Two trannies killed in New Orleans within 48 hours
They were almost certainly prostitutes. These likely aren't even "hate crimes", just standard risks of doing that kind of business.
The only thing that really works to prevent prostitutes from getting murdered is to simply criminalise the demand, but in the case of tranny prostitutes I really don't care what's done to them.
tbh I have no sympathy for fags who bait straight guys by pretending to be a girl. you knew what was going to happen.
Why did I spit my drink out and even worse why am I wearing my ex wife right now who died six years ago
wow, it's fucking nothing.
That or they surprised a Jamal. Without non-negroid genes a nigger woman is so manish you can't really tell until the pecker flops out.
It's fucking new orleans, people are murdered their everyday for no fucking reason but when ithappens to a tranny it MUST be transphobia.
I would a million times rather see straight black men go. Faggots are the least of my concern. Straight non-white men need to go.
Because last time i checked "someone hurt my feelings" isn't a criminal offense for fucks sake.
= we give the cops as little info as possible to work with, voluntarily choose not to report crimes and STILL these shitlord police do not do enough to protect us.
Yet another FBI thread
After the removal of the school bathroom thing, I looked up violence on tranny's because they were yelling that violence against them has been on the rise. Out of the 48 I saw published, 80% were black. Do you think there's a connection? I feel they aren't being targeted because they are trans, I bet you anything they were whores who got killed because tyrone found out she had a dick when he wanted more than a dick suck.
LOL- it is New Orleans! Enough murders there to satisfy everyone. As to "make America Tranny Free again". Just when was it ever???
NUKE the place, let the Gulf take-over.
sides = obliterated
This is exactly what it is. Niggers are only tolerant of this shit when they are in prison. You do that shit on the outside, and you're getting killed
You got a convenient link or did you have to source it from different sites?
you have to go back
Considering how many gay "DL" niggers there are out there I'm surprised this isn't happening constantly.
this tbh.
That means they're men right?
Somewhere in New Orleans there roams a hero
Telling that it happened just before Ash Wednesday. It's like a good citizen decided to do justice as an act of OT-style reparation before the holy season of penance began.
Definitely just standard New Orleans crime. Does anyone have the write up of what living in New Orleans was like immediately after the hurricane? I remember there was a group of white tourists who were in the thunderdome and had to band together lest be beat up or raped by niggers.
are you denyin niggers are more often gay than white men?
Watch out you might trigger Common Spic and his shitskin fans
Also I wasn't asking about gay niggers, I was asking about the murder rate for nigger on tranny.
Every fucking time.
The murder rate of trannies is lower than the national murder rate. I calculated it myself about 5 years ago for yelling at commies on kikeberg. Thank fuck I got so disgusted and left. Using FBI murder stats and the info from tranny rights group that tracks murders of trannies worldwide. Don't remember the numbers I used for trannies in the US. It worked out that they had a murder rate of 1-1.5 per 100k whereas the national average is 4.5ish in recent years. It's 3-4x safer to be a tranny. This is all murders against trannies as well. Of course the tranny groups claims transphobia for all of them, but just like this case many/most probably involved prostitution/drugs. I didn't break down for race. If work is slow this morning, I might do it again just for something to do.
On a tenuously related note, is there any chance of New Orleans and Louisiana as a whole becoming unpozz'd in the future?
Completely unrelated, but we really need that for the wall.
CY +1 was the deadliest year on record for trannies. They were murdered by the thousands by racist, cishet, white males simply for the act of being degenerates. I wish. The truth is 27 were killed. and that number is inflated as admitted in this source.
This tranny source says 22. A quick jewgle search saw the numbers 21 and 27 getting tossed around by the judenpresse most often.
As you can see. Most were shitskins and most were men pretending to be women. This is evident just by the names without the little blurb about them. Since white on shitskin violence is comparably low. It is logical that most of these shitskins were in fact killed by other shitskins. The Bureau of Justice Statistics used to analyze interracial violence in the National Crime Victimization Survey, but stopped doing so. You have to go back to the 2008 statistics because under king nigger's administration, this table was removed. I wonder why.
Now lets get down to more numbers. The latest data from 2016 says that there are 1.4M tranny adults living in the US. This is double the previous estimate.
Well as you can see from the sources on tranny murders, only one of them was a minor. There is no estimate for tranny kids conducted in any sort of reasonable method that I could find. Plus, using the adult stat will inflate the final result and show just how oppressed trannies are and how they have to fear for their lives every day.
and implies that an estimated 1.4 million adults in the U.S. identify as transgender.
So here is how the numbers break down.
The murder rate for the general population for 2015 is, drumroll please:
As per FBI crime stats. Unfortunately 2016 stats are not available yet, though the preliminary stats released for Jan-June indicate a rise in the murder rate to 5.2 per 100K.
Wait a second. Even using the most ideal available information to inflate their murder rate, it's still less than half the murder rate for the country? Yes. Now tranny groups will talk about how there are untold numbers of victims who were misgendered or didn't lead a tranny lifestyle, etc. Remind them that this info is being provided by their sources. Nothing better is available. These are the same people who say faggots make up 10% of the population and trannies make up 3%. Both are demonstrably false. They're so fucking narcissistic and wrapped up in their own bullshit that they cannot comprehend how they aren't millions of people wallowing in mental illness, drugs, and degeneracy just like them.
