His reasoning may be fucking retarded but I don't care. All you anti pot kike shills can get fucked.
This is probably a move by Trump to gain all the retard millennial full support along with Nigger and beavers from all corners of the US.
His reasoning may be fucking retarded but I don't care. All you anti pot kike shills can get fucked.
This is probably a move by Trump to gain all the retard millennial full support along with Nigger and beavers from all corners of the US.
Other urls found in this thread:
God dammit forgot link
tomgarrett.house gov/media/press-releases/garrett-introduces-legislation-remove-marijuana-controlled-substances-list
Why can't people just admit they smoke weed because they want to numb their brains in the hope that it makes life bearable?
there are tons and tons of ways to numb your brain to make life bearable
Some of the most effective derailment of threads and D&C comes from those type of shills. Mostly because marijuana is one of the few subjects that Holla Forums is truly conflicted about. I'll be glad when that's not the case anymore.
All you degenerate kike faggots can get fucked. You are not National Socialists and after the race war you will be next to face the DOTR.
At the risk of being called a degenerate, part of the reason you potheads get so much flak is that you are selfish as all hell.
The problem isn't that weed is illegal, the problem is that the federal government has no authority to regulate drugs. I'm sure there are many people like me, who would much rather do stims that faggoty-ass weed, yet I don't see you assholes ever include us in your legalization attempts.
If you want to have legal weed, then attack the federal government's authority to even enforce drug law. Don't pussy out, and ask for their permission, while telling the rest of us to fuck off.
Why should I help you sit around on your couch all day eating doritos, when you make no attempt to help me overclock myself to pump out work when I want to? Why is the nation suppose to support you being less efficient, and continue to ban substances that would actually help boost our economy?
Don't get me wrong, stims are still degenerate. But fuck you for not trying to end the drug war, and instead selfishly carve out an exemption for your own habits. You aren't getting any fucking assistance from me, until you attack the root of the problem itself.
Legal grower and smoker here.
If they went back to pre-2000s laws I would not care one bit. Although I have a medical card, I recognize that it should be illegal except in cases of cancer or other terminal illnesses.
It does have an effect on your motivation and well being. It should be treated as any other narcotic prescription drug. You don't prescribe everyone with pain morphine. You shouldn't let 75% of the faggots who have medical cards have them. It should be tightly regulated and even when it's allowed, it should only be allowed in pill form like Marinol or Rick Simpson Oil.
I should kill you then kill myself, you fucking degenerate.
the endocannabinoid system
study up!
You all do know this is slowly becoming a favorite of D&C shills like the faggot OP? It's even getting more blatant by shills bringing up dudeweed in unrelated threads just to disrupt.
One question for you anti pot kikes:
If it's so bad and degenerate and will destroy whites, why hasn't someone like George Soros, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton pushed for its legalization? Could've gotten them millions of new supporters and destroyed the white race at the same time, but none of them ever do.
Wonder why that is.
OP, you are a double faggot. First, you didn't mention which fucking state this guy represents (Virginia). Second, you break links like you prefer to regularly guzzle semen.
Break links using formatting, faggots:
I personally don't agree with the use of THC, but I don't think it should be illegal.
It's like how I don't agree with alcohol or tobacco.
I think Trump would gain massive popularity if he got rid of federal laws and made it a state issue.
Anti-weed states would keep it illegal and pro-weed states would legalize it. Everybody's happy.
Just leave out the ""
As in:
I used it for calculus.
Still waiting on an answer to this, kike.
anyone that smokes muh pot is sub optimal, keep sucking jew cock faggot
You won't get a decent one. Personally I'd also like to stick it to those cartel spics.
Obama wanted to make it "like cigarettes or alcohol.
Hillary wanted to "leave the door open."
So your question is, "why didn't they scream it from the mountaintop?"
And it's because it polarizes the boomer vote. Many people over the age of 40 do not want it legalized. Ironically, the Dems rely on these votes to win elections.
weed is for niggers and faggots
420chan is Hillshill central. All potheads are gay leftists.
Implying Calculus is hard. Pot is probably why you were too lazy to advance beyond that into analysis, differential geometry, PDEs and all the fun stuff you can learn when you're not a dumbed down pot smoker.
I love how degenerates always try so hard to fit in but oust themselves immediately.
Soros is a massive backer of legalization you stupid cunt. How do you not know this? Because you got high.
In most cases suicide is the only thing can make life bearable
Hemp doesn't contain enough THC to get a fruit fly high which is why it isn't federally banned. Stoners trying to smoke it would be fucking hilarious.
This bill is going to fail spectacularly hard but if clears the way for medical marijuana and marijuana based medicines that'll be bretty gud
>Just leave out the ""
No, that's an inferior rule. Contrary to what normies assume, not every server is configured to redirect to ssl (or even www) if it's required, so you might just 404. Besides, if you do it your way then your browser will initially make an unencrypted HTTP request to the server rather than establishing the SSL/TLS socket first.
Now, if the link is to a regular, unencrypted http site, then you don't even have to drop the www for the link to be broken here. Look, user: www.apple.com. See? Broken.
cucks will be cucks
This. The patrician way of breaking links is like this, because it's easy to copy+paste:
Bread and circuses.
Weed is the worst possible drug to decriminalize.
Idgaf if weed has the death penalty as long as psychedelics are legal!
you're a fucking pleb
For ultimate aesthetics coupled with functionality I prefer to italicize just the colon:
Regardless of how one chooses to use the formatting approach, it's far superior to any alternative methods. I think we can all agree we've seen examples of very terrible approaches on this board.
Good goys cant work fully fucked in the head. Someones gotta do the work and potheads can barely do any
Jews have always pushed for marijuana legalization all the way back to the Nixon years, and before. It pacifies the goyim quite effectively, and moves them further along to what a good goyim should be, pacified, animalistic, and pleasure driven.
I yield, that's supreme.
I think you need to revise your logic there m80. Kikes don't care about other countries beside their own, Israel. As long as Israel doesn't succumb to drugs, they'll be glad to make billions selling drugs in other countries.
Wow who would have guessed? Well weed fag, how do you respond? Clearly kikes play both sides as they always have been, and then make money off the lucrative weed business too.
Curious fact, many of their IDF soldiers vacation in India just to get fucked up on drugs.
Well you got that part wrong.
that sounds racist, oy vey
Whatever starves Mexico's drug economy I am for!
I respect those dubs, but he's referring to OP.
Good. Just shows that even the kikes cannot stop their jews from falling for the propaganda. Hopefully they all get fucked for fucking us with their bullshit.
You could spend your academic lifetime studying PDEs you dumb cunt. Let me guess, you're a 2nd year engineering student? Get back to us when you get gud.
Ahh right. And those are trips!
Forgive me, I knew not the trips to be checked. I repent for my digit-blasphemy.
Hang yourself immediately kike
Are stoners really this stupid?
Abolition argument 2.0
It's obvious as hell.
It's a good thing I have no affiliation with that address anymore. :^)
Also, I don't care. Nothing I'm doing is illegal.
Not going to happen you burn out, loser douche. Trump is strongly against this faggot degeneracy.
dubs confirm
Dope is dank and the old saxons used to smoke whole piles of it in rituals
You don't deserve to have your dubs checked, but checked nonetheless.
