Not my personal army, but please help me argue against this shill

Not my personal army, but please help me argue against this shill.

He sites fucking TIM WISE and I can't find a source anywhere for his "7% of blacks commit 70% of black crime" bs number.

Other urls found in this thread:

amren,_California#Race_and_ethnicity,_Tennessee#Demographics,_Alabama#Demographics,_California#2010_US_Census,_New_York#Demographics,_Michigan#2010_census,_Illinois#Demographics,_Indiana#Demographics,_New_Jersey#Demographics;,_Alabama#Demographics,_Texas#Demographics,_Nevada#Demographics,_California#Demographics,_Nebraska#Demographics,_California#Demographics,_Arizona#Demographics,_Colorado#Demographics,_Colorado#Demographics,_Michigan#2010_census,_Arizona#Demographics,_Illinois#Demographics,_Arizona#Demographics,_New_York#Demographics,_California#2010,_New_Jersey#2010_Census,_California#2010,_Florida#Demographics,_New_Jersey#2010_census, Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf Killer Information Center/Project Description.htm

Isn't there a stat that 1/3 of Blacks or in prison or have been at some time or something like that (Which means 33% of Blacks are criminals). Shouldn't that contradict his argument?

are* in prison

He's citing violent crime only for the purpose of this rant. So while I could definitely cite that, the 1/3 thing applies to "all crime."

Call him a nigger.

He's a spic though.

When in doubt drop the
Source DOJ.

Op's a lazy nigger.
amren com/the-color-of-crime/
A download link at the bottom of the page.

It's also based off of convictions. Plenty of shit happens in the ghetto that doesn't get reported thanks to the no snitching culture.

His tortured little statistic is meaningless. 7% of blacks are consummate criminals. So what? That doesn't imply that the rest of blacks don't commit any crime. It doesn't imply that blacks are less violent or prone to crime than whites. It doesn't show that blacks commit proportionally SIGNIFICANTLY more violent crime, particularly robbery, rape and murder than whites. In short, you're debating a kike. A kike who thinks useless twisted derived statistics mean anything. You could derive the same statistic for whites, what would be proven? Nothing.

Because there isn't none, he's simply assuming shit so it fits his narrative. Ask him to prove a concrete source for his assertion or tell him to fuck off.

As for the rest of his argument, you can destroy this piece
by saying that black women and elderly blacks aren't likely to commit violent crime in the first place, since most violent black criminality is done by black males between 16-30. Isolate this piece.

Essentially, he's trying to make the pool of blacks appear larger so he can dilute the very obvious problematic element of young black men. As for citing Tim Wise, it just proves he has no idea what he's talking about.

Also use these

I've been reading through it, but yeas it is long and I'm a lazy nigger.

Always infuriating every time I see it.

I was going to say something along those lines too, yeah. You stated it better than I could and the infographs are appreciated, danke.

Thanks for the input.

I ask that you create a very comprehensive response to his post, as its very likely people are watching. Compile sources, especially a source on the 16-30 figure I presented, and try to trim down that 31 million to a more appropriate size. The criminality of young black males is well documented, and it should be very easy to bury him in sources on that specific group.

Stopped reading right there. Even their own jew-crafted narrative says crime is on the rise across the board. (sauce:

That muh 7% muh repeat offenders is garbage too, again supported by their own leftykike narratice - 1 in 3 niggers go to jail, why? It's not because of muh prejudice like says.

This comes from the 18-25 demographic.

What's important isn't just that this age demographic commits such a large portion of crime within the race but that black people as a race commit over 50% of all violent crime as is and they are 14% of population (roughly).

So you have 7% of 14% (.98%) of the US population committing 70% of the entire 50% (35%) of violent crimes that blacks commit.

So TLDR black people making up less than 1% of population are committing 35% of all rapes, murder, and assault. So if you see a black person age 18-25 there's a pretty fucking good chance they're a criminal. The drop off outside of this demographic age 18-25 probably has to do with the average black criminal not living past 25, or going to jail for a time long enough to be way out of this demographic when they get released.

I'm also not a statistician so if I made an error feel free to point it out.

