Donald Trump Facebook Response On Sessions
Statement from President Donald J. Trump

Fake News Media and Democrats BTFO

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Reminder to social media fags to use the hashtag #SessionsDidNothingWrong

So what are libshits claiming Sessions did?

That he's a Russian plant.

You know, the usual.

This. I've been out of the loop recently.

That he's colluding with russians, who interfered with the election in case they didn't spout that enough, because he meat with a single russian ambassador a couple times as a congressman.

He's going to take Killary and her evil henchman the fuck down, everything else is a secondary excuse to be mad so they can try to prevent the main event.

This is a bad reply, who fucking advised this? He didn't fucking misdirect anyone, end of story, sign off with a big fuck you to the Washington Post and praise Sessions integrity comparing it to the niggers of the last administrations DOJ who were completely fucking over investigations.

and yes, they really are grasping at straws that desperately.

Oh, my walls. It just gets better and better.

Sessions is the best thing in this Government and Trump needs to up his game on this. No way he can be allowed to be fucked over, anyone else but him, Tillerson, Mattis, the kikes, but not Sessions.

Yeah, that's been obvious.

Frankly, I'm getting tired of this >muh Russians bullshit.

Don't forget who is always whispering in his ear. Pic related as fuck.

They really do want Sessions on a stick but it's a good time to allow many other things to go through indirectly.

They are memeing irresponsibly. At this rate, Putin might win the next US elections



Even normalfags are tired of the leftist 'muh Russia' insanity.

I want to see a much stronger response. I believed in Trump because he was a strong leader, these weak measured responses make me doubt his ability.



Gotta love libshits who grasp at straws. If only they had such a grasp on reality.

Don't you get it? Politicians meeting with other heads of state in an official capacity is part of a vast, right wing conspiracy to cede control of the US to Russia. Why? Because Republicans are evil.

Remind everyone that Holder lied under oath, admitted he lied under oath but refused to resign

How the fuck did the Republicunts not apply enough pressure to take down Holder AFTER THAT?

two peas of the same pod

Same reason they won't defend Sessions.

At least the Democrats fucking attack as if they're not.

Remember when Democrats asked Lynch and the gang to recuse? No, me neither, just Republican kikes and cucks doing the bidding of their masters in the CIA again.

I really hate Republicans.

This is bait.


Nothing to see here, goyim.

look up the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy.

I almost miss the JIDF.

jesus christ when are they going to give up on THE RUSSIANS tinfoil bullshit

it was laughable 6 months ago… it's just sad now

Every fibre of my being is devoted to living long enough to see Obongo dead.

checked and kek'd

Fuck I didn't catch that until just now, how can they have such a rickety election and claim anyone who's worried about it is whining?

Is this OC?

i found it here a few months ago, not certain of origin.


well done

Whatever happened to them anyway? Did they get shilled to death by SRS or something?

Trump had Flynn's ass handed to him in 24 days, now Sessions. This is unheard of, it has never ever happened, didn't happen to Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama……. that is how long I have been around you paranoid fuckwits. Men fucking fight, and I've fought my share of battles, Trump needs some heads on his desk, I see none, have seen none

that witch hunt line is a pretty thinly veiled threat. he needs to just move forward and bring down the fucking hammer already.

Honestly they should have just ignored it. Obama and his hateful little lacky did far worse and they used every trick in the book to block rule of law and the look into scandals with abuse of executive privilege. What Sessions did was nowhere near as bad as what those under the two previous presidents did.

Flynn was a major coup. Trump seems to be focusing on policies more than politics. He could be trying to accrue credit before deploying the big guns.

Flynn made Pence look stupid by lying to him. In business, Trump fired people for less. It was simply a job performance related firing. Libtards' smear campaign had nothing to do with it; they are calling for the heads of everyone all the time anyways.

Start of the primaries:

General election:

Post election:

Am I missing anything? It's so old and pathetic that I'm having a hard time looking at it in my normie-goggles.

The usual.