I really do grow tired of the libertarian cancer on this subject, that has been debunked time, and time again. You do not need to legalize drugs because of the US Governments terrible (and likely deliberately so) attempt to curtail the issue. Look at countries that have successfully dealt with the drug problem, and simply implement the same programs, such as Singapore and Japan. Brutalize users, execute dealers, and culturally demonize it to the point that no one will touch them.
Anyone who's been on these boards long enough understands how powerful cultural influence really is, and that's why America has such a drug problem. Drugs are not vilified here, they are actually seen as "cool" and "rebellious", and lately "enlightened" by many, due to how they are portrayed by, surprise surprise, Jewish media and entertainment. In Japan if you are caught engaging in drug use, you are socially outcast and economically destroyed. And they don't have a drug problem. The same is true in Singapore. They did this by creating extremely harsh criminal penalties (and by harsh I mean, execution or life in prison) and completely vilifying their use on a cultural level. If we did the same here, the drug problem would be solved.
But of course, you'll never hear this from the libertarians, who simply repeat the same tired talking points of "OMG GUISE WAR ON DRUGS IS BAD!?!?!" and then preach acceptance of the disgusting vice that is drug use, just because our government is incompetent and our culture is Jewish. And Jews love drugs.
there is a reason we call it the Herbal Jew.
Godspeed user, may you break free of this poison, or die trying.
Dope is just a tool to make men emasculated and easier to control. We want dope to be legal to make the weak able to be culled easier. Our people don't use this shit.
no the jews love their drugs, not yours. They want you to buy their drugs with heavy price patents. Because patients are the easiest source of income and cancer patients are a shekel farm
Make no mistake. It's addictive and saps your motivation. It's not innocent. Look up hospitalizations due to anxiety and marijuana use.
The only reason I'm even involved in the marijuana industry is to make money on those who would buy it from niggers illegally. I choose who I sell it to. I have the right to refuse sale to faggots or kikes or anyone I don't think needs it.
And since it's legal, might as well take advantage of the money. Fucking idiots are either going to get themselves killed trying to buy it from niggers in Detroit or they can come to a safe location and give me their money instead. It's certified organic and I personally guarantee that no niggers have put any weird shit in it.
It could be worse, but as I said, if they rolled back the Michigan medical marijuana laws tomorrow, I wouldn't give a shit.
Well then, that alleviates any guilt I had about doxing another Holla Forumsanon, even if you are a degenerate. Next time remove exif stuff. It actually looks like the data has been stripped now, so the Holla Forums software possibly does it on a regular interval instead of right away (like they should).
I'm gonna be moving to michigan for college some time soon. I really wish they would roll it back, but you seem like a pretty cool guy. with the saving people from interacting with dindus and getting poisoned at least.
Still, it seems like making the best of a bad situation. I wish we could keep all of our people from this poison. :(
I usually just upload it to imgur and it removes all exif data and download it and use that as my exif removal. I thought I had already done that with those pics but apparently not.
Doesn't matter anyway, since you already posted the street address anyway, which is a dick move, but some old Italian ladies live in that house now. Would be funny as shit to see them raid a couple of 70 year old wops' house demanding to know where the dope is. Kek.
I did chuckle at 'Highland St' though.
I used to live in Ann Arbor. You might like some of the college atmosphere. Ann Arbor wasn't all that bad. I also dated a girl who went to college in Holland. I liked Holland a lot more than A2, though they're both nice.
Michigan is great and outside of Detroit and Flint and parts of Ann Arbor, you'll probably really like it. Especially if you like to hunt and nature and fishing. I've lived all over this state and you will probably like it depending on where you're at.
There's enough doxing going on in this thread already so I won't ask what school. I just recommend going up north to the Porcupine Mountains and Tahquamenon Falls when you get some free time.
Kek. I never really even noticed. It was actually never my house, I just grew from it. You don't shit where you sleep. Even dogs know that.
http:// forward.com/news/320757/how-a-jewish-business-school-drop-out-created-a-weed-empire/
Jews own most of the marijuana stores in the United States. Jews have pushed for the legalization of Marijuana since the 1960s. Jews love the goyim to be on Marijuana. Are we done here? Yes, yes we are. Stop trying to justify your filthy degenerate habit.
thanks man, I'm in a big city now, and I just really want to get out and get some fresh air in a place thats actually got snow.
I wish things were different, that we could meet up in person, that we didn't have to fear for our lives for the simple crime of putting our own people first. But this is the world we live in, and this malaysian sandpaper-doll forum is the closest we're ever going to get to personal connections with eachother.
God I wish things were different. I love you user. fairwell.
Good luck in the mitten state. Find one of those cute Northern European women from up north and have some babies. And if you're a true Holla Forumsack, stay here.
I think in a nice town like Milford or Chelsea, you'd probably find heaven on earth coming from some big city. Plenty of deer, salmon, and beautiful snow topped evergreens await.
i appreciate your stim addiction
anyone attacking you for it saying you arent natsoc is a faggot antiwhite anyway because there are much bigger fish to fry and micromanaging other peoples lives is exactly the type of ANTI nationalist propaganda that leftists use
Industrial help is legal in the rest of the world, yet nobody else in the world uses it for anything other than specialty rope for snotty expensive yachts.
Pot heads tell you about how you can make all kinds of bullshit out of it, but what they don't tell you is that other materials are typically superior. It's like George Washington Carver's 6 gorillion uses for peanut butter. None ever used.
Weed and wine.
recreational drugs were encouraged in nazi germany. degenerate behavior associated with abuse and addiction were seen as a weakness of character and not a problem of the drugs themselves. german scientists did link tobacco to cancer and there was a movement to limit public smoking areas and that is about it. germans in the third reich were quite anti prohibitionist.
is my vision correct?
oh, reminder that weed is not healthy.
oh yeah, and regulation means not as unhealthy: not laced or grown with spray paint and whatever else is lying around.
If you're not willing to defend yourself against tyranny, you don't deserve drugs. It's pure authoritarian bullshit to lock people in cages for altering their perception. Your mind has been jew'd to hell if you believe the government has the right to imprison the population for such things.
reminder that prohibition in the US was designed to give jews a local monopoly on alcohol profits
the Volstead Act included loopholes that allowed jews to continue trading alcohol while banning goyim from the business
Every butt fucking time. God damn.
thank fucking g*d
Section 6 of the Volstead Act, which specified:
“Nothing in this title shall be held to apply to the manufacture, sale . or distribution of wine for sacramental purposes or like religious rites. . The head of any conference . or other ecclesiastical jurisdiction may designate any rabbi, minister, or priest to supervise the manufacture of wine to be used for the purposes and rites in this section, etc.”
it soon fell into misuse
not just any christian can be legally called a minister or priest
but who was to define who was or who was not a rabbi? Many rabbis had received semicha in Europe from people totally unknown to the US authorities. This enabled any jew to set themselves up as rabbis with fictitious kehillos gathered from the pages of telephone books, each member needing to be supplied with gallons of ceremonial wine.
One of these fake clergymen gave his kehillah the dubious moniker of “Congregation L’Chayim.” By 5685/1925, the distribution of holy wine reached 1.8 million gallons, three times the volume of three years earlier, prompting one Prohibition official to joke that the new laws had created “a remarkable increase in the thirst for judaism!”
holy fucking shit
This is what an LED grow lamp looks like that actually works.
