Tim Pool goes to Sweden, confirms that the no-go zones are real

Holla Forums has been completely ignoring this story for some reason, so I thought I'd make a thread.

A couple of days ago, Paul Joseph Watson offered a sum of money to Tim Pool, an American journalist, in exchange for having him go to Sweden to report on the existence of no-go zones around Sweden. Swedish leftists are angrily denying that there's anything wrong (as always), and the Swedish press seems to be harassing him as well, but what's going on there is very real, and very strange.

His and his team's tweets tell the following:

>In Rinkeby (the Stockholm suburb where riots recently broke out) , 2:30 PM, several men started masking up and following us. Police told us to leave and had to escort us to our car. - twitter.com/Timcast/status/836934364772589569

>We weren't filming anyone, we were just talking to police. They started getting nervous as men started masking up around us. - twitter.com/Timcast/status/836936966822375425
>I honestly thought I would be able to walk around the neighborhood no problems. I was wrong. - twitter.com/Timcast/status/836945458283102209
>The men thought that we were Swedish press. As we were leaving they started yelling things us. - twitter.com/Timcast/status/836946449942392832
>We asked an officer if he thought we could get an interview from a local, he advised it would probably start trouble. - twitter.com/MomesMolli/status/836964430185435136
>Wasn't expecting such a quick reaction of masking up as soon as we got to the Rinkeby center. Camera was down at my side most of the time. - twitter.com/MomesMolli/status/836963752109035521

The Swedish press has been harassing him for some reason (probably to intimidate him because muh narrative)

>The Swedish press has been sharing my phone number with each other and they won't stop calling me. - twitter.com/Timcast/status/836981173968592896

The full video of the event is here:


He explains that the police told him to leave the area as quickly as possible (they were escorted out by them), as up to 50 masked men could be surrounding him within a very short period of time.

One guy in the comments section notes that the police, media and government regularly team up to cover up and deny that migrant crime is happening.

Other urls found in this thread:





Should ask her to wear a skirt and tank top and go there.


multicult is basically a state religion in Sweden now
they will never admit anything could be wrong

agreed, all they can do is double-down on the crazy

what else is there to do? turning around after shilling it for decades and going "whoops"?
a socialist never admits mistakes and this the way (((they)))) who are really behind it wanted it to end anyway
mission accomplished

Honestly, i'm a little disappointed, I thought we would see a bunch of wild jahoodies swarm him and try to rape him or something, this was tame
The cuck police are still cucked though
His other videos are heh at best as well
Anything interesting?

Good, this need to be known with all evidences and spread if this is true with all videos, proves, evidences to don't let the establshment lie and manipulate it.

How Swedish authorities are dealing with children exposed of violent extremism.

the event she's referring to is a poetry reading.

Trotskyist organisations in Sweden:
Communist Working Groups
International Socialists (Sweden)
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Sweden)
Revolutionary Socialists (Sweden, 1987)
Revolutionary Workers' League of Sweden
Socialist Justice Party
Socialist League (Sweden)
Socialist Party (Sweden, 1971)
Spartacist League (Sweden)
Workers' Party (Sweden)
Workers' Power (Sweden)

HAHA holy shit, this shill got fucking annihilated. I really want to see her actually accept the dare and come for the interview just for it to get the attention of the religion of piss.




pure hitler dubs confirm shill will accept and get enriched on friday.

Fuck this shit.

Naked, apart from a pair of six inch shiny red high heels that have been glued onto her feet so she can't remove them to run.
Just because she's naked wearing anti-escape high heels doesn't mean she should be raped.


Seriously, it's scary how quickly the coordinated damage control sets about in the Swedish People's Republic. Whenever someone starts giving the "you shouldn't be filming without permission" line, you know they're full of crap.

agreed, they never set a date when the problem will be fixed or a fixed amount money

I think I recognize the shopping area at around 40 secs. I believe that's where the Australian TV crew got attacked.

This is her instagram: instagram.com/tinnehjersing/

Says it all doesn't it?

Yeah just by looking at the thumbnail it looks very similar to when 60 minutes got enriched

fucking nigger lover, I wish people like her would sell everything they own and move to africa already.

No permission required to film people on the street you disingenuous cunt.

We used to mobilize and destroy the shills in those replies but it seems to have dwindled severely. They are out in full force with their damage control.

When the mass deportations start in the hopefully near future, we need to make sure to deport people like her together with the actual enrichment and to the same places.

Had to delete a few of my tweets blasting this guy. I hate centrist, and even worse ppl who pretend to be centrist. The left is doing this a lot right now just to hold on to anything. His style is identical to Vice kikes but he's just a common neet x-box douchebag trying to replicate some namefaggotry for himself. He's horrible at what he does, and his 'centrist' pretend-to-know-knowing questions are cringe as fuck. But this is what attracts all the timid white women and beta cucks who're too afraid to actually have an identity of their own, let alone take a side on anything real; else they might have to defend it. Never-the-less, deleted my hostile comments against him for the greater narrative at play.

In America since the 1960's there have been no go zones for whites in dozens of cities and hundreds of towns, whites knew a lone woman would get raped/killed a man would be mugged/murdered.
In Britain also since the 60s/70s there have been countless areas where no whites could walk after dark or daytime where blacks or Indians took over.

So why is there this jewish thing where now we only talk about it now some 40-50 years after this well known phenomenon started?

If you allow millions of hostile non-whites into white countries they create their own state within a state, creating a distinct division and hostility against the native populace.

This has been going on since the 60s/70s across the white nations force flooded with millions of wogs.

So why is there this weird artificial jewish neo-cohen feigned outcry [in the (((alt))) media] 40 years after the non-whites started making ghettoised no-go zones for whites in our own countries?

https:// makinghistoryatmacquarie.wordpress.com/2014/11/14/rife-with-racism-the-1981-brixton-riots/

So she's going to "try" and make it happen.
Seems like she doesn't want to go but can't admit it.

That's true in America, but is it true in Sweden? I think a lot of European countries have different laws about that sort of thing.

Swedish Government will go to any lengths to cover up the amount of shit going on in their country.

They don't even try to fix it or anything they just cover it up and call anyone who points it out a racist. The worst part is all the Swedes buying into this propaganda and acting as shills for their government.


They're just so authentic and real and exotic and cultural….a brainwashed marxist turd with no identity can just lose herself in their vacant stare,s and pretend these barely sentient subhumans have great, great wisdom. It's a powerful endorphine rush, if you have absolutely no pride in yourself.

Sweden is more important than USA and england

Stuff like this just reiterates my support for lining +90% of all Western journalists up against the wall.

Oh great… and milquetoast centrist vice-wannabe is going to debate a fucking swedish trotskyite on the benefits of white genocide. This should go real well. Obvious prediction = Tim Pool standing there nodding his head acting like he understands while never asking anything real.

This all seems like a setup.

How tolerant and diverse.

Yeah another mid 30's whore from a well to do family. Another product of Cultural Marxism.

We all like to laugh at other white countries for their problems, while ignoring the problems that go on in our own country, I guess.

Why is Holla Forums filled with fake anons all acting like non-white invaders creating no go zones for the native whites is some new unknown thing some 50 years after it started in European and American cities?

The jewish media always covered for the crimes of the enemy invaders they brought into our countries to destroy us throughout all these years.

Yet apparently in The Current Year we can now talk about it in the jewish media, as long as we don't mention blacks and other various 3rd world wogs have been doing this across all the West since the 60s.

