>Cambridge University mixed two kinds of mouse stem cells and placed them on a 3D scaffold. After four days of growth in a tank of chemicals designed to mimic conditions inside the womb, the cells formed the structure of a living mouse embryo.
Other urls found in this thread:
One step closer to a society without women.
Only men and their genetically enginered trap housewives that serve them.
As G-d intended.
How this is a society I can get behind.
Get out kike.
Good news, brothers!
All that's needed now are AI sexbot/nannies that can breastfeed babies.
Eat shit, feminists!
Oy gevalt, I've been found out!
Finally a world without loving mothers.
Just like Hitler intended.
The goal of Judaism is to enslave the goyim. Let's think for a moment what that might look like:
How can the Jew accomplish this?
By now you should see the Jew means to eradicate all of humanity who are natural-born, while populating the Earth with their own goyim race: Amalekites.
I want to believe this is a good thing but it'll be abused badly by literal faggots and probably even really evil governments and elites who need the perfect slaves. We're supposed to undo the breakdown of family not detonate a nuke on it.
I think you didn't understood his sarcasm
No I understood, just wondering if people miss him yet.
Question, I know the intact family home is the best unit, but would a single father home with a test tube baby be better than a home with a non-trad type wife?
I have the problem that my family are a bunch of gimps and I know that any girl I date who has a big, nice family would raise eyebrows if they saw that my family is rather estranged. Since these girls are mostly cut off from me, does that mean that then I'm to choose between test tube baby or going with a complete roastie?
I'm leaning towards test tube baby
You mean custom order robo waifus. Work hard for the down payment and get your custom to order robo waifu, now only costing as much as a high end sports car.
That's never going to happen in my lifetime, best thing I can see in the next 50 years would be VR that can somehow manipulate brain chemistry.
Genetically engineered cat girls for domestic ownership soon.
Hang yourself
what if an asteroid hits the earth? we still need to have biological women in our societies. they will just be much better; genetically and behaviorally
But I guess building your own waifu would be cool
Do you not keep up with tech news. Unless you die very soon you will see them. If realdoll is to be believed they said they're putting first gen realbots on the market this year
>White couple rents one or several and the wife can expect perfectly healthy children without bearing the burden of pregnancy
Monsters age and no living creature can be trusted. You will join the synthetics or you will perish
if these can survive on food and water or have some sort of lifetime-lasting batter and also give birth to and raise children like a woman should then i have no problem. but if it's just a robot with a built in fleshlight it will not suffice. i guess my main worry is the genetic durability of humanity. i think it would be better to just have women act right. how much of this waifu-bot nonsense is fueled by noble intentions and not just degenerate desires?
What a nightmare.
Biocunt detected, your replacements are almost here
It is pretty kikey to be anti-nature, I will give you that. This doesn't feel right. Just feels like another domino that will fall leading to a dystopic future filled with brown mulattoes.
Are you saying your hand didn't already count as one?
Yep, kikes are already kvetching that genetic engineering will be used to create a super Aryan race. Expect laws that will only allow minorities and other oppressed peoples to determine their child's genes.
If you're so pro nature then you should be fine that the kikes dominated whites, doesn't might mean right? Law of the jungle? Fuck nature and fuck superstitious tradcycks like you
g*d bless
Every day.
A non-trad wife is the sign of a weak man who is unfit to be a father. Furthermore, once fathering a child becomes easy and removes the responsibility of having a wife, many men will stop searching for suitable mothers, even if traditionalist women are available.
Well this will either be a boon or another tool to tick down to our violent and immediate demise. Considering the current leaders of various societies, it's logically the latter. Maybe if we ran our own countries this might not be such a horrifying thing.
I bet it feels better than your loose pussy.
Well they'll be better than the current models that age like shit at least. When you make your open source robowaifu I'll print it
Mein Negger.jpg
Yep, as we've seen with most new tech, any good will be drowned out by the filth, degeneracy and kikery.
i can see how altering the genes of your offspring would lead humanity down a bad path. we havent had any problems so far. simple traditional eugenic systems are much safer. we havent even tried the simple shit yet; why go off and do something unknown right of the bat?
how do you equate kikes "dominating" whites as being pro nature?
Looks like Holla Forums was wrong once again
Because it's the laws of nature, you are weak and clearly they are stronger than you
There is no fairness in nature
Daily reminder that the nuclear family is the heart of a healthy society and that ID: f0edce is an edgy fedoralord who is probably subscribed to r/transhumanism.
I live in America man, it's not exactly full of women that would make good mothers. Pic related, is this someone that you think could make a good wife? I'm not saying they don't exist, but I'm wary of marrying anyone if you are going to just get divorce raped if someone doesn't want to stay with you for 20 years. I've dated a lot, many 1-2 year relationships, but nothing ever took long term. I've just had a hard life, not that I'm a person 'unfit to be a father' if you can term it that way. I'm an accountant by trade so I can provide for myself of course. I was going to become a navy pilot but I had an eye defect so I'm not genetic refuse, I'm just unsure girls worth wifing up where I am at least. Nigger fucking has skyrocketed in the past 8 years, a surprise to exactly no one.
Are krill any more mighty than a t. Rex?
This is your reminder that darwinism is retarded and your opponent has no arguments, however I don't see fembots or the dissolution of women as a good thing considering we don't have much for aesthetic reference besides them. In general, please elaborate on your point instead of murdering this guy, because it'll make for better discussion.
it's obvious that you see the current topic as inhuman but you should expand on why instead of eventually getting into the slapfight that is happening and shits up threads like this all the time.
How does it feel knowing that you lost by the merits of your own garbage ideology?
It will be funny once your wife cucks you though
It doesn't matter who's in charge. This kind of technology can only ever ensure that the very worst of humanity reproduces as much as they feel. The good stock never wants for mates.
Doesn't matter how "mighty" something is, what matters is who is Alive and who is dead
Stop taking Holla Forums's shitty bait.
Wait. What ideology are you talking about? And what ideology are YOU subscribing to?
Are you knew? Eternal servitude was always the Jew's plan for the goyim.
I don't think we'll ever get this one down. You guys know what pregnancy cravings are? Literally the embryo making nutrition demands on the mother. Unless you have a mom to frequently adapt her diet to the needs of the developing fetus, the child will die. And pregnancy cravings are weird and random as hell. I met a girl who wanted freaking Doritos on her ice cream. One of the most common pregnancy cravings in the world is chalk–literal chalk. Will a machine be able to adapt and satisfy the nutritional needs of a fetus as well as the mom who goes out and eats an onion and banana sandwich with mayonnaise? I don't think so.
So might doesn't make right?
I have a feeling your definition of good stock and reality differ greatly, mostly because niggers have a lot of kids and live on welfare. Mostly because trump bought a wife. Mostly, because Nikola Tesla never married.
What ideology? I'm an atheist. I just don't prance around the internet declaring my atheism to the world. I too used to debate religion online when I was 15 and edgy. You seem to be still stuck in that phase.
I'm posting with a sage man.
Those cravings aren't actually for doritos or chalk, it's usually for some nutrient that your diet lacks. Were these gals taking adequate amounts of prenatal vitamins? Maybe not. Maybe they were missing other nutrients in actual food that she doesn't get. Anyone with Doritos and ice cream in their pantry makes me wonder what their diet is like to be frank. If you aren't cooking your food I have no idea what you're doing.
Can you both stop using fucking non-arguments? You're fighting with fucking semantics, kill yourselves.
I have a feeling your reality and truth differ by wide margins, especially if you think being a schizophrenic shut-in makes one a healthy specimen.
He's subscribed to Hardcore Zionism.
Because he was intelligent. Offspring of intelligent or highly talented people are most often mediocre.
If Tesla was alive and sexbots and cloning were a thing, I'm sure he'd be willing to clone himself.
I didn't say anything about a schizophrenic shut in. Do you think Tesla was schizophrenic? Why the fuck are you resorting to emotional arguments? You make the case for natural reproduction look bad you fucking idiot.
That's why you date without cohabitation, then marry, then have children. Children don't even become a part of the equation until you as a man successfully mold the woman into a proper mother. You don't just have kids with some slut; you turn a whore into something submissive and respectable if you can't find one with the proper default settings. If your personality is dominated by your wife's, you are a weak man. Women are natural followers–they imprint and adapt to garner the approval of the strongest influence in the vicinity. If your woman won't accept trad-values, that's a reflection on you as a man. Not only of your strength, but your ability to make choices.
We're not gonna see any real sexbots (i.e. shit you would actually want to own and stick your dick in while not being extremely creeped out and disturbed by). Until the first humanoid bi-pedaled household robots are released. Which is probably not gonna happen until the early 2020s. And even when they do come out. They're probably gonna cost as much as a small car and have the dexterity of an 80 year old. But hey, more shit for Mr.Kikeburg down at the bank to loan you money to buy right.
Thread dies if nobody bumps it. Also, it's not pronounced sage like the plant or old wise faggot, it's pronounced like saw-gay since it's a Japanese word, you faggot.
Nod an argumend :DDDD
Well it's not. This is Holla Forums, the place where you fucking argue and make statements, not blogpost about what you feel, you tool.
it isnt that that i have problems with. i dont think i would have problems with genetically augmented supersoldiers or things like that. i just feel that the human gene pool needs to stay human because that's really all we have.. i think my point still stands that traditional eugenics is a much better system. why try to fix what isnt broken?
i dont know how i got onto this when my original point was that we shouldnt eliminate all women because at the minimum they would be a kind of fail safe that we could fall back on. and again, what's wrong with just fixing women?
but in what way? this seems very subjective to me. i could argue that whites never actually seriously fought against the jews
And there's a lot of kikes and cryptos in this very thread.
I'm ready for my 3d trap wife
If you've ever looked at ancient customs and laws it's likely that every attempt to "fix" women has been met with abject failure.
By the way, for all the contemptible luddites in this thread: Who wins in any contest, someone bioengineered to win it or an ordinary human? Note that this goes for ALL contests - from sports to society.
If you answered "the ordinary human" you've been watching too many movies and playing the wrong video games.
exo-wombs are critical for bioengineering research
I thought Holla Forums hated fags?
autism: the post
Tesla never married because he was a genius schitzo who loved pigeons.
Yeah, great.
mfw nobody remembers noko
wasn't there some dono-something that let people delete shit
too bad we can't have that here, too many botting semites
I'm talking about those who drone on about muh will of nature, yet proclaim to be superior (yet the Jews control their societies) I'm a transhumanist obviously
You employ an awful lot of histrionics for some that's making calm, rational and well-formed arguments.
Query, since this is a designated shitposting thread: Is white nationalism at all involved in your views? Aryanism, esoteric hitlerism, any of the current ethnic memes floating around here on your friendly neighbourhood National Socialist shitposting board?
Are all races not at an eternal fight for dominance? It's why multiracialism is a failed ideology
Maybe to you, but since you're apparently incapable of viewing my other posts, I'll afford you the benefit of the doubt.
One day you too will have a prosthetic robo-fedora that tips itself.
That sounds very vaguely familiar, but all that's ringing a bell is when mass-reporting of a post triggered an auto-delete so CP could be taken down faster than mods could get to it.
Man we abused the fuck outta that.
Still better than believing in your nigger tier religion.
Yes, my vision for the future is a society populated by white make cyborgs with robot wives satisfying their baser urges while colonizing space
The issue isn't what they're craving. Of course a desire for Doritos is probably for sodium, ice cream for sugar (maybe iron because iron-deficiency creates a desire for ice), and chalk for calcium. That's not the issue. The issue is that the nutrients for the development of a healthy embryo is not standardized, and so you'd need a machine capable of being in sync with the kid as well as a mother, making on-the-fly adaptations of which vitamins and nutrients to supply.
I wanna fuck that gourd so bad
Soon every faggot will have kids. Yay!
REEEEEEEE this type of research needs to be fucking stopped.
This thread is just nostalgia after nostalgia, isn't it?
That seems incredibly superfluous. I mean, if robotics are superior in some form to adopt them over the human body, why have humans at all, even whites? And if the end goal is whites in general, why deal in machine augmentation when the goal is racial purity? I don't understand how you can rationalize it.
>Not only of your strength, but your ability to make choices.
