I just received my long-awaited ticket to Trump's Inauguration. On March 1st. 6 weeks late. (Pic related) I believe the mail-woman withheld this piece of mail from me intentionally. Right after the campaign started, I put a Trump sign in my yard. At that point, certain utility bills stopped being delivered (gas, electric) and I started getting calls about payment being late. Utility bills are the least likely of any type of mail to be incorrectly addressed. Basically, this bitch has royally fucked me and ruined a trip I was looking forward to, and has violated the following statute (5 years in prison): l aw.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1703
I welcome any suggestions on how to proceed to get her hauled into court. My current plan is to find out if this happened to anyone else in the area and then go to the Postmaster.
To the Inauguration m8. I didn't go because the invite never showed up.
Ryder Cruz
You realize those tickets were commemorative, right?
Anthony Green
fucking dumbass
OP, the US Postal Service has their own division of Police who are not to be fucked with. Seeing as mail temperament is a federal offense, they will be even more interested to hear that the offender is in-house.
You have to be persistent though, easy for complaints to fall through the cracks, especially with government agencies. Get them on the telephone if you can.
Lucas Anderson
Wear a camera, nigger. It'll protect you like nothing else and only dump the mag into the fags when you have no other options.
Chase Barnes
Consult a lawyer. A WHITE lawyer.
Chances are, successfully suing or pressing charges against a postman for this sort of thing is very rare and exceptionally difficult to prove.
Jaxon Garcia
Not sure what you mean. You needed tickets to get in to the fenced off area. It's an invitation. It says "requests your presence", and it's sent by the Inaugural committee, not the Trump campaign. It's a legit invite.
Jaxson Barnes
First option, get the name of the bitch who runs your mail route, and tell your post office that you're going to hold them liable for the late fees on your bills due to non delivery, as well as the price of the ticket you bought. They'll get their shit together really fast once liability comes into play.
Second option, avoid letting mail bitch know you're into her, and work behind the scenes to pull the carpet out from under her.
Filtered twice shitposting tard faggot
Dominic Gomez
Here's what the tickets looked like to get to the fenced areas. I don't know what you got but that isn't a ticket, lad.
Jose James
notice how these two faggot shills aren't focusing on the primary issue of the thread, but are instead trying to discredit OP about irrelevant shit
obvious shills are obvious filtered
Hudson Reed
Make it more of a hassle for your local post office to keep her on payroll than to listen to your complaints.
She'll lose her job soon enough if you make enough noise.
Juan Rodriguez
You know we have IDs, right? Are you going to accuse this post as a separate shill that has come to back up the other posts? I want to know what the fuck OP supposedly got because it wasn't a ticket, you're just shitposting now.
Colton Cook
Making a thread about commemorative invitations…
/Costanza face
Kayden King
I don't think there's any reason to go on the warpath over this. The Postal Service takes shit like this as seriously as a hospital takes malpractice. If you go to the management at your local post office, you should be able to make your concerns known to management. It's perfectly understandable that you don't have proof-positive of wrongdoing – how could you? – but you do have a reasonable suspicion. Your narrative is that:
That story paints a picture, and it's enough for your carrier's supervisor to check into it. Even if her boss is a Shaquita-tier federal negress, she ain't nohow losin' her muthafuckin' job for no bitch's bullshit, and procedure will be followed. The USPS has a dozen ways to track carriers' performance, from remote monitoring to covert field observation to direct confrontation if a problem turns up.
I say go down there and ask for a supervisor. Be honest about your suspicions and the little evidence you have. It will absolutely help if you have other people from her route who have noticed the same issues. Once your report is in, let the wheels grind for a few weeks or months (government job), but keep in touch to remind them that you haven't forgotten.
This is the kind of problem that can easily go viral over social media and become a huge embarrassment for them, whether it's malicious or not. Failing that, they know a single email to your congressman will take it out of their hands and potentially start a fuck-machine they can't stop. They will take you seriously.
Wyatt Hall
Top lmao
Robert Evans
That's an absolutely top wew, sonny.
Gavin Gomez
you could contact the police department and file a report. ultimately you could contact your state attorney general for advice
Christopher Long
Hello OP. I too have experienced mail theft/fraud before and managed to successfully deal with it. Here's how it went. I hope my story helps.
This happened about 3 years ago when I was living in an apartment with my fiance (living in an apartment means high theft risk for about everything, especially if you live near a ton of timber niggers). Initially what happened was stuff being charged to cards that we did not authorize. Getting this reversed had mixed results as one would expect dealing with kikes.
This went on for about a year after it started before we got a break. The thief began getting sloppy. We would go to the community mailbox to see it open. Packages had been opened and items missing. Pieces of mail that were supposed to be there gone. It was bad enough that I had paychecks held for me to go pick up. People were predictably disturbed when I told them why I wanted them to hold the money for pickup.
Then we got a lucky break. The thief was stupid enough to send a piece of certified mail to our address and we beat him to the mailbox. Included was the from address (his parents) and his name. We had several pieces of mail with his name on it prior, and I had a partial dox on the guy but nothing solid. USPIS was informed that we had been living here for several years already before this assholes name showed up in our mailbox. So when we got the certified mail, a warrant was issued and our friend is now doing time in a federal prison.
OP I got a bit lucky with that certified mail, but your approach would be a bit different. What the USPIS wanted from us if we could get it was a picture of the guy touching the mailbox. Simply putting a hand on it in a picture would have been enough to send him to prison. I wasn't able to get it as the mailbox was 3 floors away and I worked hours that didn't allow me to camp at the box. What you need to so - what they will want you to do if possible - is get some kind of picture or video of the carrier breaking the law. I don't think it's going to come from catching her with holding mail - unless you had it tracked.
