CNN: Trump misled reporters on immigration to get good coverage pre-speech




Everyone remembers the hit-piece CNN released before Trump's speech to demoralize us and claim that Trump was about to grant amnesty to millions of illegal spics. Turns out it was just more 4D Chess to trick the jew media into giving his speech good press while he advocated for deportations and "merit-based" immigration.

God Bless the God Emperor, he hasn't betrayed us yet and never will.

that's pretty funny tbh

Called this beforehand to the retards believing the judenpresse that he was going to announce amnesty/path to citizenship. Kikes and mediasluts get fucked again.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't respond even if its only a rumor. It's to remind Trump that any cucking on immigration will not be tolerated.

"Compromise" can mean fucking anything. There is no "hint" of anything. I doubt this was even planned by the President. It's just the dumbass Liberals and fake news falling for their own lies.

I'm not seeing how this isn't their own fault.

Don't believe this article any more than the others, they're still using imaginary sources.

Trump is just borrowing the democrat definition of the word.


It was NOT just CNN doing that shit - Fox Jews was pushing hard as well on the path-to-citizenship/legalization route. It was during The Five, and like half their Jewy-ass panel was signaling their approval of such an approach. It was truly pathetic.
