Addictions, Social Anxiety, Redpill Sweats

The other thread disappeared.
This is for all of you that are sweating and feeling cold from the heaviness of the redpill state that you have only begun to experience.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you that you must rid yourself of all entertainment. That is what will get you hooked on a binge/purge cycle that you will never really recover from. Seeing things as pure evil or pure good is bullshit.
Yeah you might need to cut down on games if thats all you do in your spare time, but is it? Find some productive hobbies and it will all fix itself as you find them more interesting and get sweet results from them.

As for despair and hopelessness. /bane/ here
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
Do you have a vision for your future? You can surely do something to further some part of your life you want to develop, every day. Even if it is as little as getting on Holla Forums and reading up statistics on crime, studying a genetics textbook for a few paragraphs, or figuring out the difference between an efficient nationalist government and a bureaucratic self serving government. (On that point you should learn to understand the meaning of the word nation, the genetic group, and how it is constantly misused as a word to just mean a country at that particular time)

So you have few friends and no family members that are open enough to be saved? Find new friends, even from your games, and raise up a new family.

user you are the life blood of the future, as your father before you and the fathers of the fathers going back into the distant past. All work and no play will make you insane. Do you want to teach your kids cool stuff though? You'll want to know it yourself first.

The sun has not yet risen. But I know that it is there. Hot and tireless. Bright and constant. It will be here tomorrow to feed the plants that nourish and the animals that feed. I will be there, too. Standing strong and proud of what I am, not because I am perfect. Because I seek to be stronger.

Other urls found in this thread:


In my opinion, the two best things you can do for yourself are honesty and planning. Plan for your future, but be truly honest with yourself about what you want, and what you are and are not willing to do to achieve it. If things aren't going to plan, or you're not happy with an outcome, don't settle for the simple explanation, but be willing to ask yourself in depth what happened, why it happened, and how you can fix it so that you are satisfied.

I've tried to apply these things to my life and have achieved a great deal for myself, just by being honest with what I want and the lengths I'm willing to go to see it happen. You can too, user.

jewish heat death materialism will do that to ya

I've only found peace with myself once I've discovered that I must be willing to go to any lengths to achieve my goals. With that knowlege, I have also started learning more patience because jumping the gun to killing the guy who swears at you every time isn't wise either. Double up on the response to any threat, but don't send a nuke against an insult.

Heat death is a myth and so is the belief that the universe timeline is linear in any form.

But it's not a myth that that's the established ((((doctrine)))) put into place by the CIA niggers.

The reason people stress out so much in times like this once they become aware of how bad things are is they feel like they have to do something to fix the problem, yet because of the fact that is a cyclical phase of time they're going through, they cannot, and so they feel helpless, and thus hopeless. The best thing to do is realize we're in the final phase of a dying civilization and prepare for the shift to something new in a few years, whether through revolution or collapse. How I learned to relax and love this timeline, basically. We're in a momentous, incredible time in many ways, focus on that, rather than the decay, and this period actually becomes quite enjoyable.

I am utterly lost after becoming foolishly co-dependent on my wife, who left me last month. I also lost my job, perhaps soon my home.
Turning to meditation helps, and maybe these things needed to happen in order to become the man I want to be eventually.
Being aimless and lonely (nobody is aware of the jew here) without any sense of purpose is very draining though; I simply don't know where to go from here.

Check out the Stormer book clubs.
Now is not the time to be alone friend.
Now is the time of fire.

you are very high level i see

actually, the decay of all that is rotten is quite exhilarating to me

go on and live your life
the past is a lesson, not an anchor

Start with self respect, user. Self respect defines the basis of all standards of how people treat you. It is what gives you the ruler to measure whether someone else is treating you as you deserve or not, and the ability to hold them to the standards you establish for yourself. Your flaws and shortcomings are to be recognized, understood, and worked on. Your abilities, successes, and character form the basis of your self respect, and should be cultivated as well. But understand the difference between the ways in which you are flawed and the ways in which you are great, and only allow your self respect to be defined by your greatness.

Things may seem larger than life right now and you might not know where to go. Focus on what you want. Let yourself forget about the rest of it for a moment and picture you, five years from now. What do you look like, where are you living, and what are you doing? Take that future and break it in to pieces, and start working backwards. What are the steps to take for you to be there? Work all the way backwards until you reach tomorrow. Are your first steps going to be the absolute best? Is that plan going to work? Is that plan going to be complete? Fuck no, but it's a fucking plan, and having a plan is better than not. You have all the time in the world to make your plan better, and that will come easily in time. But moving forward requires a plan.

Think not about what you've lost, but about the things you have learned from your experiences. You are now more wise, unburdened, and can pursue anything. Get to it.

Thank you, guys… Some genuinely very good people on this board.

Lots of food for thought, and exactly what I needed to hear as I was struggling to lay out a plan at all. You've shown me how to correctly go about it, so thanks heaps, based user.

You're breaking my heart, user. I've seen so many men destroyed in divorce. Luckily you're here with anons who want to help.

I'm married and I pay very close attention to posts from men like you so I can do my utmost to avoid the pitfalls in marriage. Please know that your pain may be the determining factor that prevents the dissolution of another white marriage and may help to secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

Someone much smarter than I showed me the way, once. I learned that I didn't have to autistically consider every branch of every decision of every plan I ever wanted to make, because 99% of the time that resulted in no decision, no plan, and no progress. Instead, the shortcut was to be honest with what I wanted, no matter the cost, and make the dumbest, most simplistic retard plan to reach that point. Then every day I thought a little more about that dumb fuck plan until it became a great plan. But every day I thought about it was another day that I was still moving forward on it, shitty or not, and that meant I was getting things done and felt satisfied I was on my way. There are 99 doors in front of you, and the answer is not to sit on your ass and refuse to open any of them because you're not sure which one to open.


I've been NEET hikki for 6 years, and redpilled / trying to improve my situation for 2 years, but I have yet to find a way out. I'm 25, a lonely kissless virgin, (((diagnosed))) with asperger's, have fairly severe avoidance and anxiety issues, and I don't have a single friend nor any kind of life outside my bedroom at my mum's house. I don't have a plan or a vision of my future, the only things I really want at this time are a wife and kids of my own, but that's obviously never going to happen at this rate. In the last two years I made a decent amount of progress in fixing my sleep pattern, eating more, improving my personal hygiene, leaving the house on my own and getting over my agoraphobia, and so on. I even managed to get a 3 month job trial where my dad works thanks to him, but ultimately I ended up burning out hard and coming back home after those 3 months were up. This was the one and only time I've ever had a job.

Since leaving at the start of December 2016 I've just been in a state of near total relapse. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've left the house since Christmas, and my time has predominantly been spent locked away in my room, mindlessly browsing the internet or playing vidya. The minor confidence gains I made have significantly diminished, my sleep pattern went back to shit, I've been going weeks at a time without showering, I'm even back on the autismbux. The worst part is that unlike before I had that job, I no longer feel that burning desire to get my shit together. I actually feel quite apathetic again, just as I was before I got redpilled and spurred into action 2 years ago. I guess I just can't help but feel a bit hopeless that it's been 6 years since I originally became NEET yet in the end virtually nothing has changed, even after putting in so much effort in over the last 2 years to change things.

the most important thing to remember with this is that you should try to force yourself into uncomfortable situations. But situations where you can win, not just hopeless ones, and there are plenty of venues for that. Like bars or whatever.

I was a neet faggot for many years but perhaps its partly to thank to my ex, or not, I dont know. But being forced to deal with bullshit, with dumb people and horrible people made me awaken.

Go to a gym, to to a sports club, go to a fighting club of some sort. Run outside in the cold weather. Try to get a drivers license so you can go to different places. Find a job, even if its shitty to get your daily minimal amount of social stuff.

The problem that we are kinda facing right now is maybe a fringe and somewhat unnoticed one, but the lack of philosophical fulfillment, or purpose is driving people into non action. Because we killed god.

Very few people are capable of becoming right wing nihilists who use evolutionary lore as a driving force for their self improvement.

and very few more understand the weird relationship our brain, and our many weird mental scripts have with this world. We lack souls and our way of functioning is very finite, but also bound to maths. We are self reinforcing loops, some negative, some positive. Recursive loops who intersect with other loops. Who intersect directly with our senses, or our memory systems, or even chemical systems. This giant complicated mess of what makes us us, its connected to this realm.

but at the end of the day it is up to you to go through this mess and to find a path, to allow your DNA to replicate itself in the form of children. Because if you do not, you will lose on the gift of life. And death is boring, its an empty void of nothingness, the only real gift we have in this realm is the gift of life itself.

You get social anxiety because you masturbate and lack self control. We naturally hate ourselves if we become degenerate. Normal, healthy reaction. You must start controlling yourself through self discipline. This means enduring pain, doing your work. There's really nothing else to it.

You could also look at depression as repression of your true self. If youre living a fake life, or just not taking action on what you know you should be doing youre going to feel depressed.

All I can do is link you some audiobooks the rest is up to you.

If youre in Australia on the East coast we can be friends I dont care if youre sperg or anything. As long as you're white and redpilled youre allies.


Are you an Ausfag?

No I'm not, I'm britbong.

If you're under 30 just join the military you fag.

I'm 27 and fairly similar though I never get depressed since 2014. All you need to do is study to get a new philosophy/view of your life in the world. In your case I recommend just while you play vidya, mute the audio and listen to self help audiobooks instead. You'll take in parts and like domino effect begin to build positive progress.

I'm in Aus. NSW for now but moving out soon maybe around gold coast just to join a good muay thai gym. What about you?

Why? You haven't got a car faggot? I spent 2 months just checking out different cities last year living in my car.