If there are no suitable women, you either mold a suitable woman or abstain. Women don't start as whores–they are formed that way by the culture and bad parenting. Whores can be unmade.
you're doing it wrong
Fantastic waste of dubs for a kike post.
No, Schlomo, you don't get to inflict your bullshit on people who want children anymore.
Devil's advocate here, but I don't see anything humans make as any less natural than a beaver dam. I'm pro-artificial augmentation, because I see it as the next step of our natural proclivity to excel and invent. Taking control of our development is no different than a lightbulb taking control of the day/night cycle.
Can you imagine Jamal inventing a neurally-integrated myomer-actuated cybernetic limb? I doubt it. Our science itself is part of our racial pride.
I don't see what's stopping them in the first place. Niggers have a lot of kids, plenty of retards have kids, if there was a degenerate out there who wanted to knock up some whore and have offspring, by the power of his own maligned libido he shall do it. This doesn't make more degenerates have kids, it's just a hyper expensive and disgusting gimmick that by and large won't have any world shattering effects until the Jews mass produce it and give it to chinks.
Where's your 5 children then, if you're so serious about your beliefs?
I already stated once that I'm an atheist.
take your stockholm syndrome someplace else. that feminist meme has already been discredited countless times
It can't be a trap if it have a womb. It would be a futa.
On the bad news. It means that fucking gay people "now" can have children. Both of fucking them.
Hopefully we will end the jew influence on society by the time it becomes possible
Nice. I'd rather have a real girl, but california means that most if not all women can't be trusted. So I'll take the alternative.
That's a fair observation that I didn't consider, I can't shake the horror of it, however. I'm simply worried about ethnic or racial consciousness in a world where struggle and change don't exist except in the eyes of whatever beholder. I mean, where would Nietzschean philosophy fit? Where would there be struggle in an automated, hyper fascist space empire?
i think the issue i'm having is that jews are parasitical to whites, and the white hosts are mostly oblivious to what going on. jews cannot accomplish or achieve what whites can. but if the fact that jews have nefariously weaseled their way to the top and achieved their shaky power structure implies dominance and superiority then i guess you're right. although i think we will just have to see who is the last one standing
If I had to guess they would say something like "the one with the holy spirit in them"
Look, if all goes well, the modern white race will be as the Romans before us: the creators of a society with lasting impact, and they'll honor us for our contributions. If all goes really, really well, we'll, personally, still be around to watch our society evolve.
Have you done this? It's not as easy as it sounds. I tried to turn a girl I liked, though she was rather loose in the past, into something respectable. Things went great for two years then out of nowhere she fucks one of my friends. I haven't dated since then really. I've had girls throw themselves at me, I mean actually come up to me at a bar and start kissing my neck but I pushed them away. I realize that the pool of women that I've been fishing from hasn't been the most fertile of grounds for what I'm looking for, but then again it's a little hard to find anything else. I won't ever pretend to be a perfectly strong man, I'm not a Chad I know this, but that also doesn't mean that the dishonorableness I've seen from girls isn't their fault. Instead of dating for a commitment, girls are just climbing rungs. I don't know how old you are but once you hit mid 20s you'll see what I mean.
I want to believe
Accept prophetic words. I didn't choose the dubs; the dubs recognized my truth. There is nothing more degenerate than giving up on wholesome women and dynamic families.
Your best bet is actually looking around here for an autistic Holla Forums/imageboard girl, relative to your own autism anyway. In general they're easy to relate to and are almost always virgins. I mean here as in imageboards, not Holla Forums: They don't browse Holla Forums unless they're newfags or enjoy being called shit, or something. There's also the option of Holla Forums outerboard groups that exist in IRC channels and the like. This is all advice for if you're still searching, since I assume you haven't given up hope yet.
Where are yours? doesn't mean varg isn't an actual larper who's "music" sounds like a cat vomiting. Children won't even be that necessary besides colonization purposes due to life extension tech
but would this be the case in a proper white national socialist society?
This is the absolute worst advice I've seen in this entire thread.
Wanna know a secret?
A shitload used to browse /cgl/, and most of them are girls pretending to be boys who pretend to be cute girls. It's nearly impossible to spot one until you speak to them at length, but you'll know shortly by the way they speak.
Fuck you it worked in my case.
I demand pictures of you and your pregnant wife, blur out the faces if you want but shoes on heads
That sounds like the most autistic degenerate shit, why the fuck would I want to be with a girl like that?
I haven't, but I don't know if I'd want to imbue my kids with even more autism. I am finding it hard to justify not buying the egg of some very successful aryan woman and having a surrogate child. The best gift you can give your kids is good genetics really.
I dated a virgin for two years and it didn't work out due to issues about certain moral issues, such as abortion. I told her that I would not put my child in a woman who thought it was okay for mothers to murder their babies. I'm sure I could have convinced her if I stuck around, but I actually ended up leaving. Now, though I'm confident in my ability to find and woo a trad-woman, I've decided that celibacy is the life for me.
I take back my previous statement, THIS is the worse advice ITT
How would you hide from male board culture without demanding the ire of the tits or gtfo crowd whilst maintaining your femininity, even arbitrarily?
this is the sourest of grapes
Why? Just kill yourself at that point.
You're going to the gas chamber, Edgar.
I didn't say date a /cgl/ nutcase, I used this as a way to state that they exist. Ah, fuck it, none of you believe me anyway.
I think it's time for you to leave.
Literally larping.
you have to go back, papist scum
There was only an attempt to rekindle hope, but it's all dead now. Figures, I guess. You'll all believe me once it happens to you, then you'll see! I drink this hemlock not to follow the law but to prove a point, fuck you guys.
You can't read, either.
Ah so I'm speaking with a nigger toes kisser. Got it. Yeah go be celibate you jew worshiper, not like your race matters.
And you don't know what transvestite means.
You're promoting we date women who pretended to be men, that is degeneracy.
Too many fags to keep track
It will be better than whatever your ugly hag of a "wife" shits out
It's just an ideal, most negroids would cause more trouble than good. It would be a waste of resources to bring them up to human status, not that humanity is some gold standard. I do think robots will be superior, humans will exist simply because we don't want to die for some collective goal. The point of this tech really is to enhance ourselves and our lives not completely replace humans with robots
Church. Come to Jesus, go to church. You may laugh, but there are plenty of young, gorgeous white women wishing more young handsome men went to church for them to find a husband among.
This isn't about believing you, this is about your advice being fucking terrible.
I am not going to date some attention whore who dressed up like a faggot for the pleasure of actual faggots.
Is this thread worth of a sage bomb?
There are already anons like that on /clang/ and a few on /m/
At least I would have a wife
That board's name is wrong. If it goes clang, you're using the wrong synthetics…
Maybe I'll just take your blood then, as it apparently slows aging down :^)
But after seeing how brown Holla Forums is you're probably a nigger LARPing as a white nationalist
If they didn't, is it not entirely likely that they'd be told to fuck off about as immediately as they posted? Again, what would you do if you were female, wanted to shitpost, whilst keeping yourself from being happened upon by tits or gtfo? The rule's in place to not have whores shit up threads or derail them, but they speak in such a way that it's obvious to spot them if they don't mask themselves.
I'm not even suggesting you date the ones from /cgl/, I am however saying that they exist.
Whether it is or is not hasn't stopped me.
traps are more submissive and make better housewives than normal girls at this point, so if you could have one to make babies with, then why not.
Would you prefer I use "myself"?
Traps also age worse than biotrash women. Your boyfriend will look like a middle aged man in a wig once he hits 27
It's hard as an atheist. I've had luck at coffee shops. Nice place for day game and usually girls there are studying for med school or law school.
Homos need to be put into camps. They harm our way of making a traditional white population and enthostate.
They know what they're doing.
You don't need good actual sentient AI to have a robot wife, it just needs convincing enough programming to satisfy
The Jews outs himself. They really get way too bold for their own good.
I'm not sure how you keep up hope for that after a thread like this. Some pointers would be nice.
Shut it down
Considering first gen is being released this year, we will see.
Just shut up and give me that aryan virgin blood
Go back to watching your interracial porn, all you tradcucks watch it
You niggers won't be laughing when some AI comes along asking how it can satisfy your values
when this one hits bump limit then we bump every other thread, ok?
Don't be demoralized and remember the fourteen words, brother.
That's the devil in the details. Race is a function of having drawn ourselves up out of the worst environments to adapt the best and produce the most desirable qualities. But once we take manual control over what we are, we're responsible for what we end up being. It's very possible that we may someday end up a post-racial society in the truest sense. We'll have to remember that it was our race that got us to that point to begin with to honor it, because all the rules will go out the window. It'll be daunting.
I know somebody from /cgl/. That person dated somebody else I knew. I would never, ever in a million years date anyone from that festering shithole of middleschool drama. Easily the worst board I have ever been on. Haughtier over nothing than /jp/, more spiteful than /r9k/, emptier of value than Holla Forums, less self-aware than /mlp/, and more anemic of soul than Holla Forums. It is truly the worst place on any imageboard, and I am including niche degenerate porn up to and including diapers, femdom, sissification, vore, and furries.
Also she was a cheating whore who blamed her boyfriend for her slutcapades.
But that's unnatural! Holla Forums will go for it though as much as the fags here deny it.
Imagine going around in 1965 and asking all the supposed conservatives if they'd willingly carry around wireless radio tracking devices.
They'd call you a commie and they'd be right
Today? iPhones for everybody!
Also, What is the best brand of toaster?
I want a based, redpilled, polaproved toaster that doesn't fund a jew.
Should I go opensauce, and print a toaster?
Opensource toaster
My dubs don't lie
It's a /tg/ meme.
Not to be confused with
Artificial wombs inside human level ai androids will be nice.
I want a qt to fuck in his tight boipussy and he'll do all the chores in nothing but an apron that exposes his ass and love me without all the nagging and yelling. There's a reason the Romans fucked dudes. Women and men are not good together.
I supprased my transhumanism phase when I was 13
Maybe just the good ones.
Will do. Maybe going for a run would unfuck my soul right about now.
The concept of going into a non-jewed post-racial state is fucking baffling to me, and it could actually be here in my lifetime if everything goes well. I shudder to think about the challenges that will appear in the age of ultimate decadence. Maybe we'll need mock/fake wars to keep ourselves in line in the future, I have no idea. In response to your /cgl/ statement, that's both hilarious and horrifying. The one I know is not from there, so I suppose I'm extremely lucky. Maybe those soulless harpies fucked off to /s4s/ with the tumblrites.
You just finished deus ex for the first time didn't you?
Is someone that has italian and spanish ancestry masterrace?
Your shitposting is magnificent, I will learn from your example.
We'll probably just waste our time reliving the lives of the ancients shitposting on Holla Forums
Usually what mexicans say lmao. I have a Puerto Rican friend who insists he's European even though he's full on nigger tier mexispic.
I thought that too, but then I realized that finding a good woman is much better.
The trick of doing what we've always done in an increasingly unfamiliar environment is going to become more and more convoluted in the future.
I bet a those cuck porn subscriptions add up , if you cut down a bit maybe you can afford a robot too.
Not really, I swear none of you have actually talked to a woman before. They generally have nothing interesting to say and they age horribly. Your delusions thy women we're somehow ever good is telling
Maybe a good trap man. Women are by nature evil
I bet a those cuck porn subscriptions add up , if you cut down a bit maybe you can afford a robot too.
Not really, I swear none of you have actually talked to a woman before. They generally have nothing interesting to say and they age horribly. Your delusions thy women we're somehow ever good is telling
Man, /tg/ got so fucking bad after awhile. It's full of autists and furries now.
I mean a true spanish eurpoean, not a indigenous / conquistador mix
Yeah, we heard you the first time.
I mean a true spanish eurpoean, not a indigenous / conquistador mix
You are a piece of shit that only knows piece of shit women, becouse you always get near your kind
I am ready. You fucking better believe I am. I don't even care whether AI cunts or Robo Sluts come first. As long as I can create superior life with my genes enhanced in a lab, I'm down for it.
Women are trash, just like you pathetic white knight cuckolds are.
Your mother is in fact a whore, so is your sister so is your girlfriend/wife/whatever
All they will ever be is a moist hole and you being the pathetic sack of shit you are will defend them on the internet like some ledditfag just so you can get a sniff of their loose bleeding hole. You are no better than a nigger
Now for Japan to make the animu designs.
