Bendis may be out of Marvel but look at who might replace him.
Bendis may be out of Marvel but look at who might replace him
Well boys it's been a good run, but we all knew comics would eventually die.
It's fucking nothing
Well, we know Marvel is going to hire someone worse than Bendis. It's just a matter of who. They won't hire the best man for the job and we all know it.
I won't stop until you kneel before me.
I applaud this pivotal movement towards diversity and sensitivity in this racist age and ya'll all gamergate virgin trolls for hating it
I'm just rereading the old stuff anywayexcept maybe Gwenpool from time to time.
I just can't give a fuck about it anymore.
This is the person they want to replace Bendis with?
Niggers aren't people
Who the fuck is Eve Ewing? Is she related to Al?
What else is new? This shit don't even phase me anymore. If anything it gives me hope knowing that I don't have to be any good at art or writing to make comics.
We should all just dump our autistic comics from highschool on the internet and make millions on patreon.
This is the caliber of thought that goes into diversity hiring.
Does that mean Willem DaFoe will be writing The Joker?
Better start going to conventions and hire the best looking cos-players then with that retarded mentality.
Please, a million people have that same haircut and vague look because the characters look was entirely generic.
Its eery how much he looks like the Joker.
It's utterly bizarre that someone could find the time and money to pull off that many degrees and majors, but still have jack shit to show for it. I mean, the diversity quota and mountain of scholarships and financial aid must have helped.. but she walked away with a bunch of useless english and lit degrees. Even a communications degree would have been better and that's a bullshit made up major.
All those diplomas and she has to slum it as a comic book writer rather than being a school teacher. That's what happens when you don't keep your political shitposting anonymous.
Twitter. Not even once.
These people love to boast and brag about working for Marvel as if that is some kind of pleasant experience. I'd rather struggle as an indie than being in a controlling environment like any of the Big Two.
Shit it might still even mean something if you earned your way there rather than got hired because some editor wanted to virtue signal and you checked all the boxes. It has nothing to do with your value as a creator or your ideas and skills and everything to do with how you were born. But I guess the wokest don't mind being Marvel's house nigger.
Why did Dafoe never played the Joker? Dude got the expression, the voice…a shame he never played the Joker, not even a voice role..
Hollywood works in a mysterious way no, it isn't, jk they had a perfect young Han Solo copy and still runned with a shoddy and talentless actor (who pretty much caused half of the shit for the studio). The got Leto to do the Joker, all the needed to do is copy the 90's version and the blined masses would eat it up. But nope! Take this nigger wannabe. What about Domino? Replaced with a nigress. Aquaman? Haha! Cyborg? Went with the edgelord desing. The Flash? You mean the fast Peter Parker? Deadpool? They dropped the guy who made the first film "okay tier", because he didn't wanted the second turn out to be the lol-so-randumb Deadpool! Deadpool? Remember Dudepool? Logan? Origins! X-men? Jennifer Lawrence and her little helpers. Luthor? We traded Rosenbaum for that thing. Ghostbusters?! Haha!
And the list just goes and goes and goes on…
You'd be better off starting a webcomic and setting up a patreon. If your shit is good enough, chances are you could end up more successful than most of these Big 2 hacks.
Have you read the comment section on that petition? They think people can only make characters that are the same race, gender, and sexual orientation as them. How delusional and bigoted are these fuckwits?
Who's the young Han Solo copy?
Delusional and bigoted enough that they think the superficial traits of a character matter more than their actions and the kind of stories written for them. That's kind of a cornerstone of their whole ideology; that looks, labels, and symbolic gestures matter more than quality, content, and outcome.
Why do you think the only thing they talk about when they release some new trashy SJW book is the author and character's sex, race, and sexuality and nothing else?
Some of these are pretty good though.
Too damn bad that all the comments are like those the majority of them are made by people that are dumb and racist as stormfags.
God, I miss Dwayne McDuffie.
Do you think it was tough being the Only Sane Man at Marvel?
Blah blah, Holla Forums.
Yadda yadda, cuck.
Have I left anything out?
My morbid curiosity makes me want to see what level of train wreck she would make.
Anthony Ingruber. He does a pretty good impression of Harrison Ford.
Das rayciss!
Good God…he even has that smile…he's perfect!
By there logic only a person who has cancer should write for Deadpool, people who are in wheelchairs should write proof X, and only people who are African royalty can write about Black Panther.
Fun fact: Charlie Cox would have gotten the role of Young Han Solo, but because he's spent so much time acting as Matt Murdock he forgot to actually make eye contact with anyone during the audition.
Over 2500 people signed that petition!
Bruh petitions don't mean shit. Besides I've seen people get petititions as high in the hundred thousands or millions.
Or 50 people cycled IP's 50 times
You already made this exact same post before, Supes-kun.
Well this open a new side of self insert character
Ok that's pretty funny
This is being done by a group of people that can only relate to someone who is the same race, gender, and/or sexual orientation as them.
I pray in silent agony every day for Disney to finish milking Marvel and Star Wars dry so they can shutter both and the pain can be over with. Bourbon helps.
What the fuck is that thing?
Hey Holla Forums