Thousands of ps4 users attacked cr1tikal channel for criticizing Uncharted 4

Welp, here it goes again. Last of Us 2.0.

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Help me understand Holla Forums.

Why is Uncharted so popular?

I mean, I get stuff like sonic, Undertale, and my little pony have extremely autistic fanbases, but Uncharted, it's normalfag as fuck, all cutscenes and boring gameplay, there's nothing interesting about this series.

The Graphics are nice, i guess.

Is the story to Uncharted good? I've never played them but it just seems like discount Indiana Jones.


More like Discount "The Mummy".

If you seen National Treasure, you seen this game.

It is popular because it gets 10/10 scores.
It gets 10/10 scores because it's popular.

That's the reason.
It's shallow and uninspired to it's core, but looks good.
Enough to get normalfags to stand up and defend their shit taste.

Indy for the poor is pretty accurate.

Because they are a mature game series and is the epitome of the cinematic experience, only true hardcore gamers understand this :^).

Sony has fuckhuge viral marketing teams backing up everything they do. see the new Ghostbusters for example.

With AVGN's video I am surprised Sony haven't confiscated all his Sony products and ordered any store to not sell them anything Sony branded for life.

I don't get it either, it's just a generic TPS without any sort of gimmick or a anything. A certain degree of polish is about all it has going for it.

Seriously, though. i watched comments on youtube sying how attached they are to these characters?

How the fuck?

Like, Nathan Drake is boring, he makes a couple quips here and there but it's not funny, it's just predictable, and it's like, the most soulless way to give him personality.

Uncharted is the vanilla icecream of videogames. It has a flavor, but one that's so bland and uninteresting, one that's made to please everyone, but ends up pleasing no one but the most boring people alive.

It wouldn't surprise me if those critical of cr1tikal's two cents are all sony marketers.

I hate how generic the TPS and platforming is in Uncharted, and how popular it is so that every other game that includes TPS and platforming also has that same level of boring, piss easy cover shooting/CINEMATIC on rails platforming that doesn't require the slightest bit of timing or skill. I want more stuff like Dark Void, like Vanquish, like Advent Rising or Max Payne(not 3). Just give me good shootan and fun movement to back it up.

Also I was trying to post an image of Hollywood being assblasted over AVGN not wanting to watch Gurrrllbusters but the site is being ass again. Just look at this thread before it gets pruned
>>>Holla Forums336749

Is basically the go to for a movie game that kinda feels like is still a game.

As with Indiana Jones the appeal isn't the story.

The appeal comes from being the character, a cool dude that gets to do action stuff, visit incredible places and live adventures.

Despite that the characters, at least in the earlier games are written in a fun way. They all have actual personalities, and most of them go trough arcs, seeing them in their lowest points and overcoming their problems.

It is very cinema-like writing, which I understand turns off a lot of people. But I personally feel they do quite a good job with it either way.

The gameplay is okay, it doesn't have anything incredible, but it's still fairly enjoyable. It doesn't completely spoonfeed you, but it certainly doesn't require much thought.

The uncharted games are pretty enjoyable I feel, I can't talk about the last one since I don't own a PS4, but I had my share of fun with the other 3. Drake is a badass, and the games are designed to make you feel like you are the hero, which in its own right is very enjoyable.

I can however understand why most people won't like it. I do wish more people tried to get into the games with more of an open mind, most of the hate for them I see on here seems to be poorly constructed, and most of the criticisms stop at "it's a movie".

I really wish we could actually have a more constructive discussion about this stuff, but I guess with some games it's just not doable

I didn't even hate this game when it was released. Like, I tried to play all 3 but found nothing memorable about it, but I didn't feel insulted while playing it.

But now that I see how uncharted fans are acting, I fucking hate this series now.

See, i didn't get that while playing it. I played Tomb Raider (Original, didn't touch the reboot), I enjoyed that, I wanted to be her, I didn't want to be Nathan Drake.

The 4th one has autoaiming/lock-on


That's alright I guess. If you don't like the character you probably won't like the game.

that's kinda gay tho

Okay that's pretty bad

Butter Pecan is objectively superior though.

I prefer Oreo but that's just me, Vanilla is still pretty good IMO, the term is used for the most basic stuff but I don't think basic equals bad… well, unless it is about certain vidya.


pistachio is best

I didn't say Vanilla is shit, It's just the most plain flavor.

My nigga.

Pistachio and chocolate master race

Hazelnut cream is the best, plebians.

that's not how you spell mint chocolate chip



nobody fucking cares

You do, apparently.

Is school out already?



I miss being able to eat ice cream without having to worry about my sinuses killing me.

Fuck you naughtdog I hope Sony shuts you clowns down.

Okay, how about this.

