Tfw no tankie gf

How do you cope with this feel

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Why is Elliot Rodger trying to show One Punch Man a video of an incredibly over-dressed stripper?


I can't tell if that's one punch man or cailou as an adult.

His name is Saitama, and his hero name is Caped Baldy.


my girlfriend phone banked for B████ ██████ and considers herself a "democratic socialist"

but i still have to sit there explaining why she's an idiot for not being a marxist/communist like me every night. its basic entry level hegel and scientific marxism that goes in one ear out the other. how communists just want justice and the end of capitalism and the system of exploitation where no one is judged by how hard they are willing to work and how great they are, just judged on which family they were born into and how hard they can exploit/jew the shit out of other people. How all the worlds problems are traced back to exploitation, and how the workers of the world are all brothers.

i explain to her that the reason why she winces when i say i'm a communist is because of years and years of deeply rooted porky and bourgouise propoganda used to keep workers as religious and in shackles as physically possible. stupid shit like "poor and middle class people are only struggling because they don't work as hard as rich people"

nothing clicks with her. its always in one ear out the other and she will occasionally give me stupid retorts like "but i dont want to live in a society where a doctor makes the same amount of money as the plumber and everyone has to share a toothbrush"… so then for the 30th time i have to explain that in a full communist society the math has been done and everyone will be rich and a doctor or whoever works harder will still get more resources than someone who works less, it just makes sure that there is fair play. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" type shit…

sadly nothing sticks, i didn't realize marxism was so fucking complicated or that people who are marxists are literal geniuses or someshit because this bitch does not even remotely understand it

How could you ever date someone that differs from you politically? I can understand fucking them, but definitely not dating.

Have you tried tried to show her RDWolff videos? He explains things in a way that's easy for normalfags to understand.

yes. she's just seen this one because i literally had to force her to watch it. couldn't stand her being so fucking blue pilled

if there is another one that is great for complete and total retards to understand marxism isn't just SPOOKY SCARY SHARED TOOTHBRUSH EVERYONE POOR bs i'd like a link. his socialism for dumbies one might fit the bill i might have to force that on her

also potentially show her this site, it's as simple as it gets

Unfortunately I don't have anything really short or concise for explaining marxism in total, but maybe this might help:

Good luck user. I need to find an anarcho-qt which is tough cause everyone at my uni is either democrat, republican, or "fuck politics amirite!" I've been looking for any leftist groups to join, no luck so far sadly.

I feel the exact same way. Its very hard.

get her to read the final chapter of Parenti's Blackshirts and Reds

just finished it and the final chapter is a great argument for marxism over liberalism.

I wish you people would just shut the fuck up with your stupid feels threads. I hope you all end up alone. Fuck I hate r9k tier shit like this so much

What's wrong with being a libertarian? Why can't you just leave me alone?

Why, so we'll marry you?

It's silly.

Liberty is a pretty good policy if it's upheld. Everything around you is proof of that.

The problems you guys have with libertarian ism always seems to be authoritarian elements that spring from it with interference.

Just curious, why do you want a girlfriend exactly user?

What's wrong with proving to Darwin that you aren't a complete failure?

This thread is some Holla Forums tier autism.

Almost all sceene and emo girls are anarcho leftists.

I secretly hope that getting a gf would give life some kind of meaning.

there are lots of tankies in russia at least


No, they aren't.
They are just attention whores passing through a phase.


I get where the instinct comes from, but I think slowly redpilling a liberal/reactionary gf would be more fun

It really doesn't. Most of the time its a hollow relationship because both of you just dont want to be alone. Why try and look for some hollow superficial bullshit when what you mostly want is sex and maybe some social interaction.

Just masturbate and make friends, hopefully you'll find something other than a hollow superficial relationship, eventually.

As much as I would love a gf or bf that is a tankie,I would also like a relationship where they are an ideology that is the oppisate of mine.

That way we could have debates and intellectual discussion instead of mindlessly agreeing with each other and getting bored.

>tfw you will never have a egoist girl or boy say your spooked because you belive in Nationalism even if its Civic Nationalism.

>tfw you will never have a mutalist or market socialist girl or guy to run a co-op with

>tfw you will never have a Nazi trap to dominate and roughly cuddle while he reads mein kampf and you read Gregor Useful Idiot's thougnts about the tasks of the future.

>tfw you will never have a an-cap or libertarian to convert with your theory

Wrong flag

I'll be your egoist gf


Really? Cool where do you live?
I live in Northern Ireland

That's a shame. I live in burger.

Its a shame tbh. Hopefully we both find nice people to be happy and political with and not crappy idpol liberals

I wish.

