In an episode of Star vs the Forces of Evil which aired on channel Disney XD a gay couple can be seen sharing a kiss for this first time in the history of the company.
In the second series of the cartoon, protagonist Star and her friend Marco attend a concert and find themselves surrounded by kissing couples.
In an interview with Attitude magazine, director Bill Condon said: 'LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston.
Co-director John Musker added: 'It would be driven by a director or a directorial team that really wanted to push that, but I would say we haven't ever really had restrictions placed on what we've done.'


Daily reminder that disney and nearly every major western cartoon is created by pizza eating pedophils kikes in freemasonic lodges. Just watch "gravity falls",its full of illumikike symbols.animu master race tbh fam.

We also need trump to air anime in the west. (Only for huwites ofc)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry for the shitty formatting. I usually don't bake breads.

What is Toonami then?

We need to remove all western masonic cartoons and do a deal with nippon to air it in america. It will coincide with the great removal of shitskins and "The Final Deal'
When he declares martial law.

When are whites going to start making animus that aren't degenerate and have wholesome themes and engaging plots?

where is the homo sex kissing

When every last Jew is ash.


Its in the first pic my man.

where is it located in the first pic.

If you cannot see it then you have a problem with your eyes.

oh wait I see. All of the cartoons seem very genderally ambigious

Actually we don't need TV. There's software that let's you emulate TV channels.


Also racemixing too in the pic.

Thats what I first noticed and what mostly made me annoyed. It took me a while to actually see the actual faggotry going on.

Anime has a lot of homo stuff to to be honest. But at the same time, most of it is just sincere souls striving to reach the highest, rarest pinnacle of moe, which I deeply understand. It's completely unlike the work of the neon haired entryist jewesses who write this shit.

Western kiketoons are tiny in detail compared to stuff like animu so its hard to see if you're not familiar with the style. This is why anons must indoctrinate their children into National-Socialism (subtly if you live in a child snatching country) even if that makes them a weeb.

What's wrong with being a weeb, senpai?

Your standard weeb is a disgrace. However an awakened weeb is better than almost any other kind of person.

Nothing, fam. Anime will be the offical animation standard for the Fourth Reich.

You know, I've been on imageboards for a while, and I have tons of anime reaction images obviously, but I've only ever actually watched a couple anime shows…I've never really liked them because most of them seemed childish, effeminate, and pretty damn weird.

Watch moar and you will soon love it.
t.person who was just like you

I say this is more dangerous. The shows MC is a cuck.

A vast majority of it is garbage for pedos, manchildren and femme fags. But there's masculine anime out there.

Isn't that kid a filthy spic? And he's with the aryan blonde? Gross.
Has anyone got the head comparison thingy?


I don't watch the show, only know about this from shitposts on various boards. Don't know what race the kid is but it definitely aint white.

Same difference.

Muh cuckaqean is ok for your imagination but not in practice. It will cause your girl to cuck you.
(Maybe not it you have a good one that you don't deserve).

Not to sound like some overly volkisch douche bag I'm not, I'm pretty degenerate in practice but I don't really watch cartoons or any kind of television programing in my spare time.
I'm going to college and if I wasnt and if I still had a car I'd probably work on doing more wholesome or at least more hands on, worldly stuff like brewing beer or prepping.
Most of my spare time that isnt occupied on researching history or topics that interest me are sometimes spent playing vidya (FPS & all that) which isnt exactly all that better in the long term. I'd hopefully like to reach a more volkisch, agarian life style with a wife and children, act as a patriarch over a plot of land, and focus less on the circus part of the bread n circus'.

wew lad
Also you natsoc?

Wasn't Disney purchased by kikes in 1984?

(off by one)
I didnt say I was volkisch. Just that I'd prefer to be volkisch and plan on being volkisch and spend my time occupied with more worldly activitys than watching cartoons like studying history.
Is that a rhetorical question? I mean I support national socialism but I'm not exactly in some kind of organization if that thats what you're asking.

This is going to sound a bit /x/ but its true.
Disney was always owned by international jewry by proxy: the freemasons.

When they are not occupied by Jews and their media isn't controlled.

Do you identify as natsoc?
That's a good thing btw.

What did they mean by this?

Get this disinfo shit out of here. Proof that he was a mason or Gtfo. From my knowledge Disney wouldn't go along with the Jews plans.

They meant it was a red herring that some Kike probably threw in the show.

Sure. I just am usually of the opinion that to identify as an actual natsoc you'd have to be in an actual natsoc organization which I'm not nor most people on Holla Forums are.

He was. Don't get attached to your childhood memories, user. Everything you knew was a lie.

Its like im reading youtube comments

You are though.


It's like you want sneaky pedo kikes to win.

a real natsoc wouldn't join a spook ridden organization

Clearly a ripoff of anime aesthetic but even more simple. It's fugging revolting.

We all are apart of the organization known as "Path Of Light".

Someone needs to create a cartoon that depicts normalization of rape and pedophilia and when the media gets triggered, just point to (((Disney))) as the inspiration for greater (((social acceptance))) and (((diversity)))

I don't see the gays. Is it right behind the MCs?

Oh and I don't care to respond to the rest because TV shouldn't be watched.