Not related, but this will help you out later, OP.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, "In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households. Welfare in9 this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs……Welfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established immigrants. Of households headed by immigrants who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare. "

Breaking his down to orgin of immigrantion, and the C.I.S. says, "Welfare use varies among immigrant groups. Households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico (73 percent), the Caribbean (51 percent), and Africa (48 percent) have the highest overall welfare use. Those from East Asia (32 percent), Europe (26 percent), and South Asia (17 percent) have the lowest."

But, immigrants due to put more into the welfare system than they take out:

So, from this data, we can conclude that if we wished to have immigration that took as little in benefits while providing the maximum intakes comparable to the Native population, than European and South Asian immigration is favorable.

As for social affect, I would like to put out to three (6) studies that not only immigrantion in general can affect, but any native born expact population:

For reference, Social Capital is as defined as, "the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively."

As Diversity Increases, Social Capital Decreases:, R. Putnum: "neighborhood residents…tend to 'hunkerdown.' Trust…[community cooperation and fewer friends.]"

Where trust is high, crime is low:

Increase in Social Capital Decreases Crime:
[PDF]Social Capital, Crime, and Human Nature - LSE

"A study has found [in the U.K.] that an increase in “diversity” makes existing residents of a area feel unhappier and more socially isolated, while those leaving for more homogenous areas populated by their own ethic group often get happier."

According to Richard Richwine of Havard University, Graduate school of Arts and Sciences, the average IQ for European, through various years, immigration is 98; Mexican 88; Other Hispanic, 81.7; East and Southern Asian 94; All, 88.9.

According to Garrett Jones, Economist at George Mason University Economic Department, your nation's [average] IQ matters more than your own: "The book’s primary and most important contribution is to document the following empirical regularity: Suppose you could a) improve your own IQ by 10 points, or b) improve the IQs of your countrymen (but not your own) by 10 points. Which would do more to increase your income? The answer is (b), and it’s not even close. The latter choice improves your income by about 6 times more than the former choice," Tim Groseclose, holder of Adam Smith Chair at the Mercatus Center, an American non-profit think tank.

Those are the magic numbers right there.

Call him a spic.

Its over half of all non-white males will be charged with a serious felony in their life. Niggers are 27x more likely to violently attack a white person than the other way around. They didn't have the wheel in Africa until white people showed them, or even an understanding of the concept of degree. For example, they dont understand "Half way up" or "60% of the way up" or "towards the top" or "1/3 of the way up".
They only understand "up!".

Drop this little hate fact and watch the racists run. :')

Wew lad just concede and then come back again once you aren't a fucking retard.

That's very clever

Not really. The poorest communities in America are white and the jobless residents have drug and alcohol problems, yet violent crime isn't anywhere near the same level as nigger-filled urban ghettos (for example:

I have to give credit to Benji Shapiro for pointing this fact out, but according to the Brookings Institute (and common sense) there are three very basic things you can do to avoid being poor; if you do all 3, there's only a 2% chance of you being in poverty. They are: graduate high school; don't have a kid before you're 21 and married; and get a full time job ( You'll note that niggers virtually never do any of these things. Their dropout rate is insanely high and they spit out niglets constantly. There is no way for anyone to blame "racism" for these things, these are free choices on each individuals' part. "Systematic racism" isn't making black kids drop out all the time and spit out kids.

I think The Color of Crime did this too, but you can compare the rates of violent crime in American cities to the proportion of the population that is black, and you'll find a more statistically significant correlation there (R^2 = 0.50) than the correlation between the rate of violent crime and the proportion of the population living in poverty (R^2 = 0.36). I have all the data organized in Excel here but you can use these links as data sources if you want to do it yourself:
You can also compare the violent crime rate to the unemployment rate for the metropolitan area (I couldn't find data for the cities only) and there's virtually no correlation there at all (R^2 < 0.01).

