Hungarian government to pay people to have children

Hungary pays couples who pledge to have babies

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The kikes are going to kill this man.

Europe wont correct itself until a new central european empire emerges to fight the burgers russians and jews the time for that is now


Literal nigger tier idea. But it works I guess… Too bad that we cant just kill all nonwhites or colonize mars with whites only.

I'm waiting for the day we learn that Hungarian spring starts. I hope he's ready to stomp the kikes who will try their shitty color revolution.

Are you retarded? Whats nigger tier about making it easier for european couples to start a family?

He's probably a lolberg mutt that doesn't understand the concept behind supporting one nation's ethnic makeup through financial incentives aimed at increasing the birthrate. He equates it to welfare, which is certainly not the same thing.

The entirety of the US welfare and social system gives advantages to literal niggers for having multiple kids.

But it is almost the same thing. The only difference is that it isn't a long term income, but a short term incentive.
Free gibs for kids.

It appears you're 100% correct.

Except most european nations arn't as nigger infested as America is (especially hungary). So your point is invalid.

What is the problem again?

You're fucking retarded. Hungary is not a multicultural cesspit like the new world is. It's giving incentive to reproduce so you don't end up with corporate kikes breathing down your neck asking you to import subhumans. Fuck off lolberg, you'll never understand what supporting one's people really is.

AfD proposed something along the lines as well and it got voted down. Good to see our rising right is red-pilled. IIRC Hitler established a interest-free loan for families for their homes and for every new child the state would write -25% off the debt. Genius as heck to be honest.


oy vey don't these antisemites know that the NAZIS had the same policy

No, it's not you autist. The government giving foreigners money in exchange for nothing is not the same as giving working native families housing loans in exchange for having children which will increase the production and labor rates of the nation. Same thing Hitler did.

oy vey, doesn't he know taking in swarthy lifetime welfare recipients is cheaper?

akbar has to make it there first :^)

Going to have to go through their Pence fence first.

b-but my (((ethnic))) food! we need more immigrants! p-please rape my face!


I like.

This is what every European country would do, if they weren't occupied.

The very name "Hungary" is starting to give me boners lately..

Dudes the Csok is arround like 1 whole year, and we finally forced the government to expand this shit…
Nothing new here!

t. magyar


I'll bring some good stock over if there are hearty women to lay.

Nice rundown but every rifle overestimates itself in that regard.

HOPEFULLY this has an effect, but they really need to do more than just pay people to have babies.

The Hungarian nation needs to invest heavily in its arts, to create a sort of Hungarian national revival. Nationalism/Fascism is the key to the new European man. It will liberate all of us and our lands, and assure security for years to come. To have a culture favorable of Hungarian children, is far more important.

I went to Hungary last April and am going back in May. Budapest is a great city. I expect you Yuropoors to be holidaying there too. The lack of diversity walking the streets was palpable, felt brilliant.

Under Hitler, having 4 children cancelled out the loan on the house.

Is this guy a retard? Artificially trying to adjust demographics?

It was probably meant simply as a morale booster for their troops

So is Hungary still taking in refugees from liberal afflicted lands? I'm on board to inseminate some steppe nomads.

shoo shoo jew


Welcome to Holla Forums jewboy.


I can't even remember what it's like.

I think it's both fitting and spooky that Hungary is the only country in the world with a town with this name.

Why isn't Holla Forums planning an annual pilgrimage there? Looks like a prime location to start our own ethnostate.

Budapest is actually the most multicultural city of Hungary, if you go in the inner city where the train-stations and universities are located, then you will see niggers, sandniggers with rags on their head, asians, foreign language speaking people etc.
I live in an idyllic little suburb with only white people, so its really noticeable whenever I have to visit my father who lives in the inner city.

Hungary is like 96% ethnic Hungarian, and of the remaining 4% only 2.4% is non-German/Slovak/Croat. I've been to Budapest, its a dream compared to shitholes like Brussels, Paris and London.

Poland already gives money for having kids. On one hand a lot of it goes to the most retarded trashy people who make too many kids they can't afford but also helps normal people who otherwise would be more hesitant to have multiple children, so it's not all bad. Far better than spending it on 30-something "child refuges" from Africa, top kuk.

TBH, the thrashy ones will end up having kids anyway, and the money goes back into the economy, while the normal families actually have a way of raising their kids.
Personally I was in favour of tax breaks and creche spaces for families, but it was easier to win the elections by promising handouts.

It'll kickstart young families in an otherwise child-free environment, most young couples today oppose to having kids because of financial reasons. Fuck off, Hungary is white and redpilled.

Yup. They've been doing it before there was money in it, now they will just do it more because there's money in it, the difference is now normal working people who start a family get some of it that money too.

What do Hungarians look like? Are they white?

Yeah. I like them alot, never cause any problems, civilised people.
t. their neighbor

This is what being a subhuman is like. It literally doesn't read and clearly doesn't want to accept the reality of races.
Kill it.

It's like a modern day Excalibur!

Cool. I'm going to be an exchange student in Germany next year. Trying to figure out what I'd like to see though Hungary is pretty far. I've only ever been to the Baltic and Scandinavian countries.