Why is this a topic being joined in by countless anons acting as though this is new?

How about a resistance movement that opposes all non-European immigration, rather than going along with the neo-con fake media's interpretation.

Honestly any genuine anons will understand, one simply plays into the kikes hands, resisting all non-whites counters the kikes ploy.

I don't know, I guess you hear all the lefties bitch about how we're over exaggerating the "refugee" crisis. I've never been to Sweden myself, just a guy using a little inferential evidence but lo and behold, Holla Forums was right again.


You're a special You're a special You're a special You're a special You're a special You're a special You're a special You're a special

There, happy now? Great you got some attention faggot. Now scram you inept. I've been an activist for 20 years. I don't give a fuck if someone just learned these issues. Babies are born everyday. There's always faggots like you in the crowd, bitching and complaining because you feel your're not getting special recognition. Shut the fuck up faggot.


Thanks for pointing out the obvious there bud. Clearly this can be used as propaganda into showing the woes of multiculturalism live and direct. If you can't see what kind of fruits this tree we have in front of us can bear then take your low iq ass somewhere else faggot.


Just some oldfag who never accomplished shit in his life, so get's angry seeing thing start to work for change. Crying and complaining about passive-agressive non-sense when the real issue is he never became a namefag he wanted to be.

Real leaders don't give a shit about being namefags. They do what they do, and people follow them naturally. Crying about it is the highest form of faggotry.

What makes Sweden special in this well known and old problem of mass immigration since the 50s in the West?

Is it that it entirely falls into the counter-jihad critique which the kikes want the nationalists to focus on alone?

It seems every time there's a thread like this, it's always the same kind of routine, a decidedly kikey interpretation which subtly suggests multiculturalism was all fine and dandy until the Oy vey da moozlims turned up.

Why is it important that every issue that concerns us must be stage managed by neo-con kikes in the lugenpresse?

That's good point lad and that is precisely what is needed in today's day and age.

I have absolutely no problem in admitting if i was getting tailed by a cop while a few dozen "Yoofs" were following me to my car i would be scared shitless.

Would those Yoofs have attacked him even with the cops a few meters away from him?
What authority does the swedish police have anymore?
If i liked in Sweden i'd never go outside.

This was also confirmed last year by norwegian journalists.

Pure kikery

All that's happened over the last 2 years is the entire focus has shifted away from our interests into a false narrative that only serves jewish interests, interestingly we now find the nationalist movements in the West have been co-opted by sneaky kikes.

The point is, this kind of subtle jewish based resistance undermines the whole effort.

Point out the problems of non-white immigration, or play into the jews hands and only pretend one particular ethnic group ios a problem while the blacks and wogs help create a harmonious multicultural Nirvana.

Have you ever heard of the ripple effect? Bringing to light how destructive diversity is will lead to questions about who created said diversity.

Just have them read The New Totalitarians to supplement the JQ. It's on the pdf board.

I've talked to Swedish people I come into in my daily life (and since I'm already known as the brazen and outspoken politically incorrect person they don't balk) and I noticed a trend. They start going, "no Sweden doesn't have high crime" until I start prodding and stirring the conversation until I lead it into "No, the Swedish native population doesn't have high crime numbers, the immigrants do" to which I retort, "but didn't the Swedish government acknowledge the right of these immigrants to be Swedish already?" to which they pause and after usually a few days they concede to my point of "Sweden has a problem."

Their government is literally masking it away from the native population while the native Swedish people believe the migrants will not be there forever. There's some fuckery going on with the state prescribed thought process and their basic self preservation instincts.

is this paul joseph watsons thread?

anyway sage

Wtf are you even talking about you mentally ill inept old boomer faggot? God damn you boomers are fucking children. Mentally stunted in every way.
Here's "a little diddy I came up with"… yes me….. right here…. me…. I did it…… yep, me.

- The West does not have to choose between either Arab or Jew. The West has it's own identity, culture, heritage and people.

Do you enjoy how simple and effective my genius is? Me, me, me…. I did it. Yep, made it myself. Gtfo old fag. Probably a Glenn Beck refugee. Stupid fucking boomers.


So the swedish government created this big card house of lies and are doing their best to mask the fact that it's falling apart.

Rinkeby is just Somalia with snow.

You've literally said nothing but threw out random jewish hasbara buzzwords in some pathetic attempt to deflect from the fact you have fuck all to say.

The No-Go zones for whites IS happening and HAS BEEN happening in the West since the 1950s.

This isn't news but some Paul Joseph Watson Neo-Cohen style kikery, pretending this all suddenly just happened recently, refocusing all attention on one group rather than the entire problem, as a whole.

The only people here who cannot understand the point I'm making are the single-minded jewish hasbara trolls trying to steer the resistance into a more jewish friendly state.

I'm still doing my part to at least red pill every Swedish person I come across because if we want the vikings to ask the JQ, they have to start by uncucking themselves. I hope that by red pilling them, they would by proxy red pill those close to them like a pyramid scheme.

"b-but the Jews don't like Muslims…. s-so we have to love muslims." - Baby boomer

I've often thought an actually amenable middle ground solution to the race mixing problem would be to force anyone married to a foreign man to return to their husband's ancestral point of origin.

It's not perfect, but it's a start. It's also morally correct: If you think X group of men are superior to your own group's men, then why are you not prepared to live in a society created by men who are basically the same as your husband?

no compromises you mouthbreathing cuck

Those areas would be nothing without jews and welfare.

Not even going to reply to this low IQ boomer oldfag anymore. Just looking for attention because his life and activism has been a giant failure.


My biggest gripe is the generation of right leaning losers who lost everything to the left who then come into our territory going "how do you do fellow conservatives" and try to use us for their ends instead.

Bit by bit my friend. They'll all be dealt with eventually.

How the fuck is the focus on one group you stupid fuck. I mean this a three fold problem. Immigrants,traitors and jews. What the fuck are you rambling on about. Like I said previously if you can't see this for what it is then you are for damn sure inept.

I am addressing you obnoxious kikes that has spammed this board into obscurity you snivelling kike.

What you're doing is astroturfing all these online resources into pure neutralised jewish kosher nationalism.
It wont work you brass necked kikes can;t quite understand that too many people know you and your practices.

All you have achieved is a temporary derailment, but you'll never stop this runaway train you foul kike.

Yeah, that fellow (((white))) doesn't even say anything beyond going SHUT IT DOWN mode with

who is this tim pool person?
is this somebody who a liberal considers to be a credible person
if i were to show this video to a would-be-trump-assassinating liberal, would she think that its "fake news" or "alternative facts"?

Why are you talking as though this is a new discovery that Sweden now suddenly has No-Go zones.

I can point to every European city over the last 50 years where this has been in practice from all the jewish instigated flood of invaders.

This entire thread is simply a demonstration of jewish astroturfing.

I've tried, but some of them go full on cult mode about it "No that's not true, it isn't true and stop asking about it" you can't reason with that and i see it in a lot of Germans and Swedes.

was right, its a state religion now.

Google it. Otherwise I'll just say it's a journalist that went to sweden in order to verify no-goy zones.

Lurk a few years before posting

Apparently he's a Paul Joseph Watson crony, so he's likely a cuckservative trying to rebrand himself with all the cool kids as le edgy altrite.

That's why my time frame is days rather than sessions. I can't drag them to the watering hole. All I do is appeal to their logical intelligence and tell them to think independently for possibly the first time in their life.

