What the fuck the bitcoin thread was flat out deleted ?

What the fuck the bitcoin thread was flat out deleted ?
Are mods compromised ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums is not /biz/ and this is not a platform for you to shill your money making scheme. The cunt who started it also D&C'd attacking Holla Forumsacks as if they were trolls if they presented a valid criticism. Cancer gets cut out.

Bitcoin is Holla Forums not /biz/, it is a currency that currently make every zog shake in fear, and will play a major role in tomorrow's economy starting whith China, and soon Europe when it will be clear that the € is over and they need a backup curency.

BTC is /fringe/ :^)

yea that's why they control all the currency exchanges involving bitcoin

You'll have to forgive us for not participating in something that we didn't create ourselves

Bitcoin is a great tool for killing the Kikes hold on international finance and forging of false history, but shilling it because of a price spike isn't something that needs to be done on Holla Forums

you really have no idea what you are talking about.

Did you know that you can give fiat bills in exchange for bitcoins, without the jew middle man?

Or are you claiming that they own all of the computers that are mining bitcoin?



Gee, I wonder why the mods deleted a thread about e-jews shilling their stupid pyramid scheme monopoly money. Take your scam elsewhere.

Kill yourself, you fucking kike.






Weew shills in full butthurt


Shill butthurt archive




Hahah idiot kike


first one every time.

Trying Too hard csuse rejection kike

I'm claiming you can't source anything that isn't zog controlled

that's not a currency exchange, fuckwit


kek i recognize you jew boi


yeah, an visa-speed unusable coin is exactly what kikes want