White Male Castration Going Mainstream

White Male Castration Going Mainstream


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Hardly mainstream when it's only one faggot on the fringe.

It's just weed, bro.

You obviously don't know how the kikes operate. This is how the process of normalization of these "fringe faggots" starts. Slowly introduce the idea. They do it in movies, songs, newspaper articles. Desensitization of the masses to degenerate, "fringe" behavior.

Gas the kikes. That's the only thing that will stop this shit.

What does that have anything to do with this?

"slippery slopes aren't real" - any normie you try discussing this kind of shit with
I fucking predicted that the logical outcome of this massive push for normalization of transgenderism was just the beginning. The real goal is for self-castrating masochistic eunuchs to become the norm. They are quite literally breeding the perfect goyim. If you notice the instagram, theres tons of BSDM and masochistic/slavery imagery posted on that degenerate's account.

CF tier thread

It's the first step to degeneracy.

What in the flying fuck all is this? Why did I stop reading Esoteric Hitlerism to see this?! Kalki! PURGE THE FILTH! We cannot allow this to spread into the dawn of our new age! Kek! Hitler! Kalki! REMOVE DEGENERATE!
I want to help, but what is to be done?


Immediate dude weed d/c, it's a shill

I think you might be trying to derail the discussion.

He'll regret his bizarre decision when he gets older like most trannies.
Probably go and kill himself in years to come



I think we might be laughing you here one day.



Reject mental illness.

this is exactly why you saw an uptick in androgynous characters throughout all types of media in the late 20th century. it was leading up to this.


Vinny Ohh.

That last name doesn't look like European name.

He has ears that look slightly angled. Common trait among Jews.

What ever the fuck he is, he's not white.

I remember when people like these would remove themselves from society by staying in the closet or suicide. Now society is enabling and encouraging their behavior with 'acceptance' and 'tolerance'.

Ayyyyyyy lmao

This is what happens when you turn your back on God.


Liberals removing themselves from the pool is beneficial to us. They cannot pass beliefs down, only laterally, and the beliefs they have generally dont pass laterally very well.

You underestimate how much the normalfags despise degeneracy like this. They don't talk about it because they want to keep their jobs, but rest assured, normalfags will express in private how they really hate how society seems to be going to hell in a handbasket.

I'm fucking sick of these degenerates praising immorality and bad values (even saying such a thing is laughable in their eyes) as if they are things which deserve to be honored. /r/ing Rockwell quote

Whatever the inevitable countdown to suicide looms, I won't be missing him. Just another freak - and not even the good kind. Also where does this motherfucker even get the shekels to do this shit?

protip: you need an inguinal orchiectomy if you think you might want SRS in the future.

If not, you can save thousands and DiY with pic related. The best part? Treatment of any complications is covered by any insurance, regardless of their policies on trans care!

polite shitpost for shit thread

Wondering the same. The entirety of this costs $160,000. That's more than most make in a year.

And he's spending it on, what exactly?


It's some spammers, they derail threads with weed talks.



It's the slippery slope, user. It's a possibility that this is the next thing they'll fetishize into the public discourse, and as much as I would love to deny that it's a possibility with how trannies are being used as an ideological linchpin, despite the actual number being incredibly small. Also note that the spread of HIV without informing was decriminalized in California.
Moral degeneration is easier to spread than physical degeneration.

I think most white males don't want to lose the nuts and if they do then they weren't worth saving. If it goes mainstream then add it to the fire that rises daily.

I am starting to understand why public executions or the stockade were used. Examples must be made. I am so sick of this shit

Don't forget, everything is trolled and controlled.

What the fuck do you think sex-reassignment surgery is? This is just one retarded faggot and he's probably Jewish. He's had TWO rhinoplasties, which we all know are only done by kikes to hide their Israel beacon from gentiles.
This was his nose before. Make of it what you will.


We need men to beat the shit out of freaks like this and for that to no longer be seen as wrong or criminal. We need more male comraderie in society and for men to have purpose. This could never happen in a warrior society. It couldn't happen in a society that respects males. Of course, we need to GTKRWN also.

