Genres you hate

what genres you hate the most anons ?

shooters first and third person
i hate them so much i avoid them like the plague
i can't stand them
the gameplay is mediocre the story is laughable the setting is bad the community is the worst

and any weebcore shit
no one even care about the gamplay there , retarded characters that will suck your dick because you said hi in a nice way , and the communiity of theses games is pure cancer

point-and-click adventures


I like more involvement with the world than clicking icons and watching sprite explosions.

Corridor shooters


Not them but what happen to RTSs where only the combat was real time?

This title is super overrated.

no excuse for this besides being bad, git gud kids


genres are gameplay settings

you can hate an entire genere based on that
there is nothing with that

if you hate jrpgs gameplay you will hate all jrpgs

What is JRPG gameplay?

Sandbox/survival games I've started to dislike recently. I don't have enough autism to be creative.

Any game with card-based combat.

Pretty much just Assfaggots and Sport titles.

And I'd probably be interested in the latter if the devs endeavoured to be more ambitious then just being a yearly franchise that just updates the player roster for an excuse to make a new game everytime.


Me either, I played minecraft once. built a massive underground complex and that was it. Not played it since

Sport titles keep EA eternally alive so yes.


Any MOBA is just poo. I can't stand them.

MMOs are also pretty crap but that's because I live in Australia and there are no local servers which means constant pings for 200+, and high ping is a pet peeve which just makes them unplayable. I hate lag so much.

Sometimes sandbox/survival games are fun.
But then there's things I find problems with like ARK because as soon as you get out of the early game it's less a survival game and becomes more of a miniature MMORPG with Dinosaurs(Super tedious grind included).

If only actual 3d modeling was so easy

To this day, I have seen maybe two or three RPG's through to an ending. I just cannot stand the majority of them. Most are plagued with slow, mindless combat and I really don't like huge text dumps.

But I suppose it depends what you classify as an RPG.

you mean crpgs ? or arpgs ?


I am not sure why, I used to like them first time I tried them with Super Mario Bros 3. But then I played some Gameboy advanced sonic game and I began to hate them. And they say that the Sonic advanced games are the closest to the original Genesis trilogy, and therefore people say they're good games.

Why i can feel those pictures…

I'd suggest some 3d platformers like Prince of Persia and Conker's Bad Fur Day, as they have a totally different approach to platforming. I'm not a big fan of old school platformers either tbh.

The only genre I truly hate is ASSFAGGOTS. I just don't find their gameplay appealing in any facet.
We're talking about games, right?

There is no "JRPG gameplay" because JRPG is not a genre based on gameplay style but on region they originate from. A lot of JRPGs in fact are very similar to older WRPGs like Ultima or tabletop games as that was where most developers drew inspiration from.

Because the autism calls to you, user…it wants to be inside of you.

It is once you get into it. I did some back in uni, it was a pain in the arse to start with but have some patience and stick at it and it starts to become pretty fun.
Been years since I actually did any though, trying to find the motivation to get back into it is the biggest hurdle.

definitely ASSFAGGOTS
Rhythm games because whitey got no beat and I am definitely included, can't play that shit


Turn based JRPG's

They're so SLOW.

I despise FPSs, MMOs, WRPGs and Sports games

I generally dislike First Person but i do make some ecceptions like Metroi Prime, Portal and Mirrors Edge for doing something new with the First Person perspective

So what about JRPGs that don't play anything like that?

Such as?

if we're talking purely about turn based JRPGs, you're right
but JRPGs as a whole, (gonna get berated for mentioning this game) Dark Souls doesn't really play like that. Given, most would say it doesn't count because of the fact that it's a JRPG trying to be a WRPG

Every FF after X-2

If by "WRPG" you mean live combat RPG, then there's a huge number of RPGs from Japan that aren't "JRPGs" or turn-based
this terminology is autistic even to today, but I'm pretty sure he just meant turn-based

"Strategy" games where no matter how good my strategy is, I get outbeaten by gooks that click fast.

I dont hate ANY genres.
Some genre games that I do not enjoy playing can have those hidden gems which I enjoy immensely despite the genre, so I try not to restrict my gaming library solely because of hatred towards particular genres. There's always variety.

Fuck OP for being such a fucking genrecuck.
I bet your taste in music is fucking horrid because you lock yourself behind the genre wall and only listen to something you like in general and refuse to leave your comfort zone.

I'm gonna berate you for bringing up that Game…

Serously where is Dark Souls like a JRPG?
When i think of JRPG i think of a group of anime versions of Tolkens characters (usually teenagers) out to save the world from an evil emperor and many plot twist laters they endo up figthing against the god of the universe.

Dark souls is about a dude using realistic lookin gear, grinding through a DIablo like Dungeon, it couldn't be more Wstern if it Starred Clint Eastwood

yeah, you're probably right

any game that doesn't involve shooting guns is a piece of shit.