If you can't see it, that's fine. Just know that other huwite kids can.

I for one am not exactly attached to Disney but wasnt Disney himself a notorious anti-semite?
I also remember hearing that Hitler once said that Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was one of the best filmes/animations to be ever made.

Ok sure by that standard I am then. Its just by Holla Forums being an anonymous image board I dont view it the same as like an actual organization with a leader and HQ.

I mean ofcourse its bad that children are exposted to 'bella and the bulldogs' and I'd try to have that literal cuckold propaganda taken down asap but when it comes to actual television I myself watch I cant speak because I dont watch any.

Its true that hitler did and that specific cartoon was very well made although it isn't my cup of tea since im a weeb. Most classic and modern disney shit is used in monarch/mkultra but i won't get into that since we already have PG stickied.
Literally everyone was at that time, user. Its just that some took it to "ebul extremes" like hitler. After ww2 people wee scared to be anti kike.

*people were

Holla Forums

Historically, everyone was anti-semitic (for obvious reasons). Disney saw firsthand how the kikes were investing the entertainment industry with communism. At the Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, there is a plaque near the end of the museum detailing how he spent his last years trying to fight communism. He also testified in the McCarthy trials. Putting notorious and anti-semite in the same sentence is pretty kikey, he should be called a glorious anti-semite.

/cuckquean/ is pure because men are naturally supposed to be attracted to multiple females; a male can impregnate several females in a day while a woman can only be impregnated by one man every 9 months

Wait, wait, wait… how about we actually encourage them to make a cartoon with a gay couple as the main characters? I mean, people want this right? It will bomb hard with a lot of people complaining that homosexuality is disgusting.

I'm not saying he was notorious about his antisemitism in that he was 'evil' about it. More that he had an actual notoriety of being antisemetic.

Dont get too ahead of ourselves.
He WAS a freemason therefore spiritual kike and made mkultra shit for with dildos in thw background so pedos would enjoy
Also let's not forget the disgusting propaganda that indoctrinated a generation of americans into blind anti-natsoc which led to more germophobia that still continues to this day.
Pic related is what im talking about btw.

well, parents shouldnt let their kids watch tv in first place.

according to the dictionary notoriety is defined as "the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed." so okay, I guess notoriety isnt the right word.

I mainly just mean that he was known for being antisemetic.

This. If you are a parent and reading this. Boycott all the good goy approved stuff like multiculti school, TV, kike toys and gadgets, and bad food. Also make sure they are educated to be a even more radical natsoc than you.

This is until trump drains the swamp ofc but it is still relevant now for amis too since they have major problems in literally everything

Severely underrated post.

Why is this worthy of political discussion? We all know that cartoony BS is rife with leftist shit.

temporary sage

This thread is good though.

You're pointing out shit we already know. The same thing was done with, the fuck is it called Steven Galaxy or some shit? Either way it's the same old lefty promoting garbage, this is nothing new.

Don't let your kids watch that garbage in the first place. Raise them on socially healthy cartoons, such as DBZ.


I know but it can lead to good discussion like most threads do. We don't talk about the subject at hand in every post also

Alright, think about the children and bar them from watching nonsense. Problem solved.

What else is there to discuss exactly?

Idk man. Maybe you should stop saginf and let the discussion go where it goes.
Pls no bully.

You caught me in a good mood, consider the sage lifted for now.


Leaving children to watch technicolor propaganda on the electric jew should be considered child abuse.

but degenerate things are fun :3

Maybe the fact that the biggest purveyor of children's shows is advocating degeneracy in our future social/political/muh participation trophy/icanbeanygenderiwant society, in which unfortunately garbage politics will exploit.

It's such a shame that the 2nd OVA was so bad.

The only good cartoons now are those Japanese ones anyway.

But poor Walt Disney. He must be rolling in his cold sleep knowing kikes took over and pozzed his company.

I'll say. It's the first thread on /cuckquean/ that's ever rolled over to a second thread, and is still going strong.


yeah but its not like this shit has not been happening for decades and decades

dududu i love this song. i have two real fathers dududu


Good points


So do they teach that like its mandatory there? Also am i right in saying this style has been ripped off from animu as i said here?

Prolific animators, some of the greatest artists the world will ever know. This is what has come of their hard work, it makes me sick.

What the fuck. You can't make this shit up.

We need to nazify her. She must be ours. We can't let the kikes get away with this, i can see it now in the headlines…"how liberal disney mascot was turned into alt right symbol of hate".

It's more like they're trying to bring back old animation style from the 50s but they all make streamlined Shit that looks the exact same. Look at the proportions and head shapes of most of the major Cartoon Network characters, all the same.

I think /cuckquean/ dug up something that implied the show's writer was a cuckquean herself. Also, Star wears horns, which is the symbol of a cuck.

The worst part of Tenchi Muyo was Tenchi. I fucking hated his stupid ass. Also I realize the title is "no need for tenchi" but for fuck sakes did they really have to push the message so hard? He's so fucking stupid and pointless and annoying.

This is some 1984 tier shit tbh. Even the "teentitans" cartoon with that nigger has the same style now.

Don't post that shit. It's time to make her a natsoc.

I don't know the character or the show, but while I agree, it would have to be done carefully.