= too old + city
solution: younger + country = less liberal/polluted

Have you thought about applying for a working holiday visa in Aus? You have to work a minimum 88 days but I think you can work more. The work is hard but its an adventure. A lot of European backpackers come and buy a shitty campervan and travel the country doing shit work and living it up on the beaches in between. Do not work for Indians, they pay shit. Some Aussie farms pay 20+ an hour though its not easy work.

I hope to be in a position to offer guys like you work in the future.

I am an ausfag but not ready to meet up in real life. One day. Its good to know there are Holla Forumsacks out there in the shadows, planning, preparing, waiting.

Great advice

Country NSW

Nice thread. Bump.

What's this from?

Perhaps if Trump turns things around. Right now, being military means dying and killing for for (((them))).

Yeah obviously we're not going to meet up straight away. That would be awkward. I have a troll fb account and twitter if you want just add me and we can build friendship overtime.

I have to admit that was one of the reasons for me not joining. Would the militia be any better or worse?

So you want the whole military to be non-redpilled fags and others?
We all have our cross to bear.

This thread had me thinking and I was going to bed but one more post, at least.

No man is an island. We need communities to survive. Men to watch our backs while we sleep. Men to cover our flanks. Men to depend on. A NEET in bongistan is more my brother than a muslim who lives next door and works in the cubicle next to me. That NEET shares my heritage and my blood.

Even if he is not to be part of my physical community, ideologically he and I are aligned and even across oceans he is my future ally.

We have to start doing what we can to help each other out, employing each other where we can, spreading by word of mouth.

This is so romantic.
The start of a bromance.

Thanks. I will check that out.

I hate myself and lack confidence in everything I do. I am unable to make plans because I honestly can't imagine that anything I try could ever possibly go anywhere. I'm not happy with my current career, but can't imagine finding anything better.

I don't know why I keep trying anything when I just end up being garbage.

That's a good point, but don't forget that contrary to other professions, in the military it's your life that's on the line. And no, I'm not a pacifist by any means, even served some time when young, but today's Western militaries… undignified, mercenary-like.

Hey user. I'm also divorced.
What I found was that many women I had found attractive but didn't explore because I was married came out of the woodwork. It took me about 3 years, but I got back with my single friends. And even her friends started talking to me more than her.
I'm not telling you to do what I did, but I had sex with one of her friends that was more attractive and smarter than her. I was 28, dating 21 year olds and having a fuckload of fun. I just had a shitty job and a shitty car. After my divorce, I just gave up on caring about what people thought of me.
I dated a 19 year old with huge tits. I went to a party and met a very attractive Italian girl and had a fling with her.
Again, I'm not telling you to be a degenerate like I was, but I'm telling you this to illustrate that there's more out there than you think. I was a fucking loser, pulling down ass that I had no right pulling. I still love my ex even to this day because we were together from 15-27 and it kills me that we haven't spoken in 8 years, but life goes on. She's going to go on and so must you.
My point is that you'll always be hurt by it, but you learn to live with it over time. And there are women out there that make even the best parts of your ex seem like a bowl of dog shit.
You best move on. Or you can sit in your room and cry about it for 3 years like I did.
Or you can use this and let it give you confidence. Confidence comes because you truly don't care anymore. And for some reason, women loved my air of confidence when I was in my late 20s. And I took full advantage of it and it made me realize what a piece of shit my marriage was to start with.

I did a fair amount of listening and reading self-improvement material over the last couple of years, but I haven't done so at all lately. When I was really into that sort of thing, I had completely dropped all of my old hobbies/interests like vidya in a "binge/purge cycle" like OP mentions, which obviously ended in a relapse where they've yet again become all I do. I think you're right in that I need to combine the two somehow rather than believing I can only do one or the other.

I have not, I've yet to grow the balls to even use a bus on my own, let alone travel to another country. I can't drive either.

One of the major factors behind me leaving the job I had was that I was having to live away from home at my dad's house in the week, over in another town. For those three months my life consisted solely of working, being transported around, and sleeping, so I'd had to give up all of the self-improvement things I was doing beforehand along with my already dropped hobbies/interests. I ended up hurtling back into depression and eventually everything else came tumbling down. Because of this, I'm incredibly cautious about what my next move might be. I don't want to hit such a huge setback like this again, but I am also aware that I must take risks somewhere along the line in order to progress.

That means a lot to me, thank you.

This is basically the cause of depression in modern day capitalist society. There's not much to look forward too, if anything at all. The women are whores that don't need a man. Work is robotic and no self expression allowed. Cant even speak your mind without being outcast.

The solution is forgetting that whole system and asking yourself what you really want. If you were free to do anything your soul desired, no limits, no obstacles. What type of relationship would you most desire? Forget social norms etc. This is your universe you get to design it. What would you like to be doing regardless of the pay? Something creative or inspirational?

There's always a way to start living your dreams. Its not even about achieving the goal. Its just being on the path that makes us happy.

What I like doing is MMA and building random structures like stone shrines and carving swastikas in them. Maybe oneday I'll build a stone temple innawoods or statue of Adolf. Basically Viking life. Making runestones and fighting.

Here's a guided meditation that removes nagative blocks that hold you back from living the life you came here for.

I keep my power level hidden. I have got my circles of friends and a steady girl. Been slowly red-pilling her over the past six months. It's going well so far. Add in that I really like where I work, it pays well, and comfy feelings from having a Trump presidency, and right now is basically the best my life has every been. I wish all other anons luck on their quest

Wew, I love these.threads. Stay strong lads. We're far between and mingled amongst the crowds, but we're out there.

Gee I wonder what a red pilled user could do if he has a group of people that trust him with their lives.
You also get experience you can't get anywhere else.

Why user? Its just a fake account for shitposting I barely use. I'm no different to any of you. I'm not going to judge you. I'm not perfect. I dont even care if youre obese sperg balding and socially retarded etc. It would just be good to form friendships with people on the same path.

Having these types of friends builds healthy rivalry and accountability too. Instead of sherking some form of self improvement you have a team that makes you do it even when you dont feel like it. Thats why friendships are healthy.

Don't be a pussy and just add me. Here's my yt also.

To send a message on yt you just click "about" and there should be a message option for pm's.

hit the gym with a powerlifting routine like starting strength. you literally have nothing to lose and it will get you out of your rut

I've been lifting for five years user. I'm still in a rut.

Chill the fuck out buddy, you're coming on way too strong.

Losing your mind and laughing with the madness tends to work well.

lifting isn't the destination it's an impulse you have to keep the momentum going in other pursuits as well. also are you low BF% and lmao 4pl8? if not that is part of your problem time to go beyond the milk meme

I have hobbies that I pursue, and an idea of the life I want. But I see no way out of wage and debt slavery. I'm chained to this desk for the next 35 years or more.

BF% is around 14-15%, and My 1 rep max is 3pl8 and a 25

These faggots are too meek. I used that fb to keep in contact with spergs I knew from a 4chan chatroom but they were too normie and I moved on into basically only posting here. I never met anyone I talked to on fb they were just fellow troll buddies.

I'm not some chad that wants to meet up and hang out. I'm an introverted NEET that just wants to connect with people interested in all things Aryan. Training MMA, studying everything from philsophy, occult magic, religion, science, history.

Also want to fight ANTIFA's oneday. Lets live life on the edge. Fuck depression and beta cowardice. We only have so much time to live honourably. You really want to live in shame and regret? Fuck what others think. Start living life how you want to regardless of anyone's thoughts.

Do you have a wife and children? If not there's nothing holding you back but fear of what your peers will say and think. You're being controlled by them. Mentally enslaved under their will. Break free and live on your own terms.

challenge: wherever you are right now, move up one level on this scale. figure out where you want to go, what it will take to get there, and then do everything in your power to accomplish it. this is trump's focused autism

Hold up a second, does this mean I'm just too good for the people I'm surrounded with?

I've definitely thought about it, but part of "my rut" is that I'm currently too afraid to do something like that. I only started leaving the house on my own for walks for the first time in my life 2 years ago, and I got as far as pushing myself to go into a store and buy something on my own, but I haven't really made much progress beyond that.

Last year I started working out with dumbbells in my bedroom a couple of times, but none of those attempts ended very well. After 3 - 4 weeks I'd just be exhausted 24/7 and be unable to keep up the routine. I believe this was due to me not eating nearly enough, something I've always struggled with. I'm 6ft tall, but I only weighed 54 kg (119 lbs) for most of the last 6 years. I'm about 64 kg (141 lbs) now, but I still struggle with maintaining my weight, and I get exhausted very easily and am generally low energy. I'm also incredibly weak, I can't do a single push up. I made about 4 failed attempts at doing them the other week, and I ended up with serious DOMs for the next two and a half days.

M8 I seriously suggest joining a gym. It's not nearly as scary as it may seem at first glance. The first couple of weeks, it's the time to prove yourself. People are going to watch you because you're the new guy. Let's see what this guy is all about.

After that, if you're serious about lifting, you'll start making buddies. Small talk at first, things like swapping lifting tips, what kind of supplements you each use, etc. Over time, your gym bros will become some of the best friends you ever had, because you all have one thing in common: you just want to get strong.

It's not necessarily a fear of gyms per se, although that does play into it, it's more of a fear of going anywhere at all, and also of doing things independently. And let's not forget, I'm NEET and the majority of my autismbux goes to my mother as rent, so I can't actually afford to go anyway.

I can't into small talk at all, l mentioned earlier that I'm diagnosed with asperger's, so I'm basically retarded when it comes to that sort of thing. I don't get when to speak, what to say, or how to say it, it's always been a nightmare for me. I can answer questions and state factual things with my close family, but that's about it as far as my social capabilities go.

im 8.5, would be better of if i was a bit richer, but yea.

