Comrade Corbyn will be declared Labour leader tomorrow at 11:45 am
and the blairites are already pleading for their lives
Corbyn Victory Parade
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If there isn't a purge or at least a split then I will chalk a victory up for the Blairites. They will continue to leak information and be uncooperative.
sure smells like Holla Forums here
wtf u talking about?
Cult of personality, I'd guess.
there's your answer faggot
why don't we purge that giant stick up your ass
epic meem bro
mind if i share it on Holla Forums and reddit?
I unironically hang a British flag from my wall. Come at me, silly commies!
Insufficiently edgy.
I unironically hang a USSR flag from my wall, get on my level faggot
Is that an art set piece?
I hang an American flag and an Army flag in my arms closet/office. I'm still a commie.
Nope. That's Iceland, apparently.
If Corbyn does indeed remain leader, a purge will be necessary. If your party's voting base supports one platform, and yet the party higher-ups almost uniformly oppose it, those higher-ups are not serving the people or the democratic process. Purge the fuck out of them.
Fuck off cancer.
Blairites on suicide watch.
You too cunt.
Thanks for the downboat, ledditor.
No problem, retard
Why are Blairites even here in the first place? Or do they think "purge" means gulags? In this case, all it means is removal from party position.
the butthurt is strong in this one
u ok bby?
Sorry if I offended you.
hah no you clueless tard
Why aren't you saging bud?
Because Corbyn is a bro
unless you mean corbyn is the higher up that needs purging you're wrong.
those "higher ups" that you wish to see purged are democratically elected mps.
they get their mandate from the general public, corbyn got elected leader by a small group who don't represent the views of the general public. they're just some shitty little pressure group that will ensure the tories will stay in for another decade or two.
in 10 years time when the health service is privatised it will be down those pieces of shit who hijacked and destroyed the democratically elected opposition "for the lulz"
A majority of the party's councils which provide those MPs with their seats came out in support of Corbyn, with a lot of them railing against the PLP quite openly.
Free Corbyn ebook:
since when did locals councils matter more than the popular vote?
enjoy the tory government you're stuck with for the next decade
Seeing as you don't want to talk about the actual politics of the matter and just want to focus on the most superficial aspects and memes, wouldn't >>>Holla Forums be more your speed?
Those cucks? No thanks.
So? Legitimate authority rests with the people, not with elected officials. If they vote for Corbyn to stay, party officials should be obliged to get in line or leave.
this probably the worst meme out there right now
They will continue to be MPs until the next election. They will stop being Labour MPs. This is entirely democratic.
criticising some like corbyn on Holla Forums is like criticising trump on Holla Forums, they just don't want to hear it.
at least Holla Forums can claim to be backing the right horse, in the sense that trump will probably win and corbyn almost certainly won't.
>not backing a left horse
I really wish May calls an election this year and wipes Labour out, maybe that way you delusional morons will get the picture.
TINA, amirite
The iron lady's catchphrase
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I'll guess that you think I'm a Thatcherite with a boner for free market capitalism. No. I just don't think the stuttering retard Corbyn can win. The SNP will clean up in Scotland and UKIP in the north of England. Tories will hold on to most of their seats and Labour will have nothing. Good luck enacting your socialist paradise when you're further from power than any time since the 80s.
You're right, politics is about Machiavellian control, not the implementation of meaningful policy and social change. Success is far more likely if we just give up.
You are the embodiment of Clintonian-Blairite pork.
Enjoy complaining from the sidelines for the rest of your life you delusional faggot
ITT: butthurt blairites
Enjoy clamoring for vacuous prestige as history rolls on.
wow you really have lost the ability to be rational about things haven't you?
Says Theresa "Grammer schools are good, guys I'm like Thatcher" May
Get used to it lad, May can do whatever the fuck she likes as long as that stuttering retard is """""opposing"""""" her.
So, she can call an election for the end of the year and get rid of Corbyn and then have a mandate till 2021 when she'll probably lose, or she can keep on till 2020, win against Corbyn and stay till 2025. And probably lose.
It wouldn't surprise me if the NHS is halfway privatised by then.
