Russia Preps For War - US Invasion Plans Exposed
It seem like the Russians are always announcing they are preparing for Nuclear War. This time with good reason.
A huge Annual Military Drill in Eastern Europe just concluded. The problem with this exercise is that it was very, very large.
What has the Russians all would up is two things:
1) First - the Deployment in Poland of 70 Medium Ranged AGM-158 Nuclear Tipped Cruise Missiles with a range not of 600 miles but around 1,000 miles.
In response the Russians are deploying their SS-26 Nuclear Armed Missiles with similar capabilities.
Remember - these War Games were all designed under the last Presidency - who’s name we not allowed to say, but it rhymes with O-vomit.
President Trump has only been in office for 43 days.
The other things that got the Russian’s riled up was a few comments by insane American Generals stating the US can win a Limited Nuclear War.
2) For the first time in many years the US has deployed the Pentomic Division - which is trained to fight in a radioactive battle field. It’s name is derived form the fact that it revolves around 5 Infantry Battalions and a heavy armor Battalion..
In the Combat Engineers we were trained to fight in Radioactive Battle Fields over and over again - but we all knew this was insane, unsustainable, and suicidal.
Well - apparently many US Generals feel this is reality and something we should work towards.
So as the Past President’s War Plans are moved forward Russia prepares to stop them.
Please keep in mind two things: - President Trump did not plan this and the past Administration will be the First Target as yet another very, very large weapon is being placed under New York City and Washington DC.
Please pray that these war plans initiated by the past President are stopped immediately.