Draw Thread
Request things, take requests or just like make draw
>>>/art/ - Art
>>>/loomis/ - Art Discussion
>>>/ani/ - Animation
(can't find the Holla Forums booru)
Draw Thread
Request things, take requests or just like make draw
>>>/art/ - Art
>>>/loomis/ - Art Discussion
>>>/ani/ - Animation
(can't find the Holla Forums booru)
Other urls found in this thread:
you can't draw
OP, this is the Holla Forums booru.
Can a mod add this to the OP?
my dad works for Holla Forums's mod team and he said no
More kobolds? That's pretty cute.
I started drawing them with robot arms because one time I posted one and people thought it didn't have arms. So someone drew robotic arms on it. I think they're cool.
There's already a drawthread up OP. Why ya gotta be like this and make a second one?
Hoo, cute!
Any more kobolds?
I bet you got lewds too.
Poor feller probably didn't see it.
None yet
I typed up "draw" in the search and didn't see one. Only these two
The only way he didn't see it was if he didn't bother checking. Ctrl + f "Draw thread" returns 3 results. 2 in OP's and 1 for the other thread, which has been up all day.
This is my fetish.
you too?
There is already another draw thread. Just because it's slow doesn't mean you need to make a new one.
Your art is fucking garbage OP.
Try to draw literally any character or person from a different angle and you'll see what I mean.
Doesn't count as a different angle?
I'd like to see some of yours
literally everything is just standing front view poses. That isn't a different angle.
A different angle would be like, fuck man do I really need to explain this?
Do I really need to explain viewing shit from above and below and how that's different?
I'm saying this becuase I want to see you improve. If you want to be like that and just stagnate forever getting pissy at the first bit of criticism then it's no skin off my back.
Nah, i'm pretty sure OP's at least capable of doing a side-view.
A small tip, its usually best to not start constructive criticism with "Your art is fucking garbage"
Okay, look. I'm going to break this down nice and easy for you, since you're clearly a turbofaggot.
When I said your art is garbage, it's because it is. And you really need to hear someone say that.
What you're doing right now? It's commonly referred to as symbol drawing, you're not building what you draw, you're just drawing an elaborate symbol of something.
It's why you can't put your drawings into any other perspective besides 1 point dead center.
The proof of what I'm saying is in how you're fixated on my insults and how those seemingly contradict, as opposed to the task I'm challenging you to in order to show what you're capable of and push you towards improving.
Go on quickposes, do "random gesture" and try to draw the first thing that comes up.
Or you can just keep being a bitch.
of course, its how i started out actually. i'm perfectly capable of drawing them, but i just chose a bunch of random vidya related drawings from my folder.
tl;dr - "your art is still shit lmao"
you're literally just saying "DON'T DRAW POSES LIKE THAT ITS TRIGGERING MY AUTISM", and nothing else, while not even showing your own art. if you REALLY want to help me improve, show off some of your own art so i can observe it and learn from it.
You're getting too caught up in his language as opposed to what he's telling you. The poses you draw are really simple and you won't make any progress if you keep drawing characters like that.
Ah, so you're choosing the bitch option then.
yeah i see that, but the way he's trying to convey that just makes him sound like an asshole.
Here's a small snippet of a rifle I did from a different perspective, I at least tried to use this action figure as a drawing reference.
You can keep bitching, or you can prove me wrong by actually trying what I said.
nice, what about the whole drawing?
btw here's your reply
you came into this thread to whine about how i'm "not drawing right", idk man, maybe that says something about you
I'd post it if I could find it.
Requesting the kids from Mad Panic Coaster on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride looking bored as fuck.
Holy fuck how triggered are you that someone criticized your art
he didn't "critisize" it, he came in and said "lmao its shit, you suck, stop bitching lmao". the only reason it "sucked" was because they weren't "good poses".
Guy hasn't sperged out in allcaps, he's gotta be at least like timbox to warrant a proper article.
Let me help you sketch the idea I'm trying to present to you:
You see, when he said "symbol drawing", he meant sketching up lines in a recognizable form that doesn't use form. The bad thing about this is that you're very limited in what you're able to draw due to the fact that your "symbols" only cover the front. What he was trying to do was to show you how limiting this method of drawing can be, and before you go "oh but he called me a bitch!!!", you're on Holla Forums. You shouldn't expect praise from a bunch of anonymous users, so you should learn to grow a thicker skin to deal with this type of responses.
He was trying to help you you turbonigger, he broke it all down for you and instead of even reading his post your response was
This is literally, and I mean LITERALLY tumblr-tier behavior.
Maybe he was being a bit of a dick, but no one ever gets better at anything by sitting in a fucking hugbox and being coddled all day.
Apparently you can't fucking read or draw, get your eyes checked m8
Let me tell you something. Tone means nothing. Whether or not the words were harsh, it was a valid critisism. You're gonna get shit on, it's gonna happen. Good artists continue to get shit on by even better artists, and so on and so forth. You have to grow a thick skin and learn to roll with the punches. If you don't, you best quit while you're ahead because if one dumb user gets you this upset you definitely have other issues to work out before you can hope to get better.
I think the fact that you are so insecure about someone calling your art shit is very telling. You already know its shit, and hes telling you how to improve.
He was a cunt while doing so? Boo fucking hoo. Take what works for you and discard the rest.
Draw a Lucario giving a knotted piece of rope or string to young Link and looking smug about it
Link is apprehensive about taking it from him
Requesting a video game character dressed up like J.C. Denton
Bonus points if they're looking up
Keep being shit at drawing then. Keep plugging your ears and telling yourself that it's the world that's wrong, not you. Everyone's an idiot except for you, after all. In the end you're only hurting yourself.
