"AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) tweeted early on Thursday.
"AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) tweeted early on Thursday.
Chaffetz is a kike
This flip flopping kike faggot said he wouldn't vote for Trump after the Access Hollywood tapes, then proudly bragged that Trump said he could investigate whatever he wanted after Trump won. Now he won't stand up for Trump's AG when it's not convenient for him.
Fucking snakes. Too many of them.
Can't wait for President McMuffin.
This should be considered a tacit admission that Chaffetz has been fucking/killing kids with Hillary.
He's a kike that converted. He's an infiltrating shapeshifter.
No you don't cunt.
Is Chaffetz actually a kike? Acts like one.
They don't care. They never did.
During the election?
> en.wikipedia.org
> Raised Jewish, Chaffetz converted to Mormonism during his college years.
When is this coy faggot going to misfire his heart attack gun?
I knew he was a mormon, people jeluding themselves, but didn't remember he was an actual kike. Thanks user!
MUH BASED JEW strikes again
he's controlled opposition responsible for keeping Hillary's crimes under wraps during the campaign. Not sure why nobody else saw this.
> semiticcontroversies blogspot.com/2016/11/is-evan-mcmullin-jewish.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SemiticControversies+(Semitic+Controversies)
' The story of America is the story of immigration. Evan McMullin’s family left Ireland in the 1600s to seek a better life in the New World. Part of his mother’s family fled Poland because of the Nazi menace.'
> evanmcmullin.com
'' 'My mother’s family also came to the United States in search of liberty and opportunity.
Fleeing the Nazis, the Jastremski family escaped from Poland and eventually made its way to Philadelphia, where the Founders of this nation first declared that all of us are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights.' ''
> evanmcmullin.com
The fact that the Jastremski family had to 'escape Poland' because of 'the Nazis' suggests that they did so in the period 1939 to 1944 not after the Second World War. If McMullin had said his family left Poland after the Soviet Union occupied it then that would be one thing, but because he suggests it was when the Nazis occupied it. It therefore suggests they had a very specific reason to flee.
> Now this isn't evidence per se, but as most Polish political activists stayed and even fewer had even the opportunity of leaving German-occupied Poland. It rather suggests that the Jastremski family left because they had a more pressing reason for doing so: jewishness.
I called it. You nimrods that screached for Chaffetz like he's some hero BTFO. Gowdy is similarly weak. All talk and grandstanding.
pick one
Gowdy is a snake too. For this very reason here
Mormons are the Muslims of America. Kike puppets meant to be used as weapons against the white race.
I knew he was a snake, but I wasn't aware of his chosen status.
Remember Mormonism is full of MK sleapers, there's no telling what this kike will do in the future
I probably read it during the campaign, but my brain is old and tired and I didn't trust him anyway.
spic jew halfbreed.
That's very likely. Who the fuck actually chooses to become Mormon ffs. Those desiring protection? Comrades in molestation?
There was one girl at my high school who was one. She was a spic. A spic brought her three kids to my parents house to shill while I was home. I have had a bunch show up to my current house. They were all white, but I live in one of the whitest states in the nation and they ask for a guy who I assume lived here before me. Seriously you dumb kike wannabes, I told you last year that David whoeverthefuckwho'snameIforget doesn't live here anymore.
At least they're polite.
Glenn Beck did it too, didn't he? Probably not a coincidence.
He's a literal egghead. Should have been obvious
CIA, really.
LDS church has missionary networks all over the world and comfirmed asset Romney is the de-facto head of it. Not to mention easy-access shady funding methods as well.
Mormon church gets to dig into the financials of all their members at will too. They just tell you that they need to audit your tithing and if you don't comply, they'll get your family to disown you.
This is so desperate.
Once again proving that Christianity is an utter failure at protecting whites.
…that McCarthy was right.
How I hate those people.
Why are you looking fore one thing to do everything? A car isn't a bad car, just because you can't properly clean your teeth with it and infiltration happens everywhere.
This. Mormonism has always been a Judeo-Masonic plot to infiltrate the US government. Joseph Smith himself planned to become President and turn the US into a Mormon Sharia Theocracy, and there have been many others who have taken a shot at the Presidency too.
I'm looking for it to not be a vector for kikes. Simple.
How do you look at him with his curly ass hair and not see he's a kike?
The Inquisition hunted down crypto-jews.
Your argument is false, you should burn your fedora and then gas yourself.
The leader of the inquisition was literally a crypto-Jew, retard.
Cuckservatives are so mindfucked that all their arguments end up affirming and bolstering the enemy position. "Dems are the real racists/sexists/transmisogynists/McCarthyists." So fucking stupid.
Only cuckchan niggers ever thought this spic kike was based. This is par for the course with neocohen puppets like him.
kike-mormon hybrid
If being autistic about funs is wrong, I don't want to be right
Because a lot of spic shitkins have hair like that.
Anons, give me some backup on this twitter poll, going to be crossposting this to all Sessions threads
I fail to see the problem here…
You must really hate national socialism then…
That's not even a jewish nose you fucking outsider. Get a jewdar first you grasping woman.
When is this non-white going to throw Hillary Clinton in prison? Or is he a plant?
Of the non-Etruscan type.
Given the population density back then, that's like 600 gorillian in 1945 kikes
He also reined in the investigation if I remember correctly, preventing Gowdy from doing anything. Gowdy is a cuckservative anyways but at least he believes in the rule of law instead of investing in (((elite))) politics.
Race is a social construct, we are all equal as American citizens, one nation under God. Praise Jesus! :^)
race before religion
This. Neither can be relied on. Both would leave you alone in the foxhole if it gave them a chance to save their own skinny neck. Trust them not.
Oh, I looked it up and he actually is. I thought he looked weird, but I assumed that was just the Mormon programming.
I can still tell he's a member of the tribe