Lest it comes across as "lol whitey is so mad because a chocolate angel stole the girl"

They do have some pretty spicy memes, though.

Ok. Let's just make memes and post them. No "ebul nazees conspiring" posts for the buzzfeed jüdenpresse to include in their articles. We should just do it.

Ebin maymay for us but it doesn't change the fact this blonde girl is being used by neo marxists to promote their agenda. We. Must. Nazify. Her.

She's not a nigger, she's just a tanned white girl with rainbow colored hair. A definitely do not touch sort of girl IRL.

Alright, no arguments there. She gets the Alunya treatment.

…Where are the artfags?

I…I kind of like Marco.

Most spics are small brown and smelly breh.

T. 1/16th spic with full spic family members


One of the characters in the show is an expy of my ex-girlfriend, who was very good friends in middle school and high school with the show creator. Feels lots, man.

Sodomy? I thought the latest causes were cannibalism, bestiality and paedophilia. What gives? This is 2017, not 1917.

Artfags have been slacking off like a bunch of filthy kikes recently.

Just get drawfaggs to draw her looking cute/sexy in nazi-style outfits. That's step one, then it's a matter of merging her into other memes being flirtatious, that's step 2. The toughest part is, for the sake of the initial normalfag, keeping the character's personality consistent while converting her. That's why appeals to sexuality are an easy start because her being hot in a certain uniform is irrelevant with respect to who she likes in the show, etc.

What a ugly piece of shit.

content from show creator, for whatever you evil bastards can imagine to do with it.

(hesitantly heiled)
Dude, it was a middle school era representation of her exaggerated for comic value. You may want to tone down the autistic literalism.

She needs the sarah anderson treatment.

Make it a skinhead.

Art is Art. Not "anything goes because its just a drawin xd"
Also thanks for checkin my dubs.


Had a good fap last night to Star cuckquean porn

You are welcome discuss that degeneracy in another board but not on Holla Forums. Besides that isn't actual hentai.
wtf is up with that panda shit?

It protects newfags from degeneracy.

Can someone tell me how to get into Sadpanda? I'm never interested in hentai or adult cartoons so I have no need for it, but I want to see the comic he posted.

start baking oc of the blonde like we did to pic related.

A bit creepy to choose a panda for that consedering the pedo implications…what's so special about exhentai anyway? How is it anyway different from something like nhentai?

Exhentai is where you're allowed to have super degenerate stuff. Gore, snuff, vore, scat, loli, etc.

they have regular stuff though too, right?
Also why is this super-degenerate site been posted onto Holla Forums so many times? I excpect better from my fellow weebs. Hentai is bad enough because of subhuman chinks keep putting nigger cock into it now.

Eh. The Japs don't really understand the black problem. It's a far away and impersonal issue to them. They see them as Orcs. Too far away to really understand the problem they are. They just see them as rowdy masculine troublemakers with stereotypically massive dicks. So when you need a stereotype to dominate the shit out of a waifu, who do you go for? The Orc.

I hope lain will remove that shit from the whole wired. Also anyone associated with this heresy will be gassed on dotr.

Where have i heard this story before?

A lot of it. It's the biggest site I think.

Well, that's…

Sounds and looks like Chaos;Head tbh.

Women are into it. The other option we have is to be the biggest, meanest tribe in our block, and remind everyone that they exist in any capacity because we let them.

I have no problem with that but not over the top masculine tier like "the golden one" who is so fit he is ugly.
He also is a literal faggot as seen by this video.

Based on how you speak, you don't necessary seem new to Holla Forums, but new to the internet in general.
Even if one is not into pornography, one would expect one to have heard of the sadpanda. What still amazes me is people don't know the two was to bypass it despite it being known for years.
They keep everything that's pinning for fjords on ehentai. Sadly, as per the usual, it costs points to download stuff. However, that just involves playing a game a few times.



Sounds like some sort of pedo pyramid scheme cult.
Probably should stay away from that shit even if you're a bit degenerate.

In the beginning Star Vs was animated by a much more competent animation team. The first four or five eps IIRC are by them. The show was full of very subtle yet noticeable occult symbolism. However, said symbols were empowering positive imagery and what we can call Aryan as a catch-all term. They were soon replaced and all of it simply vanished. I believe this was wholly intentional because (((someone))) noticed.

Star herself embodied both the princess and the valkyrie archetype as well as the teutonic idea of magical girls in a positive sense (yes, the japanese expressions in the mahou shojo genre are the same idea). Refer to Tacitus.

Marco Diaz himself is a hidden Aryan symbol. Marco (Mars) is a war god. Diaz (deus) means god as well. The family name Diaz comes from the Visigoths of Spain. Marco is a martial artist and overall a pretty relatable and solid character. It's impossible to harbour genuine hatred or dislike towards him.

I shilled intensly for the show during its start and was amazed that something like that managed to be made in these dark times. My joy was cut short and the show was pozzed. But can we use it? Yes, indeed we can. The underlying current still abides. Star's very design is archetypal to a profound degree (horns, horned boots, those fluffy things around her ankles). Those familiar with medieval depictions of the virgin Mary in the wild woman tradition, as well as those familiar with the horns symbol in females (Artemis) will be able to divine her meaning further.