Well, you're hurting us a little by posting that shit, but mostly you're just hurting yourself.
Requesting this scene from Escape From New York, Where Snake Plissken meets the Duke of New York for the first time, but with Solid Snake and Duke Nukem. Duke has Snake pinned down onto a train car, but instead of knocking him out with an L wrench like in the movie, have him put out his cigar on Snake's shoulder.
See, these anons got a point; Criticism might be hurtful on the outside, but it's actually quite helpful. Sure, it might make you look like an ass even more so if you get asshurt at it. Here's two helpful little snippets I got from a /cow/ thread:
Basically, draw less basic/stagnant poses. The reason I was sperging out is because they weren't being clear with their message, and just sounded like assholes while claiming they wanted to help me without posting their own art
What has posting their own art to do with anything?
You learn from seeing other people's art. Its how I taught myself. When people critisize you for, lets say, your shading, I'd want to ask them to see some examples of good shading from them.
It doesn't have to be from them though, someone can tell something is shit without having to be a expert in that field.
No, you don't. You learn from life, examining your own art and comparing it to what you see and fixing it.
Don't cover up the fact that you're looking for a cheap shot by believing that your critics are on your level or worse than you.
Ooh, baby. Quints of truth right here.
You don't.
If you do that all you're doing is learning and creating symbols based on an artists interpretation of the human form.
You win this time.
draw a penis
The trips of enlightenment have graced this faggot with their infinite wisdom
'Tis a sign from God that you need to get fucking good
Now that's just brutal, user.
*quints, fuck
I can see where you're getting from. But when people critisize my work, I always assume automatically that they're better than me when they bring up valid points, so I ask them what they meant when they're not exactly explicit. Like when he was talking about symbols, he really meant the orientation and angle of the subject.
No, he meant symbols.
Like a toddler.
Someone doesn't need to be better than you at performing something to know more about it. Knowing is easier than doing. If it weren't, no one would be able to appreciate artistic endeavors at all. Only a select in their own bubble would be able to appreciate art, and only their own since all others would be inferior to theirs and they couldn't properly comprehend those better than them. But this obviously isn't the case.
It's more apparent that your ego took a hit, and you wanted him to present a target for you to hit back at. Which was also irrelevant in the first place: since any criticism of someone elses work doesn't change a critique on yours or that critiques validity.
>mfw that's your response to those sick quints.
Uh, no.
I know I'm filtered, but dollars to donuts you're butthurt enough that you unhid this post.
Don't put words in my mouth, symbol drawing has been explained to you already. You're kind of just talking out of your ass at this point and desperately trying to shift this away from you.
Fuck, I love to see a post like this with a get like that.
I'm pretty sure that's about dobson and the gorgeous giraffe art he decimated
Just admit that you were wrong and you acted like a bitch and we can all move on with our lives
You don't have to try to save face on an anonymous imageboard, and even if you did, manning up to your mistakes is the best thing you could do right now to not look like an even bigger faggot
Art get, Anime BTFO.
Stop thinking about the person behind the words and think about the words themselves.
What he meant is that you're drawing what you think you see as opposed to what you actually see.
Example, it's common to think an eye looks like an almond shape with another circle for the lens and a dot in the center. This is an example of drawing with your limited knowledge of what something should look like.
When he referred to your poses, he was saying that your idea of what a person looks like is this simple front view. There's no visible shape and it's extremely flat. Your drawings are stagnant and unvaried because your knowledge of shapes and how to combine them is limited.
checked, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. There are things you learn from life, and things you learn from other artists. It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. to keep things simple, learning from life gives you a understanding of form, light, color and motion. However, learning from artists teaches you how best to convey these things on paper, and push certain aspects.
Can I request a film-noire-style portrait of Kira Yoshikage/David Bowie with a glowing green left eye?
Other artists can teach you techniques, i'm not arguing that because it's pretty important. But for an absolute beginner you're better off not piggybacking other artists like he is actually referring to doing. Not learning their techniques and how to do it.
hey 2dolla you fucking fag I'm still alive
I don't really try to go for "realism" in my drawings. I only try to go for a bit of realism when I do chariactures no i'm not mocking trump in this
hi vlad
What you want to go for is completely irrelevant. You can't stylize what you don't understand.
Style comes naturally through years of practice. You seem like a beginner. You shouldn't be worrying about style right now. You should be worrying about getting good.
Quick, someone give me a difficult pose to draw
overhead 3/4 from behind with at least one hand visible
I didn't say realism anywhere in my posts. I said you lack in your knowledge of how to combine and apply shapes and forms.
try some contrapposto
You have a reference or something like that?
Alright, I'll give it a shot
the requests are too boring
bruh, I made your pic for you
It's a master piece.
Pretty much everybody knows what bad requests are (fetish requests and waifushit), but what's a good request? What are the kind of requests drawfags want to get?
Fine then
I will request Danielle with machine gun titties firing away like a madwoman while Freya downs an entire bottle of vodka and sticks up her middle finger
Bonus points if you incorporate a penis in it somehow
We've already tried explaining that.
The requestfags just get pissy.
But to answer that, one that's both limiting with specificity and simple enough to allow one to use their imagination.
Before anyone jumps down my throat, it's essentially a template that I'm talking about.
Think about how popular those are on both chans and then reevaluate defending waifushit.
So something like taking a sprite, let's say this space invader, that's impossible to decipher, and tasking drawfags with drawing what they think it is.
It gives a restriction, while being loose enough with the material that it allows the artists imagination to run, and both people have fun with it.
Not this
See this shit? These kinds of guys are the ones who get pissier than OP when you call their requests shit.