Uncharted is the missionary position of videogames.

I'd use sex as my example, but I'm into backpack cucking so I'm not the best judge of sex

cuckity clack user

I also recently wrote a backpack story.

I'm not done with it, But this is more of an outline to it.

Is this you, user?


He was very blatantly trolling to try and wedge himself into the "controversy".
He created that video to cull comments for his other video he released 5 hours ago.
At best he was doing this to show honest contempt for all Soniggers who can't stand some people don't like a movie franchise that pretends its a game franchise.

Because people like movies.
Movies don't often challenge and discourage their audience.
In uncharted you move down the corridors, you press the QTEs and you watch cinematic after cinematic because uncharted is the definition of a cinematic game.
Shoot the gun, wait for your health to regen if you are part of their target market then continue on watching an Indiana Jones inspired movie.
Milk IP until the money stops rolling in.

You blew it.

God bless, user. Keep on doing what you do.

Comment section is nothing but people claiming Uncharted fans are upset.

The one and only piece of evidence for anyone being upset is the less than 10% dislike rating, with about 700 dislikes.

Where are these "thousands of PS4 users", OP? What fucking attack?

I wish Shirow would start doing proper porn already.



Plenty of movies do.

The difference between Synecdoche New York and The Avengers is similar to the differences between Planescape Torment and Whatever flavor of the month game that just came out.



What the fuck happened?

Godspeed user

They conditioned the goyim to do their job for them.

See (Checked)

Behead those who insult Trump, death to cowboys, etc.

Is that NChick? in any case that's stupid.

he's god damn right though, you have to be braindead to not find uncharted 4 boring. i am really willing to defend uncharted 1-3 because i genuinely enjoyed those games despite them being casual, stuff happened in those games. they had fantastic set pieces and enviornments and there was lots of explosions and shooting and slugging it out with dudes across the globe.


Hands off mai waifu, Ben.

How do you fulfill your fetish?
have you ever fapped to any of the backpack cucking memes

That's not even the best part. It has auto-aim, but it isn't soft-lock auto aim so it merely drags you to the enemy. It's hard-lock. You can't even aim for the head. Just aim 'n' shoot.

That makes perfect sense.

Boy I bet you'd be disappointed with this one where Drake gets his ass handed to him multiple times by STRONG BLACK MERCENARY LEADER WOMAN

Every Uncharted game is boring shit thought.

which doesn't even fucking work right because on anything above normal mode the enemies become giant bullet sponges so you need to make headshots, but the aim keeps dragging you to their chests

I've seen that.
Pretty cringey.

i'm inclined to disagree because i had fun with the last ones, but without a doubt 4 is the most boring

if i had the recording equipment i'd replay the game and time the action to climbing and cutscene ratio, and all those "interactive' bits where you walk around looking at shit and listening to the npcs which is fucking anti fun

I dunno man, Critikal tends to let his emotions get into things. I think he's genuine here. I think if he faced real harassment, on the level of the big youtubers, he'd probably crack.

Bullshit. He never cared for any big controversies and the one time he uploaded some video it was about some nobodies.


Oh, okay, I was wrong, carry on then.

I can have fun by playing Unreal 2, doesnt make the game any less shit and a waste of time.

I wouldnt say proper because theres barely any fallus penetration and most of it is shit tier fetishes like toys.

You don't want to be a /fit/ girl millionaire who has crazy cool adventures? What's wrong with you?

I didn't want to be Drake, but he felt like a friend by the end of the first game. Shame the overall plot structure of the games are basically the same to the point that it's so obvious, even a retard would see the twist coming.

Between that and auto-lock, I'm never even bothering to buy used and return after beating. This is just stupid now.

Well yeah of course I want, but I'm a dirty pervert

Good taste and nice digits, even if they aren't repeating.

Did he not learn basic anatomy?


Anime aren't people, user.

You go second.



What's wrong with it?

What the fuck are you doing?

It looks like he used two different poses as references - a picture from the side for everything above the waist and a picture at sort of a 45 degree angle below the waist - and slapped them together in an impossible configuration. Think about how long her right side would have to be to make that pose.

Well-polished artistic turds are my trigger and that picture makes me go full Tumblr.

hey reddit, kill yourselves.

He's collecting and cataloging the special snowflakes of Holla Forums.

So far we got the state, backpack and tile fetishists.

She looks like she'd have her spine broken from how much of a U-shape she's making.

I have problem with shirow too
it looks shiny and lewd and shit, but there's just often something strange about the anatomy that turns me off

It's mediocre and really fucking predictable. So no it's not good.

More like blue balls cream

No idea what is crit1kal, it says penguin on the video.

And why should I care. I'm tired of this after the console war era shit as well.