You have to imagine the simple fact that most people you see around you, are not supposed to be alive. Only the healthiest and most virtuous people are supposed to be alive, since only they have the natural and the mental strength to make a stand upon this planet in a healthy way.

and they have been breeding for 2 generations now. Its pretty severe and yea, they are shit and degennies.

I'm constrained by financial concerns more than anyone's opinion. I can't keep a roof over my head and food on the table if I quit my job to go indulge my autistic hobbies.

These cowardly faggots literaaly succumbed to anxiety attacks over the offering to text chat over fake anime profile accounts… Behold the savours of the white race!

We dont have to meet up. Just add me and we'll check each others powerlevels, share links etc just to see how much we have in common. I cant help but feel pissed off right now that no one followed through.

If you have no one you're taking care of (children or wife), then you have no excuses. You don't need a roof over your head because youre a man. You can live in a tent in the forest and even enjoy it. You're choosing to be miserable and even worse, bitching about it while saying you cant just get up and leave.

Live in your car, better yet make friends from here and share what you need to to live. You only lack the mental compacity to find a solution. Niggers from Africa are more creative at finding ways to thrive in our societies than you are.

The benefits of having friends is not only the consistency from the team work/accountability/forced motivation etc. But having friends makes you more attractive to girls. They see it as charismatic/successful etc.

Friendships can be the key to transformation into ubermensch.

Every girl that you have sex with who isn't a virgin is a girl that you help push further away from becoming an ideal housewife.

If I had the ability to conjure friends into existence, I'd have done it years ago. Being lonely and friendless for years on end is awful.

Most of us here have no friends. This is why we should at least add each other online to our fake anime profiles to at least suss each other out and see if we can work together. We have everything to gain.

that is not a smart idea user, the jews would love to get us centralized. This place is sacred and our way of being, however solitary it is, is the most virtuous of all ways.

If you do want to group up together, try to do so through halfchan, or perhaps some other places which have a HUGE amount of people who are swinging our way, who may not be entirely red pilled like us, but who still are red pilled.

Because if we get lost within those people, tracking us as threats would be far more difficult than if we organized here. Shit its even okay to try to find neo nazi groups around you to join.

40 million they spend on battling us user. 40 mil…probably even more since we have been at constant war with them for several years now.


Read through this thread…

our strength lies in the user culture, user. As long as we stick with it, we are winning. Its the one thing that the jew cannot subvert. As they cannot target us individually.

It also strengthens us mentally as the somewhat quasi natural organization that we do gives us more individual potency.

we never go namefag, never.

You sound like a sperg. You'll never breed. You're the meme of a fat neckbeard wearing the guy fawkes mask. You're not a national socialist Aryan.

natsoc lore does not work well with chan culture in all cases. What we are, are simply an adaptation to the jewish spirit and their potency to pervert media, we are a potent antidote.

And as members of this antidote there is no greater honor than to serve the greater good, to that of the white race. By continuing what works best against our worst enemies.

also to add to that: im off so continue your verbal joust in some other time. You probable jew.

I'm fucked on amph. Today marks the 7th day of me not sleeping. 10/10 would recommend

And you're a goddamn fool for advocating leaving the shadows of anonymity in the age of mass spying and instant infiltration. Had Hitler tried his putsch in the current day, he'd have been either killed or taken to a black site before he made his way to the bar. Using any social media platform is a sure way for the feds to get all your info, no matter if you use fake information or a VPN.

You are retarded. Enjoy the shadow people and auditive hallucination that comes with extreme fatigue.

But how the fuck do I get out of this shit? I'm seriously fuckind hooked on this

Have some more Herr Goebbels feels

Mushrooms. They will show you what youre doing to yourself and help reset your brain from its addictive pattern.

Fucking hell, all this time I felt like I was inferior because I make 12K a year, even though it's a comfy job at a gym, and I basically live alone. Technically I live upstairs in my parent's house, and I pay all my bills aside from rent, which I would pay but they don't want me to because they want me to save. Plus since I know guns so well, they consider me hired security and pay me with meals and we just call it even.

I promise you, six months of lifting will change that.

I've been lifting since 2 years and I still hate going places. I even wait until it's late to go to the supermarket because there's no crowd to stare at you in a judging manner.


You will once you hit psychosis levels and it will scar your brain for a long while. Addiction is simply an excuse for those who lack willpower. I say that as an ex-smoker, ex-tweeker and ex-junkie. I managed to stop all of them one at a time. Sure for a while I'd hop from drug to drug hence the 3 "exes" I now only drink moderately once in a while. If you really can't do it, use LSD a single time to actively see what you're doing to yourself and change your internal pattern.

user, Jesus. Most people are too centered on themselves to start judging other people for more than a few seconds. If you have gains, they're most likely either looking you out (if women) or slightly jealous (if unfit men). Not to mention, why does it matter what some fucking asshole thinks of you. You're not involved in their life and they probably are some kind of retarded mouth breather willingly taking Schlomo's circumcised cock up his ass while asking to get exploited more.

Start running in the morning. Helped me a lot.

I've actually gotten more stares from men than women since I started lifting. It's kinda funny actually.

We have your back Holla Forumsack. Lots of good people in here giving good advices, just take something and run with it.

I foolishly married a leftist who fell for the CIA psyops bigly during the election cycle and was, unfortunately, already a lost cause in the Yuri Bezmenov sense. It was too much and my divorce will be finalized soon.

Fortunately or what I think is tragic and is the only thing that makes me heartsick there were no kids. The whole white guilt thing, the "there are blendy of berfegly gud African American (tm) orphans, why don't we adopt one of those?" and fears of OMG EARTH OVERBOBULATION were the primary factors in that outcome. Kek.

Want to know how I spent the last several months? Focusing on making myself the best possible person I could be. Daily exercise (special ops PT stuff like run/swim/bike/ruck, weights, trying new things such as judo and rock climbing). Squeaky clean diet with every calorie tracked (easy to do when you figure out your staples). Reading the classics (currently reading Jung's Red Book). Meditating. Getting regular sleep. Shooting at the range. Generally fixing my shit, reflecting on what went wrong, and creating a plan to avoid those mistakes the next time around. Realizing that things are not ideal now, but in a few months or years the future will be the future that I make.

Leftists. Not even once. But at the same time, I understand that I was the problem. I had been mal-trained by the various (((compromised))) systems that I had been submerged in since starting school as a young lad. Nobody is perfect, but my own flaws did not help the situation (but, the situation DID prevent me from the self-improvement that would be needed to conquer those flaws and become better myself. Gotta love leftist "we hate strong white men" psychology.).

I'm an addict to my own poor habits. I've tried smoking, never got hooked. Drinking, same, never got hooked. Hell I did cocaine and speed and never managed to form an addiction.

But, when it comes to porn and gambling, I'm a fucking mess and can't stop myself like I can with drugs.

From a rational point of view, you're right. But I can often overhear girls from my college classes talking about other guys during the breaks:
And then follows a weird thought spiral that goes something like:
It sounds completely retarded now that I've written it down, but it is what it is.

Listen buddy, not to go MGTOW on you, but there comes a point when you have to understand one thing: women are fucking retarded. They're raised to think not with logic, but with emotion. It sounds completely retarded to you now because you know it's retarded, and you have to decide to not give a shit what women think about you.

Why do you bother listening to retards who go to indoctrination camps. Fuck em, they will eventually become single mothers or dead in a ditch anyway because they listened to their kike teachers telling them to racemix with Tyrone and Achmed. Just believe in yourself for fuck's sake, those idiots won't survive what's coming anyway.

After I got divorced I basically had no career. The one I was in wasn't paying well anymore after the economy crashed. Then I built a new career with 5 years of hard work. I was still depressed though, and getting worse. I switched to a ketogenic diet and within days the depression and anxiety was lifted. My energy issues, being tired in the morning, went away.

I believe this bi-polar bullshit is a misdiagnosis, it's actually the effect of a carb filled low-fat diet.

The redpill depression will fade once you realize that you are not alone in feeling this way and that there are others out there. A period of loneliness and extreme isolation (physically and mentally) is kind of par for the course at first though. But once you begin to get out of that funk you realize that it only made you stronger in the end. Then when you feel this strength, you will feel superior to all the shameless degenerates out there. You're no longer a mindless, bootlicking sheep. I'm not offering much here on advice, just saying that these "redpill sweats" or what have you, go away eventually. Redpill's only tough initially. Some advice I guess is to hide your powerlevel. Redpill others very subtlety.

Oh I wonder why.

This. Literally ignore everything they say. They don't even believe their own bullshit.


That's the wrong approach user. The thing is, they do believe their own bullshit, but they believe it applies to them. That's why they judge others, because when you hand them their own bullshit, it stings deeper than anything else you could give them. Whatever they judge you on, you can flip it right back around to them, and it will cut them far deeper than it could ever cut you.

Cheers lads

A piece of advice for those of you can afford it, get a dog

also, start a garden (don't buy soil/fertilizer/jewy gardening supplies) just mulch a plot, let it decompose/compost, then plant in it. Best thing you can do for your soil/plants.

I'm thinking about getting a husky puppy myself. I'd fucking love to have a husky that I could bond with.