Also it's worth mentioning that the 8ch gets not a terribly high amount of traffic all things considered, and these threads even more so.
This guy in particular I recognize from a lot of recent threads spamming his waifus.
That's a big factor for why so many drawfags just really don't give a fuck about these threads anymore, a lot of them can predict what the requests will already be.
Boring from a drawfag perspective.
Unimaginative, provides little if any artistic freedom of pose, artstyle, interpretation, asks for anautistic amount of details, free comissions, etc.
You act like there's only two, there are way more imageboards out there than cuckchan and 8ch.
The two that matter to us, as 8ch users that migrated from the terrible clusterfuck that became of 4chan. Would't surprise me if you still go to that shithole, requestfags are a cancerous kind.
Don't get hung up on that one detail.
That's literally the most insignificant point I made there.
Someone was drawing a Mary O. for me last thread and I was wondering if it was completed? If not, cheers!
he hasn't requested anything though
The plan was to take difficult poses and then draw ponchos over them to see how they would interact with gravity and all that kind of stuff.
But shit, how the fuck would a poncho work over this goddamn pose, my mind can't wrap around it.
You're the kind user that doodled this, ain'cha?
How about a redux on OP's kobold girl?
You mean kobold princess
Now tha's what i'm talking about.
But there's no cyborg arms.
We need cyborg arms.
Drew this in the previous drawthread. Got any requests?
saved that in the last thread. it reminds me of lilo and stitch for some reason.
draw quote doing this pose
Giegue as Alien Princess?
Requesting the last vidya character you played as with a silly hat
/r/equesting Vivian as a high elf or an orc
Samus reading Mein Kampf
At first I thought you were requesting Viv to be high on drugs.
did i write it like that? sorry, im alittle tired
agreed, that guy is a pretentious cuntmuffin.
Alright, does anyone see anything wrong with this? I tried to keep it as realistic as possible.
I don't really see anything wrong in it.
his left side, the poncho extends a bit too far out from his shoulder, other than that looks a-ok.
Here's another kobold girl, I like her.
Here's a quick sketch.
Nice, dude
Wew, my apologies
Noted, I'll try something more challenging now.
holy shit, those are awesome
idk, i kinda like doing this art style
I want to fuck Kobold Katia
Hot damn user, she looks pretty qt in your style. Well done!
Hot damn these are cute, you should do more!
Or some alien princess lewds.
come on now
There's always room for both, right?
i'll second this. Some of the most fun I've had recently on /ic/ was a fill the squiggle thread. Some really great artists came out of the woodwork and everyone had a good time. As for what makes a good request, I wish I could tell you. I think the most important part though is to keep in mind that we do this for free and in our off hours, so we're probably not going to take anything too complicated or time consuming.
oh yes
Princess Giegue is completed.
The rest is WIP.
looking really good so far dude
keep it up
Oh shit, you're right.
i had a weird dream where there was this dr. strangelove comic i made, but there were dwarfs and it was dwarf fortress and shit.
Man, this one was tough. Anything look off?
The legs don't look like they meet the torso correctly.
The head looks a bit off in the first pic, but with the poncho on it looks a bit better.
You should tell that to Araki, not me. I'm asking mostly if the poncho looks unrealistic or something
General request for anyone here: ANY TimeSplitters character of your choice making any sort of reaction/mood of your choice.
There's a ton of characters and creatures if you're not familiar with the series somehow, so there's likely something for everybody. Can be done with oekaki, 5000 hours in MSPaint, scribbled with crayons, whatever tool suits you best really.
Two examples from previous deliveries in draw threads, though it doesn't have to be Cortez or Hart in this case.
Coming right up, user.
Why is Metabee so adorable
Your drawing has no right armpit, and you don't really understand how the latissimus dorsi works. Neither does Araki, for that matter. That Joseph drawing looks more Picasso than JoJo. He also drew Joseph's forearms ridiculously long, and I can't blame you for being confused when you can't nail the pose.
The lats make a wing-like shape in muscular dudes, and in that pose you should have a clear view of the lats on both sides. It connects to the back and bunches up at the top of the humerus. In this pose, it should appear to connect right at the armpit, sort of how Araki drew it. I've seen guides that try to simplify the pecs, deltoids, and lats as something that resembles a blanket over the arm. It's a vast simplification but you get an idea for the form.
Side note: Getting /fit/ is a great way to learn and understand anatomy.
Codemonkey fix your shit.
it looks terrible
Nice, dude.
Are you the same guy who does bear shit all the time?
Yeah, bears the best, they're are fun to draw
Bears "are" the best
Shit, I need some sleep
I'm that user, the thread is still up, but for some reason the OP of this thread decided to make a new one.
Anyway, x-post from the other thread:
Sorry for taking so long, real life a shit
here's a rough sketch, tell me if you actually like it because if you don't I just wont bother finishing it, I think images on this scale are too much for me, even though it would be a nice challenge.
So, shall I continue?
Do it user
alrighty then
The perspective on the right (furthest away) hand seems to small. It also seems to twist abnormally.
The head also looks a little small.
I am not proficiant in drawing however.
Taking requests.
Who cares. You're proficient in seeing humans.
A snek
Seconded. Add prominent venom sacs if you dare.
Sorry man, I'm not feeling this one.
So why is everyone just ignoring the shit that went down with OP at the start of this thread?
He never even acknowledged a single bit of what anyone was saying and even pulled the "my style" excuse.
I don't expect anything grand, but seriously.
Looks grand to me user
Taking requests.
I'll draw on paper but it'll be equally shit.
Draw video games.
I didn't think it was possible to fuck something up this hard.
No one that cares is still here, you only have the shit drawfags/requestfags that honestly agree with the retarded views of the OP and the apathetic drawfags that don't give a shit about the thread quality and just come and go.