New Orleans is a crime infested shit hold. How many murders of other people happened during the same time period that the media doesn't care about reporting?
trips of truth
It's like poetry. "Female" former WWF wrestler Chyna was a tranny faggot too.
She just had a clitoris the size of a penis.
Interesting that this happens after some user posted excerpts from "Hunter" only a day ago. Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but still, fun to think about
That's why I stopped listening to him. As soon as he started ripping on Anglos every few minutes, started saying ISIS was sent by God, that Whites deserve to die, and that White girls fuck dogs, I just quit. It still amazes me the following he has despite the constant "Not the Jews, Not the Jews, Not the Jews… You know who's to blame right? Whites/Queers!"
I live in New Orleans. This city is 70% nigger and walking around the majority of the city (that hasn't been cleaned up with 24-hr security for tourists) will remain one of a third-world warzone.
As much as I wish these were hate crimes, they're probably just random homicides since murder is an everyday occurrence here. When niggers are shooting other niggers every single day, they're bound to drop a tranny or two in the carnage.
I hate this city fyi in case it wasn't obvious.
They were killed by black men whom they tricked. Traps are gay
most trannies get murdered by minorities who think they will get outed by them after sleeping with them
The Phalanx flag will be flown at half-staff in the memory of these two brave members of the African American Alt-Right.
Honestly, can't even tell the difference with the chimp on the left.
I believe the reason why "trannies" have a higher rate of being victims of murder is due to some many of them being involved with prostitution.
No user. You are the joke.
No, you're fucking subhuman. Back to twatter rat.
What the fuck, I love New Orleans now.
It's hell getting coffee out of longpig leather.
Well, this sucks. Does it say which sex has what percentage of gender dysphoria?
Fun fact: Niggers fall for trannies ALL THE FUCKING time. Since sexual dimprphism is so low amongst the negro, oftentimes trannies appear more feminine than your average sheboon, as a tranny is more likely than not wearing makeup, feminine clothes etc whereas your average female ape won't even shave their mustaches.
Also niggers are all DL faggots. Most of these trannies got murdered, not becasue they fooled the nigger, but beccause he was consumed in a fit of post dick-sucking shame/rage.
Yes. New Orleans is a really nice place in a lot of ways–de facto segregation is stronger there than almost any other "diverse" city I've lived in, there's a reasonable supply of redpilled whites, there's actual local culture. Schools are an issue if you have kids (there are some good Catholic schools, but they cost money), but homeschooling is an option.
Whites in New Orleans don't put up with the kind of shit they do elsewhere. Mitch Landrieu tried to have a bunch of Confederate monuments torn down, when legal options for resistance failed a contractor who was considering taking on the project got his Lamborghini torched. No one was arrested for it, and the monuments are all still there.
Thanks to roids.
probably by other trannies. I'm a bit of a masochist and I like to research social subgroups on social media, a majority of these people are deranged enough to harm themselves and other with no sense of remorse whatsoever. They're psychotic and befriend other psychotic people, usually a disaster waiting to happen.
it's amazing how Holla Forums seems to get flooded with an endless sea of leader-following retards who just can't get enough of e-celeb dick on a daily basis and tries to share a mouthful of that dick with the rest of us, regardless how many times their prophets get exposed as fakes and frauds.
seriously kill yourselves.
>oy vey goyim if even Hitler was a fag with a micropenis then why respect anyone?
aaaand reported.
No. The study doesn't break that down because it's a shitty study. They asked the question as shown in their methodology, but did not provide the results. Presumably because it does not fit their narrative. I've wondered about it as well, but never seen hard data. All anecdotal evidence points to the overwhelmingly majority being feminized men pretending to be women. The causes have been posted on Holla Forums many times. Most notably the expose to various estrogen compounds within food and plastics. My own observations are that there are plenty of dyke lesbians and made up shit like in pic related, but they eschew the title of transgendered man. Very few women actually want to get a fake dick sewn to them.
Hey, that list leaves off my preferred gender description, you shitlord.
I couldn't use the same filename if I was using your pic.
I'm gonna go off the beaten path and predict it's a post-op tranny who realized they'll never be a woman, and is going postal on the community that convinced them to do it.
Very possible, but so few trannies actually get surgery you can't find the statistics on it. Go and jewgle it. They never give percentages. Only excuses. Because even if you're so mentally ill you think that genitals don't matter, you still recognize the dangers of unnecessary surgery.
Its funny how you usually miss the latter half of what he says, whites deserve what they get if they keep supporting this. And its true. If we as a people keep heading in a downward spiral like we are now with faggotry, than our extinction will be our fault and we will deserve it. If we are to become greater and rise above it than we need to disown white traitors.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jimbo.
Go back to cuckchan you fag enabling loser.
Tulane grad here. We call it Jewlane and it red pilled me before I even found Holla Forums. New Orleans is degenerate and mostly because of the nigger and kike population. White are brainwashed or purple pilled over there. The old guys are red pilled though.