Start going to bed early and waking up at 5am every day. even if you wake up and feel like its too early and theres absolutely no reason for it because you have nothing to do and will be bored, force yourself to get up. laying in bed when you arent trying to sleep is bad for your mental health. this is a very significant lifestyle change and it really isnt that difficult to do.
I would also recommend working out every day. you can do yoga and shit. something like 1minute of horse stance, 5minutes of downward dog, 100 hindu squats, situps, and maybe get a pullup bar, things like that. these types of exercises are all very easy on your body since theres no weight involved so you can do them pretty much every day. you only need like 15 minutes a day to make a huge impact, but try to increase as you get better. and maybe a minute or two before bed to do a few situps and neck bridges or something. a thick neck is very underrated.
Cold showers are good too. i like to wash in hot water before switching to very cold and just standing there. like waking up early, you might dread doing it and be tempted not to, but when you finish you will feel much better and happy you did it. it can be intense for the first ten seconds or so, but you get used to it. your shower thoughts in cold water are much better than in warm as well; misery is a better teacher than pleasure.
Meditation is good too. it's good to be able to eliminate thoughts completely and relax/focus your mind. you can become "enlightened" in less than a year if you make it a goal and do it every day and are always conscious of your mind. keep in mind that enlightenment is actually very simple and almost hilariously underwhelming.
Finally, dont ever masturbate or look at porn. even try to avoid having wet dreams or really thinking about sex. the fact that you even have the desire to orgasm is like a parasite in your mind. use your willpower. semen retention will make you a better man. srs.

all of these things can be done while still being an extreme NEET and never leaving the house. if you do them regularly though, you will become a very effective and high level NEET.

Oh yes you are right do this any good chance you get. I guess by ignoring I meant don't let anything they say affect you. It's hard but be resolute and if you can then turn it on them.

It's also a big secret that they actually need/want this too, at least in my limited experience. Even if they don't admit it.

I learned this by raiding the #BodyPosi tag on twitter. Every single time I insulted someone, they would throw the same "lol virgin" at me, and after a while it hit me: they use that as an insult because it's the most insulting thing they can think of, because deep down, they feel shame for being an obese virgin. After that, I was unstoppable.

i forgot to mention, make sure you pray to kek. i havent seen anyone itt suggest that. kek will work to bring an end to your dark situation.

checkin those dubs my man
build a Kek shrine if you haven't already

Grief is something we all have to deal with at some point. No use in fighting it.
Best I can tell you is to go for drives, engage in private speech, do stuff no matter how inconsequential it seems to be, but don't start drinking. Your sorrows are better at swimming than you are.

Yeah, like being bored in the desert for months until some raghead decides to strap an IED to a goat. Truly great experiences.

Interesting advice, though I'll stick with rabbit instead of Kek.
nice ID btw.

/r/ Goebbels quote where he BTFO puritans and talks about fun

There were many times within the last 2 years where I was doing most of things you mentioned. My sleep pattern was stable, I was working out, I regularly meditated before bed, and I was doing nofap as long as I could (personal best was 5 months) with minimal relapses. I'll admit I was never able to push myself to take a cold shower, but I did start taking lukewarm showers instead of scalding hot ones, and I would blast myself with cold water for 5 seconds right at the end.

I was actually really happy with my NEET+ life for the year or so that it lasted, but it all went to shit the moment I got a job and my living arrangement turned upside down. So even though I've done the things you suggested before, my main problem now is that I've completely lost the drive and the motivation to start it all up again. It's like a fire inside me has gone out and I'm having difficulty relighting it. I'm off to bed now, but before I go I'd like to thank everyone in this thread for all the advice and encouragement you've given to myself and others so far, I really appreciate it.

I blocked you on yt ;^)
Nobody likes talking to someone who thinks he is the hottest shit on the block.

Having fun is great, but having ideals to uphold is a second responsibility. You can have a society where nationalism and racial purity is very highly regarded, but sometimes things are let lose through some cultural festivals like halloween, birthday or whatever you want to celebrate. A human has to be discretely degenerate sometimes, so that he is not being degenerative continously over the period of his life. Not everyone needs drugs to be happy, but let people live the lives they want under certain restrictions. The natural selection will select those who prosper and those who die.

This is eerily close to my situation.

Out of curiosity, how did you manage to get on autismbux? Was it easy or hard? Did you go with a parent to do it? What kind of doctors can diagnose autism or asperger's to a level where you can actually get disability money?

You don't have to, but it's very beneficial to seeing the world clearly to do so for a month or two.
borderline jewish statement

the military was hopelessly pozzed political correctness and niggers and wimmin taking over more than a decade ago and now is just ridiculous

yeah, even if you aren't surrounded by scumbags and niggers, your back will be protected by low to mid IQ whites who were fooled or have no qualms being ZOGbots. You can't put your trust in that.

learn to shoot, run around in the woods, lift weights. That's pretty much all the good experiences you ever would have gotten.

I wish to learn clothescrafting/knitting, leatherworking, woodcraft and playing the bass. I'll buy some yarn, knitting needles and a knitting recipe book tomorrow.

I'm the same poster you replied to but my ID will probably be different.

This is going to be UK-centric, but basically I got diagnosed by a psychologist that I'd been referred to by my doctor, then my mum called up the ESA people (Employment Support Allowance) to apply I haven't conquered my phone call anxiety yet. After a fairly lengthy phone interview, they sent some forms to us, which I then filled in and sent back with a copy of my psychologist's report. If it's approved they'll start sending money to you after a few weeks, and then later on they'll arrange a face-to-face interview to see if you're "work capable" or not, which will affect the amount of money you receive and whether or not you have to report in somewhere every week or two.

Sounds weird to me, but it's interesting that when men are stuck without entertainment they basically ornament everything with what they are skilled at. Thinking of old time sailors and cowboys here. Leatherworking might be the better choice

Learn working metal. Work with steel as your hobby and you will become steel.

I wouldn't go down that road if I was you my dude

no way

You can't weld your own clothes. Well, unless you have the shit to make armor.

I've saved money just knowing how to nigger-rig my pants back together with needle and thread.

sewing ain't knitting

Knitting is what grannies do to create ugly sweaters that scratch.
Sewing is what you do to fix torn cloth.
Cloth is made by weaving, not knitting.
If your pants have worn down so much that the cloth is breaking apart you need to get new ones.

If you're gonna go the clothes-making route, be like Hugo Boss and make stylish, masculine, fascist-inspired stuff. If you get good enough you can even start your own business/turn a profit.

Any advice on quitting vidya cold turkey? That's my addiction, I compulsively buy games and a lot of the time don't play them longer than an hour or so. I own a ps3, 3ds, ps4, xbone,

Shit son, just burn yourself out on that shit. You'll soon realize all video games are the exact same shit, and then you'll end up like me. I occasionally play FFXIV with the guys at the gym, and that's it.

Could I just sell it all? How much money do you think I could get? I need a car, maybe I should put it all up on Craigslist and get enough money to buy a used car.

That's an option too. Quitting vidya cold turkey is a lot harder than just realizing it's boring as shit and losing the will to play.

Doubtful you'd make much, as games more than 2 or 3 years old are almost worthless. List your games/consoles/whatever.
Could you get a bike instead?

If you don't have a job you won't be able to afford a car. Maintenance, fuel, taxes, insurance, they will burn a hole in your wallet.

Can confirm. I lost all interest for modern games. There are still some old nintendo games (zelda mainly) that I want to go back and play, but that's about it.

I'm actually at work right now, taking a break and browsing this thread. Feel like I'm stuck and want to move and complete some projects that might actually improve my life. I'll come back with more info when I get home, a bike is a good idea. My town is pretty bike friendly.

This. Older games are great to just sit and play for a couple hours, maybe beat in one sitting, and then go about your day. Sometimes for kicks I'll boot up the older Final Fantasy games and run through them again to see if I can become even more OP than last time.

why play and stick with single player games though? The top tier of vidya games are the ones that teach you to get familiar with certain mechanics, and then use them to kill your enemies. Multiplayer games are neat. If moba's were so faggy then I would suggest that because they teach you a great deal of strategic thinking.

Something that you wont be able to experience in the real world unless you are part of an army that is somehow battling a capable enemy.

I use fractured space to keep myself mentally sharp lol. Though I completely abandoned single player games more or less.

I may be speaking out of a bias for liking games like this too much, but they are not all that bad and they can sometimes give you unique experiences. Also gives you some insight as to how other people may approach similar structures and how they use them.

I like the strategic and competitive aspect of some mp games, but only had a good connection and good computer for about 2 years ever. Outsmarting people is fun. A similar feeling is training innawoods if people are serious about it.

Multiplayer games died when Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 were no longer relevant. That shit was the peak of having fun with multiplayer.

I personally also dont use the mic since its a lot of hassle to keep friendships on the internet, but if you do have time then that too wouldnt be bad.

Because some of these games like fractured space are good team building things. Its in 3d space, its very competitive, its very meta, it relies on reaction speed as well.

and overall it can help you to keep your mind more sharp in a mostly dull society that does not value competition very much, except for some high stress workplaces perhaps.

To be honest, without these things I would have probable gone insane, because at this level of lore on the philosophy that we have here, there arent many people that can touch us, or even present proper counter arguments. Being able to encounter potent opposition and setbacks is what keeps my mind mentally strong. Clashes against reality are great.

twitch shooters arent exactly the toppest of tiers for some sort of strategic and tactical fullfillment.

I think that a lot of us guys who are inside of cities, still have this hunter instinct, and not many venues to put it in.

But ambushing, video games are great for that really niche part of our human desires. Which can make guys like me fairly happy.

Halo was never a twitch shooter, and CoD4 was before it became a twitch shooter.

Anyone here interested in brewing?

I make lots of booze at home, mainly wine, most for budget reasons.

I brew alcohol.

it was more casual, not so high skill ceiling as it was marketed towards console gamers.

I only played a bit of cawaduty when i was stuck indoors over the winter, it wasn't good for much even in the mode where you took more damage, but strangely enough my vision improved and the frame rate I could see picked up.

I'm a country boy so sneaking, ambushing, surprises etc. interest me more, but I always got a thrill from old Total War games

I quit drinking, interested (I've made wine in the past) but not sure if I'll drink again short of a breakdown where it's necessary and good for maintaining weight

oh jesus christ, baking yeast is fucked up

Oh sure it was a bit more casual, but I didn't give a shit. I can't even begin to list all the fun times I had with the guys on Halo 3. That shit was basically my entire senior year.

well I cant blame ya, in may have served its purpose still then. its just that as you grow up your choice in video games also kinda changes, lest you get bored like that other user.