Drawthreads as we knew them are dead.
Where can I go to get free requests done then?
You can't teach a stubborn person, user. Trying to do so is fucking pointless. Wasting posts to attempt to do so is dumb. They have to accept and conclude it themselves. The 'show if you can do better' retort isn't a good start to even bother to try to help.
Sometimes, a visual demonstration may help with what is wrong and what could be done to make it better, as there are multiple learning methods that click better with some.
I honestly didn't bother reading through the thread before posting, since I just knew there was some drama going on.
taking requests all night
fuck it i'll just post whatever
you wanna try it?
Noko reproducing by budding
I don't fucking know. Basically everything and said.
Nobody worth a damn is here, and nobody cares.
This is the nail in the coffin for me, I'm fucking done with drawthreads if this is the kind of filth lurking around.
I already know what all the requests are gonna be
and now the fact that OP not only gets out of this, but also gets pictures of his waifu, despite his continued faggotry, just really hammers in that nail that people don't give a fuck about these threads.
On some levels yes, but that's like giving a dog a treat after it shits on the carpet.
This entire thread could have been avoided if OP had just gone "Oh. How can I fix this?" instead of saying he's above Loomis. And this isn't insignificant either, most posts pertaining to this thread are either him defending his shitty art, or him being a faggot, there's barely even any requests (that's not an invitation gildafag, read again before you feel like exerting your unwarranted self importance again).
I basically gave a tl;dr on it in the first part of this post.
This is entirely my fault, I should have realized OP was as garbage as his art from how he made a thread when there was already one.
Hope you don't mind company, because I'm taking requests All night too.
Cowardly tyranitar being cowardly to small things?
I have a hunch you're some kind of pervert, But I'll humor you
i tried
i'm drunk
There was another drawthread with much less drama, but it seems it died.
much less posters too, so I closed it
Listen user, I don't like OP as much as the next guy, but there's no need to make these rant-type posts. All they do is re-iterate the obvious, which isn't necessary. Actually, all they do is add fuel to the fire and keep the drama coming. This isn't the way to fix the threads. If you want to fix the drama infesting drawthreads, there's a simple solution.
Fucking ignore it, man. Or at the very least call them a faggot and leave them be. There's no reasoning with people who can't take criticism, like OP or waifufags. Rather than letting them to continuously spout their bullshit, just shut them off and don't engage them.
Just fucking ignore all the shit, and it'll probably go away. Think about it, some waifufag comes into a thread to see his request ignored and he might just quit requesting it. It might take a while, but who cares if it even slightly improves the quality of these threads.
I don't know if any of this made sense but I'm tired of seeing people complain about the quality of these threads and then not do shit to try and change that.
OP, I don't think you get it. Stop drawing the same fucking pose over and over again. Like many other anons said, your art looks flat because you're not even trying to do something different, you' never learn if you don't start doing different angles
give me an interesting pose/angle to draw
i'm not saying this as a "lol no u" argument, i'm just really drunk atm
This has never absolutely ever worked, with the one singular exception of trip/name fags and similar attention whores, because the si gulsr thing they want is attention.
Retards like the OP and waifu gags want either validation and pats in the back and shitty waifu drawings. It's a cycle and it won't stop.
As long as there's a singular no standard drawfag to feed the waifu gags or a single retarded drawfag like the OP content with pats in the back with no effort shit doodles that will never make him improve this will.never stop.
i'll geyt back to you
you can't really validate wether or not draw threads were always like this, its how anonymous image boards work
now if you had something like a bbs where your posts don't prune you'd have proof of things going down the shitter
i'm not trying to defend anything or anyone like myself or waifu gags (whatever the fuck that is) but i'm just bringing up a point that this post made me think about
Yes I can because I was there.
I don't need to fucking prove anything.
And if you weren't weren't a retarded new fag you too would know.
ignoring it is the best option. with attention whores, any recognition or response will only incite them further. shitposting will come. you have to learn to deal with it.
focus on the good parts, take them into yourself. the rest will be washed away when the thread 404's.
Enjoy things for what they are, there's nothing you can really do, we're on an anonymous imageboard after all, and, if you look hard enough, you can actually find quite a few nice unfulfilled requests
just kidding it looks okay
Pretty cool, but I feel you'd need to apply some gravity to these tits.
mmhmm, the left breast doesn't seem to fall as you'd expect. also there are no robot arms
here is an also i did
someone give me something to draw
i'll do my best
draw this piece of shit
What am I looking at?
Mate, you could at least ask him to do a video game request.
arm, hand and a gun
Shit, second reply was meant for
i know i know
i wanted to do something in style of araki before i fucked off to bed
this is you
I wanna see someone draw a fat neckbeard fighting during WWII using that piece of shit, with other Nazis looking at him disgustingly.
with a followup drawing of a very fucking sad wwii vet looking at that gun. by sad, i mean like, tears rolling down his face and just flat out breaking down.
Dude why do you spend so much time on tumblr? You've got like 50 posts a day
My best is currently not as good as anyone else's avarage
this is his art blog
god, i had respect for this guy
this is just
good fucking god
okay fuck you
We have IDs there, you nigger.
I'd be very grateful if someone could give me a nice minimalist black-and-white sketch of Tear Grants that I can use as an avatar.
She's my spirit guide.
Others might simply call it "waifu"
i am aware i just didn't quote the post above me because i'am an autistic nigger who takes cock in the ass
holy shit can you show some more fedora PLEASE
i'm the op of a thread, of course i'm gonna post in it
Anyone by any chance archivized the last thread or saved some images from it? I fucking forgot to grab my request like a fucking retard.
which one was it?
what was it
first request, I said something like "draw her getting fucked"
That robot is a she?