Well in the summer they have music festivals (sziget) - some of my friends go there. but they also have a racist music festival.

Will this apply to gypsies though? Hungary sadly has a sizeable gypsy population and this filth keep having 17 children each.

(the racist music festival)

Tyirityán asked the crowd: “Will we be brave enough to shoot that lousy Jew?” Several people from the crowd answered in the affirmative and the people began to applaud.

Satan trips confirm Hungary will purge its jews


Things like these raise my spirit. There is still hope left.

>married couples aged under 40 who commit to raising three children or more.
It would suck to be that third child. No matter how much your parents show they love you, you're still going to wonder if the only reason they had you was so they could afford to have the two children they really wanted.

t. Liberals


ideally the incentive should be limited to two kids for poor people and more for middle class and up

If you are a depressed sack of shit, then maybe, but most normal people do want to have children and if the money and culture are there, why would the third one be unloved or feel like that?

You'd be surprised what impressions even normal kids pick up when they're younger. All it takes is one asshole in school making fun of them for it. It's still a good idea for Hungary to give its people incentive to have families though. Just, the three or more seems a bit much to me, kids are hard work. Parents going for this grant and loan shoud be screened for actually wanting/planning on having at least three kids imo.

You're overthinking it, kids will always be shitty to each other, we've all been 5 years old in our lives, loving parents is what always counts.



Hungarian here. Few things about CSOK you guys need to know.

- It's only eligible to people who have steady jobs (have been employed for the past 5 years with no breaks)

- It's mostly being used by white middle class hungarians, not gypsies.

- There was already a baby boom going on in hungarian middle class families for the past 5 years or so, because having more kids means paying much less tax, but you don't get anymore gibs for having kids so gypsy birth numbers are down.

All of that is wonderful.

This is what all white countries should be doing. Instead the treasonous politicians waste billions to help rapefugees get here. It is white genocide funded by Jews and their good goys.

Let's talk about Genetic Stock here, for a possible European Recolonization with Hungary.
Median non-Gypsy Hungarians have the Genetic make-up similar to:
Southern Germans
non-Southern French

God bless you, Hungary, and you, President Orban.



If you dig deep enough, you will find out that most of the population depression in the West is to do with impoverishment of greater number of people and the fall of true middle class that used to have most children.
Truly, the income distribution and the constant Jewing of people is what causes population decline, not poverty. I've met plenty of people at work and in private life, and it is the poorfags (except for the social trash which are still minority) that have least children, whereas all the middle class and up people with their own properties and cushy jobs end up having more than 2 kids. On top of it, the wife more often than not is not working, while the husband is and makes enough to support everyone.

Kikes have been lying to us all for decades.


No, it's actually because:

This tactics dont fucking work. The children will be born but its not a guarantee they will stay in Hungary.

They also tried a similar thing in Russia with minimal effects.

I have little idea how to analyze this, but thanks

Ya man but the fertility rating is STILL to low to pass past the 2 /family mark and you know who is benefiting off this in Russia? Muslims and other primitives.

The same thing will happen in Hungary: Gypsies and the scum of society will reproduce.

Yellow-Green is Amazonian
Light Pink is Western-Central-Northern
Brownish-Orange is East Coast Indians
Orange is Mediterranean
Strong Blue is Nordic
Dark Green is Plains/Steppe/Caucasus
Salmon Pink is East African
Light Blue is West African
Green is South West African
Bright Light Blue is West Sub-Saharan
Strong Pink is East Sub-Saharan
Aqua Green is South Sub-Saharan
Purple is Bedouin a.k.a. "Arabs" or "Semitic"
‌>Northeast Asia
Yellow is Sino Asiatic
Red is Siberian a.k.a. Altaic
Yellow-Brown is Eskimo
‌>South Asia
Bright Green is Dravidian a.k.a. "Those Dark Indians"
Pale Yellow is Asian Black
Strong Purple is Australoid a.k.a. Aboriginal

Yamnaya is the Original Aryan Population, from the Kurgan basis.

Fun fact: Hungarians have retained the same genetic composition since before the end of the last Ice Age.

Yes, and this is why urbanization has been one of the jew's most lethal weapons against the west.

Kill yourself.

I wonder what the graph for white Americans would show.


Not the point, and I've seen no evidence for that.
People need to stop with the rural meme, we've had mechanized agriculture and industrialization for some 150 years now and the greatest population boom of whites happened back then.

Anyone hear of the Great Stork Derby?

tl;dr - Some rich bastard with a Holla Forums sense of humor left "fuck you" bequests to people all over town.

I'm poor, as most of us are, but I was thinking yesterday that people's greed can be used to help the ol' 14 words along. What if we set up some sort of fund or (Heaven help me) Patreon and announced Stork Derby II in Canada and the United States?


Nobody blames school textbooks that repeat the "2 BABBY IS REPLACEMENT RATE GOY DON'T BE A FILTHY BREEDER, THERE'S JUST NOT ENOUGH LAND/FOOD/PENGUINS", jews themselves or the fucked up tax/welfare system that takes money from the middle class and gives it to any shitskins that show up and want to vote for more gibs.