Star Vs would naturally develop into a white cartoon with Aryan virtues. This was recognized and they killed it.

On a wider note cartoons have absolutely disintegrated following the death of the 90s. There were good cartoons afterwards (Teen Titans, MLAATR, ATLA and a few of lesser impact) but the more time passed the shittier it all became, and now I'm forced to look this abyss in the eyes and conclude that they are dead. To save western animation one must completely eradicate the jewish influence and by proxy wage nothing short of a total cultural war.

Yes, I watch anime since forever. No need to preach to the converted.

The Loud House is the only current cartoon worth watching, and it is amazing. Even it is pozzed by faggotry. But… but! There is a bold undercurrent of pro-white themes that surface when compared to the faggotry. There are even pro-male and pro-military themes. Savino knew they'd force him to include the pozz and he countered it by including it by himself under his own terms. It's not blatant, but I can sense his contempt for liberalism.

Meanwhile Japan is creating wonders. Youjo Senki is Star Vs sublimed and magnified to an incredible degree. You should watch it.


If you hadn't tripfagged, I would have responded substantially to this post.

I honestly thought anime was for degenerate faggots til I started Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It seems like some of the normie tier shit may be garbage but some ofit is actually pretty based.

I feel as though the Japanese are ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to social isolation and degeneracy that they created these shows with real characters and emotion as a way to feel something real again.

My brother's wife first told me about the first animated lesbian kiss abour a year ago and I was just like, "Yep…"

"Isn't that amazing user!?"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder brother's wife."

I'm sick of these degenerates, they truly are mentally ill to want to push this shit onto kids.

It's Holla Forums so it falls within my jurisdiction. In any case, a bit of flash never hurt anyone.

And actual hentai is actually worse, because degenerate parodies of innocent girls is never a good thing whereas who gives a shit about modern western cartoon characters?

I think Star is actually surprisingly good, I mean for a cartoon and all. I'd rather watch it than Family Guy or American Dad or anything else like that. In part it's just because I've been out all night with the show's creator on a personal basis, albeit a long time ago. And a part of it is I think that like pony, it's the best of a bad genre, and it's important for white children to have SOME common ground to share at school and as unfortunate as it is that to some extent has to include (((television))) just so they can have a conversation with normalfaglings.

I looked at his post again and found:
There is a literal "big strong funny nigger xD" in that show. Its just a shitty rip off of anime like avatar. If you were not a complete retard you would notice that teen titans, avatar, legend of whatever, thundercats etc are all delibrately all SHITSKIN RAINBOW COLORS and not white. Kikes would never let a true western made anime on television because that would cause a revival of huwite identity in kids.
Fuck you tripfag.

What's going on here? Anyone else noticing this? Why are so many characters getting cuck in such a short time span? I am not even trying to start a Disney cuck meme. I think it's intentionally being done for some reason.

Holla Forums is not for you. Fuck off to wherever you came from.

After watching the eps that are out, I felt like I'd been missing something for my entire life without even knowing it, and now it'd been returned to me.

Are Lego natsoc approved?

Like any other Holla Forumsack I speak my own opinions from my own experiences.

It doesn't need to be a meme you faggot. Disney is cucked and is a kike company full of pedophiles.

Sure. But not all the cartoon and movie branded shit. Also lego was a actualy "stolen" idea from some old guy at a toy convention. Just a little known redpill.

What about no

What the actual fuck?

Jesus Christ, you're as mad at this shit as you ever were about pony. Why do you hate Western cartoons? Is this some kind of cartoon ethnomasichsm, considered how much anime is loved around here?

The 'house brand' lines are better, anyhow. City and whatever the medieval line is called this year.

I never remember a famous popular anime having implied or explicit lesbianism in it. EVER. Ever ever.

becom meguca

The west needs to be made great again. It has been 95% to 100% owned by jews since ww2. Nearly All western kiketoons are leftist propaganda.
Now go back

As stated, we need nothing short of a total cultural war and a purge of Hollywood and all aspects of fiction.

There's also two wonderful and feminine girls who despite their power indeed do need a man (Robin). Raven in particular is fully submissive towards him etc. etc. I won't waste my time on you.

It really strikes a chord. There's so much visceral raw energy contained within it, and it doesn't pull any punches. Tanya is amazing, and displays that "dehumanize yourself" meme.

The author was either chosen by an outside force or Japan has an actual agenda and both funds and spreads anime that is traditional and pro-white either explicity or by proxy (shared values of our two races; there are many). The conspiracytard in me likes to imagine that the hidden structures of the Reich are in contact with their equivalent in Japan and that they're working together. But I lean towards metaphysics as usual.

The ED is the most Holla Forums anime song of all time (enable subtitles)

Patrician taste.

And Pony and Star are totally incomprehensible, I don't know why anyone would pay any attention to cartoons that have become Western cultural touchstones, and there aren't dozens of murders committed across the course of the combined series. Or wars fought, or starvation and slavery the Hearthswarming Eve and Crystal Empire arcs.

Fuck you. A fucking nigger main character makes anything else in that show shit.
Go on. call me a stormfag. I dont give a single fuck.