Yeah, I remember that, your exact words were "draw her getting dicked", unfortunately I haven't saved it, sorry
I think he requested Alice, I'm not sure, it wasn't a bohrok
Have you checked the booru? You never know.
what this guy said
I feel obligated to say something nice, but that pose and angle makes it look like she has no neck and her right shoulder is not connected to her body at all
neat style though
forgot about the collar on the right side. and the hair.
Is it down for maintanance or some shit? can't seem to open it right now.
me neither, no idea whats going on
Some more game stuffs.
Player character is pic related.
always nice to see progress
Careful user, some corporate jews might try to sue you for posting your own content like that.
I fucking hate hands, I can't fucking do this anymore, help
Google hands, Take pictures or look at your own hands and draw them for 30 minuets to an hour.
implement some of the stuff here
Train by drawing your own., you'll understand the basic shapes.
can you draw Hitler riding a yoshi?
I'm sorry
Thanks a lot guys but I already know most of this, it's just that I practiced them a lot and it still takes me about 6 gorillion ctrl zees to get it right, thanks anyways
sorry for blogposting
Does this look any good yet?
Now draw Hitler on a yoshi fighting Mario that is made to look like Stalin
i made an attempt to finish it
Looks good, for the most part. The environment looks too rigid and stiff, if that makes sense. Also, work on your hands, her left hand looks strange.
I think the user here put it better than I did
You yourself said these retards want validation, right? If people don't give it to them and only give validation and discussion to the good stuff, it will only bring more good posts rather than shit ones.
user, bro, amigo, what are you doing?, this thread got more people because of drama, yours was going to be decent one if OP wasn't a massive faggot and didn't delete his.
I just read all the drama, you're right.
But you have to do the ignoring part right, like OP got drawings from other drawfags and his thread keep on living over another previously existing one, we have to ignore his threads too if he keeps making them (if he keeps his "not wanting to really improve" kind of attitude).
It's hard to ignore seeing something you used to enjoy go to complete shit, but you're right.
I'm responding now out of courtesy, but any future threads I'm just going to ignore.
That being said, has a strong point too. Despite my, mistake of, calling out OP and pretty much everyone at the first chunk of the thread agreeing with me, all he did was plug his ears and scream.
My uncertainty as to how to handle this is that despite OP's rampant faggotry and continual ignoring of any form of criticism or self improvement, even down to defending his overabundance of low quality posts, he still gets positive reinforcement through even more kobold and people pretending he didn't flip his shit earlier.
I know now that continuing to post and try to explain what's wrong with these threads will get continually ignored (even a simple explanation of what makes a good request and how easy it is has been ignored aside from one other drawfag agreeing with me.) But I really don't like having to just step away and ignore it.
no one comes into a thread just because they like the OP. the OP is a single person in a sea of people.
Taking requests again.
I'll try to actually do it this time
Young Cricket from the Warioware series practicing some karate?
you're always welcome if you want to come back.
Your favorite towergirl/boy
I guess that's because there's no color in the bg, I'm working on this right now, so we'll see, and yeah, hands are still a big problem for me, I need a lot more practice, but I won't change it in this picture because I'm pretty confident I won't be able to make it better. Thank you for your criticism!
Quite welcome, always good to help another drawfag out. Also, to expand on the rigidness and stiffness of the bg, I think the issue might be that the lines themselves aren't consistent. The hills are smooth while the little plates of grass are extremely janky and sharp.
Keep it up, user!
That's a shame, but if you ever feel like coming back, you're welcome.
Also, just to defend myself a little here, I only drew OP's kobold girl ( ) because another user who likes my stuff requested it. If it wasn't for the other user, I would have never drawn her.
Sage for semi-off topic.
That…makes quite a lot of sense actually.
I think I'll at least try to make the entire hill in the foreground a bit jaggy to give it that "grassy" look. Maybe that'll fix it.
I get that, but in this case we had 2 drawthreads and the one with all the red flags was the one that survived. My point being we had to keep the good things afloat.
I don't know what to do either about OP, but I think we are misguided thinking about how to make this threads less shitty over making them great. Anyway, I hope you come back in the future.
this one was first, and there were two up, so I closed mine.
Wouldn't it work the other way around, with OP closing this thread since it came after?
Alright, make sure to post progress!
This one was posted a day after the other one. I checked the dates. This thread was created on the 21st of may, the other one was on 20th.
I fucked up, then.
Are you serious, mate?
It's some gay ass weebshit where some pedo faggot has sex with a underaged centaur boy.
I just capped the caption because it was too damn hilarious.
I was joking but your story kind of sparked my interest, no homo. Post the name of the doujin
Also why the fuck were you reading that shit in the first place
okay bye
yeah i'll try to practice angles and poses on drawing a non-kolbol towergirl
okay to clear up any confusion about the two draw threads thing
basically when i searched for them in the catalog (using the search function) i didn't see the other thread at first glance, probably due to a typo or some shit.
I'm a curious guy and one of you faggots dumped that shit here, you know.
I don't even know the name and you shouldn't watch it, cuz it's gaaaaayyyyy.
It is fine. When everything has been said and done, it is just a cute kobold with robot arms. What should we do, stop drawing cute kobolds just because OP drew some?
exactly, by seeing other people's art.
you just said the same thing in a longer sentence with 90lbs of smug and ass
comparing it to real life, not other people's art
This is all nice, but I'd like to see an artist who can draw accurate human proportion without using guide lines or anything like that, so that it looks flawless without ever having to erase a single mark or color over one. None of those circles and shit drawn all over like Vectorman, just drawing the "final pass" of an image as the first pass.