Now it's not about HAVING something on SOMETHING, now it's about LIKING something on SOMETHING. What the fuck, you yanks seriously destroy games with your either or bullshit. My childhood was happy, I had NEs, neighbours hand SNES and Mega Drive and so on, we all played and borrowed games and consoles, no one claimed anything was better. I'd like to see where that drift came in, oh wait, it was your Nintendo Sega console war bullshit that then spread to the world with Sony as well.

Fuck you America, I hope you all die (except Trump).



the stories were fun, but not really "good". note i say 'were' because uncharted 4 story sucks dog ass

it was full of banter and world travel and lost ancient cities, had some good characters (sully and chloe mainly) and didn't take itself too seriously

but then uncharted 3 happened and it was losing it's fun, then in uncharted 4 it was no fucking fun allowed, thank god sully was still in the cast to say some fun lines

Crit1k4al is the name he goes with, but his youtube account in penguiz0 for some reason.


Sega does what nintendont.

Meant to say non-american companies

Reddit likes to screencap shit and then post it on r/4chan, regardless of where they got it or how shit it is



There was no such thing in European marketing until you started that shit. All we had was pictures of said consoles and games they had. When your marketers started making it a war, it leaked here as well and it was all "I BET YOU CAN'T EVEN GET PUSSY WITH A NINTENDO LOL NERD t. sega mega drive"

You sound very emotional.
Did you take your daily Muhammed acceptance and estrogen supplement?

Not yet.

It's for people that dont like to play videogames.


I doubt you could seriously blame America for it. I hadn't even heard of console wars until the wii/360/ps3 era, because most people I knew just played whatever system they had. I discovered the bitwars from the internet, though I don't even remember it being a thing anyone cared about.

The console wars were 'always' a thing. They were far more tame however. The internet allowed it to fester in hugbox forums and message boards, causing an explosion around that era.

I remember all my life playing on both PC and consoles, no console war shit.
Then you had to install games, DLC was a thing and online focus was a thing which you had to pay for.

I dropped it right there, thank god for that too.

The exact same reason that Indiana Jones is popular, except with the added bonus of pretending to be a "hardcore action game" (as opposed to angry birds or something) meaning that casuals can enjoy a simple, easy to understand, watered down, hollywood action movie and brag about how cool they are for being hardcore enough to get into it and appreciate it.

Not at all, it is completely generic and on par with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in terms of consistency in characters and plot.

I love you



This is alright

The reason why Movie Games exist is because the game industry has significantly lower standards than the movie industry

Let me elaborate;
If I was a shitty producer/director/writer and I had an incredibly boring, drawn-out, mediocre story and uninteresting characters I could go 2 different routes;
-Movie "Game"
If I had made my piece of shit into a movie it would probably be a 6/10 at best and gross modestly
But if I make it into a movie game instead I could get away with it with success and critical acclaim because the game industry has such low standards for writing

That's what narrative based video games have come to; being a dumping ground for incredibly lame movie ideas that never got greenlighted in Hollywood

Yeah he really doesn't get himself caught up in a lot of bullshit. Youtube isn't his career, and he pretty much couldn't give a shit about his views, he donates all (or at least most when he was out of a job) of his ad money to charities.

Pretty much this. Just look at Hideo Kojima… his whole career is this.

Albeit at least he had some good gameplay here and there and his plots were so bad that they hit the singularity became interesting… or you ended up just liking the game anyway kind of like Heavy Rain (although I'll never play it again) because of NAHMEN JAYDEN and certain novelties.

I bet you never played Policenauts

Pretty much this


holy shit why is cuckitical such a fucking PUSSY

he should have called everyone faggots.

what is wrong with this generation

half life started this shit

gaben is forever ashamed of what he made that's why he will never make HL3

Again, him making games even though he just wants to make movies but can't because he's not cut out for it, his story pitches make no sense to publishers or because he's Japanese and his style requires hollywood-tier budgets.

name one movie with a better plot than NieR.

Now while Gabe may have been responsible for starting this trend, I actually think Half-life is what does narrative-driven stories right

Now again let me elaborate;
In Half-life every story element was a MacGuffin used to drive the character foreword, for which the player can chose wither or not he wanted to give a shit about the plot and characters and it wouldn't have taken anything away from it

This is actually the classical way of telling narratives in video games, let me give a more classical example;
Donkey Kong, one of the earliest games with a narrative, Donkey Kong himself is used as a MacGuffin, he is there to make the setting make sense and give Mario a reason to climb ladders

nier was heavyhanded compared to drakengard

Satisfaction is primarily narrative driven, you'd best watch on Youtube and spend your time with something else, it's not a series worth getting into.

