Pence Must Resign

Mike Pence uses AOL email to discuss Indiana allowing Syrian refugees.

Never post, but he's my governor and he's gunning for Trump's head I can guarantee it. Going after Pence could take the heat of Sessions and turn the table. Pence needs to go. We can't let it be like JFK and LBJ.

Other urls found in this thread:—-and-hacked/98604904/

I've noticed before every big hit the left attempts, there's always a preliminary shilling across the internet. It happened with kellyanne, it happened with flynn, it happened with sessions, and now it's pence's turn. Get ready to watch it fail, or even better, turn against them.

This is real with forensic evidence. This is local reporting not the MSM. This is good for us, Pence is scum of the earth. Just as bad as Hillary and the gang.

It's like you want the Mossad to pull a JFK on Trump

Yeah he's a cuck for israel, but losing the V.P. isn't exactly a great thing faggots.

happened long before them. I first picked up on this on twitter a few years ago.
I had an account set up to follow several prominent libshits and the "journalists", and sure enough, they would spout out the same drivel in sync like it was the fucking matrix.

All politicians have kike ties. It's called "diplomacy".

Thanks CIA!

This is good ammo to use later when he fucks up big time.

That's what happened with clinton too.

Makes you think.

How could it possibly be bad? Losing a VP like Pence would be great, and then he could put in anyone he wants and have 4 years of safety. Put in Preet Bharara and watch then freak.

Balance of probability is that they're all in the same Google Hangout/Discord/whatever and publish exactly what they're told to.

Gotta start building that narrative well in advance. Literal preconditioning tactics.

If, but if indeed when, then absolutely. He hasn't fucked up however. Now's not the time, there's work to be done.

Fuck off.

You are absolutely shit at your job. We aren't falling for it and we certainly aren't going to start shilling it FOR you. Goddamn you fucks don't even earn your paychecks.

Most politicians aren't so kiked that they have jews coming up to them and asking them their mother's maiden name. Pence is the epitome of a cuckservative, arguable worse than Cruz - and that's saying a lot.

Holy shit, make English your first language again.

Pick one motherfucker. It's time we fight back. Either Trump uncucks his Jewish owned staff or we do it for him.

Born and raised in burgerland (1)

It is a shill thread. Just like those clinton threads to be honest.

Same shit, different smell.

DC insider here. I'll tell you now we use encrypted messengers. Not Discord or Hangout. Many use Telegram, Signal, Cypher, Wickr. Etc. Shred and remove any trace of the convos etc.

Not a Fed, but I work for the State Department. I'll tell you now some of us are fed up with (((them))). We're watching what's happening every day, with disgust. If you anons only knew the power these kikes within the administration had. You have no fucking idea.

Holy shit this is the best shill thread I've ever been in.


Those are both the same ID user. I'm just being realistic. You can believe it or not, that's your choice. I can't tell the hive mind how to think only present it with details and hope it makes sense of what's occurring.

Listen, I'm not saying depose Pence because that would be FUCKING SUICIDE FOR THE ADMIN, especially in this climate, but Pence takes shabbos goy to another level. He doesn't just pay lip service, he's an Evangelicuck true believer in Zion.

He never should have been picked for VP and now we're stuck with the faggot who is every neocohen's wet dream should the worst happen.


How's it going in State? Do you still have Obama holdovers? Any idea where all these fucking leaks are coming from?

You really think the kikes want to slay Sessions? Top kek m8. They got what they wanted today which is for him to step aside so the deputy can oversee the Russian Probe (am Obama appointee). Guess what happens next? Dana Boente the current Deputy AG will be forced to step aside because of this case and by doing this the kikes can say to you 'see goy we aren't bias this was an Obama appointee. Guess who steps in as acting head of the Russia / Trump probe next? One of their own. Mark my words anons. This is happening. You'll know I was right in less than two weeks


Alphabet. That much is clear.


Are you sure it isn't on the Vatican's orders, though? The last two F.B.I. directors have been "Catholics" and that's in the United States population where they are only 25%. The last two congressional Speakers of the House as well have been Vatican-Roman "Catholics"… So, what's up?

Probably, still you never know on hatechan.