Why is anyone anti weed here? Liberal faggots smoke weed, you hate liberal faggots, so grow the shit and take their fucking money from them already. Owning a chocolate factory doesn't mean you have to eat the shit for breakfast. You have no idea how many far right people are into growing, and most of the best gardeners I've ever met don't touch their product. It's easy money, you don't have to write amazon reviews, and it demonetizes the left. Start thinking practically, everyone on this board should be growing.
also note that the official document text lists rabbi first before any christian titles, this was designed for the jews to abuse from the start.
Honestly, the drug problem could be very easily be solved.
Simply put, no matter how illegal you make drugs, there will always be idiots who will take them. But this way, drug addicts will mostly make/grow their own drugs, and drug traders/gangs will practically vanish because barely anyone would buy their shit anymore, and with no money there is no empire. And the real reason of keeping just the sale of them illegal, is rather to prevent the pharma industry from selling them in stores and making big advertisement campaigns.
Instead you should pressure everyone and especially the media/film industry etc. to make drugs socially unacceptable.
If everyone on Holla Forums grew and strictly sold their products to dispensaries legally and pooled the money together, there would be enough funding to build several bunkers, several hundred acres of land and an actual militia.
It sounds too much like a commune, but you get what I'm saying. With that kind of money, Holla Forums would have a real impact on pretty much everything. Holla Forums could actually be a lobby and decide things like 2A, repealing the NFA. I know it's not necessarily a great thing, but there's some good that can come from it.
Hemp literally cannot get you high. You are showing how retarded you actually are without weed.
You do know they make a ton of latex gloves out of hemp. I use them all the time at work they are superior to any other latex gloves.
Except that the only time drugs have been successfully dealt with is when the users are heavily targeted. Supply and demand, kill the demand, or someone will always be willing to offer a supply.
>they don't know that you can actually make combustible oil derivatives or that you could actually build a dare I say it? indestructible wall from hemp mixed with concrete
Let 'em go. Reagan fed the public a lot of bullshit about hemp and marijuana and they still haven't shaken the propaganda.
Like I said, I think pot culture needs to die, but I won't deny that it has uses and as long as the law is letting people get high, there's no reason not to take advantage of it.
I don't care how much you target the users there will always be a market for it here in America. This country was founded by rebellious people and every time people feel their personal freedoms are being attacked they will rebel. Prohibition of alcohol literally did nothing but create massive black markets and funded the Jewish take over of america. If you do not understand this then you don't know history.
You're right about the supply, but there would be barely any supplier because the price would crash down like hell. People sell it against the law because they can make like 50-100 bucks per deal and get rich fast. But if anyone can legal grow and produce, the price would go through the ground, and the price reduced to nearly production cost becasue anyone can produce now, and the supply also oversaturated, so you would get like 3 bucks for a deal. Not even niggers would risk 20 years jail for that.
Not only that, you also kill much of the previous demand because many of the demanders are producing their own drugs.
Going after users, spending billions on law enforcement to at best reduce the entire drug empire a bit, is not the better option.
Prohibition does nothing if the culture is still degenerate. Alcohol is far worse than pot, and routinely destroys lives, but you'd be retarted to try that again. If the culture was unjewed, it wouldn't need to be illegal, only cancer patients and people with glaucoma would do it. Without a cultural change, aka if we still have the case of the jews, all it does is enrich niggers, spics and jews, forces young whites around shitskins, and puts people in contact with dealers who have even stronger shit.
I don't care if it's legal or not, though I'd rather it be up to the states , but people need to stop pretending it would be some big problem, when alcohol, cigarettes and pills are doing just fine draining the money, shortening the lives , and all around destroying otherwise good white people.
lmao. never gonna pass kiddo.
Nice Hitler dubs but not everyone can grow medicinal grade marijuana. Some people lack time, space and some just don't even want to. They just want an eighth laying around to hit it once every couple of days and have no desire to mess with organic horticulture.
In Colorado, for example, there is still a very large black market for weed. Because they have taxed the fuck out of it, backyard growers who pay no taxes can charge a lot less for their product.
Let's be realistic. Just because you tax and regulate something, it doesn't mean there isn't a black market for it still. Colorado is proof.
Not everyone wants to learn hydroponics just to smoke a few joints on the weekends. Most people don't have a basement or want to buy lights, nutrients, media and constantly obsess about pH and ppm levels in hydro reservoirs and worry about spider mites. But they are more than willing to pay $350 an oz.
It's not like that shit happens on day 1. It might take a few years before the price is reduced to the point where it isn't worth selling anymore. Also in colorado you get like a few months jail at most if you have bad luck, most of the time you don't even get jailtime, depending on the amount of what you sell, and the fine is also fairly low considering how much cash you make with drug trading. If you change it to felony and 20 years and a fine of 100k for even selling 0.1 oz, you'll see some massive change.
The selling will reduce further if it is either not worth it, or the risk per sell ratio too high.
You want to increase the penalty but I think you're missing something.
At that point, you'd have a massive public outcry over people spending their lives in jail over weed. And they'd have a legitimate point.
Who will pay for the prisons? You want me to pay the money it costs in taxes to house a prisoner for 10 years over some fucking weed?
You didn't think this through, did you?
Also I just want to point out that the reason people don't go to jail over weed isn't because cops feel bad or want to let you go.
It's because $20 worth of weed isn't worth the paperwork, man hours, a cell and the court's time. For a few grams, it's literally not worth the court's time or money. Especially for someone who has never otherwise been a criminal.
You'd have to hire a separate division of police just to handle all the small-time marijuana cases the police and courts would be tied up in.
Trust me, they don't let you go because they like you or feel sorry for you. They let you go because in the end, you're going to waste court time and money, not to mention the officer has to show up in court, which he's not excited about. He'd rather be eating donuts and cracking jokes at the station instead of showing up in court.
It's honestly not worth it.
Rebar in concrete is better than hemp, that's why everybody uses rebar instead of hemp. Hemp is legal you dipshit, the reason it isn't used is because it isn't the best material for the job. Ditto most clothing not being made with hemp. Can you make clothing with hemp? Of course, it's a fibrous plant. But that's not the point.
There is always a public outcry for everything. But considering this hits mostly drug salesmen but barely users, and that most people in our society don't take drugs to begin with, no, not so much.
Right, prison costs, should just make everything legal and release every prisoner too so we can save those taxes right :^)
If you have high sentences, the amount of criminals will reduce, since less people will be willing to break the law if there is too much risk for not enough payment, therefore instead of for example paying for 10 prisoners that each serve 1 year, you'll have 1 prisoner for 10 years. So you'll pay more for less prisoners, but there will be less criminals and prisoners too, and i rather pay taxes to prevent crime/drug dealing and frighten criminals to begin with.
We could also reduce the costs by having prisons with minimal humane condition and not paradise prisons with tvs and shit, which also would induce fear.
Then have cops lose their job for such behaviour? They do it because they can do it without repercussion. Why the fuck would you just accept that. Also, reduce the amount of dealers like mentioned above, and cops would have less to do, a win win.
Where did I say hemp was illegal?