You see, once you get bored of a mechanic, you may still have this lingering feeling of "wow its new" or "my favorite games developer made it and surely it must have been improved" or some other variation of these thoughts which make you buy it. Only to find out that its kinda shit.

Well your search for fun doesnt use proper parameters. There are still fun games out there, you just have to know where to look.

If you've got shooting, lifting and some basic combatives skills down, another important skill you can gain is to Learn to pick locks. If you end up needing to take covert actions, this is an incredible skill to have. Most people (including cops) don't even consider the possibility that a lock might have been picked, because 99.999% of breakins are mouth-breathing niggers who are allergic to learning anything. All you need is a basic lockpick set (nothing fancy) and a few locks to practice on. You can learn to do it reasonably well in under 5 hours–beyond that it's just a matter of finding more types of locks to practice on. I recommend the book "Practical Lock Picking" by Deviant Ollam. You can get started with lockpicking for about $20 including the book.

I recently got into homebrewing. Made a nice dark stout, like a guinness but more chocolate/caramel flavor and a bit sweeter. Recently i made a batch of mead thats aging now. A sweet mead with orange blossom honey and raspberry, should be ready by mid summer.

high violence improves your testosterone, and your testosterone also improves your reaction speed, competitive drive, lots of good things come from that. If you have a park nearby where you can shoot at animals legally, then do that. But many of us dont have that so we have to use these digital means of test boosting lol.

Surely there's a torrent for the book?

yup, check library genesis

Do you have any suggestions that aren't LARPING DOTR?

I was doing quite well for several years, but I've hit a bad spot in my life lately. I've left gradschool. I realize that 'university' meme really is inescapable, that I wasn't going to be the exception that somehow was going to make it work. Desperate for work, realizing as far as skills I'm nearly useless. Realize I can't even join the military because of a past medical issue that cleared up years ago, but which disqualifies me. I've exhausted myself working 60hrs/week or more working towards a goal that never got any closer. All that wasted effort and productive energy. And the burden of the redpill, of trying constantly to fit into a society I fundamentally oppose at nearly every level. The isolation has started to swallow me up. I'll do what I can, get back up and start working hard again.

Thank you for making this thread user, and sorry for the gay blogpost. I know you people are the only ones to understand anyways.

Serious questions:
How do you want others to speak to you? Would it help if someone just straight up told you when youre being a awkward retard?
Do you like it better if someone treats you bluntly/harshly or sugercoated?
Do you want to sperg out about something youre really into or would you rather listen to the other person for the majority of a conversation?
Do you like compliments or do they make you feel even more unconfortable?

I'm asking because my brother is somewhat like you and I don't know how to build a relationship with him. I feel like everything I try makes it worse for him

I go out there with the full knowledge that most men are but mere animals, barely capable of basic awareness levels, they are even lucky that they are capable of comprehending that the reflection in the mirror is them.

Most of them are forgetting, for already have forgotten how to socialize since they are hiding behind their smartphones at the slightest feeling of things not being ok.

A lot of them are fat, dont know how to eat, or how to cook.

The only life skill that many people have is some basic "How to make money in a mediocre job" and even there they are failing.

Now if you like me go outside with this kind of knowledge, instead of feeling inferior, you can feel depressed that there are no real humans around you anymore. And in the end still not really talk to them.

All of that has absolutely nothing to do with my post… I just want to learn how to deal with people like the one user I asked

I kekd hard

Read how to win friends and influence people, no more mister nice guy, and 48 laws of power. All should be available on the Internet. Also lurk /r/theredpill. There are artists trying to help other artists, but sometimes there are helpful posts and insiders, but take it with a grain of salt.
There are less pozzed places on there and they are at least semi aware on the current situation.

well how does one deal with animals? make mean grunt noises at them until they cower in fear before you. And then just do whatever lol.

Jesus christ anons…
Read and then again
I want to know how to help people who have difficulties in real life like

What the shit are you talking about? I asked for none of this. am I talking to bots again? am I the only real person on the internet?

what I am trying to convey to you that perhaps you shouldnt make a big deal about your inexperience with people, because those people that you want to approach by the far majority are garbage. You are heavily overthinking it and getting worried about nothing. If you are capable of talking to us here on this board you most likely are already overqualified with 90% of them.


I too have a desire to meet my Holla Forums brothers. That doesn't mean that I should, it is merely a reflection of my own desires. They do not serve the mission, full stop.

Maybe I will run into one someday. Would I ever know? Maybe. In that event we will both be silently overjoyed.

It takes courage to work from a position of anonymity, from isolation, from loneliness. Don't let your desires for camaraderie in meatspace undermine your mission or the mission of others on this board. Being a man the real kind is difficult. But I know you can keep doing it.

We are all Bruce Wayne whether you like it or not.

Do me proud Holla Forumsacks. By the way, great thread. I am fucking proud to serve here.

Agreed, Holla Forumsack.

Jesus fuck, that capped post is amazing. It is truly a great time to be alive. By being alive, I mean having a mind that can lend itself to the cultivation of the cultural Golden Age.

spoiler'd to avoid derailing the thread: The image mentions a "market" of ideas. There are elements of that, of course, but our thoughtforms are a novel life form subject to the same evolutionary pressures found in nature. The mindspace we create is more exciting than the cosmos in some ways. Absolutely incredible.

wtf i hate trump now

There is literally nothing wrong with mac computers


Do want. How can I learn how to work metal? Oldfag here who pushes pencils for a living.

These caps and posts always make me feel so happy and invigorated about life. I dress better, I feel better, I read, practice, train, and I probably look stronger and healthier too. When the time comes we will know eachother as brothers in arms. But for now we live and develop ourselves. This platform has allowed ideas to be exhausted which would've taken lifetimes otherwise, and has offered that singularity with apparency to all who date enter. Every topic has been discussed countless enough times that a truth and position has been beat out of it.

The character and archetypical Holla Forumsack is a superfluous man in nature. This is a long struggle but knowing I'm apart of this gives me enough faith to improve myself and my surroundings. Thanks for that, I think something special is going on here and I trust in you all.

With porn it's about replacing it with something better but also destroying the prior addiction by developing disgust for your fetishes. If you have a problem with interracial porn just google scat girl tumblr and save all the prettiest girls eating shit and shitting but name the pics all the trigger words for your cuckold fetish. THen go and troll a cuck thread using their own memes against them claiming the scat porn is interracial sex and that they're jealous the girls chose to be with turds over them etc and want to have brown babies, you just love the contrast etc.

From then on you will laugh at the thought and see what a disgusting fetish it is.

Now, replacing it I suggest with waifu material pure virgins models, ballerinas, gymnasts. I find variety in the different outfits they wear like French maid, pink panties, leotards etc.

This will literally rewire your brain teaching it where to get its dopamine fix, pure virtuous girls worth marrying. But of course the long term goal is stop mastubating completely and get them irl. Just helps to taper off.

Finally the philosophical part is realising that indulging in pleasure makes you and others hate you. This is taught in Kama sutra and Vedic philosophy. You have to take on painful things to become attractive and healthy. I linked an audiobook "the war of art" earlier it's about combating resistance.

hmm, thinking.

For those of you NEETs (or whatever) who have trouble getting out of the house, would it help to have a wingman? Maybe all we need is a system for each NEET to get a wingman that they can call on for wingmanship.

It'd make it worse, most likely.

This is just how older girls act. You should hate them, even develop a rape fetish towards them.

But if you want to experience pure love from an angel that doesn't judge you, basically a princess we all grew up believing in, just find a younger girl. You will never know a purer love. They only want your attention and for you to play a game with them or show them something new. This would be called courting potential future waifu's in noble times. But of course the heard mentality is feminist and degenerate now so this is programmed into us socially as the most evil thing ever. To talk to a young girl! Even with pure, noble intentions.

They want you to settle for misery. Non virgin girls who are fully edjewcated and don't need no man. How motivating… really want to jump out of bed and work everyday to achieve a sinead McCarthy….

My friend, you've been given incarnation in this world full of innocent perfect Virgin angels and you're just ignoring them.

How many pictures of little girls do you have?

I've taken to gardening, sewing and learning to dress better. I have clear goals and means to achieve them. After Holla Forums is best. Thank you

You're all coward faggots anyway. I see what type of people pol is made of now. Absolute scum bottom crawlers who are too afraid to even make contact with their peers. These people deserve to never breed. Their sons would be riddled with inherent fear. It's right that women are disgusted by you spergs.

I never implied I was alpha. I said I'm not any of those things but with friends WE could become stronger in everyway.

You faggots are doomed tbh.

fuck off pedo. Prepubescent girls have no place in a romantic relationship.

Nice job outing yourself, kike.

Same amount as you have of non virgin race mixing sluts, cuckboi. Keep following the heard and beliefs of the masses.

If a noble white man wants to court and thus protect and teach a girl the noble way in life in order to develop traditional wife material, chimp out and demand he be burned at the stake. We lemmings are programmed what's right and wrong. We hate sluts but we refuse to acknowledge virgins. What a mindset. Never question how it became that way.

I was asking because you should post more :^)

Look guys! It's a racist, fascist etc! Get him reeeee emotional pre conditioned from society, media and peers.

Goyim will never wake up.

