Just had a maybe stupid idea

There's been talk among shitlibs lately about having racism or transphobia officially designated a mental illness. I'm wondering whether we should actually support this. Consider the possibilities.

• You make a comment at work, "I believe trannies are mentally ill/disgusting/should be gassed/etc"
• Your employer fires you on the basis that you are "transphobic"
• You sue them under the ADA

Interestingly enough:

The ADA protects people who meet one of three definitions. They must have (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (2) a history of such a disability, or if an employer believes that you have one, even if you don’t or ( 3) a record of, or being regarded as, having such an impairment.


This makes me wonder whether the criteria actually apply already. When someone calls you "transphobic" they are making a claim that you are mentally ill, for a phobia is a mental illness or anxiety disorder, and they are firing you on that basis. This meets definition (2) if an employer believes you have a mental illness, even if you don't.

Any lawfags care to comment on whether such a case under the ADA could be made in court?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yea, no.

Asylums don't exist anymore.

I should add: at least to the extent they have in the past. If it's a "real" phobia it would most likely be classified as an anxiety disorder and then you could sue under the ADA when you say gas the kikes and get fired. No one would institutionalize someone for being raycis unless maybe they had formulated a specific plan to kill a mass of niggers and kikes. More likely they'd give you some pills which you just throw away or sell (who cares?) and then you get the ability to sue shitlib employers.

This is so insane I'm tempted to report globally.

I think it's fucking great. Imagine being able to speak freely about your hatred for yids and niggers and your shitlibs company can't do shit about it; better yet, they have to make reasonable accommodations - for example: not having to work with them.


You are now mentally ill, user. You can't decide things for yourself anymore. A legal custodian will be assign for by the state.

Look, I get your argument, but ultimately there is way more risk than reward to this idea.

Only a complete degenerate would classify that as porn. To a normal person this is gore.


OK I'll concede the gun rights issue.

What about the second part? Why couldn't someone sue under the ADA right now considering these shitlibs are firing others over a ✡-phobia because they *believe* they are mentally ill even though they aren't?

They already label us mentally ill; my point is to stop them from getting away with it. I've changed my mind on the first part of my question, but the second part hasn't been addressed yet. Claiming you have a phobia is saying they believe you have a mental illness, and if an employer fires you because they believe you have a mental illness, regardless of whether you actually do, is discrimination under the ADA.


No one talked about embracing it, I'm talking about ways to subvert, undermine and turn it against kikes.

Yeah no, you're advocating white people embracing being labeled mentally ill and losing rights with the carrot-on-a-stick "prize" of totally being able to sue people for it goy. Your carrot is rotten, and your nose is showing.

Hey, I can maybe shine some light on this topic. I meet the ada's standards for disabled(though I don't file any thing or claim disability(mostly because I don't want to kill my already slim chances at a career and I don't like bureaucrats) any ways I'm essentially unemployable/people don't keep me around I would say it's 25-50% me and 50-75% our current economic environment, I digress.

I use this to my advantage mostly when I traveled I did so with a dog and it was pretty swank to have a service dog (not going to lie I love going to muslim shops with my dog) and never be turned down a public transport ride. If I were ever denied I would call their dispatch and/or the cops and they have to side with me pretty much or I could sue them for discrimination, it's pretty fucking sweet to tell a nigger bus driver that you will take their job and get paid to do it if they don't let you on, threatening this is usually enough as I've never done it before. tbh I'd rather go about my day.

I honestly should just get disability and fly that ptsd flag and rant about the kikes at work under a protected status…

Most of my knowledge stems from applicable use of

So the answer to your question is yes, you can be protected under the ADA Act, and it's exactly what the left have been doing for a long time.

OK, one more time. I already conceded it's not the best path forward to accept it as a mental illness (I forgot about potential loss of 2A rights).

Now to the next part. The ADA says you don't have to actually have a mental illness - if a company believes you have a mental illness and fires you on that basis, then you have grounds to sue. Forget all the other shit I said about letting raycism be classified as a mental illness (I retract that portion) and look at the second part, the meat of my argument: lawsuit under ADA. Read part (2).

This is full blown communist shit.

Check this shit out:


They're already moving to classify "extreme racism" as a mental illness.

As a clinical psychiatrist, I have treated several patients who projected their own unacceptable behavior and fears onto ethnic minorities, scapegoating them for society's problems. Their strong racist feelings, which were tied to fixed belief systems impervious to reality checks, were symptoms of serious mental dysfunction. When these patients became more aware of their own problems, they grew less paranoid—and less prejudiced.
Yep, the purge is going to feel good alright.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try that angle now, when perceptions are there but legislation isn't. It's just important to not let (((them))) have even more legal sway over our personal lives.