Ok, purely for the sake of argument, who's worse? a totally unelectable stuttering retard, or the guy who just lost an election to a totally unelectable stuttering retard?
Stop replying to this salty little arsehole.
I hope Corbyn purges the fuck out of these whining cunts.
depends if you want to have a chance of winning an election or not. maybe you don't.
if corbyn's still around by the next ge i'll vote lib dems or green
nice democratic principles there you twat
How would that be against democratic principles? They're talking about purging someone out of the party. The UK Labour "blairites" have nothing to do, in labour, they're anti-labour, and should go back to the Tories that they were birthed from. They're the ones, that tried to literally silence, oppress and kill off any notion of old left using actual state tools, of both surveillance and clandestine crazy shit back in the day.
You don't even understand the basics of what you're trying to talk about. Someone has already explained it to you so why don't you read it before registering with SDP 2.0?
Just ignore the retard, he's already been corrected once and he's made it clear he doesn't want to acknowledge it.
like owen smith? almost all those blairites are gone now, and yet you're still obsessed about them.
the only positive thing people say about them is that they were actually successful in winning elections but retards like you would rather lose elections so you don't get mistaken for a blairite. hilarious really.
the basics are you want to silence of anyone who isn't interested in your little circlejerk.
enjoy your paty of 100,000 hippies and 3 parliamentary seats you div.
Reminder that lowercase posters are almost always lost on their way to Yahoo! mail.
why do spastic liberals still think this is the board for them
just to to Holla Forums with the rest of the stormcunts and stop crying
fascinating stuff
are you actually this stupid?
have you seen tomorrow's independent?
maybe a good pasting at a ge will get you to smell the coffee
the blairite warmongering legacy made has labour completely unelectable, and will continue to do so until the party radically changes
which is what corbyn is trying to do, but retards like you think that carrying on with what lost the last two general elections will totally work this time
Not him but I genuinely think Tony Blair would do better in a GE than Corbyn, he's that bad.
Well it's your opinion so it must be true
Brown lost because people blamed him for the credit crunch and recession.
Milliband lost because like Corbyn (and Brown tbf) he has the charisma of a lettuce, and came across as a lightweight.
Can you imagine the May/Clinton alliance these faggot not-blairites want? The Thatcher/Reagan, Blair/Bush duo of surveillance states and neoliberal bullshit.
Get. Fucking. Purged.
Those are ridiculous statements considering the massive influx of support amongst regular people who weren't fished up already by capitalist misinformation campaigns and fauxpopulist party formations after being just alienated by the very same "we're labour, and socialists, totally… but yey TINA, freemarket everything!" blairite sellout cunts you're sitting there, supporting, and saying will do better than the person who is legitimately addressing the people and speaking to their needs and opposing said blairites.
You make no fucking sense.
Like some other poster said, go park your ass in Holla Forums, you belong there.
You're in the wrong board m8
Milliband was a champagne "socialist" at best. Again labour lost support when labour abandoned the poor, the working class, the people. When they turned into the ones they claimed to be fighting.
Not addressing that, and going straight into "we just need to charm them more with liars and pretty personalities", is just going even further down the road of the sellout.
Any support for anything but a complete UTURN where capitalists and warmongerers are given the finger and a thousand fucking fists, is abetting the selloutry.
What Blairite cunt am i supporting by saying I think Blair would do better in a GE than Corbyn?
I didn't say I supported Blair or would even vote for him (or that I ever did, I first voted in 2001 and that was for LD).
Sorry you're so stupid that you think anything short of blind devotion to Corbyn makes me a Blairite, but feel free to go fuck yourself anyway.
Brown and Milliband lost because of their over-reliance on a traditional media relationship.
Corbyn's frame of reference for the electorate is entirely different.
I'm not even remotely suggesting a blind devotion to Corbyn, but it's clear what view the people supporting him are taking and it's fairly clear what the lines drawn in the sand are.
You're on the wrong side, and the support you suggest is the very same self-fulfilling prophecy that lead to the shit of the situation today.
Sorry you're so stupid you think everything will remain exactly the same until the next GE, you dense fuck.