And how many fucking white males would you like to forfeit because the kikel turned them liberal? White males should be using their dicks to further white population, not cutting them off b/c it's the new hot fad of rejecting the patriarchy or being different.

I know this is some gook tech or vidya fag. Talked shit and triggered him in a chat, jewtube? Please someone help me out. I can't keep of the degenerates straight, lol, these days.

I'd rather whites not die OR be brainwashed, but you don't need a 1:1 ratio of males to females for the white race to survive.

Furthermore, as a proponent of darwinism, I say let the weaker parts of our genepool wither and die as they ought to

david brock really cheaped out

Checked for Malek Trips, no idea what this means.

And I see your point, however, I still want to know, how many? How many white males in your mind is okay to forfeit? An eighth? A quarter? A third? One half? When does the encroachment of degeneracy end? When have we we sacrificed enough of our "lesser" men on the alter of degeneracy because they weren't "fit" enough to pass the kike's brainwashing?

We need to inspire our men to greatness, while exposing the enemies. We must do both, and reclaim our history.

There is no "slippery slope", per se. At least, I don't think any more degenerates are being "made" by this. The purpose of pushing degeneracy in mainstream media is to humiliate the general populace and to make the normal person feel like they are alone in their sanity.

So brave

Stop shilling your ugly jewelry.

Massively saved. Off to another platform to use it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

Adrian Wu

Canadian born to rich chinese. He's a fashion designer that wanted to design the 3rd gender, Neutrois. Youtube is wumingbong.
I was watching him pretty closely for a few months waiting for an hero or something interesting to happen. He upped his hormones and started having mini breakdowns and I thought "yes this is it" but he's just, as expected, an attention whore. Used to upload daily, or even multiple times daily, but has scrubbed his videos at least twice now, with only the least interesting videos remaining.

this thing's voice makes my teeth itch

I am so terrified right now, have we memed daemonhosts into reality

This faggot has been around around a decade now. Whatever is responsible for this, it wasn't us.


A perfect example of what happens when fags get too rich.

I'm still going to blame the jews on this one, I can't live with this on my hands.

He'd have gotten an interest free loan to do it even if poor if some kike thought there would could be a headline in the making.

The part that would willingly castrate themselves would be fine by me. A Eugenics program would go far further than that as is, losing raw numbers of whites isn't a problem IF we make sure to get rid of the non-whites from our lands first.

This, we're not losing useful members of society here, just genetic defectives kept alive by gibs and broken liberal parents. The sort of people buying into this shit are doing us a favor by making sure they don't breed.

The last thread on this made me physically sick, I hope someone does not post those images again

perhaps Kek is amused by their mewling

Thanks. I remember now that there was the rumor this was john flynt's husbando, but that was false. There is even some other famous vidya wu that isn't her faggot husband either. Watching this degenerate talk was like staring into the abyss. I'm fucked up from going to war for the zog and have serious problems, but seeing specimens like this baffles me. It's like watching some livestream zoo cam from a dystopian future. Somehow I am mentally ill but these freaks are the bravest people alive according to the kikes. Holy fuck, I'm no paragon of Aryanism, but how retarded do you have to be to believe that this is what you should aspire to be?

Nothing, they got shut down in another thread and their pussy is still raw.

Shills have figured out that Holla Forums goes full retard with drug discussion, especially weed

surprisingly /psy/chedelics don't get as much shit here

It's their latest vector of attack. If you haven't noticed the amount of
in the past week, you haven't been paying attention.

I've noticed. I noticed for years that its an easy thread stopper. Surprised it took shills this long to use that as a vector.

the slippery slope argument would be weaker were it not for people like this. It (which is what it prefers to be referred to as) was previously a typical emasculated fashion designer. interviews like this show it wants to essentially live out its half assed artistic commentary on fashion and genders being defined and connected.

Sorry, didn't mean you user. You obviously know since you called it out, I was talking to the rest of the board. cuckchanners and plebbitors specifically.

Reminds me of that one /r9k/ thread where the guy cut one of his fucking balls out and posted pics

Yeah, this is reeking a bit too much of commonspic "this obscure thing I found on the internet is a widespread phenomenon which is why you never saw it before"-tier.
This mentally ill degenerate deserves to be gassed though. Or ovened. Or roped. It can be such a hard choice.


