Tim Pool goes to Sweden, confirms that the no-go zones are real
Holla Forums has been completely ignoring this story for some reason, so I thought I'd make a thread.
A couple of days ago, Paul Joseph Watson offered a sum of money to Tim Pool, an American journalist, in exchange for having him go to Sweden to report on the existence of no-go zones around Sweden. Swedish leftists are angrily denying that there's anything wrong (as always), and the Swedish press seems to be harassing him as well, but what's going on there is very real, and very strange.
His and his team's tweets tell the following:
>In Rinkeby (the Stockholm suburb where riots recently broke out) , 2:30 PM, several men started masking up and following us. Police told us to leave and had to escort us to our car. - twitter.com
>We weren't filming anyone, we were just talking to police. They started getting nervous as men started masking up around us. - twitter.com
>I honestly thought I would be able to walk around the neighborhood no problems. I was wrong. - twitter.com
>The men thought that we were Swedish press. As we were leaving they started yelling things us. - twitter.com
>We asked an officer if he thought we could get an interview from a local, he advised it would probably start trouble. - twitter.com
>Wasn't expecting such a quick reaction of masking up as soon as we got to the Rinkeby center. Camera was down at my side most of the time. - twitter.com
The Swedish press has been harassing him for some reason (probably to intimidate him because muh narrative)
>The Swedish press has been sharing my phone number with each other and they won't stop calling me. - twitter.com
The full video of the event is here:
He explains that the police told him to leave the area as quickly as possible (they were escorted out by them), as up to 50 masked men could be surrounding him within a very short period of time.
One guy in the comments section notes that the police, media and government regularly team up to cover up and deny that migrant crime is happening.