This is on the Front Page of Jewgle right now too. Damn.—-and-hacked/98604904/
There's literally a war going on inside DC

What the fuck is he thinking using personal email? Evangelicuck retard. It says it was about Syrian rapefugees, do we know if he was advocating for or against?

Trump made a deal with the cuckservatives to appease them when he brought Pence in. Justifiably getting him out at a point where Trump could replace him with someone more in line with Trump's views would only be a positive.

When he was governor of Indiana he was against the resettlement of Rapefugees into his state.—-and-hacked/98604904/

Fuck Pence he was a terrible choice and he's a jew loving cuck

This follow up article a few days ago is even more so showing of what they're trying to do here

RIP Pence if this continues

wew lots of shillsthread. all the 'yes goys this is good for us' herd controlling. fags all working together to take down pence. we're gonna electrocute you fags, not to cure you, but to CURE you.

Every Holla Forumsack that doesn't already own a gun should buy one now. I mean you're way the fuck late already, but I know some of the people on here still haven't.

Dubs got me intrigued, so i'll take your word. Answer me this, what6, exctly, is stopping trump from simply labeling the alphabet/media as traitors and kill them? He does know he could leagly do it, right? Thanks to obama, he can legaly kill basicaly anyone on US soil without repercution, why not use that power? What the fuck is he waiting for?

Thank G-d. At least any comparisons between him and Clinton are fruitless because a. he wasn't handling classified information on matters of national security and b. he was using a respectable provider not some ad-hoc server created to dodge FOIA requests and record keeping.

He is. I have the webm of the whole 2006 interview w/ Pence on "devotion to Israel" but file size too large

Trump really isn't that much of an authoritarian unfortunately. Short of them attacking Ivanka physically I don't think much could push him to using the full extent of executive power at his disposal.

AOL is anything but.

"G-d" should have been your clue.

Every step of the way things end up working in Trump's favour, but ditching the VP isn't easy. Will Trump succeed where Reagan was destroyed?

Please, Mr. Everybody Who Doesn't Suck My Dick Is A Shill, explain how trying to keep refugees out is allowing them?

Another bot?

Then he will lose, let everyone down and be remembered as a lunatic failiure like maccarthy.

At some point he will have to make a choice, its their blood, or his.

Good things about Pence
Bad things about Pence
Maybe he could be of use leading a new Crusades or something.

Whoops. I'm a fag. Pence is still garbage and needs to go.

Why don't you guys hire someone under 50 to do this shit?

I've always thought it was pretty likely that the establishment deep state would defeat Trump just as they did McCarthy and Nixon. My real hopes is that people will be pissed off enough to take up arms. If that doesn't happen I think we're essentially doomed, I see this as the US's last chance to avoid transforming into a shitskin communist state where the kikes are more equal than everyone else.

Pretty much. This 'scandal' is much ado about nothing and won't threaten Pence's position, but we're still left with an establishment shabbos goy as VP unless he is removed for whatever reason (which would tear apart the admin and be a political Chernobyl).

Fucking kikes.

Sounds like the Fag Zapper was doing his best to STOP muslim refugees from coming into Indiana. Nice shilling attempt OP, but I've actually gained some respect for Pence because it proves his right-wing image isn't just a front but he also opposes refugees in private.

user, I don't think you heard the first 2 minutes of Trumps speech then. It's already a shit skin communist State where the kikes have more power than anyonen

He was also up for re-election and is a member of the Trilateral Commission. He want's mass immigration. Look at his record. Dumb fuck.

He opposes Muslims because his kike handlers have him zogbotted beyond belief

If he goes it'll fuck Trumps shit up, and desperate democrats are waiting for the slightest feather to jump on. We just have to make sure he doesn't try to push any tpp reincarnate bills. Knowing he'll be in charge if Trump dies is probably half the reason they haven't tried to kill him yet.

Honestly at this point, he should just make a video calling americans tyo arms to assault the Alphabet headquarters and kill/arrest everyone there. Millions would do it gladly, and we here at the internet could make it go viral to every household before the CIA could even blink.


Exactly. Third dubs in this conversation, also 88. Kek is clear, and so is what must be done. If you can, let Trump know he is not alone, the shadow hand stands ready to clench, and strike.

