Cardcaptor Sakura. Tomoyo is deeply in love with the protagonist, her cousin Sakura. Sounds degenerate? It isn't. Tomoyo is a wonderful, amazing person that approaches sainthood. She not only doesn't seek to corrupt Sakura but seeks to preserve her purity, and later on helps her and Li recognize their love for each other and brings them together.
CCS is godtier in all aspects, it pays off to watch it.
In general the Japanese see homosexuality as what it was in normal society - training wheels for the young before they're ready for more serious relationships. It is only the West that created this putrid identity around faggotry and shills it. In other cases of homosexuality it is very limited, meaning character A likes character B not because A or B are homosex or of the same gender, but because A is utterly fascinated and in love with B only because B is B. It is a pure thing, a love for the soul of a person.
Actual faggots and dykes as we know them are depicted in anime usually as clowns and/or otherwise damaged. It's either played for laughs or regarded as an expression of the gay characters immaturity and egotism. In other words Japan deals in truth.
As for doujins and hentai there's no argument against it. Its value is in its fiction. It's not supposed to reflect real life at all, yet alone shill propaganda. It's a creative expression of sexual energy, idealized and unrelated to reality. It's not to be taken seriously and there's no agendas and politics in it. Japan has utterly hit the mark with anime, manga and hentai. They put everything in its proper place and all of it is of an immense value to the individual who isn't fucking retarded or narrow.
I just can't stop listening to the OP and ED. I'm not even a fan of japanese music in general. It's just awesome.
Underrated gem is underrated.
user kun, I was Holla Forums before there was a Holla Forums. You don't need to flaunt your wonderful racism, I am proudly racist myself. Forget about Cyborg and focus on other aspects. For instance, in one ep Beast Boy turns into a wild monster due to reasons and attacks Raven, or so the others think. tl;dr in the end Raven tells him (paraphrased):
The ep was about violence basically, and Raven was saved by BB in his monster form. BB was worried about his capacity for violence and rage. Ergo the most pro-male words uttered ever in western animation. The ep is "Beast within"
I botched it a bit perhaps, it's been a while.
I actually watched GuP just two days ago. For the first time. It's glorious.