You're a sick motherfucker. Women should be married off no earlier than the age of 14 just as the Ancient Romans did and Europeans used to do. At this age they are mature enough to become mothers and understand parenthood. What you want is unnatural and unhealthy.

what a 3 year old? The one thing I've found that hold true about women is they all love to gossip and talk shit

Black user here. Don't really belong on this board as you hate niggers or whatever. Don't agree with any form of tribalism and think society should be formulated purely along lines of IQ. I'm willing to admit that I'm abnormal for my race and am indeed a part of the top end of the bell curve.. even for whitey. Have to say though, proud of user when threads like this come up. It warms my black heart. Even if you want to exterminate me, even if we must come to blows, better it be you I must fight against than some fucking blue-heart communist. Do better, or they'll put a bullet in your head regardless of who you are. That will be a sad day for me indeed. Pic related.

Gas yourself, kike.

And stopped reading there. Get the fuck out of here, you worthless nigger. You are not welcome in the slightest. I yearn for the day your worthless race will get wiped off the face of the Earth. If you want to be coddled for being subhuman maybe cuckchan is more your steam.

This guy is a shill trying to get you to participate in social media
protip: no social media does not mean you have no friends.

They would love for us to centralize within their system, not in the real world though and fake animu social media accounts never incite real world meetups.

And now the shill uses typical leftist shaming tactics and calls anons virgins for not wanting to partake in a jewish data-mining and mind-control initiative.

And now he's hopped IPs and is doubling down on the leftist shaming tactics

I do agree with this, but a low AoC only works in homogeneous white nations(and Japland for whatever reason) Lowering AoC without removing nog just gives niggers access to kids who live in a society where nigger-culture is pushed as the predominant one. You would have to either abolish civilization(which I am not against entirely) or exterminate all nonwhites(again not against at all) to impliment a low AoC.

Then you should do us a favor and rope yourself since you fucking chimps have the lowest IQs of them all - don't call yourself an user you filthy fucking ape nigger.

Nice dub dubs, negro. You realize how counter intuitive a society that desires high IQ, but ignores race is, right? Your kids will most likely be dumb as shit, just like any other niggers, regardless of how smart you are. There is always a regression towards the mean, and the mean of american negros is 85.

I bet you're one of those aut-kikes that thinks there's a difference between "blacks" and niggers.

Assuming the society kept purging the low IQ new births why would it matter?

I'd kill to have a friend that actually knows his way around a gym, a basic level personal trainer and bro. That's all I'm missing in life other than the impossible to find wife material.


No, I don't.

If you were to purge all low IQ blacks, you wouldn't have enough blacks to keep the population alive.

You make no sense, kill yourself niggerlover.

Why would that be a problem?

AOC in and of itself is a degenerate idea because it implies that sexual relationships should be somehow separate from marriage in any way. Women should be married off with the blessings and guidance of their parents at the age of 14 just as the Romans and later Europeans did. This way you avoid the modern teenage limbo years where girls fuck around like whores and are not exposed to the responsibilities of motherhood.

Promiscuity is cancerous no matter how old or young the participants are. Modern AOC laws only encourage young people to act like sexually loose degenerates in the age where they are least capable of forming healthy families. They are entirely dysgenic.

I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying it wouldn't work like he thinks it will.

I'm Legato Bluesummers. I only want the best to survive. Who cares what that looks like.

You clearly aren't getting what I'm saying. I'm going to assume you aren't as smart as you said you are, and are just another nigger. (surprising)

Literally programmed the traditional path out of the goyim. [rubs hands joyfully]

Help me understand, oh wise one.

Just do it.

What even causes "porn addiction" anyway? It's not like you're doing drugs. But people experience it anyway.

It's exactly the same as drugs. Dopamine for taking drugs, Dopamine for watching porn.

Lol… look how tame this goyims is. He doesn't even think out of script.

That's some fool proof logic.

You don't have to believe me, but it works exactly the same way.

Fucking newfag. Alright, let's start from the beginning. Hitler did nothing wrong, but he was too nice to be the one, Lord kalki, purger of filth and degenerates, the incarnation of our hyperborean blood! Praise Kek! May he guide the way from the well to the thunderbolt and the green rays of the black sun! MAY THE PURGE BEGIN! The day of the rope is near!

Sorry if I'm taking what you're saying incorrectly but from what I'm getting you'd say blacks wouldn't survive with a basic IQ threshold. They'd be bread out over time. I'm simply saying I don't care. Or are you saying my knowledge of mating and intelligence is to limited to understand?

admit it. You want to fuck children. You don't give a shit about wholesomee marriage or anything of the sour. All you're doing is trying to dress up your pedophilia in language that you think appeals to our traditionalist sensibilities. Like I've mentioned here anything below 14yo is unnatural and unhealthy since the girl is not physically mature enough.

No you're not, nigger. You're the black lower race that never evolved to the Stone Age. You're the dodo bird. Your extinction is long overdue tbh.


Nigger do you know what an archetype is?

user, no…
Also, you aren't the guy I was replying to. You only have one post…

Why would a kike want us to breed early?

I am the guy you were replying to. Black user, nigger, dark child, whatever.

go back to >>>/islam/ and worship your pedo prophet already.


Courting is just being friends with a young girl. They look up to you and you easily teach them things about the world their fathers don't. Then once they're old enough (puberty) you would marry them and with her parents blessing seeing you've been noble and guided their daughter to virtue.

The lemmings here can't debate this so they just screech and demand you die unless you stand back and ignore every girl under 18 so they get male attention from non whites who have no chivalry instead.

No logic, just emotional group think.

I don't know man. I've been waiting for a while, but the modern world is all a big fucking joke. I think I may just call it quits early. Now if only I had the courage to hang myself.

get >>>/out/ pedo kike

No, you just want to fuck children, faggot. I have very clearly outlined my position and you've ignored it twice like the obvious pedo-kike shill you are. You don't give a shit about courting girls in order to marry them when they're of age. You want to fuck them while their young, which is made ever-more obvious by how you're posting nothing but prepubescent girls.

It really is hilarious how you try to dress up your fetish in language that you think Holla Forumsacks while sympathise with simply to justify your own mental illness. Everyone can see through your nonsense and identify you as the childfucker you are.

I'm just saying a kike wouldn't want us fucking kids.

Courting means not fucking. Thanks for the example of sheep like emotional reaction though. You simply don't believe that whites have the nature to be chivalrous anymore. You think we're just muh dik chimps.

Escapism not working anymore?

WHO WANTS TO COURT A FUCKING 13 YEAR OLD? What the fuck do you have to talk about? You're over on the computer stressing about the Fed raising interest rates and your girlfriend is doing her 7th grade algebra homework.

literally kill yourself

Escapism can only do so much. Probably would be better to die than to live like this anyway.

of course kikes want us fucking kids. They want to push any degenerate, unhealthy, unnatural sexuality there is. They want to disrupt the natural balance of society and corrupt children. Pedophilia is a mental illness as is faggotry, except it's worse because it takes advantage of our next generation.

you say courting but that's merely because you have to lie about your intentions to appeal to people's sensibilities. In reality it's abundantly clear that you sexualise prepubescent children and want to fuck them.

In an ideal world women would be married off by their parents in their early teens (14-15) to a young man capable of supporting a family just as the Romans and later European peoples did. This, however is massively different to what this motherfucker wants, which is sexually immature pre-teens satisfying his degenerate urges.

I'm posting virgins. Should I post non virgins to please you feminist cuck makers? You sound just like sinead.

Nice argument.

Dehumanize yourself to face the real life.

We don't like niggers like yourself around these parts.


It might be degenerate, and corrupt our youth, but it would bring our birth rate above replacement rate, and closer to that of these non-white cunts.

Man, you really do have a lot of pics like that. Keep posting

I got a bike. Close enough

You've just encountered sinead McCarthy. She is hysterically feminist posting in order to chastise every white male here. Bulldykes have an impulse to turn men into sissies.

You're posting PREPUBESCENT children, which already implies they're virgins since they are not mentally or physically developed enough to fuck and have kids. Go ahead and post a toddler as well, because it's fundamentally no different. I'd actually agree with your sentiment if you conceded that the woman must go through puberty before engaging in a relationship with a man (which is exactly what i've been saying this whole time), but it's clearly you only want to promote kiddy-fucking, which is unhealthy, unnatural, and even physically harmful in the case of the child.

Either this faggot wants to romantically court, but not fuck, a 6th grader - or he wants to fuck 6th graders. Either way, the >>>/ovens/ are this way.


Fucking this. Remember when Mardi Gras wasn't for faggots and it was the one day of the year were you would wear a mask and fuck a whore? Me neither, that was 100 years ago, but the fact remains.

Lol sorry. I'll show myself out.

Mostly you would be playing games together and showing her YouTube videos about hitler. You could drive her to ballet class or take her to see some classical art. Being an adult you should have a lot of knowledge and things to teach her.

Tell me what you talk to an adult female about? They're no more intelligent or interesting than a 13yo. But they are less pleasant to be around and more indoctrinated by school and media if that's what you're into….

So let's return to virgin marriages. Problem?

typical kike tactic 1: creating a false dichotomy where you're either a chdilfucking pedo or a rabid feminist

typical kike tactic 2: attributing your disagreement and argument to an easily dismissed strawman personality in order to avoid having to refute the points made.

You've clearly never spent a second of time around young girls, because you'd realise how annoying they are. Actually, it's a good thing you haven't spent much time around children, because you probably would have ended up abusing them

nice try, kike. I'm all for virgin marriages and marrying women off at the earliest age they are sexually mature enough to have children, but that is massive amounts different from what you want, which is legal pedophilia. Get fucked, pedokike.

This is what sinead actually believes.

Your first problem is that you're paying for video games when they're actually free.

This is how you should treat your daughter, not your wife, you degenerate scum. Obviously you like the power imbalance which speaks volumes

Well, let's see, faggot, my wife is an architect who also has a biochem degree and is massively red pilled. Sounds like a typical 5th grader, huh? Since you're too autistic to know how real adults in consensual relationships talk, we talk about economics and government and society and design and the future and science and money and current events and the things going on in our lives and the lives of our families and our observations about things and goals and dreams and successes and every thing you fucking idiot.

