Antifa Plans To Raid "March 4 Trump"*s
From 'Its Going Down' site:
March 4th in DC is the 'March 4 Trump'
Wew lads. Pics Related.

Other urls found in this thread:

[email protected]/* */
Maybe flood this?

Antifa plans to get their shit kicked in again.

Antifa will get wrecked, again.

It's been over 20 years and I still get surprised at these cretins' utter lack of self-awareness. I doubt any of them could pass the Turing test.

assuming the police don't hold them back, this is gonna be a blood bath for the history books

Jesus Christ there were cops defending themselves with bikes. Why are California laws so fucking pathetic that law enforcement can't deal with these literal riots?


So, do we start setting up ambush points targeting antifa? I've got a few ideas.

I was hoping someone would make a thread about this.

Any Michigananons plan on going to the march for Trump in Grand Rapids? I'm coming from the eastern part of the state and it'd be cool to IRL shitpost with some fellow Holla Forumsacks. I don't want to spew out memes like a dumb faggot to identify myself however.

Remember anons, if you live in a stand your ground state, don't brandish your weapon, it'll only be used against you in court.

Always wear a camera and always SHOOT TO KILL

If you say "antifa" irl please incorrectly put the accent on the 2nd syllable.

Downriveranon here. I will go.

Will this even even be worthy of going outside to film it? I live right next to Berkley so I might just get footage for the board.

Wrong. Shoot to defend yourself. One shot to the head is worse than two to the heart such is liberal logic When police arrive remain silent and only answer questions about your personal information ask for a lawyer.

This is all you say to cops. You should always aim to eliminate the threat, not maim them. If you maim them, they're going to lie their ass off in front of a jury and you'll end up with a civil suit.

If they go and disrupt their march aren't they essentially fair game to kill if they start getting violent? Even in cucked Sacramento nothing happened to those guys who put that niggerfa in a coma in self defense

They're going out explicitly to attack people, commiefornia might be risky, but anywhere else in the world it'd be open and shut.

Muskegonanon reporting in. I didnt know this was happening in GR, i was considering driving to DC but idk if my car will make it without my passenger front wheel fucking up. you have a tox or any way I'll know its you if I go out to GR? I'll be wearing a nike windbreaker and possibly a full-face camouflaged balaclava

Come on. It's not like everyone here has something big to live for. Becoming a martyr is the best shit one can do when you have nothing else. Fuck the police, anitfas need to die.

Black North Face coat and beard, brown hair. Not sure what, but we need some sort of signal to let each other know who we are in case ANTIFA or Ann Arbor faggots get violent.

I was just thinking there's no way the jewdicial courts can do the same spin they did on the /k/ommandos since they're the ones going to a march/protest to inflict violence, so they pretty much publicly erased their own self defense argument by posting this shit

You're up late, FBI

Hello FBI

MiAnons, I will again be in a nike windbreaker, if i need to wear thicker clothing, i'll have a hoodie on under neath, but I will be identified by the windbreaker. Please approach me, I would like to be around like-minded people incase SHTF. Use chan terminology but dont be fucking cringey about it, just so I know . shit like GTKRCWN or even a simple Praising of Kek.

Antifas aren't scared to post what they're going to do and when on twitter and facebook.

I'm originally from the opposite side of the state and I have no actual friends where I am at.

How about just asking something innocuous but specific like, "Hey, did you go to Lincoln Rockwell High School?"
I have pic related sign and I haven't seen another one exactly like it so I will be waving this sign.
So this sign, black North Face coat, 6'0", beard and short brown hair.

Gee, I wonder why, FBI.

Heres the kikebook URL for more info on the meet up, if you happen to have an account: /events/1217010838352096/

I'll say Big Guy as much as I can as a code word.


I don't give a shit about FBI because it's not illegal to go to a Trump march and meet up with others who post to IndoChinese Macrame boards.

Does anyone know how they organise? I mean on a detailed level. I've heard to work as squads whose members all know each other personally, so if you were to, for example show up dressed similarly you'd be outed fairly quickly if that's the case. But do we have any hard data on that?

