Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia

"Neurobiological research, including brain imaging and studies of finger length ratio and handedness, suggests that both these disorders are associated with altered cerebral sexual dimorphism and changes in cerebral lateralization. Various mechanisms, such as Toxoplasma infection, reduced levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), early childhood adversity, and links with autism spectrum disorders, may account for some of this overlap."

Other urls found in this thread:


forgot link to study:

Also a good reason to not have a cat: http://

not to split hairs but
faggot in drag != person with GID

traps are gay

Truly, cats are the jews of the animal kingdom.

Your OP is so shit that even you saged it.


What we know about Homosexuality/Transexualism.
It can be either:
>Phytoestrogens, they're present in most Grains and may have kicked out Homosexuality since the Agricultural Revolution.
>Xenoestrogens, they come from Plastics mainly and are "Turbo Phytoestrogens" - they might have boosted the process in the Modern Era.
>Toxoplasma gondii, it is linked, like you showed, that this parasitic alveolate causes Sexual Disorders in Humans.
>Sertoli cell deficiency, it is linked that Mothers who have really high levels of Oestrogen (see Phyto+Xeno above) causes these cells to not develop/develop badly in male babies.
>Genes, little evidence for that, only theories and speculations.
>Bad Brain Development while in Fetus stage, see vid related.

Everything indicates that Homosexuality happens due to Gestational abnormalities.

Don't forget childhood abuse. Pretty much every homo has a story of being diddled as a kid by some pedo.

Only baby cats can transmit toxoplasmosis.

Male homosexuality and early onset male transsexualism (same condition, just different degrees) are nearly 100% a result of childhood/teenage sexual abuse. Female homosexuality and transsexualism are 100% social/memetic. Late onset male transsexualism (Bruce Jenner, Martin Rothblatt, etc.) is the only thing that's hard to explain.

That's not accurate.

I think someone was sneaking estrogen pills into his food/drink. Probably his ex wife to extend their family's time in the public spotlight.

Bruce probably used roids and fucked his hormones up or he has an addictive personality and got off on that shit until he acted out on it.

The parasite can't sexually reproduce in the intestinal epithelium of adult cats.

You can still get toxoplasmosis from an adult cat… if you eat the the animal.

I can tab a few things onto that. Klinefelters syndrome often results in homosexuality or transgenderism and the true extent of its presence in the population is unknown because it is so hard to test for.

Source please. I'm reading otherwise.

user 229535 is correct
w ww.cdc. gov/parasites/toxoplasmosis/epi.html

Cysts of the parasite from adult cats are present in fecal matter. Ingestion via cross contamination can infect human beings.

Please link Cochran directly and not this obese nigger.


This isn't even an article.

i was diddled as a wee lad, it's the only thing that explains why i like to crossdress.

I suppose the infant penile mutilation blood ritual and living near cats could do that as well, but some fuck feeling up my shota junk makes more sense.

I wasn't diddled, yet I like to go in trap mode. beats me why that is.

Because you're a fucking degenerate who hasn't got long before he's gassed? Just guessing here.

Is gender identity disorder any different than multiple personality disorder?

Both linked to mild schizophrenia

conditioning through porn seems likely.

Imagining that I'm a girl and getting dicked is the only way I can jack off.

Is that you?

You suffer from autogynephilia. Your years of being addicted to porn is the cause.

God no.

I'll just drop how the DSM V sees it.

Gender identity disorders is in the category of identity disorders, and similar to other body integrity disorders. It is compared in symptom and treatment to body integrity disorders –think of people who have lost their arm and experience 'phantom limb', or constantly freak out at missing a limb. That is a body integrity disorder; the body does not match up with the mind's image of the body, which is how they classify GID.

Now, multiple personality disorder (or nowadays, Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a DISSOCIATIVE disorder in category. Dissociative disorders are generally thought of as being a breakdown of the mind's ability to handle trauma.

Dissociation is a normal and healthy response to traumatic events. When a healthy person views a traumatic or highly emotional event in their past, they do not view it with the same intensity or even the same emotion as they felt then –this is dissociation at work. Post traumatic stress disorder is a breakdown of this system, where the mind cannot successfully reduce the emotional response of a past event, and thus it is seen with the same intensity and detail as if they were there again; a flashback.