I don't know who that is, but post more girls

I spend hours with little girls that's why I know their pure love. It's just what these anons are missing. They're all depressed because older girls are shallow and bitches. Little girls don't judge you in clothing ect. They just want a friend to play with and show them nice things.

Sexualising them would destroy them. The reason they're so lovable is because he they're not perverted but once they are they become demonic normies and there's no salvation.

Nah bro. I think I'm just going to hang myself or something. It's been fun though.

seriously shiggy you shaggy

And this right here is how I know you're full of total bullshit. Young girls don't even know what the fuck "pure love" is yet. You talk about how horrible sexualising young girls is, yet you're very clearly doing just that by talking about them romantically as though they're somehow viable sexual partners. You can hide behind all the flower language you want, but your mental illness is as clear as day. You are a pedophile that wants to fuck physically undeveloped children. You are sick in the head.

Want proof? I'll give it to you baby. All you have to do is suck my bbc every day I get home from work. You're the Jew shill.


Dubs don't lie. You calling kek a liar?



Oh you know it.

Bollocks. People are programmed from the shit they see. It pollutes your mind.

This looks like another shill thread too.

To Germania!

Oh fuck off

WHy did you insert that? And gawd forbid that men have power over girls! We need equality! Same age relationships so the women can control themselves, dont need no man!

ROFL! your wife works while youre a stay at home dad. Beta orbiter confirmed.

If a man fears only fears the loss of his life, then he has nothing to lose.

Seriously though, merely existing is nothing. I myself am under 30, no kids, no wife. Honestly thinking of leaving a good career and joining up. Worst case scenario reserves aren't a bad option, you get to learn everything you need for SHTF scenarios

No faggot, cuddling girls and playing games with them, watchinh anime etc isnt sexualizing them at all. Leaving them to be raised by the media and peers is sexualizing them and sherking your responsibility of protecting the girls of yoru race from Jewish pollution.

Youre a coward. You are afriad people would call you pedo so you think its best MTV raises young girls and their phones and friends. Fucking pathetic just look at the state theyre in because of it.

My way is different, its traditional and proven to work for Europeans because we're noble beings.

Nigger gets two dubs, one double dub in one thread. Kek… was I wrong?


The jew sensing that something is amiss will slide the thread with cp. Beware user

I got over phone anxiety by talking to my mom on the phone. It's different than talking to a real person but you can still get used to hearing the sound of a person's voice through the phone. I realized that the source of the anxiety was the fact that I was nervous about not being able to understand what the other person was saying, and the prospect of having to say "What? What?" repeatedly in what seems like a high-stress situation. Talking to my mom for a long time allowed me to get used to the way voices sound through the phone, and I got much more confident at being able to understand what the other person was saying. This alleviated most of the stress for me, even for friends and strangers, but I still do feel a bit of tension every time.

raising children is the responsibility of their parents, you dirty pedo kike. Watching cartoons and playing games with little girls is something parents and siblings should be doing, not future sexual partners. You try to dress up your unnatural attractionas pure and noble when in reality it is merely your raw lust. Your entire narrative relies on the existence of this corrupt kike-controlled system. "Oh" you say, "the Jews corrupt our daughters with degeneracy so we have a responsibility to create romantic relationships with them when they're too young to even bear children. In a proper world both kikes and'' you pedos wouldn't exist, so it's almost comical how you try to justify one type of degeneracy by citing another.
No I'm not afraid of people "calling me a pedo" since I am objectively not a pedo. I have 0 sexual attraction to prepubescent girls unlike you, which makes me, by the very definition itself, not a pedo. I find it extremely interesting that time and time again you worthless sickos create false dichotomies in which the only two options are "modern MTV degeneracy" and "courting 10 year old kiddies to fuck". I choose neither. I want a world where girls are raised by healthy parents to be good wives, so that when they turn 14 or 15 and/or are sexually mature enough to bear children, they are married off with their parent's blessings to a young man in order to start a family. This is how our ancestors did it gong back to ancient Rome. The key difference between this and what you propose, is that at this age girls have already hit puberty.
No. What I suggest is traditional and European. What you suggest is unnatural garbage. There is no historical precedent for prepubescent girls being married off to adult men whatsoever in European history.


This is historical fact if I've ever seen it.

Don't sell it now, put it in a box and save it. That stuff isn't worth much now (relative to new) but it will be worth a fortune in about 10-15 years. The aim is to sell the games to yuppies who graduate college and get nostalgic about the games of their childhood, people who right now are about 10 years old. Right now n64 games are a bit past the height of their big nostalgia swing, but good-condition popular cartridges still regularly sell for $100+ a pop if they have the original box and manual. Gamecube games are now starting that phase and the prices are already through the roof. Pic related.

Source: I buy vidya at garage sales and sell them online

Jewish media. The degenerate ideals that the media spreads influences our daughters, then they influence the younger generations on how they act around them, the youngest seeks to imitate the oldest, through that be family or from school. Also,

Pictures of more based Bulgarians.


anyone here beaten alcohol addiction?

i'm sitting here with a bottle of baccadi in my bed wondering how i get past it

i tried every philosophical solution i've even got a pdf of the myth of sisyphus tabbed (not read yet too drunk)

Pour it out onto the grass. Destroy it. Fight your fucking demons.

Also form new patterns. Avoid triggers/patterns that usually lead to you drink.

Basically get new hobbies and/or move to a new area.

i've tipped it out before there's always more

So not only did your entire "I just want to cuddle and watch anime" facade crumble after one post, but you also resorted to kike strawmen. I never once said things were fine as they are today, in fact I very clearly stated what I wanted to see happen as an alternative. Nice job proving the point that you pedokikes are nothing but lustful degenerates with a mental illness. You belong in the fucking oven along with the rest of the sexual deviants.

At least you didn't have to go through that shit on the phone with a girl. It's no fun. Also, how fucking autistic are you? You had to be nursed to be able to talk on the fucking phone? You're autistic but I love you anyway.

Give in then you weak faggot. Youre pathetic just end it all now instead of living a dishonourable life. You're degrading your race.


I can't speak for alcohol, but I beat my masturbation addiction. It was actually an accident. How did I do it, you might ask?

I started watching anime. No joke

aight lol

you may never realize the irony of death though, everything you've ever accomplished will come to ruin

I don't want any blacks in my society but I wouldn't kill any more of you than was necessary. I am of the opinion that the black problem could be solved most humanely by just sending them away and letting them live among their own kind. I don't see it as inhumane to let blacks live in tribal jungle conditions any more than it would be inhumane to let lions and elephants live in packs in nature. It's their natural place. And besides, unlike Jews, blacks actually do stay where you put them.
As for you, the talented 1%er, you will also have to go with them. It sucks to be more intelligent than everyone else around you, but that's how many of us autistic whites here feel among our own people as well. High IQ is a burden, but you must learn to find a place for yourself.

Don't feel too bad Mike. At least you didn't have half-jew kids.

Why would you want to let any of that worthless race survive? They have contributed nothing to the advancement of civilisation, science, or culture and are naturally violent and stupid. Removing them would be a net benefit to all of humanity and would free up much needed space and resources for white Lebensraum. Other than cucked egalitarian beliefs held over from a time when you were more liberal, I can't think of a single reason not to exterminate each and every last one of them.

Cattle die, and kinsmen die, And so one dies one's self; One thing now that never dies, The fame of a dead man's deeds.

Its a European concept of honour. Living dishonourably is worse than death. Honour is eternal.

Heat death is more of a problem that we don't understand enough to know if it has a solution, than it is an absolute certainty. Of course there's absolutely no reason why it should be part of the popular zeitgeist as it exists on a timescale beyond human comprehension and only serves to demoralize our people.

get the fuck out.

unless it's an unpopular war

name one hero of the iraq war or the vietnam war

heroes are manifactured for consumption

Simply leave, you retard.


The kikes are scared of this thread, they are afraid of white men improving themselves. They are trying to derail this thread with pedo shit

I could ask you the same about gorillas, elephants, lions, alligators, or any other animal. Not every race of creatures has to contribute to civilization or be docile to deserve to live. Niggers barely deserve to be called human but I do not believe in exterminating every species on Earth that isn't able to produce art. I believe that you have developed a form of anger towards the black race that should be reserved for rational beings. You should not feel the same way about the negative aspects of nature that you do about a person or group of people who have slighted you.

tbh i think he was going for the fatherly angle with it but i don't know

Pedos are disgusting degenerates no matter how they try to dress up their filth

The converse to that is you shouldn't take the decline as an excuse to degenerate yourself. You alone wont be able to save the world, but you can save a few people around you who will together keep alive the chance of a future generation saving themselves (starting the cycle anew).

I'm currently reading through Spengler's Decline and it's a very interesting take on the world that still applies 100 years after publication, we're all looking for the first signs of a new culture to be born out of our decaying civilization, a culture that will absorb the best we still have to offer but reject what kills us.

I thought that at first too, but what ind of father sleeps naked in a bed with his naked daughter? they're not taking a fucking bath.


No you couldn't because those are entirely different species, not races of the human species. As two separate subspecies whites and niggers are locked in a natural evolutionary war for resources, land and dominance. These other species fill an entirely separate niche in the tree of life while niggers act as our most direct competitors. In the natural world competition between similar subspecies is always far more violent and aggressive than between separate species.
Oh save me your pseudo-intellectual moral high-ground bullshit, you cuck. Niggers are blight on this world. They have done nothing but rape and murder our women and consume resources and yet you still, after all of this, coddle them. They do not deserve a single ounce of sympathy. whites made the mistake of trying to "uplift" these subhumans during the first round of colonialism and look what we got in return. This time we need to show no mercy.
I am one with my race. Blacks have not just "slighted" my race, they have declared all-out war against it. You are a traitor to your people if you reject the total eradication of the negro.