You faggots actually annoy the shit out of me with your virtue signalling against Western cartoons. I am triggered. I am replying twice. You worship the ground Japan walks on but won't put up with any transgression from Pony or Star. What is your fucking endgame on this?

i became intensely more racist by going through public school through high school and seeing the degeneracy of niggers and spics personally

Nationalism is nature. The spirit has been suppressed but it's always waiting. And in Japan it was very strong to begin with. I knew something electric was in the air when GuP became so popular.

Fuck you cunt. If you keep shitting up threads with your bullshit i will call you out on posting that crypto pony girl that no one else knows.


I reccomend these type of toys for kids.


Shounen OPs and EDs have a descriptor called Hotblood that we desperately need in the West. Read the lyrics.

Cardcaptor Sakura. Tomoyo is deeply in love with the protagonist, her cousin Sakura. Sounds degenerate? It isn't. Tomoyo is a wonderful, amazing person that approaches sainthood. She not only doesn't seek to corrupt Sakura but seeks to preserve her purity, and later on helps her and Li recognize their love for each other and brings them together.

CCS is godtier in all aspects, it pays off to watch it.

In general the Japanese see homosexuality as what it was in normal society - training wheels for the young before they're ready for more serious relationships. It is only the West that created this putrid identity around faggotry and shills it. In other cases of homosexuality it is very limited, meaning character A likes character B not because A or B are homosex or of the same gender, but because A is utterly fascinated and in love with B only because B is B. It is a pure thing, a love for the soul of a person.

Actual faggots and dykes as we know them are depicted in anime usually as clowns and/or otherwise damaged. It's either played for laughs or regarded as an expression of the gay characters immaturity and egotism. In other words Japan deals in truth.

As for doujins and hentai there's no argument against it. Its value is in its fiction. It's not supposed to reflect real life at all, yet alone shill propaganda. It's a creative expression of sexual energy, idealized and unrelated to reality. It's not to be taken seriously and there's no agendas and politics in it. Japan has utterly hit the mark with anime, manga and hentai. They put everything in its proper place and all of it is of an immense value to the individual who isn't fucking retarded or narrow.

I just can't stop listening to the OP and ED. I'm not even a fan of japanese music in general. It's just awesome.

Underrated gem is underrated.

user kun, I was Holla Forums before there was a Holla Forums. You don't need to flaunt your wonderful racism, I am proudly racist myself. Forget about Cyborg and focus on other aspects. For instance, in one ep Beast Boy turns into a wild monster due to reasons and attacks Raven, or so the others think. tl;dr in the end Raven tells him (paraphrased):

The ep was about violence basically, and Raven was saved by BB in his monster form. BB was worried about his capacity for violence and rage. Ergo the most pro-male words uttered ever in western animation. The ep is "Beast within"

I botched it a bit perhaps, it's been a while.

I actually watched GuP just two days ago. For the first time. It's glorious.

Do you like the idea of commiting genocide against kikes and niggers and removing their traces from history?
Anyway teen titans is pedo shit now, Watch vid related. And if you want the good characters then someone will make a show with them and without the nigger in the future.

Sarah Anderson would be a cute if she wasn't a retarded commie.



I'm not sure if this was Disney's intent, but it's having an effect on adults too.

I wasn't talking about TT Go user, but the original Teen Titans from circa 2004.

Isn't that why we are here?

A collection of babby's first shounen of the month and also Cowboy Bebop and Big O

I said that in case because there is plenty of subhuman cuckchanners on Holla Forums now who think genocide is wrong and "natiobalism4eberyone :DDDD".
And both teen titans have a nigger in them so i don't see the difference.

This thread is more about the content in western cartoons being shit rather than the art style itself
And they're right when you look at the difference between cartoons from before 2007 and since
Honestly if we're talking artstyle, rather i think its a lack of effort the artists put into characters in the west which is the problem
I dont mind that they've been taking hints from animays with big eyes and the like, but i think western artists make it too simple, either out of personal choice or simply because they dont want to put effort into which results in something adults dont find particularly attractive
Rather they need to add facial characteristic back into cartoons rather than have the shitty Same face characters all the time

Pick one

Yes the animation was pure shit, the story torn apart and blundered, but I can't be the only one who got shivers from this scene.

The sameface shit is real because literally all popular cartoons come from the same art school.

We need Trump to defund Cal Arts. Try to find some shit on their professors being anti-american anti-white kike faggots.

You forgot to edit the pony out of your crypto cancer, faggot.


same, I was a nerdy kid that liked learning and went to a shitty ass public school. I hated the niggers and spics at school because they were so clearly the future scum of the earth. It redpilled me hard early on. there's been a paradigm shift now though, the white kids (and latina's) in my classes are the ones I tend to resent now because they're all delusional SJW's, no concept of reality. So obviously intent on killing off their own race so the mexicans/muslims/minorities can inherit the world. the kind that don't have any brown or black friends but shill for them rabidly in classes. been to two universities on both ends of the country and it's rampant. i fear for the future of this country because the lower and middle classes have been poisoned. time to move towards the middle of the country I guess, it's probably just a different set of problems though.

This is about as pathetic as when you whined about an interracial couple in that cereal commercial.

