It's a dedicated wiki for the combined knowledge of Holla Forums. I urge everyone to take the best redpill/information and discussions they find here and add it to this easily reviewable database.
The server is in Iceland (perfectly situated to serve Europe and the United states), it's outside the US and EU so (((they))) can never shut us down. /piar/ uses a simple and easy to learn syntax, supports multiple image types, embedded youtube videos, and even webms.
Anyone can edit and create new pages within the /general/ section, and in order to receive greater editing freedom all you need to do is register with an email and fake name. (you must click a verification link) Use an anonymous email service such as mailinator, hidemyass, or for this. If you're worried about me knowing your IP you can always connect and edit via the Tor browser.
/piar/ aims to take the cream off the top of Holla Forums and preserve it for all to study. We no longer have to be on Holla Forums at the right place and the right time in order to read about the really great stuff that happened this week. This archive will also be a key tool for introducing and converting normies to our ideas.
One single archive of redpills would be extremely useful. Have a bump OP.
Robert Lopez
Bumparino, was thinking about something like that.
Samuel Cruz
Jayden Wood
serves me right for forcing a get
Nicholas Perez
Evan Wright
Finally. Had a thread about this months back, glad to see someone got around to doing it.
thanks OP
Jonathan Turner
Lucas James
Bump for op not being a complete faggot.
Jaxson Cox
Bumping. Have an infographic.
Jason Murphy
inb4 it's a honeypot
David Martin
Cooper Flores
No way I'm clicking that shit
Camden Nguyen
Ryan James
I don't doubt there is truth to this, but how come Sargon for example is quarter black, has pretty light skin, blue eyes and appears to function like a whitey? A coincidental mashup? I remember him saying that his sister is darker though.
Andrew Mitchell
this tbh. i'd consider donating but not until you prove otherwise.
PIAR could be: which is a data collecting institute it also happens to mean to tweet/to chirp
Elijah Taylor
Also you have a typo on frontpage. "I extend my warmest welcome too you."
Luke Edwards
Haha, thanks for noticing PIAR is also an acronym for Holla Forums is always right. Sorry I can't prove to you all that I'm not a honeypot. I guess that will become clear over time.
Thanks, changing.
Owen Campbell
But muh $3/month VPN will protect me from the NSA !
Luis Rodriguez
Eli Morales
Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. Today OP was not a faggot. Here take some dank redpills.
Levi Martinez
William Scott
Thank you Kameraden
Mason Howard
Hosting setup is suspiciously similar to Proceed with utmost care.
Anthony Richardson
I've relaxed user permissions so everything in /gen/ (and a few other things) are editable to anyone without signup. Use tor if you're paranoid.
Justin Nguyen
Don't make it too easy to edit. Shills and shitposters will fuck it up if they get the chance. This idea is too great for them to be able to resist attacking.
Jeremiah Barnes
There's not much there to ruin yet at this early stage, and I've got amazing power to undo anything. I set up the /gen/ namespace as the area where any user can contribute. Content will be pulled from there into more secure directories. Signup confirmation emails got ruined today when I messed with my hostname so I'm doing this till I can fix it tomorrow (or find an email free solution). I've been staring at a linux console for 3 days and I'm exhausted.
Jaxson Fisher
Jeremiah Perry
Jason Rivera
Elijah Baker
Charles Flores
Didn't get your email, OP. Other that than, good work, any articles anons could recommend on creating?
Landon Lee
make sure you have this info in there
Jeremiah Allen
Was looking for that.
Ethan Brooks
Keep up the good work, user.
Blake Brown
Aaron Myers
Henry Nguyen
Here's the Template if you wanna make a logo. I'll put it as the banner if it's cool. I want to write a plugin that changes them randomly, or based on what topic you're in.
Ryan Flores
Been asking for this archive for so long. Good on you OP.
Xavier Moore
Noah Butler
Thanks OP, also check out have you got that template in a higher resolution?
Ryan Russell
Yo op how long for you to send out emails for registering holy shit?
Hudson Ward
No I saved the small .psd like an idiot. I'll make a vectored one tomorrow in illustrator. But that size right there is larger than what I have to use in the header image on the site.
Thank you all for believing in me who believes in you.
Evan Mitchell
what kind of templates do you want to see created?
Bentley Anderson
register emails not going to
Brody Turner
What the fuck? THIS THREAD IS A PSYOP At BEST this will wind up as another TRS. At worst, judging by the replies of this thread, this site is 100% compromised.
Adam Watson
Agreed this doesn't sound right. After thinking about it I've come to realize that the reason the media has no clue how to combat us is because they have no reference or history of us.
This wiki will give them just that.
Also when signing up it asks for your real name for some fucking reason.
Anthony Carter
I love this!! Should have named it "Wiki/pol/" or something, though. It would resonate better with the general populace.
Connor Young
Delete this trash. Can anyone get a dox on the op and the site owners?
Joseph Morales
why would we want the general populace to find it
Jaxon Butler
Ryan Howard
To drop redpills, of course.
Andrew Fisher
Do that through twitter and on kikebook. We don't need an archive which will explain everything that we are so the kikes can reference it and ultimately attack us.
Jayden Brooks
Good going OP. You are not a sodomite.
Chase White
Here's a bump for you. Good job.
Joseph Cook
at first glance it does seem like a good idea
but now he's giving the kikes a public record of what Holla Forums is and how it thinks
which will mean that they will be able to combat us more thoroughly.
Don't you understand that?
Don't you fucking get it?
We are cucking ourselves if we aid in filling up this wiki.
Hunter Davis
In the Recent Changes page I can see the IP of anyone who has made edits to the wiki. I've been wanting a Holla Forums wiki for a long time and would like to contribute, but not before basic shit like this has been fixed.