Stand with Sessions. Dump Pence.

The fucking problem that no one talks about is these leaks are all controlled by Obama. It wasn't until yesterday that the NYT reported that Obama and the DOJ purposefully declassified anything that could hurt Trump and his cabinet. All done to ensure that Trump gets impeached or road blocked by constant scandals. Obama's actions are unlike anything another outgoing administration has done during a transfer of power. He is pure fucking evil and wants to destroy the country at any costs.
The libcucks are controlling the narrative with the help of the media and the Cuckservatives, besides Trump, aren't doing shit to fight back despite holding all the power in all 3 branches. Pence being taken down would destroy the administration and only further embolden the libtards to keep up the bullshit because they know nobody is gonna do anything to stop them. THE TIME IS NOW! Time to rev up the armies and dig on everybody even remotely connected to the left. Gloves off! Fight back. These politicians are too fucking scared to do anything. It's up to us to stand up, fight back, and destroy the left.

You don't realize just how bad things can get if you think we're already there.


Why would he privately support preventing immigrants then? There's little need to keep up any facade there. He didn't just say he wanted to stop Syrian immigration into Indiana, he tried to stop it. That seems like a counterproductive move if he's trying to build ties/cut deals for more immigrants.

Bullshit, he was against the immigrant refugee faggots.


He is against it, look at an excerpt of the archive OP posted but obviously didn't read:

Into the oven you'll go, jew.

Pence is fine with spics because they're Christian. Pence dislikes sandniggers because they're muslim. Pence is easy to understand, he's just your typical evangelical with a hardon for Israel.

OP already admitted he fucked up and got that wrong. And if Pence is going anywhere it's because he's a fucking kike worshipping cuckservative not because of some specious scandal related to his emails as a governor.

Did he break the law? No?

I don't give a fuck.


No he didn't, not even close. It's a non-scandal like muh Russia. Pence still a shabbos goy though.

As someone who lived under his rule. He never had any problems with immigration until the election. Again, go look up his memberships and tell me if he's a globalist or not.

Honestly, it's only a month and a half into the Trump administration, and I'm already thirsty for a right-wing putsch to come along and start hanging the traitors on the steps of the capital. How long is Trump going to sit on Pizzagate? How long is he going to kowtow to these yids itching to stab him in the back? Trump's so big on law and order - I'm all in favor of deporting Pablo and his brood - but what about enforcing financial law on Wall St and start putting these kike bankers in jail or the gas chamber? I feel like I'm getting cucked more and more.

He is a cuck but Trump already chose him and can get rid of him.

It goes without saying that OP is suggesting suicide, especially now. What a kike. Bet he wants us to Dox Sam Hyde too.

Did Sessions break the law?


No, not even close.

Why the fuck not? If Pence is removed Trump gets to choose the replacement. VP doesn't even have to be confirmed by the Senate like most appointees.

Depends on what the meaning of is is. It's clear from his testimony that he wasn't trying to mislead, let alone outright lie, but when you completely remove it from its rightful context and squint real hard there's just enough blur to throw a mongoloid shitfit about. It's another one of those issues where if you listen to it it sounds totally natural, but if you read it it looks awkward.

To elaborate, he literally dindu nuffin.

The Democrats are pretending that talking to Russia even diplomatically means that you work for them.

They want an investigation into the "hacking" fantasy that never occurred and that they completely made up out of nowhere. They want Sessions off the table and get their own (((non-partition))) investigator to spearhead the case.

Exactly. He could give the JFK speech and win the people. Who do you know who gives a shit about Mike Fucking Pence?

Read again, I said TRUMP CAN get rid of him, he doesn't need/want us to do it, obviously.

They got that, Sessions recused himself.

These things are clearly a normie psyop to project the evidence against Hillary onto the Trump administration.

To save his life. That's a pretty good reason.

Fucking shills. Get some vocabulary, asshole.

If something were to happen to Trump, Pence would be the next LBJ. This country is ready to go tits up as it is, with an Israel Firster like Pence at the helm we'll just become Brazil. Fuck Pence.

I have no sources but I think they want to Blitzkrieg rush him off the stage in less than 6 months.