Do you get paid to support talking points rather than certain people (specifically ones in America)? I never see you cunts outside of these threads and I've certainly never seen you post a thread yourself.
Here's your (Wew), Mr 'What the fuck is TINA?'
so basically the labour party should make no attempt to get the vote of people in the centre?
what do you think will change then? except for more suppport for ukip/some other right wing party? corbyn will achieve nothing, he's a fucking failure of a man who has zero leadership skills, which basically makes him unelectable :^)
A professional shitposting webm. I tip my hat to you sir x]
Actually not the same person, if that's what you're thinking or implying.
Considering this has done nothing but lose support since Blair's leftwing manifesto of bullshit got him the second largest mandate (guess who is first?) I'm going to leave you to think about that one, go look up the figures or I'll be happy to go fetch them myself.
There's a potential financial crash looming, people get weary of the media once it plays out its tricks too long (it started far too early with Corbyn, they'll vote for him out of spite), also the Tories have plenty of ticking timebombs they set up for a 2015 left coalition which never made it, the EU withdrawal which the Tories are trying to squirm out of and Corbyn supports, there's plenty. It's a war of attrition that the Tories will lose at the next GE. We could put a donkey in a red rosette up and it would win.
This is a much better reply, I can respond to some of these because they're actual points rather than conjecture.
britain hasn't been left wing since the 60s
people don't give a shit about any of that. most people would want the trains nationalised but still (according to various polls) most working class people won't vote for corbyn.
meanwhile trump might win the us presidency without the semblence of a policy.
so yeah, policies don't matter, presentation does.
Nah dude it's just coincidence.
Yea, it actually was. Any mod awake could easily chime in and verify.
Mate, the fact that you're making a song and dance about it makes it all the more suspicious. Stop.
I made a song and dance about it because it looked fucking weird as shit to me, as well, after posting. Anyway, this is tangential bullshit so sageposting.
Going to need something with actual data rather than tabloid shitflinging for that one.
Well I admire your optimism
Where the fuck is the data? Why can't I see the survey myself?
Cheers mate I really appreciate your smug passive aggressiveness, you're truly a man of his country.
sorry m8, we've been through this before. it's called the 1980s.
spoliler: in the end your lot lose :^)
Porky shit like you, are in for a rude awakening.
oh, and in the mean time the tories sell off everything that isn't nailed down :^)
gb2 >>/r/politics you stupid fucking newfag
My vote is yes for a purge in the UK Labour party of all blairites and blairite sympathizers (and similar traitors). So far this thread seems filled mostly, with those opining similarly. As far as I can tell there is one troll trying to argue the other side (with zero actual arguments).
Looks like, at least from this sample, we're heading towards a purge (in the party sense). Let's hope Corbyn is in tune.
I should drink bleach
How so? And no you really shouldn't drink bleach. It's very bad for you.
Well, that's cherry-picked and massaged to all hell. Why not release the actual data and sampling methodology? It would make a much more powerful point.
Hell, even the stats they plucked for the article seem pretty good considering the Blairite apparatchiks and media establishment have been dedicated to a campaign of fear and character assassination from day one.
Imagine how much better it will be post-purge.
This is how I know you're not from around here.
Kill yourself, Holla Forumsyp.
Really hope Corbyn doesn't cuck out to "democratic" principles and purges Labour of every right-wing pro-capitalist piece of shit rotting the party. Labour is a dying cancer patient. The last thing a WORKERS party needed was a fucking pharmaceutical LOBBYIST. Fucks sake…
You centrist Blairite neoliberals really thought your political dominance would last forever huh? Now that it's so obviously crumbling to oblivion all you can do is passive-aggressively bitch on the internet and in the news.
Face the facts, it's over for you.
forgot to turn off shitposting flag
You blokes really love violence it seems.
Nothing wrong with being right wing buddy.
lmfao how did you work that out?
because i dare to criticise god emperor corbyn or point out he's never gonna win?
he can go on as many rallies as he likes no one gives a fuck.
he's an intellectual and political lightweight
LMFAO what a joke this shitposter is haha can you even get a grip on thinking lol wow ha top kek check this guy out he doesnt even know what an argument is hahaha what an idiot
completely btfo haha fuck im so much smarter than this guy and you all just saw it
You guys would get your commie shit past a lot more people if you were more approachable.
