I'm a college freshman in burgerstan
Start talking about about current events
Honestly I go to a pretty liberal college and this if is the best we can do then we are never going reach anything left of ralph nader in the 21st century
Tales of a College Political-Science major
This sounds made up tbh
I remember when one of my professors, a lolbert, said that only the left can be authoritarian or something like that and I raised my hand and asked "what about Pinochet" and he was like "what's a Pinochet?"
Other than that people in my classes rarely had a political ideology outside B████ stickers during the democratic primary, if that counts.
I'm in the college dems and half the kids have B████ stickers that are covered up by hillary stickers.
the website would not exist without funding from big government DARPA
One of my professors tried to make a joke about Clinton after making one of Trump and much less people laughed at it. It made me realize people are seriously switching from B████ to Clinton.
I wanted to shout "Jill 2016" but I was barely awake because of tiredness and couldn't do it.
smh kmn fam
uh, Forgot shitposting flag?
That's pretty much expected for an intro to gov/politics class tbh. When you get that class out of the way as a prerequisite you'll at least be able to take more interesting classes in the future.
I'm glad I got college out of the way during the early Obama years. Between the rise of libertarianism/alt-rightists and PC identitarian activism, university must be a terrible place to be right now.
Kek, we're literally reading Marx in my Contemporary theory course, and the discussion isn't even that bad.
You guys should try social democracy
There are only 12 million people in cuba
FYI for anyone else also pursuing a Political Science degree: I am as well, but decided to take the CLEP exam for the American Government course so I didn't have to deal with that reactionary bullshit in class:
Hopefully this helps other comrades who want to skip it too.
We need more leftists in mainstream politics, this is why the left is failing.
In my american history lecture today some students genuinely thought the revolution was a legitimate revolution because of muh nationalism, liberty, and that it influenced the french revolution. My prof btfo them of course, thankfully.
I'm taking a sociology of law course this semester and this was in one of the required readings. Not two weeks in, too, and we've already started talking intersectionality. Kill me.
To be fair the author of that article did admit that critical race theory gives a very incomplete image and that a Marxist analysis would be the best way to get the whole picture, but not two paragraphs later he points to an e-mail he got saying that he only got tenure because he's black being a Holocaust that is indicative of institutional racism.
And of course the other readings take a big covert shit on Marx and co while also singing Weber's praises.
As you go deeper you'll find that the kind of hardline rhetoric espoused by so-called 'twitter feminists' is not popular in either sociology or feminism.
Granted, I studied in Europe. If you're a yank your mileage may vary.
Maybe not a while back, but it's been growing in prominence in recent years to the point where it's pretty mainstream. It's no surprise that you even see Hildawg using their language now. Hell, this isn't my first tango either. I've had profs bring up intersectionality spiels and the literal checking of muh privilege in classes that didn't even have anything to do with sociology or critical theory.
This whole "oppression is a thing caused by feels and not reals" thing has totally been gaining a whole lot of traction recently. I'm kind of used to it, really, but I can't really help but argue against it when it comes up and it almost invariably ends up pissing people off. Hell, one time I politely but unambiguously wiped my ass on rational choice theory and I ended up pulling a C+ on the course because that was apparently the prof's pet theory.
I'm pretty sure it's just my university that's complete dogshit. The department I'm in at least is full of z-list nothing academicians and judgmental white liberals, whereas the college I came from had a lower paygrade altogether but a slew of talented instructors, including a former attorney general, several prosecutors, a guy who was on the judge-appointment panel and the commander of a special task force with the local police (who I think manages to turn a few hundred students against the war on drugs every time he offers the class.)
Going from that to people who have lived their entire professional careers in the milieu of higher academia makes me feel like I've been put on the short bus, here. I do not like it.
When did Tom Morello wore that cap, kek?
It says make America rage again. He wore it on bill Maher and got bill to say sweatshops are not that bad
Got a clip of that?
The whole episode was great if only for Tom exposing Maher as the porky enabler he is
God in hell, maher is such a fucking sellout it's sickening.