It's funny because a lot of his stories sound like something from the Asylum, there's blatant plot point/character stealing but because it's video games it's all good. Granted I've only played Snatcher and Metal Gear, maybe ZoE was good and completely original.

narrative-driven games*
Forgive my freudian slip


he made valid points and handled the situation professionally.



Its been a long day niggers okay?

one could argue that the cutscenes themselves move the player foreword. that's how the player feel invested in the game play.

i personally always saw cut scenes as a fall back tool, something that game devs did because they truly don't have any idea how the make the player feel sad or happy with only the use of game play. so they fall back to what movies use only because it's easy.

you get this disconnect with games now, what a lot of people talk about in the GTA 4 and 5 games. you get a man in the cut scene sad that his brother was gunned down, gets into a car where the player takes control, runs over all of the on lookers and fires RPGs at on coming cars.


It's console exclusive. I had some fun with Uncharted 2, but that just seems to be the case since you can easily pass on it and not feel like you'll miss much, especially its too basic of a TPS.

i have yet to see any game with a better story than the average movie.

all movies have is story. could ANY game's cut scenes hold your attention for 2+ hours ? that would be a big fuck NO

I still stand by what John Carmack said "story in games is like story in porn. It's expected to be there, but it's not important"

Patreon whore. Who cares?

Honestly, it really boils down to how fucking fun it is. Holla Forums just hates everything Console Exclusive. They love the Shit out of Telltale games but hate Uncharted.

if you've got single-digit iq

How about you shut your fucking mouth and stop spouting bullshit.

youve never seen an action movie then

I dont think you know what that means user.

You obviously

Because it takes strong advantage of Sony fans interests, light on game play strong on story and visuals.

Nah, there are occassionaly good console games people want PC releases of, Uncharted is definitely not one of these, Bloodborne is, Bayonetta is, Yakuza is, be a nigger elsewhere please in the future.

Honestly, Critikal was only barely right, cause the first couple chapters are slow, but its done on purpose. immediately after, theres plenty of stuff to do. Plus, he admits to not even playing the first 3 games.

Also, anyone who calls the games "movies" hasn't played any of the games. here's proof

name a great action movie with a shitty story


easy, The Protector

great choreography, terrible fucking writing

also Terminator 1. Dem Plot Holes.

I actually really liked Taken


What are the strongest qualities of the Uncharted series?

at least 2's action made up for the ridiculous story, but 1 didnt have enough action to make up for it.

The levels and variety in gameplay imo.
the previous games had scenes like these, but usually on rails. 4 pulled the stops and gave full control for once, finally.

That's what games are SUPPOSED to do. Half Life was the first game to pull it off well, as evidence.

simple. easy. plays itself.
basically a movie.
it's normalfag bait.

good tautology
"the emperor has no clothes" feedback loop

The Protector is a foreign film that was panned by cir tics and has only been seen by people that are out right looking for kung fu movies.

name a time travel movie that doesn't have plot holes and the story is pretty complex for the type of movie.

Back to the Future 1

not 2 tho. Old Biff went back in time and changed alot of shit, but somehow travels back to the "good" future???


Man, I love these youtube attention whores who cant even accept that their lives are meaningless.

That's actually scripted. he misses the first one. after that, they never miss (besides user error)

His video ends right when the action begins to ramp up. he honestly shouldve waited til at least halfway through to complain.

the full story of the first movie is a plot hole

if he changed the past in the "new 1985. his family is richer" he would have never met Doc. meaning he would have never went into the past to change it.

not reddit

this essentially

try harder mang

Learned my lesson when I fell for the "YOU CAN'T SAY IT'S SHIT IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT IT'S 11/10 FUN CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE YOU'RE JUST MADE" b8/ shill tactic and bought a used copy of Uncharted 2. It was exactly as shallow and obnoxious as I expected it to be.

Oh, are we back to the vanilla analogy from earlier?
Monstergirls are shit, basically vanilla with sprinkles at best. They're liked by people in denial that they're boring little unimaginative shits what love vanilla.

It's basically National Treasure: The Video Game Franchise.

Wasnt that originally tomb raider pre-reboot?

I found out a little while ago that french vanilla doesn't actually have vanilla in it.
Just thought you'd like to know.


there is no such thing as french vanilla, because there is no such thing as france.
france is just west germany 2.0 with more sodomites and more socialist voters

It's a Sony exclusive so naturally the Sony fanboy nazis will view any criticism of said exclusive as dissent and will seek to purge this "abominable" comment with their righteous weaponry of keyboards.

bullshit, what's this then?


A horribly drawn rhinoceros.


and what is this?

A jew.

Fantastic Unidentified Haircut.

Looks like a rhinoceros rockin' a badass mullet

Our good friend the happy merchant

Alternatively, a tengu

A tengu mask or a bald jew that with bad sunburn.