We can always have hope plus it worse in Northern Ireland ,the country is pratically split down the middle with one side shouting:
and the other screaming
And the main ""socialist"" party is more of an activist group than a party .
Sorry if it sounds Like I'm ranting it just pisses me off sometimes and most of my friends unironical support trump while the left-leaning ones support her because she the lesser of two evils

Again sorry for ranting

Unless you live in an area where there just aren't likely to be many comrades around, or you're just a massive autist, it's really not that hard.

Vid related


How about you stop being a Tankie, become a Leninist and start cooperating with the anarkids until you don't need them anymore?

Yes. The very definition of an Anarkid.
I bet they don't even know who Bakunin is. Let alone read anything about Bread. Satanic Trips wasted.

It's okay, it sounds like they're both tubbers.


No problem Prickly :^🍀🍀🍀)

Unless you consider not being a hideous lardass neckbeard with no social skills to be chad status, then no, not really. Being discerning with who you associate with (i.e. Not forcing yourself to talk to airhead stacies just because they're conventionally attractive), having some fashion sense and not being horribly overweight or ugly (and even this isn't necessary as long as you're not a shitty person with bad hygeine), and sharing interests and generally treating the other person with respect goes a long way.

If you can't fulfill these minimum requirements then the last thing you need is a relationship. You need to work on yourself first and not subject anyone to your unpleasantness.

Tubbers confirmed. Why should the commune give you an extra cup of flour a day?

They are Anarchists even if it is a phase.

Even still they could be converted to real Socialsm.

having a girlfriend is bourgeois decadence. my only love is for workers of the world and the grand dialectic

redflag posting some top tier shitposts today.

Edgy bourgie kids can give up their lifestyles.


The fuck they arn't.
Being edgy is not anarchism. Wanting a society free of hierarchy is.

It does help if you're edgy, though.

end my life

I've actually met a girl at uni who has read Stirner, is into spook memes and is against idpol.

She's way out of my league, but I'm gonna try and educate her on Lenin none the less, as for actual Marxist theory she seems lacking.

Oh also she likes my yt channel.

what is your YouTube channel's name tho?

Well I dont know any other youtubers that post with Leninhat so take a guess.


She wants to fug

Actually since I joined the IMT I've been reading every day, as they require you to be reading if you're joining them.

Basically fuck you.

You know what to do.

"Not being horribly overweight or ugly" is directed at the inevitable chantard neckbeards who will say that they can't get a gf because they don't look a certain way.

It really depends on the person. And if you pursue stacies, chances are they're 1). Not going to be communists in the first place, and 2). Are going to be really superficial and judgemental of your appearance. Which is pretty much a pathological problem with imageboard users, and why they tend to be bitter and alone. If you pursue girls who make an effort to conform to conventional beauty standards, don't be surprised to find out that they're coquettish, superficial bitches who have internalized gender roles pretty hard.

Seems to me that you're just salty tbh

Hmm… What are the chances she browses Holla Forums? 100% or 100%.

0%, I already asked.

Books about 40K dont count.

So shes got hairy pits then?

Actually no. What do you think I mean by conventional attractiveness anyways?

>Tubbers confirmed.



After the clusterfuck of the NEP, nobody sensible can take Lenin seriouse anymore.

Kill yourself.

Fucking anarckiddie.

What are you ganne do? Walk to the most near construction site and beg the working class to reconize you as vangaurd and do the dirty work for you uni students?


perhaps you are the one that oughta kill themselves

Fine then lets give an argument - but it's gonna most likely be lost on you anyway.

The NEP was implemented into Russia after the failure of intentional revolution, basically condemning Russia to a fate of isolation and removing the possibility that it could attain Socialism. When this happened Lenin knew that the only way to keep Russia stable economically was to re-introduce private ownership, as capitalism despite its faults is great at rapid industrialisation. That's what we saw in Russia - the power of a planned Capitalist economy to industrialise from feudalism.

The NEP was literally Lenin's only option. I mean, would you seriously suggest Russia had gone with that pathetic excuse for an ideology in Ukrain? Russia literally would of fallen to a far right coup in a matter of months, as it already had previous times before but were only prevented because of Lenin.


Around trots prepare to get shot.


You bootlickers never cease to come up with ways to justify capitalism do you?


No idea, its frankly a vague term. Tell me what you meant.

This time it will really work my dude.

Sounds great. I can't wait to fight in a revolution that gives us capitalism with red flags.

You cant have Socialism with industrialisation retard.

There would have been an ownership of the means of production if Lenin listend to the other bolsheviks instead of enforcing his own policy like a true monarch. So mutch for that democratic centralism! Also fuck Kronstadt, those reactionarys were only pretending for several fucking years to be socialists.

not an argument

Without industrialisation*


Texas is shit

citation needed

Why settle for boys?
Girls are better.