That's impressive as fuck, but I've only ever seen those magical retards they showcase on the news do shit like that.
To put it another way, imagining the image on the paper and then tracing the lines of your imagination. Sounds easy. Should be easy. No idea why it doesn't actually work.
That post isn't important enough to fish me out of another thread for, but ok
it was a joke about how fangames get sued and about how some german cuckpany threatened to sue a free game dev because the name was vaguely similar to the name of their company (there was a thread about it yesterday, might still be up).
yeah, no. that would take massive amounts of practice, and anyone who can do that would use it to make money instead of impressing strangers online. that level of skill is godlike.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Are you being shitty on purpose?
You're a real dick, you know?
You ruin a thread to the point where a drawfag leaves out of sheer disappointment, and then you say this shit despite supposedly filtering him.
Where the fuck do you get such an inflated ego when your contributions are so worthless. All you've done is mage the threads worse with your posts, and yet you pretend like we're the retarded ones.
I swear to god you're probably happy that the big bad critic is gone now too. Why else would you reply to that post when you saw he was leaving? Because you can now think "I WON!" like the putrid, vile, disgusting, EGOTISTICAL, REVOLTING,
It worked but it seems like I'll have to do the same for all of the hills.
So. You want to do this?
Theres really no shortcut to getting to that point past just constantly practicing to visualize both positive and negative forms.
Reading about the muscles, structures and set ups help, but nothing beats practicing.
also reminder
>he did not contribute a single piece of art to this thread
pic related
I actually tried but I can't into drawing
Does it matter if you made it? You aren't the center of attention, fucko.
Multiple drawfags and anons, not just one. And we didn't get autistic, we were just fucking irritated at how smug you were about not wanting to improve.
Where? All you did was filter the other drawfag like a little faggot, and proceed to put out non-stop garbage. I don't see that as trying to improve.
Does it matter when his points are valid?
I guess I should follow my own practice of ignoring the drama, but this guy is such a smug little asshole
agreed. OP is a giant fucking faggot
You're an idiot. You're a fool, man. That user actually wanted to help you, I know he could have a better choice of words but where do you think we are? He was trying to get you to improve, even though there was absolutely no reason for him to do so. You were not trying to improve. You just asked for a quick pose and then just traced one of them and then got back to your usual front view bullshit. You have to do different poses a lot of times to better understand how to draw, not just draw one pose once and dismiss it forever. In short, you're a faggot, but you don't have to be one. Improve, and stop being one. user, you have potential, but you are burying it in a ditch because you are not trying. Get a shovel, dig that shit out and start improving yourself.
The thread is only 7 posts away from bump limit, anyway.
This is not your thread. This is a draw thread, a common concept of a thread that no user can lay claim to.
Start your fucking studies already.
Requesting art of Giantdad from Dark Souls
yes it does
in a draw thread, you can critisize other people, but when you just come in to make drama while not contributing to the thread at all then yes it does matter.
and yes, i did try drawing different poses
so at least i'm attempting to improve.
But user, maybe you can try doing simple 3dpd shapes first.
Like this.
He should work on gesture drawing. He should do lots and lots of gesture drawing, every day, until it seems it clicks, and then continue doing gesture drawings.
Starting with a cube would be nice, given that ouya drawing from earlier.
You have to keep drawing different poses. Draw this golem from the side, and from a 3/4 angle, now.
i was told to draw a cube once
it was awful
ah yes sir
head over to >>>/loomis/, grab some stuff off the MEGA, and read up.
If he's a drawfag who seems to know his shit, he doesn't need to post a fucking resume to make his advice worthy to you.
Look how I've been helping the Mary-O user with his drawing. I haven't posted any drawings since last night, so does that make my advice fucking worthless?
That's not a cube. It's more of a square, it has no depth. Find a book or a tutorial on perspective to understand how it works.
Neither did you, retard.
You obviously aren't by virtue of you still drawing the same shit over and over.
its not just about his advice, its about giving the thread life. drawautistics come in here all the time complaining about drama when they MAKE the drama
look at my ID retard, >(63).
also, drawings are drawings, i'm not dictating whats art and what isn't.
did you not see the three posts i linked to or are you just going to ignore them because you're that booty blasted and don't want to face the facts
How many posts you made in this thread is absolutely irrelevant.
You're being too defensive. Rather than dismissing criticism, you should try to accept, and try to understand where the critic is coming from. Accepting criticism, even if it sounds absurd to you, is how you improve in art.
It seems like nothing will get through your head. I already told you what to do. It's your choice whether or not you want to continue being a useless tool, and it seems you still don't want to take the steps necessary.
I did look at them, they're the same shit.
And there's a very wide divide between "I'm dumping every single low quality sketch I make on the draw thread, sometimes based on requests" and "I have come here after doing MY STUDIES to fulfill requests"
You have contributed literally nothing of use to this thread, same as the space furry. Come here, dump your unrelated shit, promote yourself.
It's shameful.
it is when they have drawings in them, which is what this thread was made for
that i am
i accept the criticism, i just dismiss their attempt at stiring drama
then what is useful? describe it?
is it filling out the autistic "draw X waifu feet" or "draw (insert autistic situation with an absurd amount of characters)? because i'm not doing
that. i want to do open ended requests, like that actually intrigue the idea of a pose, a style while giving you freedom.
your "art" is effortless garbage. painful to look at, easy to make. it won't improve you, and is bland to everyone else.
wip, is this an intruiging enough pose?
also, its bump limit. you don't need to sage anymore.
My god nigger are you high? Here are the EXACT steps which you need to take to improve:
All you're doing is defending yourself, even though there is nothing to defend. Accept criticism, do not reject it, you're mistaking the anons in this thread for enemies, we're not!