, OP of the GR post here

My phone broke a couple days ago so I won't be able to use any apps to communicate with you.

All MIfags, we're meeting at Calder Plaza in GR at 2:00

As I said in my last post, I'll say Big Guy as much as I can, hopefully you guys will overhear me.

I'll be wearing my Trump and and blue sunglasses.

i like that idea, very clever. If I'm not wearing the balaclava, I have a buzzed head and some stubble, not really a beard because I generally only shave when work requires me. But I'll look for you. Where in GR is this supposed to be at? I haven't looked up any details so I dont know location nor start time but I'll be there.

Pick one.

This is a bad idea. Can you imagine if you fucked up some antifa faggot only to turn out later that you were from Holla Forums? No one is going to care that you acted in self defense. All they will talk about is how "white supremacists brutally assaulted unarmed protesters". If you see someone attacked then help them but don't let anyone know that you're a Holla Forumsack.

Thanks user for the info! Where should I park that would be tactical incase of a quick escape? Would want to hit the highway as quick as I could.

I don't think we have hard data on how they organize. My assumption would be groups on social media that are called into action by Uncle Schlomo, bolstered with Craigslist hires and drug addicts. In fact I would wager the vast majority of antifa's hordes are all being paid in cash or drugs to be part of said horde. Libshits act like it's some great task to find people willing to be violent to feed a dirty habit.

Okay, we should start a thread. I've actually been saying for a long time that there should be a /MIgeneral/ type board because even at 2:49am, there's always a Michanon online. If not, I'll bump this thread by 3:00pm tomorrow with more info.

Why don't you post your description big guy?

Presonally, I can be labeled whatever they want to label me. I would actually be honored to be called a white supremacist,however I do not wish to smear any right-wing ideology so no, I won't be looking for trouble but I WILL defend myself without hesitation.

I visit GR every now, my cousin lives there, and then and know the downtown area fairly well, but I'm not quite sure what the parking situation is.

The organizer of this event reserved the plaza specifically for our people so you'd just park there. As for a quick escape, we're in this to the end my man. Our people will have police protection anyways, and I'm no push over and my cousin who's also going and an honorary Holla Forumsack will be there, and he is a literal /fit/ big guy.

meant for

Quite sleepy right now

If there's one thing communists love it's secret handshakes and protocol. I've got little doubt they larp up the revolutionary fighter aspect of it, so there probably is some level of structure to it.

They do hide behind a Soros hired screen of hobos and hippies, but there's a core of full time numales involved in directing the mob. If we knew more about how their IFF works one could hypothetically run rampant through their ranks, maybe even cause a loyalty cascade by screaming fascist while doing it.

I always have Holla Forums open and I f5 the catalogue regularly, I would love to see a MIgeneral started. Id contribute.
I also am not concerned of someone identifying me by my description.


I wish I could sleep, Been up since 7:30.Goodnight user

There isn't an emotion that describes how shocked someone can be seeing their total cognative dissonance. Police officers are told to not arrest these people with the knowledge that they are going to destroy property/ assault people, yet they believe they are against the establishment. Useful idiots. Many such cases.

See this.

I bet some of them aren't not organized at all. Before the "Battle of Sacramento" there were posts on an unpolitical forum inviting people to go "fuck up a Nazi march" or whatever. I don't know if anyone has the screencaps. They rely on the inertia of the Liberal ZOG orders demonization of Nazism/Fascism. The words Nazi/Fascist/Antifa are like a bat signal for sick freaks to gather.

user, I'm talking about you being sentenced to jail because it turned out that you're from Holla Forums and you better believe that their jewish lawyers will do their best to spin that story against you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't defend yourself, just don't let anyone know that you're from here. If you want to meet up in some peaceful place then by all means do it but I strongly discourage you from doing it in a place that will be without a doubt violent.

Honestly, I would be looking at jail time either way. So if I am thrown the book at for my beliefs, I will become the next Hitler, mark my word. I do have dreamy blue eyes and I've been told I make a great motivational speaker. I can write and I've had enough time simmering in the stew, so to speak.