Can confirm. Mostly niggers killing other niggers but sometimes they prey in the college area. Muggings and a couple of real rapes happened because of them.
absolutely disgusting
That's what fucking >>>/test/ is for newfag
100%. Frankly it should be legal to defenestrate fags who bait. That's not a real crime.
2-6 months and they'll be my little girls and decentish housewives
Stop muh dicking. You'd be arrested for rape for talking to any of them
The thing that confuses me the most about Russians is the way their thumbs don't seem to straighten out.
I think it's just them half-assing it. Whether you have a cishet, straight, white thumb or the "hitchhickers" thumb, you can bend it more than that.
It's risky business m8, but redpill by phallus is a real thing.
Situations like that, and in jail or prison, are like a microcosm for how race relations really are. It's almost like a mice experiment in many ways.
Hmm, I suppose you're right.
For sure, but you don't go after some dyke wannabe that hosts slam poetry events at the local co-op or whatever. That shit will just end up all kinds of bad unless you're very lucky or very good. You take an average normalfag chick and do it. Babies are better even than dicks. I know wives who want kids/are pregnant/have kids who make complete 180s. They are protective and aware of threats. They aren't redpilled per say, but having a baby puts them in a mindset that makes it easy. They have something they love more than anything else and they want to keep it safe. Kike conditioning gets thrown out the window unless that instinct is suppressed by their environment.
Jesus Christ, how horrible that it's only 2
2 down ? to go
Only the whites who actually support it will get what is coming to them. The black death killed half of the people living in Europe. In comparison, way more white people are against faggotry. We survived that and we will definitely survive the sodomite plague.
This is pretty true. One thing that people fail to realize is that women won't love you back the way that you love them. Give her children, she will love your children the way that you love her. If you succeed she'll raise children that love you as their father and respect you.
And if you fail, you're left like OP, making 8ch posts about trannies getting BTFO in the south.
faggot. How are the asshurt levels on >>>Holla Forums ? You realize you have nearly 8 years being this btfo right?
Transexual women are more than just men with tits you know. They're GAY men with tits!
gnaa are goons who used to do things for the lulz, have long since become marxists. As is the nature of all goons.
if you don't know the truth, social dysfunction is most probable.
good post numbers guy.
Why would you want trannies to die. They're not breaking the law or doing anything to help the globalists. You guys need to get a grip on shit when you're celebrating the deaths of innocent citizens living their life just because they're different fron you.
Doing it for lulz is God's work user.
Jodie Foster was such a hottie, too bad she's a bulldyke. :(
Numbers are the one of the most effective weapons against the the kikes. Their drawback is that they only have power if you think numbers are important. Normalfags see the forest vs the trees in the most inoffensive way the situation dictates. Facts need to be put alongside evidence that hits you viscerally. They need the combination of logic and emotion to drive it home. Otherwise, it's:
Videos like Open Gates have shown how powerful using kike media tactics can be.
I don't have the skills to create end products, but I've been a digger and will continue to do so.
It looks like one of the mushroom men from Dark Souls.
Like most brown people, common filth has a difficult time telling the difference between jews and whites.
Only non black traps may live
Kill yourself faggot
Daily reminder that CF got fucked by his dad, he's a sodomite himself. Not to mention how he loves to hate whites and thinks that hating whites will solve the fag problem even though self-loathing of your people spurs homosexuality in the first place.
b-based Putin…
Too soft, faggot.
Putin isn't based. Trump isn't based. le Pen isn't based. Based is a meme term made up by kikes and propagated by niggers. They' are all good goyim who might, just might be far enough out of the kike's control to make something real happen. None of them are NatSoc and none them are White Nationalists. Dozens of threads on this topic have been deleted, anchored, or hit the bump limit. Make another thread if you want to discuss this. Saging because I'm derailing the thread.
Kinda wish I didn't click on that webm.
That is some damn fine editing. Wow.
Xe din do nuffin ya'll
An now, their Dick Lent has ended.
.3% of Americans are (((transgender))). The way I hear about these delusional mental train wrecks you'd think they were a significant portion of the population but they're not even 1%. There is obviously a push from Marxist media to normalize extreme degeneracy as well as brainwash kids. The only other minority so small to take up so much media time is obviously the Jews, being 2.2% of the US population.
The "whites" he hates are all jews anyways.
lol is that tofu-cock permanently hard? Imagine trying to tuck that in your underwear, and it just snaps off.
Maybe I'm just more forward-thinking than the average tranny, but if I was a girl looking to get a pretend cock, I'd want more than a stubby 4-1/2"-when-erect "penis."
I haven't listened to CF in several months, but I don't remember him bashing the shit out of whites. Did he lose his mind or are these Holla Forums edits trying to meme him into some deformed version of Ben Garrison?
This probably had nothing to do with the fact they were trannies, people get murdered in New Orleans all the time. 2 trannies get offed in 2 days and the media is trying to make it out to be some string of hate crime violence enabled by Trump and Trump voters, when in reality it's blacks murdering everyone.
nice I only ever had this
Oh man, Ghoul is going to be devastated.
That's not how you spell cured user