Fuck This Earth



Brought to you by the spics.

What is this exactly? It looks absolutely atrocious and I can feel my soul twisting and shriveling in pain just by looking at it, but I feel like I'm not getting the full experience from it that I should be. The full level of suffering isn't there because I don't know what this is.

Its a Youtube video maker simulator.
Where you try and get views, and subs, in a video game form.


I am not even making a webm of this shit, fuck this gay earth. I am leaving.

it is literally pic related with e-celebs.



That sounds absolutely terrifying. I thought it was a 3d animated Youtube sitcom about Youtubers hanging out and shit but

Man that's sad. Can't they just make videos and upload them on Youtube from their own computer? Why do you need to simulate it? It's like having a notepad simulator when you can just open up notepad yourself and write something in it. Are people really that lazy where they can't put together some shitty video in an editor and upload it to Youtube?

Don't really see how you could make this a game, but whatever.

Okay, so it's that little vidya dev simulator game but with youtube whoring?

I'd say I was glad that they're sure to lose shekels on this, but they probably spent so little to make it that it'll at least recoup its budget.

I would imagine it also simulates the whole "being popular" thing that most people who make youtube videos miss out on. either way it's yet another step in assuring e-celebs are a more powerful marketing tool than any press site could ever hope to be and marketers are banking on having every single kid on planet fucking earth regardless of age hooked to at least one of them.

if you thought the talmudvision infiltrated homes then you haven't seen anything yet.

i think if you mod it you can make a nice social critic


take me with you


Remove the "check from Google" part and it's pretty much the average user's life.

You are in the best possible dimension

It's real…

The bad one.

How retarded. I bet you can't even make Worldstar tier chimpout vids

I dont know why I didnt delete this thread when I made it. Now I am pissed off at work.

Only a matter of time till they get sued

Remember the time before YT sold out to Google? Remember the days before YT entirely? We will always have a great home here but damn do I miss the glory days of the Internet.

I oddly miss the video reply feature. Having a direct link to see so many people get rused by Chad Daddy was great.



just you fuckin wait

This is the future you chose.

I can't even say which would be worse.

I want to kill, but I don't know where to kill.

A Synagogue. The Jews are responsible for this, they caused all the suffering in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Hitler was right.

user, you didn't make it out of surgery

this is Holla Forums's hell

I remember when people said that animu games is the end.
I'd like to see their faces now.

dunno what your problem is op, this looks hella fun


best choice

if no one stops the cancer it just grows and grows

welp, time to go get a shower

I need to wash away the feeling

>you will never watch the demented cartoon movie for the first time or find it funny ever again

Streaming and YouTube was a mistake.


What, no Walrusguy? What a gyp.

ahhh the spicy salsa of vindication

You are in the Bearstain universe user, there is no hope here.

What a time to be alive

what an old as fuck image