We want to help you.
user, I'm not trying to be snarky here, but you genuinely sound like you'd fit right in at tumblr.
Every shitty sketch you make is worthless, just like every shitty sketch I make is worthless. You don't see me posting in draw threads, do you now? This isn't a place to dump whatever the fuck you want and call it content.
you're right. its to fulfil waifu requests and autism
That is still a pose front the front. If you want to get better, you have to step outside your comfort zone. Erase that and start over, but this time from the side. From an actual side, not what you call side.
That's not a side view. I asked you to make a side view, mostly to see how you interpret the head from the side. But the head is still basically drawn from the front, and the body is drawn from the front. And that leads to problems where the legs don't attach how legs should attach, because the body is a front view while the legs are drawn in a side view, sort of attached somewhere to the lower torso.
What I'd recommend is that you look for some photograph of a naked lady in the pose you want to do, then copy EXACTLY what you see. This will be work, but helps a lot in understanding how things should look.
keep the pose, but do it from the side?
Why is everything only extremes with you? It's either shitty sketches that have no place in a drawthread or fulfilling the worst requests there are. Seems to me like you're reaching to prove to yourself that your sketches do have a place here when they don't.
This is a huge improvement. Thanks for the advice user
Taking requests.
because i am an islamic extremeist
ya ali madad
ya salaam
A plain standing sideview would already be good enough. But if you find a good, nude reference that isn't frontal head/body you can use that as well.
Draw her, but cuter.
I understand the theory but my hand is potato for drawing.
Most of the time I even understand what I'm fucking up, but I just can't fix it.
I suggest you wait for the next thread, this one is beyond bump limit, but I'll give you one:
Draw Kazuhira Miller working as a cashier at Wacdonald's
Use a ruler then.
draw cat
okay, how's this
Hahaha, man. That's what happens to everyone. You just have to keep drawing until your linework is good. You aren't just born with amazing hand movement pre-programmed in you. You have to work for it.
Well done, user, that looks marginally better. Always nice to see a drawfriend who can learn from their errors and improve. Unlike some other cunt
Glad I could help. I hope to see more of your other stuff in the future.
Oh user, you can try the exercises that Peter Han teaches to train your hand to be steady.
I know it's a long video, but the stuff he explains is really good. It's basically the fist class of his cgma course I think you can get it in piratebay or maybe cgpersia
Isn't that shit for beginners though?
That's what I try to do.
Every time I post something I get that video
It's starting to look like that cheng is making fun of me
This one is better btw
Same vid but with a few extra exercises.
Aren't you a beginner :^)?
also, if you struggle to draw straight lines with one stroke, justdo it in multiple strokes. That's all there is to it. You'll probably be able to do it in one stroke later, if you practice enough.
It's completely off balance. Look at the attached shitty stock picture of human anatomy. You absolutely have to work with anatomical reference or your drawing will keep looking like a five year old's sketches, please rework the pose with the attached reference in mind
Some things you should notice: The neck is far too much in front. It has to be somewhere more in the back. The shoulder is also in the back of the upper body, not in the middle, and that's where the arm attaches. The body sort of has a natural curvature, with breast and stomach sticking out somewhat and the rear sticking out in, well, the rear.
Keep going, if you try earnestly you're gonna make it.
Yes actually. I'm saying it's shit and therefore I shouldn't use it, not that it's something for beginners.
One thing you can try is tracing the silhouette of this image and try to work with that as well.
It's just a tool. Why would it be shit? Architects, technical designers, mathematicians… use rulers.
Only bad thing is her eyes are gold, not blue, but you're cool for getting everything else right. Like damn, you managed to render everything else exactly as in the original pic.
i'm using this as a ref, but this
sounds good too
That is cute.
For beginners who want to draw for drawing, and not to make something that needs to be perfect, it's because you'll only be able to do straight lines with a ruler, instead of forcing you to draw them without until you're able to.
Or so I've heard.
You've heard it damn right son
here you go
Yeah, I'm pretty good, ain't I?
what happen to cat ;_;
He's had a hard life.
here's another wip
i don't think it looks as good. its starting to lose it's aesthetic
Or she, I never really made a verdict while drawing it.
If you're still up for it:
Requesting the Han Solo killing shot but with Gaben as Han and smug Pepe as the killer
Look, I'll try to level with you one last time, being as polite and clear as possible, hoping you'll listen this time, because I would much rather have an aspiring drawfag even if he's a bit of a cunt than another Dobson or Makotofag/Spacedad.
First of all, like this post which you chose to ignore said, your 'art' is artistically, objectively worthless to anyone INCLUDING you. Any value or worth you may assign to it is merely emotional attachment coming from you ego. It helps no one, it's not art.
Second of all, you are awfully, technically, artistically unskilled and thus incapable of seeing your own mistakes when you make them. Learning to draw is a long rueling road full of hard work and dissapointment; you first learn the theory which let's you locate and improve on your mistakes (all while hating everything you make) and work on your deficiencies until you reach a point where you can produce accurate results. Then, and having learned what you needed, you study more. You don't improve by drawing the same shit over and over.
Thirdly, you appear to have a terrible case of unwarranted self importance.
Nobody cares about your feelings, remember where the fuck you are and man the fuck up. It's pretty obvious you're bootyblasted because your art got called shit, tough luck. No one cares. This isn't Deviant Art or Tumblr, you won't get pats in the back and encouragement just because you did something, do shit properly and try to improve, ask for criticism and practice to avoid this shit in the future.
I just want some smug face. Put an anime girl for all I care
The posture is better. The issue is just that the character's proportions are highly stylized, and with more standard human proportions she looks weird. So you'd have to adjust the proportions to the super deformed look of your reference, while keeping the general posture.