Luke Williams
reekin more and more like a honeypot
Angel Flores
Good job faggot this is amazing im gonna fill this with many many esotetic truths that will never be denied again by filthy parasites.
Jayden Morales
Ryder Moore
OP is a cuckchanner too.
The idea has been around for a while. If all we do is post redpilled articles what could the Jews do but with it but ignore it? Mentioning it would be disastrous. I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe we ought to let 4chan use it and see if anything bad happens before we do.
Andrew Davis
We should allow 4cuck to use it. For they will fill it up with memes instead of redpills and give the jews nothing to work with.
We here have the redpills. Not those dipshits that rode in on the trump wave.
The way we've been filtering actual truth into the populace little by little is working because the kikes don't know what we have and how we will attack.
But if we have it all in the open what's to stop them from preemptively prepping the populace against truths that could potentially take hold?
It is a bad move for us to contribute. Let the morons fill it up with memeballs and bogpills. Let us continue the real work.
Dominic Mitchell
Fucking excellent work. I recommend you host the source code on a public gitlab repository or something similar.
Firstly this would improve the trustworthiness of the site and secondly it could improve the currently mediocre code. (its better than I could have done for whats its worth)
Brody Parker
So I went to 4cuck's Holla Forums to the other thread that OP copy pasted there. He used a trip and when he was confronted about kikes getting our info and finding out how we think he responded with pic related.
He's a fucking blue pilled faggot. Or even worse he's an (((alt righter)))
Luis Ward
What good is an archive if nobody sees it? If only Holla Forumsacks see it or know it exists, then you'll just be preaching to the choir, and limiting views to people who are already aware of what's been said & done on Holla Forums.
What good is it then?
Joshua Hill
Because it is easily found here and this place is only found if you're smart enough to escape the cesspool of 4cuck and /r/donald.
Why would we divulge our ideas to not only the public but our enemies like the sjw and the kike who only wish for us to die?
Why throw them a bone and give them an easy route to figure us out and combat us?
Let 4cuck fill it up. They only think they are redpilled. Let them fill it up with garbage and let the kikes and marxists sift through it.
Parker Turner
Anyone know what this kind of artwork is called?
Eli Barnes
Vector art.
Noah Ross
Thank you.
Jack Torres
Dropped. I no longer have any desire to contribute whatsoever t.
I'm more worried about anyone viewing the site being able to see IPs. Not just my IP but the IPs of a bunch of other Holla Forumsacks.
Samuel Brown
Daniel Walker
Do you mean you disabled logging or you have a magical version of netstat on your server that doesn't show inbound connections? Also, will there be downloadable backups or sellable USB's like the cryptome project? Also, you will eventually be hacked by someone or something. Do you have a way to back shit up in the event some asshole "rm -rf's" you?
Robert Lee
Explain this:
Lucas Green
I am a worthless NEET who has spent countless hours creating text documents filled with Holla Forums-related resources and information. Now there seems to finally be somewhere that I can contribute to. SIEG HEIL!
Christian Edwards
Wasted digits, Adolf. Why would we want to name this after the free enKIKElopedia created by (((Wales))) and (((Sanger)))? No thank you! PIAR is fine, and the general populace can start using OUR jargon, instead of the other way around.
Gavin Adams
Elijah Ross
this. also cuckhan filenames. an archive/wiki would be useful as we've been saying for years, but OP's is not the one.
It's an archive, not a newspaper. It's for private reference.
William Williams
I mean that a lot of jews are simply middle class people with little influence in finance, propaganda, or politics. Some factions of Orthodox jews are against zionism (but those probably read the talmud) Hollywood Jews are mostly secular, but infect us with degeneracy.
Geopolitics is extremely complicated and blaming it all on the Jews (Although they're responsible for A LOT of it) is actually an insult to white people. How stupid are we? If a tiny fraction of our population is leading us to our destruction.
High level Jews know what they're doing. But many Jews simply act the way they do subconsciously due to a deep collective memory of persecution (wether or not they deserved it). They see all other minority groups and want to protect them from persecution too, so they shill for blacks and whatnot.
There are opposing factions within EVERY group, even Holla Forums/ (especially Holla Forums)
Jews are so powerful because they are whites(sort of) with a collective identity. Two world wars broke our spirit and made us afraid of our collective identity. But it is coming back.
It is easy to blame Satan for tempting Eve. But if Eve had not bit the apple Satan would have no power over her. For a (((vampire))) to enter your home, you need to invite them in.
Much of Holla Forums is very butthurt that Jews are deceiving us, but it covers a deeper butthurt that we have let ourselves be deceived.
I hope that the wiki is able to spread our understanding to the average westerner, not so he can succumb to wrath and cause another war (killing millions of whites) but so he can find the self respect within to peacefully, yet forcefully say NO.
"I will not be plundered any more."
Bentley Perry
Gas all the kikes. All of them.
Jack Gray
You're most welcome. I like your intro page, good work with the trees of knowledge and cultivation of information.
That was only a taster though, this is just for you OP. I'm tired of dumping it all just to get my posts deleted due to "flooding" and/or banned, so please accept this, a humble user's offering of wisdom to the benefit of the legion. May it ever grow and expand.,_graphics,_and_quotes_170301.tar.gz SIEG HEIL
Jonathan Campbell
No way in hell will I trust an offsite thing made by a literal who. Not to mention such sites can easily be used by shills to infiltrate, if it's not created by them in the first place.
If you want to be protected from the NSA I suggest getting rid of the internet altogether.
Christopher Rodriguez
If they're so fucking orthodox, where's the Third Temple? They had NINETEEN CENTURIES to build it.
Oliver Foster
Jewish nature is parasitical. Even anti Zionist Jews I've known personally where that. Just because they didn't support the NWO didn't change their behavior towards their host society.