At first I was getting tired of the e-celeb shit, but now I'm actually starting to think Pewds is one of us.
At first I was getting tired of the e-celeb shit, but now I'm actually starting to think Pewds is one of us.
Who gives a shit.
What's up Ben? On the fritz?
the fucking madman
Whether he is or isn't, it's nice that he's eroding the chosen status of kikes in the minds of millions. But, you faggots really need to stop making threads every time he farts like it's the same as gassing kikes.
I don't get why we can't just have an e-celeb general thread to discuss this stuff in. Would one thread really do that much damage to the quality of the catalog?
if dubs OP has to eat his own cum because he is a faggot like pewdiepie
Pewdiepie isn't redpilled, or even close. He's a millionaire who's made a name for himself by playing games and doing reaction videos. He's the most popular youtube personality in existence, and he knows his audience: edgy, 3hip4u teens. He knows he can push the envelope a little and still come out on top, and that's all this is.
Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I've yet to see anything that really leads me to believe that
How the fuck is that repdilled? You're an idiot.
Kek confirmed long ago Pewds is one of us and will be a central figure in the future. You dummies
Praise kek always giving answers even if its just to re-confirm.
I was expecting that
Because then a bunch of nobodies start shilling their shitty podcasts and try to co-opt Holla Forums, just like TRS did.
First comment, every time.
Making edgy jew jokes =/= red pilled
it just makes you an edgy faggot
Sometimes we can't have nice things because people would abuse it. This is one of those cases.
I don't screencap everything sorry user
I feel like goatse doesn't even need to be censored in CY+2, it's practically SWF. Such is the progression of internet degeneracy.
Most people on Holla Forums started out just making edgy jew jokes. That's how it starts.
Not really a edgy joke
Lest you forget, le happy merchant was a gateway meme for half of the faggots on 4/pol/ now. shitty holocaust memes and jew jokes are the spearhead that pokes out of our bubble. Pewdiepie has a role to play as a monumental faggot in the normieverse, he may or may not be aware of the consequences of making jew jokes.
Either way, desanctifying jews is a step in the right direction.
I can't say if he lurks here, he's a cuckchanner at very least, it was confirmed a long time ago. He started on Holla Forums but with GG he must have been in contact with Holla Forums at some point without a doubt.
he's on cuckchan, in his latest YLYL video he can be seen browsing a ylyl thread. he's probs just a 4/b/tard or maybe Holla Forums on 4chins and is most likely not affiliated with 8/pol/ at all.
1. It is in CY+2
2. That's not even close to the extent of it, and you know it you filthy deceitful yid
What do you mean or what do you think I meant? I was pointing out how pewdiepie pointed out in front of millions of viewers how they have a anti-white agenda.
In all honesty what redpilled me was epic rap battles of history. I saw the Hitler raps, started searching Hitler speeches came across the english version of Adolf Hitler's last political statement. Started crying like a faggot. Started browsing Holla Forums a lot and migrated to 8ch
Shit looked on youtube that was six years ago. Fuck
I still hate it when some retards have lurked for at least 6 months and still don't get that the Jew hate is not "just a meme".
I am really starting to hate these (((4cucks))) as much as (((TRSodomites)))
What's worse is they brought their retarded shills with them. At least they are pretty obvious.
I don't get why newfags can't just shut the fuck up and lurk more. It really does keep you from asking fucking retarded questions and bumping a shitty thread. And when you don't it really does damage the quality of the catalog.
It's all it has to be. It means:
1. We are winning the generation Z
2. He is reinforcing antisemitism and making it mainstream
Is this not enough for you?
shut it down goyim you need to stay contained!!
I apologize user, I misread the intent of your post.
we shouldn't have e-celeb anything faggot
Yeah, I don't think he's especially redpilled either, but his video against the media is some prime redpilling material for young people.
Uhm, wow. That joke is pretty fucking hardcore, even for the faggots on /r/the_donald. In fact the only people who would use that joke are actual internet neo-nazis I think?
People forget that a decent chunk of Holla Forums came to the redpill originally through edgy humor. We should be using this to sway his teen audience.
This video was a game changer for me, the first in a row of falling dominos.
Biggest youtuber ever in full war against megakikes at the judenpresse
Kike youtbe shill doing their thing
Holla Forums mods everyone
Mods are compromised, shit's obvious as fuck. Everything is about getting people to waste time attacking irrelevant targets instead of using effective weapons against the kikes themselves. The fact that people still won't leave is depressing.
Yet the end product can be seen on cuckchan which is just LARPing civic nationalist who like their BASED niggers and whoever else that shows up on some shitty kike HWNDU cam.
His situation has to redpill him a bit and tbqh that Vidya is one of the greatest mainstream redpills I've ever seen for the youth in regards to propaganda and deception of the media
Just looking for