This is because the CIA's documents are released ever year in the Fall (forget exact date) but the President can allow them to withhold certain "strategically-sensitive" documents, such as the 9/11 papers and other things that would ruin the Deepstate.

Every President so far has signed to allow the CIA to not release those documents.

So they can kill him anyway and replace him with someone even worse, while making him look weak?

Are you an autistic jew or just lefty goon? What genetic waste you are, don't reproduce.

Do you think Trump would choose someone even worse than Pence? No, he's more likely to choose someone that they'd never want as president as an insurance policy.


His hand was forced to get the RNC to cooperate with him originally. They no longer have that bargaining chip as they already betrayed him. So this time he could pick whoever he damn well pleases.

And you Jews don't think that is suspicious timing? Lol.

They already got exactly what they wanted from Sessions, him to recuse himself from the investigation. What they want for Pence is for him to be president.

This guy gets it. Why Trump could fuck their shit up by firing Pence. The time for politics is over.

That's honestly what need to happen, but nobody wants to go through with it. Even just killing somebody like David Brock or Podesta would do wonders.


And do you think that this means Sessions is somehow permanently out of the game? Who gives a shit if the Left "got exactly what they wanted." You're talking like the President doesn't have a backup plan for everything.

Round 2 on Sessions.

https ://


The WSJew strikes again. The pedos are fucking terrified of sessions.

How long does this shit take? Why weren't the cases already prepared before Trump even took office? We all know there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than Trump, he's obviously just a small part of a huge political machine with millions of moving parts. Yet we're still sitting here on our asses waiting to score a meaningful win.

(dubs checked)
Absolutely. But they should be more terrified of us.

Like I've said before. If they get to Sessions, any and all info on this needs to be released/leaked. Post the dox of all of these fags and declare open season on them.

Letters of Marque and Reprisal.

This is seriously going to happen.

(checked dual 70s)
Hopefully. All we need are some graphic videos of some liberal senator raping/beating kids and we could justify it.

What do you all think of that NYPD leak that will happen if Sessions is taken out? Is it real or fake?

reminder to post them here

Buckle Up. Good Intel.
https:/ /

just fuck off and kill yourself you stupid kike.

So shill thread aside, Pence used an AOL account while he was a governor and no sensitive information has been found to be spread through that personal email. Talking about Syrians isn't "sensitive information".

Did he do this in 1995 or does AOL still exist somehow?

We're gonna need a bigger oven,

Still exists. It's pretty indicative of him just being an old guy.

Still though nothing sensitive was found and they're just trying to play this up to cover for Hillary's shit.

Pence is a threat for sure. I would like to see him gone, but it would need to be done in a way that doesn't make Trump look bad by association

Did he's extremely pro-Israeli. He's a fucking evangelical.

cue libshits switching rhetoric from
Good lord I hate these rats.

Pence was a necessary evil to bring in the evangelicucks for Trump. But he is still a cuckservative neocohn faggot. It would be best if he had a heart attack or something and died.



Report thread

Essentially Sessions said "I did not talk to russians about the campaign", which the judenpresse then reports as "I did not talk to russians", and then they claim that he lied because he did actually talk to russian ambassadors, and that the lie was therefore perjury. This is another manufactured controversy built on lies of omission and outright bullshit.

Trump is surrounded by snakes. Yes including pence. Seems to me the type to scheme around with traitors like Ryan to kill Trump and steal the presidency

you forgot to mention (((((((((YOU))))))))))

okay buddy, because some cuckservative israel-firster is someone i can trust 100%. Youre a dumb fuck, the republican establishment hates Trump and Pence is part of that very same establishment

Did we meme this? Did we seal Pence's fate by memeing him into Wojak?

CIANigger pls

Get triggered more, shabbos.


I dont think these stupid niggers realize pence was chosen to placate the establishment and that they would kill trump to install pence if they could pull it off.

these niggers might as well be defending snakes like Reince Priebus, every single one of these cuckservative cocksuckers in Trumps cabinet is suspect and a liability.

I'd be OK with Pence getting the boot, he cucks for Israel

Let me make this clearer:

Trump could have had assasination insurance if he picked someone like his son or another non-politician for VP, but he was forced to choose Pence because the GOPe would not let him get the nomination otherwise. Trump understands that he is in direct threat of assassination at all times. If you think the deep state and the GOPe would not kill Trump, you are fool.