They're cuddling.

Never had one. I have beaten my porn addiction though (especially disgusted by 2d porn because art is so very important for the soul of a people). When you beat these addictions it's like standing atop a mountain – really, you start to become a higher being and actually greater than normalfags rather than simply pretending to be. I consider major challenges, struggles, etc. as "dragons" to slay.

All of this is to cultivate the hero. I believe the biggest obstruction to people defeating addictions is a lack of fidelity towards something, and a life without fidelity is one without honour and one without honour is useless and dangerous. In terms of porn, men that dislike or hate women tend to be the most fervent abusers of it, their impotence as men also leads them to fall deeper into the most perverse, dejected depths of disturbed minds (mostly male). Remember that porn, especially hentai, is just a degenerate projection of someone (usually another man), either the artist (or someone paying him) or the jewish director behind the camera, so you in effect masturbate to what's in their head, they just use puppets to show it. Can you still do it knowing that you're jacking off to another man's perversions?

As for alcohol addiction, I have no experience in it so I can't really say much other than: seek out the reason you're using it. Are you doing it to be social? Are you doing it to try and mask your shit life? Are you doing it because you have nothing better to spend your money on? Channel your will into other things; find a catalyst that is genuine in your heart to help you. That goes for any addiction.

You just traded for a new addiction

You HAVE to have/find a goal that alcohol impedes. Then you have to ask yourself what is more important. That goal that gives you true happiness(lasting happiness), or stupifying yourself because it makes you feel happy on a temporary basis.

As people often say, try lifting. If lifting isn't your thing try fighting. MMA boxing, whatever.

You cant be a drinker and try to develop yourself physically. It dries your body out.

I want to go out drinking after working out but I don't because I'll probably vomit whey everywhere.

When you feel like taking the easy way out, FIGHT it. Get angry. Then use that feeling to propel yourself away from your addiction.

You'll feel really good. Better than you've ever felt.

It's being static that does me in. If there's an active goal, something I'm constantly moving towards, I'm fine, I can weather just about anything. But when there are periods where I have to wait for the next step or to be given an opportunity to move forward, my mind wanders, my spirit dampens. I think part of it is because in these slow spells, I'm able to look around and see how messed up things are, how far we've fallen, and how many people just won't be able to be saved. It's depressing. And of course, as I see the masses of blissfully unaware casuals, I can't help but wonder "Can I actually do this? Can we actually manage this? What a Herculean task set before us.. The loss of friends and family is happening now, the loss of job opportunities, the loss of any chance of a decent career.." on and on and on..

Most days I can just put these thoughts off as I do busy-work, but on days like today, where can I go? What can I do? I feel defective on days like today

I never understood this.

Just read some Nietzsche like 20 minutes ago. Good shit. I like the way philosophy makes my brain think.

Sounds like you're just getting started reading that stuff. I'd recommend more entry level stuff like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Don't take entry level as a bad thing either.It's more like building blocks for higher level thinking.

Later philosophers built their thoughts off of these guys. It's like scaffolding almost.

I'm usually able to get by alright. Read a large chunk of 'Divina Commedia. But yeah, I have a whole book full of Plato's dialogues. I'm just gonna have to get through it. Was watching The Republic'' on Jewtube with a narrator, might go back and finish that up too. I'm smart enough to figure out what they're talking about regardless but I get your point definitely.

Also, on a side note, I really like Plato's format.

Yeah the dialogs are nice.

I don't know, I just really like the Socratic Method and I don't think enough people know it. It's a really basic logic framework that any layman could understand, but almost no one uses it for argumentation.

People just yell at each other willy nilly. It's really sloppy and embarrassing.

this whole gd thread seems to be jew bs actually considering dumb asses trying to associate amalekites with the whites current day .Stop listening to jew bs regardless what happened back then has nothing to do with the price of tea in china and should all be taken objectively by competent White MALES!!! lol A jew is cancer on any homogeneous white race because they are jealous we look like gods and they look like run of the mill shit skins …It is jealousy White men and women are by far the most good looking ppl on the planet those inbred jews hate it because they are just fucking ugly unless they mix with us and even then their offspring looks a bit off and retarded

Mhm. I like the way he, or Plato really, pins them intellectually. So that by their own admission, they're wrong.

Who said I was addicted? I don't masturbate anymore because I simply haven't felt the inclination to do so since I started watching anime.

This is going to sound hard to believe, but you just replaced the dopamine rush you got from beating it with a dopamine rush from watching cartoons.

The reason you beat an addiction is because it is a happy waste of time that is holding back your true potential.

Unless you're going to start doing youtube commentary on anime, you're wasting your time and probably addicted.

That being said anime is an excellent supplement/ reward for hardwork.

Watch it after you do something you didn't feel like doing.

You really have to trick yourself and reward yourself selectively for doing tasks, because no one is going to do that shit for you.

lol alcholic reporting in

i learned japanese so well from cartoons that i apparently know two languages

emptiness remains always, it eats at everything you do every decision. you are alone with yourself and are you happy? no, death is the ultimate answer but nobody says its a good one

This has gotten me to get better at exercising. I used to beat off 4 times a day. Now I do two exercise sessions, two fap session and I feel… well, not better, just that I'm doing a better job.

Thank you, and I must agree with you. If people act on tribalism then that is the rational conclusion (moving back to Africa). Thought of this myself… Would I be okay with that? The answer lies not in whether I'd be okay with it, but whether or not it'd ethically be right for me to do otherwise. That's a no. Then again there are plenty of mixed race girls out there. Could just let my genes disseminate and change rather than allow them the chance to become dumbed down… As traitorous as that is, it works against the Zionist agenda. That's if I'm correct in my presupposition of genetics and the law of averages/regression towards the mean working the way I think they do. In other words I'd be helping myself and you by mating with someone not within the white gene pool. She wouldn't find anyone of your race and I'd find a way to possibly beat regression towards that magical number of 85. Les Enfant Terribles. I must defeat the Patriots

No, you seem to misunderstand. The reason I lost the urge to jack off was because I realised how shallow and worthless it was. As stupid as this may sound, I came to this realisation after watching romantic anime that I guess provided me with the emotional fulfillment I used to crave by masturbating. I wasn't trying to stop masturbating, to be honest, it just happened involuntarily. After that I simply lost the urge to fap and now when I think about it, I realise just how devoid of emotion and entirely empty it is. I don't feel the least bit attached on a primal level to anime nor is it consuming me, I just find it interesting that it inadvertently helped me achieve nofap. Say what you will, but I would much rather watch tv shows than be consumed by my primal sexual urges.

Beta philosophy. This is the book nazi germany was based on

Power is the only answer. You can find happiness in goal seeking behavior. The sky is the limit when you're chasing power. You can go your whole life chasing it. There's always another guy that's smarter than you or stronger than you. Domination and expansion is the true ultimate answer. Until all bow before your memes.

Try having the temperance to not fap the day before you exercise, and not on the day of untill after you've finished your sets. It feels great to reward yourself for patience and hardwork.

You'll also have more testosterone from denying yourself which gives you more power to life. Yelling also helps.

You're telling me that through pure self disgust you were able to beat an addiction? And it has nothing to do with this new near infinite fun hobby you've picked up? I call bullshit.

All is chemicals in the brain, and you're just using a different source to stimulate the same ones.

Hey how about instead of being a nigger you post a link to a pdf of that book. Thanks.

I sort of do, because I am under constant surveillance thanks to being "kidnapped" before.

Well maybe I was wrong to have called it an addiction in the first place, because it didn't really exhibit the signs of an addiction. I probably should have just referred to it as a bad habit that I did out of routine and boredom. I only masturbated about 3-5 times a week, and it was something that I had done since I was about 12. At first it was to porn, but after finding Holla Forums and realising how harmful porn was, I cut that out and stuck almost exclusively to images of beautiful women. I tried nofap a few times but ultimately lost motivation and relapsed. I didn't really have any intention of quitting but I kinda wanted to. Then I started watching anime, specifically romantic movies/series, and I just lost the urge to fap. Thinking about it now, it just feels like something I've left behind without any real urge to return to. My only interpretation of what happened was I subconsciously yearned for romantic emotional fulfillment so I chased the closest thing to that that I knew - sexual gratification through masturbation. I guess since I started watching anime this urge was satisfied enough for me to lose interest in jacking off. I know see masturbation as something unfulfilling and devoid of any real emotion.

Don't misinterpret me by thinking I'm saying "I have no real world desire to find romantic emotional fulfillment", because that isn't what I mean at all. I'll I'm saying is that urge to jack off was inadvertently "cured" by watching anime and now I have no interest in doing so.

I suppose this thread is relevant enough to ask;

What are some approved red-pilled accredited universities in America and abroad? I already have my MA picked out but for my BA/BS I need a humanity-ish education and cannot stomach anything Marxist revisionist or progressive SJW shit. Is it even possible to find a proper historical/anthropological education anymore?

Money isn't really an issue but I would prefer to stay in the US if possible.

Fellow alcoholic here. It's the most insidious drug there is, in my opinion. I kicked both weed and stimulants cold turkey when I was in my early 20s and haven't touched either in six years, nor do I have any desire to. But every time I try to kick alcohol I get powerful psychological cravings that can't be really be described, only experienced. It almost feels like being possessed or something. I'm unable to feel relaxed or calm without booze.

I wish I could point you toward a miracle cure, but it's something I still struggle with intensely. Apparently naltrexone has a high success rate in helping people quit. I've managed to stay off booze for weeks at a stretch, and a trazodone prescription was a big help with that. I've found that it dampens the cravings and makes me tired enough that I can just crash into bed without feeling the need to drink.