Rebar doesn't flex. Hemp concrete flexes and goes back to its original shape, making it a great material for structures prone to natural and man-made disasters. Rebar can't do what hemp does. Sorry chief, you're comparing apples to oranges.
You obviously can make clothing from hemp. And the advantage is that it's stronger than cotton, takes substantially less space and water to grow it, making it an overall better product for farmers and consumers.
You've clearly stepped outside of your realm of knowledge. Stick to the maymays, kiddo.
You're talking about how great hemp is, but the reality is that hemp is rarely the best material for the job. Literally we wuz peanuts n sheeit.
Do you really think decent white people who make a mistake and sell a few grams of weed should be in prison for 20 years? What would happen to their kids if they have any? You gonna pay for that too? My tax dollars, right?
So basically you want people who sold a legal product in small amounts to be put in labor camps for 20 years? That's mighty Soviet of you.
You know what? Why stop there? Let's save more money by not even giving them a trial at all. If you're merely accused of selling weed, you go to the 20 year labor camp. Instead of wasting all that time and money on courts, just send anyone accused of selling weed to prison for 20 years in "less than human conditions." All because they sold something that you say should be legal to use, but somehow not able to sell - unless the government has a hand in it. That sounds totally fair and totally sensical.
If you are greedy enough to sell something that can ruin lives to begin with, but also knowingly risk 20 years for it and the money involved, you are not a decent person, and it's not just a "mistake", it's a decision.
Break the law, recieve the consequences. I am for legal posession and usage, but not for legal sale of it.
Are you retarded? Obviously the government or a company isn't allowed to sell either you absolute nigger. The prevention of sale is to prevent the finance of gangs and drug empires, while people can still cultivate and produce for their own usage. This way people can still legaly decide to screw their own life, but no one profits from it.
You're missing the point because you're a massively autistic faggot.
This is my last post because obviously you're a shill or can't read.
But you CAN'T if the trade of it absolutely illegal for EVERYONE.
If NO ONE including the government is allowed to trade drugs, then the government obviously can't make money with it.
And in my opinion this should also be done for alcohol and cigarettes too.
In case you haven't understood for the 10th time, i want to make the trade, sale and buying of specific substances illegal, which means neither drug dealers, nor gangs, nor companies, nor the pharma industry, nor the government is allowed to trade/sell/buy or profit from them in any way.
So if you want to legaly use/posess drugs, you have to make/cultivate/produce them yourself, and NO ONE profits from that.
Now you fucking nigger hopefully understand.
Yeah, I get your autistic "point" but it makes zero sense to tell people they can make or produce something legally but not sell it.
You're sitting on the fence here. What you're saying is not rational. Either make it legal or make it illegal. Or keep it for medical purposes only.
Either side of the legal or illegal debate you're on has perfectly good merits. But your bullshit
line of reasoning makes no sense and is illogical. It's like giving a child a piece of candy and telling him not to eat it. Your whole reasoning and rationale is retarded.
People who want to smoke pot generally don't want to learn indoor horticulture to smoke pot. This creates a demand. Who is going to supply it? Well, in a perfect world, nobody. But we don't live in your autistic bubble, so someone is going to sell them weed. Even if it's illegal. It doesn't stop people from building meth labs or murdering, it's not going to stop the sale of weed.
Now if you want to live in your LARP universe where people don't revolt over someone going to labor camp for 20 years, great. Live there, but that's not how the US works. We are not Singapore. Perhaps some Holla Forums ideology agrees, but if this was a realistic discussion, nobody is going to accept that many people going to labor camps without real revolt. Or do you want to take all guns away too, so you can enforce your pot laws without fear of reprisal?
Making it illegal and having harsh penalties for use and distribution is a sensible and defendable position.
Making it legal is also.
But your half-assed passive-over aggressive bullshit would just not work.
and it's taxable, so people who buy weed will be paying for super fast power japanese trains and whatnots.
and organized crime is less funded, which means less organized.
and less attention to weed and more attention on sex trade, cocaine, heroine, murder…
it should be considered seriously.
It should be left up to the states. Not only does this make more sense, since states like Utah and Nebraska would never want it, but states like Florida and New York probably would.
All the money from taxation should be spent on infrastructure. 100% of it. The federal government should get something out of it, so the fact that federal funding for infrastructure for those states would never really be necessary, saving the federal government billions as well.
And it gives Americans a choice. If you like pot that much, there would be places where you can exercise that right and places where it's prohibited in case you don't want all that comes with making pot legal.
In the begining of the war on drugs they taxed marijuana and then would not issue the proof that the tax was paid and thus made the drug illegal.
Nixon created the controlled narcotics act and uses the interstate commerce clause to justify it's legality.
Study up on this and you'll find some real kikey shit.
I was a daily smoker for a few years. Daily smoking = retarded and mind numbing but occasional ritual use is very useful. Once legalized the DUDEWEEDLMAO culture will disappear within a generation. Right now all the money is funneling into the wrong places and the fact so many don't recognize that is absurd. Legalize weed you have lower use in actual degenerate drug use and have less overall deaths caused by the drug trade/retarded overdoses because people are just buying whatever will get them high off the streets. You'll also see a reduction in alcohol and tobacco consumption.
Frankly getting it out of the hands of teens is worth legalization alone, it really does fuck up the brains development where if you wait until your 20s you're pretty much fine.
Yet they do right now, cops have been known to sell off the locker room evidence for decades. All you want to accomplish is a higher risk/reward factor for those who are going to sell/buy. Good little goy!
There are already enough spics and niggers in the US, no need to start turning whites into them en masse.
One question for you anti pot kikes:
If it's so bad and degenerate and will destroy whites, why hasn't someone like George Soros, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton pushed for its legalization? Could've gotten them millions of new supporters and destroyed the white race at the same time, but none of them ever do.
Wonder why that is
Obama could've legalized it with an executive order. Why didn't he?
Commit suicide, pothead.
Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults
Cannabis Dependence
Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'
Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence
Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind
Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity
Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications
The Health Effects of Marijuana
Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use
Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults
Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks
Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer
Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife
Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome
Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains
Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says
Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample
Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia
Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use
The Terrible Truth About Cannabis
You're a fucking retard, hemp can't even be used as a drug.
the drug rings lose ALOT of income
millennials are more likely to vote for trump in 2020 because weed
weed gets legalized
you're gonna see it smoked more, and possibly smoke it secondhand
because the black market OP
legalized drugs=decreased profits, its as simple as that
Alcohol should be banned as well.
It does if you do it Duterte style.
Drink bleach kike.
One question for you anti pot kikes:
If it's so bad and degenerate and will destroy whites, why hasn't someone like George Soros, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton pushed for its legalization? Could've gotten them millions of new supporters and destroyed the white race at the same time, but none of them ever do.
Wonder why that is.
Why didn't Obama legalize it with the simple of his pen?
They actually don't. When you legalize drugs, drug rings just enter the legal market as can be seen in Colorado.
Too lazy to archive.
This. Legalizing weed would be one of the most effective tactics we could employ against the cartels, second only to building the wall. If we did both, the cartels would probably be weakened to the point of no longer being able to control the mexishit government. The rest of the country would probably turn on them once that happened. As for America, once weed is legalized and everyone gets to see firsthand what big losers most stoners are, we can start working on a meme war to reinforce negative cultural perceptions of pot users and hopefully nip the problem in the bud.
