debate or defend their views. To them, social justice is about them getting to be part of an "in group" and they will follow anything blindly to keep that feeling of inclusion.

SJWs are sad, lonely people with no self worth and no individual achievements. So they blindly latch onto trendy social causes to feel included.

Self-actualized, independent, and family-oriented people don't need this sort of cult-like inclusion to constantly validate themselves.

Try tweeting at the ADL's CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt. I tweeted him my pitch for an oven and he blocked me after some time, iirc. I'm fairly sure it wasn't immediate so he probably saw it.

God dammit I never pimp the booru whenever these threads come up. Here anons, have at it!



checked and kek'd

Very rare. Excellent

You are doing the Führer's will.

Which one of you magnificent bastards did this?


Get out


Every time I look at it, it gets funnier.



watermarked memes don't spread. and it's egotistic kike shit anyway, untrue to the imageboard spirit.


Here ya go user. Here's some other cool images as well because I felt like it.



Nice site, user.

Looks familiar to me.

The left did this to themselves.

No mercy for the bastards.

Anons, I discovered a proto Pepe in the Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei anime, while reading this thread. This must be Kek doing.


back again after waking up. trying to fit these ocs into a banner is really tight on the crop, but here's mine.


That's a nice banner


For one of (((them))), a thousand of us will raise.



Good eye. Which episode, and around what time?

Season 3, episode 13 (Last one), minute 03:57.


Is that a smug "just" pepe? Is such a thing even possible?


everyone should tweet at them

You want abstract merchants? posting multiple because I'm not sure exactly what one is best

Oh shit that logo



I took the liberty of cleaning up everything.
Using the proper colours and with black contours
And a colour neutral background for easy templating

Oh and I borrowed your swastika



You're killing me here user.

looks great, the ADL is really doing some good in the world these days glad so see they've finally come around

They will regret this.

Your digits and rainbowpepe have reminded me of soething. We can call the fags out for cultural misapropriation on the rainbow. Vikings first in europe, abbos for aussies, and injuns for burgers, all can be turned against the queers with this, while diluting their apropriation weapon.



Rainbow Pepes ain't new. A number of them popped up when Washington got decked in colors. They should know by now that any busted Pepe they make will end up being repaired anyway.


Pure cancer.

try harder, schlomo.

literally a pet cyber nigger.

i just really hate niggers is all

We all hate niggers. Here's a nigger rapist. (I know, redundant)



In Japan, it is.


Would be a pretty good twitter account.


Dude running the account is apparently on. I just got blocked after only posting one kek pic. Dammit!

Don't let that stop you posting, the more Keks posted in reply to them the better. Let the world know just how many Keks we have to give, :^) they're the ones we want to witness us.

Our Pepe corpus is far in advance of theirs, as is our Wojack sentience. And their…ethical instability has allowed us to suceed in areas they refuse to consider.


I mean, they had to know that this was going to happen.

What should be done about these 4cuck goons?