Jim is a Race Traitor



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Your a faggot jim

I been here for quite some time, and I always tought that hotwheels was the owner. Can you explain this to me?

Jim isn't a race traitor, he's a fat boy molesting kike. The gook chicks he surrounds himself with aren't even that big of a deal, it's not as though he actually has sex with them. They're much too old for him, and much too female, it's all cover.

Quite sometime snd You dont know about jim?

Hotwheels gave away ownership to Jim the Freemason.

I usually don't pay atention to those kind of threads.

shit, how long?
who the fuck are these gooks?
it's all I post getting rewied by autistic yellow ladyboys and shrine masters? fuck

Basically Jim is a scam artist who stole Holla Forums from hotwheels but hw was(is) so fucked up on meth and underage ladyboys that he didn't care anyway. He's been running 8ch for a couple years now and he makes shit money by selling all our telemetry to Jews. However he lives in the Philippines which is so backwards and poor his shit money is enough to live like a king and buy a new baby every week to make new snuff films with.

Race traitor? He throwing kikes into the ovens?

man, I been out of the loop. I mean, these monkeys can't even speak proper english. And thats coming from someone who learned english trough the internet.
Its' the host of Holla Forums in the Philipines?I always tought that philippine waving basket forum was a meme.

Why do all the fucking weirdos live in the Philippines?

Top kek.


Because you can live like a king for $100 a month but the natives are so fucking ugly (the whores on livestream are 11/10 flips) and stupid that most people would rather just save the $100/month by shooting themselves.


How new is this OP?

Jim has a Flip wife and Flip brood and lives in Flip land.

I think you meant to post this on StormFront nigger.

I hope Hotwheels is enjoying his meth coma, at least.

Ugly af, they look like men.

You'd think he'd pay for the plastic jew surgery before shagging those whores.

I knew he was a mason, but I didn't know he was this gay.


These cunts are so vapid. They're obviously only interested in money.
Typical flips.

Satanic Get bro, you said it.

He lives in Phipines becaues he can fuck infants in the ass and get shit on his dick andd make the submarine humans blow it with shit on it.



He's actually much gayer than this, and much gayer than that. To know how gay Jim truly is, one would have to be the homosexual himself.



Old news, tbh, fam. This site is run by a Free Mason fat fuck who farms pigs and has ties to the DOD.

Holla Forums is controlled OP, why do you think so many people are banned everyday?

ITT newfags, am I the only one who remembers that video with Jim and two traps where anons were trying to check if they've got dicks or not?


Stop lying, cuckchanner. Lurk for 3 years.

Both appropriate and just.


Back to cuckland newfag and fuck off pig fucker

Hotwheels is too busy making emoji's all day long to even care what Jim is doing here. Hiro might be a sneaky gook himself, but he pales in comparison to Jimbo and cuckmonkey

Its sad really. Moot sold out for a cushy job at Google, while Hotwheels ended up getting tricked by a fat Freemason Jew and now he's stuck making emoji's all day long.

I made this thread the other day and mods bumplocked it for hours before unlocking it
Basically hear me out: the FBI tipped off that a man in the Philippines was sexually abusing around 350 kids right? Ironically he's tied into the same networks as NT Technology (that Jim owns and has porn sites through). No joke.


Many people have been pushing for an Exodus version 1488 for some time but the minute you mention an alternative it's adios ban or honeypot claiming shills everywhere.

I mean, it kind of is friend. Have you not seen the massive influx of degenerate cuckchan refugees? The BO / Vols / Mods give zero fucks because they get paid for the traffic

Imagine hotwheels tweaking on meth.

wow its FUCKING NOTHING, jim is doing a great job not bringing more jews to this world, KYS.

Hapa mischlings aren't much better tbh.

Jim has a point. As long as he keeps his flip whores in hand, that means fewer kikes and fewer Luzon subhumans.

They remain kikes. Yellow kikes of a slightly different make-up than chinks, in fact.

Daily Reminder

Jim you have gook global moderators who are women? And they're on Apple fucking laptops? Holy fucking shit.

sweet cherry pie

At least the site is fucking operational unlike when Josh was fucking everything up.