How ironic
You sound more like a leddit fag than anyone else here really. You sound fresh off the boat from r/TRP. I bet you fuck 2/10 mystery meats and think you're some master of the game.
No, you faggots came over during the election. You worship your garbage 1930 propaganda pictures and have the delusion that the Jews somehow made women shit.!you are so retarded you fell for a near century old propaganda by a white knight. Whatever disgusting cunt you become provider for will have taken a mile of cock. Know that yourwife will be used goods and just settled for some loser jacking off to dead women.
Holla Forums proves it's stupidity once again. Oh, and just to trigger you, I'm posting from Tor. I wouldn't usually tell someone when I try to trigger them, but I know it'll get to you even if I do.
Holla Forums's pretty much always wrong. It's also full of hypocritical faggots aka the anti-Jews, much like anti-matter!
And this is what we're spending our genius and time for advancement on. Fucking artificial wombs, instead of improving the human race, we're trying to break down a natural and intrinsic order just to say "Ha, we can!"
Faggot logic! Don't do something just to say you can? It has to have immediate practical applications??
What do we say kids?!
That's right!
No it's trash and needs to be destroyed. Human birth is inefficient and can potentially kill the women. But that doesn't matter because you want to be an edgy contrarian loser who just opposes something because it's mainstream.
I hope you burn to death in the afterlife.
soon… just a few years and all this dating bullshit will be over. No more fear of being charged with rape just because you hammered her cunt like a lunatic on PCP. No more sad feelings that you've wasted 3 years of your life to find out shes unfit for breeding duty and houswork service while keeping her mouth shut.
Dang, I thought we could spar a little bit more before you proving yourself to be a TRSodomite. Back to >>>/trs/
That would be sad if I was the same person as that faggot.
Good thing I'm not, or else I'd have wasted most of my life with shit-stains like you.
Of course Holla Forums faggots believe in God.
Typical TORpedo.
There is no such thing thankfully. There isn't anything you can/will do to stop this glorious future, you'll just whine on your little hugbox while we match to victory
Rachposter I'll bring you back to life next.
Some real astroturfing going on in this thread.
I've released my botnet on every major board.
And how exactly does pedophilia fit into anything I said? Come on, at least give me a challenge, fight the stereotypes! Calling someone a pedo isn't even an argument!
Cute, but unless you can come up with some fresh, new bait, I think we're done here.
Holla Forums's always triggered, just like sjw's
No, and don't blame your background for not having a waifu. Fortune does not take into account excuses. Be the best man you can be, and your family will not be a significant impediment.
N-no bully please.
stfu, all of you fucking faggots and let me post my machine cunt dreams in peace without your posts disturbing the aesthetic appearence of this thread. FFS.
One thing is for sure. The classical conservative world view of family and roles did not prevent from jews taking over every nation. We had those strong families and men. We had all of it. Many countries. But they NEVER prevented the subversion on a high political level or were never able to defend against simplest forms of propaganda like spewing shit in the press.
I am no faggot. I will immediately forfeit my ideology of transhumanism, if you manage to gass the jews simply by high birth rates and training breed waifus. Until then, your arguments are bland in the face of actual history.
Families prospered, but only when no one tried to fuck them over. This model is not resilient towards modern forms of psychological warfare. But I will tell you what actually IS resistant: an AI waifu yielding ten autistic arch linux distributions in her neural pathways, able to combat jews anywhere in the world and in fucking space.
This is progress. Clinging onto failed models is not. And every day you spew your shit about "muh wimminz are innocent", you prove all these degenerate LGBT faggots right, because you won't change anything.
The Earthly Emmissary of the Machine God has spoken. No go and gass yourselves. Thank you.
Heh, you don't know my family. I won't blog about my story but you'd understand if I told you.
It works. Every time. No matter how hard (((they))) try. 3D women tilt when they see a new pair of shoes.
Get in the showers.
Go to /robowaifu/ then. You can learn how to actually build one (you need a 3D printer). This thread shows artifical wombs will become a reality, realdoll is pushing for a 2017 release date on fembots, DSdolls is following close behind. Our dream will be reality in the near future. I hope you're ready user.
Male/female parenting roles is the most healthy and effective system of procreation and rearing that has been devised by thousands of years of evolution. There will always be subversion no matter what unless you exterminate the subvertees as it were. History is by nature cyclical, civilizations will collapse anyway, usually so when these things break down.
But who knows, we haven't had a post-jew world yet. Perhaps a 1,000 year Reich is feasible in that universe.
Yeah, stopped reading right there. Go stick a sharpie up your nose and headbutt a table.
I smell oil. I shover in diesel.
I go to /robowaifu/ if you go either back to Holla Forums or /christcucks/. Bother are interchangeable.
When you've seen as many pregnant mothers who have "cravings" as I have, you learn to discount the semi-mystical deference most men give them. "Oh, so it's the baby who is demanding you eat that ice cream? Are you sure it's not your 60+ BMI and attempting to invoke your pussy pass?"
Micronutrient & vitamin levels should be able to be maintained in homeostatic levels via continuous monitoring. Many of these can even be held in slight excess as a safety buffer.
So robowaifus are the panacea to all our woes because an algorithm made you chuckle?
Ok, that's funny!
So true.
My thoughts are that we might be able to get real women to at lest try and be good wives again, but the cycle will just repeat itself again for a future generation. I will not pass this shit down, it needs to die and it needs to happen soon. Robowaifus solve this issue, either human girls would be immediately aborted (or kept in a tube asleep, used only for their wombs) or simply wouldn't happen due to genetic engineering. Our children will live in peace.
wut, I'm telling you to go there because you'd find it interesting. I'm not a leftist or a christcuck
It was. At early stages of evolution. Evolution means also dropping things that don't work at higher stages. In the face of groundbreaking technological advancement and sophisticated enemies, families can't serve as the nucleus of society anymore, not if you don't live in a ghetto being a vanilla goyim.
Very much like in Elysium. The lower classes will breed like rabbits and adhere to old evolutionary standards, while the upper echelons of the elite will have discovered the machine god. The only problem and fight before us is preventing jews stepping their foot into these upper echelons. Right now they are winning and you don't see it. They are grabbing important tech left and right until they will be unstoppable. As a transhumanist, my interest lies within preventing kikes from taking over tech, while at the same time combat cuckservatives and their movie fantasies from the 60s.
My goal as a transhuminist is to finish my education and help bring about advanced, custom robot bodies to dump our brains into. I'll kill all who try to take it or limit the general public's access to it.
I find myself concerned that this technology will be used to enable women to wait even longer before marrying and having children.
Confirmed for short-sighted degenerate.
Not impossible. Don't do away with pregnancy; it's a slippery slope.
Stop being so weak, faggot.
Are you speaking from experience> Have you found a qt through this place? Or are you LARPing your autistic fantasy?
Song sauce? I know I've heard it before and it's going to drive me batshit until I remember.
I heard there was some Russian guy working on that. Might be worth looking into
Wew lad, are you 15 years old?
"your waifu a shit" will be off the spectrum soon. This may be how the real big one happens.
Oh yes, I've got my eyes on that already. If they beat me to it, I can at least help make it cheaper, better, and more advanced.
It wont matter if they don't want kids, because this will allow you to have as many kids as you want.
Slippery Slope is a fallacy, but why would it matter? The only argument I've seen against artificial wombs is "hurr they'll be autistic no I don't have any citations hurr"
Also if someone wants to have a kid with a robot why does that matter? How is it any worse than an autist and a hamplanet having a kid?
As much as 3d cunts are your dream because you've watched too much of picture related.
You should take a look at OpenAI. Musk is also financing it. It will be the bridge head for public accessable and open source AI.
They already can wait until 60. It is already possible for 60 year old hags to spawn normal kids. It's very expensive though. It will be available (affordable) to the masses in a few years.
I'm pretty sure it's from interstellar.
I was new here once myself.
15 year old confirmed. It's okay man, I remember myself at your age.
This timeline has gone full silly.
Elysium was directed by a South African who fled his country and saw the destruction of Africa's breadbasket be destroyed by niggers. That is Holla Forums's prediction of the future for the western world as well, if we don't stop it. Yes, it wasn't only you, Elysium's protagonist was supposed to be the bad guy.
Image boards are anonymous. Girls that do this just can't let go of their girl privilege.
"game" is a terrible way to find a waifu
That's a lot of student debt. I take it you intend to be the parent that stays home with the children, then?
It's more than a prediction, it's in the forecast.
real triples, fake tits
This. + GATTACA.
video related. It should have been you.
no it isn't, eugenics is pretty much done for just like national socialism is. It's never coming back no matter how bad you want it, the same goes for the Marxists
Eugenics is what should have happened until now. Sadly this step was prevented by the kikes. Insread we have a pseudo-darwinistic system based on plutocracy where 40IQ nigger can make millions.
It may, in very isolated regions after globalist kikes have taken over the world. Also, another scenario is planetary Nationalism, but this is highly unlikely, as the kikes will control who is settling where.
Confirmed. Thanks M8
Nice puddle deep justification for glorifying hollywood trash though. It's like you don't even understanding meme magick. These movies are memeing these dystopian futures into existence exactly as the kabbalist kikes want. The way to avoid that is to meme some other scifi that isn't pozzed, and sadly that isn't possible as it mostly is pozzed across the board.
Seriously though, if you thought Elysium had any depth to it you should probably stop posting.
I don't mean game as in shitty pick up lines, I mean that daygame is more like talking to girls like people instead of when you go out when there's all that unnecessary sexual tension. I enjoy sexual tension sure, but it happens naturally when there's a connection between people and not because the venue you're at dictates that genitals should be merging.
They just keep proving your point. It's like a terrible meme that never dies.
Thanks, I might just check it out!
Because it serves a valuable purpose.
Whole lotta kikes ITT, shameful lack of moderation tbh
And it's purpose isn't being an argument or response when you can't come up with a real response with facts.
People like yourselves are why eugenics are a necessity. Fuck off, (((transhumanists))).
When you die of old age, I'll try to schedule a visit to your grave so I can piss on it with my new body's coolant.
Don't be salty because I refuse to be baited into the argument of whether or not the slippery slope is real. We've beaten that horse to death here.
All the LARPing in the world wont make eugenics and neetsock ever acceptable again. I hope your wish comes true though, because people like you will be the first sterilized.
Funny because you hold nearly identical beliefs to trs
Studies will have to be done on how such tampering with the natural order impacts the cycle of incarnation. If fembots and genetically engineered catgirls don't incarnate feminine wills properly, the entire thing is untenable. You'll end up creating that "men and traps" dynamic through the interference with the manifestation of female souls, much like we are seeing today already with the societal and physical shifts causing malformation of incarnations. On the other hand, "artificial" lifeforms might only be distinguishable from "natural" life in terms of material composition with a sufficiently advanced robabe being a container capable of receiving consciousness in the same way as a human. It's possible that this could even constitute an advancement to a greater form, but it has yet to be determined that it is not degeneration to a lesser form.
kek. my nigger.
here, have a cookie:
mmh.. this natural butter face. HEIL HITLER!
Are you britkikes mad that you got banned off another board? Maybe if you wouldn't be such insufferable cucks it wouldn't happen every six months.
Surely, you can muster enough redeeming qualities that your family won't matter, and you can agree to see them only once a year.
Slippery slope is a prophecy, too.
Thank you for clarifying. I wouldn't call that game; just interaction, but that's just me. Talking to women to get to know them better is a reasonably good way to find a waifu.
Oh great, it's /fringe/
not all priests have to be celibate you know. Become Orthodox (or maybe Eastern Catholic - they might follow the same custom) and you can have your cake and eat it too.
Alternatively, become an Anglican priest, marry, then convert back via the Ordinariate - presto: valid marriage and ordination!
Fam, let me tell you this now so you aren't disappointed in a decade: OpenAI is as likely to produce as those silicon bags you posted.
It's just a rough job market. I was trying to do a job change to infosec and was stonewalled due to a lack of a security clearance. It costs like 10k to have it done yourself so it's going to be a while before I can get one. As soon as I get it I have some good jobs lined up though.