I can't even keep up with the shilling anymore. Before the election I distinctly remember a large portion of the board loved Pence, he WAS the assassination insurance. Now…fuck him? I didnt think he was a placating choice imo. This whole thread is bait, d&c, and shills though.

Nigger, the board was bought out by freemasons who were contracted by Kushner's Project Alamo. 95% of all Trump-related campaign threads were started by jewish hasbarat to sell you on it, no matter what it was.

All I remember was some jackasses making mike "electric fence" pence memes to trigger liberals, don't remember anyone sucking his dick or claiming he was assassination insurance

I wasn't one of them. Thought it was a dreadful/dangerous pick for vp. During the election there was an army of paid and vilubteer shills for Trump on here. They weren't as annoying as the Clinton shills, they just stifled conversation on here between real posters when it came to legit and obvious mistakes that Trump made…Like picking a turbo kike-cock gobbler like Pence.


Only retards who are so invested in the jew-party charade that they think it would be a "liberal" who would assassinate Trump, not the Mossad.

This is incredibly obvious divide and conquer. There's ejecting people who are obvious shills, and then there is attacking our own because they aren't 100% perfect.

This is, obviously, the latter.

As if this isn't supposed to be Pence right here. He's in bed with Paul Ryan and is actively scheming to depose Trump.

I do remember the Trump shills shutting down legitimate criticism, it was bad. They went as far to make a pence time traveller meme I guess.

Mike Pence isn't "one of our own".

Implying he might or might not :^) be a double agent.

You're trying too hard, Moishe.

The board was pretty split, many were disappointed Trump didn't pick someone like Buchanan.

Did you miss this post when you slithered into the thread?

It wasn't "split". There were people complaining, and then blatant shills framing his Israel worship as "wanting to send all kikes to Israel".

I watched the video, it's been a while since I've seen escape from LA.

This is not Pence and Ryan's plan, this is Adolph Trumps plan.

Pence is a meme, if anything Trump could just choose another VP in 2020 after he's proven how great of a leader he really is.

A conservative Democrat like Jim Webb wouldn't hurt at that point.

It's too bad Jim Trafficant is dead.

Kill yourself.

As usual the Jew thinks he's smarter than he really is. This is a dumb attempt at getting everyone to panic about everyone being traitors and eating ourselves. The trouble is nobody here is panicked at all, your clumsy attack on Sessions is pathetically transparent and nobody who matters is going to fall for it.

Funny how Jews always attribute to others exactly what they're doing themselves, "slither in here" indeed. Shoo, shoo Jew.

Filter and move on.

Exactly. Pence may be a cuck but all the JIDF posting ITT want is another scalp. We can replace him when it's convenient to us.

Do you make a "cha-ching!" sound every time you post or what keeps you motivated? Honestly curious.

That would be fucking hilarious. Trump poaching basically the one good Dem still out there and ensuring that the only Dems left are corporate Shillary Clinton-tier or Keith Ellison-racial-grievance-tier.

He does that, he could expand his rust belt win to include Minnesota next time around.

That would have been a dream ticket. We need to dig up Trafficant and clone him…or just bring him back to life some how. Darth Trafficante. Get him ready for VP in 2018 and then an eight year run as president in 2024. Jew's worst nightmare.

Yeah, split wasn't the best word to describe it. There were non-shills who were happy about Pence, in my eyes at least. The complaining mostly stopped when the wojak and electric fence memes took off, if those weren't organic they were a masterstroke on the shills end.

Also Trump controlling Chelsea's dad would cause Hillary turn purple and explode like a zit.

No, user. The reason Minnesota will not be won by a republican is because Minnesota is like southern Canada except with more Swedes. These faggots love Al Franken. Just throw MN on the trash heap with California and New York. Almost every other state, however, is in play.

I understand why Trump chose him, he's an honest guy, a bit stupid, and wasn't aligned with any of Trump's enemies. The GOP leadership was 99% cuck at the time it's not like he had tons of choices.