To be fair, a poor community is a valid criticism if it's a game with online multiplayer

A great game can easily be ruined if you have to play it with a bunch of intolerable faggots or if there isn't even anyone to play it with at all, although that doesn't have so much to do with the community as much as it does the lack thereof

I'm gonna shoryuken your ass back to CoD

Haven't found a JRPG that really gets me interested. Even BLACKED Souls turned out to be garbage when I found out that it's nothing but glorified simon says. Japanese games in general are shit imho. I really don't like 3D platformers, fighting, and RTS too.

Western developers just can't get this shit right.

I don't really hate any genre, because I know that there's plenty of good examples of gameplay available in any genre I haven't given time to try yet. I know jack about fightan and RTS games, but I'd bet that I'd find something fun if I gave the games in those genres the time and effort to actually try them

I guess the same could be said for ASSFAGGOTS, except most ASSFAGGOTS communities are shit so fuck them

That's your problem use hot keys or you can't compete.

The part where it was made in Japan

This is why calling a game a JRPG or WRPG is and always has been a shit way to describe it.

Literally the only thing the term JRPG tells you is that it was made in Japan. It doesn't actually describe anything about the game whatsoever.

What does any of what you're saying have to do with the actual games? You're saying aesthetics, character, and story are enough to change classification in game genres?

This is why WRPG/JRPG are shit genre terms. Nearly every other genre name exists as a classification for design of gameplay and not something as arbitrary as where they come from. I mean we don't call Vanquish a Japanese Third-Person Shooter, so why are do RPGs need a regional split.

A poor community is usually not the fault of a game, let alone an entire genre. Devs have very little control over the kinds of people that gravitate to their game and their reasons for that unless they're deliberately pandering to them (like blundertale).

I don't really hate genres, just certain gameplay styles because there will always be at least one good game in that genre (NBA Jam for sports as an example)

I use the terms JRPG and WRPG to descrive generes acording to the place of the world they were invented in, Dark SOuls may be made in Japan, but uses Gameplay invented in the West.
it would be the same if Japan made a Cowboy movie… even if it was made in the east, even if all the characters are Japanese, the genere would still be called WESTERN



By that logic all JRPGs are WRPGs since they all trace their roots back to DnD and Ultima.
This is a false dichotomy. Westerns are called what they are because they are based on romantic tales, tropes, and film conventions of the "old west", not because of where they come from.

That's the joke.

Fallout 4 and NV got it almost right. 4 for the combat (minus the bullet sponge) and NV for the RPG mechanics.

STALKER's AI and survival aspect are great but the overworld is too tiny and barren. Not many things to do beyond the main quest and the freedom is lacking. Tbh though, the lack of RPG mechanics in STALKER makes the balancing easier hence no bullet sponge shit. FO4 should've been like this.

All JRPGs use the gameplay invented in the West.

I get your point but it is true dat most Japanes MCs look like dat, the fact that this particular character was designed in the west does not change it…
Maybe he should have used a Gulty Gear character instead (one with a fuckton of belts on)

I hate fighters because i suck horribly at them but i cant stop playing them.

Protip: Snake isn't a western character either

DnD and Ultima did not perfect the formula like Dragon Quest did, maybe DnD did, but they didn't make in in Vydia Formula

So you would call a manga like Peace Maker a Western but refuse to call a Diablo like RPG made in Japan as a WRPJ?

If he used a Guilty Gear character it would defeat the entire point of the image

Jesus are you literally retarded?

i dont care about mobas, but that is about it.

trips of trut m8
Marcus Phoenix and Cloud Strife would have been a more apropiate comparicion

nah i just failed to notice the point made.

Snake is really well designed, i acvtually forgot where it comes form, the Skull girl chick, on the other hand, i could tell she was designed in the west from a mile


i agree. i don't dislike the genres themselves but they don't seem to be capable of making decent shooters anymore. everything is so mediocre and bland it hurts. same for the weebshit. some stuff is actually pretty decent but the more "hardcore" weeb stuff is generally just fanservice with minimal gameplay.

Video games

VNs, Horizontal and Vertical SHUMPS and 90% of RPGs are something I just can never get into no matter how hard I try.

BS statement.

But an0n, VN's aren't games

it's easier. you can achieve the same result using 3D software and it'll be faster. it's just a bit overwhelming at first. why not just make pixel art in paint if you have the autism for it?


APM-centric RTS
Anything done with RPG maker
Teen-bait modern military shooter

Only niggers and jews say Escape from LA was a shit movie.

What does any of that have to do with genre distinctions? Now you're just talking about your preference of things.
I almost always avoid using JRPG or WRPG because they aren't useful genre terms for describing works in the medium, they just describe where a game came from. WRPG/JPRG were just created to tell people where the games come from. How many times do I have to repeat this explanation?