Doesn't matter if it had nothing to do with it (which it did, because 1. the CIAniggers leaked the convo to the media precisely because they would smear him and 2. they likely would have admonished him without firing him without the pressure), it gave the left a perceived victory and the scent of blood and weakness. I also don't believe Flynn lied, it was likely a genuine misbrief in the flurry of activity, but that's neither here nor there in war.

muh russians

I love this man. Always tells the democrats to go fuck themselves, even if he's doing it on faceberg.

Fuck yes. Please let them go after Kushner. I'll have a good laugh if they do. We should push this along. The left are stupid enough to play along an get him removed.

Top kek.

Also he may have also not trusted Pence since a lot of people see him as a globalist tool.

I'm still of the opinion Flynn is the one that fucked up there. Because it looked like Trump was willing to stand by Flynn no matter what, yet Flynn then decided to resign which Trump then spun as being something he wanted.

So I don't see Trump asking of any of his people to resign and I don't see any of the major remaining players like Bannon, Miller, and Sessions taking the bait from the media/Democrats and believing it's a good idea to resign either.

People like Sessions have seen how people have attacked them left and right for years and aren't going to fold that easily just because of some criticism from opposition party members. Keep in mind, Flynn was a Democrat so he probably wasn't used to the idea of viewing comments from Democrats as being baseless accusations that need to be shrugged off.

Can you tell me where it say that Flynn is/was an advisor to the Vice President? I might have to remind everyone here again. Flynn was an Advisor to the President…… Trump's reliance on his VP is bizarre. Keep in mind if you answer to the President, that is the only person you answer to.

I feel like Trump's handling of Lewandoski's case probably suggests that Flynn acted on his own and Trump rolled with it. If Trump had his way and intended to get rid of him, he probably would have let Flynn go during a quiet time or whenever he was going to make some major move.

So the rule is that you're not allowed to talk to foreign embassies or heads of state? How did Obama organize that 2008 speech in Berlin if he & his people aren't allowed to coordinate with Germans? Could you imagine what would happen if Trump had gone & done the same thing in Russia?

What happened to the Trump marches thread that was scheduled for this weekend? Apparently it's happening nation wide and antifa plans on disrupting. So did mods delete it or am I retarded because I don't see it in the catalog?

So what's left in the (((media/CIAniggers))) playbook? The Russian hack narrative isn't working anymore unless their intention is to provoke more anger toward the media…

Didn't CNN mention people in the media establishment would get hurt because of Trump? I'd expect a move like that near the end of an election (like they did with Brexit) but right now there's no telling how far they're willing to go. I don't think replacing one or two TV personalities is a big deal for them.

>that perfect salute

I'm sure pretty much all of us feel this way, but even now I can't stop being pumped for this man.

I don't love every move he's made, sure, but I can't help loving the effort he puts into showing how much he loves this country. I was in the militany for the obongo years and it just felt off. We were doing our jobs we swore to do and he couldn't decided to hate us or to start more shit to throw us in to.

Every word king nigger said was either apologetic of us or hinting at how the US would become a commie haven for his brethren.

Trump is the most proud, patriotic mother fuckers I've ever seen, and I can't get enough.

Fuck the shills, fuck the naysayers. As I said to a libertarian friend as he told me Trump would never win: "I'm not just voting for Trumo. I'm voting for his ideas whether he believes them or not."

I fucking love this man for what he's done for the nationalist spirit. I can't imagine Hillary being in charge.

It was probably his damn military training and sense of duty and honor. He falls on his sword whilst niggers like Holder are like "nah nigga ain't doin sheeeeit raysis ass crackas dindu nuffin".

Trump did ROTC in college, he may not be military but he knows his stuff.

He is the best president in centuries.

perjury apparently.

Trump's gonna stick by Sessions 100%. Hell even Lindsay Graham is supporting Sessions. Only reason Flynn resigned was because he fucked up by lying to Pence.

Pls respond

Obongo made a speech prior to bremit in the UK with some very thinly veiled implications.