As the other anons said you autistic slimy kike, Obama DID support the legalization, Hillary Clinton DID support the legalization, and Soros IS funding legalization campaigns you nigger. The only reason Obama didn't actually do it, is because he's a lazy pothead nigger like your self you degenerate.
well then user start making plastic from hemp and you'll be rich if everybody just smokes it
Similar circumstances. Should be kept away from developing brains, imo. Personally I found it abated some of the discomfort from hard physical labor and sleep disruption from rotating shifts. I'm not going to defend any of my vices, but I will say that I disagree with the belief that it kills motivation. It kills ambition, certainly, but I used to get plenty of work done while high; felling and clearing, digging post-holes and trenches, pulling rocks out of the ground, that sort of shit. I'd wake up stiff and sore, with every muscle aching, have a toke and some oats and I'd get right back to work with a dopey smile on my face. Smart, poor or ambitious anons should avoid the shit, at the least they should avoid making it's use a habit.
things made from hemp
lubricating oil
cooking oil
Get in the oven, you faggy dudeweedlmao.
The penalty for pot should be death.
Dixie was a Rothschild funded revolution.
Hillary didn't support it, she ducked the question whenever it came up in the primaries, clearly showing that she'd block legalization efforts considering that her base was firmly in favor of it. Her daughter was also a very harsh critic of marijuana while stumping for her mother.
You're right about Obama and Soros though.
Kikes played both sides, I'd fight for dixie a hell of a lot faster than the people who gave niggers rights.
Lincoln gave that up before the war even ended, like the cuck that he was. Lincoln gave niggers rights. Lincoln was a complete race traitor.
There is already a black market between states, making it federal is a clean move and will rout out the special scum.
Fucking choice trips, mate.
Remember that Kek is a god of chaos, and not one on specific national-socialism.
people are going to smoke pot regardless of how many links you post on an anonymous imageboard.
It wont stop lawmakers from seeing the billions of dollars they are missing out on by legalizing it.
It is a fucking humongous cash cow.
Nope. The Union was pure, and Lincoln was meant to lose. Offing him meant a quick fix to that.
If Dixie did win, America would be more like Haiti, now. Face it.
My man, you have no idea. When my grandfather was growing it, it was pure splendor for him. Then, he was told to cut it and start growing soy beans and then the family wallowed in destitution. They became transient and ended up having to move north for jobs they didn't want and had no passion for.
It'll be just like alcohol is now with plenty of teens having access through someone's older sibling or some degenerate single parent that wants to be seen as the cool parent.
If Lincoln had lost we wouldn't be heading towards South Africa tier.
A quick fix to what? He'd already cucked out on deportation. The only thing that offing him did was ensure martyrdom and selling out your race being considered a noble thing taught to all school children.
This fucking kikery, man. Terrible world, when shit like soy is legal to sell to kids.
Years of propaganda+commie hipster promotion= conflicted user.
It's really simple.
You smoke every day = Degenerate drug addict no better than an alcoholic
You smoke once maybe thrice a month = Not a degenerate drug addict, like most anons who drink.
t, not a degenerate
Nope. The constant influx of slaves and worldwide stigma against slavery itself would result in a racewar in which the powers that be just wouldn't resist meddling in.
Like I said, we'd be one big Haiti, right now, if that were the case.
so that's why i've been seeing anti-THC pain therapy posts all over the fucking place in the last 24 hours. Big pharma about to get fucked.
It is hugely insidious and has been so for longer than the lifetime of many. The stories of the good times hurt my heart. Hurt the heart of America.
You're full of it. There were far more whites than niggers, if there'd been a race war we would have one.
Complete and utter bullshit. The Rothschilds financed both sides, the Paris branch financed the Confederacy while the British branch financed the Union. I really fucking despise you retards sucking off a nigger lover like Lincoln.
never fails how people purposefully avoid discussing the medicinal uses.
God bless Tom Garrett and Donald J Trump.
Genesis 1:12 King James Version (KJV)
And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
That's right out of the jew section.
Foreign interests love partaking in US division, IE: Calexit
It's not just America that hurts. It's whites and males, respectively.
On the flipside, a horribly-weakened US would no doubt be of no use during the Great War, giving Germany a better chance, if they can still hold off against the Russians.
By the way, you never proved Lincoln cucked out. Do so.
anyone who needs substances to escape mental strife is weak and weakens society merely by existing.
It's become so villified that people that have access to because of medical conditions shy away from it. Yet they'll throw a whole regiment of pills into their bodies all week long. Big Pharma is the real enemy.
you spelled kike wrong
It's the only reason why Bush Sr. shutdown THC programs in the 90's. Fucking special interests.
In times like these, who can blame them?
John Hays's diary talks about how Lincoln had given up on deporting them.
Go on.
I get that in some cases it's better than people going postal, but really people need to learn to channel that shit and become productive instead. I but my ass at work and go to the gym to numb out depressing thoughts. It doesn't kill any of my vital organs and I benefit from it afterwards.
[Desire to know more intensifies]
lol meant "bust my ass"
It's not for you, it's for someone else. Not everyone is you.
I'm trying to find a link to a free version of it but the short of it is that Hays was a secretary of Lincoln and later a Secretary of State and in his diary he talked about how Lincoln had finally given up on his idea of shipping the niggers off. This was shortly before the war ended. Hays makes his feelings clear in the diary that his view of the plan all along was that it was a bad plan.
I originally read it in a link in another argument I got in on here with the person using an earlier section of it as evidence that Lincoln supported deportation without realizing that a later section showed he gave up on it. I can't find the link though and this was several months ago.
What I want to know is how can there be drug addicts when there's food?
You're young and still feel in charge of your body. Get back to me in few decades.
Don't conflate allowing medicinal use with full decriminalization. As much as I'm against marijuana decriminalization I'd still choose to give it as a medical treatment in many cases over current prescription drugs, particularly over SRIs, which counterintuitively its shown to be an effective substitute for.
I will do exactly that. If you don't need it, shy away from it. It has a tendency to do all the right things to all the right people. And all that it can do for those living in pain. It has been overly villified and should be no more so than cane sugar and many other natural supplemants. I need none of it now but I know very many older people that are living out their lives in pain because of past drug laws. Some even going so far as to take up crack in their final days instead of other alternatives.
Nice meme, brother. Who are you to say what the cut off is? You have not even looked ahead to your legacy and what your body will do to you in the long run.
Industrial hemp =/= smokeable marijuana
What are you implying with that feel? I can avoid getting fat and still enjoy food.
I thought Holla Forums doesn't scrubbed this?
Nice false assumptions faggot, I'm well aware of the way that my body is most likely to betray me. With my family history I will most likely get dementia, as it comes on slowly I will be aware of it slowly beginning to affect me and rob me of my rationality. I fully intend to commit suicide at that point rather than deal with the horror of being slowly reduced to having the intellect of a two year old child as I saw happen to my grandfather and am currently watching happen to my grandmother.
It's not for you so do not partake. Same as why I don't drink. Over indulgence is the bane of existence. I live a clean active life but I know many that are wallowing in drug lord dystopia in their older age.
Calling me a faggot? You already lost.