And even if what he says is true, that it's only 1% of people who are repeat offenders that are causing most of the crime, why why why is it always niggers and nonwhites in general? I pointed out in the post above that niggers constantly make the free choice NOT to do the basic things that will lift them out of poverty, but the trillions of our tax dollars we've poured into their wasteful hands to try and lift them out of poverty (Great Society schemes, welfare, Section 8, food stamps, larger-than-average funding for blacker public schools, etc) has not been enough either. Asian-Americans make more in income than whites and they haven't needed massive public wealth redistribution schemes to accomplish this, and Jewish-Americans make the most out of any ethnic or religious group in the US, on average double what non-Jewish Americans make ( , and in the liberal mindset they have been historically persecuted just as much as niggers. Why can they become wealthy members of society but niggers can't? What is different?

I'll just go ahead and spam some stats showing how much crime niggers cause in relation to the rest of the population, which as far as I can tell was never justified by the OP's explanation.

Virtually all of America’s most dangerous cities have large black populations. (
Detroit: 7.79% white, 82.69% black
St. Louis: 42.2% white, 49.2% black
Oakland: 25.9% white, 25.4% Hispanic, 28.0% black,_California#Race_and_ethnicity
Memphis: 29.5% white, 62.6% black,_Tennessee#Demographics
Birmingham: between 18.7% and 22.3% white, 73.4% black,_Alabama#Demographics
Atlanta: 37.1% white, 53.9% black
Baltimore: 28% white, 63% black
Stockton: 22.9% white, 12.2% black, 35.7% Mexican, 21.5% Asian,_California#2010_US_Census
Cleveland: 33.4% white, 53.3% black
Buffalo: 45.8% white, 38.6% black,_New_York#Demographics

Some other notoriously dangerous American cities not on that list include:
Flint, Michigan: 35.7% white, 56.6% black,_Michigan#2010_census
East St. Louis, Illinois: 97.74% black,_Illinois#Demographics
Gary, Indiana: 84.8% black,_Indiana#Demographics
Camden, New Jersey: 48.1% black, 47.0% Hispanic,_New_Jersey#Demographics
New Orleans, Louisiana: 60.2% black

Selma, Alabama was the site of historic Civil Rights era marches by blacks to demand voting rights. A 2014 Hollywood movie was even made about the marches and was heaped with praise and awards (;
Today, 80%-black Selma, with a black mayor, majority-black city council, and black superintendent has become a haven of black-on-black drug and gang violence, poverty, and unemployment.,_Alabama#Demographics
(Note that the last article dates all the way back from 1994: "The racial violence of the past is largely gone, replaced by a flood of drug-related, black-on-black crime that dwarfs the violence of Jim Crow.")

In contrast, what about some of the safest cities in the country?
Plano, Texas: only 7.6% black,_Texas#Demographics
Henderson, Nevada: only 5.1% black,_Nevada#Demographics
Honolulu, Hawaii: only 1.5% black
Santa Ana, California: only 1.5% black,_California#Demographics
Lincoln, Nebraska: only 3.8% black,_Nebraska#Demographics
San Jose, California: only 3.2% black,_California#Demographics
Mesa, Arizona: only 3.5% black,_Arizona#Demographics
Colorado Springs, Colorado: only 6.3% black,_Colorado#Demographics
Aurora, Colorado: 15.7% black,_Colorado#Demographics
New York City: 25.5% black
Sterling Heights, Michigan: only 5.2% black,_Michigan#2010_census
Surprise, Arizona: only 5.1% black,_Arizona#Demographics
Naperville, Illinois: only 2.54% black,_Illinois#Demographics
Gilbert, Arizona: only 3.08% black,_Arizona#Demographics
Amherst, New York: only 5.7% black,_New_York#Demographics
Irvine, California: only 1.8% black,_California#2010
Woodbridge Township, New Jersey: 9.85% black,_New_Jersey#2010_Census
Santa Clarita, California: only 3.2% black,_California#2010
Port St. Lucie, Florida: 16.4% black,_Florida#Demographics
Edison, New Jersey: only 7.05% black,_New_Jersey#2010_census

Citizens of Wilmington, Delware, get creative with the CDC to solve gun crime. But they fail to take into account the race of the criminals; literally ALL gun violence was perpetrated by nonwhites in the city in 2010, and blacks regularly commit around 90% of the gun crime every year. (pg. 8) (pg. 9) (pg. 10)

City officials across America are now giving black criminals free money if they don’t commit more crimes.

