U.S. census aims to give Middle Easterners an alternative to ‘white’ for the first time

US Census Bureau calls for new Middle Eastern, Hispanic categories


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This is good, we need accurate information. We need too understand the problem properly to deal with it.

Trump effect?

Good, get more accurate statistics for when we round 'em up

They're actually claiming we're 72% white "officially", but when you dig deeper and subtract that they're counting 1 in 2 hispanics as hu'white then you get your missing 10%.

Non-White Hispanic is already 62% and dropping fast with Asians now making up the largest immigration number through Mexico in recent years and decade. If anything this will be better for accuracy, but the reason for this is twice as shitty. This basically opens up Affirmative Action programs to far more people now.

AA is the one thing that boils my fucking blood. Some beaner or gook can come into this country, not even be a FUCKING CITIZEN, and be wide open to getting ahead in life. Heads must fucking roll at this point. Anything else would be against nature.

This is exactly what is going to occur. 60% white is almost certainly bullshit, you think the massive waves of immigrants are outnumbered by plains states and certain parts of New England? Not a chance.

Nah, they announced this plan several months ago.

Of that 62% "white", 2-3% is Jewish/Arabic. I don't know what % of people who identify as Hispanic are actually of European descent though.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. When you subtract the ~6 million Jews, West Asians, Middle Easterners, and ~6 million race mixing whites the number is probably 55%.

this is a good thing, shill

RWDS need you to be bold with your views, hiding them is no longer an option. Every time you speak loudly and proudly of your beliefs - a man that thought he was alone is also emboldened.

There are millions of Pajeets in America, which category do they select?

Almost 4 millions of them to be exact.

This is a really good thing. It will redpill whites as they notice that whites in reality commit almost zero crime, and that pretty much all crimes under "white" are actually committed by spics and arabs that are categorized as white by the state.

Also let's not forget that the average age for whites is higher than for immigrants.
Once the boomers start dying off you'll see that we are already almost a minority in the under 40s in some white countries.

Is there not an SEA/Indian subcontinent racial category?

I don't think so, they would either pick White or Asian. According to my memory, there is White, Black, Asian, Native American/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native, and Two Or More Races. Then there is a separate question for 'Regardless of race, do you consider yourself Hispanic yes/no?' The combination of the two questions is how "non-Hispanic Whites" are calculated and that would include Jews and Muslims (who are thought to be 2% of the population each, totalling -4% to non-Hispanic White count).


Weird considering the massive disctinction between a chink/jap/korean and an indian/paki/bangladesh.

Yeah I know, it doesn't make any sense.

Even if they add an arab option the 60% figure is only going to go down to about 58% because the spics will always insist on checking the white box even when they can't pass a simple color test.

Surprisingly, Obama did it just before he left office.


88 confirms the kikes have to register as semites and can't LARP as whites any more.

The new census will discover that America is actually less than 50% white

Americans are a fucking joke, calling everyone else cucks when these other countries are actually more white than they are.

Good for you, you elected a civic nationalist at best who constantly talks about fixing "the inner cities" and hasn't once explicitly brought up anti-white bias or the shrinking white demographic

You elected a guy who said nothing even as four niggers torturing a mentally handicapped white kid became national news but he fucking JUMPS at every chance he can get to condemn jewish cemetary false flags and other nigger false flags

If trump is pro-white, hes not explicitly pro-white and the fact that trump is not coming out and making real, explicit pro-white statememts even as he is president and would receive no negative results for doing so, he still doesnt. Either a pussy or he really is just a race-blind civic nationalist which is just sad

Cling to your guns, go ahead, its fucking laughable. You will be 30% white in 2040 still clinging to your guns and not using them. "soon we white gun owners will use them to take back the country" give me a fuckimg break, you should have already been doing so, whites arent going to be a majority even in less than ten years.

Wait, this is saying that Jews aren't white, right?

Hey Britcuck how's getting kicked off your board for the nth time

As expected. Absolutely Delusional

This is the situation facing the entirety of the West. Your sperg out reveals you as the kike you are.

Remember that your britkike christcucks aren't welcome


Theres are 40% chance you arent even white

'Sandnigger' or 'Goatfucker'?