Probably, he's one of those "enlightened" centrists from my understanding of him, so he's most likely literally Hitler to her.

She'll bail out.

Does that work?

Our movement is being hi-jacked and replicated by everybody. I've special hatred for 'conservative boomers' who's entire generation was nothing but masked-trotskyism relabeled and sold. These boomer faggots have an ingrained desire to be the biggest namefags. Their discovery of the internet is on par with the damage the negro's have accomplished around the early 2000s.

Boomers need to go back to fucking breitbart and talk about vietnam with their generic eagle avatars and nigger level intelligence.

oh well

I think Tim's Vice employment has already come and gone.

So neo-con kike zionist hasbara like (((you))), claim to have an invested interest in our resistance to Marxist jewry, while ignoring the fact that zionist neo-con jews like (((you))) are equally responsible for our plight.

We have no allegiance with jews in any way whatsoever,


You're a larping faggot who learned the terms neo-con, kike, zionist, hasbara 5-6 months ago. That is all.

He's a lefty who got his start livestreaming Occupy Wall Street protests.

About 50-50 depending on how much they trust me but some do turn around after more time. My position is kind of unique because while I'm the person who has the least amount of fucks given to political correctness, I am also the person who's usually not wrong and arguing from facts or am at least able to point out errors in the way they perceive facts. It also helps that I'm a chink who grew up in the muslim third world so they can't play the ignorant bigot card on me because I actually know the mudslimes and niggers and how they operate all the way to their bones and their lies

You are trying too hard. You can sum all those terms up with kike because that's what they are, but no you have to prove yourself by repeatedly typing out terms which are already known.

The biggest political party in Sweden is nationalist anti-immigration and basically grew on the entire opposition wave against multiculturalism.

No it's more because of you retards exaggerating to the point where nobody living here can take you seriously. Things are bad but it's not a tenth as bad as people on Holla Forums seem to think. In fact you people just hurt our cause when you try to interfer because you make us look stupid. We're already winning on our own and don't need your "help". Foreigners and especially Americans should mind their own business.

And how many seats does said party hold and political power can it use?

Our democratic system is designed to stop any real change, just like Germany's. There's not much of anything they can do unless they get 50% of the votes which won't happen.

However they tell us something about the current attitude in our society. There has been a lot of local opposition movements and anger. It's not likely this can go on for that much longer.

Only a kike could ever object to anyone pointing out teams of organised hasbara kikes astroturfing Holla Forums is a problem for us.

Suddenly No-Go zones are popping up, 50 years later, now we have the proofs Goyim
What is the point of this thread when its easy to demonstrate this is typical jewish media obfuscation and misdirection by embedded jewish agents in the press like Paul Joseph Watson and all your Breibart-tier Neo-Cohen hasbara[t]s that have descended on Holla Forums that spam these types of threads.

Shouldn't you be on the "Oy Vey, Anders (((behring)))-Breivik was a true white hero" thread that you've dropped here?

get gassed

So my countering the organised packs of hasbara[t]s that have taken over Holla Forums is unnecessary?

Just noticed you're continuing this Neo-Cohen non story as though nothing has been discussed prior demonstrating your astroturfing for kike

""The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

I feel sorry for the swedish kids whom are waiting for the cops that never come. The cops will not go in there without the special force unit or other types but the politicans don't allow it because it's too violent! The cops are pretty demoralised now and quitting the jobs.

Stop being triggered Sven.

When the Jewish Fruit is good, eat the fruit.
When the Jewish Fruit is bad, do not eat the fruit.
Is it good for the Caucasoid?
Whatever is good for the Caucasoid.
Simple. Actionable. Productive.
Your faggotry leading to complete immobilization.

I just defeated your entire operation in the minds of the readers here. An operation going on for days if not weeks apparently. My reverse-philosophy will now be further consolidated into easily understandable and quick consumption, as your entire faggotry slowly flushes down the sewer.

I am smarter than you.

The only white people remaining there might be a few old alcoholic Finns.


Do you know not a thing about the kidnappings? Rinkeby isn't the only no go zone in Sweden.

I love how the npc's immediately initiate the preprogrammed response when something like this happens.

Daily reminder the only way to save Sweden now is a military coup.

First purge the ranks of government and leftist sympathizers, arrest and execute members of the political leadership and media, declare martial law, then start shooting the niggers.

How about fuck your jewish fruit, it's all poison to us
The only good thing for us whites is to expose and cull all you kikes
No it isn't it's solely and only good for jews to go along with their lying jewish narratives

Every kike ITT just carries on as though their foul jewish phrases and tricks is undetectable, it isn;t and we see through you kikes.

What kidnappings? I swear you fucks keep making shit up. I regulary read alternative media and haven't seen anything about any kidnappings.

Low IQ bonehead, or implanted subversive working to disrupt. Emotionally unstable dumbfucks should not involve themselves in these topics. You nigger-tier reactionary.

They always have a cuntface from the soul destroying knowledge that they have been duped into foregoing family, tradition and fulfillment, but they cannot admit their mistakes and so double down.
Their misplaced maternal instinct is transfered onto lesser "helpless" peoples instead of her own children, as she struggles every day to hold together the web of deceit that is her life.
It's written all over their faces, the self hatred, the self directed anger, the certain knowledge that they dun goofed.



I am not making this up user. There was a thread about the cops refusing to go rescue the kids in the no go zones.

Says the obvious kike ITT presenting us ever grateful goyims with his foul poisonous jewish fruits?

Is Breibart down at the moment or have you all been tasked with astroturfing Holla Forums full time?

Oh ye that shit happens for sure but I was under the impression that you thought of these zones sending out warbands or something to pillage and bring home slaves. That woman's relatives actually shot the perpetrators to death after they were released though (apparently rape doesn't give you any punishment)

The kids in the "no go zones" are all shitskins. I don't care for them.

Except that in most western nations blacks and Jews are already here and have been for multiple generations. The big push to finish us off with Muslim immigrants is happening as we speak. So you're saying that instead of drawing attention to something we can change that's happening right now we should all sit around at home bitching on the internet about Jews. That's like saying someone with cancer should just eat a salad once a week and hope for the best instead of having the tumors removed. We're trying to stem the flow so that we can address the root cause. That's going to be impossible if every western nation becomes Germany and Sweden.
Honestly you sound like a Saudi shill and you're trying to derail the discussion and get us arguing amongst ourselves. Either that or a low iq 60 year old I can't quite tell which.

http:// www.thelocal.se/20151223/fears-rise-over-human-trafficking-in-sweden

http:// archive.is/WBNtj

Ah, I see American media has taught her well.

Everyone made fun of you at ds sven, everyone makes fun of you here. Your voice still sounds gay.

Are you belittling the abduction and rape of white women ?

What about the swedish children?? They are also suffering in there.

Funny, Melbourne also used the word of "youth" to mask the african problem.


Hey faggots, the fact that there is a thread on this and some faggot with a camera got kicked out of a mudshit neighborhood because he was doing a report from said mudshit neighborhood is proof enough of how fucked Sweden is.

Plus, the fact some butch even has to come to the defense of the mudshits is reason enough to know Sweden is a real life version of satire.

Banning the word "immigrant?"

It's like Sweden is a real life version of a fucking Onion article. Sweden is satire.

- "Sweden bans the word 'immigrant,' instantly experiences drop in immigrants

- "If you ignore crime, then there isn't any crime," says Swedish Prime Minister

- Woman with Down's syndrome named new Swedish Secretary of Defense, a win for diversity in Swedish government'

It's like they're a living Monty Python scene.