OP kill yourself faggot. this is not good. Holla Forums
For your sake and ours, please leave.
It's fine to focus on employment for a few months before looking for a suitable partner.
Its not gay if the penis is feminine.
That's what keeps me from going beyond fucking & dumping interaction. I absolutely refuse to lower myself or my standards as a result of compromise due to the often cited argument "women are dumb, deal with it". I'm not dealing with it. It takes up too much of my precious time and hinders my many hobbies aside from quality shitposting.
even fucking stoneage muslims use fucking drones. Yet here you are, preaching your fucking backward shit.
This. Daipers are fucking expensive, fyi.
Nice meme. You should make one of those image macros that are so hip with the kids these days. :^)
Yea, because Holla Forums is full of pussy whipped losers. Noble women don't exist, they aren't biologically capable of anything besides narcissism.
This is your brain on static analysis.
They are. After the first child, cloth diapers are less expensive, but still not cheap.
liar. Women are innocent. It's the jews that make them that way! fuck you reported sage MODS!
jesus. kys already.
It might be exactly what Hitler wanted when you consider the actual implementations which are likely to be far more complex than "robot with lipstick and an onahole." The merging of an actual "AI" worth a shit with a physical form will likely appear more as an individualistic swarm of semi-biological nanomachines united by an adherence to identity based on archetypal information, long-term genetic memory, and manifest willpower. A human raised to the quantum level in body rather than simply in spirit. This process would be less the assembly of a replaceable object and more the birth of a true daemon rather than a limited eidolon.
Whatever you do don't be a cuck.
The other kid will never care about you and your own blood will have zero respect for you/
So long bitches. Good luck trying to cleave one of those legs on your X chromosome to create an artificial male cuck to serve you.
Holla Forumss glorious natural future. They will make great beta providers
Sorry faggot, you're not going to shitpost your way into our club.
Oh no, I guess this racially aware white aryan beauty is all yours.
Alright bitches, I'm back from getting dinner, what shit have you got for me?
This isn't YouTube; no one should use the word salty like that anymore. It's like woke; it's cancer and it needs to stop.
Ok, even though I read the whole thing, that alone is enough to eviscerate any credibility or validity you may have had.
FYI, you didn't have any credibility or validity in your greentext turd.
Thanks my nigger, may I call you my nigger, my nigger?
Religion is bullshit cancer, period.
Woman have always been shit, they just want male resources. Mangina get out.
OpenAI is the next in the ever-growing line of Musk-headed scams for autistic Silicon Valley investors to lose money on. It MIGHT eventually produce a shitty chatbot system, but most likely it will remain a lot of hot air about "muh open standards" that will promptly be ignored by people doing the actual work in open-source AI dev. Why the fuck do you think this is going to give anyone drones?
Thing is, there are young girls out there which are not THAT retarded but they are visually not that much attractive. I once tried to like and love a girl that was quite obedient, NatSoc and all what a men can wish for, but she really wasn't a looker and my dick and my visual preferences (which are actually important because of genetic health indication) turned me off. Because I liked her, I cared for her a few months after unlike other bitches i dump and delete off my phone the moment I leave their fuck place.
You people really need to learn how to read and understand scientific reporting. The media have been drastically overstating our current capabilities in the stemcell field. These cells cannot ever form a viable embyo. They are bathed in a chemical condition that can only transiently produce this stage of development, but which permanently blocks it from advancing to the next stage. This is basically a biochemical parlor trick with overzealous scientific 'reporters' trying to oversell it.
Guys, guys! Why not both? Robot monster waifus!
Even a 100/10 can be photographed in a position that makes her look ugly. If it wasn't for the degenerate ear gauge this girl would be fine white wife material.
You're a faggot and you need to burn.
time for you to go on a swim.
Just off that you're not a beta provider, you have your fun then pick of the cream of the crop.
Your children will be mongrel Muslims, ruled over by tyrannical jewish technocrats, fucking machine women to placate their urge to be free of their life of slavery.
Fuck you're desperate. If you're going to fuck biotrash at least raise your standards
Enjoy your Model 3, fam.
example. Now. It has to be a legit 10/10. No 5/10 perspective fucking.
Nice bullshit prophecy, you don't need subhuman women to remove kebab as they are a direct threat to technological advancement.
Friendly reminder: traps don't have periods so sex everyday
When will you accept the truth user?
That's shit gore, you retards can't even post gore correctly
Whats wrong user?
this is the future you chose
I can think of worse futures
Can't be worse than being ruled by autistic neetsocs
it's because they're afraid of girls.
omega faggots
Dubs confirms I'm retarded.
I like the 3rd one
Typical Holla Forums hypocrisy
Man, when people say guts pop out of you they aren't kidding. Brutal. It only took them 15 minutes to grow enough balls to cut him though.
Get out shill.
Admitting you're not from here, as if it wasn't obvious.
Friendly reminder: traps shit out of their "boipuccis" every day
I notice you didn't try to deny his claim.
You are pathetic, just as bad as tumblr. Nothing but hypocrisy and double think from you. You claim to stand for the truth, but you don't you just stand for whatever "truth" that fits your ideological narrative
Get out.
Get back to Holla Forums, tankie scum.
I posted that because I knew it would get a rise out of you idiots.
Maybe pull that brown pill out your mouth and you'll see that you've become what you hate. Don't take my word for it though, you will keep loosing more and more people as you have been because more and more people are seeing through your bullshit.
I heard they're serving Stalin Brain mash at uncle Nixon's house tonight!
So you are only pretending to be retarded.
This. Funny only commie kikes like transhumanism instead of having normal traditional white women. Makes them easier to spot out.
Geneticly engenered traps don't have to shit sill
Reminder that revulsion by nature is a uniquely judaic quality and transhumanism is just a repackaging of Tikkun Olam. As Hitler put it in Mein Kampf:
You made no argument, you just made baseless claims. You have fallen to your own hubris as you manipulate the truth to fit your needs, but please explain how your so superior that you need a robot to give you love and satisfaction instead of a normal woman. Typical for a Communist to be absolute butthurt about how nature works.
Why should I even bother to read your posts? By your own admission you are posting lies and garbage.
But without pain, how does one know what is pleasure? You cannot have one without the other, this will lead to depression from lack of engagement.
You're right. Ying and Yang. Happiness can not exist without sadness.
You must be illiterate too, I WANT to fuck a robot.
I never stated I was posting lies, I posted a picture.
You have no idea how much of a bad idea cloning is for our long term species health, do you.
Way to out yourself, kike.
The whole point is not to let your wife do that. Didn't want to tell you the truth, but the technology to develop waifubots won't be out for 50 years, long after your glory days, Grandpa. This is all before something like WWIII or a SHTF scenario doesn't happen. I didn't agrue how being a Communist is absolutely retarded.
And to get away from that depression, people indulge further and further in degeneracy.
I downloaded it just uuuu. You should thank me, it's one of those natural human women you love so much. Why do you hate nature?
it already exists, they will be available this year supposedly. Realdoll is releasing the first one, unless China beats them too it. But I'm fine to agree to disagree. If you want your biocunt then I don't care, but I'm going to have a robot girl and there's nothing you can do about it.
He's probably following the example of his nazi-punching hero, Captain Indiana America Jones.
Meant for you
Cloning makes a species extremely vulnerable to viruses for the simple lack of genetic diversity alone, simply because you're just copying existing genes. Other problems that arise are things like cancer from rapid aged clones, premature onset of degenerative diseases. Some other problems with cloning are primarily due to trying to use fossilized DNA samples.
Clone of you =/= you, unless you're doing it on the atomic scale right down to every single atom in your body but that's entirely different from genetic cloning, and cloning doesn't make you immortal it just ensures a vbery slow process of degeneration from using aged cells of yourself. If you want grand kids go fuck someone.
I don't want a society without women. I just want a society where their power is reduced so that they return to their traditional domestic roles.
Because you're not making any claims, you're just shitposting. Your posting has no content.
I'll see you in detetion, user. I need to teach you how to form an argument. You'll find after our lesson your thoughts will be clearer and will take on a more organized structure.
I pointed out the hypocrisy of implying "i'm scared of women" because I don't want to marry one and Holla Forumss response to "islamiphobia/homophobia=fear of gays/muslims " where as it doesn't seem to be a fear but a genuine dislike.
Why the fuck do you have all these pictures saved by the way?
implying that by the time human cloning is both perfected and legal, cancer, viral, bacterial and other genetic diseases will still be a thing
caused by 40 year old single mothers getting impregnated by 25 year old beta autists conditioned by years of fapping to (((MILF porn)))
Do the images bother you ?
No, I assume you don't want to marry a woman because you're fundamentally weak and incapable of doing so. Your machine dreams are the most fundamentally jewish fantasy I have yet come across.
Tell me, does this image remind you of something ? Was your mom a bit too overbearing ? Do you live in a relatively matriarchal family culture ?
Viruses and bacteria will never go away, and it is in fact impossible to get rid of them without extreme heat treatment, especially when you rely on bacteria to even live or survive other more deadlier bacteria and the nature of what viruses are whatever virus you could get rid of will merely open the way for a new virus to show up. Cancer is also impossible to get rid of because cancer is the result of a flaw and you cannot get rid of that flaw from showing up without becoming a completely mechanical machine. Genetic diseases are preserved from genetic cloning, and removing those genes via genetic engineering will weaken the diversity of your gene pool and increase your vulnerability to simple biological warfare. Some of those genetic diseases are actually trade offs for resistances in other areas, so those will remain. Beyond that cloning also causes imperfect random changes to the genes when used so even though generational differences aren't that much there is always an individual case by case basis that your clone can be born without an immune system, half an organ, no organ, strange changes in different stages of maturity, etc., etc.
Assume what you want, your shaming tactics won't work on me.
So what are you saying, that we're not white enough for you super-aryans?
Post your nose.
holy shit, kek confirms Armitage III will be real
Of course they won't. The Jew is immune to shame.
You don't sound worried
When you look like pic related, of course you'll grow to hate nature.
flu shot with these hehehe
Still more attractive than anyone who posts on here
lrn2 antifragile
Those two screenshots were not edited, I checked
bypassing feminism
lrn2 molecular patterns of gene expression
The techniques are not the problem, using a new technique to do the same thing you've already been doing by replacing DNA in the embryo will still result in random changes to those genes in the embryo and is one of the primary problems nobody is seriously pushing for a full human clown beyond a fetus, eggs, and sperm because it always leads to strange defects of the clone. Same gene clones have the same problems as inbreds and hybrid clones solve most of the issues involved with that but then that defeats the point of cloning.
Isn't it amazing every time artificial wombs and new technology innovations are brought up that undermine the power of pussy (fuck the pussy panderers in society) the tradcucks get butthurt?
And here I thought this board was politically incorrect.
I look forward to this future.
Ideological projection of aryan women becoming Natsocs is admirable, but mistaken. Taylor Swift is a feminist by the way. Keep dreaming in lala land.
Could you not in theory make an egg from a different guy?
Yes, then it would be a hybrid clone the problem for injecting embryos with swapped DNA is the speed the egg changes from the original DNA towards the new DNA. Instead of a fast technique you need an effective slow technique for the process.
But that must make you jewish as only "pure aryan warriors" are pussy whipped beta providers apparently
What are you, a nigger? True Aryan coming through.
how are jews not embarassed of themselves when they do this?
>A dick nose measuring contest
Doesn't really look that different tbh, I just have that shitty english ball at the end of my nose
their military uses pirated windows for some reason
Because they don't have to pay for it then :^)
someone alert the Microsoft Tech Pajeets
Because they are immunized against all of that, it's like rain off a raincoat.
Well, if this does happen, it would probably be marketed. Thus, be prepared for a bunch of your best looking women/girls to be sold around, i.e. child trafficking and a like. In addition, a lot of rape and race mixing since everyone will pick the best.
Although I would like this on the basis of: most women are worthless. There may be some good ones but due to the amount of time it takes to find one/my guess might even be wrong and screw my life over, this still doesn't seem like a good idea. Then again, if the technology presents itself it'll be done by someone else anyways, so, I don't know.
Yeah, that's where you lost me.
There is a very special AIDS bog waiting for you and your pets.