I swear to god it I had to submit my posts like 10 goddamn times every single time just to fucking post, it was awful.

Josh was a faggot but a lot of that was the overload on the servers at the time as well.

Can anyone even tell me what Jim has done wrong?

From what I can tell the site runs fine and the Globals don't abuse their powers.

It had as much to do with Jewsh fleecing the donation money as cripplekike choosing to get high and fucking flip trannies instead of fixing his own few broken lines of code.

Selling data to feds.

Yoga w/ Jim

pickone, if you were such and oldfag you would have notice my flag-autism before, so stop proyecting.

Jim proving he's subhuman

I forgot also part of the fuckery that the site went under, which lead to Jim taking it from cripplekike is highly suspected of being partially Jim's fault too, overloading the site with his own machines. He's a shady fuck with old ties to the US DoD.

I haven't gone to cuckchan in 3 years, fucking newfag. So, no, I wouldn't have noticed your autism that you post there regularly.

It wasn't. Its that Holla Forums isnt ran on servers. It used to be a on a old as fuck cluster of Core i5 shit boxes which Jim eventually upgraded to Core i7 boxes. I made so much fun of him for this in the Hot Wheels/Code Monkey Fix Your Shit threads because I have a dual Xeon E5-2600 box with 128GB RAM, 12gig SAS HBA, 12x 10GbE NICs, 8x 4TB HDDs and 4x 128GB SSDs under my bed collecting dust.

I post flags here under a tripcode you alcohol syndrome halfchaner

Wew, there hasn't been a tripfag on Holla Forums in ages, you fucking liar. The only one who sometimes does is Constantine Maximus and every time he rightfully gets shit on because he's a fucking lolberg.

Dude Internet Aristocrat doesn't own Holla Forums. And I thought we disavowed him long ago, Jayde3fox is old news

Use your tripcode then faggot or gtfo

This Vidya is what made me accept Jim though. He did go out and pass out some booze and food and clothes to homeless vets

stuff yourself in an oven

Diana is my waifu and we are going to have a lot of white babies

Jim please stay in your containment board.


What skill could moot possibly have that Jewgle would pay him for? He has no skills except jerking off to anime and isn't notable except for being the most important tech person to live in his mom's basement.


They hired him because they assumed that he'd know how to fuck us up.

Google=CIAniggers and we're one of the biggest pains in the ass to the CIA.

He is probably working on Perspective to eliminate trolling since moot blames trolls on all of his failures.

bondage goat zombie

What skill could any SJW possibly have that Jewgle would pay them for?

Easy: poisoning the new generation with Cultural Marxism.

Yup, couldn't prove it. Like I thought. Into the filter you go, fucking parasite.

Fucking kek.

He axed our board thrice only to quickly restore it again because our spread over 4cuck was like nuclear fallout.

reported for candyass

That's what you get, faggot. Fucking moot.

Yeah nah. moot can't even bantz with trolls without his banhammer, he certainly doesn't know shit about datamining algorithms and ironically he doesn't even understand chan culture.

I'm gonna go with data entry or janitorial services.

e-celeb bullshit, anchors away.

That's what happens when some pasty Jew nuked what he meant to be about news and politics but it didn't turn out like he hoped for. He was forced to turn its second iterations onwards as a containment board. Then, he gets fucking salty that what he sees as radioactive ebola infected people spreads all over the rest of his site. What happens when one bombs a containment site IRL? What is contained there spreads virulently. GG was what made him crack, since he couldn't save face in front of his new SJW butt buddies at Gawker, opting to firebomb his whole site and deploy the samson option on Holla Forums. Doing so, he forced us to migrate, then we started spreading the ideology all over the internet at an accelerated pace.

Google doesn't understand imageboard culture and thus doesn't know that Moot doesn't.

Checkmate atheists.

Diana is pretty cute, that's how you can tell he's a man. Flip women look like orangoutans with nigger noses and yellow piranha teeth but the men are more feminine.

Pic related it's a 43 year old flip man.

Was a good comfy stream. It is nice to watch these silly shows and engage in frivolity and talk about current political events in a casual fashion.

If more users came we'd have more people to talk about things than just jew gasser…

oh lawd it's on his own channel and it's real