I've rolled through the most niggerized areas of Baltimore and never got shit from niggers once. Neither did I get "escorted" by cops out of said nigger zone.

Well usually these women are payying the toll for burning the coal. It's VERY rarely just random women who are affected by shitskin sex crime. Of course there are exceptions and they have all my sympathy but if you're a woman and never relax around blacks(or muslims) you should be fine.

Also the original post made it sound like there are innocent Swedish people held hostage in these areas or something. They're not "no go zones" as you people think. The police enter whenever there's a crime.

There are no Swedish children living there. Sweden is extremely segregated.

Look at me, we're the Jews now.

The international Jew is well connected, as seen in this case where they make all the stupid goyim believe that niggers and muds aren't the problem by calling them MUH YOOFZ!

I don;t post in the CIA-Kike Anglin's website, Moishe

The problem you jews have is that no matter hard hard you try, no matter how many fellow hasbara[t] kikes you have tagging these threads, you all stand out like a sore thumb, because your interests do not converge with our interests.

This thread demonstrates that jews like to derail and try to micro manage the herd, however when international jewry is THE PROBLEM, it's getting ever harder for you to hook the goyim into your narratives.

Can't confirm. This is a very precious genetic pool that is being destroyed under our eyes user, you shouldn't be ignoring it just from the base of your manifest inability to impress white girls.

Oh don't deny the reality user. You seems to forgot about the child sex tourism in sweden.

The only thing semitic in this thread is your identifiable semitic emotionalism and schizophrenic obsessive compulsive disorder. My words stab you deeper than these other anons. I want you to think about me all night.

Lurk a lot moar. You were the user that could not answer the question as to who anons should vote for in the Le Pen thread when you said she was a kike. You stick out far to much. Lurk until your mannerisms don't completely give you away

No coalburners should all die without exception. That doesn't mean I'm happy about what's going on but what can I do about it?

Same here except Boston (Roxbury) instead of Baltimore.


Well, not jumping to conclusions is a first step. And let our anger grow by not belittling the rape of our women too. If you feel the urge to do it, simply do something else or provide the proof that she is indeed a coalburner (like that college girl who was killed in niggerland). Just don't restrain our legitimate hate with suppositions.

Hello jew again, are you dreaming again to destory the humanity?

Well the girl in your example was hanging out at a shitskin bar. There are other examples such as that handicapped woman who shared a cab home with a muslim.

I usually follow this kind of crime on Swedish forums and it's almost always girls who hung out with these niggers who get affected.

Actually going to Sweden and into the nogo zone and being in the liberal media line of fire surely has to count for something right?

you mean this example ?
How do you know she was at a shitskin bar ? Is Helsingborg a nogo zone.


Every swedish city is a no-go zone

I want to explode inside her.

jew shills need to be banned for life.

Why does Youmu look so weird today?


How about all you kikes spend time instead trying to work out your best escape route once all this blows up in your filthy kike faces.


It's literally a shitskin thing. She was probably not even white to begin with.

It's a very special time here in Sweden.
You guys must see that this is the culmination of 50 years of social experiments.
Weimar Sweden will finally fall, we'll build a new Svea rike


It's like a girl getting raped at a Detroit rap concert.

This. Just like the "german" woman who was raped, then lied about the perpetrator being a german, then apologized to her rapist and claimed it only happened because of german racism. She was a turkroach.

This, these things are also frequently used as a front.

PS kike, who openly cheers on every jewish false opposition on this board.
Parti Anti-Sionist, an openly anti-jewish zioniost party in operation in France that not one of you American/isreali kikes could conjure up in your 6 million threads cheering on neo-con kikery as though that was all the goys could choose

That was a party mentioned and every one of you jewish shills then repeated the question as though nobody pointed out all you did was cheer on neo-con kikes ignoring all the actual real anti-jew organisations.

Go on kike, post again demanding I answer the same question all you jews posed that was already answered from the offset.

These people make my head spin.

She agreed, but I very much doubt she would go through with it. Additional comments for kek.


Into the chamber.

Sweden is beyond fucked

You didn't read the article
She was abducted in Helsingborg and moved 60km South to a Hookah bar in Malmö.
But nothing says she was in a Hookah bar in the first place.
So you're still jumping to conclusions.
Are you so sad and alone to rejoice to white women getting raped ? You know ethnomasochism is a kind of anti-white disease, right ?

Then finally stop being lazy assholes and exterminate all kikes you annoying mart sharters.
I know you had fun letting out those rats over Europe, after destroying the only fucking country who wanted to bring a SOLUTION to the table, and laughed while watching this once great and noble continent slowly go to shit but you have to take responsibility now.
We Europeans have our own responsibilities but you kike lovers started a big fire and it's your responsibility to put it out. We Europeans can only proceed when you amerisharts correct your mistakes which unfortunately had a way too big influence over the world.

Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik is a crypto jew who underwent plastic surgery as a youth "to make himself look more Aryan"

Norwegian killer had plastic surgery to look more Aryan
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020732/Norway-shooting-Anders-Behring-Breivik-plastic-surgery-look-Aryan.html

This shit needs to be banned tbh.

Magic dirt theory keeps on failing, as expected.


No Breitbart is making up shit as usual. She wasn't abducted, she was there to begin with.

Just like the rest of Western Europe and America then
There's at least some fight left in the Swedes, at least their resistance is more openly direct in targeting the real problem, namely international jewry, rather than cheering on neo-con kikes like the rest of the West seem to be doing



What is it about neo-cohen zionist politics that enlivens you so, Moishe?

Someone should make a comment to make sure she doubles-down/makes sure she goes, making sure to mention you hope she doesn't get raped. She has some blonde after all.

The white shirt - black pants combo looks pretty badass.

The public need to know about the hand grenade attacks in sweden, this is being memory holed very efficiently by the media establishment.
check out 2016
That should really break the spine on the lying leftists claiming everything is fine.

Now scale the number of incident with your own country' population size and you realize there is a full civil war going on.


Inferior ape unable to multitask between Jews and Arabs. kys



I'm looking through the videos of the journalist in the OP and he said that some swedish journalists claim these grenade attacks are just fireworks being thrown around.
The denial is strong.


OK she wasn't driven to Malmö but was kidnapped (from who knows where) and driven to a Hookah bar. So she wasn't in the Hookah bar in the first place.

Listen, I'm not being blindly apologetic, but until I have some kind of proof that she wasn't just walking back home from work or market like a normal woman, I can't affirm she's a coalburner. Even her having selfies with a migrant would be enough.



How about the fact that Europe needs to rise up against international jewry, the sole party responsible for sending all these wogs into our homelands.
Instead all you neo-con kikes keep telling us we must vote for jews to save us.

Yet you;ve the fucking gall and bare faced cheek to try and attack those pointing out your kikery.

Paul Joseph Watson offered journalists who pushed that whole "yesterday in Sweden" bullshit to pay them $2000 if they actually go to one of those Swedish areas, Tim Pool took him up on that.

Well, yeah. The magic dirty theory postulates that once 70IQ nig nogs reach European or Western shores and thus magic dirt, they immediately turn into whites in all (intelligence, work ethic, honesty etc) but physical appearance.

Checked, and I don't think money will be an issue. And some cucks want to ban him from GoFundMe

Too stupid to understand what this means. Even when re-phrased three different ways. The last being as simplistically reduced intellectually even a nigger would grasp. If you're white, you're a fucking mouth breathing embarrassment. Go huff some lighter fluid you nigger.