I'm not expecting shit to get violent in Grand Rapids. Our March will be under police escort, but then again, who knows. Any smart user knows not to start shit and how to cover their ass.

From what we've seen, why should we believe they even have any means of IFF? How many instances have we seen of them beating or even shooting their own during their riots? Quite a lot, if I recall. I think all they do is just get people down there and then tell them it's a free for all, and to try avoiding attacking anyone who's also damaging property and setting things on fire. They'll just blame any injuries they inflict on themselves on us anyway.

Also I have done time before. Nothing new to me, You seem to forget theres always the Aryan Nation I could join if prison time happened. In all seriousness, It is best to keep the powerlevel hidden but if it gets revealed and I can't put the genie back in the bottle, then so be it, activate full 1488 mode.You can still get a message out from jail/prison, hell sometimes more people listen that way. I slipped up the other day anyways by talking racial crime stats near a relatives lefty GF

Dubs confirm I was overestimating them.
Have they actually shot their own though? I'll be all kind of salty if I didn't hear about that.

I doubt GR will be very violent knowing its practically Ann Arbor but with a little more surrounding farmland. That is if the violence doesn't escalate from Antifa fucking with the wrong person/people. I know GR is heavy pinko but again, I assume they're weak and frail. They don't drink milk :^)

That one chink in Seattle on inauguration day. The video is still floating around. He turned himself in, supposedly, but the fact remains he shot a fellow antifa at his little riot.

Wew lad this is going to be fucking fun. Hope you can make it, please time your travel to GR accordingly.

I'll be wearing blue sunglasses.

Guess it's best to just leave them to it then.

Does anyone have a link of the highlights of The Battle of Sacramento or a webm?

Don't waste part of your life like that.

Assume the worst and think ahead. If you simply defend yourself then no one might even bother you from law enforcement later on, but if they find out about Holla Forums then you risk prison time Don't act like a nigger who has no idea about planning.

real fucking descriptive. lets just have faggots walk up and start eyeballing everyones glasses to notice the frame color. you couldnt even be assed to say the color of your hat.

I'll see you and your cousin Bane there. I just scrolled up and read your previous post. I'll park at the plaza then assuming its safe. Thanks user, I didn't want to be there alone. I'll time my arrival for an hour before, or should I go sooner because of traffic?

Leaving them to their own devices will still result in them being violent toward us and having the narrative on their side even when they instigate it. Infiltrating a mob is generally useless, so it's best to not think too deep into how they operate on the spot when they make it quite clear that their goal is chaos. What we're doing now, preparing and pre-empting, will help more. What would help most is figuring out their financiers, the social media organizers, and middle management. We know it all goes back to Soros, but we can't get at him.

Some sunglasses have a blue tint,couldve meant that idk

This is al I meant, not that they shouldn't be answered to, but that it wasn't worth infiltrating.

Earlier the better I'd say, its a congested area.

I don't give away lots of information about myself to strangers on the internet :^)
Considering you're not some nigger shill, I think our guys know how to identify each other through our lingo.

you have no idea how free my schedule is, I could be there at 9AM if i had shit to do.

anyone selling Glocks for $109 dollars?

Shit, I have to go to Berkeley for an errand on Sat. I'll have to dress like a dirty hippie if I want to live.

Visit "Yvette Felarca"

You can get a Glock frame for $90 if you go to the Polyspectre website and send them an email saying you fucked up milling the frame. They'll give you a coupon code for a discount which ends up being $90.
From there, you'll spend around $500 completing it. Bonus: No registration or SN required.

Because a bunch of autists are just going to walk up to everyone in sunglasses and meme irl? Enjoy meeting no one.

I.e. shoot to kill.

Reported to facebook, apparently promoting domestic terrorism is not against Facebooks policies. I find this rather hilarious considering I got banned once for banning someone from a page I ran for promoting violence and explaining why he was banned.

will be waiting for dozens of vids of antifa getting heads smashed in

Sounds like a "catalyzing event" about to happen. Northwood?