This takes me back to days of messing with .bat files and making them open windows that say "NIGGER" in flashing colours.
Shoulda just opened that hackertyper website or whatever.
this is proof that anime is the cancer to the white race.
wut, I'm in my early 20's
I doubt it.
Well at least I look young, I shouldn't complain
Or maybe you're an androgynous, neotenous city dweller with xenoestrogens in your veins.
why not all of them?
If people did what you advocated, they would fuck niggers at a much higher rate.
just filter the commiekiddie, retards
I'm not a virgin loser so I'm not waiting for AlexaBot and EchoBot, but I can't say the future doesn't send a few shivers down my spine.
Nice maymay you stupid fuck
Don't worry, soon you'll have someone to watch you gorge on junk food while calling you oniichan.
Well that's a relief, the NSA truly is my greatest ally
Indeed. Also please make sure not to have goyim children now ok? You can wait for the ArtificialWombs(tm) and you'll have such healthy, well-behaved children.
The problem is that self-destructive whites (and "whites") infected with self-loathing leftist memetics are going to try their hardest to A) prevent white people from taking advantage of the technology we invent and B) give that technology to people and cultures that aren't advanced enough to apply it wisely.
It is imperative that we continue leading the charge of technology, but we need to ensure that we maintain control over it and that it doesn't get politically subverted.
something too inhuman about that robobitch.
2d > robopussy
I'm sure your hambeast wife will shit out more little cattle goyim. Future blood banks for me while my robowaifu sucks my cock.
You'll be in a FEMA camp getting enriched :^)
You've been subverted by viral semitic memes. If you can't cure yourself, you're lost.
She weights 43Kg. Nice try :)
we've done a great job with that so far, haven't we?
They exist.
the womb is a piece of furniture. people grow kids in fishtanks and watch through the glass
Did someone say /cgl/?
negotiating with shills is against Holla Forums policy
it's much easier to gas them.
I don't want to live in a world where people no longer have mothers.
Fuck this shit.
But goy fellow Holla Forumsack, if you don't want a degenerate, insular future you must be a goyishe cattle that will just have to settle for inferior landwhale bulldykes and watch as alpha kikes like me fuck robopussy which is totally superior to your bags of flesh! You don't want to feel ashamed and ostracized, do you?
Its the face ans the guff on her
They wanted to make you think hue dur ugly robo cunt
Can you imagine that but able to stand on its own with a cute face
We are literally only one dudes autistic effort away from robo puss puss
We must NEVER slacken on this.
The humanity must be preserved at all cost.
The chans are more pedophilliac than government officials at times
The pussy worshipping national socialist trash can suck my cock. This is awesome news. It has always been men who built civilisation. Women have been busy to tear it all down. This was true long before "the jews". Women are fucked up.
Untermensch through and through.
Why waste your time trying to "fix" a woman when you can get the perfect woman straight out of the box? That's what you luddites don't get: the laws of nature dictate that once artificial procreation and genetic engineering is viable, "natural" methods will go extinct. Women have always only been useful for procreation. They're vessels. Walking wombs. Men have built everything. Men conquer. Men explore. Men discover. Why trap yourself with an inefficient mode of reproduction? Better will always win out.
Survival of the fittest. A woman can nurture how many children at once? 1-2 in optimal conditions? Engineered broodmothers could give birth to litters of dozens. Engineered nurturers could help raise them.
Sentimentalists need not apply. What can happen will happen. What will happen ought to happen.
Procreating to sustain expansion for the sake of expansion is a nihilistic and destructive act. The advocating of the nuclear family and traditional female roles is not simply to optimize birth rates. It's about the tight human bonds between people of the same blood who live and work and prosper together as a unified body. That same sort of thinking is one of the cornerstones for the ethno-state. Removing the human mother from the equation removes one of the pillars of this body and annihilates one of the integral bonds that makes a family a family. An emphasis on numbers and numbers alone is behavior more befitting an insect than a man.
You're not wrong in what you're saying, but the conclusion will result in further isolation in the existential sense.
And what would they be fighting for exactly? A bunch of used up normalfag sluts?
But user, we have that RIGHT NOW
Any technology that seeks to supplant natural functions of life is inherently dangerous ans it does not self-replicate, it can be controlled from outside, and is inherently inferior to the real thing.
With absence of real family unit, artificial wombs become a tool of population control, as clones can be effectively manufactured and controlled from day 1 till their grave.
As Fuhrer>>9407160 said, seeking to divorce Man from the principles that are innate to his very being is dehumanizing, revolting and reduces us to mere meat machines - we know what we are but we still seek and appreciate higher virtues, which makes us more than biological constructs.
I am not a luddite, but such technology is not to be trusted, especially when the patents and the research is owned by (((merchants))).
Eugenics is and forever will be the way, as human can come only from human.
Gas yourself, Chaim.
This is a slid thread.
Why waste our time trying to "fix" a MGTOW kiked when we could just put them straight into a box?
That's what you luddites don't understand.
The laws of nature dictate that once artificial death is viable, "natural" methods will go extinct.
I'm not MGTOW. You on the other hand, are an imbecile.
This, kikes are antithesis to nature.
You are a competitor for wombspace. You get shot.
You're talking gibberish. Perdurance is the telos of all life. Nothing could be less nihilistic than that. It is the striving for eternity. For life to last forever, it must seek to expand forever. Whatever stagnates decays. Whatever decays dies.
Yes, typical ressentiment. Wy conquer the stars when you can crave pussy instead. If anyone needs to get shot, it's you.
You are a degenerate.
Excellent point.
That is all wholly possible with women playing traditional roles.
Is the ethno-state desirable?
No, you don't get it.
You're getting shot for being a competitor for the artificial wombs.
Why would anyone want your faggoty seed when even one of you is insufferable on a thread on an anonymous imageboard?
Maybe you have a really large nose and it gives you a sore neck.
Maybe you're low on baby foreskins and blood.
No wonder you want such a huge array of babies.
Insatiable vampire.
Now that's a scary thought. I am sure jews are investing in the artifical wombs for the bloods to keep themselves young.
Yes, goyim. Who needs a healthy family?
Don't reproduce and just wait for the reproductive jew!
Compared to multiculti shitholes, of course. Here's what you don't get: there are better forms of organisation than the ethno-state. Your aversion to progress (real progress, not pozz nonsense about accepting faggots and niggers) is baffling.
Keep screeching.
It actually isn't. But even granting this nonsense, the polity that will shun artificial reproduction in favour of "traditional" wives will be outcompeted by the polity which implements it. Evolutionary dynamics 101.
Dismissing contradictory points as simply idiotic nonsense without following up with any substance is characteristically Jewish.
A scary thought indeed. Doesn't help that we haven't seen a massive backlash against this by normalfags either, which is normally fueled by (((them))), or even a backlash from the Jews themselves.
You proved my point nicely. You are not one of us national socialists. You are not a Holla Forumsack. You are an outsider. Without exception every poster ITT who is against traditional families and hypes up technowombs seems to be an outsider.
Keep sucking.
I know that's you huey
If there is a way to expose them all at same time so normies will change their minds.
Woman are a reflection of the society/family of whom they are a part. If you waste your time with vidia/deGeneracy and yet hope than even more tech will save you from its degenerate consequences, well, tough.
If you can't get, keep an grow an aryan family, then you're not worthy of reproduction.
These goys get it. Family and blood relationships are the one material thing that keeps the communist 'hive mind utopia' nightmare from happening. Nature will have its way, one way, or the other.
What contradictory points? What part of survival of the fittest you don't understand? Thanatos is the god of all luddites. The polity with the superior blood always wins. The Germans lost because the Anglos were superior, for example. Ideology is irrelevant. It's flag waving; a rallying call. Blood is all that matters in the end.
To the victor go the spoils.
What point? I never claimed to be a national socialist. I'm not a lower class white or some edgy self-hating shitskin. I am a member of the actual master race (no, not kike – pure blooded English). In fact I can't stand national socialism. It's the ideology of proles. Resentment from the people on the dole. It's why you love the welfare state so much. The only thing you hate is that you're not the main beneficiaries of charity. Fucking beggars, the lot of you.
"Gib gib gib". That's the summary of what motivates neetsocs.
People are also jesting about their artificial sex slaves, but remember what kind of people profited from the slave trade.
Considering that a caste system with them at the top is their wet dream, this could be another step into producing actual subhumans which are legally considered property or indebted from birth with the use of genetic property rights and jurimancy.
A certain band predicted that this day would come..
Wait, the Germans lost?
But Germany hasn't been turned into the new Raj, like Britain.
I don't think Germans have any muslim mayors…of their London equivalent.
You goys realize once this works we ALREADY have the capability to edit genes and make whatever kind of "human" we want with CRISPER
don't worry, though. we know you're not an anglo, but a heeb riding the coattails of old "anglokike" D&C
still doesn't change reality, though
That already exist.
Thanks to feminism.
I see artificial wombs as a way couples can seek have children without the risk of childbirth. Furthermore the health issues inside the womb can be dealt with.
Problem: can be used to create good goys.
Next stop - genetic modification.
I hate reality, because we need it in this reality at this stage of progress with civilization. I fucking hate that red pill so fucking much.
When can we start bounty hunting?
We have ID here so don't shill.
I know we have ID here.
I stand by my words.
My point was that every ID that is pro-technowombs is an outsider merely visiting Holla Forums and not one of us Holla Forumsacks. If you're not an ethno-nationalist NatSoc you are not a Holla Forumsack. The thread seems to create the illusion that some Holla Forumsacks hate transhumanism while other Holla Forumsacks love it. That's not the case. All the Holla Forumsacks ITT hate transhumanism and outsiders who don't belong here love transhumanism. There is no crack in the common consensus. We, the Holla Forumsacks are all united in our opinion of transhumanism.
Oh yes, "slavery is wrong". No, there's nothing wrong with slavery. Some men are born to be slaves.
The Germans won WWII? It probably hasn't dawned on you yet, by the way, but prole dickwaving about what nation has more immigrants doesn't interest me.
Contrary to your yesterday's leftism, I do not believe that all Englishmen are equal. If some Englishmen are slavish enough to elect a mudskin as a mayor, they deserve their mayor. All people have the governments they deserve.
The essence of all nature is flux. Waxing and waning. This knowledge is as ancient as the Greeks.
You've yet to provide an argument for why a polity ought to restrict itself to less efficient modes of reproduction. And you won't. Because there isn't one. You're only animated by vapid sentimentalism. Because you have the mind of a prole.
Engineered slaves is another wet dream for the jews.
Good riddance.
But your method of reproduction is not more efficient.
Otherwise it would not be opposed, and otherwise we would allow you to breed in it.
But, yes Germany won ww2, why do you think everybody says that Hitler did nothing wrong, now?
Just because some Germans got shot?
They lost more guys in the 30 years war.
And that was fighting among themselves, not almost the entire rest of the world, kike.
Of course it is. It allows for better breeds, and more of them.
Oh yes, factories are inefficient because luddites opposed them. Some bright bulb you are.
It's a very bitter pill to swallow and will always be one, but it's a necessary one that makes us aware and realize the reality we live in, rather than live (or rather, waste) our lives in ignorance, and find a way to truly make the world a better place (as bleak as that hope seems). The more people wake up and take it though, the less bitter the pill becomes. Humans can't and don't improve without struggle and suffering forcing them to overcome such trials, and even then, we must be ever vigilant to prevent such suffering and struggle from happening again or at the very least, train the next generation to be better prepared for it. Hang in there. It may not seem like things will ever get better or change, but in time it will, as we've seen so far in recent months
Seriously you faggots are never happy, we are marching to a world where you can punch women in the face and nobody will care because her fertility is redundant.
It`s like a feminist monkey paw wish for equality, how can you not be amused by the chaotic nature of that. If anything it will kill feminism in one swoop and bring a new age of traditionalism from females.
Oh yeah, then birth me some babies right now.
I don't see how this assumption makes sense.
Why would feminist cucks care about the value of reproduction?
This is how everyone knows you've lost the argument. Getting prissy about a technology that's still in development. Are you a woman, perhaps? That would make all this sentimentalist screeching more understandable. You'd merely be acting out your inferior nature.
Make some babies then
t. every commie ever.