NY Times article from 1990: Homicide rates among young black men are five to eight times higher than for young white males.

According to research by the Social Science Research Network (, 92% of biracial children with a black father are born out of wedlock, and 82% of these children end up on welfare.

52.2 million Americans were on government assistance programs (welfare) in each month in 2012. 41.6% of those enrolled were black, being the most likely group to enroll. Hispanics were next at 36.4%.

FBI: 93% of black homicides from 1980 to 2008 were committed by other blacks. In 2012, that number was 91%.
2011 data: the leading cause of death for black males aged 15-34 is murder/homicide. (pg. 36) (pg. 36)
2013 FBI crime report: A black person in the US is more than 13 times more like to murder a “white” (i.e. white or Hispanic) person than a white person is to murder a black person. 90.1% of black murders were committed by other blacks. (Blacks make up less than 13% of the US population; “whites” (whites and Hispanics) make up about 80% of the population. (409/13) / (189/80) = 13.32. 2245/2491 = 90.1%.)

Bureau of Justice Statistics data: in 2003-2008, there were an average of 22,534 black-on-white rapes or sexual assaults every year, and an average of zero white-on-black rapes or sexual assaults every year. Why is it acceptable to be worried if, on a given day, a white person is harboring racist thoughts towards black people, but it’s “racist” for (22534/365=) 61 white women in America to be concerned about getting sexually assaulted by blacks that day? - Table 42: (131030*.155) = 20,309 - Table 42: (139900*.083) = 11,611 - Table 42: (111490*.336) = 37,460 - Table 42: (194270*.167) = 32,443 - Table 42: (185430*.076) = 14,092 - Table 42: (117640*.164) = 19,292

Department of Justice data: in 1980-2008, 52.5% of all homicides were committed by blacks, versus only 45.3% committed by “whites” (whites and Hispanics). Blacks make up less than 13% of the US population; “whites” (whites and Hispanics) make up about 80% of the population. This means that a black person is about 7 times more likely to commit a homicide in the US than a white or Hispanic person ((52.5/13) / (45.3/80) = 7.1). (page 12)

All crime nationwide in 2009: a black person is 2.8 times more likely to commit a crime of any kind compared to a white or Hispanic person ((30.6/13) / (66.7/80) = 2.82). The types of crimes that blacks are especially overrepresented in include gambling (24.4 times more likely to commit), robbery (8 times more likely), murder and nonnegligent manslaughter (7.7 times more likely), weapons: carrying, possessing, etc. (4.9 times more likely), prostitution and commercialized vice (4.6 times more likely), motor vehicle theft (4.4 times more likely), and stolen property: buying, receiving, possessing (4.0 times more likely). The only crimes that a white or Hispanic person are more likely to commit are driving under the influence (1.2 times more likely) and liquor laws (1.1 times more likely).

FBI data: in 2013, blacks committed 38% of all murders in the US, versus only 31.1% for “whites” (whites and Hispanics). (For 29.1% of murders, the race was “unknown”.) By these statistics, a black person is 7.5 times more likely to murder someone than a white or Hispanic person ((38/13) / (31.1/80) = 7.52).

Call him a nigger loving spic

In Philadelphia in 2014, blacks were responsible for 72.6% of all murders, and in total nonwhites were responsible for 93.7% of all murders. Blacks were responsible for 82.4% of all shootings, and in total nonwhites were responsible for 95.2% of all shootings. (see 2014 Homicide Report, pg. 9 and 10; murder: 100%-(20.4%-14.1%)=93.7%; shootings: 100%-(14.0%-9.2%)=95.2%)

W.E.B. Du Bois even wrote about the overrepresentation of blacks in crime in Philadelphia as far back as 1899, when they were a mere 4% of the population.