Tell me, what makes TES, Ultima, Wizardry, Baldur's Gate, and Fallout all distinct from Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy 4, Chrono Trigger, King's Field, and Shin Megami Tensei 4 aside from their region of origin?

The point of the image was to mock people using regional design choices to classify things. is probably right, you may just be retarded.

Walking Simulators
……………. :^)

This video covers all the reasons better than I could.

Their region of origin also determines the things they copied from.

All western RPGs come from pen and paper origins, hence the name. I'm not a humongous faggot, so I don't know what the yapo games copied from.

The only reason the JRPG formula exists at all in the west is because WRPGs were too complicated to be on any system other than PC, due to their complicated pen and paper game origins.
Go ahead and list the WRPGs on SNES or whatever; I don't give a shit.

Once you get past those initial origins, you get into mechanic copying, like how Baldur's Gate has been copied endlessly, or Final Fantasy. This also tells of the origins.

but this is pointless anyways; you're arguing semantics, and trying to satisfy your autism above all else.

Western table top games and early western CRPGs based on those table top games like Ultima and Wizardry. Their origins are practically identical, so the distinction is pointless.

Anything online
Anything without a single player
Fightan games trigger my claustrophobia because most of them are in small enclosed arenas fuck that
JRPG aestetics and designs in general
Military shooters
Proceduraly generated boredoms
Sport games what the fuck go out with friends to do that
RTS because I'm not gud and don't care

It's true for two genres, ASSFAGGOTS and MMOs.

u'r rong an stupit
therefore I win the le argument

I think there's no genre I HATE but… I really don't like rpg or rts. I'm just too stupid to keep up with the stats, skills and other bullshit. The only exception is Gothic, fucking love that game. I really like watching my friends play rpg/strategy games though. I'd go to my friends house and watch him play for example diablo and he'd explain everything. I did the same for him with quake 3 or other fps games.

Time management games and tower defense games. They seem to be popular, but I have no idea how anyone could find them enjoyable.

Is the optic mounted on the damn suppressor?

but at least it is explained in the movie

in short you just don't like video games, huh?

If you look carefully, there is a lot of design choices aren't typically west.

FF7 was stupid edgy shit that Holla Forumsirgins only liked because it appealed to their underagefag brains idea of what was cool. Turn based combat is shit.

Chrono Trigger was excellent but would have benefited from a movement grid to allow actual tactics (ie: provide an actual challenge)

Amazing bait 11/10


I should have said turn based JRPG combat. Early WRPG turn based based combat like Fallout's provided actual tactical depth.

Not really, it just means that you aren't an almighty killing machine.

casual shit

All 3rd Person "Action/Adventure" Games
All Action RPGs except Dark Souls

Sonic sucks dick and always has sucked dick. There, I said it.

The only okay sonic is the one with 2-player on-screen coop. Was that Sonic 2? Can't remember anymore.

Oh and all FPS made after 1999 as well

If you call sinking 200 hours into 4X games last month hating video games, I agree. As all other people who played Morrowind this year, I hate video games. And I loathe puzzle games so much, I invested 100 hours into Talos Principle.

You need to get your head out of your ass faggot.

walking sims (duh)
almost every VN except anything by Spike Chunsoft
almost every ASSFAGGOTS except Dota when I'm with friends and not playing tryhard

pretty much all I play is shooters and action games

Genres are just a social construct

I liked it. Gradually turned to shit after Andrew Ryan. Liked it till the home for the poor.

turn based rpgs (rather just watch a lets play, reminds me of watching my older brother playing final fantasy)
driving simulator (PAY $60 to LOOK AT THE SUNSET, did you just crash from falling asleep? you need to pay attention to our shitty boring game baka)
walking simulator (same thing, except you dont get a nissan skyline, you wander through some dipdhits house when the power is out)
sports games
fighting games- (bunch of button mashing and titties, but nothing fun happens)
most shooters in the past 5 years (oh look, a wonderful universe made of waist high ledges)
console multiplayer shooters (derp, run at the nearest person and mash buttons to achieve aim assist)

are you genre fluid?

I play pretty much anything that's not a sports game, yo. I love video games it's such a great hobby

Country music



ASSFAGGOTS and "MOBA shooters", easily.


That vid is true about all "mainstream" types of music. Girls, whores, sex, alcohol, cars,

I'm pretty sure EDM is just about girls, fucking, drugs, booze, and fast lights instead of cars.

Music is shit

Post-Avant Field Recordings of Humpback whale orgasms

To think I share a board with unwashed plebs like you.

Seriously, though, no one's forcing you to listen to mainstream shit. There's a lot of great music to be found, I'd say it's a lot easier to find good niche music as opposed to good niche video games.