Wew, that's some next level cultural enrichment right there!

He is not white, he is French.

DONATIONS: All middle-aged white woman and white male soft-faced betas who like to remain in the safe-zone of cognitive thought. Confirmed at twitter.


fucking yankees, stop ruining the world with your kike loving already.

Tim Pool is a Vice producer who reported on clashes in Ukraine and other hot spots. He is much more ambivalent about what he saw in Rinkeby than the headline here suggests.
So here is a test on confirmation bias: I trust namefag Paul Joseph Watson to interpret an a visitor's encounter in Sweden more than I trust Swedish reporters.


French here

The guy you're responding too is an obvious shill from www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr, Alain Soral's pro multiculti pro Islam organisation. He's probably an Arab or Negro as very few French follow this organisation.


Can we just fucking bomb Sweden already?

Oy vey, stop criticising jews and their isreali hasbarats spamming these boards with pro-isreali neo-con kikery
yet it';s you and the rest of the jews here like
promoting jewish kosher nationalism

You are now calling yourself French, while writing in American English, promoting neo-con kosher conservative jews as the best solution for white survival against jewish instigated genocide?

This is just sad Sweden, they have paid damage control shills or they do it for free.

REPORT 6c3208 and 3705ff


Hang on a moment here Moishe
Isn't it you and the rest of your astroturfing kikes here attacking genuine nationalist organisations while cheering on neo-con kikes?

Now why would a real non-jewish user constantly cheer on jewish politics?

How can you presume the pose of a goy, while all you;ve done for months is astroturf these boards championing jewish neo-con shills

And another take from Pool that Paul Joseph Watson seems to overlooked.

"If this is the worst Malmö has to offer, then don't ever come to Chicago," Pool told news agency TT.

These fuckwits have to be getting paid, no one that was actually motivated enough to do it for free could be this incompetent.

Why haven't we subjected the swedish press to a triggering yet? Why haven't swedes up and killed them?

Cuck isn't just her lifestyle, it's her profession.

Because the internet did not exist 40 years rabbi. A bit hard for their to be alt media when your tribe had it all media publishing locked down tight.

How dare us goys talk about something not approved by kike media, right rabbi?

The shills program is unable to defeat
Reversed-philosophy. It produces an error in the shills coding. I recommend applying this antidote for a small temporary time, as well as default advice given by >>9402187 Again, ask Is it good for the Caucasoid? This provides a maximum return on productivity with all and any scenario. Is it good for the Caucasoid?

Yet its you championing jews, cheering on neo-con kikes, while presenting the jewish narratives on every event happening around the world.

Keep crying Shlomos. You are done.

What is Jorgen Traff even trying to say?

What promoting jewish spun narratives that ignore the jew at the heart of the problem.

No it's only good for jews

You think what's happening in Europe hasn't helped to wake the USA up? The memes are how you teach.

Nice work in the comments section. Looks like we're dominating all of the top threads.

Can someone give me this guys number? I live in stockholm and if he is game I can show him the bad parts this weekend.

Yes that is where it happened.

That multiculturalism is absolutely wonderful and Sweden is perfectly safe, and anyone who says otherwise is ridiculous or a fake, including the woman he's responding to who said her friends were raped.

You almost got me

pic related

contact him directly on twitter or by email (given on his twitter account), he's a very reactive guy.

oh the fucking irony
kek, are you on crack you stupid nigger?

Its the same as in the US. You can record and photograph people without their permission as long as you are standing in a public space (example: you can take video and photos of someone in their home as long as You are standing on public space.)
If there is signs that says you can't record it is debatable but generally only military objects and inside properties are off limits.

They gotta fulfill their duty of defending Swedenistan.

Captain Sweden's boipussy cadet defending Xir's honor.

Remove non Whites and there is no problem.


(NOTHING WRONG with those dubs)

She appears to have "accepted", let's see if she follows through

Just report all non hasbara posts so that all the comments are from jewish lying kikes alone.

Surely if any anons here that aren't jewish want to raise awareness of the problems in Sweden.

Wouldn't it be better to promote the excellent resistance movements such as The Nordic Resistance Movement, rather than just shitposting abuse aimed towards Swedes like the jews are so wont to do?

I can't find his email except for [email protected]/* */ not sure if that is even an email tbh fam.
Can't use twitter as my only account is full 1488. Doubt he would reply to that.

Tell it to that nigger here who likes to randomly accuse people here of kike loving and jewish kosher nationalism.

Stupid faggots, I'm just like you (even more so since I'm a yuropoor) a victim of the kike problem in the world, I had to deal with shitskins my whole life unlike you burgers (who enabled most of the kikery these days) yet I'm a shill? Get the fuck outta here malaka.

something tells me you don't let much sunlight into your face

Where did you get the idea I'm a burger, was that from all the background noise in kikey hissing from all the American-isreali shills on this thread.

I'm a UK based user, wondering why almost all threads here are promoting jewish neo-conservative politics using jewish slurs aimed at Europeans while denigrating true actual resistance movements

I don't even know what they're arguing about anymore.

His FB page shows "+1 323-427-7412" as a phone.
>[email protected]/* */
Try anyway. It's the same email he gave for his YT.

There's another email on his website, timcast.com : [email protected]/* */
And another phone apparently : 917.853.7365

Godspeed, user.


Before I filtered them they kept calling each other Jewish shills.

You did it! Contacting him right away.

Then you haven't missed anything.

This is the goal of the program. Known as 'Resource Burning'. Every second you waste on them takes away resources.

I don't know, burgers always are the craziest fools causing divide between whites the most for some reason.
Where did you guys get the idea that I'm promoting jewish nationalism and that I'm a kike lover?
I get why people here are so fucking paranoid about this shit but you faggots need to get a bit smarter before you accuse someone of such shit, instead of acting like a woman out of """intuition""". Pisses me off tbh lad.

No championing kikes and repeating the jewish Mantras and narrative isn't good for the Caucasoid, in any way, fashion or form.

No, it's only good for the jew

I don't want to filter you, so please stop answering to this shill, report him and filter. Thanks.

The only folk creating divide between whites are all the countless kikes on here calling Swedes "cucks" and encouraging us to propagate Paul Joseph Watson jewish kosher propaganda while ignoring the kike at the root of the problem

Question to all you neo-con kike hasbarats here
How do you report someone on Holla Forums who is demonstratively proving you are jewish shills astroturfing these boards?

Dropping this for quick and easy thread shielding.

Now I want to know how this sorted out. Keep us in touch please.

Allright, will do. (checked)

Man, I don't know who's jewing who anymore but obviously all this shit is causing a ruckus between people who should be cooperating, you're right.

Again no, jews are bad news for white people the world over.

The Nordic Resistance is good for the Caucasoid, the jewish counter-jihad is a false opposition created by you jews to misdirect the Caucasoid

So in summary
Jews = bad for whites
Whites resisting international jewry = very very bad for you jews


This is the video.

inb4 the Swedish media say the video is fake and nothing to see here goys

Hey Moishe, what happens when everyone gets sick and tired of all your shit tryinjg to co-opt our resistance?

Oh yes, we remember!

Because 2b is THICC and Youmu is not

I will not let you down, just hoping for an answer.

I don't know if we can trust this Tim Pool faggot. Say what you want about Chicago, but the niggers the know better than to form rape packs and head downtown to rape white women by the lake front.