Jesus fucking christ.
I'm in a couple of econ classes. I didn't realize how bad they were. Got a couple stories
That's… that's so retarded. That's so retarded I want to die. Your teacher is an idiot.
Tom is a lot smarter than I gave him credit for. Sucks that he's spooked as fuck
Econ is wewlad the course. I'm prolly gonna move to poli-sci or philosophy instead
Have btfo him yet?
You dun fucked up
Also my textbook had to conflate Marx's LTV with a labor theory of price in order to refute it. They also had an entire section dedicated to reminding us that 90% economists are procapitalism. The insecurity is palpable.
I used to think philosophy was pointless bullshit but I took an epistemology and metaphysics course to satisfy my phil requirement and I really liked it. I kind of regret I didn't go fully into it earlier.
You should take every opportunity to publicly confront idiocy whenever you can. I've made a personal resolution to straightforwardly talk about matters of class without fear or shame whenever I have an opportunity, given how people like to minimize it or talk around it or pretend it isn't even there. Don't keep quiet just so you won't make a fuss. That's liberal logic.
What exactly do you mean?
it's a big class and he was already kind of embarrassing himself just doin what he was doin. Plus I'm not well-read so I don't like talking politics yet unless I'm directly asked.
I've BTFO'd a couple liberals who found out about my political views, but for the most part I keep to myself
they said marx was wrong because demand affects price basically.
Wait, what? They mistook value for price? What kind of textbook is that!?
you a phil major? How's the job prospects for phil majors? I'm really interested in getting into more philosophy-related shit, but I don't know what I'd do afterward. My parents keep saying that if I do phil I need to go to law school right afterward and become a lawyer. Are there any other options?
McGraw Hill. Wait I can find the exact passage. Hopefully I just misunderstood what they were saying cause I still can't believe it myself.
Found it. here goes:
"Smith and other early economists (including Karl Marx) thought the market price of a good was determined by its cost of production. But although costs surely do affect price, they cannot explain why one of Pablo Picasso's paintings sells for so much more than one of Jackson Pollock's."
Nope, I'm too far into finishing my crim major to even consider switching, though I would if I could. They're right as far as law school goes, but you've still got options. I hear you can also get a nice job at Starbucks with a phil major. Besides that, yeah, it is what it is.
This can't be real…
People sometimes falsify these in order to post on reddit and stoke the fires of outrage, so I'd say you've got a 50:50 shot. I wouldn't get too hopeful, though.
It's not real.
The question states that Marty ate more pizza, it's a non-refutable fact in the scenario that frames the answer.
Unless they're giving out math tests that are intended to double as shitty psych experiments, the only possible answer is what the kid wrote.
Really though, if the teacher made the test himself and wasn't too retarded to live, the kid would've been marked correct.
If the teacher didn't make the test and was literally too retarded to live, he'd be in the habit of using answer keys to grade tests in order to hold down his job.
I did history as a major and econ minor.
Econ is literally just right wing propaganda the course, as in, a lot of it is just actual outright right wing propaganda straight from the mouths of right wing political groups.
The amount of anti-Government, anti-regulation propaganda in Econ was astounding.
What's even more strange though was that most Economists are Keynesian, so the amount of Lolbertarian bullshit in Econ as a discipline was out of this world and actually unexpected.
Also don't even bother doing Econ if you are interested in actually learning about other economic systems or human behaviour. The few times Marx is brought up, again, it just strawmans his theories with "Das Mudpie" fallacies and claiming Marx said Value = Price.
Only kids can do kids handwriting and drawing, it's insanely hard to imitate.
You can always ask your baby cousin to write it
Or the teacher is an idiot.
…The answer itself wouldn't need to be faked, only the 'correction'
Nah, you can't imitate smug, incorrect asshole teacher writing either. It's a fact.
ahahahahahaah that fucking text book page on the left.
i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my entire life
That's because the concept of "political science" is completely bourgeois, you should gone into the philosophy department.