If police get calls that black hoodie wearing guys are planning to set off bombsf they will have to shut them down and or start searching. Which would lead to full scale riot and beat down by cops. I hope no one does that.

That would be terrible.
Would really suck if antifa got batons bounced against their heads until unconscious. So don't do that.



With just a little research I found that YES they are organized and have simple but practised tactics.
They brag on ex military members but 99% comes from commie bullshit professional agitators.

They will not debate or talk they are taught to spout a few prepared lines. Now some do talk and the results are funny. They will try to thwart filming of any kind. They will try to block with signs or physically block filming. They know there is legal no expectation of privacy in public filming but use demands to stop filming as a pretext to violence.

They have charge calls. And from semi right formations. They will charge police.
Their weakness is they will be beligerant to law enforcement but know they are often let go or cops dont enforce. They are cocky in this regard.

They lurk here and try to give bad advice. They would LOVE it if highly identifiable WNs NatSoc or the like to viciously beat their ass. You see goading us into a response is their goal.

Law enforcement will get involved after certain safety issues are brought up.
In Houston the other day there was a robbery but actual national guard showed up in minutes. That told me we may not see them but law enforcement and military are waiting in the shadows.

Because the FBI don't give a shit

May justice triumph,

post images of our riot police waifu, I dont have any more saved

Good luck

I really hope they go through with this. The ultimate irony is the vast majority of supporters at a "March 4 Trump" won't be white nationalists or fascists, but just everyday Americans with families and jobs who voted for the sitting President. Antifa and the far left will alienate all moderates in Middle America by violently attacking normalfags just because they're wearing a MAGA hat.

Antifa is effective in Europe because they have the tacit support of European governments who use them as a paramilitary group to combat right-wing protests. With Trump in charge however, I doubt his administration will be sympathetic to violent commies attacking actual Trump supporters in the streets.

In past riots it's been really difficult to identify people who throw projectiles (like bottles full of flammable liquid) into crowds from a distance. See Paris. Hopefully that doesn't happen here though.

Shooting to wound proves your life isn't in danger and you will get thrown in jail for it. Shit advice. When your life is in danger you don't have time to think and decide to shoot them in the leg, your brain goes into life preservation mode which is fight or flight. You shoot until the threat is eliminated. I really hope no one on here is dumb enough to shoot to wound.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

be sure to wear body armor

Yeah, I mean he only won the Presidential election including swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, etc which voted for Obama twice. Clearly most of America supports a bunch of transexual mulatto communist LARPers than the guy they voted for as President.

You'd be surprised what layers of cloth tape, sprayed with polyurathane, can take.

Why the fuck is it always in Berkeley? It's always so goddamn far away from me.

I was thinking just magazines tbh, but this seems like a neat idea


A few centimeters of polyurethane will capture bullets.


What did they mean by this?

Is the event going to take place in an open carry state?

Goddamn I hope so.

Again I find myself asking, what the hell kind of reality did these arseholes come from? This shit right here, this is what they are and what they are doing!

How can people be so dense.


Adults are talking.

The NEETs will survive the civil war, you wont.

NEETs will be conscripted or starve.

Drug dealers, HR departments and university professors.

the minnesota cuc/k/ did that and even ran from the niggers first. Lesson learnt


He also showed intent to instigate.

Antifa Strawman

No, you'll be executed and your homes repurposed to serve the conflict.


don't be a retard and larp on camera, but you think they won't use anything real or imagined against you regardless?

Trying to show you restrained yourself will not save you and will not only let some poor dindu tell his lies about what happened and give the jury someone to sympathise with, you'll also be in debt for life over his medical bills and emotional trauma

Well, i guess I'm hitting up the gr site then; further away but I'd rather meet you fags than sit on sone grassy knoll gun free zone in the heart of yuppieville

The Deplorables against The Deportables

Kek confirms.




Holy shit. They never learn. Yes, get even more Americans to declare you a terrorist organization. Leftists are fucking stupid.

I told you faggots not to shill here. Cut it out or I'll b& you from the server

They are doing a counter demo here in Indiana as well.