You're right, that looks really good.

It also looks 95% scripted and other than a few incredibly minor alternative options you're locked in to exactly what the game wants you to do with no room for creativity.

I have no problem with the idea of an interactive action movie, but the problem is that I can go see a regular action movie for $10 (if I'm an idiot and don't torrent it). If they said "Here's Uncharted 4, we cut down the boring filler gunfights, got rid of the bullet sponge enemies and are now selling the game for $20", I would be totally okay with that as a viable form of entertainment. Unfortunately, a game like this is so reliant on graphics and raw manpower to produce that they have to sell it at $60 to make a profit. And I don't care how good it is, it's not 6+ decent action movies worth of entertainment, nor does it have the replay value or gameplay depth necessary to be a full priced video game.

That is not what games are supposed to do. Games have the unique ability over every other medium (excluding theater to an extent) to be INTERACTIVE. Stripping away interactivity from a game makes it less of a game and more of a movie. Interactivity is an asset not a clutch. Look at the massive battles and conflict that take place in EVE. One corp stalked a player and waited for him to log in for 3 whole years, predicting his movements waiting for the perfect time to strike. Games that give players the freedom to make up their own amazing adventure are the very peak of the art form.

Half life was successful partially for the mods. many people bought it for the counter strike mod. Many people love it for the speed runs and the ability to break that linear funnel bullshit you seem to love.


I'm gay and i would burn that house down and blame it on blacks.


Holla Forums shits even a on decent games, so who cares what Holla Forums thinks?

IMHO, Uncharted looks good and well polished. Heck, a polished game NOT riddled with bugs is a rarity in itself.

Go back to reddit since le ebiv Holla Forums meme machine opinion doesn't matter to you.

Its also an amazing example of what can be done on a $5000 budget.

neogaf get out

i seriously hope you're only pretending to be retarded though

A-Team the movie? I liked it

user are you retarded that would be even worse

kill the kid and skynet still comes online becasue that shit was planned and some kid dying ain't gonna stop it

stoppign the industrial revolution would unmake skynet

second of all the Terminator killed a shitload of people and took a bunch of rounds

you fucking mook

Hurr, durrrr… anyone who doesn't agree with me doesn't belong here and must come from reddit.

Tell me, have you ever managed to convince anyone of your position with that level of intellectual acuty?
I've seen discarded condoms filled with more sense than you two faggots.

fuck I hate uncharted so much
no more jak, no more crash…


Were you an Commodore or Amstrad kid? Or did you have an Acorn lel

Rambo III

Yakuza 2

That story is fucking great. Eat shit.

What if I wanted a game to be good from the start?

The Metal Gear Solid franchise
The GTA franchise
The Halo franchise
Some of the Final Fantasy games

im dying here make it stop, my face hurts

Mad Max
All of them sans 3

Is that before or after the John pays you?


Hello my melanine brother of superior taste

do you know of any videos with long haired girls stuffing their hair inside a butthole/vagina? i find the concept pretty hot

that doesn't automatically mean that movie stories are always better than videogame stories, simply because its the focus of the medium.

what kind of retard assumption is that? yes, in fact, they could, any metal gear, any yakuza, any mainline FF, tons of other games with long cutscenes are entirely capable of keeping the players attention because the story is good, and the gameplay is also good.

this is how retarded he sounds, seems like he got left in the 80's

tl;dr: you have shit taste in games, go stand in the corner until you get better taste.


I like last of us OP, I genuinely had fun with it.

Why? literally nothing happened.

What are you talking about? I've seen nothing but hate for telltale on this board.

there are plenty of people who play telltale games and enjoy them here. I don't care for them personally.

This is bait, but I'm still biting it

he's not completely wrong, there's a notable ignorance powered bias from the majority of Holla Forums users (PC gamers) against anything console/exclusive.

Naughty Dog fags make gaming even more worse.

Because Neil Druckman has won progressive points by attacking DoA and MGS for it's female character design.

Shirow did and made the girls coalburners.

I don't need to play this movie, just watched an LP.

Delusional fanboy.

I remember growing up that if you wanted story driven games, you usually had to buy an RPG. Platformers had story, but they were usually simple, the equivalent of a children's cartoon in terms of depth and complexity. Fighting games had some story, but ultimately if you wanted to know the story behind Mortal Kombat or Street Fights, you usually had to buy like a comic book or something or wait until there was a kind of anime or OVA.