I'm okay at math, but not great, and even I can l learn greens/stokes theorem (I am first year uni student, no bully) quite well and use it effectively
I'm fine with hemp but where the fuck do you think you are? You are choosing the absolute worst material to make your points that you possibly could.
Cannabis should be illegal because you save down-sized inforgraphics in a lossy format.
Fuck off back to reddit faggot.
Nice attempt, you lost the debate and don't know how to hold your spaghetti.
You're actually bothered by being called a faggot on an imageboard. So no, I'm not the one that "lost" here.
You need those pockets sewn shut.
Is it me or is the majority of lolbergs only on-board because of muh weed. I was reading some zerohedge comments on Sessions focusing on weed and they were sperging out like it's their sacred cow. I bet if shillary promised to legalize it they would, through mental gymnastics, support her over Trump.
Is it just me or did that look like a lot of buzzwords from Jew Pharma?
Not an argument.
You're not wrong about the bulk of lolbergs now.
You need to lurk more faggot.
Your D&C faggotry is going nowhere, kikel.
Why are you so ardent in the defense of your vice? Isn't that an object of shame?
fuck off faggot
I'll admit I don't touch anything, but liberty is just that. Better to educate people on what they shouldn't soil themselves with, rather than ban it, with curiosity running amok.
I'm sure you can present it within the thread's existence.
I'm waiting, you corporate kike.
I have no vice but gains. Do you not understand selflessness? What is your vested interesting in keeping the status quo?
Global warming is a hoax to get more taxes and justify unneeded bullshit.
Except legalisation under Hillary would be different from Trump.
Start another thread or head to QTDDTOT.
You are straw manning my argument as I never said I wanted to maintain the status quo. I asked you a question: why are you so ardent to defend your vice, and object of shame
No I'm not. You're stawmanning about vice. Are you in fear of your job?
I doubt anybody on Holla Forums could be accused of wanting to maintain the status quo you old queer. Weed prohibition is a total nonissue compared to the very real danger we're exposed to, and only clueless idiots would waste any energy on it right now.
Wanting to maintain the status quo is the abject reason why there are people alive that shouldn't be.
And? It is a hoax. Does that mean we should keep giving money away to companies, even though hemp is an objectively better resource in most cases? I understand an aversion to smoking pot, hand-wringing over hemp is literally yiddish.
dude weed lmao
The best way to get rid of the dregs of society is to allow them to do it to themselves. The strong will endure and babysitting government loses their do nothing jobs.
yes, surely legalizing weed will bring down the managerial state apparatus.
And you should stop using infographics that use it as a reason for why hemp should be used. My original post criticizing you specifically mentioned that I support hemp but the material that you are choosing to try to help your case does the exact opposite.
What are you afraid of? More leftists? I want more enemies.
If you're more concerned about the presentation of an argument, rather than the facts: you might be a libshit.
If an infographic is unequivocally factually correct, but your autism says it's not ideal therefore you're pushed to the "exact opposite" viewpoint: you might be a libshit.
If you're hand-wringing over vague, unspecified, and unarticulated imperfections of an infographic in a thread on a malaysian illustraion board: you might be a libshit.
go smoke your turd herb you fucking sap. If you think weed is even in the top twenty issues we have then you need to go grab a hemp towel and bathe in acid.
I will do that. But why are you saging?
Wrong, its unequivocally factually false, and you even said so yourself. You can't agree that global warming is a hoax and simultaneously support using infographics whose main argument is muh global warming, that's duplicitous as fuck.
Why are you shitting up the thread with unrelated material? I wonder who could be behind this.
Smoking weed and using drugs is for niggers.
You're all over the place, Sheklestein.
Why are you acting like debunking points used in an argument is unrelated to the argument faggot?
Why are you throwing spaghetti all over the place, you eggplant?
It all makes sense now.
Correct, its superior to cotton.
False, its quite provable that its superior. Now what happens when you also include blatant bullshit that you yourself recognize as bullshit is that it makes every other claim you make seem suspect. So just stop fucking using the infographic that focuses solely on global warming, it really shouldn't be that difficult.
The jews suffer from mental defects alot.
You seem to be having a bad day. That's going to be the next eight years at least.
Yeah, like you and your dementia. You might get a few more bites here and there, but you're obviously too unglued to bother replying to anymore.
I am very mad that people will fucking collect infographics and proselytize about plants during the gravest existential crisis the West has ever experienced. But I must be a shill to not think hemp shirts will fix our problems. I must be a kike to believe that the last thing we need is another outlet for escapism and another good to manufacture when we are at the apex of needing people to confront reality.
That's some big time projection.
This would probably break our treaty with the UN.
lol, but why though? it's an easy solution. you don't have to fixate and sperg out, user.
Stoners have their priorities this out of line.
It's not disappearing. It's still going to be a problem from external influences and funding to the enemy. You act a big game but I doubt you live it.
Unsurprising that you think everyone is as much of a degenerate as you are faggot.
This is why I know you're illiterate and didn't follow the thread. Low test through and through.
You mean how you talked about how you don't need it anymore faggot?
It's not a solution worth fighting for or even winning right now.
Like I've said, it's not even in the top twenty issues. Other drugs are far more profitable to TPTB than weed is. Not to mention the fact that tax revenue from legalization is going back into the same shared coffers.
You're self serving. You have no place in my race.
I don't know why we can't tax that shit and use the money for treatment for addiction. It's more effective than just throwing someone in prison, then after they have to join a gang inside to survive, hope they somehow come out better. It will cut the balls off the drug trade. And honestly, I'd love to have a joint at the end of the week.
It's almost like you're putting words in my mouth, kike.
Antiweed is just big tobacco and big booze not wanting anything else that might cut into their profits. Congrats pol, you're doing the mans bidding because "muh degenerate"
Eh, I'll admit that I misinterpreted
as you saying that you no longer use it instead of you saying that you don't need it yet.
Do you multitask, bro? Or is 100% of your effort spent exclusively on fighting the kikes, while anything lesser (hygiene, fitness, reading, finding a white wife) is left by the wayside?
You're leaving out the big game of pharmaceutical. One of the oldest western kikeries.
Addiction to what? You fucking cocksucking dopefiends always argue pot is non-addictive. Face the facts, you just want to be a fucking degenerate and your stance is totally incompatible with any right-wing political thought.
I never even implied I ever used. Holy shit, start exercising and get your mind right.
I know what you think about hemp but what do you think about marijuana?
Clearly the herbal Jew has crippled your ability to think, Holla Forums.
Nobody cares about your deficient sibling or cousin, they were lost from the start and would have found some other way to abuse themselves via another outlet. Weak links are what they are and will forever be.
Self-serving? Buddy, I worked for fourteen years helping kids clean themselves up from heroin addiction. Such an embarrassing adhom for some dipshit who worked in the least coherent use of PROJECTION I've seen off fucking lefty forums. The irony of you telling someone to "get their head right" gets me convulsing.
Yeah, surely the political battles it would result in wouldn't be on the news cycle for months. Time and exposure we desperately need to monopolize to gain real cultural footholds before it's too late. Everything is so simple to fucking idiots.
I'm not sure if it's pharma or correctional folks attempting to shit up the thread. It's probably correctional because they can't even follow the line of dialogue. They employ the lowest meatheads possible.
I think most people who smoke weed also believe in the legalization of all drugs and a move from jailing those convicted of possession to some kind of mandatory therapy.