There are actual fights out there. Things that require your attention. Background characters appearing for three seconds in a kids' show is not one of those. Hell, if the entire show was a brainwashing exercise (Steven Universe comes to mind), you'd have a point. But that's not what this is.

jesus christ this is worse than I thought

And here come the kikes to shill damage control.

I have no idea what this show is about, but that's fucking hilarious.

Nice try, kike.
We have plenty of time to talk about ALL marxisr garbage. Not just "muh important things goys"

What did you think "CalArts" meant?




Stop your faggotry this instance!



Posting this from the cuckquean thread.

And this is from the Bible. God wills it.

in b4 christcuck. There's esoteric kristianity and then there's the garbage versions we have today (catholicism and protestantism).

Our women will be brought to heel. They will beg us to do so.

Honest to Kek. Please stop spamming, friend.

You have no idea the power of Japanese Anime, and the symbols it contains. If the jew knew, japan would be completely exterminated.

Yeah, except that's not true. Gravity Falls did it first in their "Love God" episode… which was ALSO hailed as a great step forward for degenerate faggotry aimed at children.

I'd tell you to go to Holla Forums and kill yourself, but I don't want you polluting Holla Forums as well. So… I dunno, go to Holla Forums and kill yourself or something.


maybe ask on >>>Holla Forums

Good shit.

As if they did anyway, spics are hideously short and even poorer than niggers.

Well, where to next on this declining slope degeneracy.

Still, some trashy white girls fuck spics. No idea why with half of them being fags.

who? the spics or trashy white girls?
From my experience most of the faggot population consists of them both.

Help me out here, user. What am I supposed to be seeing in the scene where Scrooge McDuck is getting his prostate exam results?

topkek, coning was hilarious

Nah, spics. Spics have a large amount of fags.

why though?

high rates of child abuse

I really hate this shit. You do not need to get nice and comfy to a threat to know that it is one. Need lemmings be reminded every single time they fuck up that the move they made could have been easily diverted without sacrificing anything?

Japs' thinking is in the right place most of the time but they fail to understand why outsiders are outsiders and why nogs dindu nuffin. Weak men make bad times.

notice the horns, it isn't just regular devil horns
its the symbol of cuckoldry.

"Thicker than a cuckold's horn ."


the more you know…

I believe it.

Disney was known for being "anti-semitic".
In the original version of the three little pigs, the wolf disguises himself as a filthy Jew. All movies and cartoons were wholesome and portrayed Europeans peoples until Disney died. Only once he passed, did the poz start.



This kid's the victim but complicit in the subversion of further innocents. He must hang. He's probably dressed in lingerie this very second.
Bets for him putting a bullet through his skull before he's 25?

The eye chart says "Ask About Illuminati."

When you fucking faggots started sympathizing and inviting Tumblr whores to Holla Forums, just because a few of them weren't completely engulfed by the Marxist rabbit hole, that's when shit threads like these started popping up. Fucking leave this kind of trash on their containment site.

That is because it is precisely those autistic fags who buy the dvds, merch and manga
So it quite obvious why the anime industry would pander to them
Kaiji is a pretty underrated anime

Also is this the state of Disney's cartoons these days? I could have fucking done better and with more skill doodling during class a decade ago.

Forgot to sage

she's way better with long hair. i can almost imagine her curled up next to me as we watch The Greatest Story Never Told together

This poor kid is probably getting raped by his "fathers" on a daily basis.


if not raped in the ass his concept of family certainly is

I think your misunderstanding me user, I'm not saying that the west is taking this idea from japan, I'm saying that japan made the "big Eye" art style popular with almost every animation team out there
Technically The big eye art style originated in the west but I'm more concerned where the artists today are getting the big eye art style which is most likely weeaboo media

calarts grads are too derivative and devoid of any creativity but the same can be said for the mass produced monostyle trash that pours out of japan

1. Create an account on ehentai
2. Delete cookies using CCleaner
3. Log into ehentai
4. Go to exhentai
5. enjoy

Or just get the plugin ;-D

Or just do the official way which is to edit your two cookies obtained from ehentai when you login and change them from 'ehen' to 'exhen'. Honestly, all those weird work arounds are just for people who can't seem to figure out the right way.

or you can kill yourselves for being degenerate weebfags promoting 2D jew porn.

Note: You now have to wait a few days after making an ehentai account to gain access to exhentai

You're trying too hard to fit in.

hello reddit

Requesting webm where pic related animu girl in your post removes mexicans and lays the foundation of the wall

samurai jack reboot is coming out on the 11th.
it's going to be pretty hard to poz it but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they did, the original showed all the big cities as degenerate shitholes and anything multicult was under aku's grasp or his fault.



http:// kissanime.ru/Anime/Youjo-Senki
inb4 autistic sperging that I don't suggest he torrent raws and encode them with subtitles

If any of you niggerfaggots want a stream too, here's a decent enough site.

fuck i didn't break the link

This entire thread is utter garbage, and proof that anyone who still allows themselves to care about, and thus be tainted by, Talmudvision, will never escape its degeneracy promoting influence.

This thread should have been about discussing the ironclad grip the Jews have over the entertainment industry, and why it is therefore best to remove its influence from your life as much as you can. Stop consuming Jewish media, and improve yourselves.