It's like they have a spotlight ready to aim at whatever but themselves, their golems or their actions.

Because we really want more white trash instead of bolstering the middle class by rewarding actual work and families?

Seriously the only one that could come up with such a retarded idea is a baby boomer

Gypsies being BTFO.
I'm jealous.

Ya man, but there also the trash of society to work in lower paying jobs "steadily". This is simply subsidizing the stupid and incompetent reproducing. And I hope I am wrong.

Can you tell your superior to fire you and hire something that's slightly better at shilling like a Paki?

Hey man if the govt didnt tax me to hell and back id be able to pop out 5 kids easy.

Only reason nigs can have 5 kids cause ppl like me pay for it.

You fags have no fucking idea what the hungarian situation is like. You praise this nonwhite with shit like "can't koran the orban" but that's not how it works. Keeping rapefugees out? You don't know shit. FIDESZ is singlehandedly responsible for the selling out of hungarian land to rich sandniggers and jews, cause they want to build a new supermarket or some shit. Oh yeah they are also whoring out our water. Hungary is rich with clean water. It's slowly being sold to outsiders. Meanwhile the govt spends millions of $$$ on fixing the water supply network and what we get from it is thick black fucking shit flowing from the pipes. The VAT in hungary is ridiculously high for the low wages we have and all we have to show for it is rich our fucking politicians. No money is spent on fixing what's broken because the FIDESZ jews fucking pocket it all.

No fucking way. FIDESZ is filled to the fucking brim with jews and ex-commie criminals (there's a big overlap, mind you). Orbán is their puppet. FIDESZ is the party responsible for the holocaust denial laws, the holocaust remembrance day, the holocaust remembrance year, and a great many holocaust museums.

Orbán says this big nationalistic things and you all wet your panties. You don't understand that this is just a dishonest politician pandering to the people. Hungarians are very nationalist and despise the left. He only says what he has to say to stay in charge so the exploitation of the country may continue.

sandniggers rushing into hungary in 3….2…..1…

And getting shot at the border


Oh ok, can you run for his position then? Is there a better alternative politically speaking?
I mean, it doesn't look like hungary is demographically dying. So you know, you have time to improve things.


Burger here, please do. We have become a official cancer factory. Fight us. Defeat us. We were on the wrong side of history. And we are so now. Our government no longer respects traditions, rights, freedoms, and even laws. They try to pave over everything using corruption and flimsy reasoning to back door us.

They export terrorism, war, famine, plague, death. They shower non-citizens with funds and give barely a scratch to even veterans. They encourage large scale voter-fraud. And they pave the way for invasion via demographics, in a way that will not make us a better place, but will send everything into a collapse that will hobble civilization. Sane Mexicans do not want America to be "Mexico again".

Our judges must be purged. Our officials must also follow. The left must be broken. The time has come for a culling. They are destroying civilization. There is no dawn where their plans are concerned. Europe is burning, and diversity has done nothing for progress. Someone needs to step forward, bring forth the old ways, and burn a path to brighter future. The world is growing darker. We need some light.

How do I migrate to hungary and get myself a qt3.1415926535897932 hungarian girlfriend?


Jobbik drone please fuck off and suck Vona's gypsy cock.



Top Kek, well meme'd my friend.

I really hope they pull through.



Now I'm not a scientist. But I'd say that is a good move.


holy fuck so it's working

But it would be better to have a baby BOOM, not a mere whimper. I want African levels of population growth among ethnic Europeans. Is that going to happen?

I think you posted the wrong one, chap.


KEK works in the best ways possible

industrial society and its future.
behavioral sink.
the cities are poison.
get out.
don't walk.

Holy shit, is this real life?

if you idiots could be bothered to read the thread you'd see it's an edit.

i don't consider this irresponsible memeing

or maybe i do. i don't know.
but maybe it should be 14.88

What about the gypsies ?

It's a good thing that Hungary unlike say in America and Western Europe actually has real genuine resistance to international jewry (as opposed to neo-con false nationalism misdirecting its supporters) so they have a wide array of national socialist movements, one of which pulled in more than 20% last election, so none of the jewbots that dominate these threads can pipe in with the inevitable "Oy vey, wait for Hitler" mantra.

You are aware, or maybe you're not, that last year Orban presented to his parliament evidence that he himself is half gypsy.
Jobbik oppose gypsies [internal threat] and jews [external threat]

PS - Fidesz [jewish neo-conservative/centrist] is 80% jewish dual passport carrying kikes in office

Kek is just the Hungarian word for the color Blue.

No they don't. Maybe you'd like to update your info. Jobbik has completely sold out under Vona and is a dying party.

oh shit

It doesn't work. Hitler tried the same exact thing and it didn't prevent falling birthrates whatsoever.

Read your history, you goons. Throwing money at problems does not make them go away.

nice sources

it quadrupled the german birthrate lyl

Yes it fucking did.

It also worked in the US, when they were giving land away instead of money.

Australia did the same thing, you'd get a baby bonus like 5k or something. I don't think they do it anymore though.



Seems to be a fairly frequent go to for a successful nation. In nations like Australia and the US, it's damn near required to be successful due to the sheer size.