Why? Because said niggers would get mowed down by the cops. I can walk through the shitty South Side in the day. Niggers in Chicago know their place. Migrant mudshits know there aren't repercussions for their beastlike activities. As long as niggers kill other niggers, literally no problem.

"Swedish PM says rape promotes diversity; Swedish government outlaws abortions by migrant rape victims in order to 'promote quicker diversity'

Swedish PM: "Swedish women must be tolerant of Arab cultures where rape carries a different social stigma"

Thanks user, rarely been happier to be an hour late, having stopped what I was doing to watch video.
Sage for no contribution

Fuck off with your "without the kikes mudslimes would be totally peaceful" bullshit. All semites must die.

Jew completely distorts my clear message that jews are responsible for all white nations being flooded with alien hostile wogs
Just the jewish ones need to be culled, we can deport all other unwanted non-whites once we removed your jewish presence from our midst,

Fuck this shit.


I didn't distort shit. This is what you posted and it's fucking retarded.
Mudslimes are violent cancerous savages, they would try to kill us even if there wasn't a single kike on the planet.
You don't have to chose between hating one of the two, you can just hate both.

What should be done about the royal family of Saudi Arabia and it's covert undermining hostilities towards the West? Was the prophet Muhammad a heretic?

Please stop answering to this shill. This has already been said on this thread, we are being harassed by French E&R shitskins and cucks.


Boy, you lads are kind of naive has a very fucking valid point and I totally understand his frustration. Those of us who were "red pilled" and aware of race realism/nationalism before it became fashionable, can find it rather frustrating when a well known and long-standing problem is touted as something new, as a "new problem" when it has been ongoing for FUCKING DECADEZ.
Look , I have a fucking point to make here, which seems to have flown completely over the heads of everyone clapping and bandwagoning and feeding this shill of PJW (Zionist controlled opposition) attention and kudos for hopping on the bandwagon long years after the problem first came to light, now that it is finally "PC" to discuss.
Yeah, OK kid.
Look, here is the problem: this cunt is obviously heavily invested Iand connected in the left, her social media is full of photographs taken on nigger expeditions, she contacted the shill for a reason. The meeting being portrayed as spontaneous and not arranged ahead of time will be manipulated in the following (predictable to anyone who understands the organized left) way:
The leftist groups, police, media and government, will coordinate "youth" activities at the time of the arranged meeting, passing instructions down through local imams, to ensure that THE KORANIMALS WILL BE ON GOOD BEHAVIOUR FOR THE DURATION.
They may even have some "peaceful and educated moderate Muslims" turn up to friendly engage with the shills.
So everyone thinking that the cunt will be abused and raped on camera, doesn't understand how Kike government-police-Muslims have channels of communication and the ability to arrange PR coups.
This will backfire spectacularly with the end result being "wow, it was literally nothing, those Muslims are just ordinary people who were upset at having their privacy invaded!"
PJW is state controlled op.

White man litterature is oppressive.

I didn't check IDs properly, my bad.

If she doesn't, we need to put this in an image montage, with archives etc. This is stuff that induces cognitive dissonance in normies.

This has already been said and predicted. But we should discuss about some way to disrupt the event if it happens. Some user contacted him in order to show him the real Sweden deal. If he refuses (or doesn't respond), the fishiness wil be intensifying.

The rest of your post is just cumgargling faggot-tier whining, so nothing to see here.

Nigger populations are kept in check here because they are the minority and because we the majority force order upon them. If there is ever a chaotic situation where law and order break down they will immediately revert back to their true nature.

Case in point, hurricane Katrina. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina niggers immediately began to rape, murder, and loot.

You may think that niggers know their place, but never forget that you are dealing with wild animals. Why do we want such a ticking timebomb in our country?

What's the one where the niggers were the champions of that competition?

Can't really argue with those dubs, nigger.
You whipper snappers have internalized Spencer's homo, yuck.
Good, although the fact that he cares about what a far-left activist has to say, let alone wants to meet her really doesn't leave any doubt to begin with.

>Rankine is only the second black writer to win the £10,000 prize; Kei Miller, another Jamaica-born poet, won the award in 2014 with The Cartographer Tries to Map a Way to Zion.
Holy shit this is pathetically hilarious.

We don't care about what this guy has to say. We're infiltrating.

That's not the one I was thinking of but kek. I'm going to hazard a guess and say their awards are probably affirmative action in action.

The woman in that case was an Iraqi immigrant, which explains why the relatives of her actually did something else than just standing by and watching the perpetrators get laughably mild or no punishment at all while doing nothing about it.
Someone linked court documents in another thread about this.


The only thing this proved is Swedish cops are pussies.

Let's be honest here the police wasn't there to protect him they were there to protect the SJWs and mudslimes from being shed in negative light

Where are the no-go zones in the U.S.?

Oki dokey lad.
Has anyone managed to identify the (((NGO))) or (((community outreach charity))) he worked for?
His CV has all the hallmarks of left-wing activism, OWS, anti-cop, working for VICE, published in The Guardian etc.

Do you have the (360º)² webm from their perspective of that particular time range in question?

I think Tim is starting to get redpilled. Not even by propaganda but simply by reality and the lefties reactions to him.

Brown shirts would look better.


injun reservations, each tribe has their own laws and constitution separate from the United states and will throw the book at you if you're not one of them

No I don't, do you?

Go away kike, reported.


We need to hold her to it.

Sweden has basically become a cultural marxist version of NK

Even if what you say is true. It's too little, too late. You people should have already overthrown your government by force at this point. You should be ashamed and you don't have any moral ground to criticize threads like this one, you brought this on yourselves.

Tim was already going to Sweden before Paul Joseph Watson tweeted about sponsoring a journalist to go there. Tim had this trip planned and PJW simply donated 2 grand to tims kickstarter out of a 15000 goal. Before that donation he had zero affiliation with the water filter He's hardly a shill for the infowars fags if you know anything about him he's actually one of the most unbiased journalists out there. People on the left are constantly calling him a right wing shill and vice versa. He simply films whats really going on and doesn't add his own spin on it. Check out his videos from the Milwaukee chimpouts

Oakland. Cops actually stopped arresting people because they were nearly always outnumbered by chimps. On youtube you can find video of people throwing shit at cop cars and harassing them constantly and the cops just get out of there as quick as they can

Poetry is Haram kuffar

Agreed. Hurricane Katrinaniggers show the true temperament of the American nigger if left unchecked..

Yep. The UK has had no-go zones since (at least) the 1970s.
The problem is non-White immigration, but the Likes try to limit the scope to "Muslims."
The Broad water Farm riots of London, 1977, where a policeman (PC Blakelock)had his head cut off by Blacks and used as a football.
Other race riots in no-go zones of the UK, Toxteth (a Black area of Liverpool)perhaps the most famous of the 80s.

East St Louis is basically a no-go zone. The police don't bother to patrol it. They just say "try not to get carjacked lol."

Heads used as footballs by UK Blacks since the 1970s.
No-go zones in every major city.
But Kikes like PJW want us to believe this is a recent problem limited to Muslims.
No, Likes are the root cause and the gamut of non-White soldiers under their command, a mere symptom.


spic, nigger and now mud areas.

That sucks. The u.s. shouldn't be like that

Don't worry, Kek knows.



Have you considered that maybe these anons are freshly pilled anons who are just waking up?

Disgusting blanket term, kikes, sandniggers, curryniggers and some niggers are included in it.