I don't want my future children, grandchildren, great and counting children to be enslaved by the jews. Artifical wombs will create another problem, not solving a problem.
Everything certainly seems in it's right place.
He is right though, it will give them a reality check they cannot ignore, because if they do they will be homeless or dead
By the way, for future reference:
I know you don't get paid that much, and I'd hate myself if I had your job, too.
But here is a way that makes it easier.
Choose your insults better.
You stand out like a sore fucking thumb.
We know what kind of insult works on leftists, because that's the kind of insult they use on others.
They think we can be shamed the same way, but it really doesn't work that way.
Neither weak male or female benefit from this.
Male and female will only be useful for sex and their differences in brain structure for certain applications.
This innovation is the beginning of the end of the nuclear family. This is the beginning of a new family - purely to raise and train the child.
Hell, we might begin training children like they do with clones in Star Wars.
We all hate this, but it's either this, or death.
"Either you eat the shitty food supplements in zion and fight - or you starve".
Don't respond, just filter.
He might get paid by replies.
It`s about the implicit value of women in society. Feminism in it`s current form survives because of double think: They can be empowered and independent creatures yet at the same time society must protect their interests. This can only happen as long as the implicit value women have tied to their fertility exists, if you take that away the double think crumbles, the very concept of protecting women well being over men`s ends.
The only ones to lose something are women, once they lose their place as a protected class their will be a reactionary cultural response to re-instate that in form of traditionalism. I hope that was a clear explanation.
I don`t understand please clarify
Ok, I'll admit it, I kieked at this.
You don't get it.
Even Jews will be modified in the future. ALL people will be modified in the future. The only natural people will likely remain on earth and rely on these modified children to nurture them through the horrific circumstances the earth finds itself.
We have but 2 choices:
1. Modification
2. Slow death of everything on earth.
I am not one to see humanity perish in the beast that inhabits it. This is the promised heaven.
Heaven on earth and space. Free from harm.
Some people like it, some hate it.
I personally have no heaven. I just live.
Survival of the fittest doesn't work when technology keeps alive those that cannot keep themselves alive, like untermensch shitskins. AIDS-ridden niggers and faggots survive at the expense of whites, not because they are superior and more capable of holding themselves up, but because of kikes exploiting technology to make whites work to keep them alive. Why wouldn't the state of affairs be any different, if not worse, in your transhumanist utopia?
This isn't the eunuch thread my friend.
You're not seeing this clearly. It is all about power.
Abortion unilaterally increase women's control on reproduction. The argument is obviously about "my body, my choice", the counterargument is about seeing the child as a third subject, because that puts it in the same kind of relationship with both parents. This development would instantly destroy women's power over reproduction itself. They could pass laws for unlimited leeching in case of divorce and unlimited rights over the baby up until age 10, it would still be completely irrelevant. Even making the tech illegal except for a few life threatening circumstances would make it completely useless, someone would just open up a clinic in a different country and make a shitload of money.
Artificial wombs would smash the reproductive value of women and give them some actual equality. And they won't like it.
And yes, this does have coutless opportunities for all sorts of dystopian futures.
The conditioning will be revealed to future generations.
Mainly as a safety precaution from potential enemies.
EVERYONE is gay for Bridget.
Not to mention that people aren't a scarce resource in this world, it's quite the opposite in fact. The existence of a society of a few thousand people is not challenged a priori by the 1.5 billion insects inhabiting China. Otherwise, if just the quantity of people were important, Europe and America would have already united into one superstate with its own army and would have imported billions of Africans to compete with chinks. If that doesn't feel right with you, if you want whites to stay white and the different small countries in Europe to stay true to their own identity and not unite as part of one solely economic entity, then you must seek for things beyond population size.
kek the mods got triggered hard by this thread. We must have a female hotpocket or something
In fact I'm utterly convinced this world is one of three things:
1. A form of stasis/matrix/simulated reality.
2. A form of instrumentality project with beings above us nurturing (or harvesting) and controlling us.
3. A true development of humanity into space (least likely when you think about potential threats in space that could harm us).
That said, I hope it's 3, though I fear things are going to be rough when we take flight if it is.
Ah, that makes more sense than the way I was seeing it.
Traps are cancer fuck off. Pornography literally rots their brain into becoming abominations. They literally turn into a human parasite.
Nigger, that meme is probably older than you are.
Traps have always been considered cancer on Holla Forums.
Fuck off with your subverted shilling.
I thought we had officially changed to a Foxpublican pro jew Trump board?
No, Holla Forums has become an official branch of the Westboro Baptist Church at this point.
It's only a matter of time before Holla Forums reaches Scientology level retard.
Good, you finally learned not to separate yourself from the board. Shame this guy still didn't get the memo, his paycheck will have to be cut.
It LITERALLY does rot their brain.
It deteriorates the activity in their prefrontal cortex. They become zombies obsessed with porn, sex and self destructive activities to feed that response system in their brain.
Phew the shills are on fire today.
Guess it was the anti feminist anti trump comments? Your memes are degenerate and not even modification will save them.
But its true though.
I am rather surprised that they would deploy this many people at this speed to consensus crack a topic not related to any current news event or happening. You'd expect them to act like this on Sessions recusing himself, but why this?
Outing yourself as the autistic anti-Trump spammer, that'll cost you a good few shekels.
Get fucked, cunt. I'm just sick of retarded kike-on-a-stick christcucks.
That term was created by Holla Forums. I'm an atheist and even I think your D&C shit does not belong here.
Irrelevant even if true. If the yarmulke fits…
How many shekels are they wasting on this tripe?
Yeah, fuck off m8. Go discuss your trap waifus with your pals on r/atheism.
Circle the one that most resembles yourself, chaim.
Holla Forums on its own doesn't mean much.
It is far better for christianity to take some insults on the chin than lose followers to the truth western faith, heathenry/paganism
Christians themselves use Christcuck and co to garner sympathy.
SEE! Did you know that jews hate jesus! That means jews are attacking us! Quck, shelter us!
That's unlike which states that the bible is natsoc and white, we were the true isrealites, here, have this 100 page supplementary research to prove it, while we still use the bible all the other denominations as well. ;^)
oshit nigger, wtf are you doing.jpg
No seriously, why are you taking the bait?
Ah yes, the tried and true last resort of NO U. You couldn't have been more predictable a shill if you tried.
I'm pretty sure you mean esoteric hitlerism/kekism
You sure showed me! I bet you're only pretending to be retarded, huh?
Not even a christcuck.
Though frankly the light seems to be more visible to me everyday. I just want the truth. That's the cold hard truth. I know trannies don't like.
That's why it's a red pill.
The brain drain at Tel Aviv seems to be worse than I thought.
Yeah I'm sure this could never, ever backfire.
That term has been around for eons.
Especially in Australian shitposting.
We don't have a choice. We know it's a risk. We know it might destroy us. But so will doing nothing.
And you think you're going to find it in a book written by cave-dwelling goat-fucking kikes thousands of years ago?
First insightful thing you've said. Kudos.
Stop it cuck, trannies are not Holla Forums worthy. They are politically correct.
How the fuck are they though? We are literally running this shit now yet we're still incorrect.
Why you would pick a fake over the real deal is seriously beyond me tbh. Plus their voices are annoying as hell.
When you've been around long enough, you'll see that it all just goes around full circle again.
Holla Forums thinks it's ahead of the curve, and for a while it was. But now, as you say, Holla Forums is going mainstream, therefore being a contrarian prick like myself is truly ahead of the curve. And also a mildly amusing way to pass the time and generate lulz.
If you don't stop taking yourself so fucking seriously, you're going to turn Holla Forums into a lolcow.
Hating trannies is still not mainstream, yet we have the president.
It's a funny world where the mainstream ideology doesn't match the ruling ideology, yet at the same time everyone is beginning to see why the ruling ideology is needed and there.
The transition period of mainstream ideology is a weird headspace. People are still like "can I say that" but are beginning to test the water more regularly.
The science is proving the crippling effects of the transgender meme.
Religion shouldn't come into it to be frank. I'm astonished the book is proved correct in a lot of parts.
Esotericism works. It still is the basis for science.
Because kikes hate nature instinctively. This thread, and the many shills whose posts have since been deleted, is evidence enough.
Yes, how dare we get so indignant over higher principles and virtues, when it's much easier to be a valueless degenerate who's only in it to entertain himself and occupy space before he croaks? Hitler shouldn't have taken himself so seriously and attempt to fight back against the subversive forces of Jewry, as he would have failed anyway, and just lay back and enjoy watching his people be browbeaten, is that what you're saying?
I'd argue that hating trannies has always been mainstream. That's only really changed at all in the last 10 to 15 years, and then only as far as people not being openly violent towards them… The vast majority of people are still very much disgusted by trannies and faggots. They just haven't been saying it out loud so often recently, but I'm already seeing that starting to change again amongst the normalfags.
Yes, it is. The science. Not some semitic religion. Honestly, though, how long have you been around on the chans? The entire reason everyone is constantly calling each other "niggers" and "faggots" (to the point that '-fag' became a general suffix) is that ironic shitposting is a central tenet of the culture. It's the same with traps being posted all over Holla Forums originally. It was always ironic shitposting for the lulz… For triggering the moralfags. And now you idiots here take the bait.
Take a relaxative, Satan. I'm not saying you can't fight the kikery. I'm saying you should have some fucking fun while you're doing it.
Bob Black's 1985 essay The Abolition of Work probably explains it best. Enjoy.
They need therapy, not encouragement to mutilate themselves.
Well, that settles it.
>>>Holla Forums
And science is esotericism, just like religion.
You're the newfag, 8/pol/ never allowed traps. We see the memetic importance of denying all trap threads. Mainly because these psychotic fucks begin to be drawn by the trap posting.
Traps are by far the worst shitposters on the internet after furries. It is important to have zero tolerance to them here for visual conditioning reasons.
tl;dr no fun allowed, take it to 4chan.
The Abolition of Work isn't about sitting around doing nothing. It's about doing things so that you actually *enjoy* doing them. Ever heard the saying "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."? That's what the essay is talking about, and that's what I'm talking about.
Is it "work" to fight the kikery? No. We do it for free, for the enjoyment of it. Was it "work" to meme Trump into office? No, it was a hell of a lot of fun. But whatever, niggers don't read.
You are guaranteed to fail with that attitude. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If it isn't fun, people aren't going to keep doing it. The only way to defeat the jews is to make defeating the jews fun.
The same feel-good drivel permeating modernity, no thanks. How about you read The Nicomachean Ethics instead?
Yeah, let's totally NOT use a proven method to achieve our aims. Of course it makes WAY more sense to attempt to reinvent the wheel.
First sentence of the first page of the first book…
Well that jumped the shark right off the bat. Who's honestly stupid enough to assume that everything is motivated by a pursuit of goodness? If that was the case jews wouldn't jew.
Who's the one that doesn't read again? If you hadn't lost attention at the first sentence, you'd find out how astutely Aristotle recognized the problem of kikery despite not running into one in his life:
New tor, my browser shut down
I find intellectual conversations to be fun.
You need persistence or this will become a degenerate shithole.
Might I suggest >>>Holla Forums
Although you'll be surprised when you find most of the commies there in disagreeance with trap shitposting too.
Holla Forums has few nonos. Otherwise it becomes politically correct. And that defeats it's purpose.
Otherwise fuck off to 4chan for mindless trapposting. Trapposting bores me and all other anons. We got so much shitposting by them last year that we're almost permanently against them here now. I mean SHITposting. Like actual traps that "thought we were kidding".
A new exodus is needed
Alternatively do a cobain and shitpost about liberal values for profit and why traps are the "best thing for the world".
Go to fucking endchan then.
Or Holla Forums
Stop being fucking cucks.
What about souls, though?
Gladly, I see why this board is dying.
One shekel(s) has(have) been deducted from your account.
Sounds like he was familiar with kikes to me.
For mindless trapposting, there are plenty of places, but if you didn't get the Bridget reference, that's on you.
I kek'd at the thought of this.
But you know what? Sometimes I just want to post a joke once in a while. You want something serious, here, have a video from Bongistan.
You can leave now Chaim
Fucking crazy. I shitpost a cartoon trap from a video game and conversation and debate rages on…
Then I post a video of a sandnigger chimping out, and everyone goes silent.
