Did you guys ever think maybe the reason Flynn lied to VP Pence is because he felt Pence can't be Tr

Supposedly, from Trump's own admission, Flynn was fired because he withheld information regarding a call with Russian officials from Vice President Pence. Trump supporters figured, "yea ok he shouldn't have done that", and went along with it.

But did anyone ever think, maybe Flynn withheld that information from this Jew loving, EU backing faggot for a reason?

Yes. Jesus fucking Christ. Pence is 100% establishment Republicuck. When the "Grab 'em by the pussy" video came out Pence told Trump to drop out. He opposed Trump before he claimed the nomination. He was never /ourguy/, Flynn and Sessions are. Instead idiots on here only care about zapping faggots and would be glad to see Pence become President and deliver our country right to Israel.

Pence is the most shabbos goy I've ever seen in my life.


Seriously ? I don't remember it.

Where is Flynn now and what is he doing? We need him now

The entire shill push behind Pence is exactly that – a shill push. The guy was handpicked by kike Kushner because the jewish faggot was assblasted that Krispy Kreme put his criminal kike dad in prison. All the Pence memes are project alamo.

Pretty sure that never happened.

Why wouldn't Flynn tell Pence that Flynn was doing his job? The retarded thing about this whole situation is that Flynn had nothing to hide, he had 100% blessing to do what he was doing from Trump.

He's a cuckservative Evangelical who used to admire Martin Luther Coon when he first entered politics under the demorats. I think that speaks for itself.

Pence can't be trusted, he's an Israeli Firster. His only redeeming quality is that he hates fags.

So should we zap Pence?

wtf I hate Pence now

Pence and Mattis were part of the deal or else FOX wasn't going to air any positive coverage of Trump

thats far from the worst thing a white man can do

I'm glad someone brought up Mattis. I don't trust the guy at all. He's getting an awful lot of rope based entirely on that one vaguely critical comment he made towards Israel and his outright and obvious corruption and incompetence is getting overlooked. He's also likely a faggot.

pence is the ultimate good goy who hates fags because of the bible but loves kikes and niggers for the same reason. He only gets pushed so hard because niggers from cuckchan and plebbit have killed this board.

Fuck off, kike.

Evangelicals are the biggest kike lovers among Christians. It's up there in terms of being the worst things a white man can do.

this whole thread sounds like divide and conquer trash

stop spreading fake news
Pence was one of the few people that didn't ask Trump to drop out

it was Reince who told Trump to drop out after Billy Bush Tape, someone pointed out that to Reince during an interview after inauguration

I've seen a surprising amount of Pence memes "slip" through the filters on lefty sites.

Holla Forums knows what went down and why. You are a newfag who needs to lurk more or a dumb ass who just signed on to shill in a place where you are out of your league.

Divide and conquer of who? Guys like Pence have been identified as a mortal enemy of the nation on this board for years. He's on fucking record saying Israel should completely control and dictate American foreign policy. If you don't understand why that's a problem, it's probably a good idea for you to fuck off back to Breitbart instead of hanging around here. The election is over, after all.

Mattis was one of Trumps first "picks" that got through and it was a unanimous vote was it not?

You guys missed the point of Trump giving Mattis 30 days to devise a plan to defeat ISIS. He is publicly putting Mattis on the spot and forcing the deep state to either give a bullshit plan that won't work or admit where ISIS came from.

Of course. It was the first thought in my mind. What I don't understand is why Trump kicked Flynn out though, Flynn did nothing illegal or wrong. In fact, Sessions also talked with the Russian ambassador, just like Flynn did, and Sessions ain't getting kicked out. So why the fuck did Flynn?

You can try the same tricks over and over, but it only makes you more obvious and easier to detect.

"Oy vey, the goyim know about our puppet Pence! Start the DC! Fake news, blame Christians, the usual tricks!"

This user knows the score. I'd add that the fag zapping was just leftist hysteria as well.

Sauce on that or you're just another disinfo shill cunt.

Pence is awful but I'm still capable of laughing at the zapping faggots memes. No way I'd sit calmly if they tried to replace Trump with him though.

Pence should have just shut his fucking mouth.

The plain obvious reason Flynn got out is because NSA disliked him and disapproved his nomination as their leader. He knows too much and was maybe even willing to work with them, but they weren't willing to have such a guy that they didn't fully trust in this powerfull position, receiving full information about their secret projects and, perhaps, threatening to end them or at least slow it down. They openly put that as such.

Drug war, trade deals, media control (stuff that goes beyond the DNC collusion and other wikileaks finds), interference in foreign countries and leadership appointment, pedophilia blackmail and other molochite stuff. There is just too much going on.

They didn't force Trump to nominate their guy, they had to work on it and, when they were finally able to and found someone willing to go with it at Pence, they did it. They wanted to do it this way for a reason, as they have nothing else of the "gay fraternity" sorts to blackmail Trump, like their usual domestic politics setup.

That "McMaster" replacement, praised by all cucks? He was Trump's third choice. Deep state chose him.

They run this country, have been increasingly so since the last century. Bush senior was CIA. Obama was raised by CIA. They are the real agents of our enemy and should be our main concern right now.

If anyone has redpills on them, I would be very thankfull to see them posted here.


and of course as soon as he gets in he starts talking about how radical islamic terrorists aren't really islamic, just like Bush and Obama always did.

Then WHY do we need a thread about it?
Two answers.
Divide and conquer.
Board sliding

The board is barely moving today.

Why do we need a thread about it? If I'm being optimistic, to redpill the newfags, cuckchanners, and plebbits about the slimy fuck and counter the attempts to shill for him via "he's going to fry fags, goy… er guys!".

This, I'v only seen things about Pence and they were somewhat vauge. I'd like to know more about the never trump fags that are fuking up the administration worse then the dems.