You are right OP that idea is stupid

As fuck

Now why any one would go out of their way to get this is beyond me, I struggled through out my teens in the realest sense. I didn't want the life I lived, I would rather have joined the military if I had had my choice but my point here is I didn't have a choice.

Mental illness is a fucking joke, a blackpill jewish joke, one they use to label threats to get them walled out of society. Being mentally ill is treated like slipping on piss at wal-mart and I've known people that have fought to get on disablity(both rightfully so and illegitimately). Given 30 minutes with any one really and I could find 2-3 mental illnesses using the DSM and that's the point. They label every human behavior a mental illness so that if and when you ever do fall through the cracks legitimately or not they can catch you, give you appropriate medication SSRI'S/Anti-Depression for the boys Anti-Anxiety/Depression for the girls. This is the pitfall of mental health, they don't understand a god damn thing they are talking about other than the symptoms and how to get them to go away, and they essentially are just throwing switches in the human brain that they don't understand the consequences of.

Let me make an analogy. In modern games they know they can rush out titles one after the other and continue working on them and release a patch later. No matter the amount of in house testing(clinical trials) they simply don't have the man power to brute force through problems, what happens when that game hits? They've found a few major problems through free beta weekened and for the most part it's good to go. Give it another week and now game breaking bugs are every where and the game is no longer what the developers intended. The same thing happens with mental health drugs they can test usually about 2500-20000 in a clinical trial but even then only so many problems show up.

The root problem here is that people are treated like the problem when infact responsibility lays in societies hands. We no longer live in a world wrought with wanton violence (what men are good at) whether it be tribal-feudal-world war, conflict has been scaled down and isolated in a sense. To put it lightly men are killers and we always have been yet the world has changed and disposable people are no longer required.

In the same hand though they prevent us from living out our lifes, I would know because I was denied my right to join the military and already having been working for a long time when I was 17 I said fuck this and left town in search of a better life. I'm not the only one, for the most part the people I would call my peers are either forced into this position through direct trauma or they are hedonists and no one will put up with their shit. The former can be rather bitter about life, I would know. I embraced my circumstances and have been lucky. Although I am just preaching to the choir.

Praise kek.

aye, I know shlomos are fucking perverse and try to subvert law and order, I just would like to get one over on them for a change while the final solution seems well out of reach.

Go to work. Say "gas the kikes. Race war now! Traps are gay." Get fired. Get declared mentally ill. Sit at home and collect neetbux with similar white waifu. Abuse the welfare system like most shitlibs do and spend all of your free time "securing the existence of our people" and learning skills like carpentry and gardening.

Pretty much this, You can make clothes or w/e the fuck and sell them for exorborinate prices. Look up dirty kid clothes on ebay, that's not even being made to sell, that stuff is usually our(traveling volk) garbage, people are paying for the authenticity ironically enough.

There are lots of avenues to making money that aren't the gind and don't get you indebted to jews.

Also, more kids = more welfare money. That's why nogs, spics, and muslims are reproducing at such a rapid rate.

I always ask myself why I fucking work for a living and pay taxes so that these motherfuckers can do nothing all day and accrue more in benefits than I make. Shit, if I didn't have a job and had money coming in I'd probably develop a chan of my own. The NEET life makes me aware of what a sucker I am.

nod an argubend would be better

fucking hell flood detection, I was testing on /test/ to avoid fucking up

I wage cucked for years as a prison guard till I got rekt at work by a nog and permanently injured. My golden ticket. I realized that I had wage cucked for years in a living hell, only to be slightly better off than the welfare people and junkies I had to take care of. I gave up. Kid is 16 now and I hang out online all day and make backyard veggies for fun. Disability is comfy if you're ok with a modest and minimalist lifestyle. If I can find the right girl, white, young, and without kids, I might start over again and turn her into a baby making machine. Yet to find a pure welfare princess who only wants a life of being breeded to secure the existence. I have hope that I'll find one eventually. I'm considering becoming mormon to accomplish this.

would not work, if you're white, you have privilege to be treated as a rational adult

wtf am I looking at here? Industrial machinery accident?

To a normal person this is love in its most beautiful and intimate form.

Both of you would make terrible careworkers.

How can one believe in a just God after seeing something like this?

My name is Buck, and I'm here to fuck.

No. Clearly we're looking at an office chair lumbar adjustment gone terribly wrong.

