Can't multipost because i'm on phone
Retarded political compass thread
This is right except for Stalin and Che.
Switch Marx and Che
Yeah i know but seeing che in the anarchy part made me die internally
Posting best one
One of these ain't that bad, can you tell which is it?
Is that supposed to be a vagina?
The last one is pretty much spot on
I like how it says it's simplified
lold at right libertarian
These indexes are mostly bullshit because of the way they're measured, they're fundamentally ideological. It's like measuring a "freedom index" by looking at how much the market is deregulated and at similar parameters - and I know for a fact that some neoliberal think tanks actually pull this off, presenting it to the public as scientific research findings, which then the ministries of finance and economics use to support their policy.
For example, here you have "self-expression values" and I bet that is partially some kind of euphemism for the entrepreneurial command to turn yourself into a brand and sell yourself on social media.
every ideology (excepting technocracy) is an idpol, prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't.
you should listen to your teachers instead of shitty image macros
Holy fuck are you seriously this retarded?