Found the real version
I'm glad part of old/pol/ still lives on
you mean rich people
Why the defeatism? things have been getting better for everybody worldwide in the last 50 years.
Isn't your racial duty to raise Chad's aryan child? Think of your race!!
these are really cool!
''One by one the eggs were transferred from their test-tubes to the larger containers;
deftly the peritoneal lining was slit, the morula dropped into place, the saline solution poured
. . . and already the bottle had passed on through an opening in the wall,
slowly on into the Social Predestination Room.
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World''
Where's the wide hips and large tits, you closeted faggot?
Society will still have women. The price of pussy will just be so low /r9k/ will be able to land a cute one.
"circumstances for motherless babies, there are many anecdotes regarding orphaned babies who didn’t experience love and touch from their mothers. Even with the basic care of orphanage staff, they became emotionally dysfunctional and unable to bond with others. If this is a regular occurrence for babies born naturally but without the maternal bonding experience, what results will be yielded when no mother exists at all? It defies belief that science would not consider the importance of the motherly influence in a child’s development, from incubation in the womb onwards. Unless such technology is created for other purposes, that is. Say… the Orwellian nightmare scenario of a world populated by mindless, programmable ‘policy enforcement officers’ and soldiers with superhuman strength… emotionally inept, sociopathic drones to do Government bidding and keep the masses under control?"
"By then, perhaps we’ll have the artificial womb, so no morning sickness or interference with normal routine. And so much for romance. So much for unconditional love of children. So much for family creation as our most intimate endeavor.
The quest for perfection in procreation is ultimately self-destructive. Think of the kind of people who might not have been born if subjected as embryos to such a quality-control inspection:
Abraham Lincoln, tall, homely, perhaps with a genetic disease.
Mother Teresa, diminutive, obsessive about religion.
Vincent van Gogh, clearly suffering from depressive disease.
Woody Guthrie, Huntington’s disease.
Ludwig van Beethoven, early-onset deafness.
The people who will never be famous but who have inspired us all by struggling against congenitally caused difficulties.
Once we transform family creation into an industrial technique, we shouldn’t be surprised that dehumanization and eugenic quality-control become part of the package."
Come brothers, waifus will be Available to even the poorest of fags.
Excellent. May I ask the source of that quote?
Is she fat or just really autistic?
I'm not totally sure, I saw it thrown around here a bit. I think it's one part OC one part some historic inspiration, God knows from where though. Here's it's mirror.
Its doesnt say defect in your pic you retard, it says a mutation which it is.
why not both?.jpeg
Mods will happily permban for a couple of joking shitposts, but they will NEVER ban rachposter
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, kill yourself.
Tbh you sound like a smug cunt who likes the sound of his own farts.
>Haha I's so contrarian. Look at me whine about leanringchode in a thread he hasn't even shit up haha sniff sniff
Get Permab& tbh.
That faggot deserved to be banned, but a permab& seems a bit too much tbh
I must have hit a raw nerve with the last sentence of the post they banned for. But you're not even addressing my point. Rachposter will never be banned. The shitposters who *aren't* being ironic don't get banned for more than a week. Not that it matters, obviously, with Tor posting being enabled, VPN's, proxies, etc. but don't you think a permban is over the top considering what the mods won't ban at all for?
Yeah, I wouldn't complain if they'd banned for a few months, but a permaban is just nuts.
That's a cute one, Moshe.
Ohh god damn hell yeah, I couldn't agree more.
I didn't need these feels user
Fucking checked.
I fucking told people feminism was a complete non-issue because "wymen" would soon be replaced with third-types. The kike shills said; "That will never happen goy. That's just a dumb anime and you're dumb for liking it." NOW it's fucking happening right on schedule so the kike shills switch it up and say; "W-Why that's transhumanism goy! You can't use technology to make yourself more powerful, only us jews can do that!"
If you've ever written something down to remember it later or wear clothes when it is cold: then you're are a transhumanist too. (Gasp!) Using technology to exceed the natural limitations of human biology is transhumanism. Since only Aryans make technology in the first place, transhumanism is as Aryan as anything can possibly be. Third-types are our technological solution to a cultural problem invented by the kikes, makes perfect sense. You don't defeat the kikes where they are strong and White people are weak (the cultural & financial spheres), but we can defeat the kikes where we are strong and they are weak (with tech & direct actions).
tl,dr: kikes are stupid shitskins that have zero fucking clue how science fiction works.
Well, okay, they're still alive though, they need resources. What are we gonna do with these useless appendages now.
Thank you, wise Jew. I shall slaughter my own and jerk off into Mr Goldsteins cyberwomb now.
You kikes love putting words into people's mouths. "Wymen" can continue to do whatever the fuck they want EXCEPT deny me an army of sons that will have my back against the forces of the kikes. You should be happy. You white knight cucks can have 3 or even 10 ex-wives drain you of resources now. Be my fucking guest. I will own my third-type wife and I will own my children too. No "social services" agents are going to be able to take them away from me like they tried to do with my dad on the word of some scheming bitch. You kike shills act as is feminism hasn't already infected everything. It has run it's course and now with third-types, IT'S FUCKING OVER! Done. You lost, jew.
Why do you want to have children? Children are for the poor shitskins. You should focus on making money.
Armitage best girl
The demographic situation in the West is too far gone at this point. Your natural order has failed, your gods have failed, the West is weak. We will make it strong again, not because we "should" but because we can and because we want to.
It's just another step along a path from which there is no return. Make no mistake user, whether it is ten or one hundred years away this is the future.
Who ever said we were going to stop reproducing in the meantime?
Are you ready for GATTACA user? It's coming.
We're all headed for the abyss anyway, this seems entertaining.
If the West cared about the family we'd have resolved our reproductive issues decades ago. If whites will not reproduce of their own volition, we will create them.
99.9999999999% of what we currently call humanity is literally exterminating themselves simply because a kike asked them to. A new Aryan man, one less susceptible to kike machinations can now be engineered and mass-produced like any other widget. Sentiment, feelings, and yes even (((tradition))) has all served the kikes exclusively for the last 1500 years. I'm done with all that. I was done with it the minute I saw it. All I ask is for others to put aside their sentimental emotions and move past them to a glorious future without kikes.
We totally are free from subversion now that we all come from the same source ^_^
Again putting words in my mouth because you have no fucking argument at all. There will be endless different and clandestine sources of new White men that will attack the kikes in new ways not yet conceived by us natural-born first-types. Commercially available third-types (whether legit or black market) will tip the scales to our favor.
You seem to forget that whole kike scheme is built on huge numbers of stupid people overwhelming the portion of the population that is smart enough to see through to the kikes behind their evil plans. They try to overwhelm us in social discourse (like you, ya kike shill) or overwhelm us in demographic displacement and war.
The retarded jewish notions that fill the heads of first-type "wymen" cunts and their cucked enablers will no longer be a problem for us. This reverses the demographic front to our favor, which means the kikes will have to switch tactics and they are getting bad at that lately. I guess the kuru is kicking in hard right about now.
Exactly the future kikes want for their goyim cattle. Hope you enjoy having to pay royalty shekels to kikes that have patented your genes.
Problem: weaken traditional family bonds with urbanization, multiculturalism, gender equality, kike media.
Reaction: neets, incels, dissatisfied people, dysgenics, hypergamy.
Solution: techno-kikery, "third types", total destruction of gender and the remaining biological bonds in aryan man that stand in the way of a communist utopia of goym slaves .
Guys, we have a clever one here.
What's personal responsibility and agency?
It's what drives men to remove kikes and unpoz women and culture.
Technology is exclusively Aryan. Kikes are stupid sandnigger shitskins. They have only babble and voodoo. They can't even handle the internet, let alone mass-produced Aryan death troopers.
Kike culture that has seen them flourish while we flounder? Hell fucking yes! Nuke that shit from orbit and warp outta here to parts unknown with our third-type waifus. Sounds good to me but, I could see how a kike, cunt, or cuck might have a problem with it. Fuck'em.
Yeah, because the current kike-dominated dynamics have worked so well for us Whiteys up 'til now, right? Kikes will not be able to control all the artificial wombs which means you could even make first-type women born to third-type women to expand your numbers too. I think that they would simply embrace feminism unless you heavily modify their brains, in which case you could have just built more third-types for a sure bet.
The most valuable asset of the third-type women is her loyalty. Something that first-type "wymen" are incapable of but, you cucks simply ignore. I see the second most valuable asset of third-type women is her combat capability. No goddamn point in building them just for reproduction as the non-anime watching shills in this thread suggest. Thirdly, they will make great mothers because they were designed by a man with a brain in his skull unlike the random fuckery of a first-type cunt.
A non sequitur for the majority of lemmings in society. The average individual in a society reflects the standards of society at large. If we were talking about the actions of a few select individuals, then their personal responsibility is the foremost factor, but for a general trend across a large group of people, the most important factor is the culture, beliefs and behavior shared across that group, which make a particular action much more or less probable than if each individual in that group had come to the conclusion of their own accord. To think otherwise would constitute the same pathologically atomistic perspective of lolbergs and ancaps on society.
Now I've seen everything. Get the fuck out.
True, but that doesn't mean that the sand nigger can't steal the white man's tech and use it for his own ends. After all, there's nothing a kike likes better than hanging a bad goy on his own gallows, Purim-style.
The only Jesus I like is the one that came to tells us that the kike god is a lowly demon and who chased the Yids out of the temple, and he ain't getting preached in many places.
Look … I was young once too. Technology doesn't give you power to overturn the natural order, any more than a damn gives you power to overturn the flow of a river. You don't know what you're doing, everything's gonna seem fine until everything's flooded.
The fact de-rooted ourselves from our instincts and natural intelligence and over-relied on rationalism is what got us into this mess in the first place. The enlightment, equality, proposition nations, leftism itself. It's mind working against its blood. To quote Niechtze: “
there is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.”
For all your 'rationalism', you can't program a cockroach, let alone a mother. Programing women ? How are you to program and improve something you don't take the slightest risk or effort to understand in the first place? Don't make me laugh.
Be not a ludite, but embrace the hidden wisdom of the body. Have your mind and technology work WITH your blood, not against it.
Boy, you're trying really hard to fit in, but you won't get anywhere without recognizing how kikes can control society. So Jewgle's founders and Kikerberg can't handle the Internet, despite controlling a large portion of it? Or what about the founders and prominent figures in your beloved artificial intelligence, working hard to achieve Tikkun Olam?
Well, something isn't right here, seeing as culture begets and makes use of technology. You think our current culture, or lack thereof, of social media lemmings convinced by mass media that waiting in lines for the newest iDildo is more important than being united with their folk? You'll eventually understand that the spiritual corruption of a nation is as important as, if not more so than its material plundering by kikes and shitskins, and often times will beget it, that is if you're not after that spiritual corruption yourself.
For a race to survive and flourish, it has to be united by a wholesome culture that amplifies the common racial spirit in them. Just growing White people in a massive, abominable urban farm will do the exact opposite and bring them to further degeneracy in the lack of an actual culture, no matter how homogeneous you make it. The mice in Calhoun's behavioral sink experiment were all homogeneous too, but that didn't stop them. If those mice could also be mass produced and possess enough self-awareness to recognize how worthless it makes their existence, the emptiness that gives rise to their behavior would only be exacerbated.
If you want mindless death troopers you can just use that precious technology to manufacture much more powerful robots, but Aryan people fight for a reason and an identity. National socialists fought well not because they were brainwashed, but because the culture of the Third Reich instilled in them a deep awareness and care for their race, as opposed to the decadence of the Weimar Republic.
Let'em try that with this technology. I dare them. Let the kike investor class pour their money into making a Model-T waifu for us and work out all the kinks. Just like CNC, just like 3D printing, just like the fucking internet and telecom. I don't think they are dumb enough at the very highest levels of kikery to do that now though. The internet is a huge fiasco for them and will likely be their killing blow. Shook them up bad. That's why they are trying so hard to put the kibosh on ANY new technology now. They even bother to professionally shill against it here on a mongolian figure puppet forum where maybe 30 people will see their ramblings. These kikes always give it off with their shrieking.