Sorry mate are you starving for a (You) that much?
and if they stopped circlejerking and romanticising a political system and era that was in the main horrifyingly awful
I've got plenty, thanks. I'm just giving you a pointer.
The last time anyone humoured the guy I was replying to he added around 100 replies of non-arguments, repeating himself, Murdoch shilling and the tedious fake laughter of someone you know is sat there with the face of clinical depression. He stands out a mile away.
Can someone explain to me why leftypol is getting a boner for a SocDem capitalist?
What am I missing? Is this a meme?
The only hint of your politics you've shown so far is anti-Corbynism and a concern for 'electability' (we need to replace a lifelong socialist with a neoliberal pharmaceutical lobbyist or no one will vote Labour!). These signs point to Blairite, and you're not giving any evidence otherwise.
If you're not a Blairite or centrist, then give us some evidence on the contrary. Name even a handful of political figures in Britain you admire/agree with. I'm actually curious.
Nah fam, you love violence just as much as we do, as long as it's done by your nation's police and military.
His chief advisor openly claimed to want to go back in time to assassinate thatcher.
and? how does that change the fact that he's a socdem capitalist?
This thread is a perfect example of how and why ever socialist or communist revolution has and will fail.
why would i be anti corbyn?
what has he actually done for me to oppose? he's irrelevant. i'm just reminding you that he's shit.
fucking B████ ██████ got through to people more than corbyn in a country where being a socialist politician was almost impossible.
the fact that you interpret anyone not fawning over corbyn as not a true lefty speaks volumes.
and no, i don't need to "prove my credentials" to you.
if anything one could argue you're such a shit representative for your cause you're the plant who needs to prove himself to the rest.
so you can spam pictures of jezza and tell us your favourite lines from das kapital, like a *real* lefty
Because you don't have any you barely literate waste of school uniform. You come in and shit up any Corbyn thread at around 8am and then soon as mum has driven you back from school you're back shitposting at 5pm. Go do your homework.
yeah yeah, get a job you delusional shithouse :^)
Can you tell me where you got your 9am-4pm job kiddo?
I think you've been reading too many tabloids on your paper round lad.
Ah, yes. To defeat the rightwing government, the only solution is to turn the Labour Party INTO a rightwing party itself! Doesn't matter what the party's actual ideas are so long as the tin says "Labour."
hey kid if you do well at school maybe you can get a job that doesn't flog you till the last minute too
no… the policies aren't the issue, you can start with a leader that can actually get his words out properly and who most people can identify with in some way.
when working class people actually feel farage speaks for them more than the labour leader then something is badly wrong.
and labour is fucked till its membership get that.
so yeah, next time pick someone with whatever fucking policies you like, just make sure he isn't a complete spazz like this guy.
Do you do anything but repeat tabloid talking points? He's better at getting a point across than you, who hasn't managed to convey a single one in dozens of shitposts across multiple threads. You're a spastic m8.
How exactly the fuck is Corbyn a spazz? Great argument there familirino.
Ah, yes. Corbyn is too much of a spazz to talk to people properly, which is why he got completely crushed in the Labour leadership race, right.
This is proof you've never had a job you lying fuck. Post a ten second clip of Corbyn stuttering from anywhere in the last ten years and I may stop giving you the verbal abuse you clearly haven't been given enough of at school.
just watch him at pmqs, pretty much any week, preferably with other people.
watch their reactions to him.
because the labour membership is full of people like in this thread.
it's like trumpfags and their 3d chess shite. get real.
Oh boy, it's like I really am on tumblr. "Actual arguments? Never. Just educate yourself, sinner."
Did anyone else see Dugdale on Sunday Politics? What a fucking joke.
Get the fucking clip or shut the fuck up.
Lmao pathetic. The fact that you're afraid of revealing this makes your claims of "hurr i'm not a blairite" even more laughable. Everything you say has buttblasted Blairite written all over it.
Go join the Tories, they're much closer to your neoliberal ideals and much more "electable" than Corbyn.