Instead of just bringing to light how this has been a problem for decades, someone always has to prove that they're less kosher than yhe rest and shit up the thread.

Just be glad that more people are talking about this shit, I'm sure the Swedes having to endure this hell aren't bitching about who rang the warning bell first.

Why are the Swedish still living in that Marxist shithole?

Just leave. Sell up and move elsewhere and let the government and their zog police pick up the pieces.

checking this incredible get

you're a fucking retard

Yeah, right, Schlomo. That's what your kind does, not us.

And the alternative is?

er det ikke en Odin gruppe i Sverige du kan bli med i?

I'm Swedish and I could have told you that what the fuck. Also Finnish posters still worst posters.

And only now hearing about this it's worse than 1984 now. I need sanctuary. Any Hungarian or others of uncucked white nations anons want to help me? I have money.

This is the main problem. There are no repercussions for their behavior. In a sense, these no go zones are not designated by mudslimes, but by the government. I'm pretty sure if you were to bring a militia with rifles into these areas, the police would be quickly dispatched and would confront you.

Its very similar to antifa. They fight against the police in their riots, but the minute somebody who actually threatens them confronts them, they rely on the cops for protection.

The point I'm trying to make is that the marxist in the government are what make this possible, not the slimes themselves. Nobody should be scarred of mudslimes or antifags. What people do fear are the police and legal response that would be thrust upon them. Thus, our strategy should focus on attacking these protective forces.

Another example of niggers nigging when law breaks down. But we also can forget about the Algiers Point militia, a group today which still causes ass hurt amongst the groid population. APM is a very limited example of what will happen when armed whites finally take the gloves off and deal with shitskins.


This same god damn mudslime shill in every thread related to mudshits, the same fucking posts in every one too, if you're even slightly critical of a subhuman horde on your doorstep he will accuse you of being a kike. Your post has to contain nothing but kike this and that or you're a kike. You can't discuss anything else but kikes or you're a kike. Why haven't the mods issued this fucking shill a permaban yet? Permaban this faggot every time he shows his disgusting towel headed face in these threads. His posting style is way too obvious.

I like it. It's logical and it defeats shill tactics.

I feel bad for the swedes. How can you deny reality this much?

America would just bomb them.

America is an extention of Europe. We need to rise up too. In fact, we probably need to be the first. We have the worlds greatest military.

America is Greater Israel

Do these fucks not have security detail? The police are right fucking there, even if they don't. When you, as a journalist, go to see the no-go zones, and they prove to be real, and the police are there and tell you to leave or there'll be trouble, why would you leave?

Fuck's sake, this is barely a story. Not that the intention wasn't there, they just seem to have pussied out before getting an actual scoop.


The vaginal Jew never sleeps



He isn't very useful as a journalist if he is dead and please don't pretend him getting murdered in sweden would amount to anything outside being a footnote.

There really is nothing more disgusting than women who get caught whoring around.

This is probably true, but that's why you have a security detail, no? And the police as well.

Hey man, the reds are the popular movement, support swedish and counter-semitic groups like Nordic Resistance so they can break red power and the destroy the liberal and conservative jacobin parties that aid and comfort the neo-cohens. It's what Hitler did.

Tim ain't fucking gonna go to nigger central at 22:00 in the evening. He's just gonna wait for the coalburner whore to go there alone and wait until it's on the tomorrows papers that she got raped and murdered.

I am thankful that most of these victims are never good people. There is something seriously wrong with a woman if they only start having children at the age of 39, and especially if they go out drinking at pubs when they have a baby to take care of.

Jesus Christ. Sweden is like one of those Cold War era dystopian 1984 shitholes you only see in Hollywood

Trump needs to see all this shit ASAP. His statements about Sweden need validation in a world where the media is in complete denial

By going there and calling the cops who won't come when he's getting gang raped by gay niggers?

Posing with femnazis, niggers and cucks.

Bitch meets every swedish stereotype.

Sad really. Now she's old and no sane guy who isn't a cuck slave will take her, so niggers it is…

Shlomo did a good job in Sweden.


Swedes have a defective gene known as the cuck gene, look at Minnesota, Swedecuck americans act the same exact way.

I don't feel bad for them any longer, they deserve what they get for being colossal faggots while the 4cuck goons on here shit all over Bulgarians and Serbians who are removing kebab while Swedecucks have aligned themselves with the kebab.

Northern euros have a strong sense of community and a high trust society. In extremely cold climates you easily die without cooperation. Same thing in Japan.

If you combine that with political indoctrination and importing sociopathic shitskins from hot climates where you can do fine with being an uncooperative savage you can easily exploit this.

It's truly a good thing Japanese people hate foreigners.

She seems to be norweigan though.

Yes there is men who put up with it

Jap were lucky that they were not robbed off their culture after ww2.

Women are traitors in general and wap women are just as open to it as euros.

I think it would be easier to carpet bomb Sweden at this point that to save it.

Anyone can tell she was on the verge of tears, fucking cunt


The difference is you have to be born on Japanese soil and take up a Japanese name before you can get citizenship while the Swedes give amnesty to all sorts of shitskins.

Checked for those aren't men bro.

The only reason Japan didn't get the Germany treatment was because the US really needed strong nationalism in Japan to fight off commies. Since Japan was physically close to the USSR, the country was useful for spying on commies but they also had a huge risk of falling to the red terror after the US nuked them. That is why they weren't robbed of their culture. Germany lost it thanks to the UK, France and the USSR who did everything to make sure Germany wouldn't be German (both world wars Germany was considered the main perpetrator). What is the most insulting to the Germans is that Austria-Hungary were the ones who started shit in WWI, Ferdinand getting shot only made it so there would be no-one opposing generals going to war in the balkans, they already wanted to fuck shit up but Ferdinand knew better. WW2 happened because of Churchill. Germany in WWI acted because they had an alliance with Austria-Hungary and were forced to join the fight because of their treaty. In WW2, they had to react to the Brits who were scared shitless that Hitler would lead to Germany becoming the biggest economic power of Europe.

When I was in Tokyo I saw dozens of Nigerians who all married race traitors and worked for yakuzas in Roppongi scamming white expats. I even saw one getting into his Porsche SUV.

Who needs citizenship when you can get permanent residency. Lots of turkroaches in Germany don't have it either. Their kids will though.


I don't know about them working for Yakuza, but Nigerians running scams out of their bars in Roppongi is a well known phenomenon.

It's a conspiracy! or… we've just had a variation of this thread everyday for 8 years now. It's not news to us. it's our version of eceleb news haha.

So a cuck got irl red pilled? Watch him downplay it in a few weeks. The leftist mind cracks when confronted with reality that doesn't fit their narrow worldview.

Not much of a difference, still magic soil bullshit.

Lefty logic. There's a worse place so it's ok. As long as someone else is in deeper shit, we can live with this. No need to change anything.

It's a bunch of mentally retarded children. It's why they got government and ngo/non-profit jobs. Just the idiot sons and daughters of boomers.

Hi, Jewish homosexual. You might have seen the word, EUROPE in what he wrote. That is, if you didn't have your nigger boyfriends cum in your eyes.

They were robbed of their culture to a large extent, no longer being able to recognize their emperor was a huge blow to their culture. Of course that's still not as bad as Germany got.

They still have an emperor, though…

They have a man who used to be emperor, not an emperor.

According to Wikipedia Akihito is still emperor.