Looking at the height of video game storytelling back in the day, that is the epic story driven RPG's like Final Fantasy VI & VII, Chrono Trigger, and others. I notice at least two things different here:

1. Player choice/Customization
2. Story sequences are a reward for one's performance

Those games encouraged exploration and customization. I could power through a game like Chrono Trigger fast, but I'd miss important plot points and character developing story arcs if I just took the straightest path, but the game doesn't force me to do these things, it allows me to play through the game in a more free way that allows me to let the story unfold in the way I feel most comfortable. Maybe I don't want to do Lucca's side quest before Marle's, maybe I don't want to do either and just fight Lavos and get this particular ending. I have that choice and so the storytelling aspect never feels like a shackle. It's amazing to me that a game like TLOU can have less interactive storytelling than many 16 bit games.

In a game like FF7, the FMV's are graphically distinct from most other portions of the game, including most of the story segments and dialogue sequences, which makes them feel like a sweet reward for one's performance when they appear at critical junctures in the plot. But most of the game is such that you kind of have to imagine how the events might play out cinematically in your imagination as you read the dialogue and watch the unrealistic looking polygons shake and nod their heads. This is one thing FF7's remake is not going to have. It's not simply going to tell you a story, it's going to deliver you a "canon" cinematic retelling of the story that removes the element of that imaginary cinema in your head which takes these looser suggestions . You will no longer have to imagine as much how Tifa and Cloud talking to each other looks and how the tone of their voices must be or what faces they're making, the remake is going to do all that for you.

With something like FF8, which tried to more seemlessly blend the FMV portions with the gameplay in a manner more like modern story driven games like what Naughty Dog does, there too was still that element of player choice and things like the lack of dialogue in the bigger FMV sequences and the briefness of these sequences made sure the game had a cinematic flavor to it that provided a kind of "okay, this is how you're supposed imagine Quistis and Squall looking as they talk" without merely turning the whole thing into an FMV game. The absence of dialogue, whether typed or spoken during these sequences prevented them from being truly cinematic in the way we normally understand.

The same could also all be applied to Ocarina of Time.

Basically, older story driven games were less like "is this a game or a movie" and more like you were acting out the story with somewhat stylized dolls, making the bad guy's voice mean and scary, imitating a demure feminine voice for the damsel in distress and making a heroic voice for the protag. And even when there was voice acting, this element wasn't always lost. Video game storytelling was for the most part a kind of cross between play-time and literary storytelling with some cinematic elements every now and then, but ultimately it all felt very toybox. Even Metal Gear Solid 1 was still very much a "toybox story" even though it was praised for its blurring the lines between hollywood films and video games at the time, stuff like "plug the controller into the other port so Psycho Mantis doesn't read your mind!" kind of reminded you you were still playing a video game, whereas Naughty Dog's latest titles seem to be going out of their way on purpose to make you forget you're playing a game

After I visit your mother.

It's baiter and trolls.We are getting full of idiots "Holla Forums doesn't play videogame :^)" again.Without forgetting all the people who come to Holla Forums just to shitpost.That story about the guy with the friend who doesn't play game since years and just come to Holla Forums to shitpost makes my skin crawl with despair.

It's a good game, but not worth 60$. I don't have a PS4 either, so if it would be ported to PC and sold for like 20 or 25 bucks, I would buy it.
Also, this guy's criticism is basically nothing more than "Whaa, they conveyed an emotion through gameplay. I don't like that". What is he, an SJW?

You and I both know that would've been fuckin stupid and self destructive.

Though yeah was kind of expecting him to go
Then again he is a bit of an emotional guy but I'm glad he isn't some circle jerker that jumps on "This game is great" bandwagon.

Yeah, even if I don't really enjoy his videos as much anymore, I still respect the guy. He says he gave all of the money to charity, even while officially unemployed.

Nice merchant but I raise you a jewess

I think I could get into that.

I have plenty of fetishes other than backpacks. I like Transformations for example.

got any of that saved?

I've noticed that these games get all their praise for scriped set pieces. Now does one actual play these events or are they glorified cutscene bullshit like every other game from after 2007?

Shitposting isn't as fun as playing video games though.

Fuck off back to neofag sonygger.


how do you even stay in the loop on shit like this? i didn't even know uncharted 4 was a thing, let alone who this faggot or the drama surrounding him is.

Of course idiot faggots are tripping – they are stupid enough to pay attention to uncharted in current year!

It was true thousands of years ago and it's true now- sonyfags are cancer.


But then one madman decides to go against the natural order of things.

Dont please, dont exist past this point right now.

No, user. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

how did someone from 4chan get on here

I'm with this guy. I never 'loved' the games, but I found them to be pretty fun for what they were. I liked the banter and that it never took its self very seriously. I haven't played the 4th one, so I have no idea how it is.