Honestly I thought the ayy lmao was covered in old melted cheese slices

Is he Vinny or (((Vinny)))?

Good catch, (((Vinny)))*

so.. run of the mill pot head.


Why do you have images from such a degenerate comic?

Just great. All the cuckchanners are trying to assimilate by being 100% unconscious of all culture that existed before 2010

Bitch, how else would I know it's degenerate? I read the first issue, it's fucking degenerate posthumanist trash.

Wish Britcucks would stop posting their bullshit here and acting like this reflects on the cuck-levels of the rest of our countries.
If we banned all .co.uk links we'd all be a lot less blackpilled.
I'm just sayin.

You must either be autistic or a nigger if you think Transmetropolitan is pro-Posthumanism.

The real reason it's degenerate shit is that it's a masturbatory ego trip about the author's self-insert living under a dictatorship. I bet the Trump administration has just been one long self-hating orgasm for Warren Ellis.

Am I supposed to be upset by this? Because this is literal comedy gold.

What the fuck man lmao.


*tipping le hat intensifies*

That argument again, christcuck? You are collectively just as bad as CREW shilling for your fucking semi-kosher religion.

I'm perpetually amazed by how many ways user fuckup link breaks. Clearly you understand how to format, but yet you still managed to make a link that wasn't properly broken and can still inadvertently send an user to the site with referer intact.

You need to use the formatting on part of the . A single character is sufficient. Personally, I suggest italicizing the colon, like so:

Now, if it's an http link and not https, then you can simply omit the http:// to break the link. Observe:

From Kikepedia:
Degeneration Theory
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degener ation_theory

Social degeneration was a widely influential concept at the interface of the social and biological sciences in the 19th century.[1][2][3] Degenerationists feared that civilization might be in decline and that the causes of decline lay in biological change. These ideas derived from pre-scientific concepts of heredity (hereditary taint) with Lamarckian emphasis on biological development through purpose and habit. Degeneration concepts were often associated with authoritarian political attitudes, including militarism and racial science, as well as with fears of national decline.[citation needed] The theory originated in racial concepts of ethnicity, recorded in the writings of such medical scientists as Johann Blumenbach and Robert Knox. From the 1850s, it became influential in psychiatry through the writings of Bénédict Morel, and in criminology with Cesare Lombroso.[4] By the 1890s, in the work of Max Nordau and others, degeneration became a more general concept in social commentary.

The meaning of degeneration was poorly defined, but can be described as an organism's change from a more complex to a simpler, less differentiated form, and in this respect it is associated with 19th century conceptions of biological devolution. Although rejected by Charles Darwin, the theory's application to the social sciences was supported by some evolutionary biologists, most notably Ernst Haeckel and Ray Lankester. As the 19th century wore on, the increasing emphasis on degeneration reflected an anxious pessimism about the resilience of European civilization and its possible decline and collapse.

I never understood the point of a PRIVATE execution.

Faggot. Not only do your links not copy/paste conveniently, but you're also leaving URL landmines for anons to send HTTP referer via misplaced mouse click or screen tap. See:

This post is like a shill spawning pit.



this is the kind of shit i have nightmares about, and the fact that these abominations do this voluntarily makes it ten times worse.

Why would you want to read a purposefully distorted translation published after the war?

I bet you believe the holocaust happened because of the totally real speech that calls for extermination of the jews that definitely happened and wasn't just made up post-war in response to claims that maybe people lie in their own interest.

Just read Mein Kampf, the historical parallels between the world now and Germany then are interesting.

the only years that are suspect are 1944-45
how new r u?

Is he trans-ayylmao?

How about you read Mein Kampf?


Archive or it didn't happen.

Right, because things become even more clear the further away they are from the actual time. Never trust second hand sources about the National Socialism. I don't even know why that needs to be said at this point.

They stay uncomfortable and neutral until given the impetus to say something.

I only see that you haven't made any arguments, and are exhibiting extremely crude ignorance.

Maybe you should try contemplating these matters in a gothic cathedral in Europe, or maybe listen to any of Hitler's speeches in which he proclaims God will exact final victory of demonic forces of international Jewry in the end.

Retarded faggot.



This is just some genetic dud faggot, no one's going to see that image and want to emulate this horror movie reject. He wasn't going to father children anyway, and if he did they'd be fucked up. He's an unfrayed strand best cut off so the rest of the chain and thrive.

This is like claiming Dennis Avner mainstreamed furfaggotry. In case anyone claims he did, let me remind you the guy ended up feeling so isolated he parked his car in his garage and killed himself.

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

They are literally normalizing anti life now.

They are pure evil.

for a group of people who are not alike the "real" jews of the bible they sure do seem to act a lot like them and adopted their customs…

"in order to defeat the jews we must prostrate to the self proclaimed king of the jews who wasnt a jew but a judean one of the tribes of israel"

Because they are generally not harmful except to people prone to schizophrenia to begin with. And they are much more effective than kike pushed pharmaceutical antidepressants. But Holla Forums is not the place to discuss them.


Not everything is a kike psyop.

There are plenty of crazy fucks in this world who crave their 15 minutes of media attention. This has always been the case, and will always be.

Stop being a retard.

Why not chose all?


When they push extremes like this, it is meant to normalize "normal" faggots, so the public accepts "normal" faggot things, like gay marriage, gays sitting kids, etc. The reason is the public is then more accommodating to "regular" faggotry, since it is not as extreme as this "alien" faggot bullshit.

It's all about contrasts and relative viewpoints. Nevermind "normal" faggots are responsible for pedo shit, having 1,000 sexual partners and have the most AIDS cases out of any group.

Ostracization at school and getting "bullied" by Chads were nature's way of keeping all faggots in check. Now that Chads can't "bully" faggots at school, faggots then go unchecked.

This alien piece of shit is mentally ill. Likely never got beat the fuck down by Chads or gangster fucks.

"Bullies" are nature's way of keeping faggots in check. Why do you think there's so much "anti-bullying" propaganda around now?

This is a self-mutilating weirdo, it has nothing to do with anything going "mainstream."

Gas yourself.

I went through his image diary. What the eff is this?!?! It's extreme.

Pretty fucked up when mentally ill people mutilate their bodies and everyone is expected to not only let it happen, but to celebrate it.

Kill 'em before thay lay any eggs!

Man, I remember when people would get tied to a fence post and beaten to death WAAAAYYYY before the degeneracy got anywhere close to this far.

The normies inaction is the main reason things become apocalyptic before they get better and for some reason they are unable to comprehend that 'Evil wins when good men do nothing.'

This man is clearly mentally ill - anyone who says somthing along the lines of "Im a mess" or "im terrible" or "im (pejorative)" often is making a cry for help.

Its sickening that we have grown so decadent that we let people suffer like this, and even more so that its encouraged for the pleasure of others.

There was an article posted recently about a study finding that virtue signaling is not only real, but the majority of people loudly outspoken about social issues today do it for self gratification.

It's basic slavery. Lib shits get these mentally ill people to fuck themselves up through suggestion and cult like indoctrination so they can turn around and "defend them" to the public while jacking thier mental dicks off the entire time. Its fucking evil.

I don't think you have to worry about them reproducing. They've already taken care of that.


Kill self try hard

I'll just leave these here.

They might not breed, but they will spread their degeneracy to others regardless.


I see no problem with this.

I made this same statement in the last thread about this horseshit. OP is a fag, as usual.

Hey fuckwit, there's already a thread:

No, but I would not be suprised if all the accumulated faggotry, liberalism, pedastry and other degeneracy have possibly opened up a warpgate and brought forth slaaneshi daemons.


Sarcasm aside, anybody have that article? I'm less expecting to learn anything new. I'm just constantly on the lookout for more right-wing websites and columnists.

that image is great
it would be even better if the tick bix was pre-ticked, as they always are when someone is trying to jew you and hoping you don't read the small print

This is an obvious kike psyop and has been for years. They have an entire TV show about these weird perversions, people who get surgery to become cats, fish, etc. Just a coincidence it's always white people.


not everything is, but this clearly is. what did you think the tranny thing was about?

are you new here? what is going on?