Was getting caught part of his plan?
CFO of the Bill Wilson Center arrested for CP
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Bill Wilson Center is a "youth outreach" program, btw.
So does this mean that Pizzagate arrests are still ongoing?
I will drive a fucking truck bomb into a crowded stadium if they are NOT ongoing.
Being a part of ruining the scout program is an even greater offense.
I'm sure he'll get to bring friends to prison.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Of course
Bill Wilson Center
Isn't that the alcoholics anonymous euphemism ?
Ask the ex-boyfriend of Emily Lang anything…
How do we know which prison he will be in ?
top kek, Sessions is doing his own dirty work
They raided Caterpillar HQ today for accounting fraud as well.
Do you think ruining the boyscouts was part of his plan?
Hey, uh, would you mind saying which stadium? And maybe the type of truck/explosives? Would like to collaborate. If you don't want to say I could give you my skype.
Holy shit brothers, we've done it again
forgot nippon meme Lang
Well it obvious. He's not into big guys, only small ones.
Perhaps they're wondering why someone would save CP to their computer, without first being behind 7 proxies…
checked. maybe some job openings will help the rest of us once these sick fucks all get taken down.
I'm from santa clara. This freaks me out really, I hope there isn't a comet ping pong around here and I hope this dude isjust some Holla Forumstard or something. All that said, by the way santa clara is run, I believe the beracity of this story.
have we started the fire?
Yes, the fire rises.
t. cuckifornian
ah yes, camping with boys with no father figure at home. scouts are whack as fuck
I'm sorry you're a nigger. The rest of us here know who are fathers are, and shockingly, most of us have a good relationship with our fathers too. I bet a lot of us even had our fathers go with us on many of our scouting trips.
inb4 "muh dick"
Nigger he was a scout leader and ran a "charity" organization for children.
I can assure you that he's done more then just CP.
Get him onboard, I'll call it in.
Mr. user, I'm FBI.
You couldn't be anymore FBI if you tried, you should be fired for being so blatantly obvious
not enough ball games
The best thing about Sessions is that everybody knows deep down that he is a good man. I mean shit, does the guy ever not look like he's just happy to be alive?
6 months later, a cafe is found filled with undercover FBI agents, each of whom are unfamiliar with each-other.
honestly i think he looks like a psychopath and it wouldnt surprise if he has some (((bad))) connections.
not trying to concern troll or anything. he just doesnt look like a good guy to me at all tbh.
He did seem extra smirkish last night.
That little bastard is going to bring the whole house down. God willing he was eyeballing reporters that are going to get v& soon.
that's what all politicians look like, it's what we have to deal with for now.
Big ears and small nose is like the anti-kike of facial features.
That's it. I now fully believe in Kek. Ordering this statue as we speak. The coincidences are simply too many to be reduced to chance. Too bad the left will never come to this realization, to this epiphany, before it is too late. They are constantly poking at a fucking Chaos God. By Kek's will may it be their undoing.
My dad's a piece of shit that lies about debt and fucks hookers.
So no.
I'm concerned they're merely targeting "competition".
Men of valour are a rarity nowadays.
Have we started the fire?
Yes, the fire rises.
No we merely added fuel.
Where they ever common?
Iv'e done some digging and apparently transgenderism and pederasty was huge among the elite in fucking Victorian England. Iv'e come to the conclusion that the Lower and Upper classes are filled with filthy degenerates and the white middle class are the only moral people that have ever existed.
But, Kek is just a phony created by meme magic. He only appears real because of the influence of the memes. There is a god, but he can only be above all creation, He can't be below anything.
That's rough, man. Hopefully you will break that cycle and be a virtuous father for your sons. A non-pozzed scout troop is a great way to instill values, responsibility, and general virtue in young men while offering opportunities to bond with their fathers.
Sadly, I can't unreservedly endorse the scouts like I could back when I was a boy and the BSA was fighting & winning in the US supreme court for the right to exclude faggots. They consistently resisted challenges in court from faggot boys who tried to assert "rights". They were subject to the anathema from virtue signalling proto-sjw groups, and they resisted. The BSA won on every front.
They still have the right to remove faggot, as endorsed by the supreme court, but in the past few years the national council of the BSA has voluntarily pozzed itself. Individual troops can remain non-pozzed, and finding a quality troop has always been an important factor given that the peers in the troop will be an influence on your sons — for better or worse.
-t. eagle scout from the late 90's
If our meme magic combined with their meme-do..!!
eagle scout = CIA?
Agreed. I know some 3rd-5th generation Mexican Americans, but some uncle or second cousin in their families is always there to molest a 15 year old niece/cousin/relative - so they don't make the cut.