There's a 90% your women are getting rapes en masse while you deem it a worthwhile use of your time to come whine about American demographics when the slope of the demographic change curve is a lot higher for you britkikes. Bin that knife lad, even Nigel left your pisshole airstrip.

t. united arab kingdom

A nigger rapes a white woman every 20 minutes in America

Then fucking do something about it. The east you could do is start a thread for destroying nigger rapists. dox and destroy, send the info to the brotherhood, they'll do it for free as a test for recruits.

As if the UK is any better.

checked and rekt

This was actually proposed by Obama, I think. Either way it plays into our own hands. White crime statistics will drop sharply with goatfuckers and beaners out of the picture and separated out. America needs to be as divided between white and otherwise as possible. Normies need to see.

Youre the only one talking about the UK, friend, and im not from there. But thanks for proving my entire point


And then you consider the average age of a White American is 52, and you realize a lot of boomers are going to die off soon and leave their one child houses holding the bag

don't fall for the d&c

No this is only going to be for Arabs and MAYBE Israelis. Kikes will still claim to be white.

but then Caucasians are a protected minority and all of a sudden affirmative action applies right?

Ha, good one. See South Africa for how bad things can get whilst still casting whites as the evil privileged oppressors.

wut? what do you call kikes with dual israeli citizenship then? The kikes in our gov with dual citizenship aren't israelis?

point taken but South Africa isn't as well armed and we aren't surrounded (until canada falls to the muslims)

Yeah that wasn't clear. I mean US-based, non-dual citizenship kikes, the subset of global jewry. No way are they registering as 'middle eastern'.

So what's your solution then? What's your plan?

but all US born kikes have israeli dual citizenships. So…

>In a report suggesting changes to 2020 Census forms, the bureau called for adding a new “Middle Eastern or North African” category designed to count those in the U.S. who identify as one of about 19 nationalities, including Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian and Israeli.

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually a way for them to try to encourage the genocide of actual whites, show non-whites that whites are a minority, distinguish between Jews and actual whites, then unleash the shitskinned hordes upon us.



Why can't you find a waifu who isn't drawn by such a terrible artist?

Stop posting that shitty cartoon everywhere, I went and watched the first episode to see if it was actually good. It was the most autistic shit I've ever seen. Last good anime was the one about the calligrapher who goes to live on the island. Neck yourself.

well if that's what they want…then some will live and some won't

How is a brazilian supposed to fill that?



kek this is absolutely wonderful


Of course Kikes are going to start saying they are not White now now they've built up a sufficient amount of anti-White hatred in this country. Fucking shape shifting parasites.

Kikes will continue to pretend to be white, then when pressed or caught out will exclaim their jewishness and thus absolution of any conceivable guilt or 'privilege'.

your waifu has nigger lips. can you not see that, or do you like nigger lips?



Sensitive fucking Americans. Pathetic

Tipping your hand Shlomo?

It's not that weird when you realize this was written during the Johnson/Nixon administration and all these others fuckers weren't in the country hardly. Before that people were just colored or white or injuns with a small smattering of chinks/japs/mexis out west.


Great, we'll finally be able to see just how fucking close to Brazil the US is.

There is also "other/prefer not to say".
I "prefer" not to answer any of the questions. They already know who lives here.

not really that much different tbh, it's like abbos and niggers, they're different but not as much different.
Both Asians are hive-race pack-rat mentality with preponsity to tyranny and cults, though the northeasterners more of the former and southerners more of the latter.

real "white" is like 57% at this point, we had a thread on it awhile back. 57-60% is an acceptable number, however many of those non-whites are under 18 and most of the whites are over 50.

in case you didn't get it yet, this is our last stand already and if Europe falls, America will too in time. There is no protection. This whole system was designed and controlled for decades to bring us to extinction.

Canada won't fall to the muzzies, chinks will get rid of them as they move towards eastern Canada.

Pajeets are considered white by census.

If you want some insights into what whites in SA had to deal with, AfricanCrisis on YouTube. Guy is fully redpilled on kikes after seeing them use the niggers to utterly destroy, rape and murder white South Africans whilst collegeniggers across the West cheered on with glee.

This is fucking insane.

Yep. If Trump can't get anything done, then we will see whites at less than 50% in a decade. But we will still be privileged and slated for extinction of course.

Historically America only had whites, blacks, and some natives. The categories just never kept up with rapidly changing demographics. Pajeets didn't even start coming in large numbers until the 90s afaik.