However, In my personal opinion they shouldn't receive any help and be forced to quit or die broke on the street Definitely not given a warm bed in jail. I doubt that is the opinion of most smokers though.
As if they deserve cleaning up. They're just going to fall on their face no matter what. There is no amount of guidance you can give a lost animal that they will become great. You wasted 14 years of your life and that's on you for trying to fix broken toys.
Well, autists do have a hard time multitasking and perceive things as black-and-white, so your response does make sense.
Seriously, what are you faggots doing on Holla Forums if you support legal pot? Don't you know it's a reason to deploy to convict literally any nigger or spic in the country at the drop of a hat? Don't you know that Mexico has a comparative advantage with marijuana production in the first place, so you're inevitably going to fund cartels? Don't you know it's used to acclimate people to taking on harder drugs funneled into the country by spics and CIA niggers? Why would you support something so destructive and pointless?
You're going to lose your job.
Another stupid, irrelevant response. Who's not following the line of dialogue.
I guess anyone with a room temperature IQ and a remedial understanding of politics would look like fucking Grigori Perelman to you. huh. Read this and try to understand: we are not in a political situation where we can afford to waste any political capital or air time on a battle that nets us nearly nothing tangible and causes absolutely no crippling harm to our main enemy. Big Pharma and old-line chemical process manufacturing is a cancer on the modern world, but they're just two tendrils of the pernicious nation breakers we're opposed to.
Dropping post-desegregation civil rights and letting abortion be legal would be steps in the right direction to depose such filth, but Trump supports neither of those.
You're going to lose your job.
Those are fights worth fighting.
You have no job.
Shilling aint really a job, that's true.
I'm offending and I surely must reply and give you all of my information. Die in a desert.
I realize you're different guys, but your sperging is hilarious. So we have time and money to waste on jailing (admittedly degenerate) pot-heads and possibly executing them, but the very same political climate is too limiting to simply legalize industrial hemp? So your respective stances are: irrational frustration with comparatively mild degeneracy and it's too hard-let's not bother.
Sure is cuckchan-tier discourse in here.
Actually responding to posts would be a step in the right direction for you!
Keep supporting degeneracy, Schlomo. It won't solve everything so why bother to punish bad behavior, right? Do you really think we're so fucking stupid?
maybe you should just face the pain
Look at all these shills and wasted lives. They are living in despair and anguish just like their leftist kin, not seeing the bigger game of this and in fear of their lot in life. A lot in life they did not make for themselves nor under one that had their security in mind. These work-a-day faggots are the worst of society and back the most inane policies out of job security. Absolute crypto-kikes, the log of them. If you don't know how to retool and are not dynamic you deserve to fail.
the drug cartels make 50% of their money on weed
and the cartels are forced to put their money into banks like Well Fargo to prop them up
I really am in cuckchan.
No, it's not that the political climate is too "limiting", it's that there's a window of opportunity for every battle we need to fight. We're getting mainstream traction on popular racialism and the demographic crisis, and we don't need the dog and pony show they would make of industrial hemp to distract from that. My stance is don't waste time on inconsequential shit that won't deliver. The prisons are going to start emptying out once we get our immigrations issues checked.
What's the bigger game in this?
What argument do you have? I put forth points, all I've heard on the other side is incoherent Holla Forums anti-corporate ranting
FedGov absolutely has the responsibility to stop mexicans importing illegal drugs or pot without tax stamps
Idk user prohibition worked pretty well last time. And look how well it's working now.
shit ones
The game is the weak fear the strong. If you are of weak ilk, you and yours do not deserve no more than a swift life of addiction and death.
Why make anything illegal then? Laws clearly don't work.
"Sanctuary cities" violate federal law on immigration
Some states violate federal law on pot
which is worse? The sanctuary cities. Let states legalize pot, while upholding federal law on international migration and trade in drugs.
Hitler would have thrown your ass in a work camp for not giving a fuck about your volk.
If anyone here is filling in their weedthread bingo card, be sure to check the square that says "Retarded claim that the alcohol prohibition was the same as drug prohibition".
In other words, a puerile attempt to rebrand drugs as a transcendent experience that will weed out the weak. Ernst Junger briefly tried to do that, guess why it didn't catch on to people on the right who desire healthy families and a strong race. Such a stupid fucking idea.
Both of you, start looking to the classifieds.
Read Mein Kampf.
I read it in 1999 and every translation since. How about you start living even a fraction of it?
Please explain to me why people on here think pot is horrible? I'm addicted to Coffee and pot and coffee has cause me more mental and physical health problems by far.
How about you reread it again and this time attempt to actually understand it.
Job security.
How about you learn it's not the fucking bible, you faggot faux LARPer. I have bigger ideals and Mein Kampf was only inspiration.
Yea thats prolly the biggest problem ive seen. I have a hard time applying for real jobs when they all test for pot. But thats not really explaining how pot is bad thats just big pharma/ insurance/ legality red tape.
Long term usage causes sever psychological problems, it wears out the dopamine receptors that you have which are supposed to reward you for doing things that are actually useful, it kills ambition, it is a gateway drug, it finances criminals, and you should fucking kill yourself, pothead.
That's not what I mean about job security. It's the other end I am talking about.
Green tea might be more up your alley if you're looking to quit longterm but need to brace caffeine withdrawals.
I must have missed the brief chapter on letting your people indulge in drugs as a form of natural selection.
The reason he didn't get your stupid joke is because you are a fucking lunatic.
Your ideals seem to be not giving a fuck about anyone that's part of your race if they happen to be a bit weaker than you. So your ideals are pure trash.
Lol I'm one of the most ambitious people who has ever lived. Im a fucking Organic Silvopasture farmer FFS ive done more for the human race in 1 day that you have done in 20 years.
The stupid part is that there isn't even a real categorical definition of weakness here. It's just somebody who is lucky enough to not get addicted. Easily the most worthless trait I could see a people develop.
Thanks user. Also yerba mate and white tea are pretty good.
Keep telling yourself that, cocksucker.
There is something absolutely wrong with your genetics if that is the carousel your mind is on.
he said dicking around on a burmese etching board
If you want to correct any misunderstandings we seem to have with your philosophy, then feel free to do so.
How would legalized weed benefit a white ethnostate weed fags?
If you cant make a case for weed being a betterment to the white race you need to fuck off
If you want to correct the record more this isn't the place.
Do you even know what silvopasture is? Do you knee before monsanto and sacrifice your family? Have you ever planted a chestnut tree? Do you eat corn, wheat, and beet sugar all day and ruin your genetics?
Im sick and its below zero faggots, Id be out in the woods with a chainsaw if I wasn't. Jew.
All I hear is that you like talking about how much you like smoking dope, you're into some hippy shit, you're crying about muh corporations, and you're interested in the fucking "Human race". Get out, Holla Forums, you've been found out.
The only arguments anyone seems to have are for medical treatments and "getting rid of the weak"
Not this shit again. You'll take a single word out of every post you refuse to respond to and try to make some cute little deflective shitpost that doesn't make any sense. You aren't making any fucking sense and you, once again, come off like a fucking lunatic.
Beet sugar is great stuff. Do you sell what you grow?