Dissociative identity disorder is thought to be a breakdown in the other direction, as it were; It dissociates so well that the memory is completely gone and then continues to wildly sabotage memories and separate experiences, causing fugue states. Over time this can, in theory, form separate personalities shaped by different memories and experiences.

So no they aren't linked. Both are linked to schizophrenia because schizophrenia is linked to trauma and other mental disorders in general. There's a strong push for schizophrenia to be considered a neurological disorder, and a lot of evidence supporting that stance.

holy shit you dumb cunt. no one is born gay. these fags become gay because someone stuck a penis up their butt and they liked it.

Couldn't look at the video (jewtube blocked it in my country). I've watched what his channel was about for 5 minutes, shouldn't have.

Fuck off trying to make it sound inevitable.
It boils down to abuse and genital mutilation.

Degeneracy can be cured without drugs.
Degeneracy can only be cured, without drugs.

He's a Holla Forums e-celeb:
>>>Holla Forums1427299

workaround for country block, replace youtube by youpak in the url
but don't try on this shit video, I regret doing that

We're talking science here, and many gays are virgins. Actually, many of them say almost the same story: since they were little kids who knew nothing about anything, they were the way they were.

Everything indicates that homosexuality is caused by a "defective" mother, one way or another, during pregnancy.

It's like I can't even be surprised with these guys nowadays. Sometimes I just wish we had the technology to revive people, so we could have Hitler having fun around yes, but also, to see the reactions of the original revolutionaries when they stumble upon this. Of course, we would shoot them after that for keks.

Thanks user, I'm so tired of waiting 5 minutes so I can listen to NatSoc music or videos because the VPN is located on the other side of earth.

There is faggotry in other animals though. That indicates it's a birth defect. Like anything, it's probably partly nature and partly nurture, so maybe there's a genetic predisposition which is triggered in the right circumstances.

Yeah because raped kids would of couse come out and tell us before hand. It's not like they keep that to themselves and lie how they're gay.
gays are the product of nuture not nature. the HUE IM BORN GAY meme was invented by the fags in the 90s to obfuscate the real truth, which is they were ass raped by someone.

Your article is a good contribution to the scientific understanding of the life cycle of T. gondii. But you are still wrong ultranigger.

h ttps://

That's retarded. Has there ever been any real proof that consuming phytoestrogen converts it into estrogen that the human body can use?

Soy, milk and pornography is the real cause. "gender identity disorder' is a jewish lie

Okay, believe in what you want. The fact is: it is a biological defect, which means that there's a cure.
If you want to deny it and do nothing, others will.

I've had similar objections a couple of week ago and some user came up with a thorough explanation. TL;DR xenoestrogens are not the same as phytoestrogens and not all phytoestrogens are equally available to the human endocrine system.
If said user can read this, he's invited to post again.

More news at 11

Xenoestrogens are adviced against if you have hormonal issues, phyto I don't know about.

Found the nigger

Milk is full of estrogen

>tfw coloreds turn me on
I've kicked the porn, I'm now trying to kick that too. Maybe if I jerk off to hu'white girls it'll help. I don't know. I don't want to fuck one or anything, my shit is just fucked I guess.

if you haven't read the screengrabs of gay forums here about how 95% were ass fucked by uncle/older friend/dad/authority figure then that figures why your pozzed ass keeps on trying to push the >BORN GAY meme.

Born fags were disproven last year.
figures you'd have a problem with a non faggot god. hope odin loves your gaped ass for him gayboy.

C'mon nigger. So you're telling me you haven't passed 3rd grade or can use google?

Anything that has estrogen in it likely isn't very healthy for a male. The method of estrogen synthesis is probably irrelevant or only slightly so.


I meant I don't know if phytoestrogen is high impact. I know people with hormonal issues aren't supposed to eat xeno.

I think Holla Forums overhypes things a little bit.
Milk is hardly the culprit, it kept our ancestors strong and should work for us.

Soy, yeah no sure, stay the fuck away from soy.

But completely cutting out everything that MIGHT induce higher levels of estrogen is overkill, being aware is enough.

Eh most of the time. Only as much as it needs to be overhyped for you to listen. I'd say most of the information disseminated here is quite accurate though. Even if exaggerated, should be adhered to or at least kept in mind.