Instead it's rife with the promotion of degenerate sexual fetishes that damage the cohesion of marriage, and thus, the family, and inane meanderings about cartoons and anime. Pathetic. This board is becoming cuckchan 2.0.

Dragon ball z was about hard work and racial pride
Every homo or fat character was portrayed as psychopathic degenerate


and they also accurately depicted niggers

Frieza was a literal space Jew with a Zionist multicultural army that conquered planets for shekels.

gib me dat dragon ball muh fugga bixnood

I'd watch this show religiously after school, I remember they were still on namek by the time I graduated. I miss it, not the same watching it now.

wtf I love anime now

Super was a fucking mistake

The cell saga was the perfect ending to DBZ. The ultimate DBZ villain being race mixed Monster created by the Marxist multicultural red Ribbon army was perfect.

Of course it is. This ain't the 90s anymore. They couldn't get away with depicting faggots and niggers the way they used too.

Who wants to start a new white colony in Nepal?
Find a good wife, become trained in a skill and together we, the new pioneers, shall create a prosperous and great society in the Himalayas.

This. I've heard people praise Disney for being allegedly antisemitic, but his actions ultimately aided the yids far more than anything. His company and his unjust exemptions from the federal goverment like the Mickey Mouse Act, which abuses copyright laws making anyone who draws a walking rat liable for a millionaire lawsuit, not to mention his shitty habit to accuse his employes of being commies whenever they complained about work conditions was the perfect breeding ground for the jew parasite to blossom in Disney Corp.

He sided with pedo Seuss and the jews when it came down to talk shit about the nazis and the propaganda war, he was not a friend he was a traitor with last minute regrets, otherwise he wouldn't had allowed this fuckery to happen in the first place.


Holla Forums is already polluted.

No, the anime industry is all about selling merchandising for fans. An anime is carefully designed to appeal a specific group, so its fans will buy overpriced Blu-Ray discs, figures, toys, cups, posters, pillows and other kind of garbage.

This is why 99%+ of animu is crap. They are totally generic, bureaucratic, artless products aimed at obsessive consumerists.

This looks like generic anime #497297

Holy shit the lack of self-awareness.

I've never seen this before. I'm raging pretty hard over here.

Joshiraku is pretty nationalistic, with the typical jap slapstick and jokes that's heavy on the dialog. overall it's bretty gud, would recommend. it's from the same guy that made Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei too.

S2 never ;_;

codemonkey fix ur shit. lost two images there.

Wow, they weren't joking when they said that two nukes weren't enough

Just ignore him. His sole purpose here is to bait people. Why else would he be in an animation thread while holding such opinions? The only people who still repeat that sorta thing are either trolls, shills or far more likely (((Hollywood))) worshippers.

In any case being anti-anime is the equivalent of saying you fuck dogs up the ass. There's nothing to discuss after that.

Also Zetsubo was great. Pure gold.

Example of the above mentioned.

Go back to reddit. Chand have always been weeb hives and this will never change. Either lurk for a few more years or leave.

Had to laugh my ass off and hold back tears of respect when I saw that "Give it back" scene when watching the show. You'd never find something even close to that in "our" media these days.

But isn't that what you'd call degenerate as a kid could never grow up like a normal person in a society where you'll be able to fuck as many women as you like.

Funny , the word for cuckold in spanish is cornudo that translates into "thing that has horns"

Is that fucking Optimus Prime narrating?

they're making a new season of fooly cooly and making it be about some broad. There's no hope on that channel

In german there's the phrase "gehörnter Ehemann" meaning "horned husband", someone who got cucked by his wife.


So close

Generic sitcom shit, not surprised a tripfaggot would have such awful taste.
Oh wait, you are that disgusting pedo from cuckchan.



Actually, back in the days of AnonTalk me and a couple of Finns busted a female pedophile who was selling her 6yo daughter on AT and got her arrested. But you won't read stuff like that on ED and similar sites, newfriend.

There is no angle from which you can assault me personally. You can however repeat stale memes born from Holla Forums's hatred towards me. Holla Forums was the most liberal board on 4chan, while I was full 14/88 and molded in the fires of old Holla Forums. It's natural that jimmies were rustled.

I even got my own little tsundere fanclub. You people obsess over me way too much, but I find it kinda cute.

Posting as user to avoid offending Holla Forums's sensibilities. No further posts will be related to this reply.

That's an oxymoron, goon.

The androids being much stronger than Frieza did not make fucking sense at all though.

Underrated notification.

Can't improve perfection you flashit, good doy.

Reported for not even trying.

Lurk forever, /r Donald.


The green one that transforms into animals.



disney was of jew ancestry and he know well about kikes

goal of disney was to create a hypno sleep sheep society based on peace.
so you and your family are raised as sheeps in pink pony fairy land

Sexuality has NO place in the work place and ESPECIALLY around children. I want them all necklaced.

have that at the normal frame rate. had to drop it when we were at ther 8MB cap.

I don't care what goon-kun thinks, it's just i thought Joshiraku was just some moe moe kyun type of SOL before i took the time to watch it.



Disney isn't Disney anymore.

Wew, i dont how to react

tbh user, everyone knows that when a human procreates with another creature, the offspring is superior in many aspects to both

I wouldn't watch a Disney movie. Disney is no longer Disney.