Sad to watch what happens when marxism utterly subverts a population to kill itself. Especially when they do the job 24/7, jews not even required so they can escape to Israel before Sweden collapses.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

I guarantee that the second she got in her car she made a faceberg post either about how "I screwed up but I thought that you were big enough to forgive me, and this is your fault anyways! Waa please take me back" but very vague so that people will have to comment asking what's wrong and "did he hurt you?" So she can get max attention whoreing out of the event.


Wow, that's some devastating argumentation skills you're brandishing there. Were you captain of the debate team?

yea, that's never happening

holy shit, raped twice in one night by two separate people.

Daily reminder that huwhite women are the least likely of all races to miscegenate, despite the decades of intense propaganda.

pewsocialtrends .org/2012/02/16/the-rise-of-intermarriage/

pewresearch .org/fact-tank/2015/06/12/interracial-marriage-who-is-marrying-out/


There was doubt?

Bloody hell, man! I don't care if you have Bruce Lee and in-his-prime Jackie Chan walking with you, you'd better also have a couple of guys with ordinance.

That can't be real. Tell me that's not real.

It's making it hard to tell who is a shill and who is just mind fucked.

I'm sure they'll collapse under the barrel of a gun.


By "American media" you must mean the whole American continent (((media)) because
the word "youths" has been used in Cucknada since at least 20 years.


Sweden is pretty much what the upper classes want: Massive taxes on the revenue of the worker class, mass immigration from third world countries to replace local populations with migrants who won't fight for their rights, total control of the press and thoughtcrime being illegal.

Tim Pool is a cuck as far as I'm concerned when he refused to get into the thick of it during Ferguson. I'm glad he's on the ground however exposing this shit, Swedes who haven't woken the fuck up should be ashamed of themselves.

Why do we care about Sweden?

WE need to be pushing this shit - on twitter, FB, youtube, wherever we can.

Sweeden is a perfect example of multi-cult failure. We need to shine a spotlight on it as much as possible.
it's cuck politicians
it's failing schools

The Missouri side of St Louis is bad too, but East St Louis is noticeably worse.

Because it is ground zero when it comes to the effects of cultural Marxism.
There are no better countries to point to as an example of how not to do things than Sweden.

They're getting cucked hard. Surprised Asian men aren't more resentful; I wonder what their wizardry rate is like

We should start a hashtag.


Oh they are.

was hoping that would break the link, oh well

Tim Pool is getting redpilled by based swedes like Chang Frick, Ivar Arpi and others.

He just put out a video explaining how Sweden skews crime statistics.

If it's 27% for the whole race and if we assume that af-wm are about 10 x times as common as opposite, that could be almost 50% of asian women being bleached.

Holy shit.

Sadly the following event is Norwegian, but who remembers the Norwegian man who felt bad for his (assault or was it rape?) assailant being deported?
I can see it now if it was Sweden: "Swedish man brutally raped. Wants his rapist to stay. Is it Sweden or is it satire?"
If you really want to do this you'd need a bunch of news stories on reference. It actually might work better this way because immediately showing pictures of newstories might turn people off/descredit it. However, if you make them consider the absurdity first, then the article acts as a reenforcer as an appeal to authority.

37%, probably more now

Forgot pic

It's happened here too, I remember in elementary school my society studies teacher tried to inspire me with his example. Told me how his daughter was murdered but he forgave the criminal and founded an NGO oriented against racism.

I told her it disgusted me, that he was a traitour to his daughter and that I honestly think he deserves death.

with an example of a man whose daughter was murdered by immigrants*

What did you teacher said after you response?


She was stunned, she didn't really know what to say, I guess she never looked at it from that perspective.

I did justify my reponse a bit too, like saying he is putting others daughters at risk, she deserves justice, and no foreign rapist deserves forgiveness.

South/west sides of most major cities. I'm not joking.

You are only hearing abou the state of your ancestral homeland now and we still finns are the worst? Not the shills in this thread, not your countrymen downplaying the rape of your bloodline?

but user, don't you know..?

an attempt was made

it's not.
check the ID, he is either a lazy troll, some schitzo from stromfront or a jew.

I have seen hell and it is multikulti

Thank God.

Rinkeby Centrum

Similar feature from Rinkeby on Swedish TV, reporter got called 'Östermalmsfitta'

(Östermalm: downtown old rich area, fitta: cunt)

Odd. She has a Danish name and an address in Copenhagen.

She works for a Copenhagen Radio station

What is it she wants to make happen in Stockholm, 600 km away?

Sweden started out as a
when it broke out of the union with Denmark and Norway in 1523. The state is excellently organised. Their planning is military in style and all-encompassing. Democracy is an add-on. Dissent is permitted inasmuch as it doesn't impinge on military discipline. They don't even have
'Voter chooses party-specific ballot in the open, limiting the secrecy. There is, however, the possibility to choose a blank ballot on which you can choose any party in complete secrecy.'
Try picking up the ballot for some unconventional party in some small rural community where everyone knows everyone. You might get kicked out of your union or lose your job.

Boomer here. We only had one source of media information then. Not our fault we got gaslighted.

You should hang yourself by the neck immidiately, Ali.

No, you had far-right groups handing leaflets out on the city streets, you had the same people delivering leaflets through the letter box and discussing the JQ at the pub and club.
Pamphlets contained links to books, hooks you could borrow from the library, you know, the library… That place where those not reliant on the MSM to feed them their beliefs went for their information. The same place teenagers interested in blowing shit up went to learn their explosives chemistry.
Yes, the library, what a great filter to separate the truly interested from the status signaller, now, these days, anyone can profess a true interest by reposting links to this scientific paper or that textbook. No effort required.
Tl;dr as boomers or early Gen X, WE have no fucking excuse, YOU have no fucking excuse for wilful ignorance. The over dominance of the Jew in media and film, the special treatment of Israel and the obvious lies of "the Holocaust" did not require the Internet to be detected, the difference was, as it was between those teenagers interested in chemistry/nuclear physics/poisons/tradecraft/anything not taught on the tell-lie-vision and those only professing an interest but with no real interests in discovering the truth by simply walking into the library, was one of fundamental character trait.
As now, the majority of people are more content to remain wilfully ignorant, maintain the illusions to avoid rocking the boat, don't take the pamphlet from those nasty NF people younpass ed on the way to work each day, no, ignore them in case someone whose opinion you care about sees you and accuses you of wrong think.
You might fool these young guys, the millennial, when you claim that information simply wasn't available… But we both know that is not true.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.

This might have some potential

Does anyone know how to contact him? I have neither patreon nor twitter and a mail would probably be slow.
If anyone could message him please forward that:
A journalist should know how and who to approach this safetly.
At the same time we could stir up some shit hoping that MSM lashes at him, before the released interviews showing the cover up. If he get some good interviews we expose them, if he get threatened we expose the thugs.
Fuck, sometimes I wish that there were a way to directly contact people like this. It would perhaps be a bit to much of a set up for him but so easy to pull off and in a small country like this it would stick.

I meant "he expose", not we.

Shill bot.

Someone should write a dystopian novel. The setting would be modern day and near future Sweden.

Native white Sweedes have formed an enclave inthe far north, where muds cannot tolerate the cold. Rival north African gangs battle for supremacy in the ruins of what were once beautiful, modern cities. One muslim warlord has declared a caliphate, and armed with unhinered weapons shipments from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, plan to launch an attack on mainlaind Europa.

The Ever-Lovin End

Our memes are becoming reality. Soon there will be a wall of ice, sepparating us from our savage nature, past, and future enemies willing to plung our world into chaos.