Sometimes a fan base can ruin everything.
A real human bean

Remember the only time story means jackshit is in an RPG or an open world adventure where it neatly intertwines with the gameplay experience and motivates you to keep playing. Dismiss these faggots that stained the industry forever with this obnoxious standard and directly resulted in the insufferable cinematic trend we suffer today that sacrifices freedom for shoving your amazing writing down someone's throat. John Carmack is and was always right and today's garbage "epic" and "deep" craving audience and pseudo-intellectual cunts in charge of journalism are too pretentious to accept it.

Good games have quality gameplay, enjoyable music that fits in the world, acceptable visuals and sizable content. Nothing more.



Is it just me or is this dude dexter?

and the worst thing is retards fall for it
i bet that despite those thousands that attacked the channel the like/dislike bar on the video is unaffected from what he normally gets

You dont know who critikal is do you? Fuck off retard

of course i don't know who he is , i don't make a habit of watching others playing videogames instead of playing them myself

Fuck off Reddit.

Yup, you are a fucking retard

at least you have one thing left going for you , or maybe not

You could have found out who critikal is and what he does by now but instead you chose to double down and make an even bigger fool of yourself.

To be fair, OP didn't post the actual relevant video

Op here. I only noticed that.


They're at least 90% (if not more) scripted "action scenes."

In Cr1tikal's original video, there's a scene where you're supposed to grapple a pole with a hook, but because the game wants to constantly remind you "HURR Nathan's getting old!" you'll automatically fail to grapple it. That's where Cr1tikal just throws himself off the cliff.

When a game railroads you so hard that any sort of gameplay is just an illusion to trigger the next cutscene, you may as well just admit you're watching a movie. You'd think people would have learned this from Order 1886, but since Naughty Dog is gaming's darling child they can do no wrong.

Literally what stupid fucking shit are you spewing?

why would i spend one moment from my precious shitposting time just to find out who some jewtube nobody is , just because some fag with a cuckold fetish on some cantonese silk drawing board said so ?

After seeing how shallow and pretentious that crime to videogames I was overjoyed seeing RLM send it to Hell where it only belongs.

bcuz u can play crash

Can you name a more hack dev then naughty dog.


Alright, hate me for this-

Good gameplay, actually meshed very well with a cinematic experience (unlike The Order). A character who pretty much is an "Everyman," much easier to identify with on a social level (action level, ehhh…. I'm sure real people would be collapsing in tears from the fear) (unlike The Order). Likable, well-acted characters (unlike The Order?). Subjective, but I like the snarky humor it tends to have a lot of (reminds me of Nathan Fillion roles) (unlike The Order). Decent length to the main story (unlike The Order), and has multiplayer (if that's your thing) (unlike The Order), hell, the multiplayer has cooperative modes as well (shooters tend to be competitive only).

If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. I haven't played U4 yet, mostly because I think the ND guys are a bunch of pricks. So "progressive," yet they pretty much chased out the best "woman in gaming" from their company.

Those do it on purpose though, they know exactly what kind of quality they are delivering. Naughty dog are just hacks that think they make good vidya


Hey, some people like it, some don't.
As far as Uncharted 1-3 went, I thought it was done right (3 was definitely a downgrade in terms of gameplay). After the past two years though, I'm scared to play 4, fearing that it's going all cult-feminist like Star Wars, Baldur's Gate, and Ghostbusters, and that I'd lose whatever enjoyment I'd had before with the previous games.

I agree with you on this.

Other than that it's a really shallow series gameplay-wise but story, characters and graphics wise it's good enough. I've never played an uncharted game but i liked watching them without the shitty shooting parts.

Some people like sucking shit from peoples assholes too, some don't.

Just let that sink in.


Good job ignoring the point in order to test your caps lock.

Yes your point was to use false equivalence to infantilize his argument.


Why make the comparison, if that wasn't the point you were trying to make? Seriously, I don't care if you don't like Uncharted 1-3, I care even less about how you feel about 4 (the game in question), but I'm not going to compare you to/call you a shit-eater over it.

It's not comparison of quality it's comparison of argument and reasoning, if it doesn't stand up when a more serious variant with the same argument, it never stood.

Just liking something doesn't make it inherently ok, and now you have to give a good reason being a shit eater is somehow worse then liking uncharted because with the form of reason you've given.

Surely if people like it, it can't be bad now can it.

u wot m8?

Nigga if uncharted is ok because some people like it, tell me how eating shit out someone asshole is somehow worse with this logic.

Just because the subject matter is popular doesn't make it either good or bad. So you can not really compare it with eating shit.


Oh and you can't say that eating shit is bad just because the majority dislikes it. That would again be a non argument.

Nice book, dude.

Why, all the point comes down to is some people like it so it's ok, this can apply to eating shit so why does it suddenly not apply, oh yeah because then the point defending it falls apart.
Nigga everyone under the sun knows this, but that also makes the uncharted is good because some think it's good for some a shit argument for more reasons.
Then Uncharted can't be called good because some people like it.