I hope you forgot your ;^)

But niggers are physically faster sprinters than white people
I never said that their weren't any drawbacks
Besides you forgot that when a nigger procreates with another creature, the offspring will always be a nigger, Kind of like how goblins work in hentai,
They are not truly half-human

Interspecies breeding is inferior in every way, user.

Good thinking user.

Okay, enough shitposting.
Besides, that still doesn't address my original point: saying DBZ is about racial pride is flawed given several notable elements in the show.



Phrasing, user.

What the fuck? They seriously have the two characters kissing while the guy is still holding this other girl's hand? This is the most active cuckholdry I think I've seen in a cartoon.

Thanks m8.

I get that Marco is a dirty spic, but if he wasn't the story could be instead read like this:




Audrey is a western millennial whore. The game also promotes a fucking nigger. shame on you, user

People need to know that there is no scientific evidence of being born gay.

This 7 month old 143 page paper by scholars at the university of John Hopkins debunked it all.


Fucking Kikes.

You can't be born gay, but you can be born with epigenetic markers that predispose you to faggotry. These epigenetic markers get triggered by kike propaganda, mental illness, etc. etc. So gayness is a mental illness and it should stop being normalized as well as shamed.

We need to shoot these people up with test/est and expose them to straight camps.

Krillin used the dragon balls to turn Android 18 into a fully human woman you FUCKING IDIOT

Oh, so he used magic, so that makes race mixing okay. If I have a qt niggress with totally Aryan features and traditional background, it's okay to have children with her as long as a fantasy dragon wishes her to be white.


am I the only one who thinks this animu is try hard
I hate the loli, she looks like a marysue

Tryhard? Not sure what you mean exactly, I don't get that feel from it. What is it trying so hard to do or to be?
She certainly isn't a mary sue, overpowered sure, but not a mary sue.

Read the manga you fucking mongoloid

They've been pushing this two fathers thing for decades except the fathers didn't used to be faggots.

instantly sold it to me

are you antifa too?

I'm not liking Tanya so far. Does it get better? Beyond its initial hook - overpowered loli fights for the good guys in WWII - it seems like a pretty generic magical girl/salaryman anime and doesn't seem to bring much that's new to the table. I've only watched two episodes and I think I'm going to end there unless you all swear up and down there's a reason to keep watching. Frankly, I like Star v. the Forces of Evil better. More happens, there are a lot of amusing plot elements, and the overall degeneracy is, I'd argue, just about even.

I guess it didn't help their understanding that all their sycophant employees are homosexuals.

Why does this specific form of shilling seem to be increasing here? This isn't a "why are you making a thread about CURRENT EVENT X three weeks later as if it's brand new", it's about an entire ongoing perpetual topic. Or would you claim threads about the holohoax should be ignored in favor of "someone in politics posted a tweet" threads?

What are you, 12? Go back to school.
You mean that shitty kids' show animated at 3FPS trying desperately to copy anime art style while having the dramatic depth of storytelling of "humpty dumpty"? Get into the oven.

Kill yourself horsefucker.

Kill yourself horsefucker.


Consider suicide.

That "Aryan Blonde" cucked the spic with "le tormented rockstar who drops school" (pic related) early in season 1.

She's just upset his orbiter is with another girl. After the incident when the beaner kissed another girl she even was trying to be again with the school dropout.

Marco is an expy of her IRL husband. Christ, with all the propaganda everywhere, I blame her a lot less than I blame the kikes who flooded our country with mestizo squat goblins and told us for our entire lives that we were racist for preferring our own race. Remember, some of us are a little older. I racked up a prodigious university debt because we were the first people who came along not knowing any better. I don't approve of the show's message in its entirety, but it does reflect the reality of the time and place I grew up, and so I can't not feel the effect of nostalgia it evokes.

I'm still triggered by ponies!
Some of us still love the only thing that was ever successful at raiding Holla Forums


Nope he just retire the bomb she has on her chest. She's an android like terminator. Flesh over metal skeleton.


Decent chance that I'm as old or older than you, her being a racemixer herself just makes it worse, not better.

Also you have shit taste in ponies.

Yeah? Did you grow up in SoCal literally immersed in the closet thing kikes have ever come to to creating paradise on Earth? It was already full of niggers and spics when we came into it; white authority figures didn't wear any kind of racism on their sleeve, ever; and we were propagandized non-stop that we lived in the greatest place and time that had ever happened or would ever happened and don't you just love all the diversity guys? Of course we can't get gas everywhere in the city, but it just feels good to know that you're surrounded by all that culture! There was nothing to redpill us. We didn't have the internet and if nothing bad directly happened to us individually, there wasn't necessarily a reason to understand why what was happening was bad. I totally understand why she's the person she is today and why she's putting out a show like this one. We all lived in an upper middle class bubble, and all the ethnics around us shared that bubble, we were deliberately steered around any unpleasant interaction with the racials our whole fucking childhoods.

gas yourself


I'm genuinely surprised there's such a thing as an intelligent spammer.

Entirely false unless you consider leftist men comrades. Every redpilled white man could have two white women and there'd still be women that would have to settle for some leftist faggot, be a racemixing degenerate, or become a catlady.

calarts stronk