Actually working in engineering, processes and related. My expertise comes from there. I do some python programming tools to speed up boring things, which are then done right by competent programmers for management.
So you want to make a new competitor into an almost saturated industry. It will be fun to battle against the jews.
There is the trend that some people would want a less pozzed entertainment, then why not, only that (for now) is not a large portion of the market. If you are reading this late post then it could mean you already read all above posts and are aware of the situation. I will start naming the problems.
- Problem with collaborative work is the need to eventually local meetup, which means honeypots and subverters (goons, marxists, and the Shadow Govt).
- There is the problem of the funding and the payments for the teams. (Having irl name related with this stuff means having the same treatment as Sigvatr, when SA was not pozzed and published musslim massacre)
- The teams need to be paid, in some way (someone could jew all and run away with the cash, or only pay only to his friends, et al)
- There is the problem of the scale. (Too big is kill)
- There is the problem of the nature of the imageboards (irc and irl meetup will derail in shit and cliques. Centralization is kill)
- There is the nature of the imageboard communications (merit assigned to ideas, not users, creative destruction of ideas, evolution, best ideas live on)
Key problem is following the same nature we endure here, just how is mentioned in
Wrote that, and from the means we have, I could add a partial solution for the above problems.
For starts, interested parties should not focus first in a full AAA game, less a 3D modelled, or having music, or sound, or pretty graphics, or stories written in. Following Sigvatr demise, it should be anything playable. The smaller the best. And work uphill from that. For PC master-race, winblows then gnu-linux (or better)
This endeavour will be huge, lasting years, which implies grinding efforts and falling teams recycling from previous works.
Should be a plattform built over a framework (like Flask, for naming one) that allows having a login and user (and ways to patch that credential system flaws) through more than 7 proxies, with not central admin but teams (policing against cp, drugs and degeneracy), that will need to have a versioning and revision control. A system that can be forked, backuped and easily redeployed. A system to vet users by their merit and projects, and allow them entry based on that. A system to allow building teams to vet themselves against each other building small games and media to build over them as they fail, comment, and publish against the censoring jews. A publishing platform that can sustain and balance the server loads. A system to rip apart creations and see their entrails looking for any working gem. A system to fork and weed out when ((they)) arrive. Just how we endure here against ((their)) watch and their automated web scraping.
Funding can´t be centralized, because Anonymity, but it could be done using Bitcoin (or any meme coin) only if the platform could handle payments to and from that currency, to the team members that reach the craft to build a game/media that can be sold, or whatever reached merit. Maybe what will be needed is a new memecoin/wallet or a system to node apart the finances.
Some people will burnout, some will stay.
Projects will be pozzed and pruned, some others not and will live on.
Then is the issue of ego. How some people will cope to publish their works using the proxy name of the 'company', without having irl naming. We don´t namefag here, but some will be sore. Also someone will have to create the company in a country where they don´t have to tell the names of their paid remote team participants. Some could write some stories, other some art, build a pool of content, libraries, tutorials. A Shared content where to try and fail, for the glory of the chaotic creation.
Gentlemen. This is doable, if done in small steps.
Recycle, rebuild and endure until we win, until ((their)) grasp will only be a memory while watching the far away clouds of dust.