I'd like to believe he lost the vote over it. Regardless, it's more significant than anything Sessions did and needs to be brought up.

I fucking wish that hooknose would get trampled by libshits. He is the one that deserves to get booted out politics the most. Please kek, throw the Jew in the oven.
Sometimes people post stuff that made me cringe due to the sheer stupidity of what they're talking about.
It's like a scripted line straight out of housewives and bbt


Dr Napoleon tweeted about his microexpressions today. Not good.

They actually are believe it or not. Ryan and even Graham are both defending him.

Wanna bet this rat turns out to be a modern day Judas Iscariot?

Don't include me in your autism posting. Nothing I said relates to your direct linking, which I read before you posted it, faggot.

Have a (you) but no sheckles.

Worst case of Dunning-Kruger I've ever seen.

Yes, my replies got jumbled up a bit back there, but still..
Why not NOT post a reply if you know it already, nigger?
I already got your sheckles while you're not looking btwthanks for the free (you) :^)

You mean this guy? I don't know what the fuck he's saying. Or, not even saying, but alluding to.

I have no argument. You win and well played.

He's saying the fact that Kushner is looking at a grieving widow and smirking as if watching something incredibly amusing, shows a huge lack of empathy, contempt, and indicates sociopathic behavior. In other words, Kushner is a kike, the sky is blue, race war now.


I have an odd reflex myself where I grin when I see sad things.

It's also just a still, hard to tell how he was reacting from it.

That's a pretty serious supervillain-kinda sneer I gotta admit. If he and Ivanka didn't have little Jewlings together I'd be more worried about him turning his Jew psychopathy on Trump. Not that I'm not concerned now…

Well shit, I guess he couldn't spell it out like that on his twatter without getting shoah'd. Thanks for the translation.

I could see myself smiling in Kushner's position tbh. As a burgerclap, having basically the entire nation's representatives as well as its chief executive clapping for the memory of your loved one is about the best send-off you could ask for. Kind of like a bonus round for a funeral, it provides closure. Maybe Jared was smiling because he plans on tipping her really well for her performance.

Is it possible to de-jewify converts? The kids will always be mischlings but can Ivanka be saved?


He's an Israeli spy with ties to Bibi, concerned enough now?

I wouldn't risk it, her muh stronk wimmins stance is pretty fucking cancerous.

This, hearing her talk about muh wymyn's equality in the workplace was by far the worst part of the RNC.


There's even a WaPo reporter saying the Democrats need to give it a rest. ( (

Every Jew is an Israeli spy.

Oven therapy.


its still here faggot
lurk moar

Yeah the Lewandowski situation is part of why I feel like Flynn resigned of his own accord. Trump wouldn't even shit on one of his guys when they were accused of man handling a woman, so why would he shit on one of his guys when the Democrats are continuing with their bullshit Russia narrative?

Here faggot I expect 20 bucks to charity now

he already found it nog

Sessions didn't lie or mislead the transcripts exist for anyone to read, they just won't. When the WaPo says it's nothing and they've been gunning for Trump since day one it's fucking nothing.

How can anyone keep pushing this RUS narrative if there is no documentation or definitive evidence? People like that faggot joe rogan are acting like its fact.

Anons, give me some backup on this twitter poll, going to be crossposting this to all Sessions threads

I'm on it

Yep, manufactured outrage and dishonesty on the part of Democrats and the MSM.

I actually agree, why the fuck isn't he bringing down the hammer? It's like he thinks we can win by playing their game. They've been cheating for the last six years, the only way we reverse demographics is through drastic action, like arresting half of the government and calling a constitutional convention.

Holy shit Trump fucking DO SOMETHING

I meant to type sixty, implying since WWII ended. Im really angry all the time

They have no problem pinning everything on Russians but flip the fuck out if someone says it's the Jew.

100% agree

How dare they discriminate against russians.
How intolerant.


Spoopy, what is the source?

I can't watch this shit anymore.

Let me know when Trump starts executing traitors.

He's a Jew, you know.