Your an idiot if you think agroforestry is hippy bullshit. Its the gateway technology to becoming a type 1 civilization.
Coloradan and cannabis industry worker here.
I support federal de-scheduling because of what I've seen in the industry, mostly because of the people. My state's economy has been fucked up by the massive influx of poor as shit out-of-state immigrants who have come here with a few dollars in their pocket convinced that because they once ran a closet grow they'll be the Zuckerberg of pot but who rapidly find out upon getting here that the unskilled labor that 90%+ of the industry consists of is pretty much the same as anywhere else and they're getting paid the same but with a cost of living that's actually higher than where they used to live and with no offset from family and friends. But because they had no fallback plan, they end up becoming homesick welfare-leeching shits. I am convinced after speaking with dozens of them that if they could work in the cannabis industry in whatever state they were living in (or even a state closer than Colorado) they never would have come. Of course you also have the yuppies and the DUDE WEED LMAO college students but the writing was on the wall for them in the goddamn 90s.
Also, ask me anything. I work on the largest pot farm in the US.
You have to go back, burnout.
You are severely retarded if you want a bunch of kikes like Monsanto controlling the food supply.
I don't, but that isn't the fucking premise of this thread and this hippy faggot won't leave the subject because it's all he cares about aside from pot.
That's interesting about the laborers. I'm surprised they keep coming though. What other benefits of legalization do you think would come about?
Excuses, you queer. And it's hilarious that you still are trying to justify yourself to us. If you were so ambitious, you'd be reading or improving yourself in other ways, not shitposting.
Yep. If you do coolie work on a pot farm, you get coolie pay. Same thing with the rest of the industry; you don't have to have a fucking college degree to pour pot-laced chocolates into moulds or operate an automatic trimming machine. But these people don't get that. One guy I worked with was making $25/hour with bennies as a welder in Oklahoma and went back to Oklahoma after spending a few months doing manual labor in the blazing goddamn sun for nine hours a day at $12/hour.
Like I said, most of them don't do their homework. The main entry-level jobs that have good pay and incentives are the retail salesmen ("budtenders")
What other benefits of legalization do you think would come about?
Yea I sell what I grow but im pretty young and new, just getting the systems primed ATM. I Just got a larger farm this fall with my family. Ill be growing all kinds of shit like apples, plums, asparagus, butternut squash, chestnuts, hazelnuts, currants, elderberries, and hundreds of other things. Basically mimicking this famous farmer Mark Shepard whos got a nice system going.
Roundup a synthetic amino acid. I bet you know nothing about herbicides or biology faggot. That synthetic Glycerin amino acid (round-up) is being used by our bodies to build muscle among other things. So our bodies are literally bio-accumulating roundup in our tissue.
But you have no arguement and have no idea what im talking about.
Yea im not that great I was just fucking around. But im still very ambitious and smoke a lot of pot. You have to be at least somewhat high energy to be involved in agroforestry.
I bet it has nothing to do with anything in this thread anyone but you is talking about.
I see no reason to give people yet another pointless venue to ruin their lives because they lack any self control. If you need to numb your brain for some reason, you've got a gorillion varieties of alcohol, which itself is a big enough concession seeing as how even with that, there are cretins that drown at the bottom of the bottle instead of fixing their shit.
Damn it, got cut off.
("Budtenders"), but that's extremely competitive and most of the people that get paid well are people who are excellent salesmen, not people who know a lot about pot.
States stand to make fucking gorillions, for one. I know people who have great jobs who smoke tons of pot and are generally extremely successful in all areas of their life (six-figure incomes, happy marriages, etc.) and I know people who smoke tons of pot and live in shitty apartments while working the same minimum-wage jobs they've had since high school. It begins and ends with the person, not the substance.
The Declaration of Independence says people have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Doing drugs is the pursuit of happiness. Therefore people should have the right to have drugs.
Also the original document from Locke says people have the right to property, therefore people should have the right to own drugs.
But if that's not the case, the Declaration should be changed.
The declaration of independence is legally irrelevant.
Dude you said Im a hippy because I think monsanto is bad.
I give you proof they are ruining our genetics broad spectrum.
You literally can not prove its how bullshit to be against monsanto yet you say it is. You might as well be Bill Nye faggot.
Nigger, no one but you cares about your little digression. Stop huffing your drugs and you'll be able to have a coherent discussion.
Your telling people to drink when alcohol is way more damaging than pot. Why are you even posting about drugs when you have never smoked pot.
The Declaration of Independence says people have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Taking black cock up the ass, sodomy, and sex with little kids is pursuit of happiness. Therefore people should have the right to do all those things.
Im trying to figure out how you think poisoning the water, land, and people for a handful of corn is perfectly fine and how im just a hippy for trying to make things better.
Anything to say?
I have, thrice.
Alcohol has too much of a cultural tradition in the West, and the prohibition had proven that it cannot be sucessfully banned. Otherwise, you bet I'd want it banned along with all other narcotics.
No, I'm done talking about your irrelevant bullshit.
Holla Forums might be more your speed, then
agriculture and the future of humanity = irrelevant bullshit your going to ignore.
Calling people names and telling them to kill themselves while avoiding all intellectual exchange = your life.
The prohibition was not effective because the punishment was not harsh enough. The only way for prohibition to be successful and get rid of drugs is to have targeted killings of the people conducting the drug trade like Duterte did. Instead the most they tried was getting Capone on a fucking tax charge, instead of just executing the fucker in broad daylight.
Okay that makes sense but then you could just ban all liquor and leave things under %15 ABV alone (aka fine beer and wines).
What you do is legalize pot in blue states but keep it criminalized in red states.
You do that to sodomize blue states with pro-gun legislation that would cause an aneurysm for the gun grabbers..
-Federal Constitutional carry which nullifies all anti-carry statues in the country
-Federal Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground law
-Allow truckers to carry
-Repeal NFA
-Forbid any Federal Assault weapons ban,overthrow any state-level assault weapons ban, including guns banned by name,and banned features.
-Reform importation rules so you could import guns like this AK,and the mp7 without any fuckery that's sporterization which makes the guns unreliable
-Force the military to allow vet bring backs,force military to dump Ammo &Small arms onto the surplus market, ban them from destroying ammo & small arms.
-Let people distil any form of alcohol for personal consumption without an license , and make it easy for people to acquire a license to start a craft distillery.
The Republicans are a handful of state congressional seats away from being able to run an Article V Convention of States by themselves. They could make one clearly worded amendment that could cover basically all those points. No need for the federal government to get involved (e.g. no Republican and Democrat obstructionism), no need for the courts to have a say. The states can run the table themselves under their Article V powers and it would cause the most incredible mass triggering imaginable.
I also take a stronger stance on jews than Hitler did as I do think they should actually be gassed. What is your point?
The main issue with that is that you'd probably have organized crime growing in blue states and importing to red states illegally unless you de-criminalized personal grows. It's been a problem in Colorado; some Russians or Mexicans or SEAsians or whoever set up a grow at a rural residential property and then pack it up and sell it in a state where it's prohibited for a ton of money.
So legalize it in the red states, I don't care, I want all of those pro-gun reforms.
Oh, absolutely.
Does anyone have any more questions for me? I'm
t. a person who has never been traumatized by anything in their life
I don't say this lightly, but you're edgy as fuck.