Thanks now fuck off and go say nothing somewhere else, dickweed

Nice insult, dude.

You fucking moron he never said that it''s good because people like it what said was and i quote "Hey, some people like it, some don't." that does not implies even in the least that he think it's good because people like it your point was moot from the beginning yet you attacked him using false equivalence instead. Using the argument that that if he likes it he eats shit which i debunked. Stop backpedaling this hard.

That's Antarctica you fucking moron

He made an argument for why it's good, and when it broke down that's the first and only retort in the comment for it is
so bloody well yes that is the implication and from a later response he gave where he tried to defend his point which came down to being pissy about how he's in a corner now and hasn't responded since, I think that confirms he's implying.
Except it's not, you couldn't scroll up for context and am now continuing to play retard
My ass attacked, I called out the massive hole in his argument, oh no some nig nog Gollywog on a computer verbally attacked me.
With his reasoning it's not false equivalence, an example of false equivalent is saying these 2 things are similar so must be the same, this is taking a point by him and then putting it in a different argument and seeing if it hold under it which it doesn't
You helped me prove his point is full of shit thank you mate.
We can't all play retard like you.

Yeah sure buddy. :^)

So your argument then refereed to his future response are you a wizard?

Not everyone has legit autism my friend and frankly i don't think he gave a fuck about what your retarded ass projected his argument to be and that probably is the reason he didn't reply

I don't think you understand what false equivalence means friendo.

Yeah keep believing that was his point.

Shit dude, you just went full retard


Holy fuck this game already sounds awful.

I cannot understand it. When it first came out it looked interesting, but actually playing it is something else. It is just another action game, not bad but not amazing. I give Sony their due for creating a personal army to defend it.

So what? The guy isn't hurting for money and you don't need to advertise this shit here. His fans are backing him up anyway, so it's not like it's a Spoony situation where everything fell apart and the channel died.

Nice shitpost, nigger


Literally go read a book. Make it something about Will.

So that every sonyfag ever conceived was a mistake.
But that's old news.

He made a pretty reasonable response to all the criticism he got and other reviewers got. Too bad he's not dealing with reasonable people.


What film is this? Looks funny.

well, he married a pornostar. his fault to be a cuck from the beginning


That's Boogie Nights. It's not a comedy.

wow such freedom

seriously, its like I already said, the only reason this is even a game and not a movie like it wants to be is because Hollywood has less tolerance for mediocre writing than the game industry



To be cinematic. Aka the cancer killing the industry.

Even still, most great movies don't even start out that slow. These "cinematic experiences" fail as games and movies. I'm surprised the fanbase has the attention span for this kind of shit.

It's shit.
There is nop excuse for it being shit in the beginning.
Even if everything that came afterwards were a godsend, it wouldn't change the fucking fact that the beginning is shit for a fucking action game.

he probably means WiiU emulator

As far as cinematic games with high production costs go, I think it does best. I would much rather play Uncharted than Tomb Raider. I haven't played Uncharted since 2, though. I think that was 7 years ago.

After being fed about how it's smarter to appreciate boring shit being spoonfed to you and dropping 60 dollars on this turd I could see why where they'd get it from.

hook, line, sinker… still sucking on the fisherman's cock.

Boogie Nights has some really funny scenes though. Funnier than most "comedies" released these days.

I'll never understand why folks take videogames so seriously. I hate most game journalists too but how about just ignoring them?

Uncharted are okay games if you pay 9.99 for them. Okay for a single play through.

No idea why anyone would pay full price for them though.

Millennial retardation is getting out of hand.

What's it all in aid of? Do they really just want to eradicate gameplay in order to deliver a cinematic experience? The whole point of gameplay is that its interactive, and it is through this interactivity that the player can often create better scenarios that direct and unravel emergent stories all their own.

I mean, this tends to happen in less story driven games like Minecraft - "oh, wow, I went digging in this innocuous looking tunnel only to be attacked by a horde of zombies that came from a spawner that I used as the basis for some contraption" - but it can also happen in pure gameplay terms in story driven games as well. What are you going to remember more, the cutscene as a result of your actions, or how difficult it was to beat Omega Weapon in FFV? You're going to remember Ornstein and Smough, or the duel Silver Knight rafter archers, much more clearly and for longer than some plot point, unless said plot point strikes enough of a chord with a large number of people that it solidifies itself into the minds of many, like Aerith's death scene or the final battle with The Boss in MGS3.

I guess, I just feel like interactivity could be better used as a vessel for allowing the player to create their own interesting scenarios and resolutions that they actually participate in, rather than a vessel that connects a series of tubes that exit out of and lead into a series of cutscenes.

The same reason you take whatever your hobby is seriously.