What I would do is get a nice juicy piece of political mail - something obvious and colorful that stands out. Do this repeatedly and report it all to USPIS (or do what they suggest doing) when it doesn't make it. Make noise to them every time this cunt takes your mail. If you get enough piled on her eventually they will do something to investigate this. Record her placing mail into your box if you can and supply this. They can compare this video to what is in her bag before and after her route, compare the item lists to the camera footage and do the math on what didn't make it to the box. If that obvious piece of mail makes it into her truck repeatedly and doesn't show up on the camera being put in the mailbox…
Have fun and happy hunting OP
Eli Sanchez
Camden Hill
No this is a federal crime. State and local authorities don't touch this except to help serve warrants.
Make one complaint per day that mail goes missing. Do not let up on it. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. In my town the pop was about 200k, and there was enough mail fraud that there was one inspector in town that we got to know catching this asshole. When they finally contact you make sure you get reliable info to contact them with.
Grayson Lopez
Funny, since he wouldn't know the substance unless he opened it. I don't know why that your first contribution to the thread was to disparage me but I guess you too are just shitposting. I still want to know what the fuck OP received in the mail but OP seems to have dropped off the face of the planet.
Ethan Hernandez
oh nice my story got dubs
Ryder Jones
But then you spoiled the effect by checking your own dubs privilege. Gas yourself
Henry Murphy
no u
If OP has solid evidence of mail theft they will be happy to bite, but their issue is they get a lot of bullshit complaints. You just have to draw attention.
Isaiah Ward
Austin Martin
Because America, fuck yeah? but yes, a handwritten timestamp is the standard for these things
David Wilson
i don't see why not
Liam Wood
I thought it was a decent photo, but I guess spergs are gonna sperg.
Ryan Wright
I work for USPS and this shit pisses me off more than anything. It makes us all look bad when not everyone is like that. I work with a bunch of nigs and a lot of them are Trump supporters as we're LITERALLY blue collar workers. It's satisfying knowing that the customers on my route have no idea that their mail is being delivered by a National Socialist.
Jack Nelson
I feel for you OP but I think this would be difficult to prove. You would need to somehow substantially provide evidence that these things aren't simply coincidental and/or accidental. Given probabilities of things like this, you're most likely totally correct in your assumptions, but this mail lady has plausible deniability from the sounds of it.
I'm not sure how you'd go about trying to bring this down on her head, or even if it's possible, but your best first step would be to speak to a white lawyer.
(heil) Not to mention that it's widely known that intentionally fucking with mail is viewed as a very serious offense. If you can prove that's what was done, the government does not take kindly to that shit, at all.
I would not be surprised whatsoever if his mail lady did exactly what he thinks she did, and I suspect that's what actually happened. Liberals very seldom every think about anything; they hear and regurgitate, and they operate solely on kneejerk reactions. They never stop to think about their ideological positions for more than a second on anything deeper than a superficial level, and they never stop to think about possible ramifications or implications or consequences of their future actions.
If she was stupid enough to fuck with his mail, she should be sloppy enough to fuck up in the future or have left something to tie her to it.
Jeremiah Hall
place remote activated explosives under the road in front of your mailbox. when she pulls up, flip the switch.
James Miller
"Rain snow sleet or hail we'll give you hell"
Evan Kelly
Our postal service is FUBAR at this point. I wish less companies used it, I wouldn't mind paying extra if it meant I don't have to worry that my lazy ass mailman might just decide not to deliver my package.
Cameron Miller
Dominic Morgan
great, but how do you get a commemorative invite if you were never given tickets? OP's dilemma has not changed
Matthew Lewis
If you bought an official hat you got mailed a copy recently
Evan Collins
They were like the 2015 Christmas cards, you got one directly from Trump as a thank you and a neat little thing you can hold onto to give to your kids. All and all it doesn't matter though, OP disappeared like a fart in the wind.
Isaac Campbell
Yeah, OP, I got one of those too. It did come late as fuck.
If your mail lady is fucking around make some reports. She is most likely doing it to other Trump supporters, they can't help themselves.
Logan Morales
I bought one, I got the Christmas card but I have yet to get this one.
Luis Campbell
Totally Happened
Owen Davis
I make sure to remove the exif data on all my pictures I take on my phone, it's the only smart solution.
I just snipping tool the original picture and then add in a little black dot in MSpaint for good measure
Alexander Ortiz
Holla Forums scrubs exif data
Liam Morgan
Hey, OP, this just happened to me, too. My household received two of these today.
I have a question, which state do you live in if you don't mind answering? Montana?
Carson Stewart
Didn't mean to reply to user.
Jason Sanchez
How's it doing FBI?
Dylan Harris
You're a bot.
Aaron Sanders
I can only wish you good luck OP. Go fuck her up.
Jayden Bell
I got one of these invitations in the mail today
I believe it is just commemorative. I think they're just mailing them out to people who donated to the campaign. My mailman is redpilled, so I have no reason to believe otherwise.
Ryan Scott
Fuck the supervisor. Go straight to the postmaster with that. He WILL listen. This is an EXTREMELY serious offense. Fucker could do a year for each count. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1703
Colton King
threaten your postal carrier with a shotgun like I would
Thomas Torres
Yeah he basically needs to find the least cucked man on the food chain and complain.
Luke Phillips
Those toes scare me worse then the shotgun. All the shotgun will do is kill me. Those fucking toes look like they could eat my soul…
Brandon Cruz
>tfw the diversity mailnegress just drives past my house with my package and leaves a rescheduling slip at the roadside mailbox EVERY FUCKING TIME
Josiah Walker
Fuck off weeb
Jace Rivera
Ayy lmaos confirmed posting on Holla Forums
Landon Brown
Cooper Wilson
Why where you planning on bringing a handgun to the inauguration user?