We can but hope and meme.

Ey lads. Remember antifa threatened that they were going to riot and beat the shit out of gnatzis in melbourne, fl?

Remember how they fucking pussied out the second they realized a fuck ton of anons were going there to meet them head on?


These fucking faggots are worthless. They would never do this shit on a Saturday when evil gnatzis have off from work they would go to a rally thats on a weekday and so they could ensure numerical superiority.

Im not saying dont go. To the contrary… Everyone within 150 miles needs to take the time to be there. Every time these faggots threaten to do this shit we need to meet them head on with a much larger response.


Unity trips confirms antifags are bitchniggers.

Holy fuck! I was looking for this thread for forever. Texas here, will be attending Austin rally. I'll see if I can't get a periscope for you guys if things get interesting. I'll be doing some irl shit/baneposting so keep your ears open for that stuff if you plan on meeting Holla Forumsacks.


Keep us posted and head on a swivel.

Texasanon here. Found a complete list of marches being held.

Pro-Trump Rallies, Counter-Protests Planned Across U.S. Saturday: Full List Of Locations'

I should have been more clear. I wasn't advocating for shooting to wound. When your life is in extreme danger and you shoot someone you should assume that the shot is going to be lethal, which it most likely will be after you learned to shoot the sternum. My point was to not tell anyone afterwards that you shot to kill, only to defend yourself.

can sombody print out a hundred or so ghandi shirts, and when the antifa(ggots) show up just have all the trump supporters offer no resistance, just stand in silence with ghandi on display

Trump supporters have a right to self defense. You won't change antifa minds by turning yourselves into cuckolds

nope, you shoot to kill, you stop shooting when the threat is gone(or dead), shooting to maim/wound is ALWAYS treated as cruel and unusual when it gets to court.
you might as well suggest busting their kneecaps, it'll stop the threat, and then you will be in jail and pennyless.

So your plan is to nuke them?

it would work to start media circus, they would vilify the trump supportrs for their nonviolent-violence,. that would get everyone to see how the media is trying to deceive everyone

Its going to be 100% chance of rain Saturday.

Tylerfag here. I can see if I can make my way up to the Dallas one. I have a pistol with a brace, but no CHL, so I can't leave my car with it. I have no rifles unfortunately. Any other Texas anons going?

You bet.


March on what now? The same liberal shithole where the mayor is a fat, spic faggot who tells the police to them destroy property and assault people? Be a shame if someone were to open up on them from a rooftop. Or maybe leave a couple nice treats in garbage cans lining the streets.

Funny how all the fun starts after I move across the country. If it goes fubar shoot some diners for me

national guard showed up because they shot two cops. one died and the other is paralyzed for life and in critical condition if i remember right.

There's one near me in 12 hours from now.

Any Boston Holla Forumsacks plan on going?

Because antifa knows that only right wingers go to jail. Antifa gets released and slap on the wrist, while right wingers get 19 years for self defense.

thats no longer true. hundreds of them are looking at 10 year sentences for shit they did since Trump got in.

Ah yes, the infamous Nazi group.

I'm going to my local one. Oklahoma fag here.
I desperately wish there would be some Antifa resistance/violence but it probably won't happen here. ;_;

FYI - There's supposed to be a march in Sterling Heights, too, for Michiganon that's closer to that one. GR is possible to see actual combat; SH is more likely to make the evening news because Channels 2/4/7 will all have crews there.

Plus, here's this mlive article about some kind of "truce" having been declared?

Article states that GRPD is on to what's up with opposition, will have a heavy presence during both marches.

I'm more than 2 hrs from GR, and I have an appointment at Noon that I can't miss, otherwise I'd make the drive. I can be in SH in 20 minutes, though, so I might go to that one just to see what's what.

Faggots, get on my level.

Law enforcement agencies in CA take their marching orders from the institutional left (Mayors, County officials, etc.). They're basically neutered law enforcement and it's why when shit hits the fan, they cannot be trusted or relied upon. Prime example is the Berkeley riots and the LA riots where Korean business owners had to stand their ground with riles on rooftops.