M8, the hormones they pump cows with now-a-days I wouldn't drink it on a steady basis. Unless you raise your own cows there's no way I'm drinking it. If you can find a local and trustworthy source, sure. But as far as a gallon of milk goes, fuck that.

I try to keep my testosterone in tact if possible even if that might be an uphill battle, still probably better off.

I wish I didn't, but your right. Sadly, unless I get a visit from Pence, I don't think I can stop. Tried having sex with a qt redhead with freckles, couldn't get it up.

Show real investigation made by real scientists (not pseudoscience of universities/media)
Protip you cant

>>>/nofap/ my friend. We're all gonna make it

I'm not gay, I'm not a pagan and I'm not the one entering gay forums.
But I guess I was right that you were a Christcuck.
Well, also, I never said they weren't degenerates and that they didn't liked it or that they didn't seek it.
But you're inverting cause and consequences - they being a biological defect causes the behaviour.
Now, really, if you come up with Infant Rape Statistics + Rate of Homosexuals, I may listen to your argument.
Until then, you have no case, and bizarrely so, as there's a lot of Birth Defects out there and there's no reason for homosexuality not being one.

Ugh, Vice Jews just came up with attached video today. Comments are pretty mixed:

In Thailand you can see one of the most child sexual exploitation business in the world, they have the habbit to turn into """ transexuals""" (men who try to look like women) and """ homos""" (men who runs away from weman and try to have sex with other men (and sometimes children, very commonly).

They have to go

My cousin was MtF trans. Went the whole nine yards and got surgery and everything. Sucks she was 6'5''. But she had moderate schizophrenia and a verbally/physically abusive mother with bi-polar disorder. My cousin was actually a really nice person, tried to be pure of heart. Sucks she died of a rare form of brain cancer….. Which I think many trans people will die from due to years of weird medications and hormones and blockers and such. All this happened before the SJW takeover of the trans scene.

I think I'm beginning to understand why this is the case

CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex

CDC Warns Gay Men of 'Epidemic' HIV Rates

Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons

Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays

Estimates of New HIV Infections in the United States, 2007-2010

The way is, Thailand is the child abuse and pedo capital of the world (with Israel second) which is why there's so much fucked up shit like trannies and other genders there. All the child abuse and sick pedos has fucked up their brains good.

you cuck. trannies were ALWAYS rooted in marxism, see

Four simple words: Munchhausen's Syndrome By Proxy. Only instead of murdering the child for attention, they fucking train them into faggotry for social justice points and attention. These women and gay men should be rounded up and gassed for doing that to their children.



homosexuality is a culture.

So is taking heroin or getting whipped in a dungeon, what's your point?

I think those are both parts of homosexual culture.

have you tried eating a bullet?

I saw a pub science talk on toxoplasmosis a few years ago.
As long as you clean the cat box every 24 hours you're not at risk.
If the feces have sat 2-3 days, then wear a mask when you scoop it and obviously wash your hands.

They only talked about how toxoplasmosis will make you a risk taker.
For example, studies show you're more likely to speed when driving.
When mice get toxoplasmosis they become completely unafraid of cats.

If you get the parasite from your mother during childbirth, it will make you taller, hypersexual, more attractive to the opposite sex, and make your brain generate higher quantities of dopamine rewards for engaging in risky behavior.

*does not have to be during childbirth, just infection as a child while still developing is enough to cause these effects to some degree

You is a squig ya nob


Newfag, theyre calldd Keebs!

keebs is 4 the nostalgia though.

200 paper meta-analysis btfo the idea of a genetic cause for homosexuality
The degenerate media is of course, silent

Would you faggots please stop spreading this myth that you are likely to get toxoplasma gondii from cats. It could happen, but you have to handle the cat's poop within a 2 week window of opportunity after the cat becomes infected or eat the cat like a subhuman. After the 2 weeks are up, the cat is no longer infectious. Right after I typed this I found a study which said cat owners had slightly higher infection rates than the general population in China:
Following the reference, I found that these were pet breeders, not merely pet owners. People breeding cats in China? Could they be either more likely to eat cats than the general population or more likely to do lots of cleaning up after cats shitting everywhere in unsanitary cages?