You can also change out Mexican with Mormon and it's the same scenario.
You shut your blasphemous mouth nigger. Praise kek.
Yes, we are the CIA branch that handles gathering intelligence on campsites in US national forests, patrolling various backpacking trails, conducting reverse false-flag community service ops, and indoctrinating young American males with the tenets of the Scout Law.
THe memes write themselves
Oh they "reach out" to children alright.
Actually.. that does raise questions. What if they were hacked?
Hey, I'm just saying, Kek was memed into existence through Pepe and general imageboard culture. It's just the same as the 8,000 year old frog swastika, except people didn't start worshipping the frog swastika, or the plane crash, or whatever else, cause the thing created wasn't a figure that people associate with worship. What people here haven't thought enough about is that since Kek is some crummy "deity" that's under creation, it's subject to meme magic. God can only be above creation, fully capable of everything inside of it, and not subject to the meme magic that he created.
Yeah yeah skip to the part where you shill for your Jew on a stick so I can filter you
Better filter you first.
Should we ask them what's the next step in their master plan?
Of coursh!
I chuckled
What is the context of that post? Why is he so mad about some shitty band?
Well congratulations, you've got yourself caught, now what's the next step of your master plan?
that boy aint no yankee
Guys, serioulsy…
I've always wished for a boyscou>>9409255
Those dubs don't lie.
I seem to recall it was a thread about good Dad-Rock bands, a classification of the window of rock and roll that our parents listened to. Post-Beatles, starting with Prog and ending in the mid 80s. Bon Jovi is apparently overrated in that user's opinion.
What did he mean by this?
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I love the price for all of those items
Anons you guys are the greatest.
Go suck Abraham's dick, camel fucker.
One might even say their work is - touching.
How big is your nose?
Get him in jail, I'll call Ittin.
He clearly said he was going to call an Ettin.
Why is this shit stickied?
You do the math.
Because you can shoot someone on camera while fucking five toddlers and snorting cocaine and the news still has to say allegedly in America, until a judge rules you guilty in court.
reminds me of this
Get a load of this yid!
You're an idiot. Are you not an American? Are you completely new? Until he's actually convicted using the word "allegedly" is standard. That's the way it's always done, unless the media is in balls-to-the-walls libel mode.
is this connected to pizzagate in any way?
Correct. Kek is an egregore.
So 3 FBI UC's, 2 FBI Informants and an ATF Informant walk into a bar…
my reading comprehension failed me, this nigger should def fry. thanks for pointing this shit out in no uncertain terms
I hope they "interrogate" you in a cement-block constructed dark-room located at some CIA blacksite in the mountains. You disgusting terrorist pig. How dare you make threats like that in the age we live in: the age of terror?! Did you think it would be funny? It wasn't. But you still seem to be laughing. Why is that? Perhaps it's because you have failed to understand the gravity of the situation with which you currently find yourself involved? I've reported you to the highest contact allowed me according to my rank and duty. Who am I? I am Anonymous. And you've just been legioned.
Maybe your fatass mom should lose weight and not be a raging cunt and put out whenever he wants. Otherwise it's her fault he's out gambling and fucking whores.
Damn son
Was getting caught part of your plan?
of coursh
San Francisco suspends ties with FBI's terrorism task force
http ://
Arkansas man accused of sexually abusing orphans in Haiti
What an interesting location Satan.
The Goyer know shut it down !
It's awfully coincidental that they all chose to have their photos taken in front of the only ammo cans they could find.
oi vey
You still live in Newark?
petition to rename the CIA when
It's "Bill W" but yeah.
Lotta CP for a hired gun.
Still gotta respect that trigger control.
But CIA is Bill Wilson's true name.
In the Plane Scene, we're actually told the names. CIA, Ittin, Smee, Maimen, Button Lee, Juan Oveu… and dr. Pavelheer, of coursh.
How many recently arrested pedos in high places does that make since pizzagate?
Probably regular size for a white guy. I'm not a kike. I don't worship demons and hate everyone, (especially God, the hatred of which Judaism is based on). It's not in my genetics or my beliefs. If you want to explain why I'm wrong, go ahead, but you can't, cause I'm right, and you know that, so you didn't even try.
who are you quoting
Yankees don't bomb buildings.
but you are concern trolling as you have no idea who Sessions is.
Look's like that guy had your number when he called you a nog
69b49d's dad detected
he did find it all very very very inside joke'ish funny.
You're an idiot. Jeff Sessions is a better man than 99% of DC. Literally one of the most honest men alive today
Go back to >>Holla Forums and stay there. and what server do you play on.
fucking heresy, wind will turn your bones white