In New York City in 2014, only 1.1% of people arrested for shootings were white. (74.6% were black.) 43.2% of people arrested for rape were black, and blacks and Hispanics combined made up 89.0% of people arrested for rape. 61.5% of people arrested for robbery were black, and blacks and Hispanics combined made up 91.1% of all people arrested for robbery. (see pg. 17 for 1.1% statistic, pg. 8 for rape arrest statistics, pg. 10 for robbery arrest statistics)

In New York City in 2015, blacks were responsible for 62.1% of murders (Hispanics were responsible for 29.6%), 51.2% of rapes (Hispanics 33.8%), 69.2% of robberies (Hispanics 24.9%), and 71.2% of shootings (Hispanics 25.6%). Thus, if New York City were 100% white, murder would drop by 91.7%, robberies by 94.1%, and shootings by 96.8%. New York City’s population is 22.8% black and 28.6% Hispanic.

FBI data from 2005-2014: 40% of police officers killed were killed by blacks. (224/563 = 39.79%)

Research from Radford University shows that the percentage of serial killers in the US has been overrepresented by blacks since 1900. In the 2000 and 2010 decades, the majority of serial killers have been black. (A serial killer is defined as someone who killed at least two people in at least two or more separate events.) Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf (pg. 6) Killer Information Center/Project Description.htm

"Poverty" and "muh repeat offenders" can't explain this shit.

Wew lad

Thanks for putting this all together.

I fucking love you, thank you so very much.

Keep us posted OP. At least, if you win.

I will, I essentially copypasta'd the wall of stats in a separate post but also wrote this (23 hours ago):

"And I could argue just as easily that average intelligence in those of African descent (extremely well documented, but impolite to talk about in modern academia) is just as much a cause of higher poverty and lower educational attainment.

Alright. Let's break this on down.

I'm well aware, seeing as how you said yourself you were frothing at the mouth. y u mad bruh?

Update your copypasta. Violent crime has been on a rise for the last handful of years. (source: The trend even had an effect on many hugely disproportionately black cities such as Chicago. However, When you consider that Chicago's all time lows for murder/rape/violent crime rates (2014 was their best year ever, let's just look at the numbers for shooting for now, 2229 wounded and 463 deaths for a total of 2619 shooting victims overall in 2014, their best year still has 186 people getting shot per month on average). Compare that to something with (taking Victoria's point about population density) similar population size but flip it and have it be 80% or so white. What's that? Portland fits? Neato bandito. Waaaaait, in 2014 Portland had… 26 murders total? Less assaults than Chicago had shootings? A crime rate WELL BELOW the much fairer and much more comparable in density Detroit, which despite homicides taking a dip along the rest of the country still had the highest number of murders in the country and more violent crime than anyone should ever be comfy with?

Huh. Nifty.

Alright. Let's get into the meat of your argument.

First and foremost, your "7% commit 70%", even if this piece of mental gymnastics has a source you can cite, it's ultimately meaningless. Even if 7% of people charged/convicted of crimes are repeat offenders committing 70% of crimes, the same could be easily asserted of white crime, which would drag white numbers down to like .3% and the rate stays the goddamn same. It's meaningless regardless of truth and statistics coming from the left side of the aisle contradict it entirely by claiming 1/3 young black men will be convicted of a crime. ( Are you claiming that ~3 million blacks are committing 70% of black crime and another 7 million for the year are committing the other 30%? Hell, I hope you are, because you'd be proving my point for me.

I can play statistics games too though. You claim 31 million black folk over 12, but let's go further with that. The black elderly sure as shit aren't committing a huge amount of violent offenses. By and large it's black males between the age of 16-35. I'll run numbers on that after I hit reply, but the result is sure to be depressing.

Have a chart for a more recent year, 2013. Like crime, it's color coded for your convenience."

To this, someone other than the poster in my image made a few comments:

"1) Re: your comment on average intelligence. The flat earth theory is well documented too. That doesn't make it true.

2) The Time article maintains that overall crime is near all time lows, with an increase in violent crime in major cities. Which looks to be an effect these cities are facing regardless of which ethnic group holds a majority of its population.

3) One of the footnotes in that table indicates that they only have race data if the agency provided it. Is there an indication somewhere of which agencies do/don't report and where they are located? Maybe they aren't missing that much data, but I'd be curious to see if any substantial changes would occur."