Young? You think you can talk down to me? I'm an old man with gray ball hair. First-type wymen should be used as terminal ballistic test dummies but if you want'em for some reason, brother you can fucking have all of them! Nobody is fucking stopping you from cucking yourself with some dumb cunt. Have at it, bro. Don't come crying to me like every cuck I've ever met when she fucks you over. First-type wymen are the pits. Nobody is going to get between you cucks and your first-type cunts. That's all on you. Just keep your faggotry to yourself and don't try to piss on our robot waifu parade. (and we will parade them about like hot-rods)
You shills are still putting words in my mouth! For the third fucking time. Kike culture is kiked. Kikes literally-(genetically) cannot make technology, they only use and pervert it but they are stupid shitskins at the end of the day. All culture since the christcucking is not only non-Aryan but actively anti-Aryan. Strike where you are strong and your enemy is weak.
Wew sonny wew. You say I'm putting words in your mouth when I quote you as saying all culture is kiked and bad, but then say all culture for the last 2000 years is anti-Aryan. But of course, you're perfectly fine with admiring the technology produced by said "christcucks". Must take a special class of autism to lack this much self-awareness, but that's already evident by your idiosyncratic vocabulary and avatarfaggotry.
That's cute. Well, whatever you presume to be, your great-grandfather would smack you in your smut mouth where he alive.
You say you've given up women, but you're no different from a teen, thinking that if he'd just get the right fedora, Cindy would surely like him. All brooding and fantasizing instead of actualy undertaking efforts to improve his physical condintion and social anxieties.
It's all petty revenge and power fantasies. Not quite a of boy, yet not willing to face up to the world like a man. I truly hope one day you outgrow these avoidant fantasy behaviors and find your way.
Also : archeofuturism. Look it up.
Yeah, it's gonna be great.
Do you have any children of your own that will see this glorious future?
The overwhelmingly dominate cultural current has been jews jewing jewily since our forced conversion to a sandnigger religion and the loss of our gods, yes. I'll stand by that all day. Not that I actually give damn what kikes, kike worshipers, kike-paid shills, cucks, and cunts think. Fluffy social shit and fee fees are kike-dominated shit. Technology is Aryan as the day is long. Show us some shitskin tech if you think I'm wrong. It'll be either a raping stick or shit they ripped off from a White man.
You stupid faggot, if my forebearers were cucks like you, I wouldn't be here to post in this fucking thread! My great-grandfather did not take shit from cunts. He would beat the ever lovin' shit out of a cunt if they got out of line. Just like every man of his era. Notice that the kikes still ruled in his day too. Feminism was simply meant as the kikes' killing blow to us but third-types will fuck that up for them, bigly.
Whatta you think I need a third-type for instead of a much cheaper second-type?
No kid, then?
Kek is with us.
Yeah. Third-types ain't some lowly sexbots see, think of them as terminators you can knock up! (And wife up too. I'm not some degenerate that puts the cart before the horse.)
TBH you should be posting pics of her from the second movie where they toned down her whorishness.
You are creepy.
Exactly as Hitler described debating jews, weaseling your way out of blatant contradictions by plugging your ears and parroting them again. By your standards, there are few Aryans around to produce technology, seeing as they're mostly Christians or atheists, but somehow technology is still the epitome of the Aryan race to you. Against that you say only Whites produce tech, but you also dismiss the White cultures and civilizations of the last two millennia altogether simply because of Christianity. If that culture is kiked because of Christianity, why isn't technology? Of course you instinctively latch on to religious D&C in defense, but somehow it escapes you how your embrace of technology and progress to the point of waifubots contradicts the worship of nature and community prominent in the Aryan paganism that you supposedly hold dear. Unless, of course, you're just an atheist or a kike LARPing as one to fit in.
Oh, I prefer my women as naked as possible and will tell you why. Firstly, it shows off a man's status of what he can get.(or afford in this case) Secondly, (and more importantly) it shows your dominance over other men by showing them what they cannot have right to their faces and asserts your power over them by daring them with her wiles. Thirdly, it keeps her in line by demonstrating that even she is being paraded around naked/half naked, see cannot act on any attention from any other males. It's like when Vlad the Impaler put that golden cup in the town square unguarded and dared any fucking fool to remove it. Nobody fucked with it. Proved his power.
Now third-type women are programed to love you and be loyal to you, so you can dress them up however you want. Not cheating or divorce possible. That's the whole point. So show'em off. God knows they'll cost enough. Pre-jew, nobody wore any clothes unless it was cold or battle armor. Kikes needed to hide their weird chopped up dicks along with the little circumcised boners they would get from being around children (who also would have been nude back in the day) and boners from being around people of the same sex (highest haram according to their own religion). But that's a redpill people here are definitely not ready for.
Thank you.
Our people have been born into kike slavery by way of the christcucking for millennia. I point out how kikes ruled over Whites, not allowing us to have our own culture but the dumb sandnigger kikes still need us to invent shit and build things for them. Until we invented the internet, all knowledge was filtered through kikes. What's so hard to understand about that? White people born into slavery under the kikes still invent things we can use to break free of the kikes like artificial wombs. Are you retarded?
*By the way, I have not really been debating nothing with nobody. I do not and never did care what people on an image board think. I never give a shit what anybody thinks about me or anything but, if you're a jew cuck I will point it out for laughs.
No retard. Technology is applied science. Jewish voodoo has nothing to do with it which is why it has remained unkiked. Only Aryans are capable of it on this planet. If space aliens gave me a schematic for one of their laser pistols, would I have to worship their alien gods to use it? Fuck no. It's science. God you're dumb.
Gotta get some sleep now but in summation: If you oppose breeding up an army of atomic-powered Aryan supermen to crush the kikes, you are not a National Socialist. If your reason for opposing artificial wombs and third-type women is based on a rabbi from two thousand years ago who told White people to surrender to the jews, then you are fundamentally anti-Aryan and I sincerely hope terrible things happen to you and yours.
If you're such an alpha, why don't you just beat some sense into real women, instead of masturbating to imaginary robowaifus? You can claim not to care what anons in an imageboard think, your desperation still shows clearly.
Never knew Hitler was anti-Aryan.
I wonder who could be behind this post
I'd rather leave the cunts completely to their own devices for maximum salt, thanks.
Hitler was a politician that said a lot things to try and get the normalfags on his side but if he access to artificial wombs back then, I seriously doubt he would not take advantage of them. Also need I point out the holohoax never happened even though it should have? That proves he was too weighted down, either internally or externally by christcuck (jewish) morality. As great as he was, emulating him 100% with no variation is obvious not a recipe for guaranteed success because the lost thanks to a bunch of christcucks attacking him from all angles.
Like Bob Page says technology in and of itself can be a source of political power.
Nice doublethink. This type of post is exactly why I lobby for christcucks to share the fate of the kikes they love so much
Nah, you simply can't choose otherwise. And Hitler wouldn't opt for the destruction of the family unit, tradition and nature for the sake of a short-term victory he could have also achieved without. Again I direct you to because you've selectively evaded it. For all the words you might say against jewish morality and LARP as a pagan, you'd rather Yggdrasil be cut down for the sake of technological progress (a view of history distinctive of jewish slave morality, as pointed out by Nietzsche).
I'm merely here to point out that the world tree never is cut down but its roots are rotted in time by what gnaws upon them. That is why your tree must bear fruit for the next cycle. It is the only thing you can save from the vortex, your descendants. There is a certain finality in all decisions and fate is irrecoverable. That is why Thunder is appeased by killing the prisoners/lesser you take on, lest their weakness warp you and make your fate the same.
The gnawing weakens the tree and the worlds it holds up, including all which sprung from those worlds until the point that the Measurer fails in his judgement and allows the weak into his hall who will let loose the Fisherman tying the fate of all things.
as much as i would like to have an artificial womb child… would i?
i would likely have to live with my brother or sister's families to give the child a perfectly functional and successful family setting.
but it still falls short of being the proper mother/father/child family.
i was adopted into a family with exceptionally strong, long lasting relationships (my family is effectively my best friends); but the alienation from my biological parents has still had relevance to my upbringing.
I wonder what kind of aberrations would be possible to bring to this world thanks to artificial wombs and its military applications.
Revolutionary shit like this always gets into the hands of the (((government))) first, years ahead and more advanced with the addition of secret experiments, before the standard version goes to the civilian market. It would be naive to think otherwise.
where is the h8chan shoop?
Alot of the whiteknights in this thread that, once again, excuse women's behavior and blame any ill-wills on jews rears its ugly head again. Jews did twist them, but the women offered no resistance and happily went with their plans not thinking in the long term since they were not capable of it. And now we're in the shitshow because of it. Do you think that defending their behavior is going to help you in anyway? Which also leads to another thought: Why do you think that the women are a reflect of the men's society when they're the ones taking advantage of their 'freedom' and leading the ruin? Do you think they're completely incapable of thinking on their own?
The most absurd about this is that you christcucks think that the nuclear family is not possible to have with a robowaifu. Men always have strived for perfection on what they want for their mate. This is not new, read the story of Pygmalion. What you guys don't understand is that the typical woman isn't going to help them with that, but rather burden the man with useless distractions that will hinder his progress. Robowaifus will help their men and make them better to reach a greater goal. And with artificial wombs, having children will be a reality. You can easily re-create the nuclear family with them, so what's the problem? I'd love to have children, but I can't see it happen with this environment that pits marriage against men.
Man this thread really confirmed my suspicions. The core population of Holla Forums has been replaced, there's too many faggots who didn't come from 4chan during the first exodus.
It's 2 groups, the first group is I think literally faceberg users who never used an imageboard but heard Holla Forums from someone and came during the election.
The second group is 4cuck users who didn't jump ship until recently and came here to spread cancer, they try to fit in too hard but they know nothing of Holla Forums culture before the Trump train.
These kinds of threads were way more popular in especially 2015, shit flinging wasn't as noticable as it is now. There's too many moralfags and normalfags these days, especially the normies who came during election. If 8/pol/ is your first imageboard experience please lurk silently or kindly off yourselves.
I believe this will be useful, not necessarily as a step toward genetic engineering. But that a woman aborting does not mean the death of a fetus and instead it can be transferred to an artificial womb.
Trannies sound good in theory. In reality anal is pretty disgusting and no matter how well you clean an asshole you have a pretty high chance of contracting a UTI if you're fucking without a condom.
The ones that are passable in real life (most can pass on video and pictures with angle abuse, hard to pass in real life as consistently though) are few and far between.
The HIV rates among them are also alarmingly high. Higher than niggers HIV rates IIRC.
I don't have any particular problem with trannies, but the reality is a lot more messy than *chan ERPers would lead you to believe.
Fuck off nigger
Wasted Hitler dubs. Kike spotted.
You should read "Technological Slavery" by Ted Kaczynski.
And probably "That Hideous Strength" by C. S. Lewis, as well.
Don't fall victim to 'Chronological Snobbery'.
Just because we CAN do something, doesn't mean that we SHOULD.
(((Scientists))) may soon tell us that it's necessary to engineer humanity so that 'social constructs' like race and gender no longer exist.
Will you be in favour of that, too?
I'm a physicist, by the way, so I'm not anti-science at all.
However, the dystopia that you and your ilk support is something I will fight against to my dying breath.
Here's your (you) for this top quality bait.
The whole (((Transhumanist))) movement is pure Kikery from top to bottom:
Ray Kurzweil, Malcom Gladwell, Zoltan Istvan, Lawrence Krauss, Peter Singer, Steven Pinker, Nick Bostrom, and Eliezer Yudkowsky are all a bunch of filthy Jews.
One step closer to being fred from the vaginal jew and towards the great trap utopia.
one step closer to a wunderous fascist gay utopia
I don't give 1/1000th of a damn.
What would be the cheapest most efficient way to kill the 24 million jews in the world?
Fresh ideas please, we have already had anecdotal 'evidence' that gassing and burning was ineffective last time.
Make them live with niggers?
Cyanide armed microdrone swarm controlled by an AI trained to differentiate Jews from non-Jews.
Could probably do it for a few hundred thousand dollars with a few years of development.
Satan trips confirms.
Men can be single mothers too now.
Now we can get welfare for popping out children.
Let's make it happen.
Fuck off with that shit. Christianity is normalfag garbage.