They were funny but his stance on homos is utterly useless if he's a zogbot Israel firster. He'd be like Bush or a long list of boy fucking, Jew owned, congressman from the Bible Belt.

I remember at the begining it was about who was paid off, trump chose him for character rather than policy.


Calling them immigrant refugees and not replacement migrants. It's like some of you faggots aren't even trying.

time to get on tor and get myself permabanned so faggots like you never come back again


Every time.

its already done, enjoy your ban, kike.

Filtered, obviously.

nothing of value was lost.
gas yourself you fucking kike.

It's a sign of a real faggot OP who attempts to claim that anyone "must" do anything.

I thought you sniveling rats were supposed to be smart?

Oy vey! Trumps people have been talking to a foreign power before the election - this is treason! Secret negotiations with Isra…. Russia! Russia! Fuckin' Russia! Treason! Reeee! Reeee! Reeeeeeeeee!
Nothing to see here goyim, just move along and shut up.

Who is a good replacement, Rand Paul?

Ha ha what a retard… I use AOL though…

Jews must hang.


Do you realize it would be amazing if we got rid of Pence? He is actually a Jew loving cuckservative shill.

I don't give a shit about the OP being a shill. I still want Pat Buchanan to get some semblance of power within this country, but Trump didn't like him because he was an "antisemite", which shows you he's just a step in the right direction, and not the final solution.

Hi CREW. Neck yourself.

Guess it's time for Mike "Deus Volt" Pence to take out the clamps to the shills.


my God, you are a lazy fucking shill.

Yea the top prosecutor going after the Clinton Foundation or Mike Pence. Easy choice.

Fucking dropped

I have trolled these people so many times. They barely have any fucking editorial standards. Great example was this article:
Notice how they make it seem like his email account was hacked? It wasn't, someone just used an email spoofer to send the messages out, no login required.

Oh and if you want some fun, you can send them in a "call for action" for just about anything, and they will report on it. Think I am kidding?
Write a convincing enough story and try it yourself.

The fact that they're attacking Pence reaffirms my faith in him. I trusted Trump enough to take his word that Pence was a good choice, but now (((they))) are declaring him an enemy.

I'm amazed at all the shilling taking place recently, however. It reminds me of when halfchan went to absolute shit.

I remember this, but that was only in the case that Hillary and her connections tried to do Trump in realizing that Pence was the anti-thesis of Trump and putting the Dems voting bloc into chaos if he assumed office: not just pence's stance on gayness, but also his predisposition for being a typical GOP cuck. There's no evidence that the GOP would not assassinate Trump to put pence in power, so the real question is, why didn't they do it yet? Is it because it would be too obvious? I'm aware of the CIA being lawless sociopaths and being more connected with the DEMS than the cuckservatives, but that also leads to the question of many mcmullins there are in the CIA/NSA/FBI etc. still? What worries me most is whether there are still SS-men who are like the woman who said she wouldn't protect Trump if there was an armed gunman. It's good that the SS is there to stop a potential coup from the CIA though.

let the curry-nigger go after Clinton.

I don't want Pajeet the street shitter in the white house!


It's just another message to anybody thinking about joining the effort to make America great again. This is why people like Harward are refusing offers to work for Trump. Discussing sandnigger issues over AOL isn't really a big deal.

If he really is guilty of discussing secret information using AOL, then he probably should be charged. Hillary was clearly up to worse antics, and that was the technicality we could get her on. That's why it was a big deal for her. Pence probably should be charged if we're being ethical though.

He didn't discuss anything classified. That's why the article is vague, saying he discussed "sensitive" issues and "homeland security" issues, but can't come up with anything actually classified.

All i can say is that Pence isn't perfect.

Is there any way I can see for myself?


Donald Trump here. I will nuke Israel if they do not open their borders to refugees.

Also, this thread is shit and the fact that I came across it is sad.

i think it's impossible to suck jew cock any harder holy shit

I've done some research. It looks like this is all coming from USA Today. They were sent emails by an anonymoose source, and they reported on it. All other news rags are citing USA Today ultimately. There's no evidence here at all.

He's an (((evangelist))), it's their main purpose.


And then there are retards in this very thread who say we should 100% trust this guy and that saying anything negative about him is shilling