Ry reply to that was thus:

"Comparing the bell curve to flat earth is more than a little dishonest. Scientific data is cement on black average IQ and white average IQ having a 15~20 point spread across socioeconomic barriers. White average hangs out around 103 while black average hits 85. That's regardless of economic status. When you account for that, sure, affluent blacks in good neighborhoods score better. They score on average… at about what the poorest white brackets are scoring. They don't come close to the white affluent average. Meanwhile, the poorest black brackets score… dismally.

The bright side of the poorest blacks scoring so bad is that World Star Hiphop becomes infinitely more entertaining.

2) That line was specific to Chicago. "Near" all time lows is a bit of a misnomer here. Chicago's murder rate in 2016 is 72% higher than it was in 2015. 762 murders alone in 2016 and close to 90% more shootings overall. Crime rates are rebounding upwards in the last few years, and the article is not disputing that by trying to downplay the trend with "well we're still not THAT high."

3) I don't have a list, but I feel like emailing and asking for a definitive list of cities that don't report by race. HOWEVER, I would venture that most agencies do track it, and more than enough agencies track that we have a proper sample size to look at averages and draw conclusions."

She whined about genetics and IQ having no correlation after and I haven't bothered replying.

Thus far, to the hella long statistics post. We only have a single person saying that even with all that info, we're somehow only talking about 80% of 1%.

So out of the thousands of niggers shooting each other in Chicago, how many are caught and charged? Also, he just uses everyone over 12. Most women and elderly people aren't violent criminals.


" I’m getting the sense from your posts that you either do not believe racism exists or is not at the root of your argument. This isn’t a “liberal snowflake” shouting “Racism!” as a means of deflection. Let’s call it what it is. You have been trying to argue that race is a factor determining whether or not an individual is genetically predisposed to be violent, and in the words of Paul Ryan, “It is the text-book definition of racism.” Here is the definition of the term from the Merriam-Webster dictionary should you want to dispute it:
“a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”

I haven’t had a chance to read through all of this article yet (://…/archive/2004-11-profiling_WP.pdf), but it presents a theoretical model of racial profiling:
“…if one racial group has a higher fraction of individuals who are at risk of committing the relevant type of crime than another, and if law enforcement officers can observe a noisy signal of guilt in addition to an individual’s race, then it will be optimal for officers to treat observationally equivalent individuals of different races differently“
Yes, there are poor white cities with varying degrees of crime. Are the experiences of these people exactly identical of those who are poor living in predominantly African-American cities? Are these cities alike? As Dan is pointing out, you are going in circles saying that crime rates among black people are higher by listing stats showing crime rates are higher among black people. That is not establishing a causal effect. Correlation does NOT equal causation.

Whoop dee doo, you’ve found some correlation. Are these R-squared values derived only from modeling crime to proportion of black population and crime versus proportion living in poverty one at a time? If you have a larger portion of black people living in poverty then no kidding you’re going to find a higher (spurious) correlation there. You seem to again be failing to control for a multitude of variables simultaneously.
R2 does not indicate whether:
• the independent variables are a cause of the changes in the dependent variable;
• omitted-variable bias exists;
• the correct regression was used;
• the most appropriate set of independent variables has been chosen;
• there is collinearity present in the data on the explanatory variables;
• the model might be improved by using transformed versions of the existing set of independent variables;
• there are enough data points to make a solid conclusion.

Again, correlation does not equal causation. Then there again is the issue of modeling. Is a linear model appropriate for this analysis? In case you missed my last comment in the previous post, there is an article on the non-linear effects of hereditary factors explaining the variance in IQ. (ICYMI version, genetics were near 0 for those in low socio-economic status).

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy for everyone? “Privileged Places: Race, Uneven Development and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America” (
There are disproportionate effects in terms of wealth, education, opportunities for their attainment, crime, that can be generational in terms of their environment., in which you have feedback effects from a number of variables- a vicious cycle, if you will.