It's not a good idea to start drawing with stylized characters because of issues like these - doubly so because you can excuse any mistakes you make with "B-b-but it's my style". Lifelike is best to start with.
yeah, that's exactly how i felt. she was way too tall in relation to my ref where it's more shortstack.
Did I do alright user?
Not bad.
What does it say I don't speak french
bretty good
okay, i think i got it right this time
- the neck is in proportion with the shoulders
- the posture is okay, albiet sticking out a bit
- the hips still need work, but this is the simple outline
Got some waifu material right there.
Thanks, still has a ways to go though.
it just says 'lioness' in moon
Draw things that have more human proportions then, you'll learn faster. And use reference pictures for everything you draw.
You can use gesture drawing tools like reference.sketchdaily.net
I think it's pretty good considering where you started. But the neck is sort of too thick compared to the reference, and starts too far in the front when you compare it to the anatomy. You should note that the neck is angled slightly forward and there's more of the head "in front" of the neck compared to behind.
You can also use the one anatomical reference you always can use, yourself. Why do you think so many artists in history made self portraits?
I'm not kidding when I say that yourself and a mirror or two is one of the best anatomical references you can have. Allows you to really intutively grasp how an object (or a body part) looks from multiple angles, and its three dimensional shape.
alright, still a wip (like color and shading)
but i think i got most of your suggestions down.
k needs the " to be ガ
Here. Mixing an omelette.
Top notch
idk, something seems off
He is laughing at you, and so do I until you start practising those fundamentals. Start with perspective, learn about the horizon line, vanishing points and all that.
That's easy.
But fuck line control and rounded shapes. I can feel his smug closed-eye face laughing at me when I fuck those up.
Have a redline, user. The biggest problem is that you're not getting the volumes right, remember that legs are round, so the skirt will follow that form.
The neck looks like its connected with her chin, but that usually is stylistic (Even though it looks odd).
Also, the top of the pipe looks bent, remember that circles in perspective turn into ellipses.
Line control is something you build by doing clean lines and using your arm/elbow/wrist to draw them right.
Have you tried putting two points in a paper/canvas and then, with a stroke, making a line that passes trough them? Maybe that exercise can help you.
Glad to see you haven't quit these threads yet, user. How's it hanging? Anything you've been working on?
the physics are a bit off on this one
Yes, I don't do it nearly as much as I should though.
Hey there, user! I am glad you haven't stopped coming here too.
Doing fine, a bit busy with some personal stuff and trying new things with digital sculpting on the side to get better at anatomy. I did a Curly Brace in Araki's style in last week's thread, I don't remember the OR coming back but it was cool to study Jojo's style.
And how are you doing?
Try to do it whenever you can, and remember that even if perspective is easy a lot of artists neglect it and end up with inconsistencies in their proportions and art in general.
Here's some helpful hints for you;
Sure, this is advice meant for aspiring webcomic creators, but i'm sure you can learn a thing or two from it. My doodles aren't really the best, but surely they're something. I'm still aspiring to learn, even if shit gets wonky at times.
Oh man, I tried that once. Did not get the hang of it at all. I think I still have some of my shitty models I made too.
As for how I'm doing, I'm alright. I've been trying to study multiple things at once, and I'm not sure if that's working out. I got poncho physics ( , ), environments, and hands.
So far I feel like I've really improved with the ponchos and only slightly gotten better at hands, but that's about it.
Sculpting is tricky, but once you start to understand and visualize the shapes you want to generate, it gets only easier. It can be similar to painting,adding and subtracting volume/light.
It's OK to study different subjects, to make things fresh and to not get bored.
And yeah, you're starting to get the hand shapes right, just thing of the fingers as cylinders so they don't end up looking flat.
Thank you so much! I don't think I can thank you enough. This is some really good stuff here user, I love you
Always glad to help, user.
You've outdone yourself, user. Seriously, while it's not perfect, that is a damn good JoJo imitation.
You think so? Thanks, user. I still need a lot more practice though, it took me a long while to get that hand right.
Oh shit, I forgot to take out that picture of a sausage. Just ignore that.
Yeah, that was more like Xio Xio's Fanciful Adventure.
Here's a version using a reference.
Getting ready for Sausage Party with Seth Weedlmaogen, I see :^)
I was going to compare the fingers in the pic I posted to sausages but I decided not to in the end
Anyway, glad I checked this thread one last time before heading to bed. I'm running out of adjectives to compliment your work, so I'm just going to say it looks fucking great and I hope to see you in the next thread.
Also, you really nailed the style in this one. Just look at pic related.
It's very close, but I think it needs harsher shadows. Darker shadows? Just look at the big dark splashes in nice.jpg.
That's a close up though, isn't it? From farther away, Araki tends to just not include it. Look at the 1st panel in nice.jpg specifically. Definitely add darker shadows in the neck though.
I guess, it there's one thing you could fix, it'd be to make the shadows under his eye kind of connect with the line on his cheek.
See ya next thread then, user. Good night.
Yeah, you're right, harsher shadows can make it look closer to Araki's style, what about now?
Thanks for the critique.
Yes, I think it works better with some harsh shadows. I'd have put some on the clothes as well but that's to your discretion, I think.
That's true, I didn't notice that. There's probably been some changes over the years he's been drawing as well, but it's been too long since I've read the whole thing to compare accurately.
Sure, I don't see why not.
heres some random sketches and value practice, would like a request plz. preferably not complicated I am a beginner.
Draw Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate relaxingly laying on a sofa. I'll be waining in the next thread, good luck!
It doesn't have to be her exactly, but bonus points if its her