Boring autism spreadsheet simulators
Casual cancer
Mostly because of the autistic "gotta go fast" fanbase and the games lack depth and are repetitive as fuck
Bland, generic and boring setting with cookie cutter gameplay

EDM doesn't even have lyrics 50% of the time.
But seriously, what is it with hip-hop? I've heard decent hip-hop before, but it's never popular. The popular shit is about money, sex, girls. I mean, every once in a while you'll get a song about something else, but that's 1/10.
Embed sort of related I guess, it's instrumental though.

*mostly instrumental

That's stuff is popular because it keeps the masses dumb, materialistic and shallow. Just like they want.

Jesus i need some sleep



God I hate them. There is something about them that just disgust me. I can't quite put my finger on it. seems reputable

It was shit from the start.

Not a genre, but I'm really tired of all FPS about modern warfare.

-same realistical representations of the same camo uniforms
-same realistical representations of the same weapons
-same realistical representations of the same locations (forests, rural Arabic villages, etc)
-same gameplay, since they all try to emulate the real life behaviour of every weapon

I have seen more variety among 3D chess games from the 90's.

Aren't "Muh Modern Shooters" sort of going the way of the dodo? CoD's gone futuristic, Battlefield's gone WWI, and many popular shooters on the market right now have decidedly unrealistic art styles (TF2, Overwatch, NuDoom). Of course you still have games like ARMA and whatnot, but it would seem that after almost a decade of modern shooters ruling the market they're starting to finally go away. I remember when people were complaining about the saturation of WWII games in the industry, then the zeitgeist quickly switched to shooting brown people in deserts once CoD4 came out. Let's not forget it was but a couple years ago everyone was railing against the saturation of shitty modern war shooters, waiting for the end of those games to finally come. Now that it seems to have finally come to pass, I'm left wondering when the general public will grow tired of every video game company in the known universe feeling the need to throw their hat into the MOBA ring.

I think it's because the block size in Minecraft is consistent so it's easy to grasp the scale of things. I used to get butterflies in my gut whenever I jumped off something high in Minecraft because I knew exactly how high it was at a glance. Since "3D" on most monitors is just a 2D image without any depth it's easy to become adjusted but when something made entirely of blocks all the same size comes along and your brain can interpret that depth instantly at all distances it can fuck you up.



arpgs with bad action gameplay
So diablo and clones, and pretty much every german/european game made in the last fifteen years

I don't think I hate any genres, but there's some that have no appeal to me. Generally if you're attaching "open world" to your game, I have no interest. Same thing with moba/arts, or esports focus. RTS too is a terribly boring genre. I don't like slow shooters very much, although some are good, most of the highly acclaimed ones are boring shit,

Who's this semen demon?

I need to have a mouse and keyboard. Using a gamepad just feels wrong.

Every experience I've had with a roguelike has either been "Wander around bored until your character starves to death" or "Wander around bored until the +100 Badass Psycho of Firechaos appears and kills you instantly".

I always get stuck in them. I've never played an adventure game without eventually following a guide, and the gameplay just doesn't interest me.

Only fun with friends. Otherwise it's just frustrating.
Fun to spectate on the odd occasion, though.

Can't play them, can't spectate them. It's just above me.

My favourite genres are:
Great amounts of depth. Players who practice and have knowledge of matchups and mechanics are rewarded. Game is entirely about skill and knowledge without any random elements.

Casual time wasters, and i genuinely enjoy the stories in most of them. I've found my interest in the stories have started to wane, though. A lot of them feel samey nowadays.

Covering all arcade games with a blanket is probably pretty plebeian of me, but I just like the instant gratification that comes from arcade games. A lot of them are fun from the moment you put a quarter in, but also reward dedication by providing a high skill ceiling and sharp difficulty curves.

I play all genres, though I dislike more than others

I can only enjoy fighters and shooters to the fullest when I have friends involved

Stealth I dislike the most. Mostly because I suck at them and end up laying stationary for half an hour figuring out the enemies' walk patterns and I don't find the genre all that exciting anyway

I like the single player experience the most in games, so action-adventure and most RPGs are what I'm most into




Boring, slow, with shitty environments and an over-reliance on aim assist to compensate for unsuited controls.
Hate isn't really the right word, but I don't enjoy them and I don't like the yearly model. Not gonna fault someone for playing them, though.
Would rather read a book
I either want a (mostly) realistic racing game, or one that lets me go fast. A lot of them end up kind of in the middle where they aren't fun from either end.
Boring as fuck and something about them brings the absolute worst people in
Another one where maybe hate isn't the right word. My eggs are a bit scrambled so I have trouble with strategy games and I always get grumpy and frustrated when a friend tries to get me to play them.