You motherfuckers have thirty seconds

To give me the fucking edgiest goddamn games ever before I make you wish you were dead.

And when you beg for your meaningless death to your worthless existence, I'll look down whisper nothin personell, kid.

Other urls found in this thread:!UhtSTA5S!u9hAjGsOFetjRWPDjsmgmg


Not edgy enough, punkfaggot.

Try again before I do edgy things to your cat.

Mass effect 2.
Be a big fat meany

Do it faggot, I fucking hate my cats.

Postal 2

And Bulletstorm, forgot that shit

Shiki, quit trying to sex the cats.


I'd say Overwatch simply for the edgy to the hilarious degree that is Reaper.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance
Alice: Madness Returns
Postal 2
Darksiders 2
Killer Is Dead
The Witcher (Any)
Dark Souls 2
Pokemon Moon

I find it funny how much fanart of Reaper has him drawn in weird poses with sexualized proportions.
There are characters Blizz probably expected people to be attracted to, Reaper was most likely not one of them.

This game is so edgy they had to censor the game because seeing blood and gore of actual humans is too hardcore, but this is the closest you can get without the NSA and FBI getting a search warrant going through all your OC Sonic art and plenty of shitty porn.

most "sexual attraction" when it comes to fanart is just people making images to get attention. like when that one faggot pretended to get off on floor tiles.

Fag detected


R63 Reaper porn when?

I Have Candy Get In The Van

people being attracted to reaper isn't that far fetched

I want to cuddle with reaper in a pile of discarded shotguns while he whispers about how he's going to eat my soul.

bonus points if he gives me a massage with those spiky gauntlets. I bet they'd do wonders on my aching back.


You'd be a shit interior designer, user.

Postal 2 is satirical.

probably in about 3 days or so

I linoleum guy mostly.

How is Bulletstorm edgy? Killing fuckers in creative ways is a staple of videogames

floors are meant to be made out of wood, unless they're exterior in which case stone. you gay

I don't like how aroused that's making me.

every single answer in this thread is wrong, only acceptable answer is I have no mouth and I must scream

That was a book, originally. I'm pretty sure that quote came straight from the book.

Y'all faggots haven't even heard of Blood Zero or The Last Resurrection, have you? I knew you guys were casual wannabes, but I never could have imagined you guys were this bad!

It was fake. All greentext stories are fake. Ohio guy is fake, PMC guy is fake, Starcraft 64 guy is fake, the guy with the crazy weeb girlfriend who browses Holla Forums is fake, and yes even floor tiles guy is fake.

No fucking shit, do you think the anons you're replying to are being serious with responses like "I masturbate on floor tiles ten times a day"?

I bet you don't even have a kitchen bench

Oh fug someone who has heard of it.

Here, I'll just put up my link to all of the old games from the same guy:!UhtSTA5S!u9hAjGsOFetjRWPDjsmgmg









Chapter 2 never ever ;_;

No, I was trying, and failing, to bait people who thought they were real. And on the off chance that Starcraft 64 guy was real and lurking in this thread, I wanted to see if I could get him to sperg some more.

Boy, user, you're right at home in this thread.

I actually have a floor tile tier fetish but i'm not going to tell, at least not here

I do to.
At least there are a surprising amount of porn for my fetish.

It surek can't be as bad as mine

I'd think reaper was pretty cute if I didn't know what he looked like under the mask

It's unfortunate he's a nigger.

I haven't heard of the Starcraft 64 guy story

pls no bully

He played with his copy of game like a toy instead of actually playing the game.

I haven't heard of the playstation 2 guy either

wait, you mean this guy didnt actually have 300 confirmed kills and international network of spies?

Rayman of course

Postal 1


Are there screencaps?

Fuck you.

Short story and you are right, its directly from it.

Is the game good? I love and hate the short story all at the same time because it is a terrifying journey, but done so well. Does the game ruin that?



Are they really gonna make it an edgy pokemon game? If so it would be hilarious to see how much meme cancer NoA can physically cram into a game

COD Multiplayer

I want a dad like that