Here are a series of excepts from the above link:
-“Reliance on property taxes to fund public education nurtures on-going inequality in the nation’s schools that is explicitly tied to place. Although some communities have introduced equalisation formulas, wealthier communities still provide substantially greater financial support for public schools, with a lesser tax effort, than poorer ones”
-“Continuing disparities result in fewer educational resources, less qualified teachers and higher teacher turnover and, ultimately, lower educational achievement in low-income and minority communities”
“The importance of place and race have long been recognised by spatial mismatch theorists (Kain, 1968, 1992, 2004) who posit that lower-income residents of poorer communities generally reside in or near central cities while job growth has been greater in outlying suburban communities.”
-“Compounding these troubles are the ‘mental maps’ many employers draw in which they attribute various job-related characteristics (such as skills, experience, attitudes) to residents of certain neighbourhoods. A job applicant’s address often has an independent effect, beyond his or her actual human capital, that makes it more difficult, particularly for racial minorities from urban areas, to secure employment”
-“Crime, of course, reflects and reinforces several quality of life factors including home-ownership rates, job opportunities, access to retail and commercial businesses, family life and many others.”

See also: where “We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perception of race, each resume is assigned either a very African American sounding name or a very White sounding name. The results show significant discrimination against African-American names: White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase. Applicants living in better neighborhoods receive more callbacks but, interestingly, this effect does not differ by race. The amount of discrimination is uniform across occupations and industries. Federal contractors and employers who list Equal Opportunity Employer' in their ad discriminate as much as other employers. We find little evidence that our results are driven by employers inferring something other than race, such as social class, from the names. These results suggest that racial discrimination is still a prominent feature of the labor market.”"

It is.

Ask him if he realizes that different races are prone to different things like Sickle Cell Anemia, and even if you disregard all the other scientific proof showing blacks are inferior, they cant tolerate lactose, and they are prone to more diseases than whites.. so by that alone, they are factually inferior and there can be no discussion.. but it also proves races are different, which is a foothold to make other arguments about how they are obviously different. Blacks are better at basketball than Asians, at dunking hoops. If he assumes Asians and blacks are equally smart and disregards the evidence showing otherwise, he must admit blacks are physically superior to Asians, for their ability to dunk hoops.
The idea that races are absolutely equal is beyond delusional, poke holes in their obvious delusions, and then make the rest of your points when they are unable to argue that races are absolutely equal, and cedes that to you.

Think I wanted a different pic there.. but I cant recall what it was. I already linked that one. Another point is that their children cant pass the self recognition/mirror test, like all humans can, and many animals.

"I will respond to this nonsense later. I think it's funny you believe government programs create a culture amicable to laziness and violence but they can't create environments that limit and curtail opportunities and free choices. You keep moving the goal posts from genetics to government to genetics whenever it suits you, fail to understand the implications of the statistics you quote, how institutions work, their legacies manifest, and most of the basics of this conversation. Victoria already refuted a great deal of your points, as I did, to which you responded by changing the goal posts and contradicting your initial argument but whatever. Racism is hard to maintain as a position since it requires more emotional interpretation than strict empirical evidence–as in how you repeatedly concede our points about the small population are right but it's not the government programs which cause bad behavior–unless it's something you can use to paint blacks in a negative light–but instead their nature.

Tonight we can have a longer discussion about this and I'll actually provide peer reviewed data, conclusions, methods, and the like to sketch a realistic picture of crime in America."

"Admirable effort. I commend you for your sourcing and motivation. My problem with your post is this: you continue asking the question: "how do you explain why black people commit more crime as a rate of population than other races?" You then make a valiant effort to cite sources to back up the legitimacy of your question, basically a list of stats that show that crime rates among black people in America are higher than other races.

You are ultimately only intuiting the answer to your own question, but you don't explicitly say it. What do YOU think the answer to your question is?

If I remember correctly from a previous post of yours (or maybe simply because of the way you asked your question in this post), you seem to think there is a genetic reason for higher crime rates from black people. If I'm completely wrong in assuming you think that please correct me.

If you really are suggesting that higher crimes rates by black people are due to genetic make-up, I will again tell you that you are failing to acknowledge all of the uncontrolled variables that influence race-crime disparities. This assumption operates on simplemindedness and ignorance, not reason, logic and critical thinking. There is a reason the term "racist" exists.

If you really want to understand the answers to your question, I recommend you take a look at this list of books in the link below. Consider reading #15 and #16 on the list, "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together In the Cafeteria" by psychologist Beverly Daniel Tatum and "Slavery by Another Name" by Douglas A. Blackmon."