OP your idea is as retarded as believing a white person would be protected against anti-white violence by hate crime laws, even if the white is an old lady bludgeoned by a gang of niggers yelling "die, whitey" and "the only good cracker is a dead cracker" while they livestream it and tweet black power memes.

Liberalism is suicidal tendencies projected to society as a whole. It should be classified the same as someone who threatens harm to others or to self and, as such, should be grounds for being forcefully committed or imprisoned.

If it does pass by the way, OP, you are retarded to make your own dumb ass sent to psych. You can kiss your second amendment rights goodbye the second you do.

dude no, gone is any hope for redpilling anyone, everyone will just go oh you're a retard i wont listen to you

Forget ever owning guns if you are declared mentally ill. Enjoy not being able to protect your family once the economy goes to the shitter. Unless, of course, you somehow manage to smith your own gun, which i doubt NEETbux can cover the costs of.

That's fine. I didn't want to be on that list anyway.


Is he gonna be ok?

Holy shit, there actually is a seller that does that. No I didn't know. How the fuck can you know if it's legit and not yet another way to get on half a dozen lists.


No, the entire point of Holla Forums is to be against whatever the current mainstream is. You'd know that if you lurked more.


"Mental illness" is a social construct.

False, this is a national socialist board, faggot. Go back to cuckchan if you just want to be an edgy contrarian.


Convert sooner rather than later.

You know why Mormons have no trouble getting married, and get treated well by their wives? They teach girls they'll spend the afterlife in hell until their husband calls them up to heaven. That's some white sharia right there.

Y'all need Jesus smdh

You still don't get it. You believe that leftists and liberals will be logically consistent.

You think that if our ideas get labeled a mental illness, it means we'll become some protected class. The left is not logically consistent, it cannot be. The left on the one hand wishes for a perfectly free and equal society, but at the same time they need to use the force of the state to achieve this. This is a contradiction, this is the root of the contradiction on the left.

If we get labelled mentally ill we won't be firing anyone under the ADA, we'll be pumped full of drugs and kept from ever holding a job. It will be one more method to force us out of society altogether.

Stop expecting the left to follow it's own rules, it won't.

…says the person who has never met a raving bipolar in the throes of a hypersexual manic episode, or met a schizo who randomly stabbed his best friend to death one day.

Don't get me wrong: a lot of (((psychoanalysis))) is just a kike trick, but to pretend that psychoses are "a social construct" is a great way to allow schizos with a penchant for sudden cannibalistic murders, etc, to roam free in your society. Did the Reich deny the existence of psychosis?

I bet you also believe that liberals will protect us in the future when we become a powerless minority because "liberals always stand for the oppressed".

"White Sharia"… me with all my wives and all my kids. I like the sound of it tbqh. I'll buy what they're selling.

Could be fun

How about no.
How about stopping niggers in all forms, riceniggers, sandniggers and classic niggers in all forms instead of becoming one yourself.
You fucking nigger.

Read what this user said

You will be declared mentally unfit to vote or hold power dumbass. Guess who will hold power over you?

typical tricks there shlomo

You know this how? Tell the truth OP, this thread is your attempt at coming out as a jizz guzzling faggot.

The next time you're OP, sit in the corner like the dumb ass you've become and thin about it instead of shitting all over the board with your Jew faggotry.

I see why you work for other people and most likely always will. You're weak and stupid. Please neck yourself.

no thnx m8


This is the extreme tragedy of things, these defects have no reason to be milling about in society and only serve to invite cancerous legislation on their fractional behalf.

The moment I read this thread, this quote came to mind.

No one said God is just.

This. They claim victimhood when it suits them, but when someone claims to be (or actually is) victimized by them, what do they do? They stomp on them mercilessly.
Just look at the history of the jews, they will beg and scrape for mercy from "oppression" and cry to be rescued from the holocaust, but the moment they have someone in their power they show their true genocidal face.
What's more, they have a precedent of declaring their political opponents (and anyone who doesn't stay in line) as "mentally ill" as an excuse for locking them up and torturing them. Look up political abuse of psychiatry under communism, as well as their incarceration of Ezra Pound.

That's what happens when you get caught in a lathe.

"Ghost guns" are guns that you make yourself.

Your whole argument comes from the flawed premise that right-wing people will be treated the same under the law as left-wing. How many antifa get arrested when they are blowing shit up and burning stuff down? I'm not throwing myself on the mercy of the courts when they're filled with jews.

a cute thought experiment, but no.
you should never play by (((their))) rules.

Underrated shining ray of sanity

because it's funny?