"Of the estimated 750 deaths caused by toxoplasmosis in the United States each year, 375 are thought to occur from eating raw or undercooked meat; this makes toxoplasmosis the third-leading cause of US foodborne death (4)."
There is also a risk table in that study which shows cat ownership puts one at slightly greater risk. Reading this study enlightens one on how you can safely endure the presence of cats in your life:
1. Do not own a nasty, smelly litter box. Let the cat shit outdoors.
2. Do not own a garden and a cat at the same time. If there are cats near your garden, always wash and cook your vegetables, especially if they are embedded in the soil, such as carrots.
3. Wash your hands after handling soil, especially in an area with cats.

Toxoplasma infection via cats tends to happen when a person has unsanitary habits, and even then owning cats in a modern Western nation isn't so risky, probably because white people have more common sense regarding sanitation.

Much of the research associates infection via undercooked meat with all manner of livestock, pork, beef, lamb, chicken, etc, but in a study where they actually test infection rates with retail meat they find pork is the main risk: Beef and chicken caused 0 infections in this study. This is not surprising to me. Pigs naturally eat basically anything. Cattle likes grass. It's of course possible for nearly any livestock animal to become infected, but most typical Western livestock has more sanitary eating habits than pigs unless farmers are forcing the animals into unsanitary conditions. (This can happen.) To get safer meat, choose grass fed beef from cattle that are allowed to roam outdoors in very large fields for example. Perhaps avoid pork as it may actually be the real traditional infection route for humans. Toxoplasma gondii isn't the only parasite in pork.

The cat's poop is no longer infectious.

From animal to human, I should clarify. Right after typing this I searched for sexual transmission research:
Sexual transmission in mice: (negative result)
Sexual transmission in goats: (positive result)
"Here we present a hypothesis suggesting that toxoplasmosis is transmitted from infected men to noninfected women during unprotected sexual intercourse, which can result in the most serious form of disease, congenital toxoplasmosis."

There's a pretty good chance sexual transmission of toxoplasma gondii happens in humans.


no it's not

Technology advances at incredibly hihg speeds very fast. Manual labor becomes increasingly irrelevant. Couple this with the death of religion. Religion was the only good method man had for distributing women among themselves relatively well.

You now have an era of jobless, sexless, brainwashed men. The kike agenda has revolved entirely around circumventing the problems that come from this. Instead of having to deal with crime rates rising rapidly, they just convinced the bottom feeding men to become trannies and faggots. They actively avoid having PREP become widely available so they get aids and are too far gone physically and mentally to be able to cause anyone trouble.

Their agenda is a lot more elaborate than most people here are aware of. Every action is very well thought out by the kikes. The ultimate goal being to lower the average IQ and health of civilization so they can easily be snuffed out or enslaved.

Muslims are a good example of this. An otherwise great nation turned into an absolute shit-hole because they were convinced to commit mass incest. Though the west can't be convinced to commit incest so instead they are attempting to lower the IQ by convincing people to breed with niggers.



dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom lmao, cats are the Aryans of animal kingdom idiot

You're only partially right. It can be linked to birth order which correlates to levels of estrogen. Also, the first sexual encounter usually sets the frame for people so when your first sexual experience is getting sodomized by some old creep, imagine what path you're going down especially with that shit being encouraged.

Problem is, black, Hispanic, and Arab men are the groups that commit violent crime, whites are the group targeted by the tranny propaganda (and even that primarily targets boys and their mothers, not adult men). Doesn't make any kind of sense. Plus, the examples I gave, Bruce Jenner and Martin Rothblatt, are typical of late-onset trannies in that they're relatively successful, masculine men, not dropout beta losers.

Third sons are born to families that have more children on average than first sons, which makes it hard to tell what's a birth order effect and what isn't. Large families are typical of r-selected populations, which we know have higher rates of male homosexuality (whites are least likely to be gay, blacks substantially more).


Jesus fucking Christ.
Did you consider mentioning that before claiming it's merely an alpha male pill?

The fact that it kills fetuses is probably where the clinical interest in toxoplasma gondii infections began in the first place.

do you have evidence that it does not?
I eat no grains, only vegetables and meat, and feel vastly better for it, so will continue to do so
I suggest everyone try cutting out grains 100% for themselves, for at least a month, and see how you feel

The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide




These fish started life as boys. Now scientists aren’t sure what sex they are - The Washington Post

Anyone have the link to that John Hopkins University study?