Europarl Prez Warns 20 Million Africans Could Come to Europe in the Next Few Years

Europarl Prez Warns 20 Million Africans Could Come to Europe in the Next Few Years
Aw, no concentration camps.
20 fucking million!!!! These people are out of their minds!!

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, (((they've))) been talking about taking as many as a billion Africans by the end of the century. I hate the Jews so much.

The fuck.

Only 1,000,000,000?! You filthy little racist goy, you'll take at least 3,000,000,000 and like it!

I bet less than a billion would already be enough for the Calergi plan of Eurasian African subhuman mutt race to succeed.

An user here once said that the only reason we mostly have taken mudslimes so far is to get us used to the ever growing flow of Africans. At first we take arabs who at least resemble us as humans, then after we've been completely demoralized they'll start taking the whole Africa here.

Just throwing resources away.

Gentlemen, I propose we stop this Jewish plan.


It's like paying the mob so they don't come and fuck your shop or restaurant up. Exact same logic.

Once France elects Le Pen, it's over.

Mother of g-d, how can these communists operate so openly? That money invested at home and not in a black hole would give much more prosperity.
Gunboats in the Mediterranean and sink ships that want in.


Simply not picking them up right off the Libyan coast (!!!) would be enough. And then Brussels has the gall to talk about millions of Africans coming to Europe, as if that happened randomly and on it's own.

You best be memeing, son.

(((NGOs))) have been shuttling niggers with absolutely no oversight.

trolled softly

When the fuck are Europeans gonna start bombing shit and killing people?

When their (((leaders))) are ash.

And how's that gonna happen if nobody's killing them?

Didn't the Italian navy sink those bastards, but got caught and had to transport them to Italy instead?

What do you recommend, JIDF?

Maybe once or twice out of anger but it certainly isn't SOP.

SOP is identifying them off the Libyan coast, transferring the invaders from their dinghy boats (which btw aren't even completely fuelled because the smugglers know exactly they will be picked up) to the European navy ships, bringing them all the way crossing the entire mediterranean to Italy. Google Mare Nostrum.

Reminder that these faggots even sink their own boats to get picked up by european ngos and costguard. Sometimes it doesn't quite work out. Check out the fantastic comment section.

I feel as if that would be an amazing business.

They're neoliberals. To them humans are just numbers you put into an equation and all their equaton shows that increased young population => stronger economy. They're so isolated from the real world outside their universities, inner city coffee bars, banks, media headquarters and parlaments that they can't tell the difference between a nigger straight out of Africa and a European.

lel, kikes still trying to stick it to Italians for allying to Germany.

Another side to this operation is a power grab by the EU so they can take control of the external borders of the EU. Schengen is AFAIK left to the individual state, but with the emigration problem that they themselves caused, they have an excuse to step in with a multinational force to keep the doors open to shitskins.
It's so obvious and so malicious, yet individual countries do little against it since they would loose gibs and have their economy imploded due to the (((Euro banking crisis))) and the conditions that the private ECB set for them.

Let me say just one thing: If it weren't for Brexit and Trump, we'd be pretty much doomed. Even our lefties east europe are now actively going against EU and praising Trump Melanija being our plant has probably much to do with it.

it will never be ENOUGH, NEVER

after those 20.000.000, the next batch will come over

after 62 billion € in aide, the next 62 billion will demanded

fineprint: The European Commission has already agreed to send €62 billion in aid to a number of African countries including Mali, Nigeria, and Sudan in the hopes that better conditions at home will "DISSUADE" African economic migrants from making the trip north into Europe.

in other words:

"please UMFUFU stay here and help built a better africa"

"no, OBONGO, i will go to europe and get free gibmedats"

"i understand UMFUFU, well at least i tried to dissuade him, i'm tired, time for a nap"

Europe has to implode before anything will ever change

It's Gadaffi's revenge

ghaddafi is still a shit skin idiot and you are a twat for promoting him
and you are a failure as a man to keep jews out of your country

Gadaffi wanted to make Africa great for Africans and was killed for it.

gahdaffi named the jew and israel while assad was laughing his ass off

i tell why i called gahdaffi and idiot: he dont understands
1) islam is a jew sect
2) saudia arabia is a anglo-kike creation
3) saudia camel family are jews based to a (((king))) system. in case you know islam, muslims dont have kings

and this is why he lost his life - he didnt understand the jew
he thought the saudis and european puppets are his friends becuse they have met up with him

he also didnt understated that russia is a jew controlled bi-pol. if usa agrees with russia on crashing a country like iraq, it will be crashed, and russia abandoned lybia because ghaddafi didnt allowed them to help him unlike assad did in last minute.
thats the only reason why assad is still alive, while sadam and ghaddafi not


Qaddafi wasn't a dictator, they had direct democracy in Libya. The only actual power he had is introducing new laws, that might or might not be voted in.

Being careless and making bad decisions aside he did keep the migrants at bay, which most Europeans never will publicly thank him for. It was just convenient to shut one's eyes.

Made this quickly (data is from last summer). Link in pic includes num facebook users as well. I just thought it could be interesting to compare the number in the OP with the number of internet users in the northern countries.

he didnt

please tell me where you got your source from
i will not laugh at you, i promise

Well, he sure as hell wasn't a saint. He raped countless girls.

thats fake rubbish proven to be made up as a click bait to earn some pennies with ads

First sentence of the article

Into the trash it goes, you should read less propaganda, m8.

Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand…


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, user! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy user?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful; my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy…~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? …Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, user! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!

Le Pen is about to hit the slammer

Is this pasta?

I could've used countless other articles saying exactly the same. Stop worshipping shitskins.


you know at this stage i say let them come
the average normie in europe is still way too comfortable, let millions of invaders come over to disrupt his bread and circusses then we will have change, added pluspoint is the faster they bankrupt social security the better
i doubt the ballotboxes will mean anything the eu has quite the history of disregarding these

By CNN and MSNBC I bet. Iran is tyrannical and should be invaded too, am I right?

Fuck off, kike.

CNN is basicaly only legit source out there

Right now, no. If we ever get in a situation where we can take their land and populate it with europeans, sure.
Fuck all people from the middle east, just because they hate kikes and are loosely related to us doesn't make them our friends.

Imagine the billions that Europe could save if instead of paying to import shitskins by the boatload and put them on a lifetime of welfare benefits, they simply invested the money to enforce their borders.

Of course, border control and saving money was never the objective of these kikes so I'm just asking rhetorical questions. Their true goal is replacement of the white race in Europe.



It's the exact opposite of what natsoc stands for.

Disagree. In an ideal natsoc world, whites would eventually run out of room in our own countries and need to start expanding our borders (think Andrew Jackson and Manifest Destiny). Of course, this isn't the top priority right now since we're rapidly becoming minorities in our own countries. We need to reclaim our nations before we think about spreading out.


Gadaffi threatened to send millions of Negros to Europe.

He didn't know that was (((the plan))) all along.

Gadaffi wanted to islamize Europe.

National Socialism isn't some Cecil Rhodes kike imperialism.

Similar to claim the Irish IRA was about conquest of China.

chaim, pls.

Gaddafi created heaven for the Libyans, now it's just a shithole.

Bwahahaha how stupid do you actually have to be to consider that a good idea? These people really don't know their arse from their elbow, and are the sole reason Europe is in such a disgusting mess.

They are quite literally throwing wads of cash at africa and wishing the problem away with a miracle.

We all know what happens when you feed a stray cat. It keeps coming back for more every single day.

The problem is the EU is 28 (27) countries. It's hard to get anything done in 1 country, nevermind 28. That's why any kind of political union is inherently doomed to fail. Of course, the EU kikes are well aware of this, it's why they have a bunch of unelected, overpaid yes-men to pass all of the legislation.

Are you suggesting the stray cat be killed?

Go back to cuckchan. Your Jewish lies won't work here.

62 billion was enough to build a nice wall, instead we just amplified the phenomenon by encouraging them to breed even more.
The end is near.

62 billion is enough to build U-boats that will sink any fucking rapefugee shit boat.

under estimating by a factor of ten to keep people from panicking

fucking (((*)))



So it wasn't a joke Qaddafi told us he was keeping the niggers in check. Fuck kikes.

The EU will have a hard time footing these bills when they begin to dissolve by this time next year.

Anyone else notice the star of david on the ceiling in that Gaddafi video?

Or Europe could stop picking them up in the bloody Mediterranean. And sink the smuggler and "activist" boats before they get to Africa to pick them up in the first place

ahmed please
ghaddafi wanted to choke as much money out of europe as he can by threatening europe to give him money or else niggers.

ghadaffi stole european money and made with european money a half way shit hole for lybian camel sand niggers
its still was a shit hole

go get drunk in israel as you always do

He thought it was a threat, but when the Jew realized he was right it put a six-pointed bullseye right on his head.

Now I know how normalfags feel when they watch cute cat videos.

I dare you kikes, do it!

Honestly if somebody nuked Africa into a crater tomorrow nobody would bat an eyelid.

Start shooting and sinking those rickity-ass boats though and see how fast they stop coming.

I mean you don't even have to go that far. Australia worked it out. Escort the boats straight back to their origin, and for the few fuckers that do get through, stick them in prison on an island, giving the 'refugees' the chance to claim asylum in a third-world shithole like Guyana. Solved.

One of them WILL be the nigger that breaks the camels back. The European welfare state and its funding is already stretched to the max. At this point, an economic crash and ensuing race war/civil war is INEVITABLE. Just let it happen sooner before more shitskins have more kids and fuck up the demographics or historical landmarks

The race war is probably the biggest Holla Forums meme I don't believe will come true, but it's looking pretty likely now. would be interesting for this to happen in our lifetime.

I hope you are right, user.

The race war LARPers dream is highly unlikely. If society breaks down and resources become too scare where the government tit can't sustain the masses anymore then it will lead to inevitable civil chaos right? I believe it's at that point the "race war" will occur. Natural tribalism will kick in at that point and racially homogenous gangs will form by proxy trying to kill the "others" for basic human resources

Let's kill Gadaffi, they said.
What could possibly go wrong, they said.

That's the plan user. They need a distraction for the global financial meltdown. Many speculated it would be a World War and I was always against that myself even after 9/11 happened. People would laugh when I said a Civil War or Revolutionary War (really one and the same) was more likely.

Race War was always the contingency. It's far easier to force than getting the entire world to slaughter each other, especially in the digital age where they cannot control the narrative.