*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*forces you to go back*
Back to Brit britkike
ah well, a shitty thread and a shitty shitpost. Have fun drowning in shit, kiddo
i don't care, I will go to the only place that will understand me
and you can't stop me
You stupid retards, don't answer to sliding threads. Just report and move on to next thread
kill urself underage faggot
*Teleports behind you
*Keep going my way
"Nothing personel…. sage….."
wow cwc looks younger
Oldfag here. OP is a goon. Sage and report like a good goy.
For the retards who don't know what the OP is about:
fucking paranoid retards thinking everyone is out to get you
Looks like we're being invaded by /cuckchan/ while the mods sit here and allow it to happen.
Is this you again?
Maybe make an